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"id": 8476 + "id": 8476, + "replace": "Unk2800_IILBEPIEBJO" }, { "name": "StopReminderNotify", - "id": 3004 + "id": 3004, + "replace": "Unk2800_ILKIAECAAKG" }, { "name": "IslandPartySailInfoNotify", - "id": 5504 + "id": 5504, + "replace": "Unk2800_JCPNICABMAF" }, { "name": "SummerTimeV2RestartDungeonRsp", - "id": 8996 + "id": 8996, + "replace": "Unk2800_KFNCDHFHJPD" }, { "name": "GearActivityFinishPlayGearReq", - "id": 21834 + "id": 21834, + "replace": "Unk2800_KHLHFFHGEHA" }, { "name": "BackRebornGalleryReq", - "id": 5593 + "id": 5593, + "replace": "Unk2800_KILFIICJLEE" }, { "name": "PersistentDungeonSwitchAvatarRsp", - "id": 1768 + "id": 1768, + "replace": "Unk2800_KJEOLFNEOPF" }, { "name": "GalleryIslandPartyDownHillInfoNotify", - "id": 5522 + "id": 5522, + "replace": "Unk2800_KOMBBIEEGCP" }, { "name": "GadgetChangeLevelTagRsp", - "id": 874 + "id": 874, + "replace": "Unk2800_KPJKAJLNAED" }, { "name": "ActivityReadPushTipsReq", - "id": 8145 + "id": 8145, + "replace": "Unk2800_LGIKLPBOJOI" }, { "name": "BackRebornGalleryRsp", - 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"id": 22391 + "id": 22391, + "replace": "Unk3000_CMKEPEDFOKE" }, { "name": "ToTheMoonRemoveObstacleRsp", - "id": 6173 + "id": 6173, + "replace": "Unk3000_CNDHIGKNELM" }, { "name": "MuqadasPotionCaptureWeaknessReq", - "id": 20011 + "id": 20011, + "replace": "Unk3000_CPCMICDDBCH" }, { "name": "GravenInnocenceEditCarveCombinationReq", - "id": 23107 + "id": 23107, + "replace": "Unk3000_DCAHJINNNDM" }, { "name": "ParentQuestInferenceDataNotify", - "id": 402 + "id": 402, + "replace": "Unk3000_DCLAGIJJEHB" }, { "name": "DelBackupAvatarTeamReq", - "id": 1731 + "id": 1731, + "replace": "RemoveCustomTeamReq" }, { "name": "AssociateInferenceWordReq", - "id": 429 + "id": 429, + "replace": "Unk3000_DHEOMDCCMMC" }, { "name": "AvatarTeamAllDataNotify", - "id": 1749 + "id": 1749, + "replace": "CustomTeamListNotify" }, { "name": "InstableSprayGalleryInfoNotify", - "id": 5588 + "id": 5588, + "replace": "Unk3000_DJNBNBMIECP" }, { "name": "PlayerCompoundMaterialBoostReq", - "id": 185 + "id": 185, + "replace": "Unk3000_DLCDJPKNGBD" }, { "name": "GravenInnocencePhotoFinishReq", - "id": 21750 + "id": 21750, + "replace": "Unk3000_DPEJONKFONL" }, { "name": "InstableSpraySwitchTeamReq", - "id": 24857 + "id": 24857, + "replace": "Unk3000_EBNMMLENEII" }, { "name": "SubmitInferenceWordRsp", - "id": 416 + "id": 416, + "replace": "Unk3000_EDGJEBLODLF" }, { "name": "InstableSprayEnterDungeonRsp", - "id": 23381 + "id": 23381, + "replace": "Unk3000_EHJALCDEBKK" }, { "name": "AllWidgetBackgroundActiveStateNotify", - "id": 6092 + "id": 6092, + "replace": "Unk3000_EMGMOECAJDK" }, { "name": "GetHomeExchangeWoodInfoReq", - "id": 4473 + "id": 4473, + "replace": "Unk3000_EOLNDBMGCBP" }, { "name": "GetAllMailNotify", - "id": 1497 + "id": 1497, + "replace": "Unk3000_EPHGPACBEHL" }, { "name": "GravenInnocenceRaceRestartRsp", - "id": 21880 + "id": 21880, + "replace": "Unk3000_FAPNAHAEPBF" }, { "name": "InstableSprayRestartDungeonReq", - "id": 23678 + "id": 23678, + "replace": "Unk3000_FIPHHGCJIMO" }, { "name": "ToTheMoonAddObstacleRsp", - "id": 6103 + "id": 6103, + "replace": "Unk3000_FPDBJJJLKEP" }, { "name": "GetHomeExchangeWoodInfoRsp", - "id": 4659 + "id": 4659, + "replace": "Unk3000_GCBMILHPIKA" }, { "name": "WorldChestOpenNotify", - "id": 3295 + "id": 3295, + "replace": "Unk3000_GDMEIKLAMIB" }, { "name": "DeshretObeliskChestInfoNotify", - "id": 841 + "id": 841, + "replace": "Unk3000_GMLAHHCDKOI" }, { "name": "MuqadasPotionRestartDungeonRsp", - "id": 21208 + "id": 21208, + "replace": "Unk3000_GNLFOLGMEPN" }, { "name": "RemotePlayerWidgetNotify", - "id": 5995 + "id": 5995, + "replace": "Unk3000_HBIPKOBMGGD" }, { "name": "GravenInnocencePhotoFinishRsp", - "id": 23948 + "id": 23948, + "replace": "Unk3000_HIJKNFBBCFC" }, { "name": "InstableSprayLevelFinishNotify", - "id": 21961 + "id": 21961, + "replace": "Unk3000_HPFGNOIGNAG" }, { "name": "ChangeWidgetBackgroundActiveStateRsp", - "id": 6060 + "id": 6060, + "replace": "Unk3000_IBMFJMGHCNC" }, { "name": "AddBackupAvatarTeamRsp", - "id": 1735 + "id": 1735, + "replace": "AddCustomTeamRsp" }, { "name": "MuqadasPotionActivityEnterDungeonRsp", - "id": 21804 + "id": 21804, + "replace": "Unk3000_IGCECHKNKOO" }, { "name": "AddBackupAvatarTeamReq", - "id": 1687 + "id": 1687, + "replace": "AddCustomTeamReq" }, { "name": "PlayerDeathZoneNotify", - "id": 6275 + "id": 6275, + "replace": "Unk3000_IPAKLDNKDAO" }, { "name": "PlayerCompoundMaterialBoostRsp", - "id": 125 + "id": 125, + "replace": "Unk3000_JDCOHPBDPED" }, { "name": "InstableSpraySwitchTeamRsp", - "id": 24152 + "id": 24152, + "replace": "Unk3000_JIEPEGAHDNH" }, { "name": "TreasureSeelieCollectOrbsNotify", - "id": 20754 + "id": 20754, + "replace": "Unk3000_JIMGCFDPFCK" }, { "name": "AranaraCollectionDataNotify", - "id": 6376 + "id": 6376, + "replace": "Unk3000_KEJGDDMMBLP" }, { "name": "AssociateInferenceWordRsp", - "id": 457 + "id": 457, + "replace": "Unk3000_KGDKKLOOIPG" }, { "name": "MuqadasPotionCaptureWeaknessRsp", - "id": 24081 + "id": 24081, + "replace": "Unk3000_KHFMBKILMMD" }, { "name": "DelBackupAvatarTeamRsp", - "id": 1729 + "id": 1729, + "replace": "RemoveCustomTeamRsp" }, { "name": "InterpretInferenceWordRsp", - "id": 461 + "id": 461, + "replace": "Unk3000_KJNIKBPKAED" }, { "name": "MuqadasPotionActivityEnterDungeonReq", - "id": 24602 + "id": 24602, + "replace": "Unk3000_KKHPGFINACH" }, { "name": "ToTheMoonRemoveObstacleReq", - "id": 6190 + "id": 6190, + "replace": "Unk3000_KOKEHAPLNHF" }, { "name": "CheckGroupReplacedReq", - "id": 3113 + "id": 3113, + "replace": "Unk3000_LAIAGAPKPLB" }, { "name": "ToTheMoonEnterSceneRsp", - "id": 6107 + "id": 6107, + "replace": "Unk3000_LHEMAMBKEKI" }, { "name": "CheckGroupReplacedRsp", - "id": 3152 + "id": 3152, + "replace": "Unk3000_LJIMEHHNHJA" }, { "name": "InstableSprayEnterDungeonReq", - "id": 24312 + "id": 24312, + "replace": "Unk3000_LLBCFCDMCID" }, { "name": "ToTheMoonEnterSceneReq", - "id": 6135 + "id": 6135, + "replace": "Unk3000_MEFJDDHIAOK" }, { "name": "ToTheMoonQueryPathRsp", - "id": 6198 + "id": 6198, + "replace": "Unk3000_MFCAIADEPGJ" }, { "name": "InterpretInferenceWordReq", - "id": 419 + "id": 419, + "replace": "Unk3000_MFHOOFLHNPH" }, { "name": "AreaPlayInfoNotify", - "id": 3323 + "id": 3323, + "replace": "Unk3000_MOIPPIJMIJC" }, { "name": "ToTheMoonAddObstacleReq", - "id": 6121 + "id": 6121, + "replace": "Unk3000_NBGBGODDBMP" }, { "name": "MuqadasPotionDungeonSettleNotify", - "id": 20005 + "id": 20005, + "replace": "Unk3000_NHPPMHHJPMJ" }, { "name": "ToTheMoonPingNotify", - "id": 6112 + "id": 6112, + "replace": "Unk3000_NJNPNJDFEOL" }, { "name": "InstableSprayRestartDungeonRsp", - "id": 24923 + "id": 24923, + "replace": "Unk3000_NMEJCJFJPHM" }, { "name": "ToTheMoonQueryPathReq", - "id": 6172 + "id": 6172, + "replace": "Unk3000_NMENEAHJGKE" }, { "name": "DeathZoneInfoNotify", - "id": 6268 + "id": 6268, + "replace": "Unk3000_NNPCGEAHNHM" }, { "name": "WidgetQuickHitTreeReq", - "id": 3345 + "id": 3345, + "replace": "Unk3000_NOMEJNJKGGL" }, { "name": "AddAranaraCollectionNotify", - "id": 6368 + "id": 6368, + "replace": "Unk3000_NPPMPMGBBLM" }, { "name": "ChangeWidgetBackgroundActiveStateReq", - "id": 5907 + "id": 5907, + "replace": "Unk3000_ODGMCFAFADH" }, { "name": "DeathZoneObserveNotify", - "id": 3475 + "id": 3475, + "replace": "Unk3000_PCGBDJJOIHH" }, { "name": "GravenInnocenceRaceRestartReq", - "id": 22882 + "id": 22882, + "replace": "Unk3000_PDNJDOBPEKA" }, { "name": "GravenInnocencePhotoReminderNotify", - "id": 23864 + "id": 23864, + "replace": "Unk3000_PHCPMFMFOMO" }, { "name": "WidgetQuickHitTreeRsp", - "id": 3336 + "id": 3336, + "replace": "Unk3000_PILFPILPMFO" }, { "name": "GravenInnocenceRaceSettleNotify", - "id": 20681 + "id": 20681, + "replace": "Unk3000_PJLAPMPPIAG" }, { "name": "WatcherEventStageNotify", - "id": 2207 + "id": 2207, + "replace": "Unk3000_PNIEIHDLIDN" }, { "name": "SubmitInferenceWordReq", - "id": 500 + "id": 500, + "replace": "Unk3000_PPDLLPNMJMK" }, { "name": "UnlockAvatarTalentReq", diff --git a/op.js b/op.js index aaf833d9..5eda3b1d 100644 --- a/op.js +++ b/op.js @@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ const folder_proto_gc_gen = const read_cmdid_gc = "../Grasscutter-Yuuki/src/main/java/emu/grasscutter/net/packet/PacketOpcodes.java"; +const folder_packet_gc = + "../Grasscutter-Yuuki/src/main/java/emu/grasscutter/server/packet/"; + //const read_cmdid = fs.readFileSync("cmdid.csv"); //const read_packetopcodes = fs.readFileSync("PacketOpcodes.java"); @@ -126,6 +129,7 @@ function update_cmdid_gc() { rename_name_cmdid++; //console.log("Wow rename -> ID: "+id+" | Name: "+name+" > "+found_id.name); // rename json_cmdid_old + s.replace = s.name; s.name = found_id.name; } } else { @@ -221,7 +225,7 @@ function save(raw, file) { console.log("An error occured while writing to File."); return console.log(err); } - console.log("File has been saved."); + console.log("File has been saved: " + file); }); } @@ -247,11 +251,148 @@ function cmdid_to_op() { save(melon, write_op); // use "npx prettier --write PacketOpcodes.java" for better Formatter } +var index_file_packet = 0; +var index_file_packet_found = 0; +var index_file_packet_nofound = 0; +var index_file_packet_rename = 0; +var index_file_packet_norename = 0; +var index_file_packet_renamemulti = 0; +function fix_packet(p = "recv", saveit = false) { + var path = folder_packet_gc + p; + fs.readdir(path, function (err, files) { + //handling error + if (err) { + return console.log("Unable to scan directory: " + err); + } + + const cmd_last = fs.readFileSync(read_cmdid_output); + const cmd_old = fs.readFileSync(read_cmdid_output_gc); + const cmdidfix_raw = fs.readFileSync(read_cmdid_output_gc_update); + const json_cmdid_last = JSON.parse(cmd_last); + const json_cmdid_old = JSON.parse(cmd_old); + const json_cmdidfix_raw = JSON.parse(cmdidfix_raw); + + files.forEach(function (file) { + var f = path + "/" + file; + const read = fs.readFileSync(f); + var real = read.toString(); + var r = real.match(/\(.*?\)/g).map((x) => x.replace(/[()]/g, "")); + + var name; + r.forEach(function (s, index) { + if (s.match("PacketOpcodes.")) { + name = s.split("PacketOpcodes.")[1]; + if (name.match(",")) { + name = name.split(",")[0]; + } + return; + } + }); + + if (!name) { + console.log("no found"); + return; + } + + //var name = c[1]; + + //console.log(r); + + var found_old = json_cmdid_old.find((j) => j.name === name); + if (found_old) { + //console.log(found_old); + index_file_packet_found++; + var found_new = json_cmdid_last.find((j) => j.id == found_old.id); + if (found_new) { + if (found_new.name != found_old.name) { + index_file_packet_rename++; + console.log( + "Found need rename: " + found_old.name + " > " + found_new.name + ); + + // rename all + json_cmdidfix_raw.forEach(function (s) { + var r = s.replace; + if (r) { + // var notify = HomeNewUnlockedBgmIdListNotify.Unk2700_MEBFPBDNPGO_ServerNotify + // var notify = Unk2700MEBFPBDNPGOServerNotify.HomeNewUnlockedBgmIdListNotify + + // Unk2700MEBFPBDNPGOServerNotify to HomeNewUnlockedBgmIdListNotifyOuterClass + // Unk2700OGHMHELMBNNServerRsp to HomeChangeBgmRspOuterClass + + // - Need More Auto like - + // addUnk2700ELJPLMIHNIP to addNewUnlockedBgmIdList (this should be found inside gen proto) + // setUnk2700BJHAMKKECEI to + if (r.match("Unk")) { + //console.log(r); + var x = r.split("_"); + var tr = x.join(""); + var realneed = tr; + + if (tr.match("ServerNotify")) { + //console.log("found: "+tr); + let re = new RegExp(`${tr}`, "g"); + tr = tr.replace(re, `${s.name}OuterClass`); + //console.log("found: " + tr); + } else if(tr.match("ServerRsp")){ + let re = new RegExp(`${tr}`, "g"); + tr = tr.replace(re, `${s.name}OuterClass`); + } else { + let re = new RegExp(`${tr}`, "g"); + tr = tr.replace(re, s.name); + //console.log("found: " + tr); + } + let re = new RegExp(`${realneed}`, "g"); + real = real.replace(re, tr); + } + let re = new RegExp(`${r}`, "g"); + real = real.replace(re, s.name); + } + }); + + // simpel rename + //let re = new RegExp(`${found_old.name}`, "g"); + //real = real.replace(re, found_new.name); + + //console.log(real); + if (saveit) { + save(real, f); + } + } + } else { + index_file_packet_norename++; + //console.log("Same name "+name); + } + } else { + index_file_packet_nofound++; + console.log("No found " + name); + } + + //return; + index_file_packet++; + }); + console.log( + "Index file: " + + index_file_packet + + " | found " + + index_file_packet_found + + " | No found " + + index_file_packet_nofound + + " | Rename " + + index_file_packet_rename + + " | NoRename " + + index_file_packet_norename + ); + }); +} + function isBlank(str) { return !!!str || /^\s*$/.test(str); } -cmdid_to_op(); +fix_packet("send", false); +//fix_packet("recv"); +//cmdid_to_op(); //update_cmdid_gc(); //get_cmdid_gc(); //get_cmdid_json();