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2023-05-23 13:12:42 +03:00
// https://github.com/SlushinPS/beach-simulator
// Copyright (C) 2023 Slushy Team
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2022-11-06 15:30:21 +03:00
syntax = "proto3";
2023-01-28 18:50:00 +03:00
option java_package = "emu.grasscutter.net.proto";
2023-05-23 13:12:42 +03:00
import "DungeonSettleExhibitionInfo.proto";
2023-02-28 06:08:38 +03:00
import "StrengthenPointData.proto";
2023-08-17 14:18:58 +03:00
import "ParamList.proto";
2023-02-28 06:08:38 +03:00
import "TowerLevelEndNotify.proto";
import "TrialAvatarFirstPassDungeonNotify.proto";
2023-05-23 13:12:42 +03:00
import "ChannellerSlabLoopDungeonResultInfo.proto";
import "EffigyChallengeDungeonResultInfo.proto";
import "RoguelikeDungeonSettleInfo.proto";
import "CrystalLinkDungeonSettleInfo.proto";
import "SummerTimeV2DungeonSettleInfo.proto";
import "InstableSprayDungeonSettleInfo.proto";
import "WindFieldDungeonSettleInfo.proto";
import "EffigyChallengeV2SettleInfo.proto";
import "TeamChainSettleInfo.proto";
import "PacmanSettleInfo.proto";
import "FungusFighterV2SettleInfo.proto";
2023-08-17 14:18:58 +03:00
import "BladeDanceSettleInfo.proto";
import "MultiCharacterDungeonSettleInfo.proto";
// CmdId: 22323
2022-11-06 15:30:21 +03:00
message DungeonSettleNotify {
2023-08-17 14:18:58 +03:00
bool is_success = 3;
repeated DungeonSettleExhibitionInfo exhibition_info_list = 10;
map<uint32, StrengthenPointData> strengthen_point_data_map = 2;
map<uint32, ParamList> settle_show = 13;
uint32 create_player_uid = 1;
uint32 dungeon_id = 7;
uint32 close_time = 6;
uint32 result = 5;
uint32 use_time = 15;
repeated uint32 fail_cond_list = 9;
2023-05-23 13:12:42 +03:00
oneof detail {
2023-08-17 14:18:58 +03:00
TowerLevelEndNotify tower_level_end_notify = 1162;
TrialAvatarFirstPassDungeonNotify trial_avatar_first_pass_dungeon_notify = 2036;
ChannellerSlabLoopDungeonResultInfo channeller_slab_loop_dungeon_result_info = 808;
EffigyChallengeDungeonResultInfo effigy_challenge_dungeon_result_info = 596;
RoguelikeDungeonSettleInfo roguelike_dungeon_settle_info = 2010;
CrystalLinkDungeonSettleInfo crystal_link_settle_info = 1313;
SummerTimeV2DungeonSettleInfo summer_time_v2_dungeon_settle_info = 174;
InstableSprayDungeonSettleInfo instable_spray_settle_info = 702;
WindFieldDungeonSettleInfo wind_field_dungeon_settle_info = 714;
EffigyChallengeV2SettleInfo effigy_challenge_v2_settle_info = 1629;
TeamChainSettleInfo team_chain_settle_info = 755;
PacmanSettleInfo pacman_settle_info = 1544;
FungusFighterV2SettleInfo fungus_fighter_v2_settle_info = 1886;
BladeDanceSettleInfo blade_dance_settle_info = 578;
MultiCharacterDungeonSettleInfo multi_character_dungeon_settle_info = 1901;
2023-05-23 13:12:42 +03:00
2022-11-06 15:30:21 +03:00