// https://github.com/SlushinPS/beach-simulator // Copyright (C) 2023 Slushy Team // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . syntax = "proto3"; // Obf: OAOKNOKBALP message PacketHead { uint32 packet_id = 1; uint32 rpc_id = 2; uint32 client_sequence_id = 3; uint32 enet_channel_id = 4; uint32 enet_is_reliable = 5; uint64 sent_ms = 6; uint32 user_id = 11; uint32 user_ip = 12; uint32 user_session_id = 13; uint64 recv_time_ms = 21; uint32 rpc_begin_time_ms = 22; map ext_map = 23; uint32 sender_app_id = 24; uint32 source_service = 31; uint32 target_service = 32; map service_app_id_map = 33; bool is_set_game_thread = 34; uint32 game_thread_index = 35; } // Obf: JOJGDABCHAP message AbilityInvokeEntryHead { uint32 instanced_ability_id = 5; int32 modifier_config_local_id = 4; int32 local_id = 9; uint32 server_buff_uid = 7; uint32 instanced_modifier_id = 11; bool is_serverbuff_modifier = 12; uint32 target_id = 8; } // Obf: BNCFAGLEKAM message AbilityInvokeEntry { AbilityInvokeArgument argument_type = 7; bytes ability_data = 2; uint32 entity_id = 9; ForwardType forward_type = 14; double total_tick_time = 5; uint32 forward_peer = 12; uint32 event_id = 1; bool is_ignore_auth = 13; AbilityInvokeEntryHead head = 8; } // CmdId: 4864 // Obf: OHCPCJBLDIN message AbilityInvocationFixedNotify { AbilityInvokeEntry GDJLCBBPFHF = 1; AbilityInvokeEntry CMBLCNNPIKH = 12; AbilityInvokeEntry OFJIPJDJDJF = 6; AbilityInvokeEntry DDFBNNBICCH = 15; AbilityInvokeEntry OEONLMEPEBK = 10; AbilityInvokeEntry IGACLGPDICN = 7; } // CmdId: 26313 // Obf: IFAKFDEJFLI message AbilityInvocationsNotify { repeated AbilityInvokeEntry invokes = 15; } // Obf: DKNHIBDBJDH message AbilityMetaReInitOverrideMap { repeated AbilityScalarValueEntry override_map = 10; } // Obf: GOIHMEADCCK message AbilityMetaAddAbility { AbilityAppliedAbility ability = 9; } // Obf: HFHFECKAJGB message ModifierProperty { AbilityString key = 10; float value = 14; } // Obf: FFBMKELHDNF message AbilityMetaModifierChange { AbilityAttachedModifier attached_instanced_modifier = 15; uint32 server_buff_uid = 5; repeated ModifierProperty properties = 6; bool BNMCKEBPDGI = 11; bool is_attached_parent_ability = 2; uint32 apply_entity_id = 9; ModifierAction action = 1; bool HEDGMMNKADC = 10; AbilityString parent_ability_name = 7; AbilityString parent_ability_override = 8; int32 modifier_local_id = 14; } message AINHOPNFINJ { bool PKPICGNHOGB = 1; } message ELMJGIEFONA { bool NAGPLEOCFDE = 10; } message MAMCNGPKCGF { uint32 apply_entity_id = 7; } // Obf: AKLNDGMDIHP message AbilityMetaModifierDurabilityChange { float FOLHDMMHCIG = 6; float FHDBNIPEBBO = 9; } // Obf: CGLLCIMMIMJ message AbilityMetaTriggerElementReaction { uint32 IPMHLABHJOI = 5; uint32 trigger_entity_id = 2; uint32 JOGAEKDGFBH = 12; uint32 AFGOOBDJBGK = 6; int32 hit_index = 3; } message DPPMLJEOIOP { uint32 JJAOAODMHEC = 1; } // Obf: AFDPLNIIALH message AbilityMetaSetPoseParameter { AnimatorParameterValueInfoPair value = 1; } // Obf: HGBOKEDCLOO message AbilityMetaUpdateBaseReactionDamage { AbilityString ability_name = 4; AbilityString global_value_key = 8; uint32 EJOIOADINHE = 5; uint32 EJHCLCMJIMM = 12; } message GIGOAENFOGN { string attack_tag = 5; int32 HDDNCAOOFEL = 14; AbilityString ability_name = 10; int32 PEKOBOEODCF = 15; int32 KCLGEKJLKNM = 9; uint32 JDPELIFFANG = 6; uint32 EJOIOADINHE = 2; } message LLFDECKNKMB { uint32 AEEFFGDNLPC = 15; } // Obf: DHBNJILLKFA message AbilityActionSetCrashDamage { Vector hit_pos = 4; float damage = 8; } // Obf: AJIIAKCDDHA message AbilityBornType { Vector pos = 3; Vector move_dir = 4; Vector rot = 11; } // Obf: KNMNMIBIHEK message AbilityFireworkBornType { uint32 effect_index = 14; Vector rot = 5; Vector pos = 12; Vector move_dir = 15; } message EPKDEHOJFLI { Vector pos = 4; Vector rot = 13; } message JBJNDHKIAAJ { Vector rot = 2; Vector pos = 10; } // Obf: BAFEPPHIOGH message AbilityActionCreateGadget { Vector pos = 10; Vector rot = 12; uint32 room_id = 7; } message PGPPPLAKHIB { float DGJACABJGDC = 4; } // Obf: HNHMBILKIDF message AbilityActionServerMonsterLog { repeated int32 param_list = 2; } message ECCACMAGLCE { Vector rot = 6; Vector pos = 1; } message HDFKOCHJGGG { Vector pos = 3; Vector rot = 7; } message IMLJOIFMDCO { Vector LDDDGAMPKMH = 14; } message AHIGPCDFIHL { uint32 apply_entity_id = 13; } // Obf: OBEOLIIBNAF message AbilityActionGenerateElemBall { Vector pos = 4; uint32 room_id = 6; Vector rot = 9; } message OFCKFGKPCDO { bool CIBBNAHALKD = 14; } message JKLNLJJJPGK { uint32 HFGCJMEBDEC = 3; } message BKJCKNMNAEI { uint32 IGCCNDOHEPM = 1; uint32 CDICBDEJDDH = 9; } message HLLKMNBLBJF { uint32 IBGKMPAGBJL = 8; } message LMLIDBHODEJ { Vector target_pos = 12; Vector HEBNKCCMGNK = 8; } // Obf: LHDGHFOILLH message AbilityMixinWindZone { repeated uint32 OOMECOLCCFO = 1; repeated uint32 IJMOCHLFJGC = 14; } message OHECPENJCGI { bool CIBBNAHALKD = 15; } message ECEKHLKOKPB { float AFHOPKKJCJF = 15; } // Obf: HLPPHMDAIKF message AbilityMixinElementShield { bool is_shield_broken = 5; float FIEFKGHCBBO = 4; float AFHOPKKJCJF = 9; uint32 GCAEMIGCBAK = 7; float FFMBPIKIJAP = 3; uint32 player_num = 6; } // Obf: NMBEIFBPELC message AbilityMixinGlobalShield { float FIEFKGHCBBO = 9; string shield_effect_name = 8; float APBPKKMCPIA = 7; bool is_create_effect = 6; float AFHOPKKJCJF = 14; uint32 avatar_id = 11; } // Obf: FIIOICNBIAJ message AbilityMixinShieldBar { uint32 element_type = 7; float FFMBPIKIJAP = 5; float FIEFKGHCBBO = 8; uint32 player_num = 1; } // Obf: GODBLNPFIIG message AbilityMixinWindSeedSpawner { // Obf: KOLEALFBLKF message AddSignal { } // Obf: PKIEIPCDKJN message RefreshSeed { repeated Vector pos_list = 9; } // Obf: CMGICLJOGAM message CatchSeed { uint32 entity_id = 9; } oneof cmd { AddSignal add_signal = 2; RefreshSeed refresh_seed = 8; CatchSeed catch_seed = 15; } } message LLDPOKEFIHO { uint32 target_entity_id = 8; } message MGIOONJAPNP { uint32 NAJMJHLMFCI = 1; } // Obf: KEKBDPCNHFK message AbilityMixinScenePropSync { bool is_clear_all = 6; repeated MassivePropSyncInfo massive_prop_list = 8; repeated int64 delete_id_list = 5; } message JMANDLHHBJL { uint32 target_entity_id = 5; } message NFEOKJAFAFK { float AMEAHHBOPGN = 5; } // Obf: LLOPCMMCDGK message AbilityMixinFireworksLauncher { uint32 BNNOMFAPDCM = 3; uint32 phase = 7; uint32 JAHKJNPKHIF = 10; uint32 IFFFLOOIEGN = 5; uint32 EIHEIBJOMKA = 6; repeated uint32 fireworks_config = 15; } // Obf: EPBAICGAHIL message AbilityMixinUGCTimeControl { uint32 start_move_time = 3; uint64 start_move_time_ms = 11; } message JNKPMHOCMJB { } message OCJMDGHGNDG { bool CGHCHEEKNKO = 12; } // Obf: KMDKCMLECGB message AbilityMixinShootFromCamera { Vector InitPos = 4; Vector forward = 11; } // Obf: DCMFEAOECBO message AbilityMixinEraseBrickActivity { repeated uint32 data = 6; } // Obf: DGCAHJEHMHC message BreakoutSyncCreateConnect { repeated BreakoutSyncConnectUidInfo uid_info_list = 11; } // Obf: LEPGDJGKNLI message BreakoutSyncPing { uint64 client_game_time = 13; uint64 server_game_time = 4; } // Obf: GDHMPFDFCDO message BreakoutSyncFinishGame { bool is_stop_gallery = 10; uint64 server_game_time = 6; bool is_win = 13; } // Obf: GEPMIGKJJLE message BreakoutSyncSnapShot { BreakoutSnapShot snap_shot = 2; } // Obf: OEHCGNEIHCP message BreakoutSyncAction { BreakoutAction action = 10; } // Obf: KOPLDLJGNEO message AbilityMixinBreakout { // Obf: IMAGJJCOADH enum SyncType { SYNC_TYPE_NONE = 0; SYNC_TYPE_CREATE_CONNECT = 1; SYNC_TYPE_START_GAME = 2; SYNC_TYPE_PING = 3; SYNC_TYPE_FINISH_GAME = 4; SYNC_TYPE_SNAP_SHOT = 5; SYNC_TYPE_ACTION = 6; } SyncType sync_type = 14; int32 retcode = 8; oneof sync { BreakoutSyncCreateConnect sync_create_connect = 12; BreakoutSyncPing sync_ping = 9; BreakoutSyncFinishGame sync_finish_game = 4; BreakoutSyncSnapShot sync_snap_shot = 2; BreakoutSyncAction sync_action = 6; } } message IIGLFJIGEJC { uint32 EMLKMBMLOOD = 6; float NDHABCLJJHO = 4; uint32 target_id = 12; } message GKHFDCMECBN { repeated uint32 FHCHHPAPGGM = 10; repeated uint32 EIPFGBEGEAA = 13; } message EIIOILGOFBB { float NMDJGCGAGBM = 12; } message JOPEPOFNBNI { float NMDJGCGAGBM = 3; } message HMKMJBONEJK { repeated uint32 JMDBHLPDILF = 12; } message PLECFEBNOAF { bool CJPCICKPNAJ = 14; } message DDCBJMECKDG { Vector FDCHNDBCBGA = 13; } message HOPBGOJECGP { bool BPEJPMIOKLF = 8; bool FEGCMMKFDDO = 3; bool KMJDCNIDJAL = 13; uint32 AJOLHJHFHMM = 15; } // CmdId: 4046 // Obf: PGKEMCJJJHK message ClientAbilityInitBeginNotify { uint32 entity_id = 13; } // CmdId: 8666 // Obf: PJIHLINBLNG message ClientAbilityInitFinishNotify { uint32 entity_id = 4; repeated AbilityInvokeEntry invokes = 9; } // CmdId: 26730 // Obf: PKAPLLHEELP message AbilityInvocationFailNotify { AbilityInvokeEntry invoke = 6; uint32 entity_id = 9; string reason = 1; } // Obf: GMHAEILNEPA message EntityAbilityInvokeEntry { repeated AbilityInvokeEntry invokes = 2; uint32 entity_id = 3; } // CmdId: 7505 // Obf: OLNCFNGPEFG message ClientAbilitiesInitFinishCombineNotify { repeated EntityAbilityInvokeEntry entity_invoke_list = 9; } // CmdId: 28351 // Obf: HLBBDEJIMLI message WindSeedClientNotify { // Obf: NEABCKDIKBA message RefreshNotify { uint32 refresh_num = 1; } // Obf: FENMFHPLEIM message AddWindBulletNotify { Vector seed_pos = 8; uint32 AACKLENGCOO = 5; uint32 AAJBMHIIPBP = 9; } // Obf: IKBNJENCHHH message AreaNotify { uint32 area_id = 10; uint32 area_type = 6; bytes area_code = 5; } oneof notify { RefreshNotify refresh_notify = 2; AddWindBulletNotify add_wind_bullet_notify = 11; AreaNotify area_notify = 14; } } // CmdId: 300 // Obf: GEMMGPJKGAF message AbilityChangeNotify { AbilityControlBlock ability_control_block = 12; uint32 entity_id = 8; } // CmdId: 8174 // Obf: IPNNHNHPLAK message ClientAbilityChangeNotify { bool is_init_hash = 5; repeated AbilityInvokeEntry invokes = 3; uint32 entity_id = 12; } // CmdId: 1181 // Obf: BKDHPPNCFBO message ServerUpdateGlobalValueNotify { // Obf: AHKBKOMMMJD enum UpdateType { INVALUE = 0; ADD = 1; SET = 2; } float delta = 2; uint32 entity_id = 8; uint32 key_hash = 5; UpdateType update_type = 3; float value = 1; } // CmdId: 28698 // Obf: GKKPLLOCNMC message ServerGlobalValueChangeNotify { float value = 6; uint32 key_hash = 2; uint32 entity_id = 14; } // CmdId: 6944 // Obf: FCKHNNLKPOI message ClientAIStateNotify { uint32 cur_tactic = 5; uint32 entity_id = 13; } // CmdId: 5895 // Obf: EFGMGJABLNJ message ServerCombatEndNotify { repeated uint32 combat_end_type_list = 1; } // CmdId: 2142 // Obf: JLGEPALKDBL message ClientRemoveCombatEndModifierNotify { repeated uint32 combat_end_type_list = 6; } // CmdId: 373 // Obf: JGGAHIIMHDF message PerformOperationNotify { // Obf: NMEKLIBHDMO enum OperateType { OPERATE_TYPE_NONE = 0; OPERATE_TYPE_EFFECT = 1; } Vector pos = 14; Vector rot = 11; uint32 index = 3; OperateType operate_type = 15; uint32 entity_id = 4; } // Obf: NJOHADFBICH message Achievement { enum KNKEIELCCDB { OPFLKOJMOIG_Invalid = 0; OPFLKOJMOIG_Unfinished = 1; OPFLKOJMOIG_Finished = 2; OPFLKOJMOIG_RewardTaken = 3; } uint32 finish_timestamp = 15; KNKEIELCCDB status = 10; uint32 total_progress = 4; uint32 cur_progress = 14; uint32 id = 5; } // CmdId: 27422 // Obf: BMJFIOKJEMJ message AchievementAllDataNotify { repeated uint32 reward_taken_goal_id_list = 4; repeated Achievement achievement_list = 9; } // CmdId: 4460 // Obf: IDGAPFJMLNJ message AchievementUpdateNotify { repeated Achievement achievement_list = 15; } // CmdId: 20624 // Obf: DPBGALMPEBD message TakeAchievementRewardReq { repeated uint32 id_list = 15; } // CmdId: 23696 // Obf: GMEJLKDLEEA message TakeAchievementRewardRsp { repeated ItemParam item_list = 14; repeated uint32 id_list = 13; int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 249 // Obf: FILFJFONHAK message TakeAchievementGoalRewardReq { repeated uint32 id_list = 8; } // CmdId: 20302 // Obf: LHEEBEDENLA message TakeAchievementGoalRewardRsp { repeated uint32 id_list = 14; int32 retcode = 10; repeated ItemParam item_list = 6; } // CmdId: 885 // Obf: AFFEMCHGKFN message GetActivityScheduleReq { } // Obf: MJEHIMOOCNJ message ActivityScheduleInfo { bool is_open = 6; uint32 begin_time = 7; uint32 end_time = 8; uint32 schedule_id = 4; uint32 activity_id = 1; } // CmdId: 7421 // Obf: AKAPOEANCFC message GetActivityScheduleRsp { int32 retcode = 4; uint32 remain_fly_sea_lamp_num = 15; repeated ActivityScheduleInfo activity_schedule_list = 13; } // CmdId: 25586 // Obf: OOBNLCBIPJK message GetActivityInfoReq { repeated uint32 activity_id_list = 9; } // Obf: AMADJGLDDCF message ActivityInfo { uint32 activity_id = 3; repeated uint32 DNMOEAFCDGC = 1736; repeated ActivityWatcherInfo watcher_info_list = 9; bool is_finished = 14; repeated uint32 LJLDCLMAMNL = 482; bool PJJKJGALLGD = 16; uint32 KPBFNEPJKEO = 1; uint32 schedule_id = 5; map activity_coin_map = 1562; repeated uint32 DCPENBLPKHK = 12; bool DKJDABCNGBP = 13; uint32 begin_time = 2; uint32 INGFNLLCDOL = 733; bool ENNDKMJIMHN = 15; uint32 cur_score = 1555; bool BKJNDLLNAML = 1818; uint32 first_day_start_time = 978; bool ABMOPKOIMPA = 525; uint32 FGFGECAAKJM = 1703; bool GFEMIEBKKKL = 1117; uint32 CEFIPNKPEKA = 621; uint32 end_time = 11; map wish_gift_num_map = 924; repeated uint32 PHCOMIFAIJD = 4; repeated ActivityPushTipsData activity_push_tips_data_list = 643; oneof detail { SeaLampActivityDetailInfo sam_lamp_info = 10; CrucibleActivityDetailInfo crucible_info = 7; SalesmanActivityDetailInfo salesman_info = 8; TrialAvatarActivityDetailInfo trial_avatar_info = 6; DeliveryActivityDetailInfo delivery_info = 1846; AsterActivityDetailInfo aster_info = 260; FlightActivityDetailInfo flight_info = 826; DragonSpineActivityDetailInfo dragon_spine_info = 110; EffigyActivityDetailInfo effigy_info = 1010; TreasureMapActivityDetailInfo treasure_map_info = 1754; BlessingActivityDetailInfo blessing_info = 331; SeaLampActivityInfo sea_lamp_info = 1114; ExpeditionActivityDetailInfo expedition_info = 674; ArenaChallengeActivityDetailInfo arena_challenge_info = 39; FleurFairActivityDetailInfo fleur_fair_info = 293; WaterSpiritActivityDetailInfo water_spirit_info = 1997; ChannelerSlabActivityDetailInfo challneler_slab_info = 1757; MistTrialActivityDetailInfo mist_trial_activity_info = 1622; HideAndSeekActivityDetailInfo hide_and_seek_info = 1747; FindHilichurlDetailInfo find_hilichurl_info = 1284; SummerTimeDetailInfo summer_time_info = 950; BuoyantCombatDetailInfo buoyant_combat_info = 519; EchoShellDetailInfo echo_shell_info = 305; BounceConjuringActivityDetailInfo bounce_conjuring_info = 1864; BlitzRushActivityDetailInfo blitz_rush_info = 915; ChessActivityDetailInfo chess_info = 1087; SumoActivityDetailInfo sumo_info = 2008; MoonfinTrialActivityDetailInfo moonfin_trial_info = 389; LunaRiteDetailInfo luna_rite_info = 1971; PlantFlowerActivityDetailInfo plant_flower_info = 1854; MusicGameActivityDetailInfo music_game_info = 1847; RoguelikeDungeonActivityDetailInfo roguelike_dungoen_info = 1025; DigActivityDetailInfo dig_info = 1855; HachiActivityDetailInfo hachi_info = 1176; WinterCampActivityDetailInfo winter_camp_info = 2014; PotionActivityDetailInfo potion_info = 1485; TanukiTravelActivityDetailInfo tanuki_travel_activity_info = 944; LanternRiteActivityDetailInfo lantern_rite_activity_info = 1980; MichiaeMatsuriActivityDetailInfo michiae_matsuri_info = 114; BartenderActivityDetailInfo bartender_info = 1441; UgcActivityDetailInfo ugc_info = 1795; CrystalLinkActivityDetailInfo crystal_link_info = 1301; IrodoriActivityDetailInfo irodori_info = 54; PhotoActivityDetailInfo photo_info = 1492; SpiceActivityDetailInfo spice_info = 446; GachaActivityDetailInfo gacha_info = 1192; LuminanceStoneChallengeActivityDetailInfo luminance_stone_challenge_info = 38; RogueDiaryActivityDetailInfo rogue_diary_info = 427; SummerTimeV2DetailInfo summer_time_v2_info = 910; IslandPartyDetailInfo island_party_info = 1044; GearActivityDetailInfo gear_info = 1263; GravenInnocenceDetailInfo graven_innocence_info = 356; InstableSprayDetailInfo instable_spray_info = 508; MuqadasPotionActivityDetailInfo muqadas_potion_info = 1474; TreasureSeelieActivityDetailInfo treasure_seelie_info = 1251; RockBoardExploreDetailInfo rock_board_explore_info = 1028; VintageActivityDetailInfo vintage_info = 1465; WindFieldDetailInfo wind_field_info = 768; FungusFighterDetailInfo fungus_fighter_info = 834; CharAmusementDetailInfo char_amusement_info = 1222; EffigyChallengeV2DetailInfo effigy_challenge_info = 1275; CoinCollectDetailInfo coin_collect_info = 839; BrickBreakerDetailInfo brick_breaker_info = 551; DuelHeartDetailInfo duel_heart_info = 1670; SeaLampV3DetailInfo sea_lamp_v3_info = 833; TeamChainDetailInfo team_chain_info = 1165; ElectroherculesBattleDetailInfo electrohercules_battle_info = 981; GCGFestivalDetailInfo gcg_festival_info = 1664; FleurFairV2DetailInfo fleur_fair_v2_info = 1982; FungusFighterV2DetailInfo fungus_fighter_v2_info = 1541; AkaFesDetailInfo aka_fes_info = 1524; SandwormCannonDetailInfo sandworm_cannon_detail_info = 626; SorushTrialDetailInfo sorush_trial_info = 1077; JourneyInfo journey_info = 1869; EffigyChallengeV4Info effigy_challenge_v4_info = 1321; GcgPveInfo gcg_pve_info = 1304; UgcV2Info ugc_v2_info = 991; PenumbraAdventureInfo penumbra_adventure_info = 306; AnimalViewInfo animal_view_info = 947; ActivityMultiCharacterInfo activity_multi_character_info = 1213; GcgPveInfiniteInfo gcg_pve_infinite_info = 124; ToyBattleInfo toy_battle_info = 62; PhotoUnderseaInfo photo_undersea_info = 226; FontaineGatherInfo fontaine_gather_info = 1035; GcgPvePuzzleInfo gcg_pve_puzzle_info = 871; } } // CmdId: 7972 // Obf: KFLFLAMEHIJ message GetActivityInfoRsp { repeated ActivityInfo activity_info_list = 2; repeated uint32 activated_sale_id_list = 9; int32 retcode = 4; repeated Uint32Pair disable_transfer_point_interaction_list = 12; } // CmdId: 4102 // Obf: EHFADECPIFI message ActivityPlayOpenAnimNotify { uint32 activity_id = 7; } // CmdId: 1246 // Obf: JADBHEGBGIO message ActivityInfoNotify { ActivityInfo activity_info = 3; } // CmdId: 23970 // Obf: HGICHODDHDN message ActivityScheduleInfoNotify { repeated ActivityScheduleInfo activity_schedule_list = 11; uint32 remain_fly_sea_lamp_num = 10; } // Obf: MCEOHOILHEH message ActivityWatcherInfo { uint32 total_progress = 14; uint32 watcher_id = 13; bool is_taken_reward = 8; uint32 cur_progress = 15; } // CmdId: 23105 // Obf: BMMNOCHPGPJ message ActivityTakeWatcherRewardReq { uint32 activity_id = 15; uint32 watcher_id = 3; } // CmdId: 2165 // Obf: PJMLLMMGELO message ActivityTakeWatcherRewardRsp { uint32 watcher_id = 2; int32 retcode = 13; uint32 activity_id = 9; } // CmdId: 20400 // Obf: AIJCCDDEFAD message ActivityUpdateWatcherNotify { ActivityWatcherInfo watcher_info = 6; uint32 activity_id = 10; } // CmdId: 6953 // Obf: HBNGNNBBKKO message ActivitySelectAvatarCardReq { uint32 activity_id = 10; uint32 reward_id = 1; } // CmdId: 7203 // Obf: KCOKKMIOMJN message ActivitySelectAvatarCardRsp { uint32 reward_id = 2; uint32 activity_id = 8; int32 retcode = 4; } // CmdId: 27507 // Obf: NLNPKCJECGK message ActivityCoinInfoNotify { map activity_coin_map = 4; uint32 activity_id = 6; uint32 schedule_id = 9; } // Obf: CFBFFJIHDHB message SeaLampActivityDetailInfo { uint32 KEEHFLCINNM = 8; uint32 progress = 7; uint32 AGBEEFKCBIN = 9; uint32 days = 3; uint32 phase_id = 6; repeated uint32 MDLABDFGHBC = 14; repeated uint32 NGAIOHOOHDO = 5; } // CmdId: 283 // Obf: IIMOKOHGGJJ message SeaLampFlyLampReq { Vector pos = 6; int32 param = 7; uint32 item_num = 15; uint32 item_id = 8; } // CmdId: 1255 // Obf: IPBBLEEEPNI message SeaLampFlyLampRsp { int32 retcode = 13; uint32 item_id = 3; uint32 item_num = 7; } // CmdId: 4205 // Obf: OLMEKFIPIAN message SeaLampTakeContributionRewardReq { uint32 config_id = 11; uint32 activity_id = 2; } // CmdId: 22558 // Obf: KHMMMBDOHDD message SeaLampTakeContributionRewardRsp { uint32 config_id = 1; int32 retcode = 7; } // CmdId: 2574 // Obf: IMKIOIGBIND message SeaLampTakePhaseRewardReq { uint32 activity_id = 11; uint32 phase_id = 6; } // CmdId: 7734 // Obf: BCBKBAPGEGC message SeaLampTakePhaseRewardRsp { uint32 phase_id = 10; int32 retcode = 3; } // CmdId: 6321 // Obf: NGOMKAGCPMF message SeaLampContributeItemReq { repeated ItemParam item_list = 13; uint32 activity_id = 8; } // CmdId: 9989 // Obf: IAPDCOGBMLL message SeaLampContributeItemRsp { uint32 add_progress = 8; uint32 PBLDLEJHKIC = 12; int32 retcode = 7; uint32 LMKMIKOGFMG = 14; } // Obf: EPENKOINLCG message SeaLampSectionInfo { uint32 section_id = 10; } // Obf: BFLFBJPENPI message SeaLampActivityInfo { repeated SeaLampSectionInfo section_info_list = 8; uint32 first_day_start_time = 14; uint32 sea_lamp_coin = 15; bool NAOOKLKKOBJ = 2; bool FFHKCOOGLCB = 5; uint32 day_index = 7; uint32 mechanicus_id = 9; uint32 popularity = 4; bool is_content_closed = 11; } // CmdId: 3489 // Obf: AEBOHGJPELE message SeaLampFlyLampNotify { uint32 item_id = 5; uint32 item_num = 6; Vector pos = 7; int32 param = 11; } // CmdId: 8079 // Obf: NHJJEFLAFLN message SeaLampCoinNotify { uint32 sea_lamp_coin = 11; } // CmdId: 6421 // Obf: IFNKOMOKHDM message SeaLampPopularityNotify { uint32 popularity = 6; } // Obf: LIBOAIMMBLM message AnnounceData { string count_down_text = 3; bool is_center_system_last_5_every_minutes = 7; uint32 count_down_frequency = 2; uint32 center_system_frequency = 14; uint32 end_time = 5; string dungeon_confirm_text = 11; uint32 config_id = 12; string center_system_text = 1; uint32 begin_time = 10; } // CmdId: 5 // Obf: KLFGBKPBBFB message LoadActivityTerrainNotify { uint32 activity_id = 10; } // CmdId: 7548 // Obf: MHDDLLDBBJD message ServerAnnounceNotify { repeated AnnounceData announce_data_list = 3; } // CmdId: 23231 // Obf: CAOCBNJGPCE message ServerAnnounceRevokeNotify { repeated uint32 config_id_list = 14; } // CmdId: 2777 // Obf: AIDMNLCKPFD message ActivityBannerNotify { uint32 schedule_id = 15; uint32 activity_id = 1; } // CmdId: 3086 // Obf: EDPJEMOMFFF message ActivityBannerClearReq { uint32 activity_id = 7; uint32 schedule_id = 9; } // CmdId: 24680 // Obf: IDPPBEIEGLL message ActivityBannerClearRsp { uint32 activity_id = 10; int32 retcode = 13; uint32 schedule_id = 14; } // Obf: OODHMOEJLLE message SalesmanActivityDetailInfo { uint32 AFJBNMCAMOB = 9; SalesmanStatusType status = 12; bool FNPJPBEODBN = 2; uint32 GCGDGLAKAIC = 3; uint32 day_index = 4; map selected_reward_id_map = 6; uint32 CCKNCIGDIDH = 14; uint32 day_reward_id = 8; bool PNGNAEEEEHC = 1; uint32 HCAIPINLEJC = 15; } // CmdId: 2062 // Obf: GHBPLPABKMI message SalesmanDeliverItemReq { uint32 schedule_id = 9; } // CmdId: 829 // Obf: GPFLIABGBGG message SalesmanDeliverItemRsp { int32 retcode = 14; uint32 schedule_id = 3; } // CmdId: 27922 // Obf: EJKEKPFIDPE message SalesmanTakeRewardReq { uint32 schedule_id = 1; uint32 position = 6; } // CmdId: 3724 // Obf: NOOHGNDGLFB message SalesmanTakeRewardRsp { uint32 schedule_id = 11; uint32 position = 14; int32 retcode = 12; uint32 reward_id = 13; } // CmdId: 8757 // Obf: NEGNAIMEEAO message ActivityCondStateChangeNotify { repeated uint32 DCPENBLPKHK = 11; repeated Uint32Pair disable_transfer_point_interaction_list = 4; uint32 activity_id = 1; repeated uint32 PHCOMIFAIJD = 8; repeated uint32 activated_sale_id_list = 14; uint32 schedule_id = 10; } // CmdId: 21248 // Obf: ILIDECCGKMJ message SalesmanTakeSpecialRewardReq { uint32 schedule_id = 9; } // CmdId: 903 // Obf: DKNFAFANOIH message SalesmanTakeSpecialRewardRsp { int32 retcode = 9; uint32 schedule_id = 1; } // CmdId: 28580 // Obf: HHJPNKINLJM message GetAuthSalesmanInfoReq { uint32 schedule_id = 2; } // CmdId: 8294 // Obf: ADPBOOBBLBG message GetAuthSalesmanInfoRsp { uint32 day_reward_id = 11; uint32 schedule_id = 1; int32 retcode = 12; } // Obf: PPLODNCPDAI message TrialAvatarActivityRewardDetailInfo { bool NPBJPLFAJNH = 6; uint32 reward_id = 15; bool JMNALMMBDLH = 8; uint32 trial_avatar_index_id = 4; } // Obf: ALGLMCJHKGN message TrialAvatarActivityDetailInfo { repeated TrialAvatarActivityRewardDetailInfo reward_info_list = 11; } // CmdId: 7738 // Obf: IINFKHGEHPA message EnterTrialAvatarActivityDungeonReq { uint32 enter_point_id = 2; uint32 activity_id = 10; uint32 trial_avatar_index_id = 6; } // CmdId: 8751 // Obf: IKPHDDJIDGO message EnterTrialAvatarActivityDungeonRsp { uint32 activity_id = 1; int32 retcode = 15; uint32 trial_avatar_index_id = 6; } // CmdId: 8615 // Obf: DGNFHHHNOAJ message ReceivedTrialAvatarActivityRewardReq { uint32 trial_avatar_index_id = 7; } // CmdId: 9311 // Obf: MHBGIHPNPPL message ReceivedTrialAvatarActivityRewardRsp { int32 retcode = 8; uint32 trial_avatar_index_id = 2; uint32 activity_id = 1; } // CmdId: 6009 // Obf: FMDPKNJCNHO message TrialAvatarFirstPassDungeonNotify { uint32 trial_avatar_index_id = 6; } // CmdId: 25684 // Obf: EFLJAKJJPKG message TrialAvatarInDungeonIndexNotify { uint32 trial_avatar_index_id = 3; } // Obf: LCFEBPAKLPL message CrucibleBattleUidInfo { uint32 uid = 3; string online_id = 4; uint32 icon = 14; string nickname = 10; ProfilePicture profile_picture = 6; } // Obf: AADKBFPPACE message CrucibleActivityDetailInfo { Vector pos = 7; uint32 cost_time = 2; uint32 battle_world_level = 4; repeated CrucibleBattleUidInfo uid_info_list = 9; } // Obf: DOBDHABKDGM message DeliveryActivityDetailInfo { repeated uint32 finished_delivery_quest_index = 14; uint32 day_index = 13; bool is_taken_reward = 6; } // CmdId: 28022 // Obf: MJGHEADAFJC message TakeDeliveryDailyRewardReq { uint32 schedule_id = 3; } // CmdId: 22688 // Obf: DDDKJPKKONH message TakeDeliveryDailyRewardRsp { int32 retcode = 15; uint32 schedule_id = 6; } // CmdId: 2454 // Obf: GMCNFEOGNOG message FinishDeliveryNotify { uint32 day_index = 9; uint32 finished_quest_index = 4; uint32 schedule_id = 8; } // Obf: DEILJKMFKIN message AsterLittleDetailInfo { uint32 stage_begin_time = 10; bool is_open = 9; uint32 begin_time = 8; AsterLittleStageState stage_state = 7; uint32 stage_id = 11; } // Obf: ODKHFPBJNFJ message AsterMidCampInfo { uint32 camp_id = 5; Vector pos = 2; } // Obf: DONDGHDLMDI message AsterMidDetailInfo { uint32 collect_count = 12; uint32 begin_time = 1; bool is_open = 3; repeated AsterMidCampInfo camp_list = 13; } // Obf: IEHLDBPHMGH message AsterLargeDetailInfo { uint32 begin_time = 1; bool is_open = 2; } // Obf: LKACKFGKBOC message AsterProgressDetailInfo { uint32 count = 10; uint32 last_auto_add_time = 1; } // Obf: JCGOLKKIELM message AsterActivityDetailInfo { bool is_content_closed = 3; uint32 BLIJLCKCIJP = 7; AsterMidDetailInfo aster_mid = 11; uint32 content_close_time = 14; AsterLittleDetailInfo aster_little = 13; AsterLargeDetailInfo aster_large = 9; uint32 ADOPPAOJEAN = 2; AsterProgressDetailInfo aster_progress = 5; bool is_special_reward_taken = 4; } // CmdId: 971 // Obf: KJNNKPKFEFK message SelectAsterMidDifficultyReq { uint32 schedule_id = 15; uint32 gadget_entity_id = 13; uint32 difficulty_id = 9; } // CmdId: 23097 // Obf: PCNKGFBDAGK message SelectAsterMidDifficultyRsp { uint32 gadget_entity_id = 10; int32 retcode = 8; uint32 schedule_id = 9; uint32 difficulty_id = 6; } // CmdId: 26542 // Obf: KJJNHOPIBEI message AsterProgressInfoNotify { AsterProgressDetailInfo info = 13; } // CmdId: 25815 // Obf: HHOJCLGOFJC message AsterLittleInfoNotify { AsterLittleDetailInfo info = 14; } // CmdId: 6512 // Obf: HJNPLOKNKDD message AsterMidInfoNotify { AsterMidDetailInfo info = 6; } // CmdId: 7912 // Obf: OPBCAJPHJCN message AsterMiscInfoNotify { uint32 ADOPPAOJEAN = 14; uint32 BLIJLCKCIJP = 11; } // CmdId: 7641 // Obf: FICDOMFDCLM message TakeAsterSpecialRewardReq { uint32 schedule_id = 13; } // CmdId: 25347 // Obf: EHCHIIMCMDP message TakeAsterSpecialRewardRsp { int32 retcode = 2; uint32 schedule_id = 1; } // CmdId: 8935 // Obf: GJNEMKJJPOP message AsterLargeInfoNotify { AsterLargeDetailInfo info = 12; } // Obf: KCHOONLHPDH message FlightDailyRecord { bool is_touched = 13; repeated uint32 watcher_id_list = 5; uint32 best_score = 12; uint32 start_time = 6; uint32 group_id = 2; } // Obf: PDOHHNCBKGB message FlightActivityDetailInfo { uint32 LNGOLLDBIEC = 11; uint32 MPJCDHBBHMM = 4; repeated FlightDailyRecord daily_record_list = 10; } // CmdId: 4885 // Obf: LGLLKJGDFCO message FlightActivitySettleNotify { bool is_new_record = 10; uint32 KPCGAHJMMLB = 8; uint32 left_time = 13; bool is_success = 5; uint32 total_num = 9; uint32 group_id = 11; uint32 score = 2; uint32 MKOHDHLECBN = 15; } // CmdId: 25206 // Obf: NGCKDMEDDHO message FlightActivityRestartReq { uint32 schedule_id = 1; uint32 group_id = 10; } // CmdId: 4661 // Obf: DNILGAELCAE message FlightActivityRestartRsp { uint32 group_id = 6; int32 retcode = 7; uint32 schedule_id = 4; } // CmdId: 21139 // Obf: JGDCHLHCNFO message AsterMidCampInfoNotify { repeated AsterMidCampInfo camp_list = 12; } // Obf: JBJKLFFFLJE message DragonSpineActivityDetailInfo { repeated DragonSpineChapterInfo chapter_info_list = 11; uint32 NIBHAJNIAIC = 6; uint32 AIGICGINPLO = 14; uint32 GKBIMMMIGNF = 2; uint32 BCMDOANABLH = 1; uint32 weapon_enhance_level = 4; bool is_content_closed = 7; } // Obf: ANMOGBHGIFM message DragonSpineChapterInfo { uint32 finished_mission_num = 10; uint32 progress = 3; uint32 open_time = 5; bool is_open = 12; uint32 chapter_id = 13; } // CmdId: 9487 // Obf: LOMMGMOLJMM message DragonSpineChapterOpenNotify { uint32 schedule_id = 9; uint32 chapter_id = 6; } // CmdId: 892 // Obf: HKPBLKONDCK message DragonSpineChapterProgressChangeNotify { uint32 cur_progress = 11; uint32 chapter_id = 4; uint32 schedule_id = 7; } // CmdId: 3871 // Obf: ILMNKLMKDME message DragonSpineChapterFinishNotify { uint32 chapter_id = 10; uint32 schedule_id = 15; uint32 weapon_enhance_level = 14; } // CmdId: 5502 // Obf: FGIKEIFBNPC message DragonSpineCoinChangeNotify { uint32 BCMDOANABLH = 7; uint32 GKBIMMMIGNF = 15; uint32 NIBHAJNIAIC = 8; uint32 schedule_id = 13; } // CmdId: 7366 // Obf: PEBIAODKCLI message ActivitySaleChangeNotify { bool is_close = 1; uint32 sale_id = 15; } // Obf: FHBCPCLHPNI message EffigyDailyInfo { uint32 BOJLBFLOAPN = 6; uint32 challenge_id = 8; uint32 KDLLALBPPLE = 5; uint32 challenge_max_score = 15; uint32 begin_time = 1; bool is_first_pass_reward_taken = 11; uint32 day_index = 9; } // Obf: DLOMGLGOALI message EffigyActivityDetailInfo { repeated uint32 taken_reward_index_list = 10; uint32 last_difficulty_id = 6; repeated EffigyDailyInfo daily_info_list = 11; uint32 cur_score = 14; } // CmdId: 4800 // Obf: DPAHIONAFCK message StartEffigyChallengeReq { uint32 difficulty_id = 11; uint32 point_id = 1; repeated uint32 condition_id_list = 14; uint32 challenge_id = 10; } // CmdId: 28896 // Obf: LBKKJDGELCO message StartEffigyChallengeRsp { uint32 point_id = 15; uint32 challenge_id = 8; repeated uint32 condition_id_list = 1; uint32 difficulty_id = 4; int32 retcode = 13; } // CmdId: 25457 // Obf: PKDIAJHMPAP message EffigyChallengeInfoNotify { uint32 challenge_id = 4; repeated uint32 condition_id_list = 11; uint32 challenge_score = 8; uint32 difficulty_id = 2; } // Obf: FMEPDDDIKHK message EffigyChallengeDungeonResultInfo { bool is_in_time_limit = 8; uint32 challenge_id = 5; uint32 challenge_max_score = 11; uint32 challenge_score = 15; bool is_success = 13; } // CmdId: 1233 // Obf: HNDFJNMPMLE message EffigyChallengeResultNotify { bool is_success = 1; uint32 challenge_id = 7; uint32 challenge_score = 10; uint32 challenge_max_score = 9; } // CmdId: 6014 // Obf: NFEDNNHJOCC message TakeEffigyFirstPassRewardReq { uint32 challenge_id = 9; } // CmdId: 8293 // Obf: BIBLLKMNJMN message TakeEffigyFirstPassRewardRsp { uint32 challenge_id = 13; int32 retcode = 11; } // CmdId: 28268 // Obf: IEJENPJJIFF message TakeEffigyRewardReq { uint32 reward_index = 2; } // CmdId: 1345 // Obf: HJHDANAOMAB message TakeEffigyRewardRsp { uint32 reward_index = 11; int32 retcode = 9; } // CmdId: 7159 // Obf: KOMEHDLAFCI message SelectEffigyChallengeConditionReq { repeated uint32 condition_id_list = 5; uint32 challenge_id = 15; uint32 difficulty_id = 7; } // CmdId: 3284 // Obf: HLKDIBKJBIN message SelectEffigyChallengeConditionRsp { int32 retcode = 1; uint32 challenge_id = 12; uint32 difficulty_id = 9; repeated uint32 condition_id_list = 3; } // CmdId: 8574 // Obf: ALOIGODPJPJ message RestartEffigyChallengeReq { } // CmdId: 8102 // Obf: FHJAEPJKLFD message RestartEffigyChallengeRsp { int32 retcode = 3; } // Obf: CDCIECAIEIB message TreasureMapRegionInfo { uint32 region_id = 4; uint32 start_time = 6; uint32 FGGBKHFBKDP = 14; Vector region_center_pos = 2; uint32 scene_id = 1; uint32 region_radius = 7; bool IMMKAGOADGP = 15; uint32 LKCMDIFKAMB = 10; bool IEKIMNMPKJD = 3; } // Obf: DNIFECLOOPI message TreasureMapBonusChallengeInfo { bool is_active = 6; uint32 config_id = 5; map fragment_map = 1; uint32 solution_id = 9; bool is_done = 10; } // Obf: EPFHAMJMACE message TreasureMapActivityDetailInfo { uint32 treasure_close_time = 10; bool is_mp_challenge_touched = 12; uint32 currency_num = 5; uint32 LNGOLLDBIEC = 7; repeated TreasureMapRegionInfo region_info_list = 6; uint32 active_region_index = 14; repeated TreasureMapBonusChallengeInfo bonus_challenge_list = 11; uint32 MPJCDHBBHMM = 9; uint32 OLCIPBELKIB = 8; } // CmdId: 27963 // Obf: DIKFBCIJBMP message TreasureMapRegionInfoNotify { TreasureMapRegionInfo region_info = 1; } // CmdId: 24210 // Obf: HIBMEJAIMMJ message TreasureMapCurrencyNotify { uint32 currency_num = 2; } // CmdId: 20683 // Obf: CFEOAHDEJFD message TreasureMapRegionActiveNotify { uint32 active_region_index = 11; } // CmdId: 8790 // Obf: OKLHGHMKKHI message TreasureMapMpChallengeNotify { } // CmdId: 23317 // Obf: JLLLKAKIGKC message TreasureMapBonusChallengeNotify { TreasureMapBonusChallengeInfo info = 11; } // CmdId: 1567 // Obf: HKPFGBDPCLI message TreasureMapGuideTaskDoneNotify { } // CmdId: 20410 // Obf: HJHMFJBJDIC message TreasureMapPreTaskDoneNotify { } // Obf: FNMKOLBOGPO message BlessingActivityDetailInfo { uint32 next_refresh_time = 15; bool is_activated = 5; uint32 CLCIHLHKGLO = 1; map pic_num_map = 2; uint32 CDHGHIHPGKH = 6; uint32 content_close_time = 4; bool is_content_closed = 13; uint32 KBEBLJFLGOF = 9; } // CmdId: 21594 // Obf: EDHNPBHAIPB message BlessingScanReq { uint32 entity_id = 11; } // CmdId: 23837 // Obf: LONBPIOEFCO message BlessingScanRsp { uint32 EAAMLKFJMKK = 12; int32 retcode = 3; uint32 CLCIHLHKGLO = 4; } // CmdId: 5045 // Obf: OGBCGJIDGOF message BlessingRedeemRewardReq { } // CmdId: 8663 // Obf: DBAKMINAGNC message BlessingRedeemRewardRsp { map pic_num_map = 5; int32 retcode = 6; } // Obf: DFCGCEPOKCL message BlessingFriendPicData { ProfilePicture profile_picture = 14; string signature = 1; map pic_num_map = 11; string remark_name = 2; uint32 avatar_id = 7; uint32 uid = 8; string nickname = 10; } // Obf: FDIOPMKFCCB message BlessingRecvPicRecord { uint32 pic_id = 15; uint32 uid = 7; ProfilePicture profile_picture = 9; string remark_name = 1; uint32 avatar_id = 6; bool is_recv = 10; string signature = 4; uint32 index = 13; string nickname = 14; } // CmdId: 26732 // Obf: LCFNMJDCOLF message BlessingGetFriendPicListReq { } // CmdId: 28112 // Obf: DONMJCEKNJH message BlessingGetFriendPicListRsp { repeated BlessingFriendPicData friend_pic_data_list = 8; int32 retcode = 10; } // CmdId: 22587 // Obf: HMELCEMLBOE message BlessingGiveFriendPicReq { uint32 pic_id = 10; uint32 uid = 5; } // CmdId: 28964 // Obf: MCIIDMDIKBG message BlessingGiveFriendPicRsp { uint32 uid = 12; int32 retcode = 1; uint32 pic_id = 13; } // CmdId: 1596 // Obf: OIOCLCKGFJI message BlessingAcceptGivePicReq { uint32 uid = 2; uint32 index = 7; } // CmdId: 22770 // Obf: HKAPDDBOIKB message BlessingAcceptGivePicRsp { uint32 uid = 2; uint32 pic_id = 4; int32 retcode = 15; uint32 index = 9; } // CmdId: 22820 // Obf: EDJKPCNNFJC message BlessingGetAllRecvPicRecordListReq { } // CmdId: 2869 // Obf: BDBGJMHKMOM message BlessingGetAllRecvPicRecordListRsp { int32 retcode = 8; repeated BlessingRecvPicRecord recv_pic_record_list = 2; } // CmdId: 5919 // Obf: NPBEGPMKMBF message BlessingRecvFriendPicNotify { uint32 pic_id = 15; uint32 uid = 5; } // CmdId: 4716 // Obf: FOKBCAHPCKM message BlessingAcceptAllGivePicReq { } // CmdId: 7340 // Obf: DMOMEJPEGMC message BlessingAcceptAllGivePicRsp { map accept_pic_num_map = 15; int32 retcode = 13; repeated uint32 accept_index_list = 9; } // Obf: CNOJJMNNAAJ message ExpeditionPathInfo { uint32 path_id = 7; float bonus_probability = 9; uint32 start_time = 5; uint32 AGGGPFNPNLN = 6; repeated uint32 avatar_id_list = 15; ExpeditionState state = 1; uint32 DDCIILLJCLH = 4; uint32 challenge_id = 13; uint32 EPLFCNHCJOD = 14; uint32 OFNGLPBLGGP = 11; } // Obf: JHMBENBNPBH message ExpeditionChallengeInfo { uint32 open_time = 2; uint32 id = 4; bool is_finished = 10; } // Obf: OPCCCDFLFBA message ExpeditionActivityDetailInfo { bool is_content_closed = 12; uint32 content_close_time = 1; repeated ExpeditionPathInfo path_info_list = 5; repeated ExpeditionChallengeInfo challenge_info_list = 4; uint32 HCDDLBJBIOH = 9; uint32 OLDDLIEHOBB = 2; } // CmdId: 24051 // Obf: OLLOHGNNJOI message ExpeditionStartReq { repeated uint32 avatar_id_list = 3; uint32 DDCIILLJCLH = 13; uint32 EPLFCNHCJOD = 11; uint32 path_id = 9; } // CmdId: 23532 // Obf: PBOFMNJLMLI message ExpeditionStartRsp { uint32 DDCIILLJCLH = 11; uint32 path_id = 3; repeated uint32 avatar_id_list = 6; uint32 EPLFCNHCJOD = 10; int32 retcode = 13; } // CmdId: 24533 // Obf: CFNODODEEEK message ExpeditionRecallReq { uint32 path_id = 4; } // CmdId: 4076 // Obf: PBHGPFJHAEM message ExpeditionRecallRsp { int32 retcode = 13; uint32 path_id = 4; } // CmdId: 20264 // Obf: BPNLNJGJNOE message ExpeditionTakeRewardReq { uint32 path_id = 12; } // CmdId: 20403 // Obf: CODANKLOAKC message ExpeditionTakeRewardRsp { int32 retcode = 12; uint32 reward_level = 3; bool is_bonus = 7; uint32 path_id = 14; } // Obf: OKEBILMJFPG message ExpeditionAssistInfo { string online_id = 7; string target_nick_name = 6; uint32 assist_time = 11; uint32 costume_id = 14; uint32 avatar_id = 13; } // CmdId: 2643 // Obf: PDAPPFINCAE message GetExpeditionAssistInfoListReq { } // CmdId: 29625 // Obf: KEDDMLKOJBA message GetExpeditionAssistInfoListRsp { repeated ExpeditionAssistInfo assist_info_list = 2; int32 retcode = 9; } // CmdId: 20340 // Obf: OMEPMBGNIDB message SetCurExpeditionChallengeIdReq { uint32 id = 4; } // CmdId: 24543 // Obf: FPABPENKFCG message SetCurExpeditionChallengeIdRsp { uint32 id = 15; int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 29889 // Obf: KJLCCOGJHIP message ExpeditionChallengeEnterRegionNotify { bool is_puzzle_finished = 4; uint32 id = 9; } // CmdId: 7357 // Obf: LHGENCGNMBM message ExpeditionChallengeFinishedNotify { uint32 id = 5; } // Obf: EFCKPOMOPED message WaterSpiritActivityDetailInfo { map search_time_map = 7; uint32 mp_play_id = 4; uint32 region_search_id = 5; } // Obf: BGDPGELKJAF message FleurFairChapterInfo { uint32 open_time = 9; uint32 chapter_id = 12; } // Obf: MKJJODENGPP message FleurFairBalloonInfo { uint32 best_score = 10; } // Obf: NNDLPBBCGJH message FleurFairFallInfo { uint32 best_score = 9; } // Obf: NICMDKDJHBF message FleurFairMusicRecord { uint32 max_combo = 3; bool is_unlock = 11; uint32 max_score = 10; } // Obf: BOOAFGNBGIM message FleurFairMusicGameInfo { map music_record_map = 11; } // Obf: AJGPICOCNKF message FleurFairMinigameInfo { uint32 open_time = 15; uint32 minigame_id = 11; bool is_open = 5; oneof detail { FleurFairBalloonInfo balloon_info = 14; FleurFairFallInfo fall_info = 7; FleurFairMusicGameInfo music_info = 10; } } // Obf: LHGPEPCOLMA message FleurFairDungeonSectionInfo { bool is_open = 14; uint32 section_id = 6; uint32 open_time = 13; } // Obf: CNLNABKBIBN message FleurFairActivityDetailInfo { bool is_dungeon_unlocked = 9; repeated FleurFairChapterInfo chapter_info_list = 5; map minigame_info_map = 11; map dungeon_section_info_map = 6; bool is_content_closed = 8; uint32 content_close_time = 2; uint32 ENECAHHBAIM = 12; uint32 EGADPFDKHLN = 15; } // Obf: IMOKJJJALDF message FleurFairBalloonSettleInfo { bool is_new_record = 3; BalloonSettleInfo settle_info = 12; } // Obf: LJDBBLNHOIG message FleurFairFallSettleInfo { FallSettleInfo settle_info = 4; bool is_new_record = 5; } // CmdId: 4377 // Obf: FDLKFLEHFBJ message FleurFairBalloonSettleNotify { uint32 minigame_id = 5; map settle_info_map = 1; } // CmdId: 2809 // Obf: BACOCDMCLGH message FleurFairFallSettleNotify { uint32 minigame_id = 5; map settle_info_map = 2; } // CmdId: 22852 // Obf: KLIOCJPCAFD message FleurFairMusicGameSettleReq { uint32 combo = 13; uint32 music_basic_id = 10; uint32 score = 4; uint32 correct_hit = 11; } // CmdId: 23871 // Obf: MAGKJBNMEIJ message FleurFairMusicGameSettleRsp { uint32 music_basic_id = 9; bool is_new_record = 1; int32 retcode = 4; bool is_unlock_next_level = 13; } // CmdId: 5303 // Obf: NPLCMDAPCHP message FleurFairMusicGameStartReq { uint32 music_basic_id = 15; } // CmdId: 21453 // Obf: PMKEBLJDAIA message FleurFairMusicGameStartRsp { uint32 music_basic_id = 12; int32 retcode = 10; } // CmdId: 23867 // Obf: NHIKGFGDGHP message FleurFairReplayMiniGameReq { uint32 minigame_id = 12; } // CmdId: 29110 // Obf: EEGCAFOLNOG message FleurFairReplayMiniGameRsp { int32 retcode = 4; uint32 minigame_id = 10; } // Obf: EABLJPHMFFJ message ArenaChallengeMonsterLevel { uint32 CCKGKFMEKKL = 7; uint32 OAHPACPBKJM = 9; } // Obf: ILEFEPACMPG message ArenaChallengeActivityDetailInfo { repeated ArenaChallengeMonsterLevel level_list = 11; uint32 world_level = 10; map level_open_time_map = 2; bool is_finish_any_level = 9; } // CmdId: 7114 // Obf: PMNJLIJOOBF message StartArenaChallengeLevelReq { uint32 OAHPACPBKJM = 12; uint32 gadget_entity_id = 6; uint32 CCKGKFMEKKL = 9; } // CmdId: 27893 // Obf: NFDEPIKILGA message StartArenaChallengeLevelRsp { uint32 gadget_entity_id = 1; uint32 OAHPACPBKJM = 8; uint32 CCKGKFMEKKL = 15; int32 retcode = 5; } // Obf: LCKLGDEIAIO message ArenaChallengeChildChallengeInfo { bool is_settled = 15; uint32 challenge_index = 1; bool is_success = 14; uint32 challenge_id = 10; uint32 challenge_type = 8; } // CmdId: 20843 // Obf: KPFJDEAJFFJ message ArenaChallengeFinishNotify { bool is_success = 15; uint32 finish_time = 13; uint32 CCKGKFMEKKL = 9; repeated ArenaChallengeChildChallengeInfo child_challenge_list = 7; bool GEDHGMKJHBB = 8; uint32 OAHPACPBKJM = 10; } // CmdId: 22107 // Obf: GDGFKLEKPHP message WaterSpritePhaseFinishNotify { } // CmdId: 26003 // Obf: PLEPPMOFALJ message ActivityTakeWatcherRewardBatchReq { uint32 activity_id = 9; repeated uint32 watcher_id_list = 8; } // CmdId: 6698 // Obf: NIKHLOLMIHF message ActivityTakeWatcherRewardBatchRsp { uint32 activity_id = 1; int32 retcode = 14; repeated ItemParam item_list = 6; repeated uint32 watcher_id_list = 3; } // Obf: DLJGHOCEDAE message ChannelerSlabCamp { Vector pos = 11; uint32 reward_id = 15; uint32 group_id = 14; uint32 buff_num = 5; } // Obf: FFPKPPELBHH message ChannelerSlabChallenge { uint32 active_camp_index = 4; repeated ChannelerSlabCamp camp_list = 6; } // Obf: KJLABEHLCKK message ChannelerSlabOneoffDungeon { uint32 reward_id = 10; bool is_done = 11; uint32 dungeon_id = 3; } // Obf: HJPCAAGPAOO message ChannelerSlabChallengeStage { uint32 open_time = 10; bool is_open = 12; repeated ChannelerSlabChallenge challenge_list = 14; uint32 stage_id = 4; ChannelerSlabOneoffDungeon dungeon_info = 7; } // Obf: FPHALDOONBG message ChannellerSlabBuffSchemeInfo { uint32 OGCHFGCANIP = 2; uint32 JBJAFBCPAGD = 11; map slot_map = 9; } // Obf: EKJCNEMMJDA message ChannellerSlabAssistInfo { uint32 avatar_id = 9; uint32 avatar_level = 5; uint32 uid = 6; } // Obf: DLIGELBIGDK message ChannellerSlabBuffInfo { repeated ChannellerSlabAssistInfo assist_info_list = 6; ChannellerSlabBuffSchemeInfo ABIJPNCCLIG = 11; repeated uint32 buff_id_list = 2; ChannellerSlabBuffSchemeInfo HEKCEFKOLOE = 15; } // Obf: CKMPMHKJFFI message ChannellerSlabLoopDungeonInfo { uint32 open_time = 13; uint32 score = 14; repeated uint32 last_condition_id_list = 1; uint32 dungeon_index = 6; bool is_first_pass_reward_taken = 2; bool is_open = 15; } // Obf: OIMGPMJMHJJ message ChannellerSlabLoopDungeonStageInfo { bool is_open = 2; repeated ChannellerSlabLoopDungeonInfo dungeon_info_list = 14; uint32 last_difficulty_id = 12; uint32 open_time = 13; repeated uint32 taken_reward_index_list = 5; } // Obf: IEHAEJGOPJC message ChannelerSlabActivityDetailInfo { repeated ChannelerSlabChallengeStage stage_list = 1; ChannellerSlabBuffInfo buff_info = 14; uint32 play_end_time = 15; ChannellerSlabLoopDungeonStageInfo loop_dungeon_stage_info = 5; } // CmdId: 25106 // Obf: HILKCPIOHOJ message ChannelerSlabStageActiveChallengeIndexNotify { uint32 challenge_index = 10; uint32 stage_id = 1; uint32 active_camp_index = 9; } // CmdId: 7389 // Obf: FAHPKGKLMJJ message ChannelerSlabStageOneoffDungeonNotify { uint32 stage_id = 9; bool is_done = 2; } // CmdId: 2514 // Obf: PIGHNDPAHDH message ChannellerSlabWearBuffReq { bool is_mp = 11; uint32 slot_id = 9; uint32 buff_id = 14; } // CmdId: 21705 // Obf: HKDOFMOJGID message ChannellerSlabWearBuffRsp { int32 retcode = 11; bool is_mp = 10; uint32 slot_id = 7; uint32 buff_id = 14; } // CmdId: 6732 // Obf: HCMNCGIMEBO message ChannellerSlabTakeoffBuffReq { uint32 slot_id = 13; bool is_mp = 1; uint32 buff_id = 12; } // CmdId: 9897 // Obf: ACJAJECMPME message ChannellerSlabTakeoffBuffRsp { bool is_mp = 9; uint32 slot_id = 11; int32 retcode = 7; uint32 buff_id = 13; } // CmdId: 24047 // Obf: ACFGGIDAFJC message ChannellerSlabEnterLoopDungeonReq { repeated uint32 condition_id_list = 10; uint32 difficulty_id = 5; uint32 dungeon_index = 6; uint32 point_id = 9; } // CmdId: 28044 // Obf: PCEJLHCDACJ message ChannellerSlabEnterLoopDungeonRsp { uint32 difficulty_id = 4; int32 retcode = 1; repeated uint32 condition_id_list = 14; uint32 point_id = 2; uint32 dungeon_index = 12; } // CmdId: 8860 // Obf: IDPPLHLICBA message ChannellerSlabLoopDungeonTakeFirstPassRewardReq { uint32 dungeon_index = 12; } // CmdId: 27441 // Obf: AFHNDAIIEGE message ChannellerSlabLoopDungeonTakeFirstPassRewardRsp { uint32 dungeon_index = 11; int32 retcode = 14; } // CmdId: 26903 // Obf: JKIOKMHNAGO message ChannellerSlabLoopDungeonTakeScoreRewardReq { uint32 reward_index = 7; } // CmdId: 23768 // Obf: AKMGMLDBJFL message ChannellerSlabLoopDungeonTakeScoreRewardRsp { uint32 reward_index = 6; int32 retcode = 5; } // CmdId: 9955 // Obf: OBHDPBPCFMN message ChannellerSlabLoopDungeonChallengeInfoNotify { repeated uint32 scheme_buff_id_list = 15; repeated uint32 condition_id_list = 7; uint32 dungeon_index = 5; uint32 challenge_score = 10; uint32 difficulty_id = 11; } // CmdId: 21734 // Obf: CEDOPBNELNA message ChannellerSlabLoopDungeonSelectConditionReq { uint32 dungeon_index = 2; repeated uint32 condition_id_list = 7; uint32 difficulty_id = 11; } // CmdId: 7273 // Obf: FPFIAGABLFJ message ChannellerSlabLoopDungeonSelectConditionRsp { repeated uint32 condition_id_list = 13; uint32 difficulty_id = 4; uint32 dungeon_index = 8; int32 retcode = 10; } // Obf: BIMIBAHBDAC message ChannellerSlabLoopDungeonResultInfo { uint32 challenge_max_score = 4; uint32 dungeon_index = 11; bool is_success = 10; bool is_in_time_limit = 7; uint32 challenge_score = 1; } // CmdId: 26360 // Obf: EDKOBFIEMAG message ChannellerSlabOneOffDungeonInfoReq { } // CmdId: 23158 // Obf: DKKBAEDKIBD message ChannellerSlabOneOffDungeonInfoRsp { repeated uint32 scheme_buff_id_list = 15; int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 8662 // Obf: EFHKPFAIHEJ message ChannellerSlabOneOffDungeonInfoNotify { repeated uint32 scheme_buff_id_list = 12; } // CmdId: 26691 // Obf: IPOJEJMHKDH message ChannellerSlabSaveAssistInfoReq { repeated ChannellerSlabAssistInfo assist_info_list = 2; } // CmdId: 25405 // Obf: MMDHICCHBPG message ChannellerSlabSaveAssistInfoRsp { int32 retcode = 8; repeated ChannellerSlabAssistInfo assist_info_list = 2; } // Obf: NGFGIPCAKHG message MistTrialBestAvatar { AvatarType avatar_type = 4; uint32 avatar_id = 6; uint32 costume_id = 14; } // Obf: BLADFOJPMAB message MistTrialLevelData { uint32 level_id = 13; uint32 first_pass_time = 11; bool is_open = 14; MistTrialBestAvatar best_hit_avatar = 9; repeated MistTrialBestAvatar best_avatar_list = 10; uint32 open_time = 7; } // Obf: PKOJHCCPLDH message MistTrialActivityDetailInfo { repeated MistTrialLevelData trial_level_data_list = 7; } // CmdId: 29677 // Obf: MHLEOJINLKK message MistTrialSelectAvatarAndEnterDungeonReq { // Obf: JBBKIALOJOI message SelectAvatarIndex { oneof detail { uint32 mist_trial_avatar_id = 5; uint64 formal_avatar_guid = 14; } } repeated SelectAvatarIndex select_avatar_index_list = 2; uint32 trial_id = 4; uint32 enter_point_id = 7; repeated uint32 select_trial_avatar_id_list = 12; } // CmdId: 24511 // Obf: EGAGEBOJJAM message MistTrialSelectAvatarAndEnterDungeonRsp { int32 retcode = 5; uint32 trial_id = 1; } // Obf: BINDGAFFBEN message MistTrialMissionInfo { uint32 param = 8; uint32 watcher_list_id = 11; } // CmdId: 28736 // Obf: CPJLGNLKLHB message MistTrialGetChallengeMissionReq { uint32 trial_id = 14; } // CmdId: 23092 // Obf: BAFLEOPDPDH message MistTrialGetChallengeMissionRsp { uint32 trial_id = 1; repeated MistTrialMissionInfo mission_info_list = 5; int32 retcode = 3; } // CmdId: 9722 // Obf: IJCEGNADCHN message MistTrialDunegonFailNotify { int32 dungeon_id = 14; } // CmdId: 386 // Obf: LIIECEBDGNJ message ChannellerSlabCheckEnterLoopDungeonReq { } // CmdId: 3830 // Obf: NLJJOEJHNMP message ChannellerSlabCheckEnterLoopDungeonRsp { int32 retcode = 11; } // Obf: FHFHFNPPCFI message HideAndSeekMapInfo { uint32 id = 1; repeated uint32 match_lock_reason_list = 3; } // Obf: LKJFGCOHNDN message HideAndSeekActivityDetailInfo { repeated uint32 JPONAAHBGID = 2; repeated uint32 NPKOJCAPCIJ = 5; repeated HideAndSeekMapInfo open_map_info_list = 14; repeated uint32 MDEIGNMPCOO = 8; repeated uint32 LLDFJKPBKLM = 3; } // CmdId: 2859 // Obf: LGFJOLKJKII message HideAndSeekSelectSkillReq { repeated uint32 skill_list = 10; } // CmdId: 544 // Obf: HBFGMKOJEDN message HideAndSeekSelectSkillRsp { repeated uint32 skill_list = 9; int32 retcode = 12; } // CmdId: 2048 // Obf: JJICGLAAIJJ message ActivityTakeScoreRewardReq { uint32 activity_id = 15; uint32 reward_config_id = 1; } // CmdId: 7860 // Obf: OKKEALHPJEO message ActivityTakeScoreRewardRsp { uint32 activity_id = 11; uint32 reward_config_id = 5; int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 3082 // Obf: OGMCLIOAEDP message ActivityTakeAllScoreRewardReq { uint32 activity_id = 13; } // CmdId: 1014 // Obf: KPENJMPPFHB message ActivityTakeAllScoreRewardRsp { uint32 activity_id = 3; int32 retcode = 11; repeated uint32 reward_config_list = 2; } // CmdId: 20570 // Obf: EALIDOJBPOA message HideAndSeekChooseMapReq { repeated uint32 map_list = 4; } // CmdId: 7184 // Obf: GPDNNBHHBDF message HideAndSeekChooseMapRsp { repeated uint32 map_list = 10; int32 retcode = 15; } // Obf: LJINFOOCFLO message FindHilichurlDayContentInfo { uint32 start_time = 14; } // Obf: KMCDKEKAHAJ message FindHilichurlDetailInfo { uint32 day_index = 1; bool is_end_quest_accept = 9; uint32 MPJCDHBBHMM = 12; repeated FindHilichurlDayContentInfo day_content_info_list = 14; uint32 ILNNKKDIIJA = 11; uint32 content_close_time = 3; bool is_content_closed = 4; } // CmdId: 27603 // Obf: PAGFAGKCGCD message CommonPlayerTipsNotify { uint32 notify_type = 13; repeated string text_map_id_list = 10; } // CmdId: 900 // Obf: FEIHPENLPBL message FindHilichurlFinishSecondQuestNotify { uint32 day_index = 7; } // CmdId: 29747 // Obf: GKEGJFHNGEJ message FindHilichurlAcceptQuestNotify { } // Obf: OFOBFBLLPIN message SummerTimeSprintBoatRecord { uint32 start_time = 10; bool is_touched = 15; repeated uint32 watcher_id_list = 7; uint32 group_id = 9; uint32 best_score = 3; } // Obf: MBIICFNNNII message SummerTimeSprintBoatInfo { repeated SummerTimeSprintBoatRecord record_list = 3; } // Obf: MBDINFJKNCB message SummerTimeDetailInfo { SummerTimeSprintBoatInfo sprint_boat_info = 1; uint32 content_close_time = 6; map stage_map = 13; bool is_content_closed = 12; } // Obf: AILILCAJDMA message SummerTimeStageInfo { bool is_open = 2; uint32 open_time = 4; uint32 stage_id = 3; } // CmdId: 9015 // Obf: IFLOEECFIMP message SummerTimeFloatSignalPositionNotify { uint32 float_signal_id = 13; Vector position = 1; bool is_transfer_anchor = 8; } // CmdId: 22089 // Obf: GELOEGAEKOH message SummerTimeFloatSignalUpdateNotify { bool is_transfer_anchor = 10; uint32 float_signal_id = 14; Vector position = 12; } // CmdId: 20382 // Obf: CHKPPPMCLBM message SummerTimeSprintBoatSettleNotify { bool is_new_record = 8; uint32 left_time = 5; uint32 total_num = 7; uint32 KPCGAHJMMLB = 11; uint32 group_id = 6; bool is_success = 12; uint32 score = 9; uint32 MKOHDHLECBN = 10; } // CmdId: 23353 // Obf: EBPGPMJAIPH message SummerTimeSprintBoatRestartReq { uint32 group_id = 7; uint32 schedule_id = 5; } // CmdId: 1588 // Obf: KADKDMOIEFN message SummerTimeSprintBoatRestartRsp { uint32 schedule_id = 11; uint32 group_id = 4; int32 retcode = 13; } // Obf: BCEFFCJAABN message BuoyantCombatDailyInfo { uint32 best_score = 10; uint32 start_time = 6; } // Obf: KMIPMMGADJI message BuoyantCombatDetailInfo { repeated BuoyantCombatDailyInfo daily_info_list = 5; } // CmdId: 103 // Obf: AFLOCEGEGKO message StartBuoyantCombatGalleryReq { uint32 gallery_level = 12; uint32 gallery_id = 8; } // CmdId: 2642 // Obf: GAMICAFALCB message StartBuoyantCombatGalleryRsp { uint32 gallery_id = 11; int32 retcode = 3; uint32 gallery_level = 15; } // Obf: MDJEIBAMMGM message BuoyantCombatSettleInfo { bool is_new_record = 1; BuoyantCombatGallerySettleInfo settle_info = 15; } // CmdId: 25655 // Obf: AKAAACFPNKJ message BuoyantCombatSettleNotify { uint32 gallery_id = 9; BuoyantCombatSettleInfo settle_info = 3; } // CmdId: 3723 // Obf: FOIMOOAKPHB message SetLimitOptimizationNotify { bool is_active = 5; } // Obf: BICHGADPDCM message SummerTimeDungeonInfo { uint32 BKCFOGDDEAJ = 11; uint32 JCMPLCKOOEF = 8; uint32 dungeon_id = 2; uint32 NGOIBHADCOM = 4; uint32 PNEFNEDHNLC = 14; } // Obf: MDIGDNCLKNN message EchoShellDetailInfo { repeated uint32 DNMOEAFCDGC = 5; repeated uint32 IMBDIBFMPFM = 6; repeated uint32 EADEHMKBOLK = 8; repeated SummerTimeDungeonInfo summer_time_dungeon_list = 15; } // CmdId: 24688 // Obf: ANEAJLBCHDG message EchoShellUpdateNotify { uint32 shell_id = 7; } // CmdId: 855 // Obf: IGMILGOOBGI message EchoShellTakeRewardReq { uint32 reward_id = 12; } // CmdId: 22695 // Obf: HGDBPCPCCKF message EchoShellTakeRewardRsp { uint32 reward_id = 3; int32 retcode = 8; } // Obf: GDFCALPDJDD message BounceConjuringChapterInfo { uint32 open_time = 4; uint32 best_score = 3; uint32 chapter_id = 6; } // Obf: HGOHIHOJOHL message BounceConjuringActivityDetailInfo { repeated BounceConjuringChapterInfo chapter_info_list = 9; bool is_content_closed = 10; uint32 content_close_time = 7; } // CmdId: 26223 // Obf: JLBEGCIDNJD message BounceConjuringSettleNotify { bool is_new_record = 8; uint32 chapter_id = 6; map settle_info_map = 4; uint32 total_score = 14; } // Obf: BCEJBMMGGDO message BlitzRushStage { uint32 open_time = 6; bool is_open = 12; } // Obf: IOFJMGKBCOC message ParkourLevelInfo { uint32 best_record = 13; uint32 open_time = 14; bool is_open = 1; Vector pos = 7; } // Obf: KBIJLFOPMMA message BlitzRushActivityDetailInfo { repeated BlitzRushStage stage_list = 12; repeated ParkourLevelInfo parkour_level_info_list = 13; uint32 content_close_time = 1; bool is_content_closed = 15; } // CmdId: 6829 // Obf: PMICKJFENDE message BlitzRushParkourRestartReq { uint32 schedule_id = 11; uint32 group_id = 2; } // CmdId: 22318 // Obf: FCAILEJAJBE message BlitzRushParkourRestartRsp { uint32 schedule_id = 9; int32 retcode = 10; uint32 group_id = 1; } // Obf: PPJHINMBHKA message ChessActivityDetailInfo { uint32 OGHIGEJOHCB = 6; bool is_teach_dungeon_finished = 9; uint32 exp = 4; uint32 CNHHFJDFLNK = 3; bool is_content_closed = 11; repeated uint32 finished_map_id_list = 12; uint32 level = 5; uint32 content_close_time = 14; uint32 punish_over_time = 15; } // CmdId: 20080 // Obf: KOMEJHDGCAG message EnterChessDungeonReq { uint32 map_id = 2; } // CmdId: 918 // Obf: ABMKFPFKNML message EnterChessDungeonRsp { int32 retcode = 10; uint32 map_id = 3; } // CmdId: 1895 // Obf: GMJPDBAFBLG message TreasureMapHostInfoNotify { repeated uint32 mp_challenge_region_list = 4; } // Obf: CNCHFJOILPA message SumoActivityDetailInfo { map sumo_stage_map = 2; uint32 last_stage_id = 14; uint32 difficulty_id = 8; } // Obf: EGPCHKBINEA message SumoAvatarInfo { bool is_trial = 11; uint64 avatar_id = 10; } // Obf: DBKLNNIEBME message SumoTeamData { repeated SumoAvatarInfo avatar_info_list = 12; repeated uint32 skill_id_list = 8; } // Obf: MILCOABCLEP message SumoStageData { bool is_open = 1; uint32 open_time = 11; uint32 stage_id = 10; uint32 max_score = 2; repeated SumoTeamData team_list = 6; } // CmdId: 26768 // Obf: MDGBNHHAJFP message SumoSaveTeamReq { uint32 activity_id = 12; repeated SumoTeamData team_list = 14; uint32 stage_id = 10; uint32 difficulty_id = 8; } // CmdId: 24118 // Obf: ELNBOHDIACJ message SumoSaveTeamRsp { repeated SumoTeamData team_list = 12; uint32 difficulty_id = 3; uint32 activity_id = 5; int32 retcode = 2; uint32 stage_id = 6; } // CmdId: 28230 // Obf: OOBBHBIGGNI message SumoSelectTeamAndEnterDungeonReq { uint32 stage_id = 4; uint32 difficulty_id = 5; uint32 activity_id = 8; repeated SumoTeamData team_list = 13; } // CmdId: 28014 // Obf: KINDEMOHDJB message SumoSelectTeamAndEnterDungeonRsp { uint32 difficulty_id = 7; int32 retcode = 6; uint32 stage_id = 11; repeated SumoTeamData team_list = 2; uint32 activity_id = 12; } // CmdId: 23188 // Obf: JECFBMFHIPG message SumoDungeonSettleNotify { uint32 difficulty_id = 2; uint32 DEJJPIOCJDD = 15; uint32 final_score = 10; uint32 KDPNBLFJKND = 4; bool is_new_record = 14; uint32 stage_id = 9; } // Obf: ADALLMGGAPN message SumoDungeonAvatar { bool is_avlive = 4; uint64 avatar_guid = 10; bool is_trial = 6; } // Obf: GLBLNCDGKLJ message SumoDungeonTeam { repeated SumoDungeonAvatar dungeon_avatar_list = 7; } // CmdId: 9445 // Obf: KIPPHIMNLKM message SumoEnterDungeonNotify { uint32 activity_id = 7; uint32 KLNJLIIECPD = 9; uint32 JCMAPNDMPHD = 3; repeated SumoDungeonTeam dungeon_team_list = 8; uint32 stage_id = 1; uint32 GNDNKOIMJEL = 14; } // CmdId: 21102 // Obf: KNPMACMDIDI message SumoSwitchTeamReq { uint32 stage_id = 2; uint32 activity_id = 5; } // CmdId: 28038 // Obf: KECJPLAKBOK message SumoSwitchTeamRsp { int32 retcode = 9; repeated SumoDungeonTeam dungeon_team_list = 14; uint32 KLNJLIIECPD = 13; uint32 activity_id = 1; uint32 stage_id = 6; uint32 GNDNKOIMJEL = 2; } // CmdId: 4886 // Obf: FEIBGIGLAKF message SumoLeaveDungeonNotify { } // CmdId: 23088 // Obf: GKBLOJIHPFF message SumoRestartDungeonReq { } // CmdId: 8491 // Obf: BKNKOICDBJG message SumoRestartDungeonRsp { int32 retcode = 1; uint32 point_id = 3; uint32 dungeon_id = 15; } // CmdId: 25185 // Obf: BOJFBMLODJO message ActivityDisableTransferPointInteractionNotify { bool is_disable = 14; Uint32Pair scene_point_pair = 7; } // CmdId: 5911 // Obf: MMJJICILIBA message SumoSetNoSwitchPunishTimeNotify { uint32 GNDNKOIMJEL = 9; uint32 JCMAPNDMPHD = 8; uint32 activity_id = 14; repeated SumoDungeonTeam dungeon_team_list = 12; uint32 KLNJLIIECPD = 6; uint32 stage_id = 11; } // Obf: EGNPAEHGJIF message MoonfinTrialLevelInfo { uint32 best_record = 7; uint32 open_time = 2; } // Obf: KPPONIEPJGF message MoonfinTrialActivityDetailInfo { uint32 special_fish_count = 6; map level_info_map = 3; } // CmdId: 3899 // Obf: BDKGFCKCFMB message FishingGallerySettleNotify { FishingGallerySettleInfo settle_info = 13; uint32 gallery_id = 12; uint32 level_id = 2; } // Obf: PBNGPDHJOBG message LunaRiteHintPoint { uint32 area_id = 11; Vector pos = 2; uint32 index = 10; LunaRiteHintPointType type = 9; } // Obf: MKHIINJPJME message LunaRiteAreaInfo { repeated uint32 sacrifice_reward_list = 9; repeated uint32 sacrifice_list = 6; uint32 area_id = 4; uint32 challenge_index = 15; LunaRiteHintStatusType hint_status = 3; } // Obf: LEKDJAJFCEG message LunaRiteDetailInfo { repeated LunaRiteAreaInfo area_info_list = 3; repeated LunaRiteHintPoint hint_point = 15; } // CmdId: 27967 // Obf: NICFLGAHDBG message LunaRiteSacrificeReq { uint32 area_id = 5; uint32 index = 2; } // CmdId: 5864 // Obf: CMGOALCMBFK message LunaRiteSacrificeRsp { uint32 area_id = 10; int32 retcode = 13; uint32 index = 5; repeated uint32 sacrifice_list = 7; } // CmdId: 23018 // Obf: ECODFMKHLEE message LunaRiteTakeSacrificeRewardReq { uint32 index = 13; uint32 area_id = 10; } // CmdId: 24725 // Obf: FIHDOAACOPM message LunaRiteTakeSacrificeRewardRsp { repeated uint32 sacrifice_reward_list = 13; uint32 index = 10; int32 retcode = 3; uint32 area_id = 1; uint32 sacrifice_reward_index = 14; } // CmdId: 9947 // Obf: CNCLAALAIML message LunaRiteHintPointReq { uint32 area_id = 6; } // CmdId: 853 // Obf: MEAPLBFAGPK message LunaRiteHintPointRsp { LunaRiteHintStatusType hint_status = 6; uint32 area_id = 1; int32 retcode = 10; repeated LunaRiteHintPoint hint_point = 14; } // CmdId: 4154 // Obf: KOBGAJACOCE message LunaRiteHintPointRemoveNotify { repeated uint32 hint_point_index = 5; } // CmdId: 5030 // Obf: JBHLFLGEDEO message LunaRiteGroupBundleRegisterNotify { uint32 group_link_bundle_id = 6; } // CmdId: 22632 // Obf: KPAHHCIABPF message LunaRiteAreaFinishNotify { uint32 area_id = 15; } // Obf: EFJGNELKFMH message PlantFlowerActivityDetailInfo { uint32 today_seed_reward_id = 10; map DAOOKPHJPKA = 9; bool is_content_closed = 5; bool is_today_has_awarded = 2; map IPADJEILKIB = 4; uint32 day_index = 8; } // CmdId: 23803 // Obf: GNANIALLDPF message PlantFlowerGetSeedInfoReq { uint32 schedule_id = 2; } // CmdId: 20942 // Obf: LKIHGLMBAHD message PlantFlowerGetSeedInfoRsp { uint32 schedule_id = 7; int32 retcode = 10; uint32 seed_reward_id = 13; } // CmdId: 23356 // Obf: IHFDCOCFHIB message PlantFlowerTakeSeedRewardReq { uint32 schedule_id = 5; } // CmdId: 28953 // Obf: AIINGBCBBFJ message PlantFlowerTakeSeedRewardRsp { uint32 schedule_id = 5; int32 retcode = 9; } // CmdId: 1934 // Obf: NNCIAFMMPGJ message PlantFlowerSetFlowerWishReq { map flower_num_map = 10; uint32 schedule_id = 15; } // CmdId: 24250 // Obf: BCCHDDFBJOK message PlantFlowerSetFlowerWishRsp { uint32 schedule_id = 2; int32 retcode = 4; } // CmdId: 21731 // Obf: JMLJAJIGNDJ message PlantFlowerGetFriendFlowerWishListReq { uint32 schedule_id = 1; } // Obf: KMEIMLJCOBE message PlantFlowerFriendFlowerWishData { ProfilePicture profile_picture = 2; string nickname = 13; uint32 uid = 5; map flower_num_map = 1; } // CmdId: 24917 // Obf: AECNCPPBEKH message PlantFlowerGetFriendFlowerWishListRsp { repeated PlantFlowerFriendFlowerWishData friend_flower_wish_list = 14; uint32 schedule_id = 13; int32 retcode = 15; } // CmdId: 512 // Obf: BLIGHIHGCGN message PlantFlowerGiveFriendFlowerReq { uint32 schedule_id = 6; uint32 uid = 11; map flower_num_map = 9; } // CmdId: 24990 // Obf: MJEGFOOHJFK message PlantFlowerGiveFriendFlowerRsp { int32 retcode = 13; repeated uint32 limit_flower_list = 10; uint32 schedule_id = 3; } // CmdId: 5568 // Obf: KFPINJMNMFA message PlantFlowerGetRecvFlowerListReq { uint32 schedule_id = 6; } // Obf: DBONDPIEKGL message PlantFlowerRecvFlowerData { string nickname = 1; uint32 uid = 13; ProfilePicture profile_picture = 4; map flower_num_map = 15; } // CmdId: 26967 // Obf: FEMOOJCKNIK message PlantFlowerGetRecvFlowerListRsp { repeated PlantFlowerRecvFlowerData recv_flower_list = 14; uint32 schedule_id = 11; int32 retcode = 7; } // CmdId: 7995 // Obf: EAKOKKOMIAJ message PlantFlowerHaveRecvFlowerNotify { uint32 schedule_id = 2; } // CmdId: 27522 // Obf: MJMNOHEKMFM message PlantFlowerAcceptGiveFlowerReq { uint32 uid = 6; uint32 schedule_id = 11; } // Obf: CHIBLMMMKPE message PlantFlowerAcceptFlowerResultInfo { map DKJPFMBKKCH = 5; map MHHEEKNBOHC = 15; uint32 uid = 1; } // CmdId: 26652 // Obf: BGKDPFLPHIF message PlantFlowerAcceptGiveFlowerRsp { uint32 schedule_id = 6; PlantFlowerAcceptFlowerResultInfo accept_flower_result_info = 14; int32 retcode = 4; } // CmdId: 27784 // Obf: MEOIGCKMDJN message PlantFlowerAcceptAllGiveFlowerReq { uint32 schedule_id = 7; } // CmdId: 5535 // Obf: AMHANECAGIA message PlantFlowerAcceptAllGiveFlowerRsp { int32 retcode = 3; uint32 schedule_id = 4; repeated PlantFlowerAcceptFlowerResultInfo accept_flower_result_info_list = 6; } // CmdId: 21688 // Obf: MGMFHDMPPIH message PlantFlowerGetCanGiveFriendFlowerReq { uint32 schedule_id = 1; } // CmdId: 2946 // Obf: JFCFIKFLOBF message PlantFlowerGetCanGiveFriendFlowerRsp { map flower_num_map = 12; int32 retcode = 1; uint32 schedule_id = 8; } // CmdId: 25884 // Obf: BJFBABCDCPD message PlantFlowerEditFlowerCombinationReq { uint32 entity_id = 2; CustomGadgetTreeInfo flower_combination_info = 4; uint32 schedule_id = 7; } // CmdId: 5492 // Obf: BJPEEJCOIIF message PlantFlowerEditFlowerCombinationRsp { uint32 schedule_id = 4; int32 retcode = 5; } // Obf: GEKMKNGAIHD message MusicGameRecord { uint32 max_combo = 5; bool is_unlock = 8; uint32 max_score = 1; } // Obf: OEHHDNDMFHH message MusicGameActivityDetailInfo { repeated UgcMusicBriefInfo LDBACGEPLLE = 9; map music_game_record_map = 4; repeated UgcMusicBriefInfo OHEAGJIPKGF = 14; } // CmdId: 24309 // Obf: IOLEMBLHICB message MusicGameSettleReq { uint32 correct_hit = 7; repeated uint32 OEAHADEGEOA = 327; uint64 ugc_guid = 1; bool BPNLLFDJJOL = 1200; uint32 score = 8; uint32 MECALGKAKJK = 14; uint32 max_combo = 2; repeated uint32 KPPICEDHMPN = 5; float speed = 1628; uint32 KDAOEDCLEFG = 1749; bool is_save_score = 6; bool MAMHOPGFOKD = 1198; uint32 NMPPJPOJFDC = 4; uint32 music_basic_id = 11; uint32 combo = 9; uint32 NGALDEAEBHG = 15; uint32 FCFNKIDLDHJ = 938; uint32 GDOMKIHOKCC = 747; } // CmdId: 7327 // Obf: OEBOBHPHPGI message MusicGameSettleRsp { uint64 ugc_guid = 9; int32 retcode = 12; uint32 music_basic_id = 7; bool is_unlock_next_level = 3; bool is_new_record = 6; } // CmdId: 2690 // Obf: GALCIMKINBH message MusicGameStartReq { uint64 ugc_guid = 12; uint32 music_basic_id = 8; bool is_save_score = 13; } // CmdId: 6458 // Obf: PFOCEKDDPBC message MusicGameStartRsp { uint32 music_basic_id = 5; int32 retcode = 2; uint64 ugc_guid = 1; } // Obf: OKCFELECGJB message RogueAvatarInfo { uint32 avatar_id = 1; bool GAKIEJLMJAI = 4; bool is_alive = 14; } // Obf: ILENPPFEOAP message RogueShowAvatarTeamInfo { repeated RogueAvatarInfo avatar_list = 3; } // Obf: OPGJPAHGJKG message RoguelikeShikigamiRecord { uint32 id = 4; uint32 level = 15; } // Obf: KPJPHHFNGPM message RogueEffectRecord { bool is_new = 8; uint32 count = 13; repeated uint32 extra_param_list = 2; uint32 source_id = 10; } // Obf: JACEDADNMHF message RoguelikeRuneRecord { uint32 GEENANGPMFL = 13; uint32 OLCPNJOLEMO = 6; uint32 rune_id = 12; } // Obf: KNLEFGNMPAO message RogueStageInfo { uint32 LJKJLAHOHKL = 7; bool is_open = 14; bool is_passed = 8; uint32 stage_id = 5; bool AGOJOHPCIGH = 3; uint32 EEKEPFIGAHK = 4; bool NMCOPOECMDN = 15; uint32 ANIBHHPOKGM = 509; uint32 cur_level = 1; bool is_taken_reward = 10; RogueShowAvatarTeamInfo avatar_team = 12; uint32 FLFNNNPKPMI = 1879; uint32 KIADBMBFJFK = 6; repeated RoguelikeRuneRecord rune_record_list = 9; uint32 JMMCGHNAINB = 13; } // Obf: OPJEHBNHNPG message RoguelikeDungeonActivityDetailInfo { uint32 content_close_time = 3; bool is_content_closed = 15; repeated uint32 rune_list = 2; repeated uint32 equipped_rune_list = 9; repeated RogueStageInfo stage_list = 8; repeated RoguelikeShikigamiRecord shikigami_list = 11; } // CmdId: 21709 // Obf: BCNAOIAJONN message DoRoguelikeDungeonCardGachaReq { uint32 dungeon_id = 14; uint32 cell_id = 3; } // CmdId: 3293 // Obf: DAPHODPAJPK message DoRoguelikeDungeonCardGachaRsp { bool is_can_refresh = 9; int32 retcode = 5; repeated uint32 card_list = 1; } // CmdId: 23467 // Obf: LFACOBOMPMG message RefreshRoguelikeDungeonCardReq { } // CmdId: 7915 // Obf: LLJDDPALBGB message RefreshRoguelikeDungeonCardRsp { int32 retcode = 6; repeated uint32 res_card_list = 2; } // CmdId: 20123 // Obf: GKBHKPMNPHK message SelectRoguelikeDungeonCardReq { uint32 card_id = 11; } // CmdId: 24868 // Obf: BJDDHFIJPEK message SelectRoguelikeDungeonCardRsp { int32 retcode = 10; uint32 card_id = 7; } // CmdId: 5188 // Obf: ELNJIICIBLI message EquipRoguelikeRuneReq { repeated uint32 rune_list = 13; } // CmdId: 3632 // Obf: MLKLAKEAEJA message EquipRoguelikeRuneRsp { repeated uint32 rune_list = 14; int32 retcode = 5; } // CmdId: 26666 // Obf: KMJFLOFPOPL message TriggerRoguelikeRuneReq { uint32 rune_id = 14; } // CmdId: 1039 // Obf: POLNKOGGLKE message TriggerRoguelikeRuneRsp { int32 retcode = 6; uint32 rune_id = 14; uint32 available_count = 12; } // CmdId: 26431 // Obf: LCDEBKLGMJK message TriggerRoguelikeCurseNotify { uint32 FEECNNHNKGN = 1; bool is_trigger_curse = 5; repeated uint32 effect_param_list = 8; uint32 KCCHKDKJDMI = 2; } // CmdId: 23123 // Obf: GEMGPGPCCCD message UpgradeRoguelikeShikigamiReq { uint32 JGBONDOBAII = 10; uint32 FHBEKAOCDHF = 2; } // CmdId: 1133 // Obf: JFHKICKOAAP message UpgradeRoguelikeShikigamiRsp { uint32 FHBEKAOCDHF = 9; int32 retcode = 6; uint32 cur_level = 7; } // CmdId: 8269 // Obf: GPEEBPGJELL message RoguelikeSelectAvatarAndEnterDungeonReq { uint32 stage_id = 7; repeated uint64 onstage_avatar_guid_list = 11; repeated uint64 backstage_avatar_guid_list = 5; } // CmdId: 7229 // Obf: PONFJAPIHJJ message RoguelikeSelectAvatarAndEnterDungeonRsp { int32 retcode = 7; uint32 stage_id = 15; } // CmdId: 25469 // Obf: PHIAELCHFCP message RoguelikeGiveUpReq { uint32 stage_id = 2; } // CmdId: 8629 // Obf: MOKLOILKHMI message RoguelikeGiveUpRsp { int32 retcode = 1; uint32 stage_id = 14; optional RoguelikeDungeonSettleInfo settle_info = 6; } // CmdId: 6306 // Obf: HFGJBHEJPJD message RoguelikeTakeStageFirstPassRewardReq { uint32 stage_id = 2; } // CmdId: 9513 // Obf: JLIANACLHLB message RoguelikeTakeStageFirstPassRewardRsp { uint32 stage_id = 6; int32 retcode = 1; } // CmdId: 8630 // Obf: GKBNCJBCIDH message GiveUpRoguelikeDungeonCardReq { } // CmdId: 28045 // Obf: AOGGHJLKENI message GiveUpRoguelikeDungeonCardRsp { int32 retcode = 13; } // Obf: LKOLNEHLBLB message RogueCellInfo { uint32 cell_config_id = 8; uint32 dungeon_id = 1; uint32 cell_id = 11; RogueCellState state = 3; uint32 cell_type = 13; } // CmdId: 8336 // Obf: CGAAMHFDFDG message EnterRoguelikeDungeonNotify { bool FDDPEBPJBED = 450; repeated RoguelikeRuneRecord rune_record_list = 10; uint32 HDBDJMJCFAF = 15; repeated uint64 backstage_avatar_guid_list = 9; uint32 PLKFJOPCOIH = 8; uint32 stage_id = 12; float bonus_resource_prop = 1; repeated uint64 onstage_avatar_guid_list = 2; uint32 IIHGJFMELPC = 6; bool CICEAPMDPAF = 11; uint32 dungeon_id = 5; uint32 cur_level = 3; map cell_info_map = 14; uint32 BBDIAIOBEJI = 1781; repeated uint32 explored_cell_list = 13; uint32 ANIBHHPOKGM = 1503; } // CmdId: 24719 // Obf: HEAHANPPGNM message StartRogueEliteCellChallengeReq { uint32 cell_id = 4; uint32 dungeon_id = 9; RogueEliteCellDifficultyType difficulty = 7; } // CmdId: 9589 // Obf: OENHEPNBPEF message StartRogueEliteCellChallengeRsp { uint32 cell_id = 11; uint32 dungeon_id = 1; int32 retcode = 10; } // CmdId: 27300 // Obf: DJNPHPIIDGK message StartRogueNormalCellChallengeReq { uint32 cell_id = 11; uint32 dungeon_id = 3; } // CmdId: 8056 // Obf: IOHMHIBGLGI message StartRogueNormalCellChallengeRsp { uint32 cell_id = 15; uint32 dungeon_id = 1; int32 retcode = 12; } // CmdId: 4597 // Obf: KBOGKJLJKEB message RogueCellUpdateNotify { RogueCellInfo cell_info = 9; } // CmdId: 6884 // Obf: PACLNPPOHOD message RogueDungeonPlayerCellChangeNotify { uint32 old_cell_id = 12; uint32 cell_id = 1; } // CmdId: 7220 // Obf: PFIGBGCGBEB message RogueHealAvatarsReq { uint32 cell_id = 2; uint32 dungeon_id = 4; } // CmdId: 3917 // Obf: CFJHEIHENJI message RogueHealAvatarsRsp { uint32 dungeon_id = 13; int32 retcode = 12; uint32 cell_id = 8; } // CmdId: 28359 // Obf: AIMIGPHLJNN message RogueResumeDungeonReq { uint32 stage_id = 15; } // CmdId: 22999 // Obf: NKOFBBIPBFM message RogueResumeDungeonRsp { int32 retcode = 3; uint32 stage_id = 2; } // CmdId: 4898 // Obf: PMCDKKNDCJD message ClearRoguelikeCurseNotify { map clear_curse_map = 14; bool is_clear_all = 2; bool is_curse_all_clear = 9; uint32 card_id = 15; } // CmdId: 20313 // Obf: KGNIJMKAGLF message RoguelikeCardGachaNotify { bool is_can_refresh = 1; repeated uint32 card_list = 14; } // CmdId: 7818 // Obf: PMIBAMHBFNP message RogueSwitchAvatarReq { uint32 cell_id = 10; uint32 dungeon_id = 4; repeated uint64 onstage_avatar_guid_list = 3; uint64 cur_avatar_guid = 11; } // CmdId: 7922 // Obf: GODGLNAOBHL message RogueSwitchAvatarRsp { uint64 cur_avatar_guid = 1; int32 retcode = 9; uint32 cell_id = 13; repeated uint64 backstage_avatar_guid_list = 4; uint32 dungeon_id = 11; repeated uint64 onstage_avatar_guid_list = 15; } // CmdId: 1027 // Obf: IDKBMNGKHIL message DisableRoguelikeTrapNotify { uint32 card_id = 4; } // CmdId: 1760 // Obf: IPHIBIMNNHJ message RoguelikeRuneRecordUpdateNotify { repeated RoguelikeRuneRecord rune_record_list = 11; } // CmdId: 27988 // Obf: GJEHOHLDKCF message RoguelikeMistClearNotify { } // CmdId: 920 // Obf: NDEIBOEENEJ message RoguelikeEffectDataNotify { repeated RogueEffectRecord curse_list = 10; repeated RogueEffectRecord card_list = 3; } // CmdId: 24896 // Obf: ENNDBBGDALI message RoguelikeEffectViewReq { repeated uint32 GMMCJDAIPBO = 13; repeated uint32 FNABJPMKHPI = 3; } // CmdId: 26737 // Obf: PPEPCKCALHO message RoguelikeEffectViewRsp { int32 retcode = 4; } // CmdId: 9873 // Obf: IGFNELOOAML message RoguelikeResourceBonusPropUpdateNotify { float bonus_resource_prop = 3; } // Obf: BEJIBAAEBGJ message RoguelikeSettleCoinInfo { uint32 FEHAAKFFENC = 13; uint32 FMABDGMGDAM = 3; uint32 JKGKCICKAKD = 8; } // Obf: EBKDFPPIOCD message RoguelikeDungeonSettleInfo { uint32 stage_id = 12; uint32 cur_level = 15; uint32 POLCMMBAENP = 7; map finished_challenge_cell_num_map = 11; bool FNMECPGDCBD = 4; bool PDJEIMCPECJ = 10; uint32 FOCELGIAFLM = 9; } // CmdId: 27478 // Obf: GFKLFEABNDL message RoguelikeRefreshCardCostUpdateNotify { uint32 item_count = 5; uint32 item_id = 3; } // Obf: MMHLOCIIAHG message DigMarkPoint { Vector rot = 12; uint32 bundle_id = 6; Vector pos = 9; } // Obf: BNNCLBHONBI message DigActivityDetailInfo { uint32 stage_id = 10; repeated uint32 stage_id_list = 4; repeated DigMarkPoint dig_mark_point_list = 14; } // CmdId: 8406 // Obf: GBCGAEOAMAK message DigActivityMarkPointChangeNotify { repeated DigMarkPoint dig_mark_point_list = 2; } // CmdId: 6858 // Obf: HNGKKIHKFMA message DigActivityChangeGadgetStateReq { uint32 entity_id = 12; } // CmdId: 26496 // Obf: JMKJMIMOLAA message DigActivityChangeGadgetStateRsp { uint32 entity_id = 6; int32 retcode = 10; } // Obf: MFMPNLIIBDC message HachiActivityDetailInfo { map stage_map = 8; } // Obf: JMOKJKJMOBG message HachiStageInfo { uint32 open_time = 9; bool is_open = 6; uint32 stage_id = 3; bool is_finished = 14; } // Obf: PHBJKNJLFKO message WinterCampStageInfo { uint32 cur_progress = 14; uint32 total_progress = 6; bool is_finished = 3; uint32 id = 7; Vector pos = 10; uint32 open_time = 9; } // Obf: IIBEOFMNCMM message WinterCampRaceStageInfo { uint32 id = 5; uint32 max_score = 10; Vector pos = 1; uint32 open_time = 2; } // Obf: APLIILFFKBH message WinterCampActivityDetailInfo { WinterCampStageInfo battle_info = 10; repeated WinterCampRaceStageInfo race_info_list = 11; WinterCampStageInfo explore_info = 12; repeated ItemParam used_item_list = 13; bool is_content_closed = 7; repeated uint32 FHECIOABEBK = 6; repeated uint32 CKKODMFPEKP = 4; repeated uint32 NJCEPGDFJGF = 3; } // CmdId: 28290 // Obf: PIAIMFNGJKI message WinterCampStageInfoChangeNotify { WinterCampStageInfo battle_info = 11; WinterCampStageInfo explore_info = 9; } // CmdId: 20047 // Obf: OKGEHGOEJKK message WinterCampRaceScoreNotify { uint32 max_score = 9; uint32 id = 6; } // CmdId: 4625 // Obf: AGLKMBBPCJA message WinterCampGiveFriendItemReq { repeated ItemParam item_list = 7; uint32 uid = 13; } // CmdId: 24904 // Obf: KOAHPGMAGJK message WinterCampGiveFriendItemRsp { int32 retcode = 4; repeated uint32 limit_item_id_list = 6; } // CmdId: 20875 // Obf: AJBILCFPOLD message WinterCampSetWishListReq { repeated uint32 item_id_list = 11; } // CmdId: 8424 // Obf: HCPIAIIBLGD message WinterCampSetWishListRsp { int32 retcode = 5; repeated uint32 item_id_list = 9; } // Obf: CKEMBCJCJDM message WinterCampFriendWishData { ProfilePicture profile_picture = 6; repeated uint32 item_id_list = 5; uint32 uid = 13; string nickname = 15; } // CmdId: 4914 // Obf: DBDFLMPILFO message WinterCampGetFriendWishListReq { } // CmdId: 24739 // Obf: MGIDKFPJFKK message WinterCampGetFriendWishListRsp { repeated WinterCampFriendWishData wish_data_list = 9; int32 retcode = 3; } // CmdId: 23213 // Obf: LKKLNFAIADK message WinterCampRecvItemNotify { WinterCampRecvItemData recv_item_data = 7; } // Obf: PAIPEOJEGFC message WinterCampAcceptItemResultInfo { repeated ItemParam HAIGGAPGJKO = 3; repeated ItemParam NHNKAGCJHHK = 6; uint32 uid = 12; } // CmdId: 4170 // Obf: CCNKNDEFNKO message WinterCampAcceptGiveItemReq { uint32 uid = 4; } // CmdId: 22048 // Obf: LPAIOBLKCKN message WinterCampAcceptGiveItemRsp { int32 retcode = 10; WinterCampAcceptItemResultInfo accept_item_result_info = 4; } // CmdId: 6397 // Obf: HPLLPIMMLLJ message WinterCampAcceptAllGiveItemReq { } // CmdId: 4655 // Obf: LJFOBNJDABD message WinterCampAcceptAllGiveItemRsp { repeated WinterCampAcceptItemResultInfo accept_item_result_info = 8; int32 retcode = 4; } // CmdId: 130 // Obf: KFEPKPFHJNO message WinterCampGetCanGiveFriendItemReq { } // CmdId: 23821 // Obf: MFHLPEJNLKH message WinterCampGetCanGiveFriendItemRsp { int32 retcode = 10; repeated ItemParam item_list = 11; } // Obf: NIGKCOAKACC message WinterCampRecvItemData { ProfilePicture profile_picture = 3; uint32 uid = 10; string nickname = 7; repeated ItemParam item_list = 14; } // CmdId: 25703 // Obf: LGPFAFBIANE message WinterCampGetRecvItemListReq { } // CmdId: 2293 // Obf: KPAMGHGLKCN message WinterCampGetRecvItemListRsp { int32 retcode = 6; repeated WinterCampRecvItemData recv_item_data_list = 9; } // CmdId: 20265 // Obf: EJCELMCEPBJ message WinterCampEditSnowmanCombinationReq { uint32 entity_id = 4; CustomGadgetTreeInfo combination_info = 5; } // CmdId: 27459 // Obf: PIBGNDFDNAJ message WinterCampEditSnowmanCombinationRsp { int32 retcode = 9; } // CmdId: 3692 // Obf: DLKMKHAGAHM message WinterCampTriathlonSettleNotify { bool is_new_record = 5; uint32 gallery_id = 3; uint32 score = 11; uint32 KFBNMJBFMNN = 10; uint32 EDBCCLCJCFL = 7; uint32 DCFOANMDEGJ = 15; uint32 CKGIEEOOHON = 6; bool is_success = 12; } // CmdId: 20823 // Obf: IJHLBFKIACH message WinterCampTakeExploreRewardReq { uint32 id = 3; } // CmdId: 5622 // Obf: DNAGNDHNANO message WinterCampTakeExploreRewardRsp { int32 retcode = 11; uint32 id = 4; } // CmdId: 28057 // Obf: KFAHEMEENDP message WinterCampTakeBattleRewardReq { uint32 id = 2; } // CmdId: 25618 // Obf: NCHONJICMAG message WinterCampTakeBattleRewardRsp { uint32 id = 7; int32 retcode = 1; } // CmdId: 9024 // Obf: NHGOMJHKLGD message WinterCampTriathlonRestartReq { uint32 gallery_id = 3; } // CmdId: 27534 // Obf: DOPBINMGHKL message WinterCampTriathlonRestartRsp { uint32 gallery_id = 5; int32 retcode = 14; } // CmdId: 28242 // Obf: CAEIPJFDIHJ message MistTrialSettleNotify { uint32 dungeon_scene_id = 5; uint32 first_pass_time = 9; map BDDIDLDIPMK = 3; MistTrialBestAvatar best_hit_avatar = 13; repeated MistTrialBestAvatar best_avatar_list = 12; map LJDOOAHIHFE = 4; } // CmdId: 29891 // Obf: AIMNFIMAJOC message MistTrialGetDungeonExhibitionDataReq { uint32 trial_id = 3; } // CmdId: 2046 // Obf: AJFOMEKACNG message MistTrialGetDungeonExhibitionDataRsp { int32 retcode = 12; uint32 trial_id = 4; } // Obf: MCOBBEPEFKC message PotionLevelData { uint32 difficulty_level = 13; uint32 score = 12; uint32 mode_id = 10; uint32 level_id = 15; } // Obf: PJBOJMFECKJ message PotionStageData { repeated uint32 ENGEPPAPLGC = 8; repeated PotionLevelData level_list = 4; repeated uint32 IIKPFIBACDJ = 13; bool is_open = 15; uint32 stage_id = 5; } // Obf: PIFGFOANEJJ message PotionActivityDetailInfo { repeated PotionStageData stage_list = 2; } // CmdId: 2937 // Obf: NJKOPJFKKIH message PotionResetChallengeReq { uint32 stage_id = 3; } // CmdId: 27694 // Obf: INHKNKCLHJC message PotionResetChallengeRsp { int32 retcode = 3; PotionStageData stage_data = 1; } // Obf: MJDFKHIIOFM message PotionAvatarInfo { bool is_trial = 8; uint64 avatar_id = 15; } // CmdId: 4073 // Obf: BBODJMOCMPK message PotionEnterDungeonReq { uint32 level_id = 8; uint32 mode_id = 13; repeated PotionAvatarInfo avatar_info_list = 14; repeated uint32 buff_id_list = 5; uint32 stage_id = 1; } // CmdId: 7418 // Obf: LMIJKOGIEEC message PotionEnterDungeonRsp { int32 retcode = 1; } // Obf: NDLPLDGABEA message PotionDungeonAvatar { uint64 avatar_guid = 15; bool is_trial = 8; } // CmdId: 21097 // Obf: FIIKFAIKOOE message PotionEnterDungeonNotify { uint32 level_id = 3; uint32 mode_id = 9; uint32 difficulty_level = 6; uint32 stage_id = 7; repeated PotionDungeonAvatar dungeon_avatar_list = 2; } // CmdId: 9617 // Obf: LGMBEAKGELG message PotionSaveDungeonResultReq { uint32 level_id = 13; uint32 stage_id = 7; } // CmdId: 4568 // Obf: PADOHAHKNKK message PotionSaveDungeonResultRsp { int32 retcode = 15; } // CmdId: 465 // Obf: KNFAPFPMPNF message PotionRestartDungeonReq { } // CmdId: 4156 // Obf: PBOHEKLOJMH message PotionRestartDungeonRsp { int32 retcode = 14; } // Obf: IFLFOABLCJB message PotionDungeonResultInfo { uint32 level_id = 10; uint32 stage_id = 2; uint32 mode_id = 9; uint32 final_score = 1; uint32 difficulty_level = 15; uint32 left_time = 11; } // Obf: OKBFMCFBABK message TanukiTravelLevelData { bool is_finish = 2; uint32 route_id = 12; bool is_open = 6; } // Obf: NBABIBMGAIM message TanukiTravelActivityDetailInfo { bool is_content_closed = 5; uint32 finished_level_index = 13; repeated TanukiTravelLevelData tanuki_travel_level_data_list = 9; } // CmdId: 29894 // Obf: HLGANLFHMGL message TanukiTravelFinishGuideQuestNotify { uint32 activity_id = 2; } // Obf: DGDLGMGFEHM message LanternProjectionLevelInfo { uint32 id = 2; bool is_finished = 14; bool JNFKFCEMOFM = 7; bool FBKKFKGPLPP = 5; uint32 min_finish_time = 6; } // Obf: ENAMKBDKBDD message LanternProjectionInfo { repeated uint32 open_stage_list = 6; repeated ClientInputType LPFHLCMPJDE = 10; repeated LanternProjectionLevelInfo level_list = 12; repeated ClientInputType IHBEIKHBBPA = 14; } // Obf: MKCOAKEADAN message SalvageBundleChallengeInfo { repeated uint32 finished_bundle_list = 6; } // Obf: ODDFKCNFKLI message SalvageScoreChallengeInfo { uint32 max_score = 15; uint32 salvage_challenge_id = 5; } // Obf: PAGONIKGOBF message SalvageChallengeInfo { uint32 challenge_type = 12; bool is_unlock = 13; oneof challenge_detail { SalvageBundleChallengeInfo bundle_info = 14; SalvageScoreChallengeInfo score_challenge_info = 5; uint32 boss_challenge_id = 10; } } // Obf: NLKNABPOEJN message SalvageStageInfo { uint32 stage_id = 8; repeated SalvageChallengeInfo challenge_info_list = 1; bool is_open = 5; } // Obf: JFLKBCKHCOG message LanternRiteFireworksChallengeInfo { bool is_full_score = 13; uint32 challenge_id = 12; uint32 best_score = 1; } // Obf: LKEKAMMFFIM message LanternRiteFireworksStageInfo { bool is_open = 6; uint32 stage_id = 10; repeated LanternRiteFireworksChallengeInfo challenge_info_list = 8; } // Obf: KIINMBGKFOK message LanternRiteFireworksInfo { repeated LanternRiteFireworksStageInfo stage_info_list = 4; } // Obf: AFGNDKEKPOG message LanternRiteActivityDetailInfo { bool ENLPIFHELEK = 10; bool is_content_closed = 7; LanternRiteFireworksInfo fireworks_info = 14; LanternProjectionInfo projection_info = 9; bool JNBNIPBJGFK = 12; repeated SalvageStageInfo stage_info_list = 11; } // CmdId: 9125 // Obf: OEFALBKMCPI message FinishLanternProjectionReq { uint32 level_id = 11; uint32 finish_time = 9; } // CmdId: 7181 // Obf: DMHMAJODIPE message FinishLanternProjectionRsp { int32 retcode = 3; } // CmdId: 6221 // Obf: JKKDJKOCCPI message ViewLanternProjectionTipsReq { bool is_input_tips = 7; ClientInputType input_type = 12; } // CmdId: 22183 // Obf: AGFCKCAGECB message ViewLanternProjectionTipsRsp { int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 29565 // Obf: EEHBOOBGHJP message ViewLanternProjectionLevelTipsReq { uint32 level_id = 8; } // CmdId: 20141 // Obf: FOEKECFKLLI message ViewLanternProjectionLevelTipsRsp { int32 retcode = 4; } // Obf: CJHIMPDDGKJ message SalvagePreventSettleInfo { SalvagePreventGallerySettleInfo settle_info = 15; bool is_new_record = 14; } // CmdId: 24588 // Obf: JLEFKHKDMLC message SalvagePreventSettleNotify { SalvagePreventSettleInfo settle_info = 8; uint32 gallery_id = 12; } // Obf: IIBLODPLGHA message SalvageEscortSettleInfo { SalvageEscortGallerySettleInfo settle_info = 1; bool is_new_record = 12; } // CmdId: 28329 // Obf: AIIFIIHCLGB message SalvageEscortSettleNotify { uint32 gallery_id = 7; SalvageEscortSettleInfo settle_info = 10; } // CmdId: 26440 // Obf: LMCOJFIFJBF message LanternRiteTakeSkinRewardReq { } // CmdId: 23147 // Obf: BCHEOHLDCHK message LanternRiteTakeSkinRewardRsp { int32 retcode = 14; } // CmdId: 22494 // Obf: PDBLAOLHFFF message SalvagePreventRestartReq { uint32 gallery_id = 8; } // CmdId: 26886 // Obf: MOKPKLLLEHK message SalvagePreventRestartRsp { uint32 gallery_id = 13; int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 23742 // Obf: JEPGCAHNOFF message SalvageEscortRestartReq { uint32 gallery_id = 11; } // CmdId: 8821 // Obf: LNFMGODCCFF message SalvageEscortRestartRsp { uint32 gallery_id = 14; int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 20895 // Obf: FDMHDAKLMDF message LanternRiteStartFireworksReformReq { uint32 stage_id = 5; uint32 challenge_id = 3; } // Obf: HKOILFOAMGM message LanternRiteFireworksReformFactorInfo { uint32 factor_value = 3; uint32 factor_id = 4; } // Obf: NKMPAJCDJAA message LanternRiteFireworksReformSkillInfo { bool is_unlock = 5; uint32 skill_id = 2; uint32 KIECEBKGLDC = 11; uint32 CHDAKJBMLJH = 1; } // CmdId: 9926 // Obf: HNEJCEGCLLM message LanternRiteStartFireworksReformRsp { uint32 COOIJAMKABA = 14; uint32 KCHDLMCFANC = 3; uint32 challenge_id = 2; uint32 stage_id = 11; uint32 NACPGJMEPCP = 5; repeated LanternRiteFireworksReformSkillInfo skill_info_list = 9; uint32 ONFGHBLOLCK = 12; repeated LanternRiteFireworksReformFactorInfo factor_info_list = 10; int32 retcode = 1; } // CmdId: 9217 // Obf: JEBAGJKMMPE message LanternRiteDoFireworksReformReq { uint32 challenge_id = 6; uint32 skill_id = 3; uint32 stage_id = 7; uint32 factor_id = 8; } // CmdId: 24400 // Obf: BKJJDNKMIFK message LanternRiteDoFireworksReformRsp { bool is_lucky = 1; uint32 NACPGJMEPCP = 15; uint32 COOIJAMKABA = 12; uint32 challenge_id = 10; uint32 KCHDLMCFANC = 5; int32 retcode = 11; repeated LanternRiteFireworksReformFactorInfo factor_info_list = 7; uint32 ONFGHBLOLCK = 2; uint32 stage_id = 6; } // CmdId: 24444 // Obf: GAPLFPKAEIF message LanternRiteEndFireworksReformReq { uint32 challenge_id = 7; uint32 stage_id = 1; } // CmdId: 709 // Obf: JBBOLPPBMHC message LanternRiteEndFireworksReformRsp { uint32 final_score = 1; bool HPLLPLKOHLL = 6; int32 retcode = 2; uint32 stage_id = 3; bool FBGNCOBOMAA = 9; bool is_full_score = 10; bool HKBEDNIDDEI = 13; uint32 challenge_id = 4; bool is_new_record = 11; } // CmdId: 20695 // Obf: JCFJMOGFDFD message UpdateSalvageBundleMarkReq { uint32 challenge_type = 2; uint32 stage_id = 1; } // CmdId: 22649 // Obf: NCJOPEJIMNG message UpdateSalvageBundleMarkRsp { int32 retcode = 11; uint32 stage_id = 4; uint32 challenge_type = 5; } // Obf: AMOLCLHGCOH message MichiaeMatsuriStage { uint32 stage_id = 6; bool is_open = 10; uint32 open_time = 8; } // Obf: GOCKMKGPEEH message MichiaeMatsuriChestPositionInfo { uint32 group_id = 8; Vector pos = 12; uint32 config_id = 11; } // Obf: FHGHMCBCBEC message MichiaeMatsuriChallengePositionInfo { uint32 gadget_id = 14; Vector pos = 11; uint32 group_id = 13; } // Obf: DNIDKOCBCEA message MichiaeMatsuriActivityDetailInfo { uint32 gain_crystal_exp = 15; repeated uint32 unlocked_crystal_skill_list = 2; repeated MichiaeMatsuriChestPositionInfo chest_pos_list = 9; repeated MichiaeMatsuriChallengePositionInfo challenge_pos_list = 11; repeated MichiaeMatsuriStage stage_list = 1; } // CmdId: 29941 // Obf: AFHLMAHKNEH message MichiaeMatsuriDarkPressureLevelUpdateNotify { uint32 dark_pressure_level = 8; } // CmdId: 25870 // Obf: IEBOHGDOEEN message MichiaeMatsuriInteractStatueReq { uint32 statue_entity_id = 6; } // CmdId: 5402 // Obf: GJNGJOGCBMM message MichiaeMatsuriInteractStatueRsp { int32 retcode = 9; } // CmdId: 21288 // Obf: ABIGOEFJALM message MichiaeMatsuriUnlockCrystalSkillReq { uint32 crystal_skill_id = 15; } // CmdId: 22931 // Obf: KBBFBHOLEPP message MichiaeMatsuriUnlockCrystalSkillRsp { uint32 crystal_skill_id = 5; int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 4975 // Obf: OAANEIEKKEL message MichiaeMatsuriStartBossChallengeReq { uint32 difficulty = 7; uint32 gadget_entity_id = 13; } // CmdId: 1225 // Obf: CLAEBFINKDM message MichiaeMatsuriStartBossChallengeRsp { int32 retcode = 14; } // CmdId: 6647 // Obf: MJLIMFJEGHO message MichiaeMatsuriStartDarkChallengeReq { uint32 worktop_entity_id = 3; } // CmdId: 21313 // Obf: MAJHIDEDHMH message MichiaeMatsuriStartDarkChallengeRsp { int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 7189 // Obf: POPBCJIFLJD message MichiaeMatsuriRemoveChestMarkNotify { uint32 config_id = 2; uint32 group_id = 14; } // CmdId: 1360 // Obf: DKHLMLAAGCP message MichiaeMatsuriRemoveChallengeMarkNotify { uint32 group_id = 11; uint32 gadget_id = 4; } // CmdId: 8098 // Obf: AJBBBMHAGAF message MichiaeMatsuriGainCrystalExpUpdateNotify { uint32 gain_crystal_exp = 11; uint32 activity_id = 1; } // Obf: BLDJHMOIKLC message BartenderTaskInfo { uint32 id = 15; bool is_finish = 9; } // Obf: GONINFKLANB message BartenderLevelInfo { uint32 max_score = 10; uint32 id = 3; bool is_finish = 7; } // Obf: OHBPKHDADMI message BartenderActivityDetailInfo { repeated uint32 EFCFFFOKIIO = 15; repeated uint32 OJDLKJNDJAH = 3; bool is_develop_module_open = 9; repeated BartenderTaskInfo unlock_task_list = 12; bool is_content_closed = 5; repeated BartenderLevelInfo unlock_level_list = 7; } // CmdId: 25372 // Obf: FEFHCLAIFHB message BartenderCompleteOrderReq { uint32 quest_id = 10; uint32 MBAAHPBEAEI = 5; bool is_view_formula = 7; uint32 GPGCCDPDENJ = 11; repeated ItemParam item_list = 4; uint32 BBNAEDJABBD = 8; repeated uint32 optional_order_list = 6; } // CmdId: 26145 // Obf: DHBJNNPHMEF message BartenderCompleteOrderRsp { uint32 finish_order_id = 14; uint32 quest_id = 2; repeated uint32 affix_list = 7; bool is_new = 15; int32 retcode = 11; uint32 formula_id = 3; } // CmdId: 7877 // Obf: LIOKMLBGHFH message BartenderCancelOrderReq { uint32 quest_id = 3; } // CmdId: 1772 // Obf: MPPMFOJADJE message BartenderCancelOrderRsp { int32 retcode = 3; uint32 quest_id = 12; } // CmdId: 5932 // Obf: KGDPCLMNDAH message BartenderGetFormulaReq { repeated ItemParam item_list = 10; uint32 quest_id = 14; } // CmdId: 7404 // Obf: BLKCFDFEIEE message BartenderGetFormulaRsp { int32 retcode = 4; bool is_new = 11; repeated uint32 affix_list = 3; uint32 formula_id = 6; } // CmdId: 7285 // Obf: MENLEBLHBIA message BartenderStartLevelReq { uint32 level_id = 2; } // CmdId: 27218 // Obf: NHJHMOKEPMP message BartenderStartLevelRsp { uint32 time = 6; repeated uint32 order_list = 5; uint32 level_id = 11; int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 22759 // Obf: MABEHPJOBFB message BartenderCancelLevelReq { uint32 level_id = 6; } // CmdId: 21002 // Obf: CMBEHKMDONA message BartenderCancelLevelRsp { uint32 level_id = 5; int32 retcode = 7; } // CmdId: 8176 // Obf: JLHMDMLLLCK message BartenderLevelProgressNotify { bool is_new_record = 15; uint32 level_id = 14; bool is_finish = 9; uint32 score = 2; } // CmdId: 1905 // Obf: DCABKKDAADC message BartenderFinishLevelReq { uint32 level_id = 12; } // CmdId: 4440 // Obf: AMJEMFGHFAP message BartenderFinishLevelRsp { int32 retcode = 10; uint32 level_id = 9; } // Obf: KCPCLEFJLPB message OfficialCustomDungeon { uint32 dungeon_id = 9; uint32 win_times = 6; } // Obf: JMCGOPMGNFN message UgcActivityDetailInfo { repeated OfficialCustomDungeon official_custom_dungeon_list = 10; bool DDFPBDAKDHF = 5; uint32 custom_dungeon_group_id = 12; bool IOPFGIPIHAG = 1; } // Obf: CMABEBHJACJ message CrystalLinkActivityDetailInfo { repeated CrystalLinkLevelInfo level_info_list = 13; uint32 difficulty_id = 1; } // Obf: NLNFBPGLCBA message CrystalLinkLevelInfo { uint32 best_score = 5; uint32 level_id = 14; bool is_open = 11; repeated CrystalLinkTeamInfo team_info_list = 6; } // Obf: HJHHNKFBGDE message CrystalLinkTeamInfo { repeated CrystalLinkBuffInfo buff_info_list = 7; repeated CrystalLinkAvatarInfo avatar_info_list = 6; } // Obf: HKCMOMDAOCF message CrystalLinkAvatarInfo { bool is_trial = 7; uint64 avatar_id = 1; } // Obf: JHCGNCCGBFI message CrystalLinkBuffInfo { uint32 FJLJNEAMGHL = 12; uint32 JIBBBGMJKBF = 6; } // CmdId: 26178 // Obf: BHDDFOHPIKE message CrystalLinkEnterDungeonReq { uint32 difficulty_id = 3; repeated CrystalLinkTeamInfo team_info_list = 10; uint32 level_id = 7; } // CmdId: 1502 // Obf: KGEDIHLMBNN message CrystalLinkEnterDungeonRsp { repeated CrystalLinkTeamInfo team_info_list = 5; uint32 difficulty_id = 14; int32 retcode = 2; uint32 level_id = 11; } // Obf: EMILFGGOCLJ message CrystalLinkDungeonAvatarInfo { uint64 avatar_guid = 4; bool is_trial = 5; } // CmdId: 23068 // Obf: KKLDKKEDNNN message CrystalLinkDungeonInfoNotify { bool is_upper_part = 14; repeated CrystalLinkBuffInfo buff_info_list = 1; repeated CrystalLinkDungeonAvatarInfo dungeon_avatar_info_list = 15; uint32 level_id = 7; uint32 difficulty_id = 4; uint32 init_gallery_progress = 2; } // CmdId: 28616 // Obf: OFNMEJKIHLG message CrystalLinkRestartDungeonReq { } // CmdId: 28113 // Obf: AHFCIHOLGHC message CrystalLinkRestartDungeonRsp { int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 3073 // Obf: JOJPJIOKKGI message QuickOpenActivityReq { uint32 activity_id = 7; } // CmdId: 7953 // Obf: MDBECONHBKJ message QuickOpenActivityRsp { uint32 activity_id = 8; int32 retcode = 13; } // Obf: PEIPGGHAIMI message IrodoriChessMapData { uint32 best_score = 4; repeated uint32 equiped_card_list = 11; IrodoriChessEntranceDetailInfo entrance_detail_info = 2; uint32 map_id = 1; } // Obf: KPFLOHIHNNN message IrodoriChessLevelData { uint32 level_id = 12; uint32 open_time = 1; IrodoriChessMapData IPGIFEOKECJ = 11; IrodoriChessMapData OMJKGOMNEOF = 10; } // Obf: OABAAFMENIN message IrodoriChessData { repeated IrodoriChessLevelData level_data_list = 5; bool is_open = 12; } // Obf: BJDPFHHIBKG message IrodoriFlowerData { repeated uint32 finished_theme_list = 3; repeated ItemParam used_flower_list = 2; } // Obf: ELDMBGPMMPH message IrodoriPoetryThemeData { repeated uint32 CCPLLHMEOKJ = 11; uint32 BAEKFBCJFJK = 3; uint32 BLMAPGDEBCJ = 12; uint32 AJONPJMNANN = 10; uint32 LNHHEKIDIAG = 6; repeated uint32 BNGOJINJALA = 14; uint32 progress = 5; } // Obf: HHCAHAKDPLF message IrodoriPoetryData { repeated IrodoriPoetryThemeData theme_data_list = 8; uint32 cur_theme_id = 2; } // Obf: GJPCKKKPDEI message IrodoriMasterLevelDetailInfo { uint32 min_finish_time = 15; bool is_finish = 12; uint32 diffculty = 6; bool is_have_try = 8; } // Obf: HNGOJKODKMG message IrodoriMasterLevelInfo { uint32 level_id = 10; repeated IrodoriMasterLevelDetailInfo detail_info = 1; } // Obf: MCNHNNBBFKH message IrodoriActivityDetailInfo { IrodoriChessData chess_data = 8; IrodoriPoetryData poetry_data = 4; repeated IrodoriMasterLevelInfo master_level_list = 1; IrodoriFlowerData flower_data = 13; } // CmdId: 3931 // Obf: GBOKDBEHDLN message IrodoriEditFlowerCombinationReq { CustomGadgetTreeInfo combination_info = 14; uint32 entity_id = 11; } // CmdId: 26271 // Obf: KAHODAHFAJB message IrodoriEditFlowerCombinationRsp { bool ODLPBHCGNJL = 15; int32 retcode = 11; bool MBDLGCECEIG = 1; } // CmdId: 1642 // Obf: BHCMKHMCMGD message IrodoriScanEntityReq { uint32 entity_id = 13; } // CmdId: 9957 // Obf: KFCDKGLFNFG message IrodoriScanEntityRsp { bool is_get_inspiration = 11; int32 retcode = 10; IrodoriPoetryThemeData theme_data = 5; } // CmdId: 20277 // Obf: BPMHNEIEFHH message IrodoriFillPoetryReq { uint32 AJONPJMNANN = 9; uint32 EMLHNOHEBLA = 3; } // CmdId: 26146 // Obf: ADHEDEOBDII message IrodoriFillPoetryRsp { int32 retcode = 2; IrodoriPoetryThemeData theme_data = 13; } // CmdId: 3894 // Obf: HKHEEGELMHE message IrodoriChessEquipCardReq { uint32 card_id = 2; bool is_hard_map = 8; uint32 level_id = 1; } // CmdId: 27067 // Obf: LPIONGNBDIC message IrodoriChessEquipCardRsp { uint32 level_id = 15; bool is_hard_map = 2; int32 retcode = 8; uint32 card_id = 5; } // CmdId: 29261 // Obf: BKNCIBPMLBH message IrodoriChessUnequipCardReq { uint32 level_id = 7; bool is_hard_map = 14; uint32 card_id = 4; } // CmdId: 6523 // Obf: JILOFOCKHIM message IrodoriChessUnequipCardRsp { uint32 level_id = 13; int32 retcode = 12; uint32 card_id = 3; bool is_hard_map = 8; } // CmdId: 2229 // Obf: LOBFOLMLJGH message EnterIrodoriChessDungeonReq { bool is_hard_map = 4; uint32 level_id = 15; } // CmdId: 29492 // Obf: ODBNMCANNOH message EnterIrodoriChessDungeonRsp { bool is_hard_map = 2; uint32 level_id = 3; int32 retcode = 9; } // CmdId: 26974 // Obf: KIKHGIBHBAB message IrodoriMasterStartGalleryReq { uint32 difficulty = 13; uint32 level_id = 12; } // CmdId: 6623 // Obf: HIIHDIFBOFC message IrodoriMasterStartGalleryRsp { int32 retcode = 5; } // CmdId: 23987 // Obf: GEIMKHDDGJK message IrodoriMasterGalleryCgEndNotify { uint32 level_id = 15; uint32 gallery_id = 14; } // CmdId: 9167 // Obf: EEGMIMKGMMK message IrodoriMasterGallerySettleNotify { uint32 gallery_id = 12; IrodoriMasterGallerySettleInfo settle_info = 6; } // Obf: AOMHKNOLLMO message PhotoPosData { bool is_open = 11; bool is_view = 9; uint32 open_time = 2; Vector center = 15; uint32 pos_id = 4; } // Obf: CGLJMOHKKIP message PhotoActivityDetailInfo { repeated PhotoPosData photo_pos_data_list = 13; bool is_content_closed = 12; } // CmdId: 26014 // Obf: DJHKCNCGALH message PhotoActivityFinishReq { uint32 check_root_id = 2; bool is_succ = 11; uint32 pos_id = 12; } // CmdId: 25296 // Obf: MPGHKGLKBBJ message PhotoActivityFinishRsp { int32 retcode = 6; uint32 pos_id = 13; } // CmdId: 21878 // Obf: HHJLNGIDODJ message PhotoActivityClientViewReq { uint32 pos_id = 12; } // CmdId: 20737 // Obf: NLGPBPGNANF message PhotoActivityClientViewRsp { int32 retcode = 12; uint32 pos_id = 14; } // Obf: IHFHICEPOPB message SpiceStageData { uint32 stage_id = 3; bool is_open = 14; uint32 success_times = 9; } // Obf: LGJNDJKCPGP message SpiceActivityDetailInfo { uint32 PMGNKOHDPJA = 7; uint32 PKFDOLJJNDI = 6; repeated SpiceStageData spice_stage_data_list = 8; } // CmdId: 8503 // Obf: LMKBIBBIMME message SpiceActivityFinishMakeSpiceReq { repeated uint32 left_material_id_list = 2; uint32 left_turns = 8; bool is_success = 12; uint32 stage_id = 4; } // CmdId: 4582 // Obf: HCHOMFHJNCO message SpiceActivityFinishMakeSpiceRsp { bool is_success = 1; int32 retcode = 7; uint32 stage_id = 15; } // CmdId: 22981 // Obf: MGJNLLEBAGL message SpiceActivityProcessFoodReq { repeated ItemParam normal_food_list = 2; } // CmdId: 21724 // Obf: LDJKKEJCDHM message SpiceActivityProcessFoodRsp { repeated ItemParam normal_food_list = 12; int32 retcode = 4; repeated ItemParam special_food_list = 2; } // CmdId: 5421 // Obf: LHKEBHMHHID message SpiceActivityGivingRecordNotify { uint32 PKFDOLJJNDI = 15; uint32 avatar_id = 13; uint32 PMGNKOHDPJA = 12; } // Obf: KKIPIFJEOPL message GachaStageData { uint32 stage_id = 3; map target_num_map = 13; bool is_open = 6; } // Obf: NNIKCIDFIDI message GachaActivityDetailInfo { repeated GachaStageData gacha_stage_data_list = 8; map robot_num_map = 14; map have_reward_robot_num_map = 9; uint32 FOLDOMNGPJM = 10; repeated uint32 have_get_robot_list = 15; uint32 FGLFAJBJEEA = 12; } // CmdId: 874 // Obf: PJJOKGGAIOF message GachaActivityPercentNotify { uint32 DIMKFIMFNIM = 5; uint32 DCKLFGBOPLF = 14; uint32 DMONCCEBHPB = 4; map target_num_map = 3; } // CmdId: 29407 // Obf: HIOHDPEELEE message GachaActivityUpdateElemNotify { uint32 elem_type = 13; } // CmdId: 24297 // Obf: HECONJKGHHN message GachaActivityCreateRobotReq { } // CmdId: 7445 // Obf: AOIMKDIMHEI message GachaActivityCreateRobotRsp { uint32 robot_id = 15; int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 5052 // Obf: LLINPHJPEMK message GachaActivityTakeRewardReq { map robot_num_map = 12; } // CmdId: 27406 // Obf: NGFOLBFFEFO message GachaActivityTakeRewardRsp { int32 retcode = 7; map robot_num_map = 10; } // CmdId: 8921 // Obf: NPCOOLFBIIG message GachaActivityResetReq { uint32 stage_id = 2; } // CmdId: 9141 // Obf: ANHDCCPNDCA message GachaActivityResetRsp { int32 retcode = 6; uint32 stage_id = 5; } // CmdId: 28908 // Obf: PBCEHPMKNBG message GachaActivityNextStageReq { } // CmdId: 9626 // Obf: GIIAEBEDFJB message GachaActivityNextStageRsp { int32 retcode = 11; uint32 stage_id = 7; } // CmdId: 7798 // Obf: BNMIOPJNEMN message ActivityGiveFriendGiftReq { uint32 schedule_id = 12; map gift_num_map = 10; uint32 uid = 14; } // CmdId: 9446 // Obf: CDMMGNOJKAO message ActivityGiveFriendGiftRsp { repeated uint32 limit_gift_list = 9; uint32 schedule_id = 14; int32 retcode = 11; } // Obf: HNOIMLAIGBN message ActivityRecvGiftData { map gift_num_map = 11; uint32 uid = 14; ProfilePicture profile_picture = 9; string remark_name = 12; string nickname = 13; } // CmdId: 20506 // Obf: GDNICJELPOK message ActivityGetRecvGiftListReq { uint32 schedule_id = 5; } // CmdId: 2009 // Obf: CFMKPOJCHJH message ActivityGetRecvGiftListRsp { repeated ActivityRecvGiftData recv_gift_list = 4; uint32 schedule_id = 8; int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 20546 // Obf: CHFGKDAEKLE message ActivityHaveRecvGiftNotify { uint32 schedule_id = 10; } // Obf: MGAPJIJBGGJ message ActivityAcceptGiftResultInfo { uint32 uid = 11; map IJCFDJFGMPP = 12; map PKBLFFNAILJ = 4; } // CmdId: 25362 // Obf: DDEKGJEIGAN message ActivityAcceptGiveGiftReq { uint32 uid = 2; uint32 schedule_id = 9; } // CmdId: 20446 // Obf: MDPMPEHJFDE message ActivityAcceptGiveGiftRsp { ActivityAcceptGiftResultInfo accept_gift_result_info = 12; int32 retcode = 4; uint32 schedule_id = 1; } // CmdId: 26297 // Obf: KOKMEDHANGC message ActivityAcceptAllGiveGiftReq { uint32 schedule_id = 2; } // CmdId: 26260 // Obf: PDAIDPJNHEE message ActivityAcceptAllGiveGiftRsp { repeated ActivityAcceptGiftResultInfo accept_gift_result_info_list = 2; int32 retcode = 8; uint32 schedule_id = 1; } // CmdId: 27356 // Obf: NFMJLFEPJPI message ActivityGetCanGiveFriendGiftReq { uint32 schedule_id = 13; } // CmdId: 23758 // Obf: IGCLOKNBJDJ message ActivityGetCanGiveFriendGiftRsp { int32 retcode = 4; map gift_num_map = 1; uint32 schedule_id = 14; } // CmdId: 24397 // Obf: GLDKPGNMFGL message ActivitySetGiftWishReq { uint32 schedule_id = 10; map gift_num_map = 6; } // CmdId: 165 // Obf: BDHKJIJLFJM message ActivitySetGiftWishRsp { uint32 schedule_id = 11; int32 retcode = 10; } // Obf: LKIJFJPJOIB message ActivityFriendGiftWishData { uint32 uid = 13; string remark_name = 5; ProfilePicture profile_picture = 9; string nickname = 15; map gift_num_map = 2; } // CmdId: 4453 // Obf: FKDKFJNGBMH message ActivityGetFriendGiftWishListReq { uint32 schedule_id = 14; } // CmdId: 5014 // Obf: DOPDNCHPPMD message ActivityGetFriendGiftWishListRsp { repeated ActivityFriendGiftWishData friend_gift_wish_list = 8; int32 retcode = 9; uint32 schedule_id = 13; } // Obf: HEELLKHPNAA message LuminanceStoneChallengeActivityDetailInfo { uint32 best_score = 7; uint32 current_stage_id = 8; bool is_final_gallery_complete = 1; bool is_content_closed = 9; } // Obf: JKLOMMMCMGP message LuminanceStoneChallengeSettleInfo { bool is_new_record = 12; LuminanceStoneChallengeGallerySettleInfo settle_info = 13; } // CmdId: 22564 // Obf: EACMAIEIMML message LuminanceStoneChallengeSettleNotify { LuminanceStoneChallengeSettleInfo settle_info = 5; uint32 gallery_id = 6; } // Obf: DGLHDGCPEHF message RogueDiaryDungeonRecord { uint32 max_round = 1; uint32 finish_time = 7; bool is_finish = 14; uint32 difficulty = 12; } // Obf: PKLHAFICKIC message RogueDiaryStageInfo { uint32 stage_id = 1; RogueDiaryDungeonRecord best_record = 7; bool is_have_try = 13; } // Obf: FKDCFIEKHGM message RogueDiaryProgress { repeated uint32 optional_card_list = 5; uint32 cur_round = 1; uint32 stage_id = 3; bool is_enter_dungeon = 7; uint32 difficulty = 2; } // Obf: AACDJMCBPDB message RogueDiaryActivityDetailInfo { bool is_have_progress = 4; RogueDiaryProgress cur_progress = 10; bool is_content_closed = 13; repeated RogueDiaryStageInfo stage_list = 7; } // Obf: EFJJCHONDHM message RogueDiaryAvatar { repeated RogueDiaryAvatarDisableStatus disable_status_list = 6; uint32 tired_round = 3; ActivityDungeonAvatar avatar = 13; uint32 level = 5; } // Obf: KOLIJBLPOLE message RogueDiaryRoomInfo { bool is_boss = 9; uint32 config_id = 15; repeated Uint32Pair monster_list = 3; } // CmdId: 29988 // Obf: LCFLBJAGLAO message StartRogueDiaryPlayReq { uint32 difficulty = 4; uint32 stage_id = 10; } // CmdId: 3886 // Obf: NJAIODLPBMP message StartRogueDiaryPlayRsp { repeated RogueDiaryAvatar avatar_list = 10; int32 retcode = 5; repeated RogueDiaryAvatar trial_avatar_list = 8; repeated uint32 rand_card_list = 12; } // CmdId: 3800 // Obf: KDHFDDAOPEN message ResetRogueDiaryPlayReq { uint32 stage_id = 4; } // CmdId: 28628 // Obf: HIIKCIHEEFD message ResetRogueDiaryPlayRsp { int32 retcode = 14; } // CmdId: 6423 // Obf: EPOPECKEHCC message EnterRogueDiaryDungeonReq { repeated uint32 chosen_card_list = 3; repeated RogueDiaryAvatar chosen_avatar_list = 1; } // CmdId: 26399 // Obf: CMDGCOIKJOG message EnterRogueDiaryDungeonRsp { int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 24514 // Obf: DKFKKGJPGPD message ResumeRogueDiaryDungeonReq { uint32 stage_id = 15; } // CmdId: 21442 // Obf: IPGBEANOLHH message ResumeRogueDiaryDungeonRsp { int32 retcode = 14; } // CmdId: 1309 // Obf: NNIHAPEMJIO message RogueDiaryDungeonInfoNotify { uint32 time = 14; uint32 dungeon_id = 11; repeated RogueDiaryRoomInfo room_list = 12; uint32 cur_round = 7; uint32 cur_room = 6; uint32 stage_id = 3; uint32 difficulty = 9; uint32 coin = 13; repeated uint32 CLLHDAGJKPH = 10; repeated uint32 LIACDMDJOEG = 4; } // CmdId: 27081 // Obf: GIOABFNFFNB message RogueDiaryDungeonSettleNotify { uint32 explore_time = 13; bool is_finish = 11; uint32 cur_round = 8; } // CmdId: 20500 // Obf: DDOPBPBNBDM message StartRogueDiaryRoomReq { bool is_select_hard = 9; uint32 room_difficulty = 13; } // CmdId: 24237 // Obf: NJMFHOBEECC message StartRogueDiaryRoomRsp { int32 retcode = 13; } // CmdId: 24388 // Obf: EHPMHFAKHAI message RogueDiaryTiredAvatarNotify { bool is_need_show = 15; uint32 CBDHAAOJCBD = 5; repeated RogueDiaryAvatar optianal_tired_avatar_list = 6; uint32 PCHJJKGDHJL = 2; } // CmdId: 7857 // Obf: KFBLIBMDEMC message ReserveRogueDiaryAvatarReq { repeated RogueDiaryAvatar reserve_avatar_list = 11; } // CmdId: 24707 // Obf: FEBPPIMECBK message ReserveRogueDiaryAvatarRsp { int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 6887 // Obf: JFEBJKJKNHI message GetRogueDairyRepairInfoReq { } // CmdId: 133 // Obf: LLHECDBHABH message GetRogueDairyRepairInfoRsp { int32 retcode = 7; } // CmdId: 8823 // Obf: EKEPBDJDBIJ message RefreshRogueDiaryCardReq { repeated uint32 refresh_card_list = 12; } // CmdId: 2711 // Obf: HODLMPCEKJL message RefreshRogueDiaryCardRsp { int32 retcode = 11; repeated uint32 rand_card_list = 5; } // CmdId: 21443 // Obf: BPFICHHPGJC message RogueFinishRepairReq { repeated RogueDiaryAvatar chosen_avatar_list = 10; repeated uint32 chosen_card_list = 15; } // CmdId: 9649 // Obf: FCKADCNJBOB message RogueFinishRepairRsp { int32 retcode = 1; } // CmdId: 23223 // Obf: FKGINDOIJFP message TryInterruptRogueDiaryDungeonReq { } // CmdId: 4919 // Obf: DCLMOHKDJIP message TryInterruptRogueDiaryDungeonRsp { int32 retcode = 9; } // CmdId: 9164 // Obf: HGMNHLNGEBG message RogueDiaryRepairInfoNotify { repeated RogueDiaryAvatar trial_avatar_list = 10; repeated uint32 chosen_card_list = 14; uint32 stage_id = 9; repeated RogueDiaryRoomInfo room_list = 13; repeated uint32 select_card_list = 5; repeated uint32 rand_card_list = 1; repeated RogueDiaryAvatar select_avatar_list = 11; repeated RogueDiaryAvatar avatar_list = 7; } // CmdId: 9419 // Obf: GOIMDLOHIDB message RetryCurRogueDiaryDungeonReq { } // CmdId: 20889 // Obf: PGNEBLILKLP message RetryCurRogueDiaryDungeonRsp { int32 retcode = 9; } // CmdId: 26124 // Obf: DDBGDIEFCNK message RogueDiaryReviveAvatarReq { RogueDiaryAvatar revive_avatar = 7; } // CmdId: 4056 // Obf: HDLDBIJILHG message RogueDiaryReviveAvatarRsp { int32 retcode = 12; } // CmdId: 619 // Obf: OOIKACKGACB message TryEnterNextRogueDiaryDungeonReq { } // CmdId: 28661 // Obf: BHFFPEFFNIA message TryEnterNextRogueDiaryDungeonRsp { int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 21318 // Obf: AAOAGELEOBH message RogueDiaryCoinAddNotify { uint32 num = 11; } // Obf: OFEPIBOFMMO message SummerTimeV2DetailInfo { repeated SummerTimeV2BoatStageInfo boat_stage_info_list = 14; uint32 MBINEBFILLF = 12; bool is_content_closed = 1; uint32 LMALLBDPKGO = 6; repeated SummerTimeV2DungeonStageInfo dungeon_stage_info_list = 7; } // Obf: PPKBMAMJLLF message SummerTimeV2DungeonStageInfo { bool is_prev_dungeon_succeed = 12; bool is_open = 1; uint32 open_time = 13; uint32 stage_id = 2; } // Obf: KFLNOKJNODO message SummerTimeV2BoatStageInfo { bool is_open = 11; uint32 stage_id = 9; uint32 best_score = 3; uint32 open_time = 7; } // CmdId: 7571 // Obf: PHLOLMELHDI message SummerTimeV2BoatSettleNotify { bool is_new_record = 2; uint32 stage_id = 8; uint32 gallery_id = 6; SummerTimeV2BoatGallerySettleInfo settle_info = 9; } // Obf: IBNKKJGBKML message ActivityPushTipsData { uint32 activity_push_tips_id = 13; ActivityPushTipsState state = 6; } // CmdId: 22464 // Obf: HJAPAKFKNOA message ActivityPushTipsInfoNotify { uint32 schedule_id = 5; uint32 activity_id = 7; repeated ActivityPushTipsData activity_push_tips_data_list = 12; } // CmdId: 4848 // Obf: CPNJIBMOFJO message ActivityReadPushTipsReq { repeated uint32 activity_push_tips_id_list = 11; uint32 activity_id = 14; } // CmdId: 5363 // Obf: NLJDGJGBDDO message ActivityReadPushTipsRsp { int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 164 // Obf: BPKBGGEAOLM message SummerTimeV2RestartBoatGalleryReq { uint32 gallery_id = 2; } // CmdId: 22752 // Obf: CNEFGJEHJCP message SummerTimeV2RestartBoatGalleryRsp { uint32 gallery_id = 8; int32 retcode = 13; } // CmdId: 212 // Obf: KHLOFPMBOOF message SummerTimeV2RestartDungeonReq { } // CmdId: 22741 // Obf: JKFADKELCLL message SummerTimeV2RestartDungeonRsp { int32 retcode = 5; } // Obf: FLPMADKIODG message IslandPartyStageData { uint32 stage_id = 1; bool is_open = 11; uint32 best_score = 5; } // Obf: PFGBJGEFCDI message IslandPartyDetailInfo { repeated IslandPartyStageData stage_data_list = 12; } // CmdId: 23083 // Obf: HJBCADIELAO message IslandPartySettleNotify { bool is_new_record = 12; repeated IslandPartyGallerySettleInfo settle_info_list = 4; uint32 time_remain = 6; repeated ExhibitionDisplayInfo score_list = 9; KDHIAEFLGFM reason = 15; } // Obf: DFJGCCIKGLP message GearLevelData { uint32 level_id = 4; uint32 EEMGKJOCHHK = 3; uint32 open_time = 14; bool is_open = 12; bool is_finished = 8; uint32 MMGJJBELBHF = 9; } // Obf: NGJPKLPJAGG message JigsawPictureData { bool is_finished = 7; uint32 MMGJJBELBHF = 11; uint32 EEMGKJOCHHK = 6; bool is_open = 2; } // Obf: LJAEIOLGCDE message GearActivityDetailInfo { repeated GearLevelData gear_level_data_list = 8; JigsawPictureData jigsaw_picture_data = 5; } // CmdId: 7344 // Obf: HAHAOBIBDLN message GearActivityStartPlayGearReq { uint32 level_id = 4; } // CmdId: 25975 // Obf: NFOGPCEEEEH message GearActivityStartPlayGearRsp { uint32 level_id = 7; int32 retcode = 11; } // Obf: LEMINHIFLOG message GearColumnInfo { uint32 gear_id = 8; uint32 KPGMKFOLJLN = 7; bool BOMLCILIEMG = 4; bool FECKOAAIJKK = 15; uint32 DIAJIFOBCHL = 14; } // CmdId: 22818 // Obf: FAJMKMOAHNH message GearActivityFinishPlayGearReq { bool use_clue = 13; bool is_success = 15; uint32 level_id = 6; repeated GearColumnInfo gear_column_info_list = 2; } // CmdId: 4312 // Obf: BKECFLCINNO message GearActivityFinishPlayGearRsp { bool is_success = 1; uint32 level_id = 8; int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 440 // Obf: HLHLMLGPCIE message GearActivityStartPlayPictureReq { } // CmdId: 4894 // Obf: EPJKKKMAJKB message GearActivityStartPlayPictureRsp { int32 retcode = 4; } // CmdId: 3879 // Obf: FNIIPFEOEDB message GearActivityFinishPlayPictureReq { bool is_success = 5; } // CmdId: 23830 // Obf: NOLHOOJMCGJ message GearActivityFinishPlayPictureRsp { bool is_success = 14; int32 retcode = 1; } // Obf: APFJJCGJNIP message GravenInnocencePhotoStageInfo { bool is_finished = 3; bool is_open = 9; uint32 stage_id = 13; } // Obf: ICNCDADMNMM message GravenInnocencePhotoObjectInfo { uint32 param = 11; uint32 finish_time = 12; uint32 object_id = 14; } // Obf: HLNCBIKONCA message GravenInnocencePhotoInfo { repeated GravenInnocencePhotoStageInfo stage_info_list = 11; repeated GravenInnocencePhotoObjectInfo object_info_list = 15; } // Obf: CDBDGMFBODA message GravenInnocenceCampStageInfo { uint32 stage_id = 6; bool is_open = 12; bool is_finished = 11; uint32 level_id = 14; } // Obf: BGNMBICOPLD message GravenInnocenceCampInfo { repeated GravenInnocenceCampStageInfo stage_info_list = 6; } // Obf: FPLDMIJMPGA message GravenInnocenceRaceLevelInfo { uint32 level_id = 15; uint32 max_score = 8; bool is_open = 6; } // Obf: GONDHGNEGKB message GravenInnocenceRaceInfo { repeated GravenInnocenceRaceLevelInfo level_info_list = 12; } // Obf: HLIANKOLINB message GravenInnocenceCarveStageInfo { bool is_open = 3; uint32 stage_id = 14; } // Obf: AGMFABMFAOF message GravenInnocenceCarveInfo { uint32 can_edit_count = 8; repeated uint32 has_edit_config_id_list = 13; repeated GravenInnocenceCarveStageInfo stage_info_list = 12; } // Obf: DAMILCBHHPE message GravenInnocenceDetailInfo { GravenInnocenceRaceInfo race_info = 13; GravenInnocenceCampInfo camp_info = 11; bool is_content_closed = 7; GravenInnocencePhotoInfo photo_info = 2; GravenInnocenceCarveInfo carve_info = 15; } // CmdId: 22442 // Obf: PMHAGALHGOM message GravenInnocenceRaceSettleNotify { uint32 level_id = 7; bool is_new_record = 14; uint32 OPKOOKDBDLD = 4; KDHIAEFLGFM reason = 3; uint32 LNIPPMNEEGE = 10; uint32 CKGIEEOOHON = 5; bool is_success = 2; uint32 gallery_id = 12; uint32 NFNMJPHJDJL = 1; uint32 score = 9; } // CmdId: 29239 // Obf: MFLNJOPOIIC message GravenInnocenceRaceRestartReq { uint32 gallery_id = 15; } // CmdId: 1603 // Obf: MKJMIKIMLBG message GravenInnocenceRaceRestartRsp { int32 retcode = 1; uint32 gallery_id = 12; } // CmdId: 8110 // Obf: EPMCIOGKKND message GravenInnocenceEditCarveCombinationReq { CustomGadgetTreeInfo combination_info = 7; uint32 entity_id = 1; } // CmdId: 28250 // Obf: CNMLCFLLFDB message GravenInnocenceEditCarveCombinationRsp { int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 25179 // Obf: BLFANLFCPDO message GravenInnocencePhotoFinishReq { uint32 object_id = 10; uint32 param = 3; } // CmdId: 20635 // Obf: PHHDEKJIPAM message GravenInnocencePhotoFinishRsp { uint32 param = 3; int32 retcode = 8; uint32 object_id = 11; } // CmdId: 3372 // Obf: GBKEHDKAHIE message GravenInnocencePhotoReminderNotify { uint32 reminder_id = 2; uint32 group_bundle_id = 10; } // Obf: IKHGAAOMKPH message InstableSprayTeamInfo { repeated InstableSprayAvatarInfo avatar_info_list = 3; } // Obf: NPJGMLIPGAK message InstableSprayStageInfo { uint32 max_score = 15; repeated InstableSprayTeamInfo team_info_list = 10; bool is_finished = 6; uint32 stage_id = 3; } // Obf: AAAJPJMNFOD message InstableSprayDetailInfo { repeated InstableSprayStageInfo stage_info_list = 14; } // Obf: FMCNMNANCCL message InstableSprayAvatarInfo { bool is_trial = 15; uint64 avatar_id = 12; } // CmdId: 23206 // Obf: PKKFPHJOOKJ message InstableSprayEnterDungeonReq { uint32 difficulty = 6; repeated InstableSprayAvatarInfo avatar_info_list = 12; uint32 stage_id = 9; } // CmdId: 25853 // Obf: OEEEODBDFPA message InstableSprayEnterDungeonRsp { uint32 level_id = 13; int32 retcode = 15; } // CmdId: 21079 // Obf: MEKNBOLMLCK message InstableSpraySwitchTeamReq { repeated InstableSprayAvatarInfo avatar_info_list = 1; } // CmdId: 25633 // Obf: PDIJEFMDCDK message InstableSpraySwitchTeamRsp { uint32 level_id = 3; int32 retcode = 7; } // CmdId: 5076 // Obf: MFDDMHDLDHL message InstableSprayLevelFinishNotify { repeated uint32 score_list = 13; uint32 level_id = 6; bool FOMGENIPFND = 7; uint32 stage_id = 8; uint32 difficulty = 10; bool DKDOLLHPNDI = 11; uint32 round = 14; } // CmdId: 3513 // Obf: BPFOJJJKEIO message InstableSprayRestartDungeonReq { repeated InstableSprayAvatarInfo avatar_info_list = 2; } // CmdId: 2448 // Obf: PEIAOFDMODM message InstableSprayRestartDungeonRsp { uint32 level_id = 1; int32 retcode = 15; } // CmdId: 8771 message LECDLPCGPMM { repeated InstableSprayAvatarInfo avatar_info_list = 9; } // CmdId: 21148 message DDPGLCPCIBC { int32 retcode = 7; uint32 level_id = 3; } // Obf: AIMJIPPJFEJ message MuqadasPotionLevelData { uint32 max_score = 6; uint32 level_id = 14; bool is_open = 1; } // Obf: MCLBEOJGFIJ message MuqadasPotionActivityDetailInfo { repeated MuqadasPotionLevelData muqadas_potion_level_data_list = 8; } // CmdId: 24954 // Obf: JPDOONMLGPK message MuqadasPotionActivityEnterDungeonReq { uint32 level_id = 6; } // CmdId: 21120 // Obf: CPMDCIAIPDN message MuqadasPotionActivityEnterDungeonRsp { uint32 level_id = 7; int32 retcode = 12; } // CmdId: 2813 // Obf: IMNBJACCFBI message MuqadasPotionDungeonSettleNotify { bool is_success = 1; uint32 level_id = 3; bool is_new_record = 8; uint32 capture_weakness_count = 2; uint32 final_score = 6; } // CmdId: 7410 // Obf: IAIGMKGLFGE message MuqadasPotionRestartDungeonReq { } // CmdId: 7227 // Obf: NBELJGBNCHM message MuqadasPotionRestartDungeonRsp { int32 retcode = 5; } // CmdId: 23385 // Obf: BADGBKNNNKH message MuqadasPotionCaptureWeaknessReq { uint32 capture_weakness_count = 12; uint32 level_id = 1; } // CmdId: 26902 // Obf: AIJJGMDJKFM message MuqadasPotionCaptureWeaknessRsp { int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 23098 message HFNAODHEMHI { uint32 level_id = 6; } message HAFJIPDBOGJ { repeated uint32 BAHPKGPEMPL = 14; uint32 team_id = 5; } // CmdId: 4157 message ONKDBNHDBIP { int32 retcode = 6; map LKIIDLFOIAC = 13; } // CmdId: 22341 message KOOBADKFONK { repeated uint32 trial_avatar_list = 7; } // CmdId: 23826 message NOMKFFIKDMP { int32 retcode = 14; } // Obf: AOALBKBJENB message TreasureSeelieRegionData { uint32 JGGFJJFHMBA = 4; bool is_open = 15; float region_radius = 14; bool is_done = 6; uint32 scene_id = 8; uint32 GLJJLGABDLD = 11; Vector region_center_pos = 3; uint32 open_time = 5; uint32 region_id = 1; uint32 PDHMGHBAEDH = 13; } // Obf: OONIJLAKDKE message TreasureSeelieActivityDetailInfo { uint32 treasure_close_time = 5; bool is_content_closed = 1; repeated TreasureSeelieRegionData region_data_list = 15; } // CmdId: 28836 // Obf: DEKFKAKMIAP message TreasureSeelieCollectOrbsNotify { uint32 total_num = 9; uint32 current_num = 15; } // Obf: DCLEEHMPDLI message RockBoardExploreStageData { bool is_open = 5; uint32 open_time = 6; uint32 stage_id = 8; bool is_finish = 3; } // Obf: LFCBFPBAABL message RockBoardExploreDetailInfo { repeated RockBoardExploreStageData stage_data_list = 14; } // Obf: KFHOLBPEEPP message VintageHuntingStageData { uint32 stage_id = 2; bool is_finish = 4; uint32 open_time = 12; uint32 HKIIFCMCGCL = 9; bool is_open = 8; } // Obf: LBBNCBHPMPJ message VintagePresentLevelData { uint32 present_id = 11; uint32 stage_id = 4; bool is_finish = 3; bool is_open = 6; } // Obf: DNJIJMEJEIB message VintagePresentStageData { bool is_open = 11; uint32 stage_id = 6; bool is_finish = 2; map present_level_map = 5; uint32 open_time = 8; } // Obf: CIBMOLOFPCO message VintageBoothUsedItemData { bool is_open = 15; uint32 gadget_id = 8; } // Obf: AMLJLLCPAPJ message VintageCampChallengeLevelData { bool is_open = 7; uint32 level_id = 4; bool is_finish = 9; uint32 stage_id = 3; } // Obf: HDDJJFIPJAJ message VintageCampChallengeStageData { uint32 open_time = 2; bool is_finish = 7; uint32 stage_id = 9; map camp_level_map = 12; uint32 BBDDIHJJNPL = 4; bool is_open = 3; } // Obf: BHAHOKCAAAA message VintageMarketTraderInfo { repeated ItemParam available_item_list = 10; uint32 trader_id = 9; } // Obf: FENNPDEALKC message VintageMarketDealInfo { map trader_item_info_map = 7; } // Obf: ICBOKGIFAJP message VintageMarketStoreInfo { uint32 store_id = 1; repeated uint32 DIHBDFFFFBG = 2; uint32 slot_count = 10; repeated uint32 strategy_list = 11; repeated uint32 DPEOGCBENHO = 9; } // Obf: GHCLGHOLJHL message VintageMarketStoreOpInfo { uint32 BJFKPOGKOMD = 9; uint32 PGJGHEIOGPC = 14; repeated uint32 add_attr_list = 2; uint32 store_id = 8; repeated uint32 strategy_list = 10; } // Obf: KAGBMAHKOIM message VintageMarketInfo { bool GLAMFOFAGHB = 11; repeated uint32 AAHAODOBJKM = 3; bool IIMBAGFEFPG = 1229; uint32 MHBEIKFONOC = 9; bool PJDGIHDIPFP = 5; map bargain_info_map = 4; repeated uint32 NNPCKHPIBEC = 12; repeated VintageMarketStoreInfo open_store_list = 10; repeated uint32 BPGHMOFCODI = 7; bool IEPLKANKPPD = 1310; VintageMarketDealInfo deal_info = 6; uint32 BJFKPOGKOMD = 1704; uint32 NBHJKLCJFKH = 1113; uint32 store_round = 1; repeated uint32 unlock_strategy_list = 13; bool CEFFFAKMCDE = 14; bool IBDPMPBMDOJ = 2; bool FELLANIIDOF = 15; uint32 CFFLPFMIIIG = 8; uint32 JNBINOIMACB = 157; repeated uint32 EGJLAHOIPJD = 1500; bool AANHIOBNPKF = 83; } // Obf: BBJIPHJKHIO message VintageActivityDetailInfo { bool is_content_closed = 12; map hunting_stage_map = 3; map present_stage_map = 6; VintageMarketInfo market_info = 2; map camp_stage_map = 11; VintageBoothUsedItemData booth_data = 7; } // CmdId: 27142 // Obf: GGLDPBHFMIE message VintageMarketDeliverItemReq { repeated ItemParam deliver_item_list = 5; uint32 trader_id = 11; } // CmdId: 945 // Obf: MIOMAHBMLPA message VintageMarketDeliverItemRsp { int32 retcode = 8; uint32 trader_id = 15; } // Obf: EPOIJOMEGBC message VintageHuntingFirstStageSettleInfo { uint32 GKNLFDOFFCN = 3; uint32 FHPLLANPPMO = 6; uint32 FOFOBNPOLNO = 1; uint32 score = 10; } // Obf: FGOPOLCODBO message VintageHuntingSecondStageSettleInfo { map animal_count_map = 15; uint32 capture_animal_num = 13; uint32 total_num = 8; } // Obf: PFNELEKLOFJ message VintageHuntingThirdStageSettleInfo { uint32 left_time = 14; bool is_success = 8; } // CmdId: 5258 // Obf: KFBFKDKFKLJ message SceneGalleryVintageHuntingSettleNotify { bool is_new_record = 14; bool has_new_watcher = 10; uint32 stage_id = 7; uint32 IIIGIBNKMJH = 5; uint32 IBPJMGKABFO = 6; oneof info { VintageHuntingFirstStageSettleInfo first_stage_info = 3; VintageHuntingSecondStageSettleInfo second_stage_info = 12; VintageHuntingThirdStageSettleInfo third_stage_info = 11; } } // CmdId: 7068 // Obf: HPKLGLKHIJC message VintagePresentFinishNoify { uint32 present_id = 12; } // CmdId: 4197 // Obf: GOBHLJKBFNJ message VintageDecorateBoothReq { uint32 entity_id = 4; CustomGadgetTreeInfo combination_info = 2; } // CmdId: 26648 // Obf: NCFCPFPADFD message VintageDecorateBoothRsp { int32 retcode = 7; } // CmdId: 21081 // Obf: EKFLIDIIPKF message VintageHuntingStartGalleryReq { uint32 stage_id = 8; } // CmdId: 20765 // Obf: JOPNAAOPCIL message VintageHuntingStartGalleryRsp { int32 retcode = 12; } // CmdId: 21244 // Obf: AONPFFPGJBK message VintageCampGroupBundleRegisterNotify { uint32 group_bundle_id = 6; } // CmdId: 7506 // Obf: BKAGBLBKDPP message VintageCampStageFinishNotify { uint32 stage_id = 6; } // CmdId: 6681 // Obf: FNJPMMKFLFC message VintageMarketStartStorePlayReq { uint32 store_round = 1; } // CmdId: 6794 // Obf: CKCAFGJGOIL message VintageMarketStartStorePlayRsp { uint32 store_round = 4; uint32 NDKCCHHJMCG = 14; uint32 ACGCAGDFOCM = 1; int32 retcode = 12; } // CmdId: 26443 // Obf: GDGHDKLFAGN message VintageMarketFinishStorePlayReq { repeated VintageMarketStoreOpInfo store_op_list = 3; uint32 store_round = 7; } // CmdId: 26589 // Obf: CGBKFHKIFGO message VintageMarketFinishStorePlayRsp { uint32 LKAAFHACDFC = 4; map store_income_map = 13; uint32 store_round = 8; repeated uint32 DBHHFCGNKPL = 7; int32 retcode = 15; uint32 KNAKMHNLEJG = 1; repeated uint32 FNEJNJNILKJ = 10; uint32 EBGJAODGLHK = 5; uint32 JJJNGDOHBKG = 11; repeated uint32 JFLJGFOIKED = 9; } // CmdId: 22871 // Obf: JPEKDMDNOPC message VintagePresentFinishNotify { uint32 present_id = 9; } // CmdId: 7473 // Obf: HBODEEHHNIJ message VintageMarketStoreUnlockSlotReq { uint32 store_id = 13; } // CmdId: 25104 // Obf: HMBCBBBOBJD message VintageMarketStoreUnlockSlotRsp { uint32 slot_count = 4; int32 retcode = 6; uint32 store_id = 14; } // CmdId: 28932 // Obf: KOKENMMFKPO message VintageMarketStoreChooseStrategyReq { uint32 store_id = 1; repeated VintageMarketStoreOpInfo store_op_list = 8; repeated uint32 strategy_list = 11; } // CmdId: 2727 // Obf: DOFCFBBPGMI message VintageMarketStoreChooseStrategyRsp { int32 retcode = 6; uint32 store_id = 4; repeated uint32 strategy_list = 12; } // CmdId: 27163 // Obf: NBEDCPAKDGL message VintageMarketStoreViewStrategyReq { repeated uint32 strategy_list = 1; uint32 strategy_id = 6; } // CmdId: 26195 // Obf: DBAJDJIELIB message VintageMarketStoreViewStrategyRsp { int32 retcode = 5; uint32 strategy_id = 11; repeated uint32 strategy_list = 4; } // CmdId: 1158 // Obf: LKKGMJHPCCF message VintageMarketDividendFinishNotify { uint32 FMABDGMGDAM = 14; uint32 LCIDAMLLGHM = 6; } // CmdId: 26218 // Obf: ECDDILMHJFE message VintageMarketNpcEventFinishNotify { repeated uint32 unlock_strategy_list = 10; uint32 LCIDAMLLGHM = 9; uint32 FMABDGMGDAM = 8; } // Obf: MLNINJIDONO message WindFieldDetailInfo { repeated WindFieldStageInfo stage_info_list = 14; } // Obf: KHPJGGFDAFC message WindFieldStageInfo { bool is_open = 8; uint32 stage_id = 2; uint32 open_time = 4; } // CmdId: 27756 // Obf: ABNPNMDPANP message WindFieldRestartDungeonReq { } // CmdId: 816 // Obf: INFBHECNIEL message WindFieldRestartDungeonRsp { int32 retcode = 13; } // Obf: CGJNHNHCIIB message FungusDetail { uint32 fungus_id = 6; uint32 POHAEGNNKFE = 15; bool is_cultivate = 7; uint32 name_id = 3; uint32 EPEECFNCAJE = 9; } // Obf: OCKGAFIGEMB message FungusPlotStageDetail { bool is_open = 7; uint32 stage_id = 8; } // Obf: AJMJIIEAGNF message FungusTrainingDungeonDetail { uint32 best_score = 12; uint32 dungeon_id = 14; bool is_open = 2; } // Obf: HMDOLFMPBAF message FungusFighterMonsterDetail { bool is_alive = 11; uint32 fungus_id = 9; float cur_hp_percentage = 6; } // Obf: JMOBGEADKMA message FungusTrainingMonsterPreviewDetail { uint32 monster_id = 15; uint32 level = 6; repeated uint32 affix_list = 11; } // Obf: HNFIMGFEFGO message FungusTrainingPoolPreviewDetail { uint32 pool_id = 9; repeated FungusTrainingMonsterPreviewDetail monster_preview_detail_list = 13; } // Obf: KDGIFHLHDLK message FungusTrainingProgressDetail { uint32 cur_round = 3; repeated uint32 LAKDMPGKFND = 8; uint32 dungeon_id = 12; repeated FungusTrainingPoolPreviewDetail monster_pool_preview_list = 6; uint32 total_used_time = 2; repeated FungusFighterMonsterDetail monster_detail_list = 13; repeated uint32 HGDEOIPKFAJ = 14; } // Obf: HIDHOOJCCJF message FungusFighterDetailInfo { repeated uint32 HOHBALCCDMB = 13; repeated uint32 FOGDNLKADKI = 1; repeated FungusTrainingProgressDetail training_dungeon_progress_detail_list = 8; repeated FungusTrainingDungeonDetail training_dungeon_detail_list = 9; repeated FungusDetail fungus_detail_list = 5; repeated uint32 IGAAEONOMGM = 7; repeated FungusPlotStageDetail plot_stage_detail_list = 15; } // CmdId: 22446 // Obf: LKIDPMOEFDI message EnterFungusFighterPlotDungeonReq { uint32 dungeon_id = 6; repeated uint32 fungus_id_list = 8; } // CmdId: 8831 // Obf: JMNIMPHGFHP message EnterFungusFighterPlotDungeonRsp { repeated uint32 fungus_id_list = 9; uint32 dungeon_id = 2; int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 2226 // Obf: CKOAPGJHABK message FungusFighterPlotInfoNotify { uint32 dungeon_id = 12; repeated uint32 fungus_id_list = 8; } // CmdId: 2204 // Obf: ADLFNIDFNBB message FungusCultivateReq { uint32 GMDCBFNGHFP = 13; uint32 time = 1; uint32 JPOFAJJOAIH = 2; uint32 GBLLKAGICNA = 5; uint32 CCPGNCOHKOJ = 15; uint32 CFFLEICFHLE = 9; uint32 DNLKNJICNBK = 3; uint32 cultivate_id = 8; } // CmdId: 29789 // Obf: PDPGFCCJLNB message FungusCultivateRsp { uint32 cultivate_id = 10; bool is_new_record = 11; int32 retcode = 3; } // CmdId: 29655 // Obf: NDEPPHOPDCD message FungusRenameReq { uint32 name_id = 13; uint32 fungus_id = 9; } // CmdId: 5576 // Obf: BHOCNKMDEJE message FungusRenameRsp { uint32 fungus_id = 7; int32 retcode = 9; uint32 name_id = 5; } // CmdId: 9440 // Obf: IGBDKDJEPMO message EnterFungusFighterTrainingDungeonReq { uint32 dungeon_id = 6; } // CmdId: 28147 // Obf: ENJECGNAOLK message EnterFungusFighterTrainingDungeonRsp { uint32 dungeon_id = 13; int32 retcode = 15; } // CmdId: 6287 // Obf: IBGIMMJHIHM message FungusFighterRuntimeDataNotify { FungusTrainingProgressDetail progress_detail = 7; } // CmdId: 5169 // Obf: ECNMLLPEBGI message FungusFighterTrainingSelectFungusReq { repeated uint32 backup_fungus_id_list = 15; repeated uint32 fight_fungus_id_list = 11; } // CmdId: 22849 // Obf: EDMLJJBCENE message FungusFighterTrainingSelectFungusRsp { int32 retcode = 12; } // CmdId: 9469 // Obf: HDPOABIMFDJ message FungusFighterTrainingGallerySettleNotify { uint32 ABILOHCLAHL = 13; uint32 total_used_time = 1; KDHIAEFLGFM reason = 4; bool is_final_settle = 5; uint32 FDFLGEDCHBF = 9; uint32 NGNIJKMMOPP = 14; uint32 final_score = 8; bool is_new_record = 2; } // CmdId: 28420 // Obf: OFJNJOBNNNK message FungusFighterClearTrainingRuntimeDataReq { uint32 dungeon_id = 1; } // CmdId: 3102 // Obf: FBCMJOGLAPC message FungusFighterClearTrainingRuntimeDataRsp { int32 retcode = 13; } // CmdId: 3593 // Obf: BJIONOMNDFM message FungusFighterUseBackupFungusReq { repeated uint32 backup_fungus_id_list = 14; } // CmdId: 4572 // Obf: DKHMKIJPFDC message FungusFighterUseBackupFungusRsp { int32 retcode = 1; } // CmdId: 20911 // Obf: FHMJCIOJAEA message FungusFighterRestartTraningDungeonReq { } // CmdId: 5843 // Obf: GIFEBICDBCF message FungusFighterRestartTraningDungeonRsp { int32 retcode = 10; } // Obf: NODKOHOHHDL message CharAmusementStageData { bool is_open = 6; uint32 finish_time = 12; uint32 stage_id = 7; } // Obf: PGIMABDCLAP message CharAmusementDetailInfo { repeated CharAmusementStageData stage_data_list = 1; } // CmdId: 7004 // Obf: POCEIGICBMH message CharAmusementSettleNotify { uint32 finish_time = 9; bool is_new_record = 8; bool is_succ = 3; } // Obf: CAFLDJBAKMC message EffigyChallengeV2LevelData { uint32 PPMPMJHEJHJ = 15; uint32 LAICFKMFKEH = 6; uint32 GGBMJHIMBDP = 3; uint32 NPLPFHEKCIH = 14; uint32 level_id = 12; bool is_level_open = 11; } // Obf: GLGCLOKDIJM message EffigyChallengeV2DetailInfo { repeated EffigyChallengeV2LevelData level_data_list = 9; } // CmdId: 5216 // Obf: FIEOBPONHFK message EffigyChallengeV2EnterDungeonReq { uint32 level_id = 9; uint32 challenge_mode_skill_no = 11; uint32 challenge_mode_difficulty = 6; } // CmdId: 25032 // Obf: FAGKJGGHIFK message EffigyChallengeV2EnterDungeonRsp { uint32 level_id = 13; uint32 challenge_mode_skill_no = 9; int32 retcode = 5; uint32 challenge_mode_difficulty = 2; } // CmdId: 3728 // Obf: MBNGMBKBAGL message EffigyChallengeV2RestartDungeonReq { } // CmdId: 22580 // Obf: NJNAINNGJAN message EffigyChallengeV2RestartDungeonRsp { int32 retcode = 4; } // CmdId: 20097 // Obf: EMCCILFMEHJ message EffigyChallengeV2ChooseSkillReq { uint32 level_id = 12; uint32 challenge_mode_skill_no = 11; } // CmdId: 9225 // Obf: JDEMHGGLEGB message EffigyChallengeV2ChooseSkillRsp { uint32 challenge_mode_skill_no = 8; int32 retcode = 10; uint32 level_id = 3; } // CmdId: 25353 // Obf: KLKEPODPBIL message EffigyChallengeV2DungeonInfoNotify { uint32 level_id = 5; uint32 challenge_mode_difficulty = 12; uint32 skill_no = 2; } // Obf: NHCKJHAHCFJ message CoinCollectTeamInfoData { repeated uint32 avatar_id_list = 4; uint32 player_uid = 13; bool is_host = 8; uint32 choose_skill_no = 15; repeated uint32 PLDBCFMDGLP = 12; repeated uint32 DIDCPEELBFN = 5; } // Obf: KKFFELDHOKC message CoinCollectLevelData { uint32 CGCAEFMBDLE = 13; uint32 OIDEGDJMAAH = 11; bool NJJLELKNFPL = 10; bool GICIIMOFPLC = 9; bool is_level_open = 5; bool NFKJLPLDDBM = 4; uint32 NOBHHOIAPMM = 12; uint32 GENIGFJFKEE = 3; uint32 level_id = 15; CoinCollectTeamInfoData single_best_team_info = 8; repeated CoinCollectTeamInfoData double_best_team_info_list = 2; uint32 PKPHLANBFAM = 14; } // Obf: KAMACGOLOFG message CoinCollectDetailInfo { repeated CoinCollectLevelData level_data_list = 10; } // CmdId: 5314 // Obf: MIBMGFJHGCJ message CoinCollectChooseSkillReq { uint32 level_id = 1; uint32 choose_skill_no = 11; } // CmdId: 8764 // Obf: OBPMDFANMGP message CoinCollectChooseSkillRsp { int32 retcode = 3; uint32 level_id = 1; uint32 choose_skill_no = 12; } // CmdId: 1251 // Obf: ANBGNFABIMN message RestartCoinCollectPlaySingleModeReq { uint32 multistage_play_index = 13; uint32 level_id = 10; } // CmdId: 1628 // Obf: MLPLJOEGFGN message RestartCoinCollectPlaySingleModeRsp { int32 retcode = 9; uint32 level_id = 7; } // CmdId: 24718 // Obf: PMKEDCJEGKN message EndCoinCollectPlaySingleModeReq { uint32 multistage_play_index = 6; } // CmdId: 24474 // Obf: FFAMGAGOFAI message EndCoinCollectPlaySingleModeRsp { int32 retcode = 13; } // CmdId: 21763 // Obf: MCJPOLDLGHL message CoinCollectPrepareReq { } // CmdId: 28970 // Obf: HOFCDBFOBGG message CoinCollectPrepareRsp { int32 retcode = 15; } // CmdId: 9799 // Obf: FHDOGKHBAPC message CoinCollectInterruptPlayReq { uint32 gallery_id = 14; } // CmdId: 23959 // Obf: HNIMFOOBNIA message CoinCollectInterruptPlayRsp { uint32 gallery_id = 13; int32 retcode = 5; } // CmdId: 29525 // Obf: JKAHKGDKGPK message CoinCollectCheckDoubleStartPlayReq { uint32 level_id = 2; } // CmdId: 20610 // Obf: AGBPKMHELHD message CoinCollectCheckDoubleStartPlayRsp { uint32 level_id = 14; int32 retcode = 7; } // Obf: PMBMMHHDJOH message BrickBreakerLevelInfo { uint32 level_id = 3; repeated uint32 chosen_avatar_list = 1; repeated uint32 chosen_skill_list = 13; uint32 max_score = 12; bool is_finish = 11; bool JNFKFCEMOFM = 8; } // Obf: EMLCHDIFKDG message BrickBreakerActivityStageInfo { bool HIAOPLJIBNL = 15; bool MHDFOPDMOBC = 6; uint32 stage_id = 10; } // Obf: KCBKILMACFD message BrickBreakerDetailInfo { repeated BrickBreakerLevelInfo BKFHCIKHHKN = 10; repeated BrickBreakerActivityStageInfo stage_info_list = 9; repeated BrickBreakerLevelInfo BBMAENNPEOD = 2; map skill_info_map = 13; } // CmdId: 22511 // Obf: OCKMFLIFFMN message SingleStartBrickBreakerReq { uint32 level_id = 12; bool is_dungeon = 7; repeated uint32 chosen_skill_list = 5; repeated uint32 chosen_avatar_list = 10; } // CmdId: 20651 // Obf: ILLIPGBDFKO message SingleStartBrickBreakerRsp { uint32 level_id = 12; int32 retcode = 15; bool is_dungeon = 13; } // CmdId: 25829 // Obf: BEHDPBFFPMC message SingleRestartBrickBreakerReq { bool is_dungeon = 8; uint32 level_id = 11; } // CmdId: 22220 // Obf: KIDKGKAGJBF message SingleRestartBrickBreakerRsp { bool is_dungeon = 7; uint32 level_id = 5; int32 retcode = 9; } // CmdId: 5789 // Obf: BIICAPPJJBM message BrickBreakerSettleNotify { // Obf: DIAJCONBEOL enum SettleReason { SETTLE_REASON_TIME_OUT = 0; SETTLE_PLAY_END = 1; SETTLE_PLAYER_QUIT = 2; SETTLE_LIFE_COUNT = 3; } SettleReason reason = 5; uint32 combo = 14; repeated Uint32Pair update_skill_list = 12; uint32 time = 1; uint32 score = 10; bool is_single_mode = 2; bool is_dungeon = 4; uint32 gallery_id = 13; uint32 level_id = 3; bool is_new_record = 15; } // CmdId: 7000 // Obf: EBCGDCALGJI message BrickBreakerTwiceStartReq { } // CmdId: 25873 // Obf: LAEOMIMHKCI message BrickBreakerTwiceStartRsp { int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 2184 // Obf: FAGOMNKEJHG message BrickBreakerQuitReq { } // CmdId: 22313 // Obf: JOENFPPHBEL message BrickBreakerQuitRsp { int32 retcode = 3; } // Obf: KCGDNNFAMJI message SeaLampV3RaceLevelInfo { uint32 level_id = 7; bool is_open = 13; uint32 max_score = 3; } // Obf: JGHDIHINJML message SeaLampV3RaceInfo { repeated SeaLampV3RaceLevelInfo level_info_list = 12; } // Obf: NHFAMBJKCNF message SeaLampV3ShadowLevelInfo { bool is_open = 2; uint32 level_id = 10; uint32 min_finish_time = 4; } // Obf: PNEMGKLBDIL message SeaLampV3ShadowStageInfo { repeated SeaLampV3ShadowLevelInfo level_info_list = 15; uint32 stage_id = 6; bool is_open = 8; } // Obf: CDNDGGOEPCJ message SeaLampV3ShadowInfo { repeated SeaLampV3ShadowStageInfo stage_info_list = 8; } // Obf: NPAEFEDBCEF message SeaLampV3CampStageInfo { uint32 level_id = 5; uint32 stage_id = 4; bool is_open = 8; bool is_finished = 2; } // Obf: ODOLBLNLDPC message SeaLampV3CampInfo { repeated SeaLampV3CampStageInfo stage_info_list = 1; } // Obf: FJJFJJIFIOF message SeaLampV3DetailInfo { SeaLampV3CampInfo camp_info = 11; SeaLampV3ShadowInfo shadow_info = 7; SeaLampV3RaceInfo race_info = 1; } // CmdId: 21038 // Obf: MOBJEOLKNCA message LanV3BoatGameStartSingleReq { } // CmdId: 21787 // Obf: EFFKLPBAPHJ message LanV3BoatGameStartSingleRsp { int32 retcode = 10; } // CmdId: 20708 // Obf: BOADCMOEAAA message LanV3BoatGameTransferFinishNotify { bool is_reenter = 3; } // CmdId: 1020 // Obf: GKFEKPFIGKD message LanV3RaceSettleNotify { uint32 NFNMJPHJDJL = 2; uint32 gallery_id = 9; uint32 OPKOOKDBDLD = 5; uint32 CKGIEEOOHON = 15; bool is_new_record = 8; uint32 level_id = 6; bool is_success = 13; uint32 score = 11; } // CmdId: 9782 // Obf: FGMKPEIMFDD message LanV3RaceRestartReq { uint32 gallery_id = 6; } // CmdId: 7062 // Obf: HIJCDJOGCHE message LanV3RaceRestartRsp { int32 retcode = 7; uint32 gallery_id = 2; } // CmdId: 24666 // Obf: NPODMHKIKBB message LanV3BoatInterruptSettleStageReq { } // CmdId: 26971 // Obf: PLGCJMCIONN message LanV3BoatInterruptSettleStageRsp { int32 retcode = 7; } // CmdId: 4911 // Obf: DBFHBDJEKPA message LanV3ShadowFinishLevelReq { uint32 level_id = 4; uint32 finish_time = 5; } // CmdId: 5118 // Obf: LEPNIMLOLAK message LanV3ShadowFinishLevelRsp { int32 retcode = 14; } // Obf: IMLMACPDKCO message DuelHeartLevelDifficultyInfo { bool is_open = 4; uint32 difficulty = 1; uint32 cost_time = 14; } // Obf: GBABBOEHLPP message DuelHeartLevelInfo { bool is_cg_viewed = 13; bool is_open = 12; repeated DuelHeartLevelDifficultyInfo difficulty_info_list = 14; uint32 level_id = 2; } // Obf: AMFDOEOCHLJ message DuelHeartDetailInfo { repeated DuelHeartLevelInfo level_info_list = 15; } // CmdId: 26744 // Obf: OPNLJBEEMKD message DuelHeartEnterDungeonReq { uint32 level_id = 7; } // CmdId: 21320 // Obf: IFBOPEIGBKP message DuelHeartEnterDungeonRsp { int32 retcode = 12; } // CmdId: 20474 // Obf: JBIEBFNCMLG message DuelHeartRestartDungeonReq { } // CmdId: 4810 // Obf: BFHHKLDLBDA message DuelHeartRestartDungeonRsp { int32 retcode = 4; } // CmdId: 29156 // Obf: DFMIEJLIKMK message DuelHeartSelectDifficultyReq { uint32 difficulty = 9; } // CmdId: 7396 // Obf: LLENFJGHGDB message DuelHeartSelectDifficultyRsp { int32 retcode = 12; } // CmdId: 28003 // Obf: MOLIDPFOGML message DuelHeartSettleNotify { uint32 cost_time = 11; bool is_new_record = 1; bool is_succ = 14; } // CmdId: 509 // Obf: NCLDLEACMPK message DuelHeartCgEndNotify { } // CmdId: 6755 message FPBEJMCHECL { bool ILJGFLFKKEH = 12; } // Obf: FMDEBOLBHEC message TeamChainStageData { bool is_open = 5; uint32 stage_id = 9; uint32 best_score = 1; } // Obf: JNEHLOAEHFC message TeamChainDetailInfo { bool is_token_costume_reward = 1; repeated TeamChainStageData stage_data_list = 6; } // Obf: PILDGBGEJLC message TeamChainChooseAvatarInfo { uint32 avatar_id = 12; bool is_trial_avatar = 5; } // Obf: JDGNMEEHNGP message TeamChainChooseTeamInfo { repeated uint32 skill_no_list = 12; repeated TeamChainChooseAvatarInfo avatar_info_list = 13; } // CmdId: 6657 // Obf: JCEODPFPNHF message TeamChainEnterDungeonReq { repeated TeamChainChooseTeamInfo team_info_list = 6; uint32 difficulty = 5; uint32 stage_id = 7; } // CmdId: 1959 // Obf: IIJOEHJFBIH message TeamChainEnterDungeonRsp { int32 retcode = 11; } // CmdId: 24770 // Obf: JLKCAJELBHP message TeamChainRestartDungeonReq { repeated TeamChainChooseTeamInfo team_info_list = 9; } // CmdId: 6928 // Obf: EMFHOFBBBOM message TeamChainRestartDungeonRsp { int32 retcode = 14; } // CmdId: 22413 // Obf: NNMIGBAIKAA message TeamChainDungeonInfoNotify { repeated uint32 skill_no_list = 13; uint32 stage_id = 8; } // CmdId: 24365 // Obf: CHFPHEEGLHP message TeamChainTakeCostumeRewardReq { } // CmdId: 568 // Obf: GEJHFAELIPK message TeamChainTakeCostumeRewardRsp { int32 retcode = 5; } // CmdId: 809 message KJBJNDPDFCC { repeated uint64 GNACFPCBHML = 8; } // CmdId: 29308 message PBCODJKGDFD { int32 retcode = 11; } // CmdId: 3604 // Obf: FGKAHIENJJG message WindSeedType1Notify { uint32 config_id = 12; bytes payload = 2; } // CmdId: 24421 // Obf: EFBEDIDADAM message WindSeedType2Notify { bytes payload = 2; uint32 config_id = 7; } // CmdId: 5640 // Obf: FIMMFEOLNIK message WindSeedType3Notify { bytes payload = 15; uint32 config_id = 1; } // Obf: FHJLJHALMBK message ElectroherculesBattleLevelInfo { uint32 min_finish_time = 10; bool is_finish = 8; uint32 level_id = 12; } // Obf: FADNKDAMGMD message ElectroherculesBattleStageInfo { uint32 stage_id = 5; bool is_stage_open = 10; repeated ElectroherculesBattleLevelInfo level_info_list = 3; } // Obf: OJPDJIODPJM message ElectroherculesBattleDetailInfo { bool FPADEODKEMH = 6; repeated ElectroherculesBattleStageInfo stage_info_list = 11; } // CmdId: 21706 // Obf: NOOEPHBPPND message ElectroherculesBattleSelectDifficultyReq { uint32 diffculty = 1; uint32 stage_id = 5; } // CmdId: 2828 // Obf: GOOLHDCAIKG message ElectroherculesBattleSelectDifficultyRsp { uint32 diffculty = 3; int32 retcode = 2; uint32 stage_id = 12; uint32 gallery_id = 1; } // CmdId: 6962 // Obf: AFKKDAHBDKB message ElectroherculesBattleSettleNotify { bool is_new_record = 4; uint32 stage_id = 13; bool NJFLJGMFEMK = 6; bool is_succ = 5; uint32 diffculty = 15; uint32 finish_time = 11; uint32 gallery_id = 14; } // Obf: FHDANDMEDKC message GCGFestivalDetailInfo { bool BCCMKGLDCAC = 11; } // Obf: PFIMHNGIKNA message FleurFairV2DetailInfo { FleurFairV2PacmanInfo pacman_info = 9; FleurFairV2MusicGameInfo music_game_info = 4; FleurFairV2PhotoInfo photo_info = 10; } // Obf: KEPJHKKDFBF message FleurFairV2PhotoPosData { uint32 open_time = 10; uint32 pos_id = 12; bool is_view = 8; bool is_open = 11; Vector center = 1; } // Obf: AKHABECFEIF message FleurFairV2PhotoInfo { repeated FleurFairV2PhotoPosData photo_pos_data_list = 12; } // CmdId: 22178 message NFBGJIBFCEH { uint32 check_root_id = 9; uint32 pos_id = 4; bool is_succ = 10; } // CmdId: 9992 message IGHNAGOKNBL { uint32 pos_id = 7; int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 6721 message KHJHJNCDHEE { uint32 pos_id = 14; } // CmdId: 4599 message PDKMHGFFKHJ { uint32 pos_id = 5; int32 retcode = 2; } // Obf: NFFIPPGMKMH message FleurFairV2MusicGameInfo { map music_game_record_map = 5; } // CmdId: 20828 message AMMBHMNGBIH { bool MAMHOPGFOKD = 510; uint32 combo = 5; uint32 MECALGKAKJK = 4; uint32 NMPPJPOJFDC = 10; uint32 FCFNKIDLDHJ = 487; repeated uint32 OEAHADEGEOA = 1789; uint32 max_combo = 6; bool is_save_score = 14; bool BPNLLFDJJOL = 1659; uint32 music_basic_id = 1; uint32 score = 15; uint64 ugc_guid = 8; uint32 KDAOEDCLEFG = 1960; uint32 GDOMKIHOKCC = 1346; uint32 NGALDEAEBHG = 13; repeated uint32 KPPICEDHMPN = 3; uint32 correct_hit = 12; float speed = 1929; } // CmdId: 26940 message LLKBDHNJGLL { bool is_unlock_next_level = 4; int32 retcode = 2; uint32 music_basic_id = 15; bool is_new_record = 6; uint64 ugc_guid = 9; } // CmdId: 20475 message BKOHLDCHKBL { uint32 music_basic_id = 3; bool is_save_score = 6; uint64 ugc_guid = 10; } // CmdId: 4003 message CIADDPPKCOA { uint64 ugc_guid = 11; uint32 music_basic_id = 7; int32 retcode = 6; } // Obf: JIHOPDGHCJO message FleurFairV2PacmanInfo { uint32 AIAIFMJPEBO = 5; repeated FleurFairV2StageData stage_data_list = 13; } // Obf: CECDBOPLBJJ message FleurFairV2StageData { bool is_open = 5; bool is_finish = 2; uint32 best_score = 12; uint32 stage_id = 3; } // CmdId: 9773 message PFEBDJAPBMO { } // CmdId: 24802 message HFNIHCDJIFD { int32 retcode = 12; } // CmdId: 23899 message EGBBGCCNLAG { uint32 schedule_id = 14; uint32 AIAIFMJPEBO = 7; } // CmdId: 24266 message OGGDBLKGGKC { int32 retcode = 3; } // Obf: DAHFOONKPOM message FungusFighterV2LevelData { bool is_level_open = 2; uint32 level_id = 7; uint32 NPLPFHEKCIH = 13; } // Obf: AKPDJPALNKF message FungusFighterV2DetailInfo { repeated FungusFighterV2LevelData level_data_list = 12; } // CmdId: 6736 message JEAPJLNHGDA { uint32 level_id = 13; repeated uint32 FDPHCKJMEBP = 14; } // CmdId: 27135 message JBKGINOICMA { int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 5539 message MJAOKDFGEGB { } // CmdId: 24601 message KBCKHPFELPB { int32 retcode = 1; } // CmdId: 1219 message AKEKAPHAIPN { } // CmdId: 20082 message DCGABIALAGF { int32 retcode = 2; } message MDPMJOECKBC { bool is_open = 7; uint32 level_id = 6; uint32 FMHAPOLMKGI = 8; bool is_finish = 1; } message IHLKALJJCFJ { repeated MDPMJOECKBC level_info_list = 5; } message OPHMAHKJHJD { uint32 stage_id = 1; bool is_open = 14; } message GLCFFFILFGK { repeated OPHMAHKJHJD stage_info_list = 3; } message LFCGDMNBBKM { bool is_open = 5; uint32 level_id = 11; bool is_finish = 14; uint32 best_score = 9; } message FHLNPLFEFFO { repeated LFCGDMNBBKM level_info_list = 2; } message LFCNJNBKDEI { repeated uint32 LMKDJIGEODB = 4; uint32 level_id = 6; uint32 KLAACLMDCMF = 9; repeated uint32 HGBIELJOOCC = 8; } message ONGCBHPILNP { repeated LFCNJNBKDEI level_info_list = 13; } message BBMCNBCAMAK { uint32 level_id = 14; uint32 min_finish_time = 10; } message BCIBGJPGJNH { repeated BBMCNBCAMAK level_info_list = 5; } message CJCLCFNAGDO { uint32 LIDKBBLDDOK = 6; uint32 min_finish_time = 13; uint32 level_id = 10; bool is_open = 11; } message MEJPJACBPIG { repeated CJCLCFNAGDO level_info_list = 10; } // Obf: FIDDEODMLFC message AkaFesDetailInfo { IHLKALJJCFJ IEKAJGGJEFD = 12; BCIBGJPGJNH KIJKCBOBFIM = 10; ONGCBHPILNP EPBBHCIHJOB = 11; MEJPJACBPIG potion_info = 1; FHLNPLFEFFO NJALPDCPMOL = 5; GLCFFFILFGK JFHPDMPHDKG = 13; } message EGEDFFNFNAA { Vector pos = 11; uint32 guid = 10; uint32 block_id = 8; Vector rot = 6; } // CmdId: 27273 message CLPDDPGNEAF { uint32 level_id = 14; } // CmdId: 1447 message LOAOLPIDGJF { int32 retcode = 10; repeated EGEDFFNFNAA GHCDCHBOFNE = 14; uint32 level_id = 15; } // CmdId: 1474 message FLNPBGMMBMD { repeated EGEDFFNFNAA GHCDCHBOFNE = 11; } // CmdId: 22865 message LLHPKAAKOBI { int32 retcode = 10; } // CmdId: 7083 message CICHPMMMFLO { } // CmdId: 2672 message EGJCPABDNMD { int32 retcode = 7; } // CmdId: 3983 message FDNFMIDCFOL { } // CmdId: 24331 message OIPEIOLPFLF { int32 retcode = 15; } // CmdId: 20845 message NINBCGKEHON { } // CmdId: 21955 message OEAHHAEFCMI { int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 29023 message LHGCGANIAOF { uint32 level_id = 11; repeated EGEDFFNFNAA GHCDCHBOFNE = 10; bool LHJHIODOHJP = 8; } // CmdId: 6760 message HLAHDPMIDCB { bool is_new_record = 6; uint32 MCDAOGCBKGK = 8; uint32 cost = 10; uint32 NKADNGCMDKB = 15; uint32 level_id = 11; } // CmdId: 21047 message NEOJOMHHKBL { uint32 level_id = 9; bool MJICPHCAODG = 3; } // CmdId: 5126 message HOEJIJICACG { int32 retcode = 11; string transaction = 2; } // CmdId: 20784 message CEFOOIFIHMG { bool is_success = 13; uint32 score = 15; uint32 level_id = 7; } // CmdId: 5545 message BGJBIIDKDBL { bool is_new_record = 7; uint32 score = 5; int32 retcode = 10; bool is_success = 12; } // CmdId: 4000 message FDGBOPPDGPF { uint32 dungeon_id = 6; bool MJICPHCAODG = 4; } // CmdId: 4872 message MMEJNJMCOHC { int32 retcode = 13; } // CmdId: 24713 message NPMPKBMCKKM { } // CmdId: 3314 message FFLGIBAFMLP { int32 retcode = 13; } // CmdId: 25158 message AOJPBFBPDNB { uint32 JKECDJGBEEF = 6; uint32 level_id = 7; } // CmdId: 24031 message HEIPNKHGJIJ { int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 7592 message NEBEJHAJFIP { uint32 level_id = 14; } // CmdId: 1671 message LFGPAENKMHH { int32 retcode = 11; } // CmdId: 20872 message KMLGHHPJPNG { uint32 IMLIONEJODI = 1; uint32 level_id = 4; } // CmdId: 9111 message GOBMIGNKFNB { int32 retcode = 7; } // CmdId: 273 message BOFOFKKOBNO { repeated uint32 JKEHINKLBII = 4; uint32 level_id = 5; uint32 difficulty_level = 8; repeated uint32 GEHEBCOHOIH = 12; } // CmdId: 6373 message JNKBIDLKOPK { int32 retcode = 1; } // CmdId: 5460 message PJEFHPONADB { } // CmdId: 23560 message CALEMNFCNMO { int32 retcode = 10; } // CmdId: 7979 message LAIAFIAKLGO { repeated uint32 GEHEBCOHOIH = 14; uint32 level_id = 2; repeated uint32 JKEHINKLBII = 4; } // CmdId: 27352 message FCDJHJFAJPJ { bool is_new_record = 2; uint32 difficulty_level = 11; uint32 level_id = 3; bool is_succ = 12; uint32 cost_time = 5; } message JGDMDPNJLCA { NIEIDCBLDML EOPLJIALGCP = 2; uint32 level_id = 1; } // Obf: OPLKPKFMFNJ message SandwormCannonDetailInfo { repeated JGDMDPNJLCA HAKEHEFJDBD = 15; } // CmdId: 22165 message JBEFNEEGLME { uint32 level_id = 7; } // CmdId: 25568 message NLBAAIJOONF { int32 retcode = 1; } // CmdId: 23543 message KNFDGBHHPDD { int32 reason = 5; bool is_success = 12; } // CmdId: 6465 message ACOPFPFIJHN { bool is_success = 9; uint32 level_id = 10; } // CmdId: 4319 message DKOCBKNLOLK { int32 retcode = 13; } // Obf: EGJIPIADEGJ message SorushTrialDetailInfo { repeated uint32 EJKGIMFCDKE = 4; repeated uint32 IHCPBJNKAGO = 6; map LLNADKOEMMF = 13; repeated uint32 DOELBHKKNIM = 7; } // CmdId: 4637 message DLPOOFICIAA { uint32 gallery_id = 9; } // CmdId: 444 message NBLNIJDNFOH { int32 retcode = 8; int32 gallery_id = 7; } // CmdId: 5793 message DBPPJFBEBNG { } // CmdId: 29488 message IGOICIJJPPN { int32 retcode = 4; } // CmdId: 6459 message GKIGNHNKMBK { uint32 gallery_id = 12; } // CmdId: 24385 message DOKNLFEAADL { int32 retcode = 10; uint32 gallery_id = 13; } // CmdId: 7902 message GBDBJLKOGPI { uint32 point_id = 8; uint32 entity_id = 4; uint32 IFFAGNNKDOB = 13; } message LCCIKPCKGHB { uint32 cost_time = 3; bool is_open = 1; uint32 max_score = 14; uint32 level_id = 7; } // Obf: MEIOGNPAEHN message EffigyChallengeV4Info { repeated LCCIKPCKGHB ADBOENLOHBO = 1; } message EKNAGCJENKA { repeated uint32 condition_id_list = 7; uint32 difficulty = 6; uint32 level_id = 12; } // CmdId: 22983 message DNEOEKMJMCD { EKNAGCJENKA LIKPJDFKCNL = 3; bool JKMHAAFINEL = 8; } // CmdId: 20710 message CIOOHCBKMPO { int32 retcode = 14; } message AMFJCMGLNAJ { uint64 guid = 11; uint32 avatar_id = 4; uint32 costume_id = 13; } message AHEBDJGHKFN { repeated AMFJCMGLNAJ ADKAEDEJEPE = 13; repeated AMFJCMGLNAJ CKEEDGHGPPL = 5; uint32 uid = 14; DungeonCandidateTeamPlayerState AIDKGEOMNKG = 9; } // CmdId: 2702 message HNICDKJKGNA { EKNAGCJENKA LIKPJDFKCNL = 7; repeated AHEBDJGHKFN player_info_list = 13; } // CmdId: 5920 message PFJJKNFPBEE { DungeonCandidateTeamPlayerState ICCICKGFCOH = 5; } // CmdId: 26203 message HKFFLADFDKJ { int32 retcode = 7; } // CmdId: 413 message MMEMEGNCJDI { repeated uint64 IDKHBKDHMBH = 6; repeated uint64 BANLDIIHKOD = 13; } // CmdId: 3795 message JBNCCGJEGGF { int32 retcode = 3; } // CmdId: 20912 message OBEDAFIDGEE { } // CmdId: 28216 message LJMGEBIKHMN { int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 29405 message NPFPCAOJIHF { } // CmdId: 5524 message FCNNCJMCABC { int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 1762 message CKNDPMKOCJG { } // CmdId: 9278 message NIAEIFIIDLP { EKNAGCJENKA LIKPJDFKCNL = 4; uint32 round = 5; } // CmdId: 364 message NMCDCDNDENC { repeated AHEBDJGHKFN player_info_list = 13; uint32 round = 7; EKNAGCJENKA LIKPJDFKCNL = 8; } // CmdId: 419 message IICFKNGMAJP { } // CmdId: 27993 message HFFMJPHDGDP { int32 retcode = 4; } // CmdId: 23308 message DHKMFNNAKIA { uint32 cost_time = 6; bool is_new_record = 1; uint32 level_id = 9; uint32 score = 15; bool NPPPCDAPHPP = 2; bool is_succ = 14; } // CmdId: 9609 message PIIADOAJGDF { } // CmdId: 7973 message GOFDKBJDKIK { int32 retcode = 4; } // CmdId: 6914 message NJENFOBFFOH { uint32 end_time = 6; } // CmdId: 20672 message IICLEHIIMJE { bool is_agreed = 2; } // CmdId: 9443 message KBEFCLEIPFB { int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 6089 message HAPIGIKLLKJ { OIGKMDNEBHO reason = 9; } // CmdId: 1441 message AMDBBLLFLHG { } message OJLJIFOILFM { repeated uint64 MGKAGAOPJGL = 5; uint32 level_id = 4; uint32 INPCKNLDLLJ = 14; uint32 max_score = 11; } message LPIEDOLLLGN { repeated OJLJIFOILFM level_info_list = 14; } message EIMPFJPIBCG { repeated uint32 KKJKMCGKPJJ = 12; repeated uint32 BPBAAFAGAFN = 7; repeated uint32 HIOODFAJLAI = 14; } message CODGCKOENFC { bool is_finish = 3; uint32 MMGJJBELBHF = 8; uint32 level_id = 6; bool is_open = 9; } message NGHDBPLHKBB { repeated CODGCKOENFC level_info_list = 9; } message DANGNFLPALM { repeated uint32 BGLELLDBJJJ = 13; } // Obf: NLJHKGJAJCM message JourneyInfo { NGHDBPLHKBB EHEDPDLDCAN = 8; DANGNFLPALM IECICBJHGEM = 12; EIMPFJPIBCG OLBKGPADFFA = 11; LPIEDOLLLGN IKCCACGOCME = 14; } // CmdId: 21924 message OMHCJJJOCMC { uint32 level_id = 15; repeated uint64 avatar_guid_list = 14; uint32 difficulty = 7; } // CmdId: 2498 message IFNPCPOEOCH { int32 retcode = 14; } // CmdId: 7018 message JOFKBKCIPFJ { repeated uint32 DBDMJPKLIHG = 7; } // CmdId: 24154 message CBJILHJLOMC { bool is_success = 2; uint32 DEJJPIOCJDD = 1; uint32 score = 5; uint32 AHOADFMAPLB = 6; bool is_new_record = 13; uint32 difficulty = 4; } // CmdId: 20304 message IJPKNMAJDCF { uint32 entity_id = 2; uint32 IKHNDNPIPNA = 3; } // CmdId: 6811 message PEPKHLDBAMA { int32 retcode = 11; uint32 entity_id = 8; uint32 IKHNDNPIPNA = 3; } message PEIGDEBJFOH { uint32 template_id = 10; bool FNPJBBPIPBG = 4; uint32 AEPIJIFLFAE = 3; } message CDDLDNGFNGJ { float AFJCGFJJIGK = 13; uint32 rot = 9; uint32 AOFAJLHCGDI = 5; float PADPPNPOKNF = 6; } // CmdId: 21730 message LHOPKHEKKCJ { uint32 cost_time = 7; uint32 level_id = 6; uint32 IMKODBJFNGK = 9; uint32 HGMHHKGCLHL = 3; repeated CDDLDNGFNGJ LJGIFJAEKBI = 1; uint32 BFGLJKHEBJB = 10; bool is_success = 12; repeated PEIGDEBJFOH DGDBMJNHDPD = 15; } // CmdId: 2745 message MKACPHAGHMB { int32 retcode = 7; uint32 level_id = 5; uint32 cost_time = 10; bool is_success = 4; } // CmdId: 29215 message CLCJPBMMNCM { uint32 level_id = 13; repeated uint32 GONAIMADJMD = 8; uint32 id = 4; } // CmdId: 713 message KCLOHPFBPGJ { int32 retcode = 13; } // CmdId: 24452 message ONMIAIGDACA { } // CmdId: 24535 message CLPLPHLJMAN { int32 retcode = 11; } // CmdId: 24504 message KGHOCFKDEOJ { uint32 id = 10; } // CmdId: 26830 message EEPAKEHEJIJ { int32 retcode = 6; uint32 id = 4; } message MDKNMCFKHOF { uint32 CLFLBPJPBJB = 15; repeated uint32 affix_list = 13; uint32 max_score = 2; uint32 level_id = 14; } // Obf: GHPKLMBMLOG message GcgPveInfo { bool HOGJFCLMMPC = 7; repeated MDKNMCFKHOF level_data_list = 4; } // CmdId: 2926 message JPKNJKAKLCI { uint32 level_id = 10; uint32 CLFLBPJPBJB = 4; repeated uint32 affix_list = 1; } // CmdId: 28314 message BFECBNMGCJJ { int32 retcode = 4; } message IMBIPFIFFOJ { uint64 GDIJCNIGFHF = 2; bool is_level_open = 9; bool is_finished = 15; uint32 best_score = 3; uint32 level_id = 10; } // Obf: KDNJOOIILHN message UgcV2Info { bool NGKEOGMMHJD = 10; bool LDNPJDPNPCI = 4; repeated IMBIPFIFFOJ ILAHOOFBHKE = 1; } // Obf: GGGEKIBJMCP message PenumbraAdventureInfo { LCMINEGOHCC FGFFEKEDIMC = 5; BHKIIEFGFFL CMCADCHCOPA = 12; FGEEOGDFHAB PBMDNLMPPBL = 11; POIBHEEKGPH ANGGAFECGNG = 3; MDNHPGAIGKI MNOIAHNMLBC = 2; } message INLACFDCBDF { bool is_finish = 10; uint32 max_score = 2; uint32 level_id = 14; bool is_open = 4; uint32 INHKDNJEOAP = 15; } message MDNHPGAIGKI { repeated INLACFDCBDF FLJFCLBCKEA = 8; } message KBHOLONGCBF { bool is_finish = 1; uint32 max_score = 11; bool is_open = 2; uint32 level_id = 13; } message FGEEOGDFHAB { repeated KBHOLONGCBF FHJBOMAPANA = 4; } // CmdId: 6570 message JNNBPPEMMOJ { uint32 level_id = 6; } // CmdId: 3017 message GDHNFCHHCAK { int32 retcode = 10; } message CLNEPMAAKFB { uint32 score = 1; uint32 INHKDNJEOAP = 4; uint32 uid = 15; uint32 kill_num = 9; bool is_new_record = 8; } // CmdId: 24173 message FCEDDGJPMLM { repeated CLNEPMAAKFB settle_info_list = 3; bool IPELDMIMABF = 10; bool is_single = 5; uint32 play_index = 7; uint32 stage_type = 8; uint32 level_id = 12; uint32 duration = 2; uint32 score = 1; sfixed32 begin_time = 6; uint32 INHKDNJEOAP = 4; } // CmdId: 26609 message MPIEGBJMCII { bool HHIMKLEHJHO = 14; uint32 play_index = 4; uint32 level_id = 5; } // CmdId: 22125 message CIDKAMOJHFG { int32 retcode = 4; } // CmdId: 1088 message GAHKMKNFFNJ { bool FDDPEBPJBED = 8; } // CmdId: 250 message JCIAFJKAFLK { } // CmdId: 25384 message FKCLPEOABII { int32 retcode = 9; } message LCLFHFGMNMF { Vector pos = 14; uint32 type = 15; uint32 config_id = 12; uint32 group_id = 10; uint32 gadget_id = 3; } message POIBHEEKGPH { repeated LCLFHFGMNMF mark_list = 15; bool GPODMBCBNMA = 10; repeated uint32 ABCAEFIECCN = 2; bool HBGINJCBJKA = 6; } // CmdId: 23584 message JDLCLCMJMIB { uint32 IFDFPFOOEAB = 11; } // CmdId: 27530 message JOGPJKFOGPG { uint32 IFDFPFOOEAB = 8; int32 retcode = 12; bool DHBLHIGKEDF = 13; } // CmdId: 22098 message GAMKOKMNMAL { LCLFHFGMNMF mark = 7; } // CmdId: 1387 message HDEKEDJCDBN { bool HBGINJCBJKA = 9; uint32 config_id = 15; uint32 group_id = 7; } message MOEDOHFPFKE { uint32 level_id = 3; bool is_finish = 11; uint32 best_score = 12; bool is_open = 2; } message LCMINEGOHCC { repeated MOEDOHFPFKE level_info_list = 12; } // CmdId: 7371 message IOGEKMFBNGK { uint32 level_id = 14; } // CmdId: 20990 message LLAAGMIOGOM { uint32 level_id = 10; int32 retcode = 12; } // CmdId: 2484 message MLBKCAJINOE { uint32 level_id = 5; uint32 cost_time = 7; uint32 HCEHMPKLKDH = 15; uint32 score = 1; bool is_finish = 14; } // CmdId: 22686 message EKPMMIKBBAN { bool is_finish = 5; int32 retcode = 3; bool is_new_record = 15; uint32 level_id = 14; uint32 score = 4; } message DIAODPEOGAA { uint32 use_time = 2; bool is_open = 4; bool is_finish = 6; uint32 level_id = 13; } message BHKIIEFGFFL { repeated DIAODPEOGAA level_info_list = 9; } // CmdId: 21499 message EHBPMANLCIK { uint32 level_id = 12; } // CmdId: 7155 message EHMBAEDEBFG { int32 retcode = 5; } // CmdId: 20002 message BIOILPNCJNI { } // CmdId: 6228 message BPOLCGACIHE { int32 retcode = 13; } // CmdId: 28548 message CMACKCODIDM { repeated uint32 chosen_avatar_list = 10; uint32 level_id = 3; } // CmdId: 27514 message BLDHOHDIBHB { int32 retcode = 4; } // CmdId: 5647 message EDFGFDEBPGM { } // CmdId: 1229 message HDFKAFDLNNC { int32 retcode = 3; } message GNAAAEGCDOB { bool is_finish = 9; uint32 level_id = 6; bool is_open = 4; } // Obf: LPPAPBJFBFM message AnimalViewInfo { repeated GNAAAEGCDOB FHBALCDOGFI = 12; } // CmdId: 24314 message AJKHEOFNGBA { uint32 level_id = 14; } // CmdId: 4653 message FGBDDPEFMAG { int32 retcode = 4; } // CmdId: 23225 message NICEKLKDKKG { uint32 level_id = 12; } message IEDLOHFOJJB { repeated uint32 avatar_id_list = 10; } message DJKIJHJIJPE { uint32 ECOIIJNIMKE = 7; uint32 stage_id = 6; bool is_finished = 5; bool is_open = 12; uint32 difficulty = 14; } // Obf: MLCNNIOJGPI message ActivityMultiCharacterInfo { repeated DJKIJHJIJPE stage_info_list = 9; } // CmdId: 668 message JOHBAPLLNDO { uint32 difficulty = 3; uint32 stage_id = 13; repeated uint64 avatar_id_list = 12; } // CmdId: 25314 message NGLMGNCHAJA { int32 retcode = 10; uint32 level_id = 3; } // CmdId: 4953 message FKEJFPBCIIF { repeated uint64 avatar_id_list = 8; } // CmdId: 5806 message IANJNPDOFCN { uint32 level_id = 9; int32 retcode = 4; } // CmdId: 28108 message KDDJDIMKNMD { repeated uint64 avatar_id_list = 15; } // CmdId: 25246 message EMNFCLHMEDN { uint32 level_id = 4; int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 5881 message KDDHOBPBJHE { repeated uint64 avatar_id_list = 2; } // CmdId: 5249 message NNDBEOLHEJA { int32 retcode = 10; uint32 level_id = 12; } // CmdId: 27536 message CIBJGFDGJIP { uint32 difficulty = 10; uint32 stage_id = 9; repeated IEDLOHFOJJB team_info_list = 1; uint32 level_id = 4; bool FOMGENIPFND = 2; } // CmdId: 27678 message NNPFNALGPEF { uint32 group_id = 5; } // CmdId: 9236 message IBKGCKMEKNM { int32 retcode = 14; repeated uint32 monster_id_list = 6; uint32 group_id = 8; } // CmdId: 22383 message NLJCDKEFBHJ { } // CmdId: 27613 message DHIEFEPGIFB { int32 retcode = 1; } // Obf: BEECBIAGJHO message GcgPveInfiniteInfo { map MEBDFIIEPBM = 14; bool HOGJFCLMMPC = 12; } // CmdId: 29929 message OLPBOGNBDOC { uint32 level_id = 1; } // CmdId: 23399 message FMPJIGFCEIF { int32 retcode = 2; } message NDKAMJGCKKN { uint32 level_id = 5; bool is_finish = 11; bool is_open = 14; uint32 left_time = 10; } message PNJGECAFHGE { repeated NDKAMJGCKKN level_info_list = 15; } message PFJAGHMKJJM { bool is_open = 5; uint32 camp_id = 4; uint32 level_id = 11; bool is_finish = 8; } message ODDAOBNJLAH { repeated PFJAGHMKJJM level_info_list = 2; } message MOCBKBGIFPJ { uint32 level_id = 4; bool is_open = 9; uint32 score = 13; bool is_finish = 2; } message CKBMIEMDAEP { repeated MOCBKBGIFPJ level_info_list = 14; } // Obf: OFHIHCENLLL message ToyBattleInfo { CKBMIEMDAEP LPBHCPBFNHK = 3; ODDAOBNJLAH camp_info = 13; PNJGECAFHGE HLMBLBNIFPJ = 15; } // CmdId: 848 message HLOMJEPOLBD { uint32 level_id = 5; } // CmdId: 2579 message PFHLJEPJHOG { int32 retcode = 5; } // CmdId: 26098 message LGNAPKHKOAC { bool is_new_record = 9; uint32 CAFGBDDKEMI = 15; uint32 left_time = 8; uint32 LCKCCAHCPBM = 6; uint32 level_id = 4; KDHIAEFLGFM reason = 10; } // CmdId: 23934 message PCMGLNPHKKG { uint32 level_id = 1; } // CmdId: 8344 message KEKBIHIHKGI { uint32 level_id = 7; int32 retcode = 5; } // CmdId: 6408 message FPEPLJDLDOM { bool NGPJGIOCNEH = 1; uint32 HJKNINOGIEB = 13; uint32 level_id = 7; uint32 score = 14; uint32 KCFNBHCMLKM = 12; uint32 total_num = 2; uint32 KKPPMGBGBKH = 6; bool is_finish = 10; } // CmdId: 3978 message DIHKEFDNDBL { bool is_new_record = 6; int32 retcode = 3; bool is_finish = 10; uint32 score = 13; uint32 total_num = 14; uint32 level_id = 15; uint32 KCFNBHCMLKM = 12; } // CmdId: 25060 message LDPKIDAKNHB { bool MJICPHCAODG = 15; uint32 level_id = 7; } // CmdId: 9245 message FOHCJABNFED { bool MJICPHCAODG = 1; int32 retcode = 8; uint32 level_id = 14; } message JKKBIKPIANF { bool is_open = 5; uint32 level_id = 3; } message MGIHJDAHEAB { uint32 object_id = 8; uint32 finish_time = 5; } // Obf: DANFEFHLMEM message PhotoUnderseaInfo { repeated MGIHJDAHEAB object_info_list = 5; repeated JKKBIKPIANF level_info_list = 15; } // CmdId: 27310 message HKOHFECJOFB { uint32 object_id = 10; } // CmdId: 1557 message BKNAMDDEIKH { int32 retcode = 6; uint32 object_id = 11; } // CmdId: 27002 message IENLBOHMOGH { uint32 group_bundle_id = 12; uint32 reminder_id = 10; } message FLMEGFBOMDO { uint32 JKBANIBHKEC = 12; uint32 GKNMICKJLHO = 5; } message JFGKMCDLKCN { uint32 stage_id = 8; bool is_open = 1; repeated FLMEGFBOMDO EGEKGLHHLNG = 13; bool is_finished = 14; } // Obf: GDCGBNJCIOE message FontaineGatherInfo { repeated JFGKMCDLKCN stage_info_list = 15; } // CmdId: 7876 message GFAFMFOLOMK { uint32 stage_id = 4; } // CmdId: 6436 message NBNGOKEICFC { uint32 group_bundle_id = 12; int32 retcode = 15; uint32 stage_id = 13; uint32 investigation_id = 11; } // CmdId: 26519 message MADOEBJIOOC { uint32 reminder_id = 7; } // Obf: NNBINJFKNAD message GcgPvePuzzleInfo { bool HOGJFCLMMPC = 9; repeated uint32 CPJEMFGLLKE = 11; } // CmdId: 25002 message LAAAMKNJIEH { uint32 level_id = 14; } // CmdId: 20236 message IPCIKHMGALH { int32 retcode = 15; } // Obf: FOCGEBIMEFI message AranaraCollectionSuite { uint32 collection_type = 2; map collection_id_state_map = 11; } // CmdId: 21685 // Obf: HCNPIEGFIGJ message AranaraCollectionDataNotify { repeated AranaraCollectionSuite collection_suite_list = 2; } // CmdId: 4632 // Obf: HFMGAHLDEHE message AddAranaraCollectionNotify { uint32 collection_type = 5; uint32 collection_id = 7; AranaraCollectionState NHLNJGDOKBF = 8; AranaraCollectionState MPFFGBKBNEP = 3; } // Obf: NIPLDABFDEK message CataLogGlobalWatcherFinishedData { uint32 catalog_type = 6; repeated uint32 finished_global_watcher_list = 8; } // CmdId: 6277 // Obf: INIFBMCNLFH message CataLogFinishedGlobalWatcherAllDataNotify { repeated CataLogGlobalWatcherFinishedData finished_global_watcher_data_list = 14; } // CmdId: 28630 // Obf: POPIBGHBJGN message CataLogNewFinishedGlobalWatcherNotify { repeated CataLogGlobalWatcherFinishedData new_finished_global_watcher_data_list = 10; } // CmdId: 7458 // Obf: MLOIBCFBPKN message AvatarAddNotify { bool is_in_team = 12; AvatarInfo avatar = 14; } // CmdId: 8219 // Obf: IOKBLLAGPJD message AvatarDelNotify { repeated uint64 avatar_guid_list = 7; } // Obf: CFFANBDNDEG message AvatarTeam { string team_name = 1; repeated uint64 avatar_guid_list = 4; } // CmdId: 5889 // Obf: ADMCJJMPKGL message SetUpAvatarTeamReq { repeated uint64 avatar_team_guid_list = 12; uint64 cur_avatar_guid = 13; uint32 team_id = 3; } // CmdId: 8572 // Obf: CPNEKEDGLHM message SetUpAvatarTeamRsp { uint32 team_id = 4; uint64 cur_avatar_guid = 7; repeated uint64 avatar_team_guid_list = 1; int32 retcode = 3; } // CmdId: 9406 // Obf: GFGPACAMELF message ChooseCurAvatarTeamReq { uint32 team_id = 10; } // CmdId: 4031 // Obf: GCKFCHMIFPD message ChooseCurAvatarTeamRsp { uint32 cur_team_id = 10; int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 23169 // Obf: JENKJBLNBMD message ChangeAvatarReq { Vector move_pos = 9; uint64 guid = 4; bool is_move = 3; uint32 skill_id = 7; } // CmdId: 22163 // Obf: DPMLHHKHGFF message ChangeAvatarRsp { uint64 cur_guid = 2; int32 retcode = 4; uint32 skill_id = 9; } // CmdId: 23288 // Obf: MLDPIPBFIKB message AvatarPromoteReq { uint64 guid = 5; } // CmdId: 8592 // Obf: BLNOILBHJIJ message AvatarPromoteRsp { uint64 guid = 7; int32 retcode = 12; } // CmdId: 9537 // Obf: LNJBPIEBBFJ message SpringUseReq { uint64 guid = 10; } // CmdId: 22687 // Obf: LOFEGPAMIBK message SpringUseRsp { int32 retcode = 7; uint64 guid = 12; } // CmdId: 29491 // Obf: ONGNABLDIOE message RefreshBackgroundAvatarReq { } // CmdId: 5063 // Obf: CPFLBJCFPNF message RefreshBackgroundAvatarRsp { int32 retcode = 15; map hp_full_time_map = 10; } // CmdId: 7828 // Obf: OLBHAPJCKDM message AvatarTeamUpdateNotify { repeated uint64 temp_avatar_guid_list = 14; map avatar_team_map = 3; } // CmdId: 29811 // Obf: OGCGDDPPLMI message AvatarDataNotify { repeated AvatarInfo avatar_list = 3; uint32 cur_avatar_team_id = 2; repeated uint32 owned_costume_list = 5; repeated uint32 owned_flycloak_list = 14; repeated uint64 temp_avatar_guid_list = 1; uint64 choose_avatar_guid = 15; map avatar_team_map = 13; repeated AvatarRenameInfo avatar_rename_list = 11; repeated uint32 backup_avatar_team_order_list = 7; } // CmdId: 28204 // Obf: CFIFEHLBHPM message AvatarUpgradeReq { uint32 item_id = 5; uint64 avatar_guid = 10; uint32 count = 1; } // CmdId: 24216 // Obf: GOMCDJDBLPG message AvatarUpgradeRsp { uint32 cur_level = 3; map cur_fight_prop_map = 2; map old_fight_prop_map = 6; int32 retcode = 9; uint32 old_level = 5; uint64 avatar_guid = 14; } // CmdId: 4506 // Obf: HPOMJHEAICH message AvatarDieAnimationEndReq { uint32 skill_id = 9; uint64 die_guid = 8; Vector reborn_pos = 14; } // CmdId: 24745 // Obf: LPNGCMDGKEM message AvatarDieAnimationEndRsp { int32 retcode = 4; uint32 skill_id = 13; uint64 die_guid = 5; } // CmdId: 3696 // Obf: EPCCINELCEK message AvatarChangeElementTypeReq { uint32 area_id = 11; uint32 scene_id = 1; } // CmdId: 26227 // Obf: CLNCAJHKIFD message AvatarChangeElementTypeRsp { int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 29004 // Obf: JKPPLBNFEGM message AvatarFetterDataNotify { map fetter_info_map = 8; } // CmdId: 26803 // Obf: FCCLNDJAANA message AvatarExpeditionDataNotify { map expedition_info_map = 4; } // CmdId: 24160 // Obf: IKHOKBJEAGP message AvatarExpeditionAllDataReq { } // CmdId: 3990 // Obf: POPOPLMKPCK message AvatarExpeditionAllDataRsp { uint32 expedition_count_limit = 11; repeated uint32 open_expedition_list = 6; map expedition_info_map = 2; int32 retcode = 3; } // CmdId: 751 // Obf: POPPHGOPGHG message AvatarExpeditionStartReq { uint64 avatar_guid = 13; uint32 hour_time = 12; uint32 exp_id = 6; } // CmdId: 28415 // Obf: JOFFMPADDLP message AvatarExpeditionStartRsp { int32 retcode = 15; map expedition_info_map = 3; } // CmdId: 22881 // Obf: DFDMJICKHEL message AvatarExpeditionCallBackReq { repeated uint64 avatar_guid = 12; } // CmdId: 22955 // Obf: FBHCEMGILMK message AvatarExpeditionCallBackRsp { map expedition_info_map = 14; int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 4847 // Obf: PPKAGNHEIBA message AvatarExpeditionGetRewardReq { uint64 avatar_guid = 11; } // CmdId: 25237 // Obf: KMJKPNMNOOM message AvatarExpeditionGetRewardRsp { repeated ItemParam extra_item_list = 13; map expedition_info_map = 9; int32 retcode = 12; repeated ItemParam item_list = 5; } // CmdId: 29260 // Obf: GIEGGDAJFBE message ChangeMpTeamAvatarReq { uint64 cur_avatar_guid = 2; repeated uint64 avatar_guid_list = 12; } // CmdId: 352 // Obf: LFHCFAFFODE message ChangeMpTeamAvatarRsp { repeated uint64 avatar_guid_list = 10; uint64 cur_avatar_guid = 13; int32 retcode = 9; } // CmdId: 24187 // Obf: PJLNPGJDAIG message ChangeTeamNameReq { string team_name = 14; int32 team_id = 3; } // CmdId: 29496 // Obf: JKAKFOEKEDH message ChangeTeamNameRsp { int32 retcode = 5; int32 team_id = 12; string team_name = 15; } // Obf: EOCBJIPDPMB message SceneTeamAvatar { SceneEntityInfo scene_entity_info = 4; uint32 weapon_entity_id = 8; uint32 player_uid = 3; bool GNPKDDJADKH = 15; AbilitySyncStateInfo weapon_ability_info = 11; repeated ServerBuff server_buff_list = 10; AbilitySyncStateInfo avatar_ability_info = 7; uint64 weapon_guid = 5; AvatarInfo avatar_info = 6; uint32 entity_id = 9; uint64 avatar_guid = 12; AbilityControlBlock ability_control_block = 1; uint32 scene_id = 2; SceneAvatarInfo scene_avatar_info = 14; bool NIFBCGDKCNF = 1765; bool BJHAOMGBCLC = 13; } // CmdId: 4509 // Obf: CJJPNPLKBCA message SceneTeamUpdateNotify { bool is_in_mp = 4; repeated SceneTeamAvatar scene_team_avatar_list = 13; } // CmdId: 26656 // Obf: OIHEDACFGPL message FocusAvatarReq { bool is_focus = 5; uint64 avatar_guid = 2; } // CmdId: 7821 // Obf: LPEJMOGHCHH message FocusAvatarRsp { uint64 avatar_guid = 5; int32 retcode = 1; bool is_focus = 15; } // Obf: PNGEFKDMGGI message AvatarSatiationData { float penalty_finish_time = 1; uint64 avatar_guid = 4; float finish_time = 9; } // CmdId: 704 // Obf: EBKOHKKPGDN message AvatarSatiationDataNotify { repeated AvatarSatiationData satiation_data_list = 15; } // CmdId: 824 // Obf: LNDKKJJEFBJ message AvatarWearFlycloakReq { uint32 flycloak_id = 7; uint64 avatar_guid = 1; } // CmdId: 21633 // Obf: BCLNBCGCHKJ message AvatarWearFlycloakRsp { int32 retcode = 10; uint32 flycloak_id = 6; uint64 avatar_guid = 3; } // CmdId: 23578 // Obf: GHNNAHDIIKE message AvatarFlycloakChangeNotify { uint32 flycloak_id = 2; uint64 avatar_guid = 3; } // CmdId: 29528 // Obf: LOFNLHIBOBB message AvatarGainFlycloakNotify { uint32 flycloak_id = 6; } // CmdId: 21354 // Obf: CNGHGKIPNBB message AvatarEquipAffixStartNotify { AvatarEquipAffixInfo equip_affix_info = 5; uint64 avatar_guid = 12; } // CmdId: 28996 // Obf: NAEEPLALPHF message AvatarFetterLevelRewardReq { uint64 avatar_guid = 14; uint32 fetter_level = 9; } // CmdId: 3975 // Obf: MEJJHABMCID message AvatarFetterLevelRewardRsp { uint32 fetter_level = 12; uint32 reward_id = 7; int32 retcode = 5; uint64 avatar_guid = 11; } // Obf: APPDFAFBKIM message AddNoGachaAvatarCardTransferItem { uint32 count = 1; uint32 item_id = 15; bool is_new = 13; } // CmdId: 7037 // Obf: BEANNFLOONI message AddNoGachaAvatarCardNotify { uint32 MGBKMNHIFOE = 15; uint32 avatar_id = 14; uint32 reason = 12; bool is_transfer_to_item = 9; uint32 item_id = 1; repeated AddNoGachaAvatarCardTransferItem transfer_item_list = 2; uint32 CBBMIOFHCIC = 8; } // CmdId: 993 // Obf: GDLOACPFOHK message AvatarPromoteGetRewardReq { uint64 avatar_guid = 5; uint32 promote_level = 8; } // CmdId: 7336 // Obf: KMMIMMNJBJN message AvatarPromoteGetRewardRsp { uint32 reward_id = 11; uint32 promote_level = 10; int32 retcode = 5; uint64 avatar_guid = 12; } // CmdId: 8840 // Obf: IMDCBJNFILE message AvatarChangeCostumeReq { uint64 avatar_guid = 13; uint32 costume_id = 5; } // CmdId: 9148 // Obf: KGBMPCNCLNC message AvatarChangeCostumeRsp { uint64 avatar_guid = 4; int32 retcode = 1; uint32 costume_id = 9; } // CmdId: 22376 // Obf: MMGGANDHHFL message AvatarChangeCostumeNotify { SceneEntityInfo entity_info = 15; } // CmdId: 24251 // Obf: CMOIAGEGIOJ message AvatarGainCostumeNotify { uint32 costume_id = 6; } // CmdId: 4097 // Obf: CGOOAFFMLEF message AvatarChangeAnimHashReq { uint64 avatar_guid = 5; uint32 anim_hash = 9; } // CmdId: 27826 // Obf: LPJDOPEJJHH message AvatarChangeAnimHashRsp { int32 retcode = 14; uint64 avatar_guid = 11; uint32 anim_hash = 3; } // CmdId: 8425 // Obf: KEBPODMJHEG message PersistentDungeonSwitchAvatarReq { uint64 cur_avatar_guid = 3; repeated uint64 avatar_team_guid_list = 1; } // CmdId: 7969 // Obf: MJNAFPPOPCC message PersistentDungeonSwitchAvatarRsp { repeated uint64 avatar_team_guid_list = 7; uint64 cur_avatar_guid = 15; int32 retcode = 13; } // CmdId: 22083 // Obf: PDKOLMGNNBP message AddBackupAvatarTeamReq { } // CmdId: 7930 // Obf: GDMKNCBFCEH message AddBackupAvatarTeamRsp { int32 retcode = 3; } // CmdId: 9455 // Obf: KIFNLHMNCMM message DelBackupAvatarTeamReq { uint32 backup_avatar_team_id = 10; } // CmdId: 3661 // Obf: FFNGPJOGGAC message DelBackupAvatarTeamRsp { int32 retcode = 6; uint32 backup_avatar_team_id = 14; } // CmdId: 9854 // Obf: HHLJIKIGMOG message AvatarTeamAllDataNotify { map avatar_team_map = 2; repeated uint32 backup_avatar_team_order_list = 13; repeated uint64 temp_avatar_guid_list = 8; } // Obf: NNBEINLIFPB message AvatarRenameInfo { string avatar_name = 1; uint32 avatar_id = 13; } // CmdId: 26468 // Obf: MEDFBIJCAGF message AvatarRenameInfoNotify { repeated AvatarRenameInfo avatar_rename_list = 8; } // CmdId: 29042 // Obf: IBCHBDKCOEB message ItemRenameAvatarReq { uint32 rename_id = 6; string avatar_name = 9; } // CmdId: 27302 // Obf: PNDEJAEBEOE message ItemRenameAvatarRsp { uint32 rename_id = 8; uint32 cd_time = 5; int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 6998 message DAILBGKEPIG { uint64 cur_avatar_guid = 15; repeated uint64 avatar_team_guid_list = 2; } // CmdId: 26222 message EAAGMGDBHHB { int32 retcode = 7; uint64 cur_avatar_guid = 15; repeated uint64 avatar_team_guid_list = 11; } // CmdId: 24983 message JOBPCPJHCJA { repeated AvatarInfo avatar_list = 1; } // CmdId: 6470 message NHGGNAEFDKO { uint64 MFKIFNMJDGA = 15; } // CmdId: 26261 message GBDFCJACBAL { uint64 avatar_guid = 12; uint32 GJFKDCJENJE = 3; uint32 entity_id = 8; } // CmdId: 9082 message GJONALLPFLJ { uint64 avatar_guid = 4; uint32 GJFKDCJENJE = 5; } // Obf: JDHFCEDALOK message BattlePassCycle { uint32 cycle_idx = 15; uint32 begin_time = 2; uint32 end_time = 12; } // Obf: ELGGKMAOOGA message BattlePassMission { // Obf: JAOFNPAFHIB enum MissionStatus { MISSION_STATUS_INVALID = 0; MISSION_STATUS_UNFINISHED = 1; MISSION_STATUS_FINISHED = 2; MISSION_STATUS_POINT_TAKEN = 3; } uint32 total_progress = 7; uint32 mission_type = 3; uint32 cur_progress = 2; MissionStatus mission_status = 15; uint32 mission_id = 8; uint32 reward_battle_pass_point = 9; } // Obf: MMDANGGKGCL message BattlePassRewardTag { uint32 level = 12; uint32 reward_id = 8; BattlePassUnlockStatus unlock_status = 1; } // Obf: GCJOGKGADPD message BattlePassProduct { string HOJKADLEFBP = 7; string CHOKHINHNGH = 14; string NJCCJEMGKDJ = 5; } // Obf: KFAIKMBDAIC message BattlePassSchedule { bool is_extra_paid_reward_taken = 7; uint32 end_time = 15; repeated BattlePassRewardTag reward_taken_list = 9; BattlePassProduct product_info = 4; uint32 level = 8; uint32 paid_platform_flags = 12; uint32 schedule_id = 10; uint32 begin_time = 13; uint32 point = 2; BattlePassUnlockStatus unlock_status = 11; uint32 cur_cycle_points = 1; BattlePassCycle cur_cycle = 3; bool is_viewed = 14; } // CmdId: 3474 // Obf: HDENJJOGGKA message BattlePassAllDataNotify { BattlePassSchedule cur_schedule = 1; repeated BattlePassMission mission_list = 9; bool have_cur_schedule = 2; } // CmdId: 24008 // Obf: HNPGDHAKAEB message BattlePassMissionUpdateNotify { repeated BattlePassMission mission_list = 7; } // CmdId: 21680 // Obf: HLNLOLMOCDI message BattlePassMissionDelNotify { repeated uint32 del_mission_id_list = 8; } // CmdId: 27464 // Obf: AFCLFFABLPC message BattlePassCurScheduleUpdateNotify { BattlePassSchedule cur_schedule = 9; bool have_cur_schedule = 11; } // Obf: ABOLHFADNBD message BattlePassRewardTakeOption { uint32 option_idx = 14; BattlePassRewardTag tag = 7; } // CmdId: 28914 // Obf: AEFJDMJIPGE message TakeBattlePassRewardReq { repeated BattlePassRewardTakeOption take_option_list = 2; } // CmdId: 25609 // Obf: JPNLFJHCEII message TakeBattlePassRewardRsp { int32 retcode = 12; repeated BattlePassRewardTakeOption take_option_list = 4; repeated ItemParam item_list = 14; } // CmdId: 20580 // Obf: GPPAPCLMIEA message TakeBattlePassMissionPointReq { repeated uint32 mission_id_list = 5; } // CmdId: 9060 // Obf: KBDNDEDCINE message TakeBattlePassMissionPointRsp { int32 retcode = 8; repeated uint32 mission_id_list = 3; } // CmdId: 2201 // Obf: ONOAMGPAPPH message GetBattlePassProductReq { uint32 battle_pass_product_play_type = 1; } // CmdId: 29703 // Obf: JBBMCHOBBFD message GetBattlePassProductRsp { int32 retcode = 1; string price_tier = 3; string product_id = 10; uint32 cur_schedule_id = 5; uint32 battle_pass_product_play_type = 7; } // CmdId: 7320 // Obf: KKIGJEPPADN message SetBattlePassViewedReq { uint32 schedule_id = 2; } // CmdId: 25281 // Obf: MMMKAPDNEHF message SetBattlePassViewedRsp { uint32 schedule_id = 2; int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 28080 // Obf: MMMGPODLJLI message BattlePassBuySuccNotify { uint32 GFJLNEAJKLK = 1; uint32 schedule_id = 3; uint32 LBPIJCBBKNE = 11; repeated ItemParam item_list = 5; } // CmdId: 20824 // Obf: FJCCKDGCFBC message BuyBattlePassLevelReq { uint32 buy_level = 8; } // CmdId: 26570 // Obf: JLNMDHMIKAE message BuyBattlePassLevelRsp { uint32 buy_level = 7; int32 retcode = 11; } // Obf: LHLCLOAIDOK message BlossomBriefInfo { uint32 state = 10; bool is_guide_opened = 5; uint32 resin = 2; uint32 circle_camp_id = 14; uint32 BGNHKCLIPCF = 12; uint32 HJMMAOMEHOL = 8; uint32 scene_id = 13; uint32 refresh_id = 11; uint32 reward_id = 7; Vector pos = 15; uint32 city_id = 4; } // CmdId: 29592 // Obf: PIHIGCAKDMM message GetBlossomBriefInfoListReq { repeated uint32 city_id_list = 11; } // CmdId: 8452 // Obf: DODBCPCGPMA message GetBlossomBriefInfoListRsp { repeated BlossomBriefInfo brief_info_list = 11; int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 29177 // Obf: GHNDODAOAJO message BlossomBriefInfoNotify { repeated BlossomBriefInfo brief_info_list = 12; } // CmdId: 2494 // Obf: ILOJPNAEJEO message WorldOwnerBlossomBriefInfoNotify { repeated BlossomBriefInfo brief_info_list = 5; } // Obf: OAHPDJFJHLB message BlossomScheduleInfo { uint32 finish_progress = 1; uint32 round = 15; uint32 state = 2; uint32 refresh_id = 5; uint32 circle_camp_id = 13; uint32 progress = 14; } // CmdId: 7500 // Obf: JJJEOLDJBON message WorldOwnerBlossomScheduleInfoNotify { BlossomScheduleInfo schedule_info = 11; } // CmdId: 2992 // Obf: DHFOJJJLEBN message BlossomChestCreateNotify { uint32 refresh_id = 8; uint32 circle_camp_id = 2; } // CmdId: 4362 // Obf: LDJNJFGOKHF message OpenBlossomCircleCampGuideNotify { repeated uint32 circle_camp_id_list = 4; uint32 refresh_id = 6; } // CmdId: 8163 // Obf: LOHLOJMOCAG message PrivateChatReq { uint32 target_uid = 5; oneof content { string text = 12; uint32 icon = 11; } } // CmdId: 4033 // Obf: HPPNKIKPNOP message PrivateChatRsp { int32 retcode = 2; uint32 chat_forbidden_endtime = 5; } // CmdId: 29471 // Obf: ANNGLMINMGK message PrivateChatNotify { ChatInfo chat_info = 5; } // CmdId: 22346 // Obf: CDBDGACCDJI message PullPrivateChatReq { uint32 from_sequence = 6; uint32 pull_num = 12; uint32 target_uid = 14; } // CmdId: 4681 // Obf: GAFCFLJEJKF message PullPrivateChatRsp { int32 retcode = 14; repeated ChatInfo chat_info = 2; } // CmdId: 23337 // Obf: DLAJEHFIMNF message PullRecentChatReq { uint32 begin_sequence = 11; uint32 pull_num = 2; } // CmdId: 308 // Obf: LOLOHADFKJG message PullRecentChatRsp { repeated ChatInfo chat_info = 11; int32 retcode = 9; } // CmdId: 5538 // Obf: BMBHFJMPFKB message ReadPrivateChatReq { uint32 target_uid = 4; } // CmdId: 9593 // Obf: LOCJJOEEJMG message ReadPrivateChatRsp { int32 retcode = 7; } // CmdId: 28285 // Obf: FCEBEKGCPLB message ChatChannelUpdateNotify { uint32 channel_id = 1; ChatChannelInfo channel_info = 9; bool is_create = 15; } // Obf: KDHDHJBABKP message ChatChannelInfo { uint32 channel_id = 13; bool is_shield = 4; } // CmdId: 3323 // Obf: APJBDHFFLIF message ChatChannelDataNotify { repeated ChatChannelInfo channel_info_list = 13; repeated uint32 channel_list = 4; } // CmdId: 21066 // Obf: HAEGJDINOBI message ChatChannelShieldNotify { bool is_shield = 12; uint32 channel_id = 9; } // CmdId: 5319 // Obf: BMILFLEIHON message ChatChannelInfoNotify { ChatChannelInfo channel_info = 4; } // Obf: MMBAFOIPNPD message CodexTypeData { map weapon_max_promote_level_map = 12; repeated bool have_viewed_list = 1; repeated uint32 codex_id_list = 5; CodexType type = 13; } // CmdId: 29256 // Obf: AJCOMKIBIIJ message CodexDataFullNotify { repeated uint32 recent_viewed_pushtips_list = 1; repeated CodexTypeData type_data_list = 5; uint32 DPHPDJIJCFL = 10; uint32 PDMKCNJAFAD = 11; } // CmdId: 6551 // Obf: NOPKDGNAPIK message CodexDataUpdateNotify { uint32 weapon_max_promote_level = 3; CodexType type = 5; uint32 id = 2; } // CmdId: 24690 // Obf: NACEJFMBMNI message QueryCodexMonsterBeKilledNumReq { repeated uint32 codex_id_list = 14; } // CmdId: 9121 // Obf: FADBFEMALBF message QueryCodexMonsterBeKilledNumRsp { repeated uint32 DGHFMFFKNBM = 12; repeated uint32 OHNNNCFNHKF = 8; int32 retcode = 15; repeated uint32 codex_id_list = 5; } // CmdId: 25133 // Obf: PIGGOMFNBFK message ViewCodexReq { repeated CodexTypeData type_data_list = 10; } // CmdId: 25216 // Obf: GCHIFOHJGOG message ViewCodexRsp { repeated CodexTypeData type_data_list = 7; repeated uint32 NFIJOOFPEEH = 13; repeated uint32 recent_viewed_pushtips_list = 10; int32 retcode = 12; repeated uint32 JGIBOGHCBHB = 15; } // CmdId: 26795 // Obf: OHAHFGBBKCI message SetCodexPushtipsReadReq { uint32 JKLHOJOCLJD = 9; uint32 CFNJIOIOLPG = 1; } // CmdId: 20900 // Obf: BOOFNCELDCM message SetCodexPushtipsReadRsp { uint32 JKLHOJOCLJD = 3; uint32 CFNJIOIOLPG = 8; int32 retcode = 15; } // Obf: CIGMGGBFGNB message MainCoop { // Obf: HECGIMLHAJH enum Status { INVALID = 0; RUNNING = 1; FINISHED = 2; } uint32 self_confidence = 5; Status status = 1; repeated uint32 save_point_id_list = 9; uint32 id = 6; map GEHNFJEPCJL = 12; map GDBKBKACDFO = 8; map seen_ending_map = 3; } // CmdId: 2587 // Obf: FMEOBOHIEGC message AllCoopInfoNotify { repeated MainCoop main_coop_list = 13; } // CmdId: 1415 // Obf: ENDNJPEEBNB message MainCoopUpdateNotify { repeated MainCoop main_coop_list = 7; } // CmdId: 764 // Obf: DEBIEHHKCMA message SaveMainCoopReq { map GEHNFJEPCJL = 3; map GDBKBKACDFO = 10; uint32 save_point_id = 11; uint32 id = 6; uint32 self_confidence = 7; } // CmdId: 27766 // Obf: BHPGBGECOMC message SaveMainCoopRsp { int32 retcode = 8; uint32 id = 9; repeated uint32 save_point_id_list = 3; } // CmdId: 20482 // Obf: BCKINDNDCCJ message FinishMainCoopReq { uint32 ending_save_point_id = 5; uint32 id = 3; } // CmdId: 23766 // Obf: FOIFFFGHDOJ message FinishMainCoopRsp { int32 retcode = 13; uint32 id = 4; uint32 ending_save_point_id = 1; } // Obf: JCOLKMKHPFO message CoopPoint { // Obf: JOFAANNBAFC enum State { STATE_UNSTARTED = 0; STATE_STARTED = 1; STATE_FINISHED = 2; } uint32 id = 8; State state = 14; uint32 self_confidence = 10; } // Obf: PCNHBJPDMOB message CoopReward { // Obf: NNDLFEMBJMK enum State { STATE_UNLOCK = 0; STATE_LOCK = 1; STATE_TAKEN = 2; } uint32 id = 2; State state = 10; } // Obf: OJCJONLPBME message CoopCg { uint32 id = 5; bool is_unlock = 6; } // Obf: LOELOKMLPHL message CoopChapter { // Obf: NDFCDJEIDEJ enum State { STATE_CLOSE = 0; STATE_COND_NOT_MEET = 1; STATE_COND_MEET = 2; STATE_ACCEPT = 3; } State state = 3; repeated uint32 LAAOIEBFJKP = 9; map seen_ending_map = 15; repeated CoopPoint coop_point_list = 6; repeated CoopReward coop_reward_list = 11; repeated CoopCg coop_cg_list = 8; uint32 id = 14; uint32 JDENGALMPJN = 13; repeated uint32 EOMGDNCEACF = 7; uint32 HKOAKJNBIIO = 5; } // CmdId: 21157 // Obf: BAGILCCBHBF message CoopDataNotify { bool is_have_progress = 7; repeated CoopChapter chapter_list = 1; uint32 cur_coop_point = 9; repeated uint32 viewed_chapter_list = 8; } // CmdId: 6932 // Obf: CJCEEDJNAAB message CoopChapterUpdateNotify { repeated CoopChapter chapter_list = 1; } // CmdId: 25026 // Obf: GFIFBOOBGOP message CoopCgUpdateNotify { repeated uint32 cg_list = 6; } // CmdId: 1034 // Obf: ADOBCEAELOF message CoopRewardUpdateNotify { repeated CoopReward reward_list = 13; } // CmdId: 27931 // Obf: LGAINENCJLA message UnlockCoopChapterReq { uint32 chapter_id = 11; } // CmdId: 3122 // Obf: NDDHACEDMHC message UnlockCoopChapterRsp { int32 retcode = 10; uint32 chapter_id = 11; } // CmdId: 7401 // Obf: DELDCGOMOEG message CoopPointUpdateNotify { CoopPoint coop_point = 6; } // CmdId: 22463 // Obf: NEHKCPAFDAI message StartCoopPointReq { uint32 coop_point = 8; } // CmdId: 1231 // Obf: LHBINHPHFKM message StartCoopPointRsp { MainCoop start_main_coop = 1; uint32 coop_point = 2; int32 retcode = 14; bool is_start = 6; } // CmdId: 27925 // Obf: EGFKMLLMKGB message CancelCoopTaskReq { uint32 chapter_id = 9; } // CmdId: 26816 // Obf: MMIJBEHIGHH message CancelCoopTaskRsp { int32 retcode = 3; uint32 chapter_id = 9; } // CmdId: 23462 // Obf: FELHCPBNOHO message TakeCoopRewardReq { uint32 reward_config_id = 2; } // CmdId: 22350 // Obf: OCBMJEKGPLA message TakeCoopRewardRsp { int32 retcode = 14; uint32 reward_config_id = 1; } // CmdId: 29927 // Obf: MMAMPOIJIFF message CoopProgressUpdateNotify { bool is_have_progress = 11; uint32 cur_coop_point = 12; } // CmdId: 24551 // Obf: EOGGBCKOGIE message SaveCoopDialogReq { uint32 CMJNNOEEBKC = 2; uint32 HIJPOLONNOA = 12; } // CmdId: 8107 // Obf: NAGJNOIEKMK message SaveCoopDialogRsp { uint32 HIJPOLONNOA = 9; uint32 CMJNNOEEBKC = 8; int32 retcode = 15; } // CmdId: 26025 // Obf: JDLGCMDAEFP message CoopCgShowNotify { repeated uint32 cg_list = 4; } // CmdId: 2879 // Obf: BJCIIGPPDJB message SetCoopChapterViewedReq { uint32 chapter_id = 4; } // CmdId: 23389 // Obf: AIFNGABDBJK message SetCoopChapterViewedRsp { int32 retcode = 12; uint32 chapter_id = 6; } // CmdId: 2503 // Obf: IEMIIPKOOLI message MainCoopFailNotify { string textmap_id = 14; uint32 chapter_id = 11; } // Obf: AEPAOCNLPHA message CustomDungeonBlock { uint32 guid = 15; Vector rot = 9; Vector pos = 5; uint32 block_id = 10; } // Obf: MMBJOBCADNI message CustomDungeonRoom { repeated CustomDungeonBlock block_list = 13; uint32 room_id = 12; } // Obf: KDLMJBEFIOD message CustomDungeonSetting { bool is_forbid_skill = 8; uint32 KADOPMBDBPG = 5; uint32 KHCGPFHNHMP = 4; uint32 ACMIGHKKLKJ = 1; uint32 HPFNIKCNFEE = 7; repeated uint32 open_room_list = 6; bool is_arrive_finish = 10; } // Obf: JLKPGHBFPHE message CustomDungeon { CustomDungeonSetting setting = 14; repeated CustomDungeonRoom room_list = 7; uint64 dungeon_guid = 3; uint32 dungeon_id = 8; } // CmdId: 23624 // Obf: NDBMKMKKBBC message EnterCustomDungeonReq { EnterCustomDungeonType enter_type = 8; uint64 dungeon_guid = 12; uint32 dungeon_id = 5; } // CmdId: 22598 // Obf: HJBLNFGNAGN message EnterCustomDungeonRsp { map room_cost_map = 15; EnterCustomDungeonType enter_type = 8; int32 retcode = 6; CustomDungeon custom_dungeon = 5; } // CmdId: 7311 // Obf: JBKNDGLOCNF message SaveCustomDungeonRoomReq { bool is_update_setting = 9; CustomDungeonRoom custom_dungeon_room = 14; CustomDungeonSetting setting = 12; } // CmdId: 6751 // Obf: FCADMAFCJEF message SaveCustomDungeonRoomRsp { repeated CustomDungeonBlock error_block_list = 15; uint32 room_id = 11; int32 retcode = 13; } // Obf: COOBJPMDGBL message CustomDungeonAbstract { uint32 PKEOPFJBBJP = 8; uint32 first_publish_time = 6; map brick_statistics_map = 15; uint32 JAEAFPJJFHE = 1; uint32 last_publish_time = 10; } // Obf: DDALIIIJCDF message CustomDungeonSocial { uint32 DKDJDMMPICM = 13; uint32 OPCLKCLOEJG = 4; uint32 AGFMPAJMBMF = 2; uint32 GLBMLFCKMHP = 7; } // Obf: DBBDLBCHPMD message CustomDungeonBrief { uint64 dungeon_guid = 1; uint32 dungeon_id = 4; CustomDungeonSetting setting = 13; repeated uint32 tag_list = 3; bool is_psn_platform = 7; CustomDungeonAbstract abstract = 6; uint32 last_save_time = 2; CustomDungeonState state = 12; uint32 battle_min_cost_time = 5; CustomDungeonSocial social = 15; } // Obf: HKCCDHPNEEE message OtherCustomDungeonBrief { CustomDungeonSetting setting = 7; repeated uint32 tag_list = 13; uint64 dungeon_guid = 6; bool is_adventure_dungeon = 2; uint32 dungeon_id = 4; bool is_psn_platform = 10; uint32 battle_min_cost_time = 3; SocialDetail creator_detail = 9; CustomDungeonAbstract abstract = 8; CustomDungeonSocial social = 14; bool is_stored = 5; } // Obf: PPEOHCONOAA message CustomDungeonBanInfo { CustomDungeonBanType ban_type = 1; uint32 expire_time = 5; uint64 dungeon_guid = 3; } // CmdId: 25611 // Obf: PCIKOGKJFDB message ChangeCustomDungeonRoomReq { uint32 room_id = 6; } // CmdId: 23301 // Obf: JBHBHCNKNDA message ChangeCustomDungeonRoomRsp { uint32 room_id = 10; int32 retcode = 7; } // CmdId: 24046 // Obf: GGBOHFJLLFJ message RemoveCustomDungeonReq { uint64 dungeon_guid = 14; } // CmdId: 28228 // Obf: IKNDOJKMIHF message RemoveCustomDungeonRsp { uint64 dungeon_guid = 9; int32 retcode = 11; } // CmdId: 28599 // Obf: HBGHIIHHGBA message TryCustomDungeonReq { uint32 room_id = 10; } // CmdId: 9741 // Obf: NMKPMDOGHFG message TryCustomDungeonRsp { int32 retcode = 4; uint32 room_id = 12; } // CmdId: 21897 // Obf: GBABEIIMMEL message PublishCustomDungeonReq { repeated uint32 tag_list = 9; uint64 dungeon_guid = 2; } // CmdId: 20498 // Obf: PGOBBBFIHGF message PublishCustomDungeonRsp { int32 retcode = 15; } // CmdId: 23043 // Obf: JFIJMPLBGPL message ExitCustomDungeonTryReq { } // CmdId: 28040 // Obf: MNCEJNJMABB message ExitCustomDungeonTryRsp { int32 retcode = 15; } // CmdId: 8476 // Obf: CPNIIHAEIPL message CustomDungeonUpdateNotify { CustomDungeonBrief dungeon_brief = 6; } // CmdId: 23034 // Obf: KELIAHMCEEB message GetRecommendCustomDungeonReq { bool is_refresh = 15; } // CmdId: 4300 // Obf: HFKEKKEANHL message GetRecommendCustomDungeonRsp { repeated OtherCustomDungeonBrief custom_dungeon_list = 2; int32 retcode = 14; } // CmdId: 8591 // Obf: JOIHPLKGFJD message GetStoreCustomDungeonReq { } // CmdId: 23536 // Obf: HLLJAOBLPFF message GetStoreCustomDungeonRsp { repeated OtherCustomDungeonBrief custom_dungeon_list = 12; int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 5413 // Obf: BMOIIAPAJKF message SearchCustomDungeonReq { string dungeon_code = 15; } // CmdId: 20759 // Obf: NKNECEMDGFB message SearchCustomDungeonRsp { OtherCustomDungeonBrief custom_dungeon_brief = 7; int32 retcode = 5; } // CmdId: 24734 // Obf: HPMKDKIAOCI message StoreCustomDungeonReq { bool is_cancel_store = 1; uint64 dungeon_guid = 10; } // CmdId: 28706 // Obf: PECOCMJLBDE message StoreCustomDungeonRsp { int32 retcode = 1; } // CmdId: 6450 // Obf: DMNLJNOKENH message LikeCustomDungeonReq { uint64 dungeon_guid = 1; bool is_cancel_like = 9; } // CmdId: 9496 // Obf: MAPFMIHPLIA message LikeCustomDungeonRsp { int32 retcode = 7; } // CmdId: 24516 // Obf: AJIHPMOOCHF message GetCustomDungeonReq { } // CmdId: 5372 // Obf: OMIHDIPFCBH message GetCustomDungeonRsp { CustomDungeonBanInfo ban_info = 2; int32 retcode = 10; repeated CustomDungeonBrief brief_list = 15; } // CmdId: 22043 // Obf: FBLJGJHMEGH message CustomDungeonRecoverNotify { repeated uint32 official_black_coin_list = 5; EnterCustomDungeonType enter_type = 13; CustomDungeon custom_dungeon = 7; TryCustomDungeonType try_type = 14; } // CmdId: 368 // Obf: PGHFANAPDJA message BackPlayCustomDungeonOfficialReq { uint32 room_id = 4; } // CmdId: 329 // Obf: HNOJFDEBCIH message BackPlayCustomDungeonOfficialRsp { int32 retcode = 11; } // CmdId: 3645 // Obf: BJEOENDLBCP message CustomDungeonOfficialNotify { EnterCustomDungeonType enter_type = 12; repeated uint32 official_black_coin_list = 7; TryCustomDungeonType try_type = 9; } // CmdId: 1660 // Obf: HNIAPOCKIMO message ReplayCustomDungeonReq { } // CmdId: 25962 // Obf: GOAKCLJFFHI message ReplayCustomDungeonRsp { int32 retcode = 3; } // CmdId: 8284 // Obf: KIPLDLKHDHC message CustomDungeonBattleRecordNotify { uint32 min_cost_time = 9; uint64 dungeon_guid = 11; } // CmdId: 8657 // Obf: GONBFMOOHBP message OutStuckCustomDungeonReq { } // CmdId: 9580 // Obf: DGCBOCHBEEB message OutStuckCustomDungeonRsp { int32 retcode = 12; } // CmdId: 26294 // Obf: HGGNBCGAGGC message DraftOwnerStartInviteReq { uint32 draft_id = 7; } // Obf: FOCNLAMKCBI message DraftInviteFailInfo { DraftInviteFailReason reason = 10; uint32 uid = 14; } // CmdId: 23377 // Obf: LPNHHBLOLKK message DraftOwnerStartInviteRsp { uint32 draft_id = 14; int32 retcode = 13; uint32 wrong_uid = 4; repeated DraftInviteFailInfo invite_fail_info_list = 9; } // CmdId: 25369 // Obf: JCPMEHNFCHP message DraftOwnerInviteNotify { uint32 invite_deadline_time = 3; uint32 draft_id = 11; } // CmdId: 2082 // Obf: FAGAEMNKFEE message DraftGuestReplyInviteReq { bool is_agree = 8; uint32 draft_id = 5; } // CmdId: 5277 // Obf: LAGBECGIPIP message DraftGuestReplyInviteRsp { uint32 draft_id = 14; bool is_agree = 3; int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 969 // Obf: GMFDKJJCCKM message DraftGuestReplyInviteNotify { bool is_agree = 14; uint32 draft_id = 11; uint32 guest_uid = 10; } // CmdId: 8588 // Obf: KDOMJCBNKFG message DraftInviteResultNotify { uint32 draft_id = 6; bool is_all_argee = 3; } // CmdId: 8918 // Obf: IKPCELLECGF message DraftOwnerTwiceConfirmNotify { uint32 twice_confirm_deadline_time = 14; uint32 draft_id = 2; } // CmdId: 6974 // Obf: INHNJADLNFG message DraftGuestReplyTwiceConfirmReq { uint32 draft_id = 15; bool is_agree = 8; } // CmdId: 1114 // Obf: DNLPDFFLIIK message DraftGuestReplyTwiceConfirmRsp { bool is_agree = 15; uint32 draft_id = 12; int32 retcode = 7; } // CmdId: 24753 // Obf: NLNCHHAMKLJ message DraftTwiceConfirmResultNotify { uint32 draft_id = 11; bool is_all_argee = 3; } // CmdId: 8578 // Obf: MPOOBJMHCMD message DraftGuestReplyTwiceConfirmNotify { uint32 draft_id = 13; bool is_agree = 6; uint32 guest_uid = 11; } // CmdId: 782 // Obf: JJMKBALLDNB message DungeonEntryInfoReq { repeated Uint32Pair scene_point_id_list = 8; uint32 point_id = 11; uint32 scene_id = 3; } // Obf: HFIHEBKHMPP message DungeonEntryInfo { uint32 next_refresh_time = 12; uint32 CFAFALIPFEN = 9; uint32 EOLGBLICEIA = 14; uint32 max_boss_chest_num = 11; uint32 dungeon_id = 13; uint32 end_time = 7; uint32 start_time = 2; bool is_passed = 5; WeeklyBossResinDiscountInfo weekly_boss_resin_discount_info = 6; } // Obf: CECCCBKAFKN message DungeonEntryPointInfo { repeated DungeonEntryInfo dungeon_entry_list = 9; uint32 point_id = 2; uint32 recommend_dungeon_id = 10; uint32 scene_id = 12; } // CmdId: 28381 // Obf: FJKAAALHLDG message DungeonEntryInfoRsp { repeated DungeonEntryInfo dungeon_entry_list = 4; repeated DungeonEntryPointInfo dungeon_entry_point_list = 11; int32 retcode = 13; uint32 point_id = 5; uint32 recommend_dungeon_id = 2; } // Obf: DALBJGGPCNF message DungeonEnterPosInfo { uint32 point_id = 13; uint32 quest_id = 12; } // CmdId: 28791 // Obf: IPCFJHGFFPP message PlayerEnterDungeonReq { uint32 dungeon_id = 11; DungeonEnterPosInfo enter_pos_info = 3; uint32 point_id = 15; } // CmdId: 24874 // Obf: IPGDOPKIBPO message PlayerEnterDungeonRsp { uint32 point_id = 1; uint32 dungeon_id = 10; int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 20980 // Obf: CCMGMAFLDCH message PlayerQuitDungeonReq { uint32 point_id = 5; bool is_quit_immediately = 13; } // CmdId: 4431 // Obf: KHKEMHFADOL message PlayerQuitDungeonRsp { int32 retcode = 8; uint32 point_id = 13; } // CmdId: 27817 // Obf: MKJAMAKFLLI message DungeonWayPointNotify { repeated uint32 active_way_point_list = 6; bool is_add = 5; } // CmdId: 7942 // Obf: IKEEIFMLEMK message DungeonWayPointActivateReq { uint32 way_point_id = 11; } // CmdId: 21846 // Obf: IGKIPPJIMAJ message DungeonWayPointActivateRsp { uint32 way_point_id = 3; int32 retcode = 14; } // Obf: DELLDHCKHKJ message StrengthenPointData { uint32 FNBNNLOLACD = 2; uint32 ENNCLEFEMDF = 5; } // Obf: EKCOLEKCJKB message DungeonSettleExhibitionInfo { OnlinePlayerInfo player_info = 3; repeated ExhibitionDisplayInfo card_list = 12; } // Obf: CPMOMCPKNBD message CrystalLinkDungeonSettleInfo { uint32 DEJJPIOCJDD = 15; uint32 final_score = 12; uint32 level_id = 3; uint32 ENBKLKPPLHL = 6; uint32 difficulty_id = 5; bool is_new_record = 7; bool PDKDBGNJPDL = 8; } // Obf: GDCAPLGGPNE message SummerTimeV2DungeonSettleInfo { bool is_success = 9; uint32 LMALLBDPKGO = 3; uint32 MBINEBFILLF = 8; } // Obf: GALINJEGEGO message InstableSprayDungeonSettleInfo { bool is_new_record = 15; uint32 difficulty = 8; uint32 stage_id = 5; uint32 round = 13; uint32 level_id = 4; repeated uint32 score_list = 7; } // Obf: KGEBGAHEFLG message WindFieldDungeonSettleInfo { repeated uint32 KDIFMAEJGIO = 3; WindFieldDungeonFailReason fail_reason = 12; repeated uint32 AKDFKBJLGGI = 11; } // Obf: GKEGGCBBJNB message EffigyChallengeV2SettleInfo { uint32 CMCCNBNFAJE = 11; bool LFNCGGFLHPL = 9; uint32 DCAKCNEDDEB = 12; uint32 challenge_mode_difficulty = 3; bool FOFHONJNIHG = 4; uint32 PHNDBBLLHDI = 1; } // Obf: LLNMBEJEOMH message TeamChainSettleInfo { repeated uint32 score_list = 3; uint32 difficulty = 15; uint32 total_score = 6; bool is_new_record = 9; uint32 stage_id = 10; } // Obf: EIBDAICPDMP message PacmanSettleInfo { uint32 final_score = 8; uint32 GIMCFEIADKI = 6; bool is_new_record = 3; uint32 NHFGIBDCPGC = 4; FKMJAPDCONH reason = 5; } // Obf: DEIBBCOKCBE message FungusFighterV2SettleInfo { uint32 GOJKOCDIMEO = 11; uint32 level_id = 6; uint32 OGOLIHBAJDL = 3; bool is_new_record = 8; uint32 cost_time = 13; uint32 IBJOJJBHKCF = 15; } // Obf: BHIDAAPPGHP message MultiCharacterDungeonSettleInfo { repeated uint32 AJFIDJINPLL = 15; bool is_new_record = 12; uint32 stage_id = 14; uint32 level_id = 4; uint32 difficulty = 7; repeated IEDLOHFOJJB team_info_list = 2; } // Obf: PPBHHGOECDC message BladeDanceSettleInfo { bool is_new_record = 15; uint32 KDPNBLFJKND = 2; uint32 cost_time = 10; uint32 level_id = 12; } // CmdId: 22323 // Obf: OHGJJKADNFH message DungeonSettleNotify { bool is_success = 3; repeated DungeonSettleExhibitionInfo exhibition_info_list = 10; map strengthen_point_data_map = 2; map settle_show = 13; uint32 create_player_uid = 1; uint32 dungeon_id = 7; uint32 close_time = 6; uint32 result = 5; uint32 use_time = 15; repeated uint32 fail_cond_list = 9; oneof detail { TowerLevelEndNotify tower_level_end_notify = 1162; TrialAvatarFirstPassDungeonNotify trial_avatar_first_pass_dungeon_notify = 2036; ChannellerSlabLoopDungeonResultInfo channeller_slab_loop_dungeon_result_info = 808; EffigyChallengeDungeonResultInfo effigy_challenge_dungeon_result_info = 596; RoguelikeDungeonSettleInfo roguelike_dungeon_settle_info = 2010; CrystalLinkDungeonSettleInfo crystal_link_settle_info = 1313; SummerTimeV2DungeonSettleInfo summer_time_v2_dungeon_settle_info = 174; InstableSprayDungeonSettleInfo instable_spray_settle_info = 702; WindFieldDungeonSettleInfo wind_field_dungeon_settle_info = 714; EffigyChallengeV2SettleInfo effigy_challenge_v2_settle_info = 1629; TeamChainSettleInfo team_chain_settle_info = 755; PacmanSettleInfo pacman_settle_info = 1544; FungusFighterV2SettleInfo fungus_fighter_v2_settle_info = 1886; BladeDanceSettleInfo blade_dance_settle_info = 578; MultiCharacterDungeonSettleInfo multi_character_dungeon_settle_info = 1901; } } // CmdId: 28240 // Obf: JNJBBMEHNOL message DungeonPlayerDieNotify { uint32 revive_count = 6; map strengthen_point_data_map = 1; PlayerDieType die_type = 11; uint32 wait_time = 9; uint32 dungeon_id = 4; oneof entity { uint32 monster_id = 3; uint32 gadget_id = 10; } uint32 murderer_entity_id = 15; } // CmdId: 3884 // Obf: MOHIGAEGAKN message DungeonDieOptionReq { bool is_quit_immediately = 13; PlayerDieOption die_option = 8; } // CmdId: 28454 // Obf: JBMMJNEGEKF message DungeonDieOptionRsp { uint32 revive_count = 5; int32 retcode = 10; PlayerDieOption die_option = 1; } // CmdId: 7524 // Obf: LLKABFDGMBI message DungeonShowReminderNotify { uint32 reminder_id = 13; } // CmdId: 3239 // Obf: KLKMLEAJHNH message DungeonPlayerDieReq { PlayerDieType die_type = 2; uint32 dungeon_id = 1; } // CmdId: 29888 // Obf: OAJOHKDAIJF message DungeonPlayerDieRsp { int32 retcode = 14; } // CmdId: 7011 // Obf: HCHCACOAIHC message DungeonDataNotify { map dungeon_data_map = 13; } // CmdId: 8891 // Obf: FPMGJHAEAML message DungeonChallengeBeginNotify { uint32 challenge_index = 11; uint32 group_id = 10; repeated uint32 uid_list = 15; uint32 father_index = 4; uint32 challenge_id = 3; repeated uint32 param_list = 6; } // Obf: LECFLFKFOOL message ChallengeBrief { uint32 challenge_id = 14; uint32 cur_progress = 3; bool is_success = 9; uint32 challenge_index = 15; } // Obf: HMBINEDPAHO message CustomDungeonResultInfo { uint32 got_coin_num = 3; CustomDungeonFinishType finish_type = 14; repeated ChallengeBrief child_challenge_list = 12; uint64 dungeon_guid = 11; bool is_liked = 7; uint32 time_cost = 2; bool is_stored = 15; bool is_arrive_finish = 5; } // CmdId: 5847 // Obf: JBNHPHABEGG message DungeonChallengeFinishNotify { ChallengeFinishType finish_type = 7; bool is_success = 11; uint32 challenge_index = 8; uint32 currentValue = 14; bool is_new_record = 15; uint32 time_cost = 13; map strengthen_point_data_map = 5; uint32 challengeRecordType = 4; oneof detail { ChannellerSlabLoopDungeonResultInfo channeller_slab_loop_dungeon_result_info = 1111; EffigyChallengeDungeonResultInfo effigy_challenge_dungeon_result_info = 351; PotionDungeonResultInfo potion_dungeon_result_info = 339; CustomDungeonResultInfo custom_dungeon_result_info = 915; } } // CmdId: 2864 // Obf: MFANHHFJIBJ message ChallengeDataNotify { uint32 challenge_index = 5; uint32 param_index = 9; uint32 value = 8; } // CmdId: 5420 // Obf: LPDEAGHMKHI message DungeonFollowNotify { uint32 target_uid = 7; } // CmdId: 22105 // Obf: DCPLBOFPKII message DungeonGetStatueDropReq { } // CmdId: 29858 // Obf: BLLAODMBPOE message DungeonGetStatueDropRsp { int32 retcode = 11; } // Obf: EENKPMILDBO message ChallengeRecord { uint32 DBFALDONGOJ = 7; uint32 challenge_index = 12; uint32 challenge_id = 4; uint32 currentValue = 14; } // CmdId: 27022 // Obf: KGDDHMLFDGO message ChallengeRecordNotify { uint32 group_id = 14; repeated ChallengeRecord challenge_record_list = 13; } // Obf: LEJPPHJPGDD message DungeonCandidateTeamAvatar { AvatarInfo avatar_info = 13; uint32 player_uid = 12; optional UgcAvatarInfo ugc_avatar_info = 260; } // Obf: EJFDNMJLLGC message UgcTeamInfo { FDGOOBGNJMP enter_type = 7; IEPHBPLIFIN FDMDGMLNDNB = 5; } // CmdId: 6824 // Obf: HLAOLGIKKIH message DungeonCandidateTeamInfoNotify { uint32 dungeon_id = 10; repeated DungeonCandidateTeamAvatar avatar_list = 12; uint32 match_type = 15; map KDNCFBHJCPJ = 3; repeated uint32 ready_player_uid = 7; optional UgcTeamInfo ugc_team_list = 1882; } // CmdId: 20161 // Obf: EKFFOLPOFOG message DungeonCandidateTeamInviteNotify { uint32 dungeon_id = 13; uint32 player_uid = 14; uint32 vaild_deadline_time_sec = 5; } // CmdId: 20800 // Obf: GCCLANHLJPH message DungeonCandidateTeamRefuseNotify { uint32 player_uid = 8; } // CmdId: 23849 // Obf: LCCBHDIDMLM message DungeonCandidateTeamPlayerLeaveNotify { uint32 player_uid = 9; DungeonCandidateTeamPlayerLeaveReason reason = 14; } // CmdId: 9931 // Obf: JGHDDECCJPG message DungeonCandidateTeamDismissNotify { DungeonCandidateTeamDismissReason reason = 11; uint32 player_uid = 14; } // CmdId: 6341 // Obf: ICOKGCHCLNL message DungeonCandidateTeamCreateReq { uint32 dungeon_id = 12; uint32 point_id = 13; } // CmdId: 22514 // Obf: NHKFHIKGPKK message DungeonCandidateTeamCreateRsp { int32 retcode = 9; } // CmdId: 7822 // Obf: GMKJIOPILNO message DungeonCandidateTeamInviteReq { repeated uint32 player_uids = 9; } // CmdId: 23686 // Obf: PLDKBBCIIFK message DungeonCandidateTeamInviteRsp { repeated uint32 invalid_player_uids = 10; int32 retcode = 13; } // CmdId: 28294 // Obf: MAHEAEBNDNP message DungeonCandidateTeamKickReq { uint32 player_uid = 5; } // CmdId: 22454 // Obf: OBDCAHNACAB message DungeonCandidateTeamKickRsp { int32 retcode = 7; } // CmdId: 22562 // Obf: GJDCBHBIHFB message DungeonCandidateTeamLeaveReq { } // CmdId: 23855 // Obf: FDAGGEEHDPO message DungeonCandidateTeamLeaveRsp { int32 retcode = 3; } // CmdId: 4838 // Obf: NBECIALIFBA message DungeonCandidateTeamReplyInviteReq { bool is_accept = 12; } // CmdId: 3761 // Obf: KABOLDJAOOI message DungeonCandidateTeamReplyInviteRsp { uint32 dungeon_id = 14; bool is_trans_point = 2; int32 retcode = 3; } // CmdId: 23358 // Obf: DOCBKNBOMEH message DungeonCandidateTeamSetReadyReq { bool is_ready = 11; } // CmdId: 28597 // Obf: ICOGEAIAOOG message DungeonCandidateTeamSetReadyRsp { int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 1619 // Obf: DFGNPIBJHIF message DungeonCandidateTeamChangeAvatarReq { repeated uint64 avatar_guid_list = 14; } // CmdId: 451 // Obf: NNFKLBOECOB message DungeonCandidateTeamChangeAvatarRsp { int32 retcode = 11; } // Obf: FMKJAHHOCBE message DailyDungeonEntryInfo { DungeonEntryInfo recommend_dungeon_entry_info = 8; uint32 recommend_dungeon_id = 10; uint32 dungeon_entry_id = 2; uint32 dungeon_entry_config_id = 15; } // CmdId: 6924 // Obf: MBPLOJNEPHM message GetDailyDungeonEntryInfoReq { uint32 scene_id = 5; } // CmdId: 674 // Obf: OENGIKKHMHC message GetDailyDungeonEntryInfoRsp { int32 retcode = 14; repeated DailyDungeonEntryInfo daily_dungeon_info_list = 7; } // CmdId: 8945 // Obf: NMHIJGEDOLK message DungeonSlipRevivePointActivateReq { uint32 slip_revive_point_id = 11; } // CmdId: 1980 // Obf: CNEDCJKENNB message DungeonSlipRevivePointActivateRsp { uint32 slip_revive_point_id = 5; int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 25895 // Obf: IKDPEJOBGFB message DungeonInterruptChallengeReq { uint32 challenge_id = 10; uint32 challenge_index = 9; uint32 group_id = 5; } // CmdId: 4256 // Obf: EDPOFMHEEAE message DungeonInterruptChallengeRsp { int32 retcode = 1; uint32 group_id = 14; uint32 challenge_index = 10; uint32 challenge_id = 2; } // CmdId: 2249 // Obf: CCJDIFPEDOP message InteractDailyDungeonInfoNotify { } // CmdId: 29252 // Obf: FFNEOOIKHIA message DungeonRestartReq { } // CmdId: 26758 // Obf: LNDDFOIDFOI message DungeonRestartRsp { uint32 dungeon_id = 1; uint32 point_id = 4; int32 retcode = 15; } // CmdId: 29338 // Obf: CEELKKHAKNI message DungeonRestartInviteNotify { uint32 point_id = 11; uint32 player_uid = 15; uint32 cd = 7; uint32 dungeon_id = 13; } // CmdId: 4804 // Obf: JPOPCNNCHHK message DungeonRestartInviteReplyReq { bool is_accept = 6; } // CmdId: 20035 // Obf: IBLKGMDNOGJ message DungeonRestartInviteReplyRsp { bool is_accept = 8; bool is_trans_point = 2; int32 retcode = 12; } // CmdId: 8778 // Obf: MAFPCFBPKOO message DungeonRestartInviteReplyNotify { uint32 player_uid = 8; bool is_accept = 2; } // CmdId: 22679 // Obf: BONJMLPEAOA message DungeonRestartResultNotify { bool is_add_accpet = 13; } // CmdId: 5541 // Obf: CNHEIIFDBPM message DungeonCandidateTeamSetChangingAvatarReq { bool is_changing_avatar = 12; } // CmdId: 28831 // Obf: HIOLJBGLAFD message DungeonCandidateTeamSetChangingAvatarRsp { int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 9166 // Obf: KEDBFDOGFDH message MistTrialFloorLevelNotify { uint32 dungeon_scene_id = 13; uint32 floor_level = 7; } // CmdId: 22297 // Obf: BHBGFLBHMKP message DungeonReviseLevelNotify { uint32 dungeon_id = 13; uint32 DEKNEDHELLG = 9; uint32 CONMHGGJNMC = 10; } // CmdId: 25847 message BBLFOGIBMGA { repeated uint32 monster_id_list = 3; repeated PlatformType FBIDJPPPLEH = 2; } // CmdId: 28862 message NJEABHKBAHE { message MEBJDBFIELG { repeated uint32 monster_id_list = 11; string KHENLKOMPDD = 4; repeated PlatformType FBIDJPPPLEH = 14; } repeated MEBJDBFIELG EPJKEKAOAEF = 9; } // Obf: AABMKDICGED message HitCollision { float NBANAGMDLHB = 15; int32 hit_box_index = 6; Vector hit_point = 13; float DMGGIJNBFNN = 11; Vector hit_dir = 8; HitColliderType hit_collider_type = 4; } // Obf: LEKHHDAJFPK message AttackHitEffectResult { uint32 PPEJOCMAFFH = 11; float HLMGLLLLEIJ = 7; uint32 POCHAAAEPMH = 2; float NMMAGALAPME = 13; float DPMHMPLKOEK = 1; float LOHBEFJPFHA = 5; } // Obf: JJPHDINFFJI message AbilityIdentifier { int32 local_id = 5; uint32 instanced_ability_id = 11; bool is_serverbuff_modifier = 2; uint32 instanced_modifier_id = 12; uint32 MDEDDJNNKOI = 6; uint32 BKJOIGAMEAM = 10; } // Obf: ICJAFHIJEBJ message AttackResult { uint32 BLJNCIEFOED = 5; uint32 element_type = 10; float FMPIEJOMIFJ = 1723; float NLAAOODDKGK = 778; bool BAAHKFCEBMA = 7; float KFCPIKCMIOI = 567; float DPHDFDJJNOA = 27; bool BILAJCEBMGF = 378; uint32 MIKMJNBAAIJ = 8; AttackHitEffectResult hit_eff_result = 6; uint32 BKKNPCPEDCF = 457; uint32 DKDBHEJFOGD = 1602; uint32 defense_id = 9; uint32 attacker_id = 14; float damage = 2; uint32 EMOHABNNHBJ = 314; bool KAKHNCAHEOP = 609; string anim_event_id = 15; int32 hit_retreat_angle_compat = 13; uint32 KGKNJIIOPMP = 1649; uint32 EFKGDDIGOHJ = 82; uint32 JDPELIFFANG = 394; uint32 ODBKCAJFBMO = 1652; AbilityIdentifier ability_identifier = 3; Vector resolved_dir = 4; HitCollision hit_collision = 11; uint32 NFDLHHGPLKL = 866; uint32 OEEFAHMCLOM = 216; uint32 IEJNKCBILGI = 1603; bool FIHKEJMFKHO = 1672; } // Obf: LGMKEKBEELG message EvtBeingHitInfo { uint32 peer_id = 4; uint32 frame_num = 15; AttackResult attack_result = 10; } // CmdId: 8650 // Obf: OPODPPOAPKP message EvtBeingHitNotify { ForwardType forward_type = 9; EvtBeingHitInfo being_hit_info = 4; } // Obf: KMKPHPFFDNG message EvtAnimatorParameterInfo { int32 name_id = 4; AnimatorParameterValueInfo value = 10; bool is_server_cache = 15; uint32 entity_id = 11; } // CmdId: 8912 // Obf: BNDEGKKNAFJ message EvtAnimatorParameterNotify { EvtAnimatorParameterInfo animator_param_info = 4; ForwardType forward_type = 13; } // CmdId: 9459 // Obf: JBPDNKOINAN message HostPlayerNotify { uint32 host_uid = 8; uint32 host_peer_id = 7; } // CmdId: 8216 // Obf: LPCJNKAIIEL message EvtDoSkillSuccNotify { uint32 caster_id = 14; uint32 skill_id = 7; Vector forward = 5; ForwardType forward_type = 12; } // CmdId: 22195 // Obf: LGEDOOIENKG message EvtCreateGadgetNotify { uint64 guid = 11; repeated uint32 target_lock_point_index_list = 516; uint32 room_id = 3; bool is_peer_id_from_player = 1886; bool HEPFGKFLCCD = 13; uint32 owner_entity_id = 14; bool OFGGANCKDLM = 438; uint32 target_lock_point_index = 8; Vector InitEulerAngles = 4; uint32 prop_owner_entity_id = 1; uint32 camp_type = 5; ForwardType forward_type = 7; Vector InitPos = 9; uint32 target_entity_id = 2; uint32 config_id = 15; uint32 camp_id = 12; repeated uint32 target_entity_id_list = 216; uint32 entity_id = 10; bool CNIILEKPCMD = 6; } // CmdId: 5833 // Obf: JOPFKPGNIKG message EvtDestroyGadgetNotify { ForwardType forward_type = 1; uint32 entity_id = 8; } // CmdId: 28358 // Obf: FOHLJKAFFNL message EvtFaceToEntityNotify { uint32 entity_id = 13; ForwardType forward_type = 2; uint32 face_entity_id = 10; } // Obf: DGNNOOGKIDC message EvtFaceToDirInfo { uint32 entity_id = 12; Vector face_dir = 11; } // CmdId: 3850 // Obf: ONOKEAPFKHE message EvtFaceToDirNotify { EvtFaceToDirInfo evt_face_to_dir_info = 6; ForwardType forward_type = 11; } // CmdId: 810 // Obf: FPOPCBIOAAA message EvtCostStaminaNotify { float cost_stamina = 11; uint32 skill_id = 4; } // Obf: IECFBICKHEE message EvtSetAttackTargetInfo { uint32 select_point_index = 3; uint32 attack_target_id = 10; uint32 entity_id = 13; } // CmdId: 9927 // Obf: LEHDJDHEPPB message EvtSetAttackTargetNotify { EvtSetAttackTargetInfo evt_set_attack_target_info = 10; ForwardType forward_type = 9; } // Obf: ONHCJCJDHEI message EvtAnimatorStateChangedInfo { uint32 ref_id = 9; uint32 AFHAMAHFDFH = 4; bool ONHINBKJJDG = 1; Vector ref_pos = 14; bool AEJFHAEJMAH = 10; uint32 normalized_time_compact = 12; Vector pos = 15; float fade_duration = 7; int32 face_angle_compact = 8; uint32 entity_id = 6; uint32 BBHJKALOLNJ = 2; } // Obf: JKDMDAFNPFF message EvtCompensatePosDiffInfo { Vector cur_pos = 5; int32 face_angle_compact = 2; uint32 entity_id = 9; uint32 normalized_time_compact = 4; uint32 cur_hash = 10; } message KJCGEIPACLC { Vector PDFGFIKLANM = 11; uint32 entity_id = 10; Vector target_pos = 12; } // Obf: JAGPFBDDEAN message EvtFixedRushMove { float speed = 12; string override_collider = 8; bool IFFPKMEPDMA = 11; uint32 entity_id = 15; repeated uint32 animator_state_id_list = 10; Vector target_pos = 3; bool CEIIFCMKJJC = 13; } message DHPFNNHADNH { uint32 entity_id = 6; Vector DKAKDMHDPDH = 15; Vector PNMGDJCANHC = 3; JMFPBNKNHED GPOHBBPBBEC = 5; } // Obf: FPDBCDBPIHI message EvtLightCoreMove { float speed = 6; float CFHOLDHHKDG = 2; uint32 entity_id = 7; Vector target_pos = 1; float IANDFNHEJNH = 12; } // Obf: KOEBOEKINMF message EvtGrapplingHookMove { string override_collider = 4; repeated uint32 animator_state_id_list = 6; float speed = 14; float CHLPMJKKOHB = 3; Vector target_pos = 10; float OJNIOEOFFOI = 15; bool CEIIFCMKJJC = 7; bool IFFPKMEPDMA = 12; uint32 entity_id = 1; } // CmdId: 1539 // Obf: FHJIKJADHNP message EvtAnimatorStateChangedNotify { ForwardType forward_type = 8; EvtAnimatorStateChangedInfo evt_animator_state_changed_info = 10; } // Obf: KEPEGNEDOPJ message EvtRushMoveInfo { int32 face_angle_compact = 10; Vector pos = 15; Vector NIGKCDBDNHG = 12; uint32 entity_id = 2; float timeRange = 14; int32 state_name_hash = 6; Vector DIJBLPGFBMA = 4; Vector velocity = 3; } message OECILAICMIE { Vector face_dir = 6; uint32 entity_id = 8; Vector pos = 3; Vector velocity = 5; } // Obf: DLAHFFBOIFA message EvtCombatForceSetPosInfo { uint32 CMJGEIMODDO = 12; Vector target_pos = 5; uint32 JIKEAELPDOC = 3; uint32 entity_id = 1; } // Obf: MLJBHICOBMH message EvtSyncEntityPositionInfo { Vector pos = 3; uint32 entity_id = 2; uint32 state_hash = 9; uint32 normalized_time_compact = 7; int32 face_angle_compact = 8; } // CmdId: 25987 // Obf: HLMODAGGEGO message EvtRushMoveNotify { ForwardType forward_type = 6; EvtRushMoveInfo evt_rush_move_info = 15; } // CmdId: 23746 // Obf: LAFKEDKPKIM message EvtBulletHitNotify { ForwardType forward_type = 3; HitColliderType hit_collider_type = 5; uint32 KDBDDHAOOME = 6; Vector hit_point = 1; uint32 HNMABCLIAMB = 7; Vector hit_normal = 4; uint32 entity_id = 9; int32 hit_box_index = 12; uint32 forward_peer = 8; } // CmdId: 26348 // Obf: FJJAANMLOOB message EvtBulletDeactiveNotify { ForwardType forward_type = 1; uint32 entity_id = 14; Vector disappear_pos = 8; } // CmdId: 27889 // Obf: BIBKKFDFKEH message EvtEntityStartDieEndNotify { uint32 die_state_flag = 13; uint32 entity_id = 9; bool immediately = 12; ForwardType forward_type = 6; } // CmdId: 8672 // Obf: PJHHOALDCDN message EvtBulletMoveNotify { uint32 entity_id = 6; Vector cur_pos = 13; ForwardType forward_type = 15; } // CmdId: 20643 // Obf: CMOGIHEMPNF message EvtAvatarEnterFocusNotify { Vector focus_forward = 13; ForwardType forward_type = 3; bool CCKKABKJJGP = 12; bool MDMOIMDCOPF = 7; uint32 entity_id = 11; bool MCNECDNCLCJ = 1; bool GMLEBIHPOKD = 5; bool OGOLKMLFFHE = 2; bool OEMKCENFMIM = 10; bool DBPHFOKBNCP = 9; bool PBHFFGHHPMA = 15; bool EGBLCMOLOMC = 8; bool NACMCGNGDLN = 6; } // CmdId: 24354 // Obf: BDJMGLMLENA message EvtAvatarExitFocusNotify { Vector finish_forward = 13; ForwardType forward_type = 12; uint32 entity_id = 11; } // CmdId: 8305 // Obf: LHFNDLOOJKJ message EvtAvatarUpdateFocusNotify { uint32 entity_id = 8; Vector focus_forward = 14; ForwardType forward_type = 9; } // Obf: MBOKNLKIPFI message AuthorityChange { EntityAuthorityInfo entity_authority_info = 10; uint32 authority_peer_id = 9; uint32 entity_id = 1; } // CmdId: 3913 // Obf: PCGGEAGLBGD message EntityAuthorityChangeNotify { repeated AuthorityChange authority_change_list = 13; } // CmdId: 24005 // Obf: LDBEMEAFJOG message AvatarBuffAddNotify { uint64 avatar_guid = 13; uint32 buff_id = 12; } // CmdId: 3202 // Obf: HPKFFICFAKP message AvatarBuffDelNotify { uint64 avatar_guid = 11; uint32 buff_id = 5; } // CmdId: 20036 // Obf: BMANLPLANOJ message MonsterAlertChangeNotify { uint32 avatar_entity_id = 14; uint32 is_alert = 1; repeated uint32 monster_entity_list = 12; } // CmdId: 3111 // Obf: PKIMGJKJMFE message MonsterForceAlertNotify { uint32 monster_entity_id = 8; } // CmdId: 23736 // Obf: FPPIIFCCGBG message AvatarEnterElementViewNotify { bool is_triggerd = 10; uint32 avatar_entity_id = 6; } // CmdId: 3153 // Obf: HOMMGPCHAMD message TriggerCreateGadgetToEquipPartNotify { uint32 entity_id = 2; uint32 gadget_id = 5; uint32 gadget_entity_id = 12; string equip_part = 9; } // CmdId: 5525 // Obf: IOCCLGCILKA message EvtEntityRenderersChangedNotify { uint32 entity_id = 12; EntityRendererChangedInfo renderer_changed_info = 4; ForwardType forward_type = 10; bool is_server_cache = 6; } // CmdId: 20049 // Obf: AKBHACPDPLA message AnimatorForceSetAirMoveNotify { ForwardType forward_type = 9; bool in_air_move = 11; uint32 entity_id = 12; } // Obf: AJLFKACFMII message AiSkillCdInfo { map skill_cd_map = 6; map skill_group_cd_map = 11; } // CmdId: 6471 // Obf: DCKIHJONHIO message EvtAiSyncSkillCdNotify { map ai_cd_map = 10; } // CmdId: 22445 // Obf: KKMJKPPFMGI message EvtBeingHitsCombineNotify { repeated EvtBeingHitInfo evt_being_hit_info_list = 4; ForwardType forward_type = 8; } // CmdId: 23010 // Obf: EGKACDGMPPG message EvtAvatarSitDownNotify { uint64 chair_id = 6; int32 direction = 8; Vector position = 9; uint32 entity_id = 4; } // CmdId: 8332 // Obf: JOAGCKEBIGN message EvtAvatarStandUpNotify { int32 direction = 14; uint64 chair_id = 8; int32 performId = 12; uint32 entity_id = 6; } // CmdId: 24080 // Obf: EBOOJFFLOBI message CreateMassiveEntityReq { repeated ClientMassiveEntity massive_entity_list = 10; } // CmdId: 20637 // Obf: AJJNIEABIAH message CreateMassiveEntityRsp { int32 retcode = 15; } // CmdId: 27278 // Obf: MOGACMBGKBA message CreateMassiveEntityNotify { repeated ServerMassiveEntity massive_entity_list = 6; } // CmdId: 24517 // Obf: GCKEBOMKGFN message DestroyMassiveEntityNotify { repeated ClientMassiveEntity massive_entity_list = 6; } // CmdId: 21761 // Obf: CNPCOPNIOEH message MassiveEntityStateChangedNotify { repeated MassiveEntityState massive_entity_state_list = 9; } // Obf: KOMDBIHEDIA message TeamEntityInfo { uint32 team_entity_id = 10; uint32 authority_peer_id = 9; AbilitySyncStateInfo team_ability_info = 12; } // CmdId: 25071 // Obf: OCCHGJLNKDC message SyncTeamEntityNotify { uint32 scene_id = 4; repeated TeamEntityInfo team_entity_info_list = 3; } // CmdId: 4320 // Obf: PPAHLMFGPPN message DelTeamEntityNotify { repeated uint32 del_entity_id_list = 7; uint32 scene_id = 15; } // Obf: AACHABJNBBP message EvtSyncSkillAnchorPosition { Vector skill_anchor_position = 1; uint32 entity_id = 9; } // Obf: CDKBNNNPIIC message CombatInvokeEntry { ForwardType forward_type = 14; CombatTypeArgument argument_type = 9; bytes combat_data = 11; } // CmdId: 20271 // Obf: BLEFDDJFMLO message CombatInvocationsNotify { repeated CombatInvokeEntry invoke_list = 15; } // CmdId: 6462 // Obf: FIKGOMABCGP message ServerBuffChangeNotify { // Obf: EEAKJOFDEFO enum ServerBuffChangeType { SERVER_BUFF_CHANGE_TYPE_ADD_SERVER_BUFF = 0; SERVER_BUFF_CHANGE_TYPE_DEL_SERVER_BUFF = 1; } repeated ServerBuff server_buff_list = 15; repeated uint64 avatar_guid_list = 8; ServerBuffChangeType server_buff_change_type = 11; repeated uint32 entity_id_list = 14; bool is_creature_buff = 7; } // Obf: HHHCEHIOMEP message AiThreatInfo { map ai_threat_map = 12; } // CmdId: 7714 // Obf: HHOBKODCGBH message EvtAiSyncCombatThreatInfoNotify { map combat_threat_info_map = 15; } // CmdId: 699 // Obf: FLIFJJHNFJO message MassiveEntityElementOpBatchNotify { int32 PIGDAOBDKBB = 7; uint32 op_idx = 4; uint32 user_id = 13; uint32 attacker_id = 1; int32 entity_type = 10; int32 IOJOIDKOIBH = 9; oneof check_shape { ShapeSphere shape_sphere = 12; ShapeBox shape_box = 11; } float attack_element_durability = 14; } // Obf: HLGFNMAEPJO message AiSyncInfo { uint32 entity_id = 2; bool has_path_to_target = 4; bool is_self_killing = 1; } // CmdId: 5447 // Obf: HKGLOBEAHIN message EntityAiSyncNotify { repeated uint32 local_avatar_alerted_monster_list = 4; repeated AiSyncInfo info_list = 5; } // CmdId: 21205 // Obf: BEHGHCFKCEI message LuaSetOptionNotify { // Obf: KDJIBGKLHDO enum LuaOptionType { LUA_OPTION_NONE = 0; LUA_OPTION_PLAYER_INPUT = 1; } string lua_set_param = 14; LuaOptionType option_type = 3; } // CmdId: 23600 // Obf: OGEONEOAOEN message EvtDestroyServerGadgetNotify { uint32 entity_id = 7; } // CmdId: 2606 // Obf: FPIKKIKFHDA message EntityAiKillSelfNotify { uint32 entity_id = 12; } // CmdId: 23086 // Obf: LBJMDFGMGBD message EvtAvatarLockChairReq { Vector position = 13; uint64 chair_id = 9; int32 direction = 3; } // CmdId: 26356 // Obf: ABACJEJFCJJ message EvtAvatarLockChairRsp { uint64 chair_id = 4; Vector position = 3; int32 retcode = 9; uint32 entity_id = 7; int32 direction = 2; } // CmdId: 27982 // Obf: NIGCPCEFALM message ReportFightAntiCheatNotify { uint32 cheat_type = 10; uint32 cheat_count = 6; } // CmdId: 4595 // Obf: MJNMJNGNOJO message EvtBeingHealedNotify { uint32 source_id = 5; float NNKHJEJKNDO = 8; float OHLCBKLHLGL = 3; uint32 target_id = 7; } // CmdId: 4542 // Obf: MJLLALFOONC message EvtLocalGadgetOwnerLeaveSceneNotify { uint32 entity_id = 11; } message MLFGHKOJCIF { int32 KLAKHPNJMME = 11; Vector JMFMMBIAOMI = 3; uint32 entity_id = 1; Vector IGDCFCOIPBJ = 6; bool DIODNKFCPKH = 9; Vector DHAHHHOMADG = 5; float JNMDCBCCHCK = 10; float MJFLEGJIKOF = 13; Vector AEPOKPKMKKI = 2; bool AAHIKFPLAIB = 14; int32 GCIIPLMBCOK = 7; } // CmdId: 26577 // Obf: IINOFMOLGIL message EnterFishingReq { uint32 fish_pool_id = 3; } // CmdId: 22129 // Obf: EMGCLLHPDOF message EnterFishingRsp { int32 retcode = 14; uint32 fish_pool_id = 2; } // CmdId: 24205 // Obf: FPHEIMEJOHH message StartFishingReq { uint32 fish_pool_id = 3; uint32 rod_entity_id = 14; } // CmdId: 27055 // Obf: PDONOIOBNIK message StartFishingRsp { uint32 fish_pool_id = 4; int32 retcode = 12; } // CmdId: 21697 // Obf: PEFPPFGIIFA message FishCastRodReq { uint32 NFOCOLMMGPL = 9; uint32 BGEFEMICKNP = 11; uint32 rod_entity_id = 14; Vector pos = 1; } // CmdId: 28344 // Obf: AGJMLJDDJGE message FishCastRodRsp { int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 26704 // Obf: MDNEPFPANAP message FishChosenNotify { uint32 fish_id = 15; } // CmdId: 1005 // Obf: INFHDNGEJBH message FishEscapeNotify { repeated uint32 fish_id_list = 10; Vector pos = 2; FishEscapeReason reason = 15; uint32 uid = 4; } // CmdId: 3118 // Obf: ABBFKLGIAJG message FishBiteReq { } // CmdId: 653 // Obf: ICBFGJKDNNP message FishBiteRsp { int32 retcode = 1; } // CmdId: 23596 // Obf: GNDDFDMHMHN message FishBattleBeginReq { } // CmdId: 24515 // Obf: AADNJKIAGHE message FishBattleBeginRsp { int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 22572 // Obf: CLOMLLEBGPB message FishBattleEndReq { FishBattleResult battle_result = 2; bool is_always_bonus = 3; uint32 max_bonus_time = 1; } // CmdId: 2479 // Obf: IDIIDOMLDIA message FishBattleEndRsp { // Obf: KNCHAIIMIDM enum FishNoRewardReason { FISH_NO_REWARD_NONE = 0; FISH_NO_REWARD_ACTIVITY_LIMIT = 1; FISH_NO_REWARD_BAG_LIMIT = 2; FISH_NO_REWARD_POOL_LIMIT = 3; } int32 retcode = 9; FishBattleResult battle_result = 7; repeated ItemParam reward_item_list = 11; FishNoRewardReason no_reward_reason = 12; repeated ItemParam FILLNPDLDGI = 8; bool is_got_reward = 13; repeated ItemParam AGADCCFPDEI = 6; } // CmdId: 5737 // Obf: MAMNOGOKBCH message ExitFishingReq { } // CmdId: 4039 // Obf: AGBLLAMGEMM message ExitFishingRsp { int32 retcode = 10; } // CmdId: 5374 // Obf: IKLIODDJHGC message FishAttractNotify { repeated uint32 fish_id_list = 14; Vector pos = 6; uint32 uid = 3; } // CmdId: 3285 // Obf: LAPCILJDCDH message FishBaitGoneNotify { uint32 uid = 7; } // CmdId: 6317 // Obf: JPONLOAPCLH message PlayerFishingDataNotify { uint32 last_fish_rod_id = 12; } // CmdId: 27962 // Obf: AOIPEJKPGCJ message FishPoolDataNotify { uint32 entity_id = 11; uint32 today_fish_num = 8; } // CmdId: 181 // Obf: ICLGLDGHDGP message GetGachaInfoReq { } // Obf: GLKEEDIHOFH message GachaUpInfo { repeated uint32 item_id_list = 4; uint32 item_parent_type = 6; } // Obf: LBJPFCBOKFM message GachaInfo { uint32 costItemId = 13; string gachaPrefabPath = 10; uint32 gachaType = 1; uint32 wishMaxProgress = 960; uint32 curScheduleDailyGachaTimes = 1456; uint32 leftGachaTimes = 15; bool is_new_wish = 1537; uint32 tenCostItemNum = 8; uint32 wishProgress = 1511; uint32 schedule_id = 5; uint32 tenCostItemId = 6; uint32 gachaSortId = 11; repeated uint32 FFMOBAAKKBH = 1285; string gachaRecordUrlOversea = 1181; string gachaProbUrlOversea = 1221; uint32 begin_time = 3; uint32 wishItemId = 870; uint32 end_time = 7; string gachaPreviewPrefabPath = 12; string titleTextmap = 847; repeated uint32 OCIHCEACNNF = 1831; uint32 gachaTimesLimit = 14; string gachaRecordUrl = 9; repeated GachaUpInfo gacha_up_info_list = 1514; uint32 costItemNum = 2; string gachaProbUrl = 4; } // CmdId: 23881 // Obf: IAAKKGACPDM message GetGachaInfoRsp { repeated GachaInfo gacha_info_list = 3; uint32 gachaRandom = 12; uint32 dailyGachaTimes = 9; bool is_under_general_restrict = 7; int32 retcode = 2; bool is_under_minors_restrict = 5; } // CmdId: 6499 // Obf: JHEFDEDCGBA message DoGachaReq { uint32 gachaTimes = 8; uint32 gachaScheduleId = 5; uint32 gachaRandom = 6; uint32 gachaType = 3; string gachaTag = 15; } // Obf: KGHFCKLJBLC message GachaTransferItem { ItemParam item = 9; bool is_transfer_item_new = 6; } // Obf: NJOOCPHJKKG message GachaItem { repeated ItemParam token_item_list = 9; bool is_gacha_item_new = 6; ItemParam gacha_item = 4; bool is_flash_card = 2; repeated GachaTransferItem transfer_items = 1; } // CmdId: 25647 // Obf: LDCEEHGLDNN message DoGachaRsp { uint32 tenCostItemNum = 8; uint32 gachaTimes = 5; uint32 wishMaxProgress = 9; repeated GachaItem gacha_item_list = 6; uint32 leftGachaTimes = 11; int32 retcode = 2; uint32 costItemNum = 10; uint32 curScheduleDailyGachaTimes = 706; uint32 wishProgress = 4; bool is_under_general_restrict = 1054; uint32 gachaType = 14; uint32 dailyGachaTimes = 509; uint32 newGachaRandom = 7; bool is_under_minors_restrict = 1446; uint32 gachaScheduleId = 13; uint32 costItemId = 12; uint32 tenCostItemId = 3; uint32 gachaTimesLimit = 15; uint32 wishItemId = 1; } // CmdId: 23244 // Obf: HPILINGFDBP message GachaWishReq { uint32 gachaType = 12; uint32 item_id = 7; uint32 gachaScheduleId = 10; } // CmdId: 9333 // Obf: NLENODLFFAC message GachaWishRsp { uint32 wishItemId = 11; uint32 gachaScheduleId = 7; uint32 gachaType = 1; int32 retcode = 9; uint32 wishMaxProgress = 5; uint32 wishProgress = 15; } // CmdId: 24635 // Obf: OOFAKCOGPFK message GachaOpenWishNotify { uint32 gachaScheduleId = 1; uint32 gachaType = 15; } // CmdId: 25366 // Obf: PINDMJICKID message GachaSimpleInfoNotify { bool is_new = 8; } // CmdId: 25080 message EGLGLHLBFCF { repeated uint32 NAJPDGOPBIL = 14; } // CmdId: 9254 // Obf: ALDNKENDMAD message GadgetInteractReq { uint32 gadget_entity_id = 11; uint32 ui_interact_id = 7; ResinCostType resin_cost_type = 5; bool is_use_condense_resin = 8; InterOpType op_type = 13; uint32 gadget_id = 6; } // CmdId: 29895 // Obf: OLJHDABEEPG message GadgetInteractRsp { uint32 gadget_entity_id = 12; InterOpType op_type = 5; InteractType interact_type = 11; uint32 gadget_id = 8; int32 retcode = 10; } // CmdId: 2075 // Obf: DAHKNOFELFH message GadgetStateNotify { bool is_enable_interact = 12; uint32 gadget_entity_id = 3; uint32 gadget_state = 1; } // CmdId: 925 // Obf: AMKENHADEJN message WorktopOptionNotify { repeated uint32 option_list = 7; uint32 gadget_entity_id = 3; } // CmdId: 24949 // Obf: KGNHIFGFOIA message SelectWorktopOptionReq { uint32 gadget_entity_id = 12; uint32 option_id = 6; } // CmdId: 27194 // Obf: MJHAKKACKEC message SelectWorktopOptionRsp { uint32 option_id = 13; int32 retcode = 9; uint32 gadget_entity_id = 14; } // CmdId: 3259 // Obf: DKBLPAENFDE message BossChestActivateNotify { uint32 entity_id = 7; repeated uint32 qualify_uid_list = 6; } // CmdId: 28622 // Obf: LEBKALOBMAA message BlossomChestInfoNotify { uint32 entity_id = 15; BlossomChestInfo blossom_chest_info = 13; } // CmdId: 1524 // Obf: PPGEEFEAOCO message GadgetPlayStartNotify { uint32 entity_id = 4; uint32 play_type = 13; uint32 start_time = 6; } // Obf: KCMFIJJFEBB message GadgetPlayUidInfo { ProfilePicture profile_picture = 1; uint32 uid = 11; uint32 score = 15; string nickname = 2; string online_id = 14; uint32 battle_watcher_id = 12; uint32 icon = 8; } // CmdId: 29757 // Obf: KPJBODHCLKA message GadgetPlayStopNotify { uint32 cost_time = 5; uint32 play_type = 1; bool is_win = 6; repeated GadgetPlayUidInfo uid_info_list = 7; uint32 score = 13; uint32 entity_id = 2; } // CmdId: 29586 // Obf: IIHEOPMCIKE message GadgetPlayDataNotify { uint32 progress = 2; uint32 play_type = 4; uint32 entity_id = 11; } // CmdId: 23635 // Obf: LFJJDLDCHOP message GadgetPlayUidOpNotify { string param_str = 13; repeated uint32 uid_list = 9; repeated uint32 param_list = 6; uint32 op = 5; uint32 entity_id = 15; uint32 play_type = 2; } // CmdId: 7557 // Obf: DILFBIEBAAF message GadgetGeneralRewardInfoNotify { uint32 entity_id = 9; GadgetGeneralRewardInfo general_reward_info = 1; } // CmdId: 3579 // Obf: PEILLEHHFBL message GadgetAutoPickDropInfoNotify { repeated Item item_list = 1; } // CmdId: 2608 // Obf: OLFDCFONNEK message UpdateAbilityCreatedMovingPlatformNotify { // Obf: LMONNLKLHCB enum OpType { OP_TYPE_NONE = 0; OP_TYPE_ACTIVATE = 1; OP_TYPE_DEACTIVATE = 2; } OpType op_type = 12; uint32 entity_id = 10; } // CmdId: 29818 // Obf: LGBCFACNBEC message FoundationReq { FoundationOpType op_type = 1; uint32 building_id = 11; uint32 gadget_entity_id = 4; uint32 point_config_id = 8; } // CmdId: 9097 // Obf: OJPAOFKHGJG message FoundationRsp { FoundationOpType op_type = 11; uint32 gadget_entity_id = 5; int32 retcode = 13; uint32 point_config_id = 7; uint32 building_id = 15; } // CmdId: 3606 // Obf: OACBEHADMHF message FoundationNotify { FoundationInfo info = 3; uint32 gadget_entity_id = 4; } // CmdId: 3815 // Obf: AMGLFFODACB message GadgetTalkChangeNotify { uint32 gadget_entity_id = 10; uint32 cur_gadget_talk_state = 11; } // CmdId: 25220 // Obf: GKLMOOALANM message GadgetChainLevelUpdateNotify { map gadget_chain_level_map = 13; } // CmdId: 1565 // Obf: KGKLDLKDPCM message GadgetChainLevelChangeNotify { map gadget_chain_level_map = 15; } // CmdId: 28312 // Obf: BPOCDLCHOCO message VehicleInteractReq { uint32 entity_id = 10; uint32 pos = 7; VehicleInteractType interact_type = 9; bool EPCIACIPLAN = 15; } // CmdId: 29349 // Obf: CFHCGPCDLPA message VehicleInteractRsp { int32 retcode = 6; VehicleMember member = 14; Vector KKDFCJENDNI = 4; uint32 entity_id = 5; VehicleInteractType interact_type = 7; uint32 gadget_id = 13; Vector JGOGBMEKOPP = 1; uint32 CJIMMADJKHD = 10; } // CmdId: 29875 // Obf: FJIDLNFEHBG message CreateVehicleReq { uint32 scene_point_id = 4; Vector pos = 10; uint32 vehicle_id = 11; Vector rot = 5; } // CmdId: 958 // Obf: PGCCKGDHLME message CreateVehicleRsp { uint32 vehicle_id = 9; uint32 entity_id = 11; int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 4423 // Obf: MHBJNBNNNCI message RequestLiveInfoReq { uint32 live_id = 6; } // CmdId: 28966 // Obf: GFJCIAADHDF message RequestLiveInfoRsp { string FECJIGBNJPI = 15; string EPBEHDEFFBO = 12; int32 retcode = 8; uint32 live_id = 10; } // CmdId: 1396 // Obf: HHADHIBOHBK message LiveStartNotify { uint32 live_id = 3; } // CmdId: 5441 // Obf: HENBPBCCNHC message ProjectorOptionReq { enum NFEFIEJPDGO { DOENKMNEPFO_PROJECTOR_OP_NONE = 0; DOENKMNEPFO_PROJECTOR_OP_CREATE = 1; DOENKMNEPFO_PROJECTOR_OP_DESTROY = 2; } uint32 entity_id = 5; uint32 op_type = 15; } // CmdId: 919 // Obf: ECMCEKIMIEI message ProjectorOptionRsp { uint32 op_type = 15; int32 retcode = 6; uint32 entity_id = 10; } // CmdId: 24015 // Obf: OEBAJKCJBNJ message LiveEndNotify { uint32 live_id = 5; } // CmdId: 6743 // Obf: FJJEGAOHOAC message VehicleStaminaNotify { uint32 entity_id = 10; float cur_stamina = 5; } // CmdId: 8377 // Obf: BFFLIJJIIDB message GadgetCustomTreeInfoNotify { CustomGadgetTreeInfo custom_gadget_tree_info = 13; uint32 gadget_entity_id = 7; } // CmdId: 172 // Obf: HNJBNGIPOEK message GadgetChangeLevelTagReq { CustomGadgetTreeInfo combination_info = 1; uint32 gadget_entity_id = 10; uint32 level_tag_id = 2; } // CmdId: 9742 // Obf: FNFAIBECOME message GadgetChangeLevelTagRsp { int32 retcode = 15; } // CmdId: 8693 // Obf: HDEBHIGAOLL message NightCrowGadgetObservationMatchReq { uint32 gadget_entity_id = 11; uint32 target_gadget_state = 1; } // CmdId: 3213 // Obf: FEOKEFFEDBA message NightCrowGadgetObservationMatchRsp { int32 retcode = 7; } // Obf: PGLBOHGBPJH message DeshretObeliskChestInfo { Vector pos = 3; uint32 HJMMAOMEHOL = 15; uint32 scene_id = 8; uint32 config_id = 1; uint32 group_id = 10; } // CmdId: 22407 // Obf: IPMPIFNCLNK message DeshretObeliskChestInfoNotify { repeated DeshretObeliskChestInfo chest_info_list = 13; } // CmdId: 29273 message MLBBALNPCOL { map gadget_chain_level_map = 9; bool IAPMCDLHCDE = 6; } // Obf: OMALNNMCMPP message GalleryFlowerStartParam { uint32 target_score = 10; } // Obf: MPJHOAPGLOO message ElectroherculesStartParam { uint32 difficulty = 10; } // CmdId: 23632 // Obf: OILIMHJBKNF message GalleryStartNotify { uint32 start_time = 10; uint32 end_time = 14; uint32 owner_uid = 4; uint32 player_count = 6; uint32 gallery_id = 2; oneof detail { GalleryFlowerStartParam flower_start_param = 7; ElectroherculesStartParam electrohercules_start_param = 8; } } // CmdId: 20139 // Obf: EOKGCKKIJBE message GalleryBalloonShootNotify { uint32 gallery_id = 15; uint32 cur_score = 1; uint32 combo = 2; uint64 combo_disable_time = 11; int32 add_score = 14; uint32 trigger_entity_id = 6; } // CmdId: 25548 // Obf: HJCAOLCGNGM message GalleryBalloonScoreNotify { uint32 gallery_id = 13; map uid_score_map = 11; } // Obf: OOIBDPPMDNJ message BalloonSettleInfo { uint32 shoot_count = 1; uint32 max_combo = 7; OnlinePlayerInfo player_info = 5; uint32 final_score = 8; uint32 uid = 3; } // CmdId: 20569 // Obf: DOHEBPBCJDH message GalleryStopNotify { KDHIAEFLGFM GKKMABPCMBH = 10; uint32 gallery_id = 13; } // Obf: FLBNHEPJKDL message FallSettleInfo { uint32 final_score = 3; uint32 PHOJKMMJDNG = 7; uint32 CKGIEEOOHON = 2; map flower_ring_catch_count_map = 9; uint32 uid = 10; OnlinePlayerInfo player_info = 12; } // CmdId: 25177 // Obf: IGFPHNOGKDB message GalleryFallCatchNotify { bool is_ground = 15; uint32 cur_score = 4; uint32 gallery_id = 5; uint32 time_cost = 12; map ball_catch_count_map = 7; uint32 add_score = 1; } // Obf: CAPMOPJNBBE message FallPlayerBrief { uint32 score = 3; uint32 uid = 15; bool is_ground = 6; } // CmdId: 22349 // Obf: GHEKAHNMDLJ message GalleryFallScoreNotify { uint32 gallery_id = 2; map uid_brief_map = 4; } // Obf: OMONEEAGDLE message BalloonPlayerInfo { uint32 combo = 14; uint32 cur_score = 1; uint32 uid = 2; uint32 combo_disable_time = 9; } // Obf: BBOIHFALNKN message FallPlayerInfo { uint32 cur_score = 14; uint32 uid = 15; uint32 time_cost = 10; bool is_ground = 11; map ball_catch_count_map = 2; } // Obf: GLCKHGIDJDK message SceneGalleryBalloonInfo { map scene_player_balloon_info_map = 4; uint32 end_time = 2; } // Obf: IIBDBKMHMBI message SceneGalleryFallInfo { map scene_player_fall_info_map = 5; uint32 end_time = 7; } // Obf: GEMIOPBLFLE message SceneGalleryFlowerInfo { uint32 cur_score = 8; uint32 end_time = 4; uint32 target_score = 1; } // Obf: MGDFHDAFPOA message SceneGalleryBulletInfo { uint32 end_time = 10; map hit_count_map = 14; } // Obf: FAPAGMKKDJG message SceneGalleryBrokenFloorInfo { uint32 end_time = 4; map fall_count_map = 14; } // Obf: OEDMELCNNFK message SceneGalleryHideAndSeekInfo { repeated uint32 KGHDINNKLAP = 12; repeated uint32 OFDHDDONDFD = 9; } // Obf: JIODPPMMGPA message SceneGalleryBuoyantCombatInfo { uint32 kill_special_monster_count = 6; uint32 kill_monster_count = 8; uint32 score = 11; } // Obf: IHIKIBFDDFL message SceneGalleryProgressInfo { string key = 5; uint32 progress = 4; uint32 ui_form = 3; repeated uint32 progress_stage_list = 13; } // Obf: PMKBECOBEAJ message SceneGalleryBounceConjuringInfo { uint32 total_destroyed_machine_count = 15; uint32 total_score = 10; } // Obf: MOPFLELCLBI message SceneGalleryHandballInfo { PlaceInfo ball_place_info = 9; bool is_have_ball = 11; } // Obf: OKEPMGEBDNP message SceneGallerySumoInfo { uint32 DEJJPIOCJDD = 2; uint32 score = 10; uint32 ENBKLKPPLHL = 6; } // Obf: DOKLAFAKDHP message SceneGallerySalvagePreventInfo { uint32 monster_count = 6; } // Obf: PDCHCJHBJII message SceneGallerySalvageEscortInfo { uint32 OIIIBGMCKAE = 7; uint32 monster_count = 5; uint32 MEJHMNFHDED = 14; uint32 NKDAHKKLFMC = 15; } // Obf: PFFJBPGKHMG message SceneGalleryCrystalLinkInfo { uint32 score = 12; } // Obf: ILOFFNEAFNL message SceneGalleryIrodoriMasterInfo { uint32 level_id = 6; uint32 difficulty = 11; bool is_cg_viewed = 10; } // Obf: JOBPHDFAPPI message SceneGalleryHomeBalloonInfo { uint32 score = 10; } // Obf: AFACAJFBFBI message SceneGalleryLuminanceStoneChallengeInfo { uint32 clean_mud_count = 13; uint32 kill_special_monster_count = 11; uint32 kill_monster_count = 12; uint32 score = 3; } // Obf: MOHMOKLMNOA message SceneGalleryHomeSeekFurnitureInfo { uint32 MPKMCJKPIAI = 2; map player_score_map = 4; uint32 JMKGIKHIGKF = 15; uint32 FOMNOCFGOCP = 6; } // Obf: OIGHHDCGKOJ message SceneGalleryIslandPartyDownHillInfo { uint32 total_kill_monster_count = 7; uint32 coin = 13; GalleryStartSource start_source = 3; uint32 max_kill_monster_count = 14; } // Obf: NHKMFGGHHMD message SceneGallerySummerTimeV2BoatInfo { uint32 param3 = 15; uint32 used_time = 13; uint32 param1 = 6; uint32 param2 = 7; } // Obf: EGNBGLFKJHA message SceneGalleryIslandPartyRaftInfo { uint32 point_id = 11; uint32 IKOIIPFMHEM = 9; GalleryStartSource start_source = 7; uint32 OKHOJEDMEOE = 6; uint32 KBHJIMOJNNK = 8; uint32 coin = 10; } // Obf: GBGEALIJHNE message SceneGalleryIslandPartySailInfo { uint32 coin = 1; uint32 CGEHJNCLFIH = 7; uint32 GHJGNKKLNED = 11; GalleryStartSource start_source = 13; uint32 KAGPALOPJHK = 10; uint32 FIBKEJGKANH = 4; IslandPartySailStage stage = 6; } // Obf: JAHEIIELIAN message SceneGalleryInstableSprayBuffInfo { uint32 buff_id = 2; uint64 PMDBPOPIDNL = 13; uint64 PCGMEOMDLJC = 8; } // Obf: EFDDBLJDBKF message SceneGalleryInstaleSprayInfo { uint32 score = 1; repeated SceneGalleryInstableSprayBuffInfo buff_info_list = 2; } // Obf: HHAFHACABKN message SceneGalleryTreasureSeelieInfo { uint32 goal = 7; uint32 progress = 9; } // Obf: LJEIJCNLPPJ message SceneGalleryWindFieldInfo { uint32 OKJOJDABKGC = 15; uint32 GPPOHEOBDGJ = 13; uint32 GCMNEADPFBH = 12; uint32 DPOBEKFGJOP = 5; uint32 GIMCFEIADKI = 6; uint32 EHLLLIJFOJG = 2; uint32 KJCLNIGPNDF = 3; uint32 NHFGIBDCPGC = 11; } // Obf: IBMOGEBNHEK message SceneGalleryFungusFighterTrainingInfo { uint32 ODNFAFPKLKF = 11; uint32 NKDAHKKLFMC = 7; uint32 AAIGFGNIFNF = 4; uint32 buff_id = 8; uint32 HELFHNFBNNE = 5; uint32 FPODCAPPDKP = 12; uint32 JGFOFOCHKGG = 6; } // Obf: DOOLKCBOOBG message SceneGalleryFungusFighterCaptureInfo { bool is_hide_progress = 6; } // Obf: MPICHLLJNPG message SceneGalleryEffigyChallengeV2Info { uint32 ODKJDPOBACG = 9; uint32 AAHLNAJKEKM = 12; uint32 OJBEAGBINFI = 1; uint32 ENGBIEPJBII = 5; uint32 GFHLKGPONED = 7; } // Obf: BJBICIGABJK message SceneGalleryCharAmusementInfo { uint32 cur_score = 9; bool is_finish = 15; bool is_last_level = 6; uint32 max_score = 8; bool is_success = 3; } // Obf: HEKOMNEEHCO message SceneGalleryCoinCollectInfo { uint32 DKPANNIJPEN = 8; uint32 LAJGLFDJOFN = 1; } // Obf: JOOPENKNHFK message SceneGalleryTeamChainInfo { uint32 AAHLNAJKEKM = 10; uint32 LBBODHJPPCD = 3; uint32 IALCEBPFIAJ = 14; uint32 JHPIKBDGGFH = 1; uint32 ENGBIEPJBII = 12; } // Obf: FNNGJDPGKJL message SceneGalleryDuelHeartInfo { uint32 difficulty = 14; } // Obf: PHGODGJHNLN message LanV3BoatMultiPlayerData { uint32 LJAAMODEICH = 9; uint32 uid = 11; } // Obf: GBFOPLLOEJF message SceneGalleryBoatMultiInfo { repeated LanV3BoatMultiPlayerData player_data = 8; } // Obf: JNDKJNKIOLA message SceneGalleryPacmanInfo { uint32 start_time = 3; uint32 NHFGIBDCPGC = 11; uint32 cur_score = 15; uint32 GIMCFEIADKI = 14; } // Obf: FGLANFANLNG message SceneGalleryFungusFighterV2Info { message FCIGPKIBPNN { uint64 HAPBKADOKLK = 8; uint32 fungus_id = 1; bool is_alive = 7; } uint64 ODDEHJAABFE = 12; string transaction = 1; repeated FCIGPKIBPNN AEJLKLALBCE = 2; float PDFMDAEIJNK = 10; uint32 OGOLIHBAJDL = 4; uint32 IBJOJJBHKCF = 13; } // Obf: EBKELAKJJEC message SceneGalleryAkaFesArchaeologyInfo { uint32 DPFKGAJIFGG = 4; uint32 FNFGFKGDJPH = 7; } // Obf: HGLPJFFJHAD message SceneGalleryAkaFesRhythmInfo { string transaction = 10; bool MJICPHCAODG = 13; } // Obf: DAJEIAADGGF message SceneGallerySandwormInfo { bool EOFIKOMIALM = 9; uint32 energy = 15; DNKNPOGNOFP AOHLJOMAPLN = 13; uint32 ACAODPCJIOP = 7; } // Obf: AGGFCJPDIKK message SceneGallerySorushTrialPhotoMatchInfo { bool OKCBPHMHPGD = 10; bool HDJEBJJFDGD = 9; } // Obf: ICGDJBBKHIK message SceneGallerySorushTrialHitmanInfo { uint64 BHJPNFEOPLM = 2; } // Obf: MHEDFFJMDGE message SceneGalleryJourneyDiceInfo { uint32 score = 9; repeated uint32 GBOHILEAPIM = 15; uint32 DEJJPIOCJDD = 4; uint32 AHOADFMAPLB = 3; } message FKJGGGPIKFJ { uint32 INHKDNJEOAP = 11; uint32 LLPGPDBBLDI = 10; uint32 cur_score = 1; uint32 kill_num = 15; sfixed64 DGIGCHJADFA = 4; sfixed64 JJELBNOKOFP = 3; uint32 uid = 7; sfixed64 HOJGCOLAPCM = 12; } // Obf: LCPOHNBPFLE message SceneGalleryTargetShootingInfo { uint32 JHPIKBDGGFH = 7; uint32 IHMGAAKPIIO = 12; repeated FKJGGGPIKFJ MLBEKMNEFEE = 10; } // Obf: JHJEHIOGJDM message SceneGalleryAnimalViewInfo { uint32 JODHGJNHBDI = 13; uint32 GHJANEPNHCM = 6; uint32 entity_id = 7; } // Obf: BMALNHIEMJN message SceneGalleryFlightGearInfo { uint32 last_publish_time = 14; uint32 CJFJAJHOMHB = 7; } message KCCPCEPJEML { uint32 GEDPHGIGKDD = 4; repeated uint32 uid_list = 1; repeated string LPNLIJMPAHD = 2; uint32 NAKDEIJOOPM = 5; } message JELFAANLPPL { } message CMNGDFAPOFI { int32 HHJJOFIKEBD = 6; uint32 start_time = 5; bool is_paused = 7; } message JLMCCGGHDLM { uint32 start_time = 7; int32 HHJJOFIKEBD = 6; bool is_paused = 8; } message JBKHLEDBGJO { uint32 target_score = 6; repeated uint32 JHDKAMLMMFG = 1; string name = 13; CNBAFAGNCLI type = 4; uint32 GDCOBLPKDOG = 8; oneof PDMKJEDNOGE { JELFAANLPPL normal = 64; CMNGDFAPOFI countdown = 1851; JLMCCGGHDLM timer = 899; } } message KEEHDFCMFNP { repeated uint32 DFGEGICJGGH = 10; repeated KCCPCEPJEML JGDEDJBPELE = 9; bool EEHONNLINKH = 6; repeated JBKHLEDBGJO LPNLIJMPAHD = 15; } // Obf: FGGHCNBOINJ message SceneGalleryInfo { uint32 owner_uid = 12; repeated SceneGalleryProgressInfo JHLJEHIAOHK = 10; oneof info { SceneGalleryBalloonInfo balloon_info = 5; SceneGalleryFallInfo fall_info = 6; SceneGalleryFlowerInfo flower_info = 15; SceneGalleryBulletInfo bullet_info = 13; SceneGalleryBrokenFloorInfo broken_floor_info = 4; SceneGalleryHideAndSeekInfo hide_and_seek_info = 11; SceneGalleryBuoyantCombatInfo buoyant_combat_info = 620; SceneGalleryBounceConjuringInfo bounce_conjuring_info = 963; SceneGalleryHandballInfo handball_info = 149; SceneGallerySumoInfo sumo_info = 20; SceneGallerySalvagePreventInfo salvage_prevent_info = 74; SceneGallerySalvageEscortInfo salvage_escort_info = 859; SceneGalleryHomeBalloonInfo home_balloon_info = 882; SceneGalleryCrystalLinkInfo crystal_link_info = 1488; SceneGalleryIrodoriMasterInfo irodori_master_info = 1277; SceneGalleryLuminanceStoneChallengeInfo luminance_stone_challenge_info = 578; SceneGalleryHomeSeekFurnitureInfo home_seek_furniture_info = 2009; SceneGalleryIslandPartyDownHillInfo island_party_down_hill_info = 359; SceneGallerySummerTimeV2BoatInfo summer_time_v2_boat_info = 1475; SceneGalleryIslandPartyRaftInfo island_party_raft_info = 451; SceneGalleryIslandPartySailInfo island_party_sail_info = 849; SceneGalleryInstaleSprayInfo instable_spray_info = 1410; SceneGalleryMuqadasPotionInfo muqadas_potion_info = 839; SceneGalleryTreasureSeelieInfo treasure_seelie_info = 1505; SceneGalleryVintageHuntingInfo vintage_hunting_info = 1079; SceneGalleryWindFieldInfo wind_field_info = 1498; SceneGalleryFungusFighterTrainingInfo fungus_fighter_training_info = 1225; SceneGalleryEffigyChallengeV2Info effigy_challenge_info = 1483; SceneGalleryFungusFighterCaptureInfo fungus_fighter_capture_info = 1216; SceneGalleryCharAmusementInfo char_amusement_info = 1802; SceneGalleryCoinCollectInfo coin_collect_info = 2004; SceneGalleryTeamChainInfo team_chain_info = 1751; SceneGalleryDuelHeartInfo duel_heart_info = 1566; SceneGalleryBoatMultiInfo boat_multi_info = 167; SceneGalleryPacmanInfo pacman_info = 307; SceneGalleryFungusFighterV2Info fungus_fighter_v2_info = 1026; SceneGalleryAkaFesArchaeologyInfo aka_fes_archaeology_info = 418; SceneGallerySandwormInfo sandworm_info = 1589; SceneGallerySorushTrialPhotoMatchInfo sorush_trial_photo_match_info = 261; SceneGallerySorushTrialHitmanInfo sorush_trial_hitman_info = 1621; SceneGalleryAkaFesRhythmInfo aka_fes_rhythm_info = 73; SceneGalleryJourneyDiceInfo journey_dice_info = 1916; SceneGalleryTargetShootingInfo target_shooting_info = 290; SceneGalleryAnimalViewInfo animal_view_info = 1390; SceneGalleryFlightGearInfo flight_gear_info = 1593; } KEEHDFCMFNP IHCBKBDKKIN = 8; GalleryStageType stage = 7; uint32 player_count = 1; uint32 start_time = 3; uint32 gallery_id = 14; uint32 pre_start_end_time = 9; uint32 end_time = 2; } // CmdId: 22232 // Obf: DOLAHKBMABC message GetAllSceneGalleryInfoReq { } // CmdId: 7472 // Obf: BPOMFPBCOIL message GetAllSceneGalleryInfoRsp { int32 retcode = 10; repeated SceneGalleryInfo gallery_info_list = 6; } // CmdId: 22395 // Obf: GJHHJONMLMD message GalleryFlowerCatchNotify { uint32 cur_score = 1; uint32 gallery_id = 3; uint32 add_score = 8; } // CmdId: 29335 // Obf: LGFCPBKCNHC message GalleryPreStartNotify { uint32 gallery_id = 5; uint32 pre_start_end_time = 9; } // CmdId: 25744 // Obf: BOHILAMBODG message GalleryBulletHitNotify { uint32 gallery_id = 15; uint32 hit_count = 12; } // CmdId: 9913 // Obf: NNKNOOLCKMB message GalleryBrokenFloorFallNotify { uint32 fall_count = 1; uint32 gallery_id = 2; } // CmdId: 22371 // Obf: OJAPFHMNHMC message InterruptGalleryReq { uint32 gallery_id = 14; } // CmdId: 1940 // Obf: NGJJLICFOHI message InterruptGalleryRsp { int32 retcode = 10; uint32 gallery_id = 13; } // CmdId: 5587 // Obf: KONCIICIJOL message SceneGalleryInfoNotify { SceneGalleryInfo gallery_info = 12; } // Obf: LAHAGBOHHDK message BuoyantCombatGallerySettleInfo { uint32 final_score = 8; uint32 gallery_id = 3; uint32 kill_special_monster_count = 2; uint32 OPPGMOFJEHC = 11; uint32 kill_monster_count = 13; uint32 gallery_level = 6; uint32 CLEDIIHBJMP = 7; } // Obf: LKKMELHPJDE message BounceConjuringGallerySettleInfo { repeated ExhibitionDisplayInfo card_list = 10; uint32 IMAFLHKPLFJ = 6; uint32 DKCMBMLKONM = 11; OnlinePlayerInfo player_info = 14; uint32 JJHGFEDDADK = 13; uint32 IOIDBLDFMJP = 5; map gadget_count_map = 9; uint32 score = 8; float damage = 12; } // CmdId: 21707 // Obf: KMPMJDDEAPH message GalleryBounceConjuringHitNotify { uint32 gallery_id = 7; bool is_perfect = 3; uint32 add_score = 2; } // CmdId: 25732 // Obf: OFPELODABHJ message GallerySumoKillMonsterNotify { uint32 gallery_id = 1; uint32 ENBKLKPPLHL = 14; uint32 DEJJPIOCJDD = 3; uint32 score = 7; } // CmdId: 8962 // Obf: ACEOJCLEDFE message GalleryCrystalLinkKillMonsterNotify { uint32 score = 7; uint32 gallery_id = 15; } // CmdId: 22914 // Obf: MMMDDLLNLJL message GalleryCrystalLinkBuffInfoNotify { uint32 gallery_id = 7; uint32 buff_id = 12; bool is_buff_valid = 6; } // Obf: JKIMDJMBCOP message FishInfo { uint32 BKNIFIIKAOJ = 5; uint32 KMEKOBBJLDH = 2; } // Obf: NAAKMOEFMMI message FishingScore { bool is_new_record = 13; uint32 fishing_score = 11; } // Obf: DPDLLDGEHGD message FishingGallerySettleInfo { map fish_map = 11; repeated FishingScore fishing_score_list = 2; } // Obf: APOLMDBNNMP message RacingGallerySettleInfo { uint32 winner_uid = 13; uint32 use_time = 1; KDHIAEFLGFM reason = 6; } // Obf: HDLGEIILLID message SalvagePreventGallerySettleInfo { uint32 monster_count = 11; uint32 final_score = 9; uint32 time_remain = 10; SalvagePreventStopReason reason = 6; } // Obf: FFDJGANMLAD message SalvageEscortGallerySettleInfo { SalvageEscortStopReason reason = 6; uint32 time_remain = 1; } // Obf: NODDJLNJHAK message BalloonGallerySettleInfo { uint32 hit_count = 10; KDHIAEFLGFM reason = 12; uint32 score = 6; uint32 owner_uid = 14; } // Obf: BEAECNNBMFH message IrodoriMasterGallerySettleInfo { KDHIAEFLGFM reason = 5; uint32 difficult = 3; bool is_finish = 13; uint32 level_id = 7; uint32 finish_time = 8; } // Obf: EEDJGOJFOOO message LuminanceStoneChallengeGallerySettleInfo { uint32 gallery_id = 8; uint32 final_score = 1; uint32 kill_special_monster_count = 9; KDHIAEFLGFM reason = 11; uint32 kill_monster_count = 14; uint32 clean_mud_count = 2; } // CmdId: 20552 // Obf: MECIBLPNLEF message HomeGalleryInPlayingNotify { uint32 gallery_id = 11; } // Obf: DJOLCFBNNAP message SummerTimeV2BoatGallerySettleInfo { uint32 used_time = 1; uint32 param3 = 2; uint32 param2 = 12; uint32 gallery_id = 4; uint32 param1 = 13; KDHIAEFLGFM reason = 14; } // CmdId: 24942 // Obf: GOAEODGCNEO message GalleryIslandPartyDownHillInfoNotify { uint32 coin = 15; uint32 total_kill_monster_count = 1; uint32 gallery_id = 9; } // CmdId: 5989 // Obf: FPAABFMHMGB message IslandPartyRaftInfoNotify { uint32 IKOIIPFMHEM = 7; uint32 coin = 6; uint32 OKHOJEDMEOE = 1; uint32 point_id = 12; } // CmdId: 8726 // Obf: NICKHMIPEIF message IslandPartySailInfoNotify { uint32 kill_monster_count = 6; uint32 progress = 8; IslandPartySailStage stage = 2; uint32 coin = 4; } // Obf: CHJLCBKEGPE message IslandPartyGallerySettleInfo { repeated ExhibitionDisplayInfo card_list = 1; OnlinePlayerInfo player_info = 5; } // CmdId: 5152 // Obf: ALDNDIKGACH message BackRebornGalleryReq { uint32 gallery_id = 11; } // CmdId: 25773 // Obf: ODFHDFBJDIN message BackRebornGalleryRsp { uint32 gallery_id = 6; int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 26134 // Obf: KCENJJNMBDM message GalleryWillStartCountdownNotify { GalleryStartSource start_source = 11; bool is_end = 9; uint32 end_time = 4; uint32 gallery_id = 6; } // CmdId: 20574 // Obf: OINBAOCLLPO message InstableSprayGalleryInfoNotify { uint32 score = 4; } // Obf: JGHLPIEADFI message SceneGalleryMuqadasPotionInfo { uint32 capture_weakness_count = 8; uint32 score = 14; uint32 DINDBMDOMNK = 1; uint32 GBPLMILEILK = 3; } // Obf: LGOMHHBJHFE message VintageHuntingFirstStageInfo { uint32 score = 2; uint32 FOFOBNPOLNO = 11; uint32 GKNLFDOFFCN = 6; uint32 FHPLLANPPMO = 12; } // Obf: KAIDHCNAICH message VintageHuntingSecondStageInfo { uint32 capture_animal_num = 3; uint32 left_num = 9; uint32 total_num = 8; } // Obf: ALBKMPFFDDE message VintageHuntingThirdStageInfo { } // Obf: JIGMMCFELNI message SceneGalleryVintageHuntingInfo { uint32 stage_id = 11; oneof info { VintageHuntingFirstStageInfo first_stage_info = 10; VintageHuntingSecondStageInfo second_stage_info = 3; VintageHuntingThirdStageInfo third_stage_info = 6; } } // CmdId: 4173 // Obf: ABKDMDEBLNB message WindFieldGalleryInfoNotify { uint32 KJCLNIGPNDF = 3; uint32 OKJOJDABKGC = 15; uint32 DPOBEKFGJOP = 6; uint32 NHFGIBDCPGC = 13; uint32 GIMCFEIADKI = 9; uint32 GCMNEADPFBH = 2; uint32 GPPOHEOBDGJ = 5; uint32 EHLLLIJFOJG = 12; } // CmdId: 23657 // Obf: OEBEJDAIKIP message WindFieldGalleryChallengeInfoNotify { bool is_start = 7; uint32 GCMNEADPFBH = 2; uint32 EHLLLIJFOJG = 3; uint32 OKJOJDABKGC = 9; uint32 DPOBEKFGJOP = 11; bool is_success = 14; uint32 KJCLNIGPNDF = 5; } // CmdId: 23534 // Obf: OJOKNMJALIF message FungusFighterTrainingInfoNotify { uint32 JGFOFOCHKGG = 13; uint32 ODNFAFPKLKF = 3; uint32 AAIGFGNIFNF = 12; uint32 NKDAHKKLFMC = 14; uint32 buff_id = 9; uint32 FPODCAPPDKP = 6; uint32 HELFHNFBNNE = 8; } // CmdId: 26783 // Obf: KJAPNBDNNMI message FungusCaptureSettleNotify { bool is_success = 11; } // CmdId: 4718 // Obf: CDIBKABNMLB message HideAndSeekPlayerCapturedNotify { uint32 ghost_skill_id = 13; } // CmdId: 1488 // Obf: PFFNALAEMAI message CoinCollectGallerySettleNotify { uint32 DKPANNIJPEN = 5; bool is_new_record = 10; uint32 PPHPNNOGALH = 6; uint32 multistage_play_index = 13; uint32 LAJGLFDJOFN = 4; uint32 level_id = 3; } // CmdId: 1045 message COKBMINIAOH { uint32 gallery_id = 14; JBKHLEDBGJO GMOHFGOJCBB = 5; } // CmdId: 21275 message NPMINPFHDFC { uint32 gallery_id = 6; KCCPCEPJEML progress = 12; } // CmdId: 26779 message EAJBAEKKONE { uint32 target_id = 15; repeated uint32 uid_list = 12; uint32 gallery_id = 6; } // CmdId: 26460 message POLBMKHFBAH { uint32 gallery_id = 1; } // CmdId: 26255 message OHBIOGFLGIG { uint32 end_time = 5; uint32 gallery_id = 15; } // CmdId: 26093 message LJEJNPHLPIA { uint32 score = 12; uint32 gallery_id = 13; bool is_success = 10; uint32 LLJGBGFKOLG = 2; uint32 GACEJNFIABE = 15; uint32 LFDDCCODMFF = 14; bool JLODFIIBEEI = 8; } // CmdId: 28641 message MNNNLMGHOFG { uint32 gallery_id = 11; uint32 hit_count = 10; bool is_success = 12; } // CmdId: 28163 message IKGGDNEKHNE { uint32 gallery_id = 3; bool is_success = 11; } message BOGDIAFMOBE { float JHJCLBDOKNB = 11; uint32 DJABLDJBJLH = 3; float PEEIIMGGIIF = 10; Vector LIBFJPLPPCF = 5; Vector HHLNNLKNNML = 12; Vector LKPFEIEJIOF = 13; Vector EOOFCKMLADD = 15; float NACIMPMNEON = 6; float KKFHKEDOBJN = 14; } // CmdId: 24934 message NCLNKLJCHBN { BOGDIAFMOBE ACEDIDCKDPP = 11; uint32 gallery_id = 10; } // CmdId: 9917 message LIGOGBNADFA { BOGDIAFMOBE ACEDIDCKDPP = 15; uint32 gallery_id = 7; } // CmdId: 23695 message HFLCHBGIHOJ { uint32 gallery_id = 12; Vector IJPHACAKNDE = 7; Vector FJONODOMFIP = 13; } // CmdId: 375 message DFANIFFEBOE { uint32 level_id = 1; uint32 cost_time = 8; uint32 CJFJAJHOMHB = 15; bool is_success = 13; uint32 score = 10; bool JLODFIIBEEI = 12; uint32 last_publish_time = 11; } // Obf: BGMPBKGJJCO message GCGAttackCostInfo { uint32 skill_id = 6; repeated Uint32Pair cost_map = 1; } // Obf: COFFEJPLHGB message GCGPlayCardCostInfo { repeated Uint32Pair cost_map = 7; uint32 card_id = 11; } // Obf: CDKNMFIMBMH message GCGSelectOnStageCostInfo { repeated Uint32Pair cost_map = 10; uint32 card_guid = 13; } // Obf: IHIBNCDNGPC message GCGCostReviseInfo { bool is_can_attack = 4; repeated GCGAttackCostInfo attack_cost_list = 3; repeated uint32 can_use_hand_card_id_list = 12; repeated GCGPlayCardCostInfo play_card_cost_list = 8; repeated GCGSelectOnStageCostInfo select_on_stage_cost_list = 1; } // Obf: MIGFNPNBPFM message GCGMsgTokenChange { uint32 card_guid = 6; uint32 PEILGGCEBEG = 9; uint32 BKGKHIEOMFB = 12; GCGReason reason = 10; uint32 ECHCABEMDII = 14; } // Obf: KJKEMJGKBHM message GCGMsgPhaseChange { repeated Uint32Pair allow_controller_map = 2; GCGPhaseType NCIOBPIMFCC = 6; GCGPhaseType MOBJDCNOHEP = 9; } // Obf: APCJGHDCNEL message GCGMsgAddCards { repeated uint32 card_guid_list = 2; uint32 pos = 12; GCGZoneType zone = 7; GCGReason reason = 1; uint32 controller_id = 4; } // Obf: BOOGIFJDFKP message GCGMsgRemoveCards { GCGReason reason = 8; uint32 controller_id = 3; repeated uint32 card_guid_list = 15; GCGZoneType zone = 7; } // Obf: JCOEHGMCLBD message GCGMsgMoveCard { GCGZoneType JMJDDFNHGMK = 8; GCGZoneType BPFAOBOIEDL = 7; GCGReason reason = 1; uint32 controller_id = 14; repeated uint32 fail_guid_list = 6; repeated uint32 card_guid_list = 12; } // Obf: CJGMMPPDOAE message GCGMsgSelectOnStage { GCGReason reason = 4; uint32 card_guid = 9; uint32 controller_id = 12; } // Obf: DKHMOCAKHKK message GCGMsgSelectOnStageByEffect { uint32 controller_id = 15; uint32 skill_id = 3; uint32 card_guid = 12; } // Obf: NOFCBPBCHDO message GCGMsgDiceRoll { uint32 controller_id = 10; uint32 dice_num = 1; repeated GCGDiceSideType dice_side_list = 11; } // Obf: NNGPPLAPAHP message GCGMsgDiceReroll { uint32 controller_id = 13; repeated uint32 select_dice_index_list = 15; repeated GCGDiceSideType dice_side_list = 11; } // Obf: IAMEPPEDAJF message GCGMsgPass { uint32 controller_id = 14; } // Obf: EKNOEMBAOBD message GCGMsgCharDie { uint32 card_guid = 6; uint32 controller_id = 11; } // Obf: IKCCFFKLAGM message GCGMsgUseSkill { uint32 skill_id = 8; uint32 card_guid = 13; } // Obf: KFNCHLFIKJO message GCGMsgUseSkillEnd { uint32 card_guid = 6; uint32 skill_id = 5; } // Obf: NKOFHAJANJI message GCGDamageDetail { uint32 skill_id = 14; uint32 card_guid = 12; } // Obf: GLNMKKIPBNL message GCGMsgSkillResult { uint32 NOAGJBKNIKH = 8; uint32 CHIGKNCAKDD = 9; repeated GCGDamageDetail detail_list = 10; uint32 damage = 5; uint32 FCKGACKNBBG = 12; uint32 PBAJJFFOCDO = 13; uint32 skill_id = 1; uint32 LFCCKNKCOJN = 4; uint32 IIDCKJCGDPD = 6; uint32 OLIGHPNIHNG = 7; uint32 JPCFIMIDMPG = 2; } // Obf: NNODCOEDNIP message GCGLimitsInfo { uint32 ALDCMICHPPK = 11; uint32 IHELMLLKKJB = 7; } // Obf: LJCHEEDPMKJ message GCGSkillLimitsInfo { uint32 skill_id = 4; repeated GCGLimitsInfo limits_list = 13; } // Obf: JCJCMCGNDIM message GCGCardSkillLimitsInfo { uint32 card_guid = 6; repeated GCGSkillLimitsInfo skill_limits_list = 4; } // Obf: NGJOHGDKMCJ message GCGMsgSkillLimitsChange { repeated GCGCardSkillLimitsInfo card_limits_change_map = 8; } // Obf: GOGOIEAGGHH message GCGMsgCostDice { GCGReason reason = 4; uint32 controller_id = 3; repeated uint32 select_dice_index_list = 11; } // Obf: DIHCMOBJACH message GCGMsgAddDice { int32 change_count = 6; GCGReason reason = 5; map ACBEOEAMOEF = 3; map HLOGPOGEMKE = 10; uint32 controller_id = 7; } // Obf: OHBFEIDOLHJ message GCGMsgNewCard { GCGCard card = 7; } // Obf: EFHGOKHJEEO message GCGMsgUpdateController { repeated Uint32Pair allow_controller_map = 1; } // Obf: FJBAHFLBBNB message GCGMsgModifyAdd { GCGReason reason = 9; uint32 pos = 8; uint32 owner_card_guid = 10; repeated uint32 card_guid_list = 2; uint32 controller_id = 14; } // Obf: BNHEMNJABOO message GCGMsgModifyRemove { GCGReason reason = 7; uint32 owner_card_guid = 2; repeated uint32 card_guid_list = 11; uint32 controller_id = 1; } // Obf: CFFLBIIIKLH message GCGMsgPVEIntention { uint32 card_guid = 6; repeated uint32 skill_id_list = 11; } // Obf: LNDIMDNPKLF message GCGMsgPVEIntentionInfo { map intention_map = 14; } // Obf: DGLAGCBAICF message GCGMsgPVEIntentionChange { GCGIntentionChangeType change_type = 11; repeated GCGMsgPVEIntention change_intention_list = 3; } // Obf: IGCCAHCKIMN message GCGMsgDuelDataChange { uint32 round = 10; } // Obf: MLJMKEDGPOL message GCGMsgClientPerform { GJHEHICILCG perform_type = 7; repeated uint32 param_list = 3; } // Obf: PCCDBPMPMIG message GCGMsgGameOver { GCGEndReason end_reason = 3; uint32 win_controller_id = 15; } // Obf: HDBIKIIAINO message GCGMsgOpTimer { fixed64 time_stamp = 3; fixed64 begin_time = 4; uint32 controller_id = 5; GCGPhaseType phase = 9; } // Obf: DGGGBHEDJPK message GCGMsgWaitingListChange { uint32 cur_index = 14; uint32 controller_id = 1; } // Obf: BBMMBOIEDOK message GCGMsgCardUpdate { GCGCard card = 5; } // Obf: PNMMBIJFGHP message GCGMsgCostRevise { GCGCostReviseInfo cost_revise = 8; uint32 controller_id = 12; } // Obf: LINAABJFDJL message GCGMsgPhaseContinue { } // Obf: KHLJFPGJDML message GCGMsgNoDamageSkillResult { uint32 skill_id = 12; uint32 OLIGHPNIHNG = 13; uint32 PBAJJFFOCDO = 15; uint32 LFCCKNKCOJN = 3; uint32 NOAGJBKNIKH = 2; repeated GCGDamageDetail detail_list = 10; uint32 IIDCKJCGDPD = 1; } // Obf: CAACAGHNDPP message GCGMsgReactionBegin { uint32 skill_id = 2; uint32 card_guid = 12; } // Obf: DCIFMELKGOA message GCGMsgReactionEnd { uint32 skill_id = 6; } // Obf: CNABKONBCHD message GCGMsgUseLegend { uint32 card_guid = 11; bool FILKLCKODNB = 14; uint32 controller_id = 12; } // Obf: DEFBCAFKKIH message GCGMessage { oneof message { GCGMsgTokenChange token_change = 7; GCGMsgPhaseChange phase_change = 15; GCGMsgAddCards add_cards = 3; GCGMsgRemoveCards remove_cards = 5; GCGMsgSelectOnStage select_on_stage = 14; GCGMsgDiceRoll dice_roll = 13; GCGMsgDiceReroll dice_reroll = 11; GCGMsgPass pass = 4; GCGMsgCharDie char_die = 10; GCGMsgSkillResult skill_result = 8; GCGMsgCostDice cost_dice = 2; GCGMsgAddDice add_dice = 9; GCGMsgMoveCard move_card = 1; GCGMsgUseSkill use_skill = 12; GCGMsgNewCard new_card = 303; GCGMsgUpdateController update_controller = 608; GCGMsgModifyAdd modify_add = 1747; GCGMsgModifyRemove modify_remove = 174; GCGMsgUseSkillEnd use_skill_end = 1682; GCGMsgDuelDataChange duel_data_change = 411; GCGMsgClientPerform client_perform = 1083; GCGMsgGameOver game_over = 882; GCGMsgOpTimer op_timer = 1618; GCGMsgWaitingListChange waiting_list_change = 1773; GCGMsgCardUpdate card_update = 1743; GCGMsgSelectOnStageByEffect select_on_stage_by_effect = 1606; GCGMsgCostRevise cost_revise = 695; GCGMsgPhaseContinue phase_continue = 1532; GCGMsgPVEIntentionInfo pve_intention_info = 476; GCGMsgPVEIntentionChange pve_intention_change = 513; GCGMsgSkillLimitsChange skill_limits_change = 45; GCGMsgNoDamageSkillResult no_damage_skill_result = 1586; GCGMsgReactionBegin reaction_begin = 801; GCGMsgReactionEnd reaction_end = 1282; GCGMsgUseLegend use_legend = 1443; } } // Obf: FLLBCOEFODJ message GCGMessagePack { uint32 controller_id = 6; repeated GCGMessage msg_list = 13; DNLLNJDINJG action_type = 4; uint32 BJMHCKLMAHH = 9; } // Obf: EBHGFCMJEFN message GCGOperationRedraw { repeated uint32 card_list = 7; } // Obf: MCGDIGGLBJM message GCGOperationOnStageSelect { uint32 card_guid = 14; repeated uint32 cost_dice_index_list = 13; } // Obf: NBMJJHNECMH message GCGOperationReroll { repeated uint32 dice_index_list = 12; } // Obf: FCNFPIDIMGI message GCGOperationAttack { uint32 skill_id = 15; repeated uint32 cost_dice_index_list = 14; } // Obf: NIFHACLJODD message GCGOperationPass { } // Obf: ICKMAPONOBO message GCGOperationPlayCard { uint32 replace_card_guid = 3; repeated uint32 cost_dice_index_list = 6; uint32 card_guid = 4; repeated uint32 target_card_guid_list = 15; } // Obf: LKCLDCKNEGO message GCGOperationReboot { repeated uint32 dice_index_list = 5; repeated uint32 cost_card_guid_list = 7; } // Obf: BGEEMCOJKPG message GCGOperationSurrender { } // Obf: KMHPEHOILKJ message GCGOperation { oneof op { GCGOperationRedraw op_redraw = 9; GCGOperationOnStageSelect op_select_on_stage = 14; GCGOperationReroll op_reroll = 3; GCGOperationAttack op_attack = 4; GCGOperationPass op_pass = 13; GCGOperationPlayCard op_play_card = 1; GCGOperationReboot op_reboot = 12; GCGOperationSurrender op_surrender = 10; } } // Obf: JHBHDBKHDID message GCGToken { uint32 value = 12; uint32 key = 6; } // Obf: OEOPLGEHLKG message GCGCard { repeated GCGSkillLimitsInfo skill_limits_list = 2; uint32 controller_id = 5; repeated uint32 tag_list = 8; repeated GCGToken token_list = 1; uint32 face_type = 10; bool is_show = 11; repeated uint32 skill_id_list = 4; uint32 id = 12; uint32 guid = 9; } // Obf: OLBMLCGCKDN message GCGZone { repeated uint32 card_list = 1; } message CEEPKCAOHLJ { uint32 NDPAHFEKDMH = 7; uint32 card_id = 8; } // Obf: DNDHNGIACGF message GCGPlayerField { repeated GCGDiceSideType dice_side_list = 14; bool is_passed = 2; uint32 KIHMBBMMJKI = 3; uint32 controller_id = 11; uint32 MDEKELAOHKO = 8; repeated CEEPKCAOHLJ EFMBIJOIDPE = 7; uint32 HGNJMEDAFMM = 1544; GCGZone HENGENMHDGF = 15; GCGZone FHANJJPHMOE = 4; uint32 GLFPMNKMPBC = 12; GCGZone LJJCDJELPIC = 1; uint32 BFFNBEBPAAH = 13; uint32 LOHFKBDACGA = 5; bool FILKLCKODNB = 819; GCGZone MCKHNMONINH = 6; GCGZone CAMJHCAMMIM = 10; map modify_zone_map = 9; } // Obf: KLNNAIBLJHK message GCGPhase { map allow_controller_map = 10; GCGPhaseType LCCELAGJMCM = 2; } // Obf: LKDLHNOBDFB message GCGControllerShowInfo { string nick_name = 12; ProfilePicture profile_picture = 4; string online_id = 15; uint32 controller_id = 14; string psn_id = 3; } // Obf: LJLJCPMMEKG message GCGPVEIntention { repeated uint32 skill_id_list = 5; uint32 card_guid = 10; } // Obf: OIEHOMKJPKB message GCGDuelChallenge { uint32 total_progress = 4; uint32 cur_progress = 5; uint32 challenge_id = 15; } message KJCAOOMBJBD { uint32 controller_id = 3; fixed64 time_stamp = 6; fixed64 begin_time = 1; } message DBDIHHLOADP { map HNBPHMHJMJD = 12; } message KAIOCMEHMAD { uint32 uid = 7; string online_id = 12; string nick_name = 11; string psn_id = 9; ProfilePicture profile_picture = 13; } // Obf: GGCJPDGMIBO message GCGDuel { repeated GCGCard LMNEKOOODMG = 900; uint32 NENDIAIAHDM = 6; repeated GCGControllerShowInfo show_info_list = 2; uint32 FIGEOBBEOGC = 8; uint32 CLFLBPJPBJB = 11; repeated GCGPVEIntention intetion_list = 14; repeated GCGPlayerField INGGOBMAFPL = 1536; repeated uint32 AGEDBLBGONB = 1824; repeated GCGCard card_list = 3; GCGCostReviseInfo cost_revise = 12; repeated KAIOCMEHMAD AGIIJLMCGCA = 1063; repeated GCGPlayerField field_list = 1; uint32 controller_id = 15; BEHIKOPKKHE JOENIKOCBAL = 13; GCGPhase phase = 5; uint32 server_seq = 7; uint32 round = 4; repeated KJCAOOMBJBD KLNMFAMMEIG = 1828; repeated uint32 card_id_list = 9; repeated GCGDuelChallenge challenge_list = 1562; repeated GCGMessagePack history_msg_pack_list = 269; map IGOLDFEJJIJ = 810; } // CmdId: 7248 // Obf: NNJMIPJOLBE message GCGOperationReq { uint32 PBGAPCDFIMA = 10; GCGOperation op = 4; uint32 op_seq = 1; } // CmdId: 7952 // Obf: IFPJBIHDMLM message GCGOperationRsp { int32 retcode = 9; uint32 op_seq = 12; } // CmdId: 27500 // Obf: FKDKOMEEIKC message GCGMessagePackNotify { repeated GCGMessagePack msg_pack_list = 14; uint32 server_seq = 9; } // CmdId: 9805 // Obf: BPBEHFFOFDJ message GCGAskDuelReq { } // CmdId: 4662 // Obf: HMJBIINDMKE message GCGAskDuelRsp { GCGDuel duel = 9; int32 retcode = 12; } // Obf: BNFKPMOOAEG message GCGPlayerBriefData { string nick_name = 6; string online_id = 8; uint32 uid = 2; ProfilePicture profile_picture = 11; repeated uint32 card_id_list = 10; map card_face_map = 1; string psn_id = 14; uint32 controller_id = 9; } // Obf: DCACCKPDOJH message GCGGameBriefData { uint32 PAFNOEDDJNJ = 7; repeated GCGPlayerBriefData player_brief_list = 10; BEHIKOPKKHE JOENIKOCBAL = 14; uint32 platform_type = 15; uint32 NFGCKNEHGEE = 9; uint32 CLFLBPJPBJB = 13; } // CmdId: 7256 // Obf: LIAFFLMEDKE message GCGGameBriefDataNotify { bool is_new_game = 11; GCGGameBriefData gcg_brief_data = 3; } // CmdId: 25601 // Obf: JNBMOBCMHKK message GCGInitFinishReq { } // CmdId: 21610 // Obf: LCALGLIAGJG message GCGInitFinishRsp { int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 3410 // Obf: BHNLDJOCKJJ message GCGHeartBeatNotify { uint32 server_seq = 7; } // Obf: FKPBPGIEJDA message GCGSkillPreviewHpInfo { uint32 hp_change_value = 3; GCGSkillHpChangeType change_type = 11; bool EDMLPODGFDC = 13; } // Obf: FBHMAFBNDNF message GCGSkillPreviewReactionInfo { uint32 MDCBCLNOGNC = 10; uint32 EMCIICOHDNB = 9; } // Obf: JMDGONEJINN message GCGSkillPreviewElementReactionInfo { repeated uint32 EGLBIAFCDDE = 2; repeated GCGSkillPreviewReactionInfo reaction_list = 5; repeated uint32 NIBNEKEFICM = 7; } // Obf: LMDLEFJFAPO message GCGSkillPreviewCardInfo { uint32 controller_id = 11; uint32 LAANIMGLHMH = 1; uint32 face_type = 13; uint32 owner_card_guid = 6; uint32 card_guid = 8; uint32 card_id = 10; GCGZoneType NLNGGNHNOEC = 9; } // Obf: JFIHFGBEAOA message GCGSkillPreviewOnstageChangeInfo { uint32 JKMNPINFJFD = 4; uint32 NACJJLMOIII = 13; } // Obf: OBLMNDJLEDI message GCGSkillPreviewTokenInfo { uint32 KFBIKHHBKEE = 3; uint32 BACKHFIPFPG = 8; uint32 BKGKHIEOMFB = 12; } // Obf: GDMPPAMGPHK message GCGSkillPreviewTokenChangeInfo { repeated GCGSkillPreviewTokenInfo token_change_list = 8; } // Obf: FCPHAKGFEOD message GCGSkillPreviewExtraInfo { repeated GCGSkillPreviewCardInfo HJKOLBBIEKP = 10; repeated GCGSkillPreviewCardInfo GDOGONCLICI = 13; } // Obf: OOGGELKHODM message GCGSkillPreviewInfo { repeated GCGSkillPreviewOnstageChangeInfo change_onstage_character_list = 5; map card_token_change_map = 6; GCGSkillPreviewExtraInfo extra_info = 4; repeated GCGSkillPreviewCardInfo OJDLMJCEAIK = 8; uint32 skill_id = 14; repeated GCGSkillPreviewCardInfo MAKCCCFPDJE = 15; map hp_info_map = 13; map reaction_info_map = 2; } // Obf: IKANKDKBMOE message GCGChangeOnstageInfo { GCGSkillPreviewInfo change_onstage_preview_info = 2; bool is_quick = 4; uint32 card_guid = 5; } // Obf: ICPJOFEGFJA message GCGSkillPreviewPlayCardInfo { uint32 OLIGHPNIHNG = 15; uint32 CNKPKHNGILK = 1; GCGSkillPreviewInfo play_card_info = 9; } // CmdId: 23522 // Obf: GNFJLAAJCHF message GCGSkillPreviewNotify { repeated GCGSkillPreviewInfo skill_preview_list = 7; uint32 EOKDJJAKKPJ = 11; repeated GCGSkillPreviewPlayCardInfo play_card_list = 14; repeated GCGChangeOnstageInfo change_onstage_preview_list = 13; uint32 controller_id = 10; } // CmdId: 3512 // Obf: JBJPOFPGMJB message GCGSkillPreviewAskReq { } // CmdId: 24602 // Obf: BGEPCHMCEBK message GCGSkillPreviewAskRsp { int32 retcode = 15; } // CmdId: 23408 // Obf: HAANDGNFDFC message GCGChallengeUpdateNotify { uint32 server_seq = 12; GCGDuelChallenge challenge = 2; } // CmdId: 664 // Obf: OMMOCDHAKEJ message GCGBackToDuelReq { bool is_back = 9; } // CmdId: 23880 // Obf: OPJHIHKBBPF message GCGBackToDuelRsp { int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 21995 // Obf: IKIPCIJDGNH message GCGDebugReplayNotify { string json_str = 8; } // CmdId: 2039 // Obf: PEHBIAOIPHD message GCGGameMaxNotify { } // CmdId: 24619 // Obf: EOMKPGMHIAP message GCGGameCreateFailReasonNotify { // Obf: AGFDEJHKJPM enum GCGGameCreateReason { REASON_NONE = 0; REASON_GAME_MAX = 1; REASON_CLIENT_VERSION_NOT_LASTEST = 2; REASON_RESOURCE_NOT_COMPLETE = 3; REASON_TIMEOUT = 4; REASON_OPPONENT_CLIENT_VERSION_NOT_LASTEST = 5; } GCGGameCreateReason reason = 6; } // CmdId: 29414 message PNBHAABHAOB { enum IPEHLOGADMC { HPKGGDFBHPI_GcgHintNone = 0; HPKGGDFBHPI_GcgHintGameNotFound = 1; } IPEHLOGADMC LNEKOFLFAEI = 13; } // CmdId: 26593 message EFAJPHLDGKA { string NPOKMAICMII = 6; bool is_success = 1; string MLIPPDJMMNL = 5; } // CmdId: 3279 message EMCKIIFODPB { repeated GCGDiceSideType dice_side_list = 7; repeated uint32 BEPEGGNIDDE = 4; repeated uint32 ODIAJIPCJIG = 11; } message MIDHFFOOIPP { repeated uint32 card_guid_list = 2; } message KFLODOLMPEF { uint32 card_guid = 15; repeated MIDHFFOOIPP HOKKOGLOEGA = 7; repeated uint32 HNPKCPPELBN = 11; } // CmdId: 23229 message NMMLFJDMGOF { repeated KFLODOLMPEF MLNPCPPGGLL = 14; } // Obf: NNODKGHGGBA message GCGDSDeckData { uint32 field_id = 9; fixed32 create_time = 10; string name = 7; uint32 id = 5; uint32 card_back_id = 11; repeated uint32 APCFHCPFONE = 4; bool is_valid = 1; repeated uint32 card_list = 13; } // Obf: GCFEBHIOJAJ message GCGDSCardData { repeated uint32 CLHNMOECDEL = 13; uint32 face_type = 7; repeated uint32 MGLKBANJKKA = 10; uint32 num = 3; uint32 card_id = 15; uint32 proficiency = 8; } // CmdId: 5324 // Obf: CMLLLACMKLH message GCGDSDataNotify { repeated uint32 MHMJEGIKGEO = 13; repeated GCGDSDeckData deck_list = 12; uint32 cur_deck_id = 14; repeated GCGDSCardData card_list = 9; repeated uint32 JAAGNIPPLGB = 1; repeated uint32 CKAAGHHJEAE = 7; } // CmdId: 27702 // Obf: NECNIDOCACF message GCGDSCardBackUnlockNotify { uint32 card_back_id = 7; } // CmdId: 3674 // Obf: HIGKKKJFAFM message GCGDSFieldUnlockNotify { uint32 field_id = 7; } // CmdId: 270 // Obf: ACEEALMICHB message GCGDSCardFaceUnlockNotify { uint32 face_type = 15; uint32 card_id = 5; } // CmdId: 8761 // Obf: BCIGKHPFMLI message GCGDSCardNumChangeNotify { uint32 num = 5; uint32 card_id = 9; } // CmdId: 20579 // Obf: HGMGHLOAMHB message GCGDSChangeCardFaceReq { uint32 face_type = 12; uint32 card_id = 15; } // CmdId: 6683 // Obf: LGNOHDGDGPB message GCGDSChangeCardFaceRsp { int32 retcode = 14; uint32 card_id = 4; uint32 face_type = 8; } // CmdId: 22151 // Obf: AIAOMBLBNME message GCGDSChangeCardBackReq { uint32 card_back_id = 12; uint32 deck_id = 10; } // CmdId: 22521 // Obf: JLDCHJHDMLI message GCGDSChangeCardBackRsp { uint32 deck_id = 12; int32 retcode = 14; uint32 card_back_id = 3; } // CmdId: 549 // Obf: LMNCFIKIMJF message GCGDSChangeFieldReq { uint32 deck_id = 3; uint32 field_id = 7; } // CmdId: 29964 // Obf: IIOBKJCNGAD message GCGDSChangeFieldRsp { int32 retcode = 15; uint32 field_id = 9; uint32 deck_id = 10; } // CmdId: 23479 // Obf: IHNLOCICDNB message GCGDSChangeDeckNameReq { string name = 1; uint32 deck_id = 10; bool GJJGJOMABDO = 9; } // CmdId: 4254 // Obf: EPBOHPDPFOO message GCGDSChangeDeckNameRsp { bool GJJGJOMABDO = 13; uint32 deck_id = 2; int32 retcode = 3; string name = 12; } // CmdId: 1963 // Obf: IPIBAHELHDK message GCGDSDeckSaveReq { repeated uint32 APCFHCPFONE = 13; repeated uint32 card_list = 7; uint32 deck_id = 8; string name = 9; } // CmdId: 9738 // Obf: BMBIGJKELML message GCGDSDeckSaveRsp { bool is_valid = 3; uint32 deck_id = 11; int32 retcode = 7; fixed32 create_time = 9; } // CmdId: 29055 // Obf: GMJFJIFBJAH message GCGDSChangeCurDeckReq { uint32 deck_id = 3; } // CmdId: 4037 // Obf: GNKOCCIJDOF message GCGDSChangeCurDeckRsp { int32 retcode = 3; uint32 deck_id = 1; } // CmdId: 26619 // Obf: IPOLOAOIEKC message GCGDSCurDeckChangeNotify { uint32 deck_id = 7; } // CmdId: 27984 // Obf: POBAMAFCDFA message GCGDSDeleteDeckReq { uint32 deck_id = 7; } // CmdId: 20788 // Obf: CDIOFPDAHDN message GCGDSDeleteDeckRsp { int32 retcode = 3; uint32 deck_id = 15; } // CmdId: 2863 // Obf: GGKAJODMIJJ message GCGDSDeckUnlockNotify { uint32 deck_id = 15; } // CmdId: 9282 // Obf: CKECGJCLCAO message GCGDSCardProficiencyNotify { uint32 card_id = 2; uint32 proficiency = 14; } // CmdId: 7613 // Obf: AKDJGLGKGBH message GCGDSDeckUpdateNotify { bool is_valid = 9; uint32 deck_id = 13; } // CmdId: 20486 // Obf: DAMMINEAIJH message GCGDSCardFaceUpdateNotify { uint32 face_type = 10; uint32 card_id = 9; } // CmdId: 5853 // Obf: AOBNLPLOONH message GCGDSTakeCardProficiencyRewardReq { uint32 reward_index = 7; uint32 card_id = 14; } // CmdId: 9709 // Obf: ABHIEBPNLDG message GCGDSTakeCardProficiencyRewardRsp { uint32 reward_index = 3; uint32 card_id = 8; int32 retcode = 5; } // CmdId: 6451 // Obf: AOPLHLKEBNK message GCGDSBanCardNotify { repeated uint32 card_list = 6; } // CmdId: 22639 // Obf: KLMPBEENMNG message GCGTCTavernInfoNotify { uint32 character_id = 11; uint32 avatar_id = 7; bool KPBIEOPHOHC = 4; uint32 level_id = 13; uint32 element_type = 5; uint32 point_id = 6; bool EKEOEIDDHCN = 3; } // CmdId: 2997 // Obf: AIAMNGAIAGN message GCGTCInviteReq { uint32 character_id = 11; uint32 level_id = 14; } // CmdId: 8825 // Obf: EBMIGOCBEFN message GCGTCInviteRsp { int32 retcode = 2; uint32 character_id = 9; } // Obf: AFKIPMINMAC message GCGTCTavernChallengeData { uint32 character_id = 8; repeated uint32 unlock_level_id_list = 11; } // CmdId: 7499 // Obf: IPLHCMNBHBK message GCGTCTavernChallengeDataNotify { repeated GCGTCTavernChallengeData tavern_challenge_list = 12; } // CmdId: 384 // Obf: PEGBBMGEMBI message GCGTCTavernChallengeUpdateNotify { GCGTCTavernChallengeData tavern_challenge = 3; } // CmdId: 26194 // Obf: LNLJCNHOFGD message GCGGrowthLevelNotify { uint32 exp = 4; uint32 level = 2; } // CmdId: 27109 // Obf: LNBLGEBNNGC message GCGGrowthLevelRewardNotify { repeated uint32 level_reward_taken_list = 12; } // CmdId: 9296 // Obf: LJKGEOLBGDA message GCGGrowthLevelTakeRewardReq { uint32 level = 2; } // CmdId: 20350 // Obf: PBDBDIHNCJP message GCGGrowthLevelTakeRewardRsp { uint32 level = 10; int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 8113 // Obf: DNMKFELFKPN message GCGInviteGuestBattleReq { uint32 GCKJBMKBJEF = 9; uint32 uid = 8; } // CmdId: 3695 // Obf: CFGDHNDJLBE message GCGInviteGuestBattleRsp { uint32 punish_end_time = 1; int32 retcode = 3; uint32 uid = 6; uint32 GCKJBMKBJEF = 9; uint32 confirm_end_time = 15; } // CmdId: 9258 // Obf: NLKPMJMGJHG message GCGInviteBattleNotify { uint32 GCKJBMKBJEF = 5; uint32 confirm_end_time = 1; } // CmdId: 871 // Obf: EJIKDIPBAPO message GCGApplyInviteBattleReq { bool is_agree = 9; } // CmdId: 6602 // Obf: NCDDDLDKEKK message GCGApplyInviteBattleRsp { int32 retcode = 4; uint32 punish_end_time = 7; } // CmdId: 6038 // Obf: BFGFGMIBIKN message GCGApplyInviteBattleNotify { int32 retcode = 1; bool is_agree = 4; } // CmdId: 24419 // Obf: NFGGAMILGAE message GCGWorldPlayerGCGStateReq { } // Obf: INLADMODIGO message GCGPlayerGCGState { bool BBPAKEDIMOK = 1; uint32 uid = 4; bool FPKMCAHAFIF = 15; } // CmdId: 4765 // Obf: CEGAFCONLKC message GCGWorldPlayerGCGStateRsp { int32 retcode = 3; repeated GCGPlayerGCGState player_state = 2; } // Obf: GMDFLLOAIGP message PveActivitySettle { repeated uint32 score_list = 6; uint32 level_id = 9; bool is_new_record = 14; } // Obf: OLBHJJAIFOL message ArenaSettle { uint32 EKNOBJNNAFA = 11; uint32 JMHMBMEGDIH = 1; } // Obf: OHGECDCBEKO message PveInfiniteActivitySettle { bool is_new_record = 8; uint32 score = 14; uint32 level_id = 2; } // CmdId: 20008 // Obf: DPPGFGEPJLI message GCGSettleNotify { bool is_win = 5; uint32 CLFLBPJPBJB = 4; BEHIKOPKKHE JOENIKOCBAL = 3; repeated uint32 AGEDBLBGONB = 2; repeated uint32 finished_challenge_id_list = 9; GCGEndReason reason = 7; uint32 win_controller_id = 12; repeated ItemParam reward_item_list = 10; oneof BGJHFJJEOFJ { PveActivitySettle pve_activity_settle = 1224; ArenaSettle arena_settle = 1787; PveInfiniteActivitySettle pve_infinite_activity_settle = 113; } } // CmdId: 27463 // Obf: JJKPENMIJDF message GCGResourceStateNotify { bool is_complete = 3; } // CmdId: 5826 // Obf: MAPPJDLLDEM message GCGClientSettleReq { } // CmdId: 26809 // Obf: DPEDKFHGAFG message GCGClientSettleRsp { uint32 close_time = 13; int32 retcode = 11; } // CmdId: 9600 // Obf: GJDHABPAPHN message GCGSettleOptionReq { GCGSettleOption option = 5; } // CmdId: 3014 // Obf: KMGOBCNOLII message GCGSettleOptionRsp { GCGSettleOption option = 1; int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 9567 // Obf: PODIFCIOOFD message GCGBasicDataNotify { uint32 exp = 2; uint32 level = 9; repeated uint32 level_reward_taken_list = 11; } // Obf: INFMGDAOJAG message GCGTavernNpcInfo { uint32 id = 8; uint32 level_id = 1; uint32 scene_point_id = 14; } // CmdId: 22278 // Obf: OPIJKGKPKBF message GCGTavernNpcInfoNotify { GCGTavernNpcInfo character_npc = 12; repeated GCGTavernNpcInfo JCHPIOHAECM = 10; repeated GCGTavernNpcInfo MPNDEBELHOO = 5; } // CmdId: 7232 // Obf: NMKLJLIBFME message GCGStartChallengeReq { uint32 level_id = 9; uint32 config_id = 5; HPJPOMAIPNC OJJEDPGEKFK = 14; } // CmdId: 25227 // Obf: LJFKIPPJOBK message GCGStartChallengeRsp { uint32 level_id = 14; int32 retcode = 9; uint32 config_id = 2; HPJPOMAIPNC OJJEDPGEKFK = 3; } // Obf: JBHLMPKGLAM message GCGWeekChallengeInfo { uint32 JBCNJCHOJPF = 1; bool is_finished = 10; uint32 npc_id = 4; } // CmdId: 25654 // Obf: EIABCFLLDKM message GCGWeekChallengeInfoNotify { bool is_notify_npc_change = 15; repeated GCGWeekChallengeInfo challenge_info_list = 1; uint32 next_refresh_time = 11; } // CmdId: 6573 // Obf: MBFONHOIHFI message GCGStartChallengeByCheckRewardReq { uint32 config_id = 1; uint32 level_id = 7; HPJPOMAIPNC OJJEDPGEKFK = 8; } // CmdId: 25802 // Obf: FNKFMOMJHFE message GCGStartChallengeByCheckRewardRsp { HPJPOMAIPNC OJJEDPGEKFK = 4; repeated uint32 JJHKBJLIPNA = 10; uint32 config_id = 8; int32 retcode = 12; repeated uint32 OPFPLNLHLMA = 13; uint32 level_id = 11; } // Obf: CBLALJMNGHC message GCGLevelData { uint32 level_id = 13; repeated uint32 finished_challenge_id_list = 2; } // Obf: KNOMEKLEAGH message GCGBossChallengeData { repeated uint32 unlock_level_id_list = 7; uint32 id = 13; } // CmdId: 24795 // Obf: AAKBABHMEIC message GCGLevelChallengeNotify { repeated GCGBossChallengeData unlock_boss_challenge_list = 15; repeated GCGLevelData level_list = 12; repeated uint32 unlock_world_challenge_list = 10; } // CmdId: 25699 // Obf: JIJLJAGIFFL message GCGLevelChallengeFinishNotify { uint32 level_id = 4; repeated uint32 finished_challenge_id_list = 8; } // CmdId: 21565 // Obf: MHHDHGFMPAD message GCGWorldChallengeUnlockNotify { repeated uint32 unlock_id_list = 7; } // CmdId: 5240 // Obf: JNBKJEOGHBG message GCGBossChallengeUpdateNotify { GCGBossChallengeData boss_challenge = 14; } // CmdId: 8459 // Obf: GIPIDCAKMDB message GCGLevelChallengeDeleteNotify { repeated uint32 level_id_list = 7; } message IGBJEIHDKKP { uint32 win_controller_id = 2; bool is_invalid = 1; uint32 id = 11; uint32 CLFLBPJPBJB = 15; BEHIKOPKKHE JOENIKOCBAL = 4; fixed32 expire_time = 14; uint32 controller_id = 5; repeated GCGPlayerBriefData player_brief_list = 9; repeated Uint32Pair BEKELKLGBKK = 10; fixed32 time_stamp = 6; } // CmdId: 20716 message AKLNFEHGPCP { } // CmdId: 28856 message PDHMDMHCKKE { repeated uint32 LBOECFMDJEK = 13; repeated uint32 AJCLGKELEPD = 8; repeated IGBJEIHDKKP GFHFNJKFJJF = 3; int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 27429 message DKPAGNDAKBE { uint32 id = 4; bool HOBCGFAPLKN = 3; } // CmdId: 4982 message DKFNIBLOCIJ { bool HOBCGFAPLKN = 9; int32 retcode = 6; uint32 id = 8; } // CmdId: 26474 message PCPNHIAEIOL { uint32 id = 2; } // CmdId: 29243 message PDCHCDJAJBK { int32 retcode = 5; } // CmdId: 9745 message JELEHDEDIBO { } // CmdId: 28421 message DPNLMCIEJJA { repeated GCGMessagePack msg_pack_list = 14; int32 retcode = 5; GCGDuel duel = 6; } // CmdId: 26416 message PFOFMNJKAAF { } // CmdId: 1187 message MCJDFAJKOPI { uint32 close_time = 6; int32 retcode = 13; } // CmdId: 9863 message MEDIPNOJNHI { GCGGameBriefData FKGCLNNGIDO = 12; } // CmdId: 21561 message KMKFAAEDEMG { } message KCEPOMHEOMA { repeated uint32 KBDPEPNNMMJ = 14; uint32 uid = 12; repeated uint32 MIBBOJLONLD = 13; } message DIAHIHIEHPO { uint32 EMGOAPOLMGB = 3; repeated KCEPOMHEOMA HKLDJNCKABD = 1; uint32 round = 7; uint32 PILDCLDJHPO = 13; fixed32 expire_time = 4; repeated uint32 ACNPNNDGIBB = 10; } // CmdId: 6907 message CFJIGMFJGMA { repeated OnlinePlayerInfo player_info_list = 3; BEHIKOPKKHE JOENIKOCBAL = 7; DIAHIHIEHPO BHHMEJHIOED = 11; uint32 CLFLBPJPBJB = 2; uint32 match_id = 4; uint32 JNLDEHHJKJK = 10; repeated uint32 BMMFOPNCJHF = 14; } // CmdId: 28961 message KIALFABGAOL { uint32 PLKPOLJOCEP = 14; fixed32 close_time = 3; bool LFKKIBLBCBN = 8; } // CmdId: 4304 message FNGMOCHBMKP { } // CmdId: 23339 message AMLDIHDFJHN { int32 retcode = 4; } // CmdId: 1706 message NDPIIOFJCOK { repeated uint32 KBDPEPNNMMJ = 14; } // CmdId: 28536 message DNFDFLMHBGJ { repeated uint32 ACNPNNDGIBB = 4; int32 retcode = 3; } // CmdId: 3776 message HJBBAPAGFCL { uint32 uid = 3; repeated uint32 ACNPNNDGIBB = 7; } // CmdId: 625 message LEHMLENJGLC { repeated uint32 ACNPNNDGIBB = 1; } // CmdId: 8310 message MGPJJPLFJMM { int32 retcode = 10; repeated uint32 ACNPNNDGIBB = 14; } // CmdId: 26911 message DFHDDGDOAKO { DIAHIHIEHPO BHHMEJHIOED = 7; } // CmdId: 1767 message EANMJCJAPHM { } // CmdId: 5425 message GPBAGOIEEFP { int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 22896 message PLLOODPHHGJ { } message BMPINLMLPGA { repeated uint32 APCFHCPFONE = 15; bool JLMBMDACMEN = 3; string name = 6; repeated uint32 card_list = 5; } message BOJBLBJOLLN { uint32 CGJJKJLCEGH = 1; bool JEAIKLNCMBE = 8; uint32 schedule_id = 12; uint32 LICPNALBHIC = 13; uint32 EKNOBJNNAFA = 15; repeated uint32 APCFHCPFONE = 6; BMPINLMLPGA FNBOEJGHJCB = 14; uint32 BMILEAJJPII = 10; uint32 OKFKBGGOFHO = 7; uint32 JMHMBMEGDIH = 3; } message NDEGLJLHKMC { uint32 schedule_id = 14; uint32 LICPNALBHIC = 7; } message HNCNIJIDFJP { uint32 EHKDOAMAOBK = 8; uint32 MCKAIKAPEHP = 4; bool BBAAEKEHFCF = 14; } // CmdId: 22933 message BMPHGPCILIK { int32 retcode = 7; HNCNIJIDFJP AJIDNDPMHAI = 15; BOJBLBJOLLN detail_info = 8; NDEGLJLHKMC DKHOAOOLIOK = 1; } // CmdId: 9614 message JIGCKDLMMHD { uint32 cur_schedule_id = 12; uint32 JDAEOODNCGN = 15; bool JEAIKLNCMBE = 7; } // CmdId: 27547 message GHPKNLPFNKH { uint32 deck_id = 14; uint32 schedule_id = 4; } // CmdId: 26893 message NLLOFLNEGPI { uint32 schedule_id = 11; BMPINLMLPGA FNBOEJGHJCB = 4; int32 retcode = 15; } // CmdId: 3274 message BKCMELBNNNM { uint32 schedule_id = 9; } // CmdId: 28615 message IIGPIJKLLGG { BOJBLBJOLLN OGOLNFKNLKD = 10; int32 retcode = 13; } // CmdId: 26391 message PLNNFLAFOON { uint32 schedule_id = 5; } // CmdId: 20869 message IJAAEEIIHEG { BOJBLBJOLLN OGOLNFKNLKD = 13; int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 4457 message HPKFPLKBFCJ { } message BIFOBNFJCOA { uint32 EHKDOAMAOBK = 8; repeated uint32 APCFHCPFONE = 9; } message FCGHNNKBMAH { uint32 LICPNALBHIC = 10; repeated uint32 FBLPEJGDFOB = 9; repeated BIFOBNFJCOA MEMBLENBLPM = 12; uint32 schedule_id = 11; } // CmdId: 26359 message KHFNHDCAOLO { int32 retcode = 15; repeated FCGHNNKBMAH KPAMDEAOPJJ = 7; } // CmdId: 28469 message AHACINLIOCD { uint32 schedule_id = 12; } message AIMKBAPHFFH { uint32 BFAOHCLAJKE = 9; repeated Uint32Pair KBOGCJPDDHJ = 2; } // CmdId: 28215 message DHINGPICLAL { repeated AIMKBAPHFFH KGNBECEFKDC = 5; int32 retcode = 6; uint32 schedule_id = 11; } // CmdId: 25921 message OKKNOMCCDGM { uint32 HPPCHAPOFGF = 9; uint32 schedule_id = 6; } message FLOFKPMGNLA { repeated uint32 card_list = 4; uint32 EHKDOAMAOBK = 1; repeated uint32 APCFHCPFONE = 5; } // CmdId: 7502 message KPKJMBEINMG { uint32 HPPCHAPOFGF = 10; int32 retcode = 11; uint32 schedule_id = 9; FLOFKPMGNLA PLOKMIMHAKI = 12; } // CmdId: 20147 message NIHEEMFEPOK { repeated uint32 APCFHCPFONE = 13; } message HNCODKNNGIG { GCGDuel duel = 5; bool KEPNJBJMMAI = 8; GCGCostReviseInfo MIIFGPFCJGJ = 10; } // CmdId: 8885 message EOKOGCOMGIJ { uint32 JODKDAPEEIC = 15; } // CmdId: 28168 message IDHKOJAIAGM { HNCODKNNGIG duel = 2; int32 retcode = 13; } // CmdId: 21770 message CAKPFOKMGEJ { uint32 server_seq = 2; KAIOCMEHMAD EONKIOOOAHB = 12; } // CmdId: 472 message DJIEKDFHMBI { uint32 server_seq = 9; CGDFANJKOOO reason = 2; uint32 uid = 5; } // CmdId: 9880 message BBLDMLJIAIM { uint32 target_uid = 1; } // CmdId: 25153 message FELHMLFDIPM { uint32 target_uid = 7; int32 retcode = 1; } // CmdId: 28258 message EBGFCAOBHJI { uint32 target_uid = 4; bool FAEPBOIJFBG = 5; } // CmdId: 28619 message DPGOJHAPJJP { int32 retcode = 6; uint32 target_uid = 9; } // CmdId: 7195 message BMODNHIFDPI { uint32 target_uid = 2; } // CmdId: 7951 message HKNNPEKANEG { uint32 target_uid = 6; int32 retcode = 9; } // CmdId: 24014 message COHDKCAHCJH { uint32 JODKDAPEEIC = 15; GCGGameBriefData EAICNLGBIAH = 7; } // CmdId: 20641 message JCJAHCFKAIK { } // CmdId: 205 message ACCKLIOPBHN { uint32 close_time = 1; int32 retcode = 11; } // CmdId: 2628 message BDPDLIDMKOJ { uint32 MALPNPCBNFE = 1; uint32 OKJMLOKNMEG = 7; int32 retcode = 4; uint32 target_uid = 6; } // CmdId: 5200 message MAOKDHCGIHN { bool CIBAGAJCPEN = 14; bool LHMLLKALIKN = 9; } // CmdId: 3964 message JJCMGINGIID { bool LHMLLKALIKN = 15; int32 retcode = 14; bool CIBAGAJCPEN = 5; } // CmdId: 27743 message HKGBINHFGNA { bool CIBAGAJCPEN = 4; bool LHMLLKALIKN = 1; } // CmdId: 3959 message EMLNDPCPLEA { int32 retcode = 13; } // Obf: KNPEBMLJPPI message GroupLinkBundle { uint32 bundle_id = 1; Vector center = 5; uint32 scene_id = 10; uint32 radius = 9; bool is_activated = 12; IDEMOFBGNAI ACEOKLIIBEL = 6; uint32 HJMMAOMEHOL = 13; bool KBKLLODIIOD = 7; } // CmdId: 22877 // Obf: ICDIPPGCHPF message GroupLinkAllNotify { repeated GroupLinkBundle bundle_list = 4; } // CmdId: 5992 // Obf: EFKGBILBKKB message GroupLinkChangeNotify { GroupLinkBundle bundle = 2; } // CmdId: 20325 // Obf: PMDPIHOEMPD message GroupLinkDeleteNotify { uint32 bundle_id = 11; } // CmdId: 7262 // Obf: GIDLNKOCNJH message GroupLinkMarkUpdateNotify { GroupLinkBundle bundle = 12; } // CmdId: 24487 message DOLKGPECJAF { GroupLinkBundle bundle = 5; } // Obf: KDDLGDGMJJJ message H5ActivityInfo { string prefab_path = 12; string url = 8; bool is_entrance_open = 1; uint32 FMENOAFNGHO = 13; uint32 end_time = 3; uint32 content_close_time = 4; uint32 begin_time = 15; uint32 JELEFCPLEJB = 14; } // CmdId: 4793 // Obf: CFMGENNHKOD message GetAllH5ActivityInfoReq { } // CmdId: 28822 // Obf: LHPLDILJKAG message GetAllH5ActivityInfoRsp { repeated H5ActivityInfo h5_activity_info_list = 6; int32 retcode = 1; uint32 client_red_dot_timestamp = 4; } // CmdId: 28482 // Obf: HJNIDODDMPH message H5ActivityIdsNotify { uint32 client_red_dot_timestamp = 14; map h5_activity_map = 12; } // CmdId: 21249 // Obf: FGGJKGHOHKD message SetH5ActivityRedDotTimestampReq { uint32 client_red_dot_timestamp = 15; } // CmdId: 22816 // Obf: KMNNFEJJCAK message SetH5ActivityRedDotTimestampRsp { int32 retcode = 3; } // CmdId: 26594 // Obf: EPFFLHEAHIE message TryEnterHomeReq { uint32 target_uid = 4; bool is_transfer_to_safe_point = 9; uint32 target_point = 5; bool JFEOCNJLCLG = 12; } // CmdId: 351 // Obf: NDAPMOBJOBI message TryEnterHomeRsp { repeated uint32 param_list = 8; int32 retcode = 13; uint32 target_uid = 6; } // CmdId: 2403 // Obf: GBHNANPJGMC message JoinHomeWorldFailNotify { int32 retcode = 14; uint32 target_uid = 11; } // CmdId: 20667 // Obf: IGGBNCBJKJL message HomeBlockNotify { uint32 end_time = 1; } // Obf: ICMPDPAEKNA message HomeBasicInfo { uint32 level = 11; string owner_nick_name = 5; bool is_in_edit_mode = 9; uint32 BEIJAFMDNFK = 13; uint32 GLJCPMPPCKO = 8; uint64 exp = 10; uint32 PAOBDHAMCKB = 14; HomeLimitedShopInfo limited_shop_info = 15; } // CmdId: 27734 // Obf: IEPBGIKMJFE message HomeGetBasicInfoReq { } // CmdId: 4186 // Obf: NFPAMFOGOFB message HomeBasicInfoNotify { HomeBasicInfo basic_info = 1; } // CmdId: 8351 // Obf: ALGDHNPEBCO message HomeChangeEditModeReq { bool is_enter_edit_mode = 2; } // CmdId: 7491 // Obf: CICADGGFJOK message HomeChangeEditModeRsp { int32 retcode = 2; bool is_enter_edit_mode = 6; } // CmdId: 1750 // Obf: FKPCMCOEEAD message HomeChangeModuleReq { uint32 target_module_id = 11; } // CmdId: 20550 // Obf: HNJKLHOOECE message HomeChangeModuleRsp { int32 retcode = 1; uint32 target_module_id = 10; } // Obf: MICPALMIGLK message HomeFurnitureData { uint32 guid = 4; Vector spawnRot = 5; uint32 furniture_id = 14; uint32 version = 1; int32 parent_furniture_index = 8; Vector spawn_pos = 11; } // Obf: EKELBKHKMLP message HomeFurnitureSuiteData { Vector spawn_pos = 14; uint32 guid = 10; uint32 suite_id = 8; repeated int32 included_furniture_index_list = 3; bool is_allow_summon = 7; } // Obf: JOHOIPNEGBM message HomeNpcData { Vector spawnRot = 12; uint32 avatar_id = 10; Vector spawn_pos = 2; uint32 costume_id = 1; } // Obf: IHNPIOGOGKD message HomeAnimalData { Vector spawnRot = 7; uint32 furniture_id = 6; Vector spawn_pos = 4; } // Obf: PDPLPNHEJPH message WeekendDjinnInfo { Vector pos = 4; Vector rot = 1; } // Obf: CEIDPNFLOBJ message HomeBlockDotPattern { uint32 width = 10; bytes data = 8; uint32 height = 7; } // Obf: HEOEAKDEIJA message HomeBlockSubFieldData { Vector rot = 2; Vector pos = 8; } // Obf: ONEIGKNNOGN message HomeBlockFieldData { repeated HomeBlockSubFieldData sub_field_list = 10; uint32 furniture_id = 1; Vector rot = 8; Vector pos = 15; uint32 guid = 13; } // Obf: HFMLKOOJPAO message HomeFurnitureGroupData { uint32 group_furniture_index = 9; repeated HomeFurnitureData virtual_furniure_list = 15; } // Obf: POCJBKACJPC message HomeFurnitureCustomSuiteData { repeated int32 included_furniture_index_list = 7; Vector spawn_pos = 14; uint32 guid = 10; } // Obf: KOODNOKODIG message HomeBlockArrangementInfo { repeated HomeBlockDotPattern dot_pattern_list = 1; repeated HomeFurnitureData BEBDBMPNNLE = 12; repeated HomeFurnitureSuiteData furniture_suite_list = 14; repeated HomeFurnitureCustomSuiteData furniture_custom_suite_list = 2; uint32 block_id = 8; repeated HomeFurnitureGroupData furniture_group_list = 4; repeated HomeAnimalData deploy_animal_list = 15; repeated HomeBlockFieldData field_list = 11; uint32 comfort_value = 13; repeated HomeFurnitureData CGNFDNDHLGL = 10; repeated HomeNpcData deploy_npc_list = 9; bool is_unlocked = 6; repeated WeekendDjinnInfo weekend_djinn_info_list = 3; } // Obf: LEMEOONDDGM message HomeSceneArrangementInfo { repeated HomeBlockArrangementInfo block_arrangement_info_list = 2; repeated HomeFurnitureData HDOFAHGPJGK = 7; repeated HomeFurnitureData MLECLIOFALA = 12; Vector born_rot = 9; uint32 scene_id = 8; uint32 bgm_id = 3; uint32 comfort_value = 5; HomeFurnitureData main_house = 6; uint32 tmp_version = 13; bool is_set_born_pos = 1; Vector djinn_pos = 4; Vector born_pos = 10; } // CmdId: 22421 // Obf: NLOCIBLJBAO message HomeGetArrangementInfoReq { repeated uint32 scene_id_list = 15; } // CmdId: 24303 // Obf: BHJNKKACMMH message HomeGetArrangementInfoRsp { repeated HomeSceneArrangementInfo scene_arrangement_info_list = 4; int32 retcode = 12; } // CmdId: 4976 // Obf: LBFIBLCPDEL message HomeUpdateArrangementInfoReq { HomeSceneArrangementInfo scene_arrangement_info = 15; } // CmdId: 28545 // Obf: MILPFBIHKIJ message HomeUpdateArrangementInfoRsp { int32 retcode = 2; } // Obf: GJLOEDNEKNN message PlayerHomeCompInfo { repeated uint32 PDAIEFBCLNI = 3; repeated uint32 GPEAAFAIGAF = 10; repeated uint32 seen_module_id_list = 8; FriendEnterHomeOption friend_enter_home_option = 15; } // CmdId: 3709 // Obf: DCHBFDKENHG message GetPlayerHomeCompInfoReq { } // CmdId: 365 // Obf: JIGJFLJCOGP message PlayerHomeCompInfoNotify { PlayerHomeCompInfo comp_info = 2; } // CmdId: 26896 // Obf: GFLDPKKAAKP message SetFriendEnterHomeOptionReq { FriendEnterHomeOption option = 6; } // CmdId: 21101 // Obf: NPIGIKMGBIE message SetFriendEnterHomeOptionRsp { int32 retcode = 11; } // CmdId: 26047 // Obf: HKFIJOMFLOA message PlayerApplyEnterHomeNotify { OnlinePlayerInfo src_player_info = 2; uint32 src_app_id = 12; } // CmdId: 20101 // Obf: CMPHGAMCBGN message PlayerApplyEnterHomeResultReq { bool is_agreed = 13; uint32 apply_uid = 1; } // CmdId: 5358 // Obf: MCGEJCOHFFM message PlayerApplyEnterHomeResultRsp { bool is_agreed = 3; int32 retcode = 6; uint32 param = 8; uint32 apply_uid = 1; } // CmdId: 26518 // Obf: BDMPJIIHGNK message PlayerApplyEnterHomeResultNotify { // Obf: HCLKFKDJEMO enum Reason { PLAYER_JUDGE = 0; PLAYER_ENTER_OPTION_REFUSE = 1; PLAYER_ENTER_OPTION_DIRECT = 2; SYSTEM_JUDGE = 3; HOST_IN_MATCH = 4; PS_PLAYER_NOT_ACCEPT_OTHERS = 5; OPEN_STATE_NOT_OPEN = 6; HOST_IN_EDIT_MODE = 7; PRIOR_CHECK = 8; } bool is_agreed = 1; string target_nickname = 7; uint32 target_uid = 11; Reason reason = 4; } // CmdId: 2482 // Obf: DIFFHJFFHGE message HomeSceneJumpReq { bool is_enter_room_scene = 12; } // CmdId: 22825 // Obf: OEJJANGAIPG message HomeSceneJumpRsp { int32 retcode = 14; bool is_enter_room_scene = 8; } // CmdId: 29914 // Obf: AGDOOFPMMBE message HomeChooseModuleReq { uint32 module_id = 15; } // CmdId: 20087 // Obf: JHDBAFEAKGO message HomeChooseModuleRsp { uint32 module_id = 7; int32 retcode = 1; } // CmdId: 811 // Obf: HFALGGLELPP message HomeModuleUnlockNotify { uint32 module_id = 6; } // CmdId: 2120 // Obf: ICENLMBOJAI message HomeGetOnlineStatusReq { } // CmdId: 8222 // Obf: AAFHDCLFODB message HomeGetOnlineStatusRsp { int32 retcode = 10; repeated OnlinePlayerInfo player_info_list = 6; } // CmdId: 24840 // Obf: HFBBPKBDIHH message HomeKickPlayerReq { bool is_kick_all = 14; uint32 target_uid = 7; } // CmdId: 1719 // Obf: PEDCPFBACNG message HomeKickPlayerRsp { bool is_kick_all = 10; uint32 target_uid = 9; int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 27692 // Obf: KNOGFPMPFGK message HomeModuleSeenReq { repeated uint32 seen_module_id_list = 8; } // CmdId: 3944 // Obf: IAGPCJIHFMC message HomeModuleSeenRsp { repeated uint32 seen_module_id_list = 2; int32 retcode = 15; } // CmdId: 28859 // Obf: FPPEJACMKOJ message UnlockedFurnitureFormulaDataNotify { bool is_all = 4; repeated uint32 furniture_id_list = 15; } // CmdId: 21457 // Obf: NECOKLDNPCH message UnlockedFurnitureSuiteDataNotify { repeated uint32 furniture_suite_id_list = 8; bool is_all = 7; } // CmdId: 5653 // Obf: DHIJINKFIHD message GetHomeLevelUpRewardReq { uint32 level = 12; } // CmdId: 7279 // Obf: OPPDHBNPFDI message GetHomeLevelUpRewardRsp { int32 retcode = 8; uint32 level = 15; } // CmdId: 27516 // Obf: KPANNNCEOKM message GetFurnitureCurModuleArrangeCountReq { } // CmdId: 2948 // Obf: FGLMMAMBPBP message FurnitureCurModuleArrangeCountNotify { repeated Uint32Pair furniture_arrange_count_list = 1; } // Obf: GCMBDAFNLEG message HomeModuleComfortInfo { uint32 room_scene_comfort_value = 2; repeated uint32 world_scene_block_comfort_value_list = 10; uint32 module_id = 3; } // CmdId: 4153 // Obf: CHCBFKOPHLG message HomeComfortInfoNotify { repeated HomeModuleComfortInfo module_info_list = 11; } // CmdId: 27102 // Obf: CAIIHFNBIMA message PlayerQuitFromHomeNotify { // Obf: ALCHPFAKDCI enum QuitReason { INVALID = 0; KICK_BY_HOST = 1; BACK_TO_MY_WORLD = 2; HOME_BLOCKED = 3; HOME_IN_EDIT_MODE = 4; BY_MUIP = 5; CUR_MODULE_CLOSED = 6; } QuitReason reason = 14; } // CmdId: 25817 // Obf: MGNDPKIPKGO message OtherPlayerEnterHomeNotify { // Obf: CMPPPMNICGG enum Reason { INVALID = 0; ENTER = 1; LEAVE = 2; } string nickname = 13; Reason reason = 14; } // CmdId: 1456 // Obf: HBLLMABHFIK message HomePriorCheckNotify { fixed32 end_time = 2; } // Obf: OKNHJBLIEGA message HomeMarkPointSceneData { repeated HomeMarkPointFurnitureData furniture_list = 7; Vector HPIMNKGLMNC = 8; uint32 module_id = 9; uint32 scene_id = 5; Vector KGAJHCFOHCB = 3; } // CmdId: 23013 // Obf: GKDFNALJFOI message HomeMarkPointNotify { repeated HomeMarkPointSceneData mark_point_data_list = 2; } // CmdId: 23471 // Obf: OLKBNMDBLPN message HomeAllUnlockedBgmIdListNotify { repeated uint32 all_unlocked_bgm_id_list = 1; } // CmdId: 1089 // Obf: DPKKONFHIHC message HomeNewUnlockedBgmIdListNotify { repeated uint32 new_unlocked_bgm_id_list = 6; } // CmdId: 28739 // Obf: EONIDLEEINE message HomeChangeBgmReq { uint32 bgm_id = 1; } // CmdId: 6476 // Obf: NPEEIJGNCBG message HomeChangeBgmRsp { int32 retcode = 10; } // CmdId: 2031 // Obf: HIJFHJEALCJ message HomeChangeBgmNotify { uint32 bgm_id = 2; } // CmdId: 27578 // Obf: AMAHNNLDPHO message HomePreChangeEditModeNotify { bool is_enter_edit_mode = 14; } // CmdId: 4149 // Obf: NCEKAKPOPHC message HomeEnterEditModeFinishReq { } // CmdId: 21433 // Obf: CFJKONMEIIG message HomeEnterEditModeFinishRsp { int32 retcode = 1; } // Obf: OLNPKHEMJEN message FurnitureMakeData { uint32 durTime = 14; fixed32 accelerateTime = 15; uint32 make_id = 7; uint32 avatar_id = 10; uint32 index = 12; fixed32 begin_time = 1; } // Obf: GINIMPCEHMA message FurnitureMakeSlot { repeated FurnitureMakeData furniture_make_data_list = 7; } // Obf: EOEHMPMPKNF message FurnitureMakeBeHelpedData { ProfilePicture profile_picture = 8; uint32 uid = 11; fixed32 time = 3; uint32 icon = 1; string player_name = 14; } // Obf: OJADJNFBBCL message FurnitureMakeHelpData { uint32 times = 10; uint32 uid = 4; } // Obf: HHAHFPONOOI message FurnitureMakeMakeInfo { uint32 furniture_id = 8; uint32 make_count = 5; } // CmdId: 23349 // Obf: OBBOIIBGLPH message FurnitureMakeReq { } // CmdId: 7783 // Obf: GPDPDPCIOPN message FurnitureMakeRsp { repeated FurnitureMakeMakeInfo make_info_list = 5; int32 retcode = 14; repeated FurnitureMakeHelpData help_data_list = 6; repeated FurnitureMakeBeHelpedData helped_data_list = 4; FurnitureMakeSlot furniture_make_slot = 8; } // CmdId: 28389 // Obf: FCKFFOJJNDH message TakeFurnitureMakeReq { uint32 index = 1; bool is_fast_finish = 7; uint32 make_id = 13; } // CmdId: 6814 // Obf: JHIOLDPMBAC message TakeFurnitureMakeRsp { repeated ItemParam return_item_list = 4; FurnitureMakeSlot furniture_make_slot = 3; repeated ItemParam output_item_list = 6; uint32 make_id = 13; int32 retcode = 7; } // CmdId: 5151 // Obf: LDABDLLOMKP message FurnitureMakeFinishNotify { } // CmdId: 27509 // Obf: PGBJFFDPDIA message FurnitureMakeStartReq { uint32 avatar_id = 8; uint32 make_id = 7; } // CmdId: 21400 // Obf: BBEDDELOBIC message FurnitureMakeStartRsp { int32 retcode = 1; FurnitureMakeSlot furniture_make_slot = 6; } // CmdId: 29262 // Obf: EPJPMHPGODB message FurnitureMakeCancelReq { uint32 make_id = 1; uint32 index = 12; } // CmdId: 27277 // Obf: ADMENGAMEMM message FurnitureMakeCancelRsp { int32 retcode = 3; FurnitureMakeSlot furniture_make_slot = 7; uint32 make_id = 4; } // CmdId: 22219 // Obf: JAIJGEPLECI message FurnitureMakeBeHelpedNotify { FurnitureMakeBeHelpedData furniture_make_helped_data = 9; FurnitureMakeSlot furniture_make_slot = 5; } // CmdId: 27122 // Obf: DALFEONAJCG message FurnitureMakeHelpReq { } // CmdId: 27261 // Obf: GDJGEPDLKJE message FurnitureMakeHelpRsp { repeated FurnitureMakeHelpData help_data_list = 10; int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 25867 // Obf: ALGNKBPNMPA message FunitureMakeMakeInfoChangeNotify { FurnitureMakeMakeInfo make_info = 1; } // Obf: BOPJHGACPAM message HomeLimitedShopInfo { fixed32 PCECKPDEEBD = 13; fixed32 IMBFLHNJAPD = 6; fixed32 LMJPHDCDAJK = 15; Vector djinn_rot = 7; Vector djinn_pos = 8; uint32 uid = 2; } // CmdId: 23396 // Obf: FKEGCNDKLJN message HomeLimitedShopInfoReq { } // CmdId: 8746 // Obf: JIFGKGGIDNN message HomeLimitedShopInfoRsp { HomeLimitedShopInfo shop_info = 11; int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 25226 // Obf: EBOCOJNBEAO message HomeLimitedShopInfoNotify { HomeLimitedShopInfo shop_info = 14; } // Obf: FHFADBDGHEK message HomeLimitedShopGoods { repeated ItemParam cost_item_list = 15; uint32 NPBGGAMEDJG = 4; uint32 bought_num = 6; uint32 NODBIKCALJI = 3; ItemParam goods_item = 2; uint32 JOMBNPMFHGG = 10; } // Obf: MDHPMMADLIK message HomeLimitedShop { repeated HomeLimitedShopGoods goods_list = 5; } // CmdId: 24383 // Obf: PEEGKBPPJOB message HomeLimitedShopGoodsListReq { } // CmdId: 21781 // Obf: FNAMPDDEIFI message HomeLimitedShopGoodsListRsp { HomeLimitedShop shop = 3; int32 retcode = 10; } // CmdId: 838 // Obf: DBEFBPDLHBA message HomeLimitedShopBuyGoodsReq { HomeLimitedShopGoods goods = 5; uint32 buy_count = 8; } // CmdId: 6986 // Obf: LJPBHFGDDHL message HomeLimitedShopBuyGoodsRsp { int32 retcode = 14; uint32 buy_count = 7; HomeLimitedShopGoods goods = 15; repeated HomeLimitedShopGoods goods_list = 2; } // CmdId: 22844 // Obf: IJONIIIODLD message HomeLimitedShopInfoChangeNotify { repeated HomeLimitedShopGoods goods_list = 15; } // Obf: NFFHIBBIIKB message HomeResource { uint32 AIHDOEBOLLC = 1; fixed32 next_refresh_time = 5; uint32 CELOOEHBGBJ = 3; } // CmdId: 5204 // Obf: MCCGNBOJCCK message HomeResourceNotify { HomeResource fetter_exp = 1; HomeResource home_coin = 12; } // CmdId: 4728 // Obf: LCHACOIBHAH message HomeResourceTakeHomeCoinReq { } // CmdId: 6329 // Obf: PCJPOGJJIOH message HomeResourceTakeHomeCoinRsp { HomeResource home_coin = 8; int32 retcode = 15; } // CmdId: 4383 // Obf: KGCMMMMGDBC message HomeResourceTakeFetterExpReq { } // CmdId: 9922 // Obf: PPNDGEBJBKK message HomeResourceTakeFetterExpRsp { int32 retcode = 10; HomeResource fetter_exp = 9; } // Obf: HLKGIAEKCLP message HomeAvatarTalkFinishInfo { repeated uint32 finish_talk_id_list = 4; uint32 avatar_id = 8; } // CmdId: 1817 // Obf: NBLCEJMJBPL message HomeAvatarTalkFinishInfoNotify { repeated HomeAvatarTalkFinishInfo avatar_talk_info_list = 12; } // CmdId: 22316 // Obf: APHEBEHHMEL message HomeAvatarTalkReq { uint32 avatar_id = 7; uint32 talk_id = 6; } // CmdId: 1147 // Obf: BMKBKBJBHLM message HomeAvatarTalkRsp { int32 retcode = 15; HomeAvatarTalkFinishInfo avatar_talk_info = 11; } // Obf: HOLFHPKHFLL message HomeAvatarRewardEventInfo { uint32 guid = 11; uint32 event_id = 8; uint32 avatar_id = 5; uint32 random_position = 1; uint32 suite_id = 3; } // CmdId: 2640 // Obf: DCCPJJPIGAB message HomeAvatarRewardEventNotify { HomeAvatarRewardEventInfo reward_event = 4; repeated HomeAvatarRewardEventInfo pending_list = 12; bool is_event_trigger = 7; } // CmdId: 26566 // Obf: BKHPKONPAPN message HomeAvatarRewardEventGetReq { uint32 avatar_id = 9; uint32 event_id = 10; } // CmdId: 25571 // Obf: BDMGFBJLCFC message HomeAvatarRewardEventGetRsp { repeated ItemParam item_list = 15; int32 retcode = 10; uint32 event_id = 13; } // Obf: JMKEALMLNEH message HomeAvatarSummonEventInfo { uint32 guid = 2; uint32 event_over_time = 4; uint32 event_id = 6; uint32 suit_id = 9; uint32 avatar_id = 14; uint32 random_position = 12; } // CmdId: 6401 // Obf: BPCEHNJGDLB message HomeAvatarSummonAllEventNotify { repeated HomeAvatarSummonEventInfo summon_event_list = 15; } // CmdId: 9238 // Obf: JIJKLANOOHE message HomeAvatarSummonEventReq { uint32 avatar_id = 4; uint32 suit_id = 1; uint32 guid = 5; } // CmdId: 27614 // Obf: KBGKKKOOOLF message HomeAvatarSummonEventRsp { uint32 event_id = 7; int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 28208 // Obf: BKMJMAFFLFP message HomeAvatarCostumeChangeNotify { uint32 costume_id = 7; uint32 avatar_id = 11; } // CmdId: 24791 // Obf: OJLLDCGAIDJ message HomeAvatarSummonFinishReq { uint32 event_id = 11; } // CmdId: 8835 // Obf: LIPNGPJHCIB message HomeAvatarSummonFinishRsp { int32 retcode = 1; uint32 event_id = 4; } // CmdId: 9713 // Obf: LPNNHLDIFJN message HomeAvtarAllFinishRewardNotify { repeated uint32 event_id_list = 12; } // CmdId: 9497 // Obf: PLHINAALPPO message HomeAvatarAllFinishRewardNotify { repeated uint32 event_id_list = 12; } // CmdId: 27778 // Obf: DLBMDKGFBOI message HomeSceneInitFinishReq { } // CmdId: 9038 // Obf: HMJEHDPFOIL message HomeSceneInitFinishRsp { int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 20675 // Obf: ICKLAFNIFMO message HomePlantSeedReq { repeated uint32 seed_id_list = 4; uint32 index = 12; uint32 field_guid = 10; } // CmdId: 9241 // Obf: KFEFNJHDDBN message HomePlantSeedRsp { int32 retcode = 7; } // CmdId: 20037 // Obf: EOELPEDJHOM message HomePlantWeedReq { uint32 index = 4; uint32 field_guid = 13; } // CmdId: 2656 // Obf: NBIOMKJGIHP message HomePlantWeedRsp { int32 retcode = 9; } // Obf: EAFGKPCFDCI message HomePlantSubFieldData { repeated uint32 entity_id_list = 6; HomePlantFieldStatus CAKDDMKAIMD = 7; uint32 JHFNDBIHLNB = 8; fixed32 end_time = 14; uint32 KHFGOPCOAGM = 3; } // Obf: KMACEBKKPGM message HomePlantFieldData { uint32 field_guid = 8; uint32 furniture_id = 14; repeated HomePlantSubFieldData sub_field_list = 4; Vector spawn_pos = 13; uint32 scene_id = 15; } // CmdId: 27599 // Obf: MNCJNMKHBED message HomePlantInfoNotify { repeated HomePlantFieldData field_list = 2; } // CmdId: 5595 // Obf: BKLCBHHMEOM message HomePlantFieldNotify { HomePlantFieldData field = 5; } // CmdId: 7267 // Obf: CLGIKAPCPMO message HomePlantInfoReq { } // CmdId: 5633 // Obf: DNIBKDNPBMG message HomePlantInfoRsp { int32 retcode = 11; repeated HomePlantFieldData field_list = 4; } // CmdId: 28287 // Obf: LEOKBBDBAKN message HomeTransferReq { uint32 guid = 12; bool JFEOCNJLCLG = 5; bool is_transfer_to_safe_point = 3; } // CmdId: 5429 // Obf: FMFCLDDJBEA message HomeTransferRsp { int32 retcode = 3; } // Obf: CBMABNMGGCK message HomeFishFarmingInfo { uint32 fishpond_guid = 1; repeated uint32 fish_id_list = 15; } // CmdId: 21521 // Obf: AFLAFOBONGJ message HomeGetFishFarmingInfoReq { } // CmdId: 2235 // Obf: FMDFMPNFAKP message HomeGetFishFarmingInfoRsp { int32 retcode = 4; repeated HomeFishFarmingInfo fish_farming_info_list = 6; } // CmdId: 136 // Obf: LAOFIKDDKDA message HomeFishFarmingInfoNotify { repeated HomeFishFarmingInfo fish_farming_info_list = 8; } // CmdId: 25936 // Obf: JPGPNNMFHGF message HomeUpdateFishFarmingInfoReq { HomeFishFarmingInfo fish_farming_info = 13; } // CmdId: 28093 // Obf: MFDGHKGNHHM message HomeUpdateFishFarmingInfoRsp { int32 retcode = 13; } // Obf: DCMHPMBLDHL message HomeScenePointFishFarmingInfo { repeated uint32 fish_id_list = 13; uint32 scene_id = 11; uint32 local_entity_id = 5; } // CmdId: 201 // Obf: EOMHIPOBJNK message HomeUpdateScenePointFishFarmingInfoReq { HomeScenePointFishFarmingInfo fish_farming_info = 11; } // CmdId: 7736 // Obf: NPNLKCEPBMK message HomeUpdateScenePointFishFarmingInfoRsp { int32 retcode = 4; } // CmdId: 1346 // Obf: OPALNEMMKPE message HomeScenePointFishFarmingInfoNotify { repeated HomeScenePointFishFarmingInfo fish_farming_info_list = 5; } // Obf: CIJAJILMPEJ message HomeCustomFurnitureInfo { uint32 guid = 9; repeated CustomCommonNodeInfo sub_furniture_list = 10; } // CmdId: 7355 // Obf: CJIKNHKLFEB message HomeCustomFurnitureInfoNotify { repeated uint32 delete_custom_furniture_list = 8; repeated HomeCustomFurnitureInfo custom_furniture_info_list = 12; map used_sub_furniture_count_map = 10; } // CmdId: 27340 // Obf: NJACGFFNJGN message HomeEditCustomFurnitureReq { HomeCustomFurnitureInfo custom_furniture_info = 14; } // CmdId: 23160 // Obf: OBEPJPMGCAE message HomeEditCustomFurnitureRsp { HomeCustomFurnitureInfo custom_furniture_info = 7; int32 retcode = 6; } // Obf: DCLOEDNCIHD message HomePictureFrameInfo { uint32 guid = 7; uint32 picture_id = 15; } // CmdId: 24256 // Obf: MHPADHDCIBP message HomePictureFrameInfoNotify { repeated HomePictureFrameInfo picture_frame_info_list = 11; } // CmdId: 5532 // Obf: BNDPJBMPDKK message HomeUpdatePictureFrameInfoReq { HomePictureFrameInfo picture_frame_info = 2; } // CmdId: 5740 // Obf: EDHFOGMDKKM message HomeUpdatePictureFrameInfoRsp { HomePictureFrameInfo picture_frame_info = 9; int32 retcode = 13; } // CmdId: 20371 // Obf: DNKELDJBGIG message HomeRacingGallerySettleNotify { uint32 rank = 5; bool is_new_record = 3; RacingGallerySettleInfo settle_info = 13; uint32 gallery_id = 14; } // Obf: LJFHBAPBCDA message HomeGroupPlayerInfo { string nickname = 9; uint32 player_level = 14; ProfilePicture profile_picture = 13; uint32 uid = 15; string psn_id = 5; string online_id = 4; } // Obf: EDIJLLFLAEF message HomeRacingGalleryRecord { uint32 use_time = 3; uint32 timestamp = 2; HomeGroupPlayerInfo player_info = 11; } // Obf: OGHOGCMDPIO message HomeRacingRecord { repeated HomeRacingGalleryRecord record_list = 13; } // Obf: MMNCPMEDCDB message HomeBalloonGalleryRecord { uint32 score = 14; HomeGroupPlayerInfo player_info = 12; uint32 hit_count = 10; uint32 timestamp = 5; } // Obf: DKHFCAMLEIE message HomeBalloonRecord { repeated HomeBalloonGalleryRecord record_list = 7; } // Obf: GBGHKILPOKF message HomeStakePlayRecord { repeated HomeGroupPlayerInfo engaged_player_info_list = 14; uint32 timestamp = 15; } // Obf: PADAGHHACBC message HomeStakeRecord { repeated HomeStakePlayRecord record_list = 6; } // Obf: HGDAOFJDFAB message HomeSeekFurniturePlayerScore { HomeGroupPlayerInfo player_info = 5; uint32 score = 15; } // Obf: HIKDFFBMMHO message HomeSeekFurnitureOneRecord { uint32 timestamp = 4; repeated HomeSeekFurniturePlayerScore engaged_player_score_list = 6; } // Obf: MKKMMPLDODC message HomeSeekFurnitureAllRecord { repeated HomeSeekFurnitureOneRecord record_list = 11; } message JEOEFGBOPIE { HomeGroupPlayerInfo player_info = 11; uint32 count = 3; } message GOICCJMDKKD { repeated JEOEFGBOPIE FMLLDLAGMEL = 4; uint32 cost_time = 11; uint32 timestamp = 1; } // Obf: HKKODCJLJJD message ExplosionInfo { repeated GOICCJMDKKD record_list = 9; } // Obf: OFACPDLFMFO message HomeGroupRecord { uint32 group_id = 1; oneof detail { HomeRacingRecord racing_gallery_info = 722; HomeBalloonRecord balloon_gallery_info = 1806; HomeStakeRecord stake_play_info = 1224; HomeSeekFurnitureAllRecord seek_furniture_gallery_info = 400; ExplosionInfo explosion_info = 1571; } } // CmdId: 23571 // Obf: AMLBHCJDHPI message HomeGetGroupRecordReq { uint32 group_id = 5; } // CmdId: 4005 // Obf: ONMPLCIJJJH message HomeGetGroupRecordRsp { HomeGroupRecord group_record = 12; int32 retcode = 6; uint32 record_type = 11; } // CmdId: 28348 // Obf: MOBKNFJDDOD message HomeClearGroupRecordReq { uint32 group_id = 6; } // CmdId: 21872 // Obf: BPBMGJIIDOL message HomeClearGroupRecordRsp { uint32 group_id = 4; int32 retcode = 5; } // CmdId: 5349 // Obf: FDHBBFONJDA message HomeBalloonGallerySettleNotify { uint32 rank = 5; bool is_new_record = 15; uint32 gallery_id = 2; BalloonGallerySettleInfo settle_info = 3; } // CmdId: 20418 // Obf: GIBKOEEJGPH message HomeBalloonGalleryScoreNotify { uint32 cur_score = 13; uint32 trigger_entity_id = 2; uint32 gallery_id = 1; uint32 add_score = 7; } // CmdId: 9976 // Obf: AKFAFPOJJMP message HomeSeekFurnitureGalleryScoreNotify { HomeSeekFurnitureOneRecord record = 15; uint32 gallery_id = 8; KDHIAEFLGFM reason = 7; } // CmdId: 20885 // Obf: BFCMDBHEBGK message GetHomeExchangeWoodInfoReq { } // CmdId: 27659 // Obf: GLMEBEPIKNK message GetHomeExchangeWoodInfoRsp { // Obf: HAGHCNJCHNF message HomeExchangeWoodInfo { uint32 exchangedCount = 7; uint32 exchangeLimit = 1; fixed32 next_refresh_time = 4; uint32 wood_id = 13; } repeated HomeExchangeWoodInfo wood_info_list = 11; int32 retcode = 5; } // CmdId: 20572 // Obf: IIECGONCCKO message HomeExchangeWoodReq { uint32 wood_id = 8; map material_count_map = 6; } // CmdId: 1815 // Obf: EIPIMMDNAAI message HomeExchangeWoodRsp { uint32 wood_count = 1; uint32 wood_id = 8; uint32 exchangedCount = 11; int32 retcode = 3; } // Obf: AAAADHDHBLA message HomeBlueprintSlotInfo { uint32 scene_id = 1; uint32 module_id = 6; uint32 slot_id = 2; uint32 block_id = 8; bool JGNOGOODOKE = 7; bool is_allow_copy = 4; string share_code = 13; uint32 create_time = 5; } // CmdId: 2811 // Obf: OHOJDOFPJHI message HomeGetBlueprintSlotInfoReq { } // CmdId: 6723 // Obf: AGIBKDCJDKH message HomeGetBlueprintSlotInfoRsp { repeated uint32 delete_slot_id_list = 4; repeated HomeBlueprintSlotInfo slot_info_list = 2; int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 1990 // Obf: BEIGKDCMHAH message HomeSetBlueprintSlotOptionReq { uint32 slot_id = 1; bool is_allow_copy = 4; } // CmdId: 26409 // Obf: KKBNLPKCAOD message HomeSetBlueprintSlotOptionRsp { int32 retcode = 8; bool is_allow_copy = 13; uint32 slot_id = 9; } // CmdId: 5246 // Obf: KMGJEEMHJEJ message HomeSetBlueprintFriendOptionReq { bool HMIHEBDACID = 7; bool BNAIJODKBJL = 1; } // CmdId: 3981 // Obf: GNIAPEEIAEC message HomeSetBlueprintFriendOptionRsp { bool BNAIJODKBJL = 10; int32 retcode = 1; bool HMIHEBDACID = 8; } // CmdId: 20806 // Obf: NPNCHIEMCOA message HomeBlueprintInfoNotify { bool HMIHEBDACID = 11; bool BNAIJODKBJL = 5; } // CmdId: 4668 // Obf: LPBJNGOBKPA message HomePreviewBlueprintReq { string share_code = 3; uint32 slot_id = 1; } // CmdId: 23117 // Obf: KGNPKKIELFO message HomePreviewBlueprintRsp { string share_code = 5; HomeSceneArrangementInfo scene_arrangement_info = 6; int32 retcode = 12; } // CmdId: 28484 // Obf: IADNCNPFLAI message HomeCreateBlueprintReq { string server_share_code = 15; uint32 gen_share_code_count = 10; uint32 slot_id = 13; HomeSceneArrangementInfo scene_arrangement_info = 9; } // CmdId: 22980 // Obf: GCFFCBBEIJI message HomeCreateBlueprintRsp { HomeBlueprintSlotInfo slot_info = 4; int32 retcode = 9; } // CmdId: 21452 // Obf: KHIPDABPPKO message HomeDeleteBlueprintReq { uint32 slot_id = 7; } // CmdId: 2973 // Obf: OHOGBCMKNKA message HomeDeleteBlueprintRsp { uint32 slot_id = 8; int32 retcode = 12; } // Obf: ODIFLGOGOJN message HomeBlueprintSearchInfo { uint32 module_id = 8; string share_code = 14; uint32 scene_id = 6; uint32 block_id = 1; } // CmdId: 1240 // Obf: EJOPLCKJMCO message HomeSearchBlueprintReq { string share_code = 14; } // CmdId: 9491 // Obf: OJELACOLJHG message HomeSearchBlueprintRsp { int32 retcode = 9; HomeBlueprintSearchInfo search_info = 15; } // CmdId: 4930 message ODCKAIANNEK { string share_code = 8; } // CmdId: 7520 message MBNEJNDKHKI { int32 retcode = 11; HomeBlueprintSlotInfo slot_info = 13; } // CmdId: 742 message DAOOBOPAAEE { uint32 src_app_id = 5; OnlinePlayerInfo src_player_info = 6; } // CmdId: 22295 message GLCMENCDHDE { bool is_agreed = 14; uint32 apply_uid = 15; } // CmdId: 26633 message CBIKACKAEHB { int32 retcode = 7; bool is_agreed = 12; uint32 apply_uid = 9; } // CmdId: 29971 message JEIIOBABLDG { enum GPNFPBAECHL { MAHLBDMPLJA_PlayerJudge = 0; MAHLBDMPLJA_PlayerEnterOptionRefuse = 1; MAHLBDMPLJA_PlayerEnterOptionDirect = 2; MAHLBDMPLJA_SystemJudge = 3; MAHLBDMPLJA_HostInMatch = 4; MAHLBDMPLJA_PsPlayerNotAcceptOthers = 5; MAHLBDMPLJA_OpenStateNotOpen = 6; MAHLBDMPLJA_HostInEditMode = 7; MAHLBDMPLJA_PriorCheck = 8; MAHLBDMPLJA_PlayerOffline = 9; } uint32 target_uid = 1; GPNFPBAECHL reason = 13; string target_nickname = 15; bool is_agreed = 4; } // CmdId: 2521 // Obf: GPHNPONJLKO message HomeSaveArrangementNoChangeReq { uint32 scene_id = 1; } // CmdId: 20696 // Obf: BMFLMFIECOG message HomeSaveArrangementNoChangeRsp { int32 retcode = 2; uint32 scene_id = 1; } message PPJJNDBJPBE { uint32 count = 6; HomeGroupPlayerInfo player_info = 10; } // CmdId: 25107 message FBMFNLODILN { uint32 rank = 2; bool is_new_record = 11; uint32 cost_time = 3; repeated PPJJNDBJPBE EJOMIEODJHM = 14; } // Obf: AIOLAOJBABD message HuntingPair { uint32 monster_config_id = 2; uint32 refresh_id = 11; } // CmdId: 26500 // Obf: MEJFENDLGBH message TakeHuntingOfferReq { HuntingPair hunting_pair = 7; uint32 city_id = 14; } // CmdId: 8846 // Obf: KODBBECLOLL message TakeHuntingOfferRsp { HuntingPair hunting_pair = 9; uint32 city_id = 2; int32 retcode = 7; } // Obf: DHGAICOLFFI message HuntingOfferData { HuntingPair hunting_pair = 3; HuntingOfferState state = 11; uint32 city_id = 15; } // CmdId: 6556 // Obf: HKCGDJANEBA message GetCityHuntingOfferReq { uint32 city_id = 2; } // CmdId: 6015 // Obf: PHNMECOCEEN message GetCityHuntingOfferRsp { int32 retcode = 12; repeated HuntingOfferData hunting_offer_list = 9; uint32 next_refresh_time = 3; uint32 city_id = 6; uint32 cur_week_finished_count = 4; HuntingPair ongoing_hunting_pair = 15; } // CmdId: 4392 // Obf: CMOJNMFBNJC message GetHuntingOfferRewardReq { HuntingPair hunting_pair = 10; uint32 city_id = 4; } // CmdId: 26705 // Obf: BGHOFJJBJJI message GetHuntingOfferRewardRsp { int32 retcode = 2; uint32 city_id = 9; HuntingPair hunting_pair = 15; } // CmdId: 6362 // Obf: MLPIPJMPPID message HuntingStartNotify { Vector clue_position = 11; uint32 fail_time = 2; bool is_final = 4; HuntingPair hunting_pair = 7; } // CmdId: 26057 // Obf: PAICJHPMIJK message HuntingRevealClueNotify { Vector clue_position = 12; uint32 finished_group_id = 8; uint32 finish_clue_count = 13; HuntingPair hunting_pair = 9; } // CmdId: 9240 // Obf: JCGMDEDDIEG message HuntingRevealFinalNotify { Vector final_position = 10; HuntingPair hunting_pair = 5; uint32 finished_group_id = 15; } // CmdId: 28721 // Obf: IPJFJJENICP message HuntingSuccessNotify { HuntingPair hunting_pair = 1; } // CmdId: 22800 // Obf: DMAAMDFJEBL message HuntingFailNotify { HuntingPair hunting_pair = 11; } // CmdId: 27610 // Obf: MHHNFFBFKJG message HuntingOngoingNotify { bool is_final = 7; HuntingPair hunting_pair = 3; uint32 finish_clue_count = 6; uint32 fail_time = 14; Vector next_position = 11; bool is_started = 5; } // CmdId: 2156 // Obf: NDKEKIINJHO message HuntingGiveUpReq { HuntingPair hunting_pair = 2; } // CmdId: 5719 // Obf: IOEIACCDKMN message HuntingGiveUpRsp { int32 retcode = 12; HuntingPair hunting_pair = 11; } // Obf: LJAJANHHOML message Investigation { // Obf: GMMLBMGDPPP enum State { INVALID = 0; IN_PROGRESS = 1; COMPLETE = 2; REWARD_TAKEN = 3; } uint32 id = 8; uint32 progress = 7; State state = 12; uint32 total_progress = 14; } // Obf: CHDNBCDJCEJ message InvestigationTarget { // Obf: MBMPKODCOJI enum State { INVALID = 0; IN_PROGRESS = 1; COMPLETE = 2; REWARD_TAKEN = 3; } uint32 total_progress = 12; uint32 progress = 15; uint32 quest_id = 4; uint32 investigation_id = 8; State state = 1; } // CmdId: 23777 // Obf: AOFKNKKENHJ message PlayerInvestigationAllInfoNotify { repeated Investigation investigation_list = 5; repeated InvestigationTarget investigation_target_list = 14; } // CmdId: 8462 // Obf: GBGKOACHBNE message TakeInvestigationRewardReq { uint32 id = 8; } // CmdId: 3594 // Obf: IAHCCKACNIB message TakeInvestigationRewardRsp { int32 retcode = 12; uint32 id = 1; } // CmdId: 6368 // Obf: PCALDFEGFGJ message TakeInvestigationTargetRewardReq { uint32 quest_id = 2; } // CmdId: 1562 // Obf: NNNEAKIELHD message TakeInvestigationTargetRewardRsp { uint32 quest_id = 7; int32 retcode = 15; } // CmdId: 23800 // Obf: DEMDDKHMDFD message GetInvestigationMonsterReq { bool is_for_mark = 12; repeated uint32 city_id_list = 6; } // Obf: GAEBGPCOKLO message InvestigationMonster { // Obf: KAHDDLDLNOG enum LockState { LOCK_NONE = 0; LOCK_QUEST = 1; } WeeklyBossResinDiscountInfo weekly_boss_resin_discount_info = 7; uint32 monster_id = 564; LockState lock_state = 1; bool is_area_locked = 6; Vector pos = 12; uint32 resin = 5; uint32 refresh_interval = 11; uint32 level = 8; uint32 max_boss_chest_num = 14; uint32 boss_chest_num = 15; uint32 next_refresh_time = 2; uint32 HJMMAOMEHOL = 326; uint32 scene_id = 4; uint32 id = 3; uint32 city_id = 10; bool is_alive = 13; uint32 group_id = 34; uint32 EOLGBLICEIA = 9; } // CmdId: 23497 // Obf: PBLBHKIGDKG message GetInvestigationMonsterRsp { repeated InvestigationMonster monster_list = 9; bool is_for_mark = 1; int32 retcode = 11; } // CmdId: 22886 // Obf: ALOLADCMDPF message PlayerInvestigationNotify { repeated Investigation investigation_list = 7; } // CmdId: 1218 // Obf: MCKLNIEGCOK message PlayerInvestigationTargetNotify { repeated InvestigationTarget investigation_target_list = 14; } // CmdId: 21010 // Obf: ONLMENNEHOH message MarkTargetInvestigationMonsterNotify { uint32 scene_id = 7; uint32 monster_id = 15; uint32 investigation_monster_id = 2; uint32 group_id = 10; } // CmdId: 23884 // Obf: FFNIIIKPNCC message InvestigationMonsterUpdateNotify { InvestigationMonster investigation_monster = 13; } // CmdId: 22478 // Obf: GKGAJBBBCDI message InvestigationQuestDailyNotify { } // CmdId: 6920 // Obf: NNFAHGOLKAK message InvestigationReadQuestDailyNotify { } // CmdId: 4667 // Obf: HMFIJAJOPNN message PlayerStoreNotify { StoreType store_type = 8; uint32 weight_limit = 5; repeated Item item_list = 6; } // CmdId: 22706 // Obf: OLOEDFBEHGA message StoreWeightLimitNotify { uint32 weight_limit = 2; uint32 furniture_count_limit = 1; uint32 weapon_count_limit = 10; uint32 reliquary_count_limit = 11; uint32 material_count_limit = 14; StoreType store_type = 4; } // CmdId: 370 // Obf: IBPNONJJFIN message StoreItemChangeNotify { repeated Item item_list = 1; StoreType store_type = 10; } // CmdId: 28814 // Obf: FHAAIBEDGOD message StoreItemDelNotify { StoreType store_type = 15; repeated uint64 guid_list = 4; } // Obf: OLBNAADPLKJ message ItemHint { uint32 count = 7; uint32 item_id = 9; uint64 guid = 14; bool is_new = 8; } // CmdId: 20755 // Obf: CNDHGNFOGNJ message ItemAddHintNotify { bool NAMDHIDNAMP = 1; repeated ItemHint item_list = 5; bool OFKEJDENKLE = 10; repeated ItemHint overflow_transformed_item_list = 12; uint32 quest_id = 11; bool DJAHPNGMNGA = 3; uint32 reason = 8; Vector position = 13; } // CmdId: 9155 // Obf: OKFMPIODGJM message UseItemReq { bool is_enter_mp_dungeon_team = 8; uint32 count = 14; uint64 guid = 9; uint64 target_guid = 15; uint32 option_idx = 3; } // CmdId: 5970 // Obf: KNLKONFMMIA message UseItemRsp { uint32 option_idx = 7; uint64 target_guid = 10; int32 retcode = 2; uint64 guid = 8; uint32 item_id = 3; } // CmdId: 28541 // Obf: ALHJAJDGNDA message DropItemReq { uint32 count = 10; uint64 guid = 15; StoreType store_type = 8; Vector pos = 1; } // CmdId: 25342 // Obf: BFNMHPECFGC message DropItemRsp { StoreType store_type = 6; uint64 guid = 12; int32 retcode = 9; } // CmdId: 7563 // Obf: HMKJLBFDOJP message WearEquipReq { uint64 equip_guid = 11; uint64 avatar_guid = 13; } // CmdId: 22727 // Obf: KHELHHLFJBO message WearEquipRsp { uint64 avatar_guid = 4; int32 retcode = 7; uint64 equip_guid = 5; } // CmdId: 23894 // Obf: MGOICFILCBB message TakeoffEquipReq { uint32 slot = 14; uint64 avatar_guid = 5; } // CmdId: 24431 // Obf: IPGHDPELLAL message TakeoffEquipRsp { uint64 avatar_guid = 13; uint32 slot = 12; int32 retcode = 15; } // CmdId: 20682 // Obf: GOMNKIGKPAH message AvatarEquipChangeNotify { SceneWeaponInfo weapon = 7; uint32 item_id = 8; SceneReliquaryInfo reliquary = 5; uint64 equip_guid = 4; uint32 equip_type = 6; uint64 avatar_guid = 1; } // CmdId: 9010 // Obf: NHOOFHINDJC message WeaponUpgradeReq { uint64 target_weapon_guid = 14; repeated uint64 food_weapon_guid_list = 9; repeated ItemParam item_param_list = 12; } // CmdId: 7193 // Obf: DMJFFIJEDGI message WeaponUpgradeRsp { uint64 target_weapon_guid = 13; uint32 cur_level = 10; uint32 old_level = 7; int32 retcode = 4; repeated ItemParam item_param_list = 15; } // CmdId: 23298 // Obf: LDCKBPMEBGB message WeaponPromoteReq { uint64 target_weapon_guid = 12; } // CmdId: 715 // Obf: DMDOBJKPENG message WeaponPromoteRsp { uint32 MCLHMKNEIKH = 4; uint32 GDNPFIPFIOJ = 14; int32 retcode = 6; uint64 target_weapon_guid = 3; } // CmdId: 1702 // Obf: BNGPJOABGAC message ReliquaryUpgradeReq { repeated ItemParam item_param_list = 15; repeated uint64 food_reliquary_guid_list = 2; uint64 target_reliquary_guid = 4; } // CmdId: 25485 // Obf: CAHAEBGDMKK message ReliquaryUpgradeRsp { uint32 cur_level = 13; uint32 power_up_rate = 11; repeated uint32 JNPAMCBCIMC = 14; uint32 old_level = 8; repeated uint32 FJJPDKBCGND = 15; uint64 target_reliquary_guid = 5; int32 retcode = 10; } // CmdId: 29241 // Obf: GCPFLNHNBIN message ReliquaryPromoteReq { uint64 target_guid = 13; uint64 item_guid = 7; } // CmdId: 28265 // Obf: BHHEEALIMML message ReliquaryPromoteRsp { uint32 GDNPFIPFIOJ = 1; uint64 target_reliquary_guid = 2; int32 retcode = 12; uint32 MCLHMKNEIKH = 11; repeated uint32 FJJPDKBCGND = 14; repeated uint32 JNPAMCBCIMC = 7; } // CmdId: 27737 // Obf: BCGPIODLDKA message AvatarCardChangeReq { uint32 item_id = 4; uint32 count = 11; uint64 avatar_guid = 12; } // CmdId: 3627 // Obf: JELOODBAPJB message AvatarCardChangeRsp { int32 retcode = 14; } // CmdId: 24643 // Obf: IOHKNKAECHJ message GrantRewardNotify { Reward reward = 8; } // CmdId: 23146 // Obf: AFPFPKMLIPD message WeaponAwakenReq { uint64 target_weapon_guid = 2; map affix_level_map = 4; uint64 item_guid = 15; } // CmdId: 26318 // Obf: BBBKJFJPFLK message WeaponAwakenRsp { int32 retcode = 12; map old_affix_level_map = 13; map cur_affix_level_map = 10; uint64 target_weapon_guid = 11; uint32 target_weapon_awaken_level = 1; uint64 avatar_guid = 9; } // CmdId: 21839 // Obf: JBDLPKOJPNC message ItemCdGroupTimeNotify { map item_cd_map = 7; } // CmdId: 1884 // Obf: NMODMKDKNDF message DropHintNotify { Vector position = 3; repeated uint32 item_id_list = 6; } // CmdId: 753 // Obf: JIBOADJOLAM message CombineReq { uint32 combine_count = 5; uint64 avatar_guid = 2; uint32 combine_id = 3; } // CmdId: 27346 // Obf: FPLEFMOIOGE message CombineRsp { uint32 combine_id = 7; uint32 combine_count = 3; repeated ItemParam FDFCGJGJDPP = 13; repeated ItemParam AJDGGDPILBD = 15; repeated ItemParam AABDGFADCIJ = 11; repeated ItemParam GFKKOPJFFLM = 10; uint64 avatar_guid = 5; int32 retcode = 6; repeated ItemParam GAEEJPPNJDD = 8; repeated ItemParam cost_item_list = 4; } // Obf: NBNGELFILMP message ForgeQueueData { uint32 POMGMIIKMGK = 13; uint32 avatar_id = 8; uint32 FEAIEFCFKJK = 3; uint32 MNHMIPIKBIH = 14; uint32 JAJEGBOFAEE = 11; uint32 DLAMPPPDANO = 4; uint32 forge_id = 15; } // CmdId: 29143 // Obf: NEHKBDCNEMA message ForgeQueueDataNotify { map forge_queue_map = 11; repeated uint32 removed_forge_queue_list = 13; } // CmdId: 477 // Obf: AFDBIGNEOMH message ForgeGetQueueDataReq { } // CmdId: 9429 // Obf: HOLCPCEMEMI message ForgeGetQueueDataRsp { uint32 max_queue_num = 3; int32 retcode = 11; map forge_queue_map = 12; } // CmdId: 28979 // Obf: BKGLNOOLDEJ message ForgeStartReq { uint32 avatar_id = 5; uint32 forge_count = 8; uint32 forge_id = 1; } // CmdId: 24460 // Obf: AAPABLBKOGM message ForgeStartRsp { int32 retcode = 10; } // CmdId: 25920 // Obf: KLKEPLGJNFI message ForgeQueueManipulateReq { uint32 forge_queue_id = 1; ForgeQueueManipulateType manipulate_type = 5; } // CmdId: 4194 // Obf: JDJJJGPEDHM message ForgeQueueManipulateRsp { repeated ItemParam output_item_list = 12; repeated ItemParam extra_output_item_list = 13; ForgeQueueManipulateType manipulate_type = 5; repeated ItemParam return_item_list = 4; int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 21937 // Obf: POKGPJBGPLM message ResinChangeNotify { uint32 cur_buy_count = 3; uint32 next_add_timestamp = 6; uint32 cur_value = 7; } // CmdId: 9368 // Obf: CJKAMIJPOHL message BuyResinReq { } // CmdId: 3650 // Obf: MKMFMBMHOPG message BuyResinRsp { int32 retcode = 1; uint32 cur_value = 5; } // CmdId: 6719 // Obf: KLNDAJDJPNC message MaterialDeleteReturnNotify { MaterialDeleteReturnType type = 12; map JICOKOIADLN = 11; map AJFNGKJPABI = 3; } // CmdId: 23877 // Obf: OFKEEGHALAI message TakeMaterialDeleteReturnReq { MaterialDeleteReturnType type = 6; } // CmdId: 26975 // Obf: ELAKENHBFBM message TakeMaterialDeleteReturnRsp { int32 retcode = 1; } // CmdId: 9737 // Obf: FKMCADJBOIO message MaterialDeleteUpdateNotify { } // CmdId: 29611 // Obf: OJDOCOAMKPC message McoinExchangeHcoinReq { uint32 mcoin_cost = 13; uint32 hcoin = 8; } // CmdId: 21323 // Obf: OEBFOFIJHGC message McoinExchangeHcoinRsp { uint32 hcoin = 11; int32 retcode = 5; uint32 mcoin_cost = 1; } // Obf: MGMDCJEEMPF message MaterialInfo { uint64 guid = 6; uint32 count = 4; } // CmdId: 6985 // Obf: MGALBJFALCL message DestroyMaterialReq { repeated MaterialInfo material_list = 9; } // CmdId: 7572 // Obf: KIEBPLBPCAE message DestroyMaterialRsp { int32 retcode = 10; repeated uint32 item_id_list = 4; repeated uint32 item_count_list = 2; } // CmdId: 8002 // Obf: POOALLFACLH message SetEquipLockStateReq { bool is_locked = 2; uint64 target_equip_guid = 12; } // CmdId: 2517 // Obf: HDOHDJDDMDG message SetEquipLockStateRsp { uint64 target_equip_guid = 1; bool is_locked = 6; int32 retcode = 5; } // CmdId: 23232 // Obf: GJIAADPBGKA message CalcWeaponUpgradeReturnItemsReq { repeated ItemParam item_param_list = 15; uint64 target_weapon_guid = 1; repeated uint64 food_weapon_guid_list = 14; } // CmdId: 24299 // Obf: EFEMOPJBOBD message CalcWeaponUpgradeReturnItemsRsp { repeated ItemParam item_param_list = 10; uint64 target_weapon_guid = 15; int32 retcode = 14; } // CmdId: 6813 // Obf: BFIGHNIEAFO message ForgeDataNotify { map forge_queue_map = 7; uint32 max_queue_num = 9; repeated uint32 forge_id_list = 4; } // CmdId: 28490 // Obf: ILMLELNIKGE message ForgeFormulaDataNotify { bool is_locked = 4; uint32 forge_id = 2; } // CmdId: 4969 // Obf: HNCKJCIOCPI message CombineDataNotify { repeated uint32 combine_id_list = 6; } // CmdId: 25832 // Obf: CCMFELEODNK message CombineFormulaDataNotify { uint32 combine_id = 14; bool is_locked = 7; } // CmdId: 1446 // Obf: GMNLOLIHNLC message ClosedItemNotify { repeated uint32 item_id_list = 2; } // CmdId: 24230 // Obf: CMDADENCFDH message CheckAddItemExceedLimitNotify { // Obf: EGOCMMFICCC enum ItemExceedLimitMsgType { ITEM_EXCEED_LIMIT_MSG_DEFAULT = 0; ITEM_EXCEED_LIMIT_MSG_TEXT = 1; ITEM_EXCEED_LIMIT_MSG_DIALOG = 2; ITEM_EXCEED_LIMIT_MSG_DIALOG_NONBLOCK = 3; } repeated uint32 JJHKBJLIPNA = 11; bool is_drop = 12; ItemExceedLimitMsgType msg_type = 1; repeated uint32 OPFPLNLHLMA = 13; uint32 reason = 3; } // CmdId: 24611 // Obf: KLNPILMDDEE message SetIsAutoUnlockSpecificEquipReq { bool is_auto_unlock_specific_equip = 2; } // CmdId: 23704 // Obf: EOOCECPKMAG message SetIsAutoUnlockSpecificEquipRsp { int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 2906 // Obf: BEGHJCKOHCA message ReliquaryDecomposeReq { uint32 target_count = 15; uint32 config_id = 1; repeated uint64 guid_list = 8; } // CmdId: 5943 // Obf: AGGLLEHOPED message ReliquaryDecomposeRsp { repeated uint64 guid_list = 9; int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 4815 // Obf: ECBLOLDIABL message ReliquaryFilterStateSaveNotify { map reliquary_filter_state_map = 4; } // CmdId: 6547 // Obf: HMBNKNMBHGG message ReliquaryFilterStateNotify { map reliquary_filter_state_map = 13; } // CmdId: 3265 message LODGLMPFPFE { map PPOBGFHOOGN = 2; } // CmdId: 7569 // Obf: COPGIOFFCBJ message MailChangeNotify { repeated uint32 del_mail_id_list = 11; repeated MailData mail_list = 3; } // CmdId: 6739 // Obf: EHONJGBBFEG message ReadMailNotify { repeated uint32 mail_id_list = 2; } // CmdId: 5317 // Obf: GLKNPOJNACB message GetMailItemReq { repeated uint32 mail_id_list = 14; } // CmdId: 27050 // Obf: MCJPPPBEHPE message GetMailItemRsp { repeated EquipParam item_list = 8; repeated uint32 mail_id_list = 13; int32 retcode = 1; } // CmdId: 9893 // Obf: GCJNHCHGLEL message DelMailReq { repeated uint32 mail_id_list = 8; } // CmdId: 8328 // Obf: EJOGFBHOJKI message DelMailRsp { repeated uint32 mail_id_list = 13; int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 27875 // Obf: DCPMJKGKCGE message GetAuthkeyReq { uint32 PGANJHDNINM = 7; string auth_appid = 2; uint32 BIGHJAIBJJK = 14; } // CmdId: 29353 // Obf: KNBBKOGAAHL message GetAuthkeyRsp { uint32 PGANJHDNINM = 7; string authkey = 12; uint32 BIGHJAIBJJK = 2; int32 retcode = 9; string auth_appid = 5; string game_biz = 1; } // CmdId: 2769 // Obf: HPLLHIPOLHA message ClientNewMailNotify { uint32 BEGBPFBABMD = 3; bool CLHPNHOHONM = 2; uint32 OEGCAHNJAMF = 14; } // CmdId: 29228 // Obf: OCHDJHKDENA message GetAllMailReq { bool is_collected = 2; } // CmdId: 9526 // Obf: FMMMCILNFIA message GetAllMailRsp { int32 retcode = 6; bool is_collected = 12; repeated MailData mail_list = 1; bool is_truncated = 11; } // CmdId: 2285 // Obf: BNOGMFJDHHL message ChangeMailStarNotify { bool is_star = 13; repeated uint32 mail_id_list = 15; } // CmdId: 24116 // Obf: ACIPPADMKFF message GetAllMailNotify { bool is_collected = 2; } // CmdId: 5536 // Obf: DCHBLDEKBCN message GetAllMailResultNotify { bool is_collected = 5; repeated MailData mail_list = 11; uint32 packet_num = 13; string transaction = 10; uint32 packet_be_sent_num = 14; int32 retcode = 15; } // CmdId: 27823 // Obf: FIPOPNKPHGE message PlayerStartMatchReq { uint32 mp_play_id = 13; uint32 mechanicus_difficult_level = 14; MatchType match_type = 4; uint32 match_id = 10; repeated uint32 match_param_list = 6; uint32 dungeon_id = 1; } // CmdId: 21172 // Obf: AAJPPGMIGOE message PlayerStartMatchRsp { MatchType match_type = 12; uint32 match_id = 14; uint32 mechanicus_difficult_level = 15; int32 retcode = 7; uint32 punish_end_time = 10; uint32 mp_play_id = 4; uint32 param = 13; uint32 dungeon_id = 5; } // CmdId: 6049 // Obf: NBHEPMEPGLC message PlayerMatchInfoNotify { uint32 mechanicus_difficult_level = 9; MatchType match_type = 5; repeated uint32 match_param_list = 8; uint32 mp_play_id = 13; uint32 ACKNHNOOGJL = 7; uint32 host_uid = 4; uint32 match_id = 10; uint32 dungeon_id = 15; uint32 NDFPGBLKKAD = 3; } // CmdId: 9117 // Obf: HOBFLBCLPIC message PlayerCancelMatchReq { MatchType match_type = 7; } // CmdId: 4875 // Obf: HEEJIEDBDJP message PlayerCancelMatchRsp { MatchType match_type = 1; int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 5482 // Obf: EGKPJLFGEFN message PlayerMatchStopNotify { MatchReason reason = 13; uint32 host_uid = 6; } // Obf: CHCHJENHKAA message MatchPlayerInfo { bool is_agreed = 2; OnlinePlayerInfo player_info = 1; } // Obf: HCDICCLMADO message GeneralMatchInfo { uint32 match_param = 11; uint32 match_id = 10; repeated MatchPlayerInfo player_list = 15; } // Obf: KGDJMGLIFFN message GCGMatchInfo { repeated MatchPlayerInfo player_list = 5; } // CmdId: 29434 // Obf: JLBLCFHLPLB message PlayerMatchSuccNotify { GeneralMatchInfo general_match_info = 3; uint32 mp_play_id = 2; GCGMatchInfo gcg_match_info = 11; uint32 mechanicus_difficult_level = 6; uint32 confirm_end_time = 14; uint32 dungeon_id = 4; uint32 host_uid = 13; MatchType match_type = 5; } // CmdId: 1167 // Obf: CMDGGJDBOIO message PlayerConfirmMatchReq { MatchType match_type = 15; bool is_agreed = 12; } // CmdId: 21369 // Obf: FGDKKCBNGMI message PlayerConfirmMatchRsp { MatchType match_type = 1; uint32 match_id = 5; bool is_agreed = 12; int32 retcode = 13; } // CmdId: 2971 // Obf: MIACHENCEEB message PlayerAllowEnterMpAfterAgreeMatchNotify { uint32 target_uid = 12; } // CmdId: 29150 // Obf: FCOMIHCCKGM message PlayerMatchAgreedResultNotify { // Obf: NILJADMMOMK enum Reason { SUCC = 0; TARGET_SCENE_CANNOT_ENTER = 1; SELF_MP_UNAVAILABLE = 2; OTHER_DATA_VERSION_NOT_LATEST = 3; DATA_VERSION_NOT_LATEST = 4; } uint32 target_uid = 12; Reason reason = 4; MatchType match_type = 2; } // CmdId: 9475 // Obf: DHNJCDLKIOF message PlayerApplyEnterMpAfterMatchAgreedNotify { uint32 matchserver_id = 15; OnlinePlayerInfo src_player_info = 14; MatchType match_type = 2; } // CmdId: 2964 // Obf: NCIKOCGPPHC message PlayerGeneralMatchDismissNotify { repeated uint32 uid_list = 5; MatchReason reason = 8; uint32 match_id = 2; } // CmdId: 1380 // Obf: GIJKNFDOPEF message PlayerGeneralMatchConfirmNotify { uint32 match_id = 8; bool is_agree = 15; uint32 uid = 10; } // CmdId: 24478 // Obf: FFIHLFOEOGJ message PlayerGetForceQuitBanInfoReq { } // CmdId: 8368 // Obf: CMGBPGFCJDL message PlayerGetForceQuitBanInfoRsp { uint32 match_id = 6; int32 retcode = 12; uint32 expire_time = 3; } // CmdId: 7158 // Obf: CFABFBCEICO message ServerTryCancelGeneralMatchNotify { uint32 match_id = 7; } // CmdId: 28090 // Obf: KLDALAILPLA message PlayerGCGMatchDismissNotify { MatchReason reason = 13; uint32 match_id = 4; repeated uint32 uid_list = 7; } // CmdId: 5393 // Obf: DJNJMMIGELG message PlayerGCGMatchConfirmNotify { uint32 uid = 14; uint32 match_id = 7; bool is_agree = 4; } // CmdId: 24836 message HKIDEEGIHLH { uint32 match_id = 11; } // Obf: CLIOHIGGKBE message MechanicusInfo { uint32 mechanicus_id = 2; repeated uint32 GAFGMEGNBJA = 10; repeated uint32 OFDKKEIMMJE = 12; uint32 punish_over_time = 11; uint32 coin = 15; bool is_finish_teach_dungeon = 1; repeated Uint32Pair gear_level_pair_list = 13; } // CmdId: 6012 // Obf: LAMDLLMLMJE message GetMechanicusInfoReq { } // CmdId: 1507 // Obf: PEELPJDMPLJ message GetMechanicusInfoRsp { int32 retcode = 1; MechanicusInfo mechanicus_info = 7; } // CmdId: 9692 // Obf: OOBCLBNAACN message MechanicusSequenceOpenNotify { uint32 sequence_id = 12; uint32 mechanicus_id = 5; } // CmdId: 6477 // Obf: ADOHDEMJCMJ message MechanicusCoinNotify { uint32 coin = 4; uint32 mechanicus_id = 12; } // CmdId: 27627 // Obf: ODMKJCMNDBL message MechanicusOpenNotify { uint32 mechanicus_id = 10; } // CmdId: 25277 // Obf: GELIIDJKNOL message MechanicusCloseNotify { uint32 mechanicus_id = 3; } // CmdId: 25222 // Obf: KHNOEOFJOHM message MechanicusUnlockGearReq { uint32 gear_id = 5; uint32 mechanicus_id = 4; } // CmdId: 27878 // Obf: NMNHNKJEAJC message MechanicusUnlockGearRsp { uint32 mechanicus_id = 10; uint32 gear_id = 15; int32 retcode = 9; } // CmdId: 8848 // Obf: FFBNNIPDCKN message MechanicusLevelupGearReq { uint32 gear_id = 3; uint32 mechanicus_id = 1; } // CmdId: 23973 // Obf: ODOAMHDGABC message MechanicusLevelupGearRsp { uint32 gear_id = 12; int32 retcode = 1; uint32 mechanicus_id = 15; uint32 after_gear_level = 11; } // CmdId: 23525 // Obf: HFOAHJMDHDH message EnterMechanicusDungeonReq { uint32 difficult_level = 13; } // CmdId: 29863 // Obf: MGILGCJGFEB message EnterMechanicusDungeonRsp { uint32 difficult_level = 7; uint32 dungeon_id = 12; uint32 wrong_uid = 14; int32 retcode = 1; } // CmdId: 28997 // Obf: APPHFPLLELJ message MechanicusCandidateTeamCreateReq { uint32 difficult_level = 9; } // CmdId: 29756 // Obf: OBPEKPDBDNM message MechanicusCandidateTeamCreateRsp { int32 retcode = 13; uint32 difficult_level = 9; uint32 dungeon_id = 10; } // CmdId: 20849 // Obf: ODOACALHKOA message UseMiracleRingReq { Vector pos = 15; uint32 miracle_ring_op_type = 3; Vector rot = 13; } // CmdId: 86 // Obf: BDHKHBMDEKI message UseMiracleRingRsp { uint32 miracle_ring_op_type = 3; int32 retcode = 12; } // CmdId: 3064 // Obf: EPHNIFDJPJA message MiracleRingDataNotify { uint32 gadget_entity_id = 5; uint32 BNDKPIPBONP = 8; bool is_gadget_created = 7; uint32 MALMBCPAHOC = 11; uint32 FJNJHHGGFKG = 12; } // CmdId: 29462 // Obf: PBHJOEGFBLM message MiracleRingTakeRewardReq { uint32 gadget_id = 7; uint32 gadget_entity_id = 13; } // CmdId: 119 // Obf: LFBOJKCCKEE message MiracleRingTakeRewardRsp { int32 retcode = 7; } // CmdId: 7312 // Obf: CIFAJMLOOIJ message MiracleRingDropResultNotify { uint32 FJNJHHGGFKG = 15; int32 BKFAGMHHFDD = 7; } // CmdId: 28950 // Obf: KAPKGMCLHAO message MiracleRingDeliverItemReq { InterOpType op_type = 11; repeated uint64 food_weapon_guid_list = 8; repeated ItemParam item_param_list = 2; uint32 gadget_entity_id = 14; uint32 gadget_id = 13; } // CmdId: 20932 // Obf: GHMGNGDJKJA message MiracleRingDeliverItemRsp { InteractType interact_type = 7; uint32 gadget_id = 9; int32 retcode = 12; InterOpType op_type = 4; uint32 gadget_entity_id = 13; } // CmdId: 8260 // Obf: KLEJDFLCAEH message MiracleRingDestroyNotify { uint32 entity_id = 10; } // CmdId: 28778 // Obf: HIHAGDONBOK message KeepAliveNotify { } // CmdId: 25907 // Obf: FEKNHGPBNMM message GmTalkReq { string msg = 12; } // CmdId: 3923 // Obf: AEABDALLNNB message GmTalkRsp { int32 retcode = 3; string msg = 7; string retmsg = 5; } // Obf: PAAMEAIJADP message MsgParam { oneof param { uint32 int_param = 8; float flt_param = 15; string str_param = 1; } } // CmdId: 20664 // Obf: NEGGKKAEGNL message ShowMessageNotify { repeated MsgParam params = 6; SvrMsgId msg_id = 8; } // CmdId: 5285 // Obf: EIMFFIJOBHL message PingReq { double total_tick_time = 8; uint32 client_time = 2; float ue_time = 12; bytes sc_data = 6; uint32 seq = 10; } // CmdId: 8231 // Obf: BLIJCEANDPM message PingRsp { uint32 seq = 6; int32 retcode = 2; uint32 client_time = 12; } // CmdId: 27587 // Obf: IGNGJNHHJBM message GetOnlinePlayerListReq { } // CmdId: 1234 // Obf: AANMJBACMJM message GetOnlinePlayerListRsp { uint32 param = 10; repeated OnlinePlayerInfo player_info_list = 13; int32 retcode = 7; } // CmdId: 21404 // Obf: LHMEAJDEOAI message ServerTimeNotify { uint64 server_time = 1; } // CmdId: 7350 // Obf: FLLKMEPDPHJ message ServerLogNotify { ServerLogType log_type = 7; ServerLogLevel log_level = 8; string server_log = 3; } // CmdId: 650 // Obf: FIDFKFNOCEC message ClientReconnectNotify { ClientReconnectReason reason = 10; } // CmdId: 23031 // Obf: HCMPFHKCCGE message RobotPushPlayerDataNotify { bytes bin = 15; } // CmdId: 29196 // Obf: FNLJHKJGODK message ClientReportNotify { string report_type = 3; string report_value = 12; } // Obf: ICNBNJOGGOP message UnionCmd { bytes body = 13; uint32 message_id = 4; } // CmdId: 21088 // Obf: GLEELPIOJHO message UnionCmdNotify { repeated UnionCmd cmd_list = 7; } // CmdId: 21665 // Obf: DNNMIGPCKOH message GetOnlinePlayerInfoReq { bool is_online_id = 7; oneof player_id { uint32 target_uid = 3; string online_id = 11; string psn_id = 4; } } // CmdId: 8759 // Obf: LDNOEIHGGKN message GetOnlinePlayerInfoRsp { uint32 target_uid = 2; OnlinePlayerInfo target_player_info = 14; uint32 param = 5; int32 retcode = 6; } // Obf: HKNFEBADGOE message SegmentInfo { uint32 module = 14; uint32 size = 4; uint32 offset = 11; } // Obf: GODLCHDBEJD message SegmentCRCInfo { uint32 offset = 7; string crc = 3; uint32 module = 1; uint32 size = 11; int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 2228 // Obf: HHDCDJFCNJG message CheckSegmentCRCNotify { repeated SegmentInfo info_list = 15; } // CmdId: 580 // Obf: ECKKMPNIBAE message CheckSegmentCRCReq { repeated SegmentCRCInfo info_list = 10; } // Obf: MCDPPKMOEJJ message PlayerRTTInfo { uint32 rtt = 2; uint32 uid = 1; } // CmdId: 421 // Obf: JNKBKEOBKGL message WorldPlayerRTTNotify { repeated PlayerRTTInfo player_rtt_list = 6; } // CmdId: 8201 // Obf: FAFADHANKNG message EchoNotify { uint32 seq_id = 10; string content = 11; } // CmdId: 21359 // Obf: KKKFCINHKNO message UpdateRedPointNotify { repeated RedPointData red_point_list = 2; } // CmdId: 4966 // Obf: GPOBOMCCOMK message ClientBulletCreateNotify { uint32 param = 2; } // CmdId: 2846 // Obf: APEIENAMMJC message ChangeServerGlobalValueNotify { uint32 entity_id = 12; } // CmdId: 8449 // Obf: EFECOMEPPHE message GmTalkNotify { string msg = 11; } // CmdId: 22019 // Obf: NIPJAAHMNBH message LastPacketPrintNotify { } // CmdId: 26800 // Obf: NAILAGKGLBA message MonsterSummonTagNotify { map summon_tag_map = 11; uint32 monster_entity_id = 12; } // CmdId: 5296 // Obf: DKNEOIPGLJP message PlayerApplyEnterMpNotify { uint32 src_app_id = 5; uint32 src_thread_index = 8; OnlinePlayerInfo src_player_info = 14; } // CmdId: 9629 // Obf: HLANGOHBOGO message PlayerApplyEnterMpReq { uint32 target_uid = 4; } // CmdId: 20994 // Obf: IGEKDAHIAFB message PlayerApplyEnterMpRsp { uint32 param = 10; int32 retcode = 8; uint32 target_uid = 11; } // CmdId: 3467 // Obf: EIIOBJEBLEH message PlayerApplyEnterMpResultNotify { // Obf: DLBJOMOJCKD enum Reason { REASON_PLAYER_JUDGE = 0; REASON_SCENE_CANNOT_ENTER = 1; REASON_PLAYER_CANNOT_ENTER_MP = 2; REASON_SYSTEM_JUDGE = 3; REASON_ALLOW_ENTER_PLAYER_FULL = 4; REASON_WORLD_LEVEL_LOWER_THAN_HOST = 5; REASON_HOST_IN_MATCH = 6; REASON_PLAYER_IN_BLACKLIST = 7; REASON_PS_PLAYER_NOT_ACCEPT_OTHERS = 8; REASON_HOST_IS_BLOCKED = 9; REASON_OTHER_DATA_VERSION_NOT_LATEST = 10; REASON_DATA_VERSION_NOT_LATEST = 11; REASON_PLAYER_NOT_IN_PLAYER_WORLD = 12; REASON_MAX_PLAYER = 13; } Reason reason = 10; string target_nickname = 14; uint32 target_uid = 3; bool is_agreed = 2; } // CmdId: 24849 // Obf: DCHAHENHFKC message PlayerApplyEnterMpResultReq { uint32 apply_uid = 11; bool is_agreed = 12; } // CmdId: 6395 // Obf: JGFCKHJPDFA message PlayerApplyEnterMpResultRsp { uint32 apply_uid = 3; int32 retcode = 12; uint32 param = 11; bool is_agreed = 7; } // CmdId: 20263 // Obf: GLMDBNHLIBM message PlayerQuitFromMpNotify { // Obf: KGFEJILGMPN enum QuitReason { INVALID = 0; HOST_NO_OTHER_PLAYER = 1; KICK_BY_HOST = 2; BACK_TO_MY_WORLD = 3; KICK_BY_HOST_LOGOUT = 4; KICK_BY_HOST_BLOCK = 5; BE_BLOCKED = 6; KICK_BY_HOST_ENTER_HOME = 7; HOST_SCENE_INVALID = 8; KICK_BY_PLAY = 9; KICK_BY_ISLAND_PARTY_GALLERY_START_FAILED = 10; } QuitReason reason = 8; } // CmdId: 23905 // Obf: ONELCJDDCIP message PlayerPreEnterMpNotify { // Obf: CIAEAJLPCDG enum State { INVALID = 0; START = 1; TIMEOUT = 2; } State state = 11; string nickname = 10; uint32 uid = 5; } // CmdId: 26251 // Obf: IEIHGELBNKF message GetPlayerMpModeAvailabilityReq { } // CmdId: 28762 // Obf: HMBNKLOHKPA message GetPlayerMpModeAvailabilityRsp { int32 mp_ret = 7; int32 retcode = 4; repeated uint32 param_list = 9; } // CmdId: 5396 // Obf: ICJLLDFGDNB message PlayerSetOnlyMPWithPSPlayerReq { bool is_only = 11; } // CmdId: 25610 // Obf: FLJMMDODPBD message PlayerSetOnlyMPWithPSPlayerRsp { bool is_only = 1; int32 retcode = 10; } // CmdId: 3109 // Obf: OLKAAOBEPHK message PSPlayerApplyEnterMpReq { string target_psn_id = 6; } // CmdId: 21696 // Obf: IPBKEIBFBCN message PSPlayerApplyEnterMpRsp { int32 retcode = 14; string target_psn_id = 7; uint32 param = 13; } // CmdId: 27770 // Obf: CHOIHMDHOIA message MpPlayOwnerCheckReq { bool is_skip_match = 3; uint32 mp_play_id = 13; } // CmdId: 6021 // Obf: KJFMGIADCNA message MpPlayOwnerCheckRsp { bool is_skip_match = 1; uint32 wrong_uid = 9; int32 retcode = 10; uint32 mp_play_id = 13; } // CmdId: 7309 // Obf: OKHLIINAOCP message MpPlayOwnerStartInviteReq { bool is_skip_match = 8; uint32 mp_play_id = 3; } // CmdId: 20017 // Obf: JBFAELEDEGP message MpPlayOwnerStartInviteRsp { bool is_skip_match = 8; int32 retcode = 1; uint32 mp_play_id = 13; } // CmdId: 21958 // Obf: DADMLCKFBPL message MpPlayOwnerInviteNotify { bool is_remain_reward = 5; uint32 mp_play_id = 3; uint32 cd = 2; } // CmdId: 9875 // Obf: DJKGIOBCDKH message MpPlayGuestReplyInviteReq { bool is_agree = 12; uint32 mp_play_id = 8; } // CmdId: 107 // Obf: BFKDNDBMCMO message MpPlayGuestReplyInviteRsp { uint32 mp_play_id = 10; int32 retcode = 13; } // CmdId: 25876 // Obf: KEDEKBKBCNK message MpPlayGuestReplyNotify { uint32 mp_play_id = 5; uint32 uid = 7; bool is_agree = 3; } // CmdId: 22136 // Obf: LDFJHPAMLJI message MpPlayPrepareNotify { uint32 mp_play_id = 4; uint32 prepare_end_time = 3; } // CmdId: 23666 // Obf: LIPDOBOAING message MpPlayInviteResultNotify { bool all_argee = 3; uint32 mp_play_id = 15; } // CmdId: 3739 // Obf: GAJIFLDAKCO message MpPlayPrepareInterruptNotify { uint32 mp_play_id = 5; } // CmdId: 27749 // Obf: AEBMFPKLIHH message MpBlockNotify { uint32 end_time = 1; } // Obf: JKOEBJPLJIF message InBattleMechanicusBuildingInfo { uint32 building_id = 5; uint32 level = 13; uint32 refund_points = 4; uint32 cost_points = 9; } // Obf: PJPBCNJIJAJ message InBattleMechanicusPlayerInfo { uint32 uid = 12; repeated InBattleMechanicusBuildingInfo building_list = 1; bool is_card_confirmed = 15; uint32 KPMCJHIAAPO = 11; uint32 ALNKBIFEJHG = 7; } // Obf: AECGNDNLCLC message InBattleMechanicusMonsterInfo { uint32 count = 9; uint32 level = 15; uint32 monster_id = 2; } // Obf: PFAMMDCAHHL message InBattleMechanicusCardInfo { uint32 card_id = 8; InBattleMechanicusCardChallengeState challenge_state = 15; uint32 cost_points = 12; uint32 CMCAKMHEKKF = 2; uint32 BJBMPCFLGFD = 10; uint32 GKBGMCFIOJI = 4; } // Obf: PIPFKCAKKPG message InBattleMechanicusInfo { repeated InBattleMechanicusCardInfo LMNEKOOODMG = 5; repeated InBattleMechanicusCardInfo ECPNENBCGPK = 15; uint32 left_monster = 1; repeated uint32 AEPNCBJOOFB = 69; uint32 PPMGMIJENDH = 8; repeated InBattleMechanicusPlayerInfo player_list = 3; repeated uint32 GAIDPAHFDDF = 908; uint64 OHFMMOFALPB = 13; uint32 BCHJIINPGBK = 6; InBattleMechanicusStageType stage = 12; uint32 ECACOGNFOLF = 11; uint32 excaped_monster_num = 9; uint32 wait_seconds = 7; uint32 round = 4; repeated InBattleMechanicusMonsterInfo monster_list = 2; uint64 wait_begin_time_us = 14; uint64 GHGPNLIMMLO = 10; } // Obf: DCGPGHLOFFI message InBattleFleurFairInfo { repeated uint32 FLKGLKPOEDP = 10; uint32 IAMBDCLBBNB = 11; repeated uint32 GBFDDCJFLGO = 8; uint32 MLBGMECACGJ = 12; uint32 NEGAECFDEBD = 6; } // Obf: CLGMCBNFGLM message CharAmusementAvatarInfo { uint32 punish_time = 8; uint32 uid = 3; repeated uint32 avatar_id_list = 12; } // Obf: FDOAPHJPHMH message CharAmusementInfo { uint32 NEGAECFDEBD = 6; repeated CharAmusementAvatarInfo avatar_info_list = 14; uint32 stage_id = 12; uint32 PLDODMHLFLK = 10; uint32 level_id = 8; } // Obf: OFGDGKOBJKO message BrickBreakerStageInfo { BrickBreakerStageType stage_type = 15; repeated BrickBreakerPlayerBattleInfo battle_info_list = 8; uint32 level_id = 13; } // Obf: LEJNOEMDAHE message CoinCollectStageInfo { uint32 level_id = 9; uint32 play_index = 3; repeated CoinCollectPlayerInfo player_info_list = 5; } // Obf: OAMHCEMBNAA message LanV3BoatStageInfo { uint32 match_id = 15; repeated uint32 player_uid_list = 11; uint32 map_id = 4; bool is_single = 9; } // Obf: AKNPJDEPLJK message FleurFairV2PacmanStageInfo { bool HJLJEJDPAJP = 11; } message PHPDLNANEPI { uint32 uid = 2; Vector rot = 9; Vector pos = 5; } // Obf: HOHDMKLNFHB message TargetShootingInfo { uint32 level_id = 9; uint32 match_id = 3; repeated uint32 player_uid_list = 4; repeated PHPDLNANEPI KHIEHBCJGPG = 15; bool is_single = 13; uint32 play_index = 5; } // Obf: EGPGHBCHGMA message MultistagePlayInfo { uint32 begin_time = 8; uint32 stage_index = 6; uint32 stage_type = 15; uint32 play_type = 7; uint32 duration = 9; uint32 group_id = 4; uint32 play_index = 11; oneof detail { InBattleMechanicusInfo mechanicus_info = 429; InBattleFleurFairInfo fleur_fair_info = 1722; HideAndSeekStageInfo hide_and_seek_info = 1717; InBattleChessInfo chess_info = 1610; InBattleIrodoriChessInfo irodori_chess_info = 753; CharAmusementInfo char_amusement_info = 30; BrickBreakerStageInfo brick_breaker_info = 1228; CoinCollectStageInfo coin_collect_info = 424; LanV3BoatStageInfo lan_v3_boat_info = 691; FleurFairV2PacmanStageInfo fleur_fair_v2_pacman_info = 1371; TargetShootingInfo target_shooting_info = 1191; } } // CmdId: 7198 // Obf: DPIGADECPJK message MultistagePlayInfoNotify { MultistagePlayInfo info = 8; } // CmdId: 20554 // Obf: NCMBNHMAGIP message MultistagePlayFinishStageReq { uint32 group_id = 10; uint32 play_index = 3; } // CmdId: 5596 // Obf: KPNODICEEIG message InBattleMechanicusExcapeMonsterNotify { uint32 excaped_monster_num = 3; } // CmdId: 9107 // Obf: EPHLIIMGJPA message InBattleMechanicusLeftMonsterNotify { uint32 left_monster = 3; } // CmdId: 26238 // Obf: BHLJKMKNHBL message InBattleMechanicusBuildingPointsNotify { map player_building_points_map = 3; } // CmdId: 23219 // Obf: CBAEIOIMNEL message InBattleMechanicusPickCardReq { uint32 group_id = 3; uint32 card_id = 8; uint32 play_index = 12; } // CmdId: 22789 // Obf: GLGPEGAIBDE message InBattleMechanicusPickCardRsp { uint32 play_index = 5; uint32 group_id = 6; uint32 card_id = 14; int32 retcode = 10; } // CmdId: 2126 // Obf: LIPPPMECKLO message InBattleMechanicusPickCardNotify { uint32 card_id = 4; uint32 play_index = 1; uint32 player_uid = 8; uint32 group_id = 7; } // CmdId: 2433 // Obf: FFLBMBBEPBO message InBattleMechanicusConfirmCardReq { uint32 card_id = 8; uint32 play_index = 9; uint32 group_id = 15; } // CmdId: 22810 // Obf: BOOPIJPDEML message InBattleMechanicusConfirmCardRsp { uint32 card_id = 13; uint32 play_index = 7; uint32 group_id = 12; int32 retcode = 10; } // CmdId: 27077 // Obf: EBOKHHLJLIC message InBattleMechanicusConfirmCardNotify { uint32 card_id = 5; uint32 group_id = 15; uint32 player_uid = 10; uint32 play_index = 6; } // CmdId: 1024 // Obf: PPNHJLCCCPN message InBattleMechanicusCardResultNotify { uint64 wait_begin_time_us = 15; uint32 play_index = 9; map player_confirmed_card_map = 6; uint32 wait_seconds = 4; uint32 group_id = 10; repeated InBattleMechanicusCardInfo card_list = 7; } // CmdId: 672 // Obf: CNDIMMCCOEC message MultistagePlayFinishStageRsp { int32 retcode = 6; uint32 play_index = 9; uint32 group_id = 3; } // Obf: HOADPAJOKGE message MultistageSettleWatcherInfo { uint32 cur_progress = 3; bool is_inverse = 9; uint32 watcher_id = 1; uint32 total_progress = 15; } // CmdId: 9184 // Obf: JOPPLCFOMEF message InBattleMechanicusSettleNotify { uint32 MOPJLMJENOM = 4; uint32 play_index = 9; uint32 group_id = 2; repeated MultistageSettleWatcherInfo watcher_list = 15; bool is_success = 8; uint64 scene_time_ms = 6; uint32 OPBCDCIEDHF = 7; uint32 MEKFBBKKKGP = 11; } // Obf: JHMFLFANOLC message InBattleMechanicusSettleInfo { uint32 OPBCDCIEDHF = 2; repeated MultistageSettleWatcherInfo watcher_list = 10; uint32 group_id = 12; uint32 play_index = 6; uint32 MOPJLMJENOM = 5; uint64 scene_time_ms = 13; bool is_success = 7; uint32 MEKFBBKKKGP = 15; } // CmdId: 24122 // Obf: LIKLBBAAGEP message MultistagePlaySettleNotify { uint32 group_id = 3; uint32 play_index = 2; oneof detail { InBattleMechanicusSettleInfo mechanicus_settle_info = 1871; InBattleChessSettleInfo chess_settle_info = 1956; InBattleIrodoriChessSettleInfo irodori_chess_settle_info = 1026; } } // CmdId: 3019 // Obf: FONHNGCLNGB message MultistagePlayStageEndNotify { uint32 play_index = 14; uint32 group_id = 6; } // CmdId: 5212 // Obf: DGHPEFOJNOG message MultistagePlayEndNotify { uint32 group_id = 8; uint32 play_index = 1; } // CmdId: 8363 // Obf: FNJECIMONEP message FleurFairBuffEnergyNotify { uint32 energy = 14; } // Obf: GKJMHDPMKHB message FleurFairGallerySettleInfo { uint32 MLBGMECACGJ = 8; uint32 JJGNMPAAGEM = 3; bool is_success = 13; uint32 energy = 6; map energy_stat_map = 10; } // Obf: BCAIOJNHPHN message FleurFairPlayerStatInfo { string nick_name = 13; ProfilePicture profile_picture = 9; uint32 uid = 1; int32 param = 11; uint32 head_image = 5; string online_id = 12; uint32 stat_id = 3; } // Obf: BCMAOMLGLBJ message FleurFairBossSettleInfo { repeated FleurFairPlayerStatInfo stat_info_list = 7; uint32 energy = 8; uint32 reward_token_num = 10; bool is_success = 5; uint32 cost_time = 6; } // CmdId: 23852 // Obf: OPDHCFCGAEK message FleurFairStageSettleNotify { uint32 stage_type = 12; oneof detail { FleurFairGallerySettleInfo gallery_settle_info = 13; FleurFairBossSettleInfo boss_settle_info = 14; } } // CmdId: 5694 // Obf: BEBMKKFHAGB message FleurFairFinishGalleryStageNotify { } // Obf: KIAKELJMIDM message HideAndSeekPlayerBattleInfo { repeated uint32 skill_list = 10; uint32 avatar_id = 8; bool is_ready = 11; uint32 costume_id = 12; } // Obf: AABBILIFMCJ message HideAndSeekStageInfo { uint32 map_id = 3; uint32 hunter_uid = 4; HideAndSeekStageType stage_type = 9; map battle_info_map = 8; bool is_record_score = 13; repeated uint32 hider_uid_list = 7; } // CmdId: 1259 // Obf: HEHLJCHPHKF message HideAndSeekSelectAvatarReq { uint32 avatar_id = 9; } // CmdId: 4472 // Obf: NBGFNPFNHDL message HideAndSeekSelectAvatarRsp { int32 retcode = 2; uint32 avatar_id = 3; } // CmdId: 24183 // Obf: NJKMNHCIGEJ message HideAndSeekSetReadyReq { } // CmdId: 27329 // Obf: JAKFAKOFAIC message HideAndSeekSetReadyRsp { int32 retcode = 11; } // Obf: LGCEGKIPNGD message HideAndSeekSettleInfo { repeated ExhibitionDisplayInfo card_list = 5; ProfilePicture profile_picture = 13; string online_id = 7; string nickname = 10; uint32 uid = 9; uint32 head_image = 3; } // CmdId: 21206 // Obf: APEHHCPLOAB message HideAndSeekSettleNotify { // Obf: KHGDIAMGMCJ enum SettleReason { SETTLE_REASON_TIME_OUT = 0; SETTLE_PLAY_END = 1; SETTLE_PLAYER_QUIT = 2; } uint32 cost_time = 11; uint32 play_index = 1; SettleReason reason = 13; repeated uint32 winner_list = 7; uint32 stage_type = 4; bool is_record_score = 3; repeated HideAndSeekSettleInfo settle_info_list = 9; repeated ExhibitionDisplayInfo score_list = 12; } // CmdId: 20706 // Obf: CNALGDHEIDC message HideAndSeekPlayerReadyNotify { repeated uint32 uid_list = 13; } // CmdId: 27442 // Obf: PBAMJDOBGEK message HideAndSeekPlayerSetAvatarNotify { uint32 uid = 11; uint32 costume_id = 2; uint32 avatar_id = 4; } // Obf: JBJHKBMOKIL message ChessCardInfo { uint32 card_id = 10; uint32 effect_stack = 15; } // Obf: DNBDGCOOHPA message InBattleChessInfo { uint32 round = 14; map player_info_map = 9; repeated uint32 ban_card_tag_list = 13; ChessMysteryInfo mystery_info = 4; uint32 IOCEGCOPGNJ = 5; uint32 excaped_monsters = 15; uint32 left_monsters = 7; uint32 ECACOGNFOLF = 1; repeated ChessCardInfo selected_card_info_list = 12; } // Obf: GNMNAFJNHDB message InBattleChessSettleInfo { uint32 APEDJKIDLPC = 12; uint64 scene_time_ms = 6; repeated ExhibitionDisplayInfo score_list = 14; uint32 FGMOMMCFHLH = 10; uint32 CKOGGPOAAKH = 9; bool is_success = 11; uint32 PPKIBJMPFJG = 15; } // Obf: ICHCPKNEMAG message ChessPlayerInfo { repeated ChessNormalCardInfo candidate_card_info_list = 14; uint32 MGDADNILJFJ = 9; uint32 HGCCPJLOCAG = 11; uint32 LGMMADNLNMK = 12; uint32 MCKCBMGHHGA = 5; uint32 uid = 13; uint32 ALNKBIFEJHG = 3; } // Obf: MBBGDAFCIBA message ChessMonsterInfo { uint32 monster_id = 11; repeated uint32 affix_list = 9; uint32 level = 10; } // Obf: GBMJNHMNAFC message ChessEntranceInfo { repeated ChessMonsterInfo monster_info_list = 14; uint32 entrance_point_id = 8; uint32 entrance_index = 5; } // Obf: ODJEEDIBEJL message ChessEntranceDetailInfo { repeated ChessEntranceInfo info_list = 3; } // Obf: ALPNHHGCIKK message ChessMysteryInfo { map entrance_point_map = 8; map detail_info_map = 14; repeated uint32 exit_point_id_list = 6; } // Obf: JDPEJCIEJIP message ChessNormalCardInfo { uint32 cost_points = 11; bool is_attach_curse = 15; uint32 card_id = 1; } // CmdId: 25527 // Obf: DEKGJEHKMBF message ChessPickCardReq { uint32 card_index = 5; uint32 card_id = 1; } // CmdId: 8256 // Obf: DAAIHBPJAJP message ChessPickCardRsp { uint32 card_index = 15; int32 retcode = 14; uint32 card_id = 13; } // CmdId: 7573 // Obf: BLKAJBHIMKA message ChessPickCardNotify { uint32 curse_card_id = 10; ChessNormalCardInfo normal_card_info = 15; } // CmdId: 9762 // Obf: HEDEBDIHKAP message ChessManualRefreshCardsReq { } // CmdId: 20128 // Obf: NNPIGOCJPOK message ChessManualRefreshCardsRsp { int32 retcode = 15; } // CmdId: 3276 // Obf: JDPHEDPCOEK message ChessPlayerInfoNotify { ChessPlayerInfo player_info = 8; } // CmdId: 23974 // Obf: ADEJFKGDNLO message ChessLeftMonstersNotify { uint32 left_monsters = 9; } // CmdId: 6806 // Obf: GEJHHLEANJM message ChessEscapedMonstersNotify { uint32 excaped_monsters = 8; } // CmdId: 8933 // Obf: OJGFMPPBDML message ChessSelectedCardsNotify { repeated ChessCardInfo selected_card_info_list = 1; } // CmdId: 3344 // Obf: KGCFGIGOKLC message GlobalBuildingInfoNotify { uint32 current_num = 1; uint32 max_num = 5; repeated BuildingInfo building_list = 7; } // Obf: OEGGLNPLBIG message InBattleIrodoriChessInfo { repeated uint32 selected_card_id_list = 9; IrodoriChessMysteryInfo mystery_info = 1; uint32 ALNKBIFEJHG = 11; uint32 left_monsters = 7; uint32 BPPCDLMFKCP = 10; } // Obf: BNNFFFNKHLO message IrodoriChessMonsterInfo { uint32 monster_id = 7; repeated uint32 affix_list = 6; uint32 level = 9; uint32 grant_points = 13; } // Obf: NAIFBLPGFMN message IrodoriChessEntranceInfo { repeated IrodoriChessMonsterInfo monster_info_list = 7; uint32 entrance_point_id = 4; } // Obf: ABNNHPELNPH message IrodoriChessEntranceDetailInfo { repeated IrodoriChessEntranceInfo info_list = 9; } // Obf: NHCKIFIGBNE message IrodoriChessMysteryInfo { repeated uint32 exit_point_id_list = 1; repeated uint32 entrance_point_id_list = 11; IrodoriChessEntranceDetailInfo entrance_detail_info = 12; } // Obf: MOMBFEIPFCD message InBattleIrodoriChessSettleInfo { bool is_new_record = 7; uint64 scene_time_ms = 15; uint32 BPPCDLMFKCP = 12; bool is_perfect = 2; uint32 KDPNBLFJKND = 10; bool is_activity_end = 5; } // Obf: MMBAOMNDHLH message IrodoriChessPlayerInfo { uint32 uid = 11; uint32 ALNKBIFEJHG = 6; uint32 BPPCDLMFKCP = 12; } // CmdId: 21679 // Obf: NAJDJPEICOL message IrodoriChessPlayerInfoNotify { IrodoriChessPlayerInfo player_info = 7; } // CmdId: 7965 // Obf: CFKCFDGGKBO message IrodoriChessLeftMonsterNotify { uint32 left_monsters = 1; } // Obf: DAFDADCAPFG message BrickBreakerPlayerBattleInfo { string nickname = 2; repeated uint32 skill_list = 9; bool is_changing = 5; uint32 uid = 10; repeated uint32 avatar_id = 7; repeated uint32 costume_id = 13; bool is_ready = 15; } // CmdId: 26920 // Obf: GLCKLHPBFNH message BrickBreakerPlayerReadyNotify { repeated uint32 uid_list = 6; } // CmdId: 3292 // Obf: CMPPLEJFGBK message BrickBreakerPlayerSetAvatarNotify { uint32 uid = 7; repeated uint32 costume_id_list = 9; repeated uint32 avatar_id_list = 2; } // CmdId: 9620 // Obf: AMMLEILIKAJ message BrickBreakerPlayerSetSkillNotify { repeated uint32 skill_id_list = 1; uint32 uid = 9; } // CmdId: 3864 // Obf: LMKDFOBJHKN message BrickBreakerSetReadyReq { } // CmdId: 21659 // Obf: PMHBDEDBNOJ message BrickBreakerSetReadyRsp { int32 retcode = 7; } // CmdId: 2047 // Obf: CGAIMPHPHLB message BrickBreakerSelectAvatarReq { repeated uint32 avatar_id = 12; } // CmdId: 5463 // Obf: DCMLHBGHAGL message BrickBreakerSelectAvatarRsp { repeated uint32 avatar_id = 9; int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 7306 // Obf: CJFFCEKLLOE message BrickBreakerSelectSkillReq { repeated uint32 skill_id = 11; } // CmdId: 23314 // Obf: HHGLBBHOLHB message BrickBreakerSelectSkillRsp { int32 retcode = 6; repeated uint32 skill_id = 5; } // CmdId: 4947 // Obf: KKAFAGKOAOI message BrickBreakerSetChangingReq { bool is_changing = 13; } // CmdId: 29905 // Obf: JHPDDHJPLAN message BrickBreakerSetChangingRsp { int32 retcode = 1; } // CmdId: 3619 // Obf: KBILJEDLKJO message BrickBreakerPlayerSetChangingNotify { uint32 uid = 8; bool is_changing = 9; } // Obf: GMDIKBODOGN message CoinCollectTeamAvatarInfo { uint32 costume_id = 15; uint32 avatar_id = 3; } // Obf: ALJNLEHDBFF message CoinCollectPlayerInfo { uint32 choose_skill_no = 15; string player_name = 10; repeated CoinCollectTeamAvatarInfo avatar_info_list = 7; bool is_prepare = 8; uint32 player_uid = 1; } // CmdId: 2218 // Obf: FLHCCOOELDD message CoinCollectPrepareStageNotify { CoinCollectStageInfo coin_collect_info = 12; } // Obf: PIMMEBGGMGO message LanV3BoatSettleInfo { string nickname = 7; uint32 uid = 14; uint32 head_image = 8; string online_id = 9; repeated ExhibitionDisplayInfo card_list = 10; ProfilePicture profile_picture = 12; } // CmdId: 27166 // Obf: HMONBEDKAPN message LanV3BoatSettleNotify { uint32 play_index = 8; repeated LanV3BoatSettleInfo settle_info_list = 10; bool is_single = 1; repeated uint32 winner_uid_list = 7; uint32 begin_time = 6; uint32 stage_type = 13; uint32 duration = 2; repeated ExhibitionDisplayInfo score_list = 3; bool IPELDMIMABF = 14; } // CmdId: 27281 message EAGFGNNJICL { uint32 play_index = 12; } // CmdId: 28808 message GHKANMBOHLA { uint32 end_time = 11; } // CmdId: 9021 message CKPAJMNMMNE { uint32 play_index = 2; } // CmdId: 1325 message JIJIDOFANAL { } // CmdId: 4865 message HCEIPIGBGHC { int32 retcode = 9; MultistagePlayInfo KMHOBLOHNCD = 4; } // CmdId: 3174 // Obf: NMMAMHCFAAD message NpcTalkReq { uint32 talk_id = 8; uint32 npc_entity_id = 11; uint32 entity_id = 3; } // CmdId: 3890 // Obf: CJMFBCFOJFL message NpcTalkRsp { int32 retcode = 4; uint32 entity_id = 14; uint32 cur_talk_id = 7; uint32 npc_entity_id = 9; } // CmdId: 24678 // Obf: IGIIAPAAIJH message GetSceneNpcPositionReq { uint32 scene_id = 3; repeated uint32 npc_id_list = 10; } // CmdId: 412 // Obf: BDFEJLKPOGK message GetSceneNpcPositionRsp { repeated NpcPositionInfo npc_info_list = 3; uint32 scene_id = 11; int32 retcode = 1; } // CmdId: 28244 // Obf: IAHIGLINDHJ message MetNpcIdListNotify { repeated uint32 npc_first_met_id_list = 8; } // CmdId: 25501 // Obf: LACPJBOMAAM message MeetNpcReq { uint32 npc_id = 4; } // CmdId: 25074 // Obf: LCOFOOPOHGJ message MeetNpcRsp { int32 retcode = 7; uint32 npc_first_met_id = 15; } // CmdId: 28424 // Obf: JNBCHGENADD message FinishedTalkIdListNotify { repeated uint32 finished_talk_id_list = 2; } // Obf: EHPEFDGPGAA message PlayerOfferingData { bool is_first_interact = 4; uint32 offering_id = 11; uint32 level = 8; bool DDNFFOGFCIC = 13; map ELLFOGGMMKI = 2; repeated uint32 taken_level_reward_list = 7; optional OfferingPariDetailData offering_pari_detail_data = 173; } // Obf: KMNOJIOKFHB message OfferingPariDetailData { uint32 GEDMGFJIPAH = 14; bool BLMBNCGDAOI = 15; } // CmdId: 22150 // Obf: HFCNBEGEAPB message PlayerOfferingDataNotify { repeated PlayerOfferingData offering_data_list = 8; } // CmdId: 43 // Obf: INGGBHGIBMF message PlayerOfferingReq { uint32 offering_id = 1; } // CmdId: 9486 // Obf: GALIOADGAMB message PlayerOfferingRsp { repeated ItemParam item_list = 5; PlayerOfferingData offering_data = 7; int32 retcode = 10; } // CmdId: 20499 // Obf: HBNBPABDFFF message TakeOfferingLevelRewardReq { uint32 offering_id = 15; uint32 level = 12; } // CmdId: 1269 // Obf: FLPFPLJGAFE message TakeOfferingLevelRewardRsp { int32 retcode = 3; repeated ItemParam item_list = 4; uint32 offering_id = 11; uint32 take_level = 10; } // CmdId: 4106 // Obf: BNJNJNEBANI message OfferingInteractReq { uint32 offering_id = 11; } // CmdId: 21253 // Obf: KEHILLDAGMC message OfferingInteractRsp { int32 retcode = 1; PlayerOfferingData offering_data = 10; } // CmdId: 2018 message BKKLKEHJKPJ { uint32 offering_id = 8; } // CmdId: 9519 message ALAGLLEJCFL { int32 retcode = 5; uint32 offering_id = 6; } // CmdId: 8729 message PIPGNEJGJHK { Vector hint_center_pos = 5; uint32 config_id = 7; uint32 offering_id = 13; uint32 group_id = 6; uint32 hint_radius = 1; } // CmdId: 23958 message OMCLLPMKIOF { uint32 offering_id = 6; uint32 group_id = 1; uint32 config_id = 14; } // CmdId: 2512 message CIFBBGHAMME { uint32 offering_id = 12; } // CmdId: 2824 message BFDMAPHCILI { int32 retcode = 13; uint32 offering_id = 2; repeated ItemParam item_list = 14; } // Obf: DBADCNHONPM message OpActivityInfo { uint32 schedule_id = 2; bool is_has_change = 9; uint32 activity_id = 13; uint32 begin_time = 5; optional BonusOpActivityInfo bonus_info = 3; uint32 end_time = 7; } // Obf: COLPNJDOIDM message BonusOpActivityInfo { uint32 left_bonus_count = 12; } // CmdId: 25823 // Obf: FGMBOCEJFKB message GetOpActivityInfoReq { } // CmdId: 24674 // Obf: BKHJGDMECGI message GetOpActivityInfoRsp { repeated OpActivityInfo op_activity_info_list = 14; int32 retcode = 12; } // CmdId: 7676 // Obf: DIKBKGBJGLE message OpActivityDataNotify { repeated OpActivityInfo op_activity_info_list = 3; } // CmdId: 24399 // Obf: DHHNLIGFEGF message OpActivityUpdateNotify { OpActivityInfo op_activity_info = 3; } // Obf: JGKDEPOMBFP message QueryFilter { int32 JKLHOJOCLJD = 10; int32 JOJGNGIGNDB = 6; } // CmdId: 2359 // Obf: GOKDPGJBHEM message QueryPathReq { // Obf: MFMCBMBEPJD enum OptionType { OPTION_NONE = 0; OPTION_NORMAL = 1; OPTION_FIRST_CAN_GO = 2; } Vector3Int ANOOBDOFLPG = 6; QueryFilter filter = 12; int32 query_id = 3; uint32 scene_id = 7; Vector source_pos = 15; OptionType query_type = 9; Vector3Int LAOKIPAJIGN = 5; repeated Vector destination_pos = 13; } // CmdId: 2319 // Obf: EDKMFDJCIHL message QueryPathRsp { // Obf: LFJGAFPHNNE enum PathStatusType { PathStatusType_StatusFail = 0; PathStatusType_StatusSucc = 1; PathStatusType_StatusPartial = 2; } int32 query_id = 6; repeated Vector corners = 1; int32 retcode = 8; PathStatusType query_status = 15; } // Obf: HDJAECHANAJ message ObstacleInfo { // Obf: HEJHGAICHLM enum ShapeType { OBSTACLE_SHAPE_CAPSULE = 0; OBSTACLE_SHAPE_BOX = 1; } MathQuaternion rotation = 4; ShapeType shape = 5; int32 obstacle_id = 6; Vector3Int extents = 15; Vector center = 9; } // CmdId: 2314 // Obf: EOGNKGLIDKH message ObstacleModifyNotify { repeated int32 remove_obstacle_ids = 6; repeated ObstacleInfo add_obstacles = 10; uint32 scene_id = 9; } // CmdId: 2311 // Obf: IGADOOAJCML message PathfindingPingNotify { } // CmdId: 2347 // Obf: FPAOCKHOFJL message PathfindingEnterSceneReq { bool is_editor = 3; uint32 version = 4; uint32 KJJLLFIJKNA = 2; repeated ObstacleInfo obstacles = 10; uint32 GKFDHIPOHOE = 5; uint32 scene_id = 15; } // CmdId: 2373 // Obf: GODJDKBPNGF message PathfindingEnterSceneRsp { int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 2365 // Obf: AIEICOGPIKC message GMShowObstacleReq { int32 uid = 10; } // Obf: BMPHJKHEMID message GMObstacleInfo { int32 obstacle_id = 15; ObstacleInfo.ShapeType shape = 11; Vector center = 7; Vector3Int extents = 3; int64 timestamp = 13; MathQuaternion rotation = 10; } // CmdId: 2327 // Obf: ICKFGENGGKI message GMShowObstacleRsp { int32 retcode = 4; repeated GMObstacleInfo obstacles = 12; } // CmdId: 2389 // Obf: HNNOJGLHJHH message GMShowNavMeshReq { Vector center = 8; Vector extent = 1; int32 uid = 12; } // Obf: KFCPBANHIDH message PBNavMeshPoly { // Obf: LDJGIJGJJBP enum EdgeType { INNER = 0; TILE_BOUND = 1; TILE_BOUND_UNCONNECT = 2; TILE_BOUND_OVERIDE = 3; } int32 area = 1; repeated EdgeType edge_types = 11; repeated int32 vects = 7; } // Obf: PPNJOACGDIN message PBNavMeshTile { repeated Vector vecs = 3; repeated PBNavMeshPoly polys = 5; } // CmdId: 2341 // Obf: HFCANNOCOEG message GMShowNavMeshRsp { int32 retcode = 1; repeated PBNavMeshTile tiles = 6; } // Obf: FCCJMOOLKKB message PbNavMeshStatsInfo { int32 CHFIALNCEIP = 15; int32 AGNHGNPIGEK = 9; int32 CIHNJIPBEOG = 6; int32 EDCEJJGNHBP = 13; } // CmdId: 2339 // Obf: AKDOLJNNLOM message NavMeshStatsNotify { repeated PbNavMeshStatsInfo infos = 2; } message DCIGLMFIBKP { repeated Vector LFELOBHJIKD = 1; } // CmdId: 2330 message OMFBGJBLKPA { Vector3Int ANOOBDOFLPG = 2; Vector3Int LAOKIPAJIGN = 5; int32 uid = 9; int32 query_id = 13; Vector destination_pos = 15; Vector source_pos = 1; uint32 scene_id = 4; QueryFilter filter = 11; } // CmdId: 2345 message JBMKHAOEDOH { enum NBAEOAGGMEM { HMNKHDMCEKN_StatusFail = 0; HMNKHDMCEKN_StatusSucc = 1; HMNKHDMCEKN_StatusPartial = 2; } int32 query_id = 10; repeated DCIGLMFIBKP FJOJPPADDCM = 13; int32 retcode = 3; repeated Vector PDMHNHLGOAP = 4; NBAEOAGGMEM query_status = 6; repeated Vector corners = 2; repeated DCIGLMFIBKP DCPAICGCAHG = 9; } // CmdId: 21228 // Obf: AGJHCDNJDOG message GetPlayerTokenReq { uint32 account_type = 11; string account_token = 12; string psn_id = 10; string online_id = 1; string account_uid = 4; string LODOCFKABDG = 3; uint32 platform_type = 8; string client_ip_str = 9; uint32 sub_channel_id = 7; uint32 cloudClientIp = 177; string GIKAFFPKLOE = 14; string birthday = 828; uint32 uid = 13; uint32 OGNFFAEKDBO = 695; uint32 key_id = 407; string country_code = 15; uint32 channel_id = 6; uint32 FCPDNLHOBNK = 2; bool is_guest = 5; string FAOAMMHOOHL = 1457; string client_rand_key = 355; } // CmdId: 2407 // Obf: BKFNIGMLAOA message GetPlayerTokenRsp { bool PELBMOHDKHJ = 1292; bool ILGBPPMFHIF = 1962; uint64 secret_key_seed = 13; string client_version_random_key = 678; StopServerInfo stop_server = 875; uint32 channel_id = 259; uint32 platform_type = 5; uint32 EMFDHANIAHH = 1241; string account_uid = 3; uint32 uid = 7; uint32 tag = 1572; string birthday = 1437; uint32 key_id = 1676; int32 retcode = 4; bool is_guest = 2; repeated uint32 finish_collection_id_list = 451; string server_rand_key = 517; bytes security_cmd_buffer = 15; string msg = 12; bool is_proficient_player = 8; string token = 11; string sign = 394; uint32 account_type = 1585; bytes extra_bin_data = 1; string psn_id = 1790; uint32 sub_channel_id = 14; string secret_key = 9; string client_ip_str = 1921; uint32 blackUidEndTime = 10; uint32 KCFIGJAPNIB = 6; string country_code = 1412; uint32 cloudClientIp = 508; } // Obf: KHGEJFEMNFJ message TrackingIOInfo { string JFEEMKEKMKN = 6; string FCPKNHGBLCF = 7; string OHMDCAEDJPG = 15; string DPKNOBIHNPI = 4; string MDBEAHIPNIC = 1; string LCNCLEJILOF = 11; string GIAEKBEHJIC = 12; } // Obf: OAFCFHMPGEH message AdjustTrackingInfo { string AIEDPJJNAMJ = 3; string JLFPJDBIKGL = 4; string MCNDGMMPLEL = 15; string EADIAAOPFBN = 8; string JNAFPGEIFCD = 7; string GOOEKEHFLAI = 10; } // CmdId: 25842 // Obf: GJIMLGLMKJF message PlayerLoginReq { bytes security_cmd_reply = 1651; uint32 DEBLDPOHPOL = 1820; bytes environment_error_code = 1141; TrackingIOInfo tracking_io_info = 436; string country_code = 1930; string device_info = 5; string account_uid = 8; string HIPFGBLGPMJ = 45; string psn_id = 1266; uint32 EMFDHANIAHH = 912; uint32 target_uid = 12; string checksum_client_version = 1594; uint32 DHOLEDCICPB = 675; string FOHJKJCKFFA = 458; AdjustTrackingInfo adjust_tracking_info = 1948; bool is_guest = 1; uint32 tag = 188; uint32 target_home_owner_uid = 1671; uint32 platform_type = 4; string CFMBEIOBIEG = 812; uint32 channel_id = 1816; bool is_transfer = 787; string online_id = 1270; uint32 client_data_version = 2004; string birthday = 190; string client_version = 13; string checksum = 1796; uint32 FCPDNLHOBNK = 706; uint32 KCFIGJAPNIB = 435; bytes extra_bin_data = 74; uint64 login_rand = 6; string platform = 14; uint32 sub_channel_id = 7; uint32 KKKHJACICJO = 1228; string device_uuid = 10; string token = 2; string device_name = 11; string system_version = 3; string client_verison_hash = 869; bool is_editor = 15; uint32 language_type = 9; uint32 LJFBMKFHNJM = 1153; uint32 account_type = 834; string FPOFDDAGKAG = 255; } // Obf: HJEEHJPLDFD message ShortAbilityHashPair { sfixed32 ability_name_hash = 15; sfixed32 ability_config_hash = 14; } // CmdId: 29665 // Obf: NIDDAJCLAEC message PlayerLoginRsp { string client_version_suffix = 1991; map ability_hash_map = 10; bool is_transfer = 1988; uint32 target_home_owner_uid = 816; bool is_data_need_relogin = 1993; string game_biz = 4; int32 ability_hash_code = 5; repeated ShortAbilityHashPair short_ability_hash_map = 1373; bool FBFJPEPMAOF = 15; bool DHMNOPIMOOE = 14; bool is_audit = 335; string client_silence_md5 = 784; string msg = 43; repeated FeatureBlockInfo feature_block_info_list = 1627; bool DNHHIMENOLD = 1371; uint32 client_silence_data_version = 6; bool PKKKINOCFMJ = 2; int32 retcode = 8; uint32 client_data_version = 12; string birthday = 1688; bool BOKKNHEOKPD = 620; uint32 target_uid = 9; map block_info_map = 2007; bool GOFGOCDJDND = 281; string next_resource_url = 986; ResVersionConfig res_version_config = 413; double total_tick_time = 262; bytes player_data = 13; bytes sc_info = 416; uint64 login_rand = 3; string ENNOCBNIHIK = 1258; string country_code = 452; uint32 player_data_version = 11; string client_silence_version_suffix = 211; StopServerInfo ECKNMCACJKG = 2021; string client_md5 = 535; ResVersionConfig next_res_version_config = 1132; } // CmdId: 5347 // Obf: JLDKOJCCCAM message PlayerLogoutReq { // Obf: HGHJNAABBAM enum Reason { DISCONNECT = 0; CLIENT_REQ = 1; TIMEOUT = 2; ADMIN_REQ = 3; SERVER_CLOSE = 4; GM_CLEAR = 5; PLAYER_TRANSFER = 6; CLIENT_CHECKSUM_INVALID = 7; REASON_MUIP_MOVE_SAVE_WAIT = 8; } Reason reason = 14; } // CmdId: 24757 // Obf: IPEBEDBBELN message PlayerLogoutRsp { int32 retcode = 3; } // CmdId: 9133 // Obf: BJPJABIIHDF message PlayerLogoutNotify { int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 2051 // Obf: DMLJMNGGJAC message PlayerDataNotify { uint32 region_id = 15; map prop_map = 3; string nick_name = 7; bool is_first_login_today = 12; uint64 server_time = 6; } // CmdId: 27713 // Obf: OOLLNOHMPOL message ChangeGameTimeReq { bool is_force_set = 1; uint32 extra_days = 7; uint32 game_time = 5; } // CmdId: 28316 // Obf: BEHKLPMPHBH message ChangeGameTimeRsp { uint32 cur_game_time = 1; uint32 extra_days = 14; int32 retcode = 13; } // CmdId: 22433 // Obf: OHHGGBKDLPI message PlayerGameTimeNotify { uint32 game_time = 6; bool is_home = 7; uint32 uid = 11; } // CmdId: 7058 // Obf: LFMCGGCLACB message PlayerPropNotify { map prop_map = 14; } // CmdId: 8879 // Obf: MANDFGEOJJC message ClientTriggerEventNotify { uint32 force_id = 2; EventTriggerType event_type = 4; } // CmdId: 25174 // Obf: FNNAEOMEFBL message SetPlayerPropReq { repeated PropValue prop_list = 9; } // CmdId: 1391 // Obf: MFEACCDFFAI message SetPlayerPropRsp { int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 7992 // Obf: OBEJBFKGLPI message SetPlayerBornDataReq { string nick_name = 10; uint32 avatar_id = 2; } // CmdId: 22804 // Obf: CGFIJAMAKEG message SetPlayerBornDataRsp { int32 retcode = 14; } // CmdId: 5710 // Obf: JJKIDLCAPLA message DoSetPlayerBornDataNotify { } // CmdId: 24729 // Obf: JMOMPLEOGLD message PlayerPropChangeNotify { uint32 prop_delta = 4; uint32 prop_type = 6; } // CmdId: 2665 // Obf: OGIPOOMFBGD message SetPlayerNameReq { string nick_name = 11; } // CmdId: 25056 // Obf: FEDOJGKOGLO message SetPlayerNameRsp { string nick_name = 12; int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 20702 // Obf: KFLGFOELPIO message SetOpenStateReq { uint32 value = 13; uint32 key = 12; } // CmdId: 934 // Obf: PCMONDAPKNM message SetOpenStateRsp { uint32 value = 1; uint32 key = 8; int32 retcode = 12; } // CmdId: 9279 // Obf: HBGDILLIJDK message OpenStateUpdateNotify { map open_state_map = 13; } // CmdId: 5778 // Obf: KEIOJEIOCDI message OpenStateChangeNotify { map open_state_map = 9; } // CmdId: 27404 // Obf: JNPPJCJFMJO message PlayerCookReq { uint32 qte_quality = 8; uint32 cook_count = 13; uint32 recipe_id = 11; uint32 assist_avatar = 5; } // CmdId: 1250 // Obf: GDCGPFPELAO message PlayerCookRsp { int32 retcode = 9; uint32 cook_count = 8; CookRecipeData recipe_data = 5; uint32 qte_quality = 6; repeated ItemParam item_list = 10; repeated ItemParam extral_item_list = 15; } // CmdId: 7190 // Obf: DPMOJNLNJPL message PlayerRandomCookReq { repeated ItemParam material_list = 3; } // CmdId: 9489 // Obf: JJOOOKDKNLF message PlayerRandomCookRsp { int32 retcode = 9; } // Obf: LOFGLBBMMAL message CookRecipeData { uint32 recipe_id = 5; uint32 proficiency = 10; } // CmdId: 25816 // Obf: BDJNOPJBDGD message CookDataNotify { repeated CookRecipeData recipe_data_list = 1; uint32 grade = 12; } // CmdId: 21778 // Obf: NAJPFJCAPEI message CookRecipeDataNotify { CookRecipeData recipe_data = 1; } // CmdId: 20583 // Obf: AHCCHJMAIEI message CookGradeDataNotify { uint32 grade = 7; } // CmdId: 7541 // Obf: AILEMFGGGHN message PlayerCompoundMaterialReq { uint32 compound_id = 2; uint32 count = 11; } // Obf: EEHJDMLBLEE message CompoundQueueData { uint32 outputTime = 1; uint32 waitCount = 14; uint32 compound_id = 11; uint32 outputCount = 12; } // CmdId: 25784 // Obf: LDKLPKGHGJA message PlayerCompoundMaterialRsp { int32 retcode = 13; CompoundQueueData compoundQueueData = 2; } // CmdId: 5837 // Obf: ONGBJJGLNAP message TakeCompoundOutputReq { uint32 compound_group_id = 1; uint32 compound_id = 2; } // CmdId: 28960 // Obf: EBCIEMBFFMG message TakeCompoundOutputRsp { int32 retcode = 3; repeated ItemParam item_list = 4; } // CmdId: 25801 // Obf: MMAMJJIHNBP message CompoundDataNotify { repeated CompoundQueueData compoundQueueDataList = 9; repeated uint32 unlockCompoundList = 6; } // CmdId: 8732 // Obf: IHBMOEIBEGJ message GetCompoundDataReq { } // CmdId: 24302 // Obf: AFFGNHAFPID message GetCompoundDataRsp { int32 retcode = 14; repeated uint32 unlockCompoundList = 9; repeated CompoundQueueData compoundQueueDataList = 12; } // CmdId: 9057 // Obf: FFDLNGLDKCG message PlayerTimeNotify { uint64 player_time = 9; uint64 server_time = 12; bool is_paused = 15; } // CmdId: 4448 // Obf: LHFKJLJJEBC message PlayerSetPauseReq { bool is_paused = 11; } // CmdId: 1771 // Obf: DJHGLEGIDAC message PlayerSetPauseRsp { int32 retcode = 3; } // CmdId: 27872 // Obf: HLIBOIANBJM message PlayerSetLanguageReq { uint32 language_type = 1; } // CmdId: 21982 // Obf: JJFPKGEPEDJ message PlayerSetLanguageRsp { int32 retcode = 5; } // CmdId: 4819 // Obf: LICDGGFHBKO message DataResVersionNotify { // Obf: KHCAEHFNOBI enum DataResVersionOpType { OP_TYPE_NONE = 0; OP_TYPE_RELOGIN = 1; OP_TYPE_MP_RELOGIN = 2; } string client_version_suffix = 9; ResVersionConfig res_version_config = 2; string client_md5 = 5; bool is_data_need_relogin = 11; string client_silence_version_suffix = 6; DataResVersionOpType op_type = 14; uint32 client_silence_data_version = 4; uint32 client_data_version = 3; string client_silence_md5 = 12; } // Obf: IIIDCAPCJOI message DailyTaskInfo { bool is_finished = 13; uint32 progress = 8; uint32 daily_task_id = 12; uint32 finish_progress = 11; uint32 reward_id = 10; } // CmdId: 9714 // Obf: FAAFPGCGNCF message DailyTaskDataNotify { bool is_taken_score_reward = 11; uint32 score_reward_id = 3; uint32 finished_num = 13; } // CmdId: 27206 // Obf: GGPEBLCLECH message DailyTaskProgressNotify { DailyTaskInfo info = 4; } // CmdId: 20810 // Obf: LDEAEOMCCOP message DailyTaskScoreRewardNotify { uint32 reward_id = 10; } // CmdId: 9896 // Obf: LBMMGFMIMND message WorldOwnerDailyTaskNotify { uint32 PFDDEKLPFJL = 3; uint32 PIOIDLPAJIN = 4; repeated DailyTaskInfo task_list = 8; } // CmdId: 29507 // Obf: IBFNEMPIGAO message AddRandTaskInfoNotify { uint32 rand_task_id = 12; Vector pos = 8; } // CmdId: 649 // Obf: GFODEGILOPD message RemoveRandTaskInfoNotify { // Obf: NBOBEDPHGNA enum FinishReason { DEFAULT = 0; CLEAR = 1; DISTANCE = 2; FINISH = 3; } bool is_succ = 3; uint32 rand_task_id = 6; FinishReason reason = 13; } // CmdId: 4273 // Obf: FHNEDFBJCED message TakePlayerLevelRewardReq { uint32 level = 6; } // CmdId: 767 // Obf: NOJIOLBGOMB message TakePlayerLevelRewardRsp { int32 retcode = 4; uint32 level = 6; uint32 reward_id = 14; } // CmdId: 3756 // Obf: PNADDINCDLE message PlayerLevelRewardUpdateNotify { repeated uint32 level_list = 12; } // Obf: JNJOKGNEKIK message GivingRecord { uint32 config_id = 2; bool is_gadget_giving = 15; uint32 last_group_id = 14; uint32 giving_id = 3; bool is_finished = 6; map material_cnt_map = 4; uint32 group_id = 5; } // CmdId: 7258 // Obf: DPEHMENOLIB message GivingRecordNotify { repeated GivingRecord giving_record_list = 4; } // CmdId: 20863 // Obf: EFABNIELGHL message GivingRecordChangeNotify { GivingRecord giving_record = 9; bool is_deactive = 6; } // CmdId: 4527 // Obf: FEKPPCLHGIF message ItemGivingReq { // Obf: HGCKAFEMAFE enum ItemGivingType { QUEST = 0; GADGET = 1; } uint32 giving_id = 12; repeated ItemParam item_param_list = 15; map item_guid_count_map = 13; ItemGivingType item_giving_type = 7; } // CmdId: 7103 // Obf: DJBCJENHGFJ message ItemGivingRsp { int32 retcode = 14; uint32 giving_group_id = 4; uint32 giving_id = 13; } // CmdId: 7878 // Obf: OKKPNPMEOJN message PlayerCookArgsReq { uint32 recipe_id = 13; uint32 assist_avatar = 10; } // CmdId: 9840 // Obf: BHKCIFABCAL message PlayerCookArgsRsp { float qte_range_ratio = 4; int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 29883 // Obf: BGBMONILFCK message PlayerLuaShellNotify { uint32 id = 10; bytes lua_shell = 14; uint32 use_type = 13; LuaShellType shell_type = 9; } // CmdId: 22635 // Obf: HEHEEJKLCGH message ServerDisconnectClientNotify { uint32 data = 13; } // CmdId: 23699 // Obf: EOHKJFLKHHF message AntiAddictNotify { string level = 7; int32 msg_type = 6; string msg = 12; } // CmdId: 1819 // Obf: EAJKGNFALHF message PlayerForceExitReq { } // CmdId: 22773 // Obf: KMDIDIAADBP message PlayerForceExitRsp { int32 retcode = 9; } // CmdId: 27662 // Obf: JAGPJBOAGGK message PlayerInjectFixNotify { bytes inject_fix = 3; uint32 id = 7; } // Obf: NCGNEJCBBFC message TaskVar { uint32 key = 5; repeated int32 value_list = 8; } // CmdId: 21431 // Obf: PMLGBPPNAOH message TaskVarNotify { repeated TaskVar task_var_list = 9; } // CmdId: 23994 // Obf: JMHDCBIFBBI message ClientLockGameTimeNotify { bool is_lock = 1; } // CmdId: 24599 // Obf: EOODHGFCINK message GetNextResourceInfoReq { } // CmdId: 9011 // Obf: DBMFHAOOFNL message GetNextResourceInfoRsp { ResVersionConfig next_res_version_config = 8; string next_resource_url = 14; int32 retcode = 11; } // CmdId: 8482 // Obf: ENGKHDPANFI message AdjustWorldLevelReq { uint32 DPHFLHKHLIF = 2; uint32 LOCDLJCPGPO = 9; } // CmdId: 29945 // Obf: IDFOMBDLFNJ message AdjustWorldLevelRsp { uint32 cd_over_time = 3; uint32 after_world_level = 15; int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 21803 // Obf: JMEAMJOPKAD message DailyTaskFilterCityReq { uint32 city_id = 14; } // CmdId: 8986 // Obf: AJDFJMPKPDK message DailyTaskFilterCityRsp { uint32 city_id = 2; int32 retcode = 4; } // CmdId: 6722 // Obf: PACMFFMCCEK message DailyTaskUnlockedCitiesNotify { repeated uint32 unlocked_city_list = 15; } // Obf: JLBKHIBLNFI message ExclusiveRuleInfo { uint32 rule_type = 9; repeated uint32 object_id_list = 4; } // CmdId: 1418 // Obf: ENPIKKCLNIB message ExclusiveRuleNotify { repeated ExclusiveRuleInfo rule_info_list = 1; } // CmdId: 29908 // Obf: HEIKIOLAOKF message CompoundUnlockNotify { uint32 compound_id = 4; } // Obf: ALBDDCMFKKJ message GameplayRecommendationSkillRequest { uint32 skill_depot_id = 7; } // Obf: HLNOLNPKOKD message GameplayRecommendationReliquaryRequest { uint32 equip_type = 3; } // Obf: NBDCLJMOJMI message GameplayRecommendationElementReliquaryRequest { uint32 equip_type = 13; uint32 element_type = 2; } // CmdId: 29716 // Obf: EEALLDOJCBO message GetGameplayRecommendationReq { uint32 avatar_id = 13; oneof detail { GameplayRecommendationSkillRequest skill_request = 866; GameplayRecommendationReliquaryRequest reliquary_request = 431; GameplayRecommendationElementReliquaryRequest element_reliquary_request = 546; } } // Obf: FEHIOGLMGBH message GameplayRecommendationSkillResponse { repeated uint32 skill_id_list = 2; uint32 skill_depot_id = 15; } // Obf: BDGBIAFBCBG message GameplayRecommendationReliquaryMainPropData { uint32 main_prop_id = 6; uint32 permillage = 3; } // Obf: LHNBFIGNBPF message GameplayRecommendationReliquaryResponse { uint32 equip_type = 11; repeated GameplayRecommendationReliquaryMainPropData main_prop_data_list = 14; } // Obf: OGJBFNIAALF message GameplayRecommendationElementReliquaryResponse { uint32 equip_type = 7; uint32 element_type = 2; repeated GameplayRecommendationReliquaryMainPropData main_prop_data_list = 12; } // CmdId: 23992 // Obf: HLFFKKKGBMN message GetGameplayRecommendationRsp { uint32 avatar_id = 11; int32 retcode = 14; oneof detail { GameplayRecommendationSkillResponse skill_response = 1712; GameplayRecommendationReliquaryResponse reliquary_response = 255; GameplayRecommendationElementReliquaryResponse element_reliquary_response = 500; } } // CmdId: 21351 // Obf: PMIAFBEBJNF message TakeBackGivingItemReq { uint32 giving_id = 6; } // CmdId: 20307 // Obf: MCKLDOKBMBC message TakeBackGivingItemRsp { uint32 giving_id = 14; int32 retcode = 9; } // CmdId: 29372 // Obf: IBIFMJEIJFH message PlayerNicknameAuditDataNotify { ContentAuditInfo info = 2; } // CmdId: 25316 // Obf: KDCHOGMENPG message PlayerNicknameNotify { string nickname = 11; } // CmdId: 22648 // Obf: GJOAMDCKALK message NicknameAuditConfigNotify { bool is_open = 12; uint32 submit_limit = 8; } // CmdId: 8131 // Obf: APEFFPOJEKC message ReadNicknameAuditReq { } // CmdId: 29628 // Obf: ODDEACKNEEN message ReadNicknameAuditRsp { int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 26353 // Obf: HLAOGKCEDGO message PlayerCompoundMaterialBoostReq { uint32 OFGJECHPEPD = 3; bool is_boost_all = 1; uint32 DDGFJLPEALM = 6; uint32 OJEJLNFJDGG = 14; } // CmdId: 26999 // Obf: MGJOFINPPAE message PlayerCompoundMaterialBoostRsp { repeated CompoundQueueData compoundQueueDataList = 15; CompoundBoostTakeStatusType take_status = 9; repeated ItemParam take_item_list = 12; int32 retcode = 4; } // CmdId: 3419 // Obf: DDDJCPOFHBL message PlayerGameTimeByLuaNotify { uint32 sim_speed = 15; uint32 uid = 10; uint32 game_time = 4; } // CmdId: 1074 // Obf: JLLGODJMAAG message PlayerIpRegionNotify { string ip_code = 9; } // CmdId: 22076 // Obf: DEFBFNOLMID message SkipPlayerGameTimeReq { uint32 game_time = 12; bool is_force_set = 1; uint32 client_game_time = 7; } // CmdId: 24529 // Obf: PFBBCGKLBFC message SkipPlayerGameTimeRsp { uint32 client_game_time = 2; int32 retcode = 9; uint32 game_time = 13; } // CmdId: 6619 message ANKONNPBGJC { } // CmdId: 25808 message FHDIEGNIPMM { repeated uint32 OEJMCEGJLDK = 8; int32 retcode = 4; } // CmdId: 2569 message FOOGHEMFBHL { map prop_map = 2; } // CmdId: 3503 // Obf: IDBEABMPEFN message EntityPropNotify { map prop_map = 2; uint32 entity_id = 5; } // CmdId: 25474 // Obf: DHFIJCFHMOG message LifeStateChangeNotify { uint32 entity_id = 7; repeated ServerBuff server_buff_list = 4; uint32 source_entity_id = 5; uint32 move_reliable_seq = 11; string attack_tag = 13; PlayerDieType die_type = 14; uint32 life_state = 1; } // CmdId: 9760 // Obf: PFCFCHANLHA message EntityFightPropNotify { map fight_prop_map = 7; uint32 entity_id = 13; } // CmdId: 24036 // Obf: POHPJAAPGHD message EntityFightPropUpdateNotify { uint32 entity_id = 4; map fight_prop_map = 13; } // CmdId: 20455 // Obf: DPKAGLDONFP message AvatarFightPropNotify { uint64 avatar_guid = 7; map fight_prop_map = 3; } // CmdId: 21000 // Obf: CHDLCNDEHEB message AvatarFightPropUpdateNotify { uint64 avatar_guid = 2; map fight_prop_map = 4; } // CmdId: 2489 // Obf: KHFJILELHPL message EntityFightPropChangeReasonNotify { ChangeHpReason changeHpReason = 12; uint32 entity_id = 6; uint32 prop_type = 1; float prop_delta = 10; ChangeEnergyReason changeEnergyReason = 8; FAFPLBDIGDH detail_info = 11; repeated uint32 param_list = 9; OFDEHFOCIFP AEFJJGCHIJH = 14; PropChangeReason reason = 3; float JJEEABMPEKL = 13; } message FAFPLBDIGDH { optional LAOBOIBJGOK DFFBILKONHM = 12; } message LAOBOIBJGOK { uint32 instanced_ability_id = 5; int32 local_id = 10; uint32 instanced_modifier_id = 7; AbilityString parent_ability_name = 6; uint32 caster_id = 14; int32 modifier_local_id = 12; } // CmdId: 22381 // Obf: ANPPCHBBAGA message AvatarLifeStateChangeNotify { uint32 move_reliable_seq = 5; string attack_tag = 10; uint32 source_entity_id = 1; uint64 avatar_guid = 15; repeated ServerBuff server_buff_list = 6; PlayerDieType die_type = 7; uint32 life_state = 12; } // CmdId: 3637 // Obf: LKDNAGGMHGL message AvatarPropChangeReasonNotify { PropChangeReason reason = 2; uint32 prop_type = 7; float cur_value = 1; uint64 avatar_guid = 11; float old_value = 14; } // CmdId: 28241 // Obf: PEAMCBGHMPI message PlayerPropChangeReasonNotify { PropChangeReason reason = 11; float old_value = 15; float cur_value = 10; uint32 prop_type = 8; } // CmdId: 5355 // Obf: KGKHNJBJKOJ message AvatarPropNotify { uint64 avatar_guid = 4; map prop_map = 8; } // CmdId: 26228 // Obf: IBFGMEBBKKM message MarkNewNotify { uint32 mark_new_type = 9; repeated uint32 id_list = 11; } // CmdId: 29451 // Obf: LNKCGCNLKDP message QuestListNotify { repeated Quest quest_list = 13; } // CmdId: 22114 // Obf: NCEKGFIOHJG message QuestListUpdateNotify { repeated Quest quest_list = 1; } // CmdId: 29185 // Obf: JJCKCDINJAJ message QuestDelNotify { uint32 quest_id = 9; } // Obf: DHJCFBHIJFE message ChildQuest { uint32 quest_config_id = 6; uint32 quest_id = 11; uint32 state = 2; } // Obf: NIGBJJFCAGF message ParentQuestRandomInfo { uint32 template_id = 10; repeated uint32 factor_list = 9; uint32 entrance_id = 3; } // Obf: JBNOKAPFIAH message InfernceWordInfo { uint32 unlock_by_word_id = 13; bool JKDGMJCFEDH = 2; bool DGMLJIKFAMI = 11; bool HKJHBOMCGLK = 1; uint32 word_id = 9; } // Obf: BMEHNPACBEM message InferencePageInfo { repeated InfernceWordInfo unlock_word_list = 7; uint32 page_id = 13; } // Obf: HJOGPKJDLID message ParentQuest { uint64 video_key = 4; uint32 parent_quest_state = 8; uint32 quest_var_seq = 15; bool is_random = 11; uint32 accept_time = 3; repeated ChildQuest child_quest_list = 1; repeated int32 quest_var = 7; repeated InferencePageInfo inference_page_list = 9; bool is_finished = 14; uint32 parent_quest_id = 5; map time_var_map = 10; ParentQuestRandomInfo random_info = 2; } // CmdId: 27820 // Obf: EPOAAKIMMFB message FinishedParentQuestNotify { repeated ParentQuest parent_quest_list = 6; } // CmdId: 455 // Obf: JCGNAICEEND message FinishedParentQuestUpdateNotify { repeated ParentQuest parent_quest_list = 3; } // CmdId: 3824 // Obf: AIJHHIHHOHI message AddQuestContentProgressReq { uint32 add_progress = 7; uint32 content_type = 1; uint32 param = 6; } // CmdId: 5514 // Obf: FGGNCOHIPDL message AddQuestContentProgressRsp { int32 retcode = 12; uint32 content_type = 10; } // CmdId: 8019 // Obf: DEHBJMMBJOK message QuestCreateEntityReq { uint32 quest_id = 3; uint32 parent_quest_id = 10; bool is_rewind = 7; CreateEntityInfo entity = 4; } // CmdId: 4869 // Obf: CPPCDDEOKGP message QuestCreateEntityRsp { uint32 entity_id = 8; uint32 quest_id = 12; bool is_rewind = 7; uint32 parent_quest_id = 11; int32 retcode = 15; CreateEntityInfo entity = 9; } // CmdId: 21308 // Obf: FFHMLGIIJEI message QuestDestroyEntityReq { uint32 entity_id = 1; uint32 scene_id = 14; uint32 quest_id = 6; } // CmdId: 9130 // Obf: FGDKHKLDGLI message QuestDestroyEntityRsp { uint32 scene_id = 14; int32 retcode = 7; uint32 entity_id = 3; uint32 quest_id = 10; } // CmdId: 21508 // Obf: MCCCGABFHBK message ChapterStateNotify { // Obf: MOEEEKPMIAO message NeedPlayerLevel { bool is_limit = 1; uint32 configNeedPlayerLevel = 11; } // Obf: GEFDHMJCBLD message NeedBeginTime { uint32 configNeedBeginTime = 5; bool is_limit = 1; } NeedBeginTime need_begin_time = 10; NeedPlayerLevel need_player_level = 3; ChapterState chapter_state = 7; uint32 chapter_id = 4; } // CmdId: 5388 // Obf: DEOLGKMMGHH message QuestProgressUpdateNotify { uint32 quest_id = 1; repeated uint32 finish_progress_list = 3; repeated uint32 fail_progress_list = 10; } // Obf: KCGCOKGAMJM message QuestVarOp { int32 value = 4; uint32 index = 1; bool is_add = 11; } // CmdId: 28126 // Obf: CJGCHOPODCD message QuestUpdateQuestVarReq { repeated QuestVarOp quest_var_op_list = 8; uint32 parent_quest_var_seq = 9; uint32 parent_quest_id = 11; uint32 quest_id = 7; } // CmdId: 5677 // Obf: ENCODHADEDM message QuestUpdateQuestVarRsp { uint32 parent_quest_var_seq = 10; uint32 quest_id = 7; int32 retcode = 14; uint32 parent_quest_id = 11; } // CmdId: 1753 // Obf: OEEFAJLMMNF message QuestUpdateQuestVarNotify { uint32 parent_quest_id = 3; repeated int32 quest_var = 6; uint32 parent_quest_var_seq = 9; } // CmdId: 26568 // Obf: GLNOOFDFGEC message QuestDestroyNpcReq { uint32 npc_id = 14; uint32 parent_quest_id = 15; } // CmdId: 607 // Obf: PCNAEIAPMGE message QuestDestroyNpcRsp { uint32 parent_quest_id = 13; uint32 npc_id = 4; int32 retcode = 9; } // Obf: KIOJOGPNAKF message BargainSnapshot { uint32 IOCNPJJNHLD = 12; uint32 BALOPACHCDB = 2; int32 cur_mood = 9; uint32 bargain_id = 15; } // CmdId: 9154 // Obf: EGAHBLOCEPK message BargainStartNotify { BargainSnapshot snapshot = 4; uint32 bargain_id = 15; } // CmdId: 23582 // Obf: PGAGMMAEAJK message BargainOfferPriceReq { uint32 bargain_id = 3; uint32 price = 15; } // CmdId: 28942 // Obf: IKJLNCGMPFH message BargainOfferPriceRsp { int32 cur_mood = 10; uint32 result_param = 8; BargainResultType bargain_result = 12; int32 retcode = 11; } // CmdId: 28886 // Obf: IKMJMAHLHBE message BargainTerminateNotify { uint32 bargain_id = 1; } // CmdId: 7358 // Obf: FPNNGBLHLDM message GetBargainDataReq { uint32 bargain_id = 13; } // CmdId: 8330 // Obf: ALABLOCEOIH message GetBargainDataRsp { BargainSnapshot snapshot = 5; int32 retcode = 1; uint32 bargain_id = 9; } // CmdId: 22200 // Obf: KGMCPOKKAIL message GetAllActivatedBargainDataReq { } // CmdId: 3517 // Obf: JMGOGNLGAAH message GetAllActivatedBargainDataRsp { repeated BargainSnapshot snapshot_list = 6; int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 29009 // Obf: LCFLOBOJAPC message ServerCondMeetQuestListUpdateNotify { repeated uint32 LCHIHDJDDNH = 6; repeated uint32 JPJIINJKPBH = 9; } // Obf: PGEKJBDCGND message QuestGlobalVar { int32 value = 14; uint32 key = 8; } // CmdId: 23502 // Obf: JGINEENLNCF message QuestGlobalVarNotify { repeated QuestGlobalVar var_list = 1; } // CmdId: 2854 // Obf: FGDGCAJEJPM message QuestTransmitReq { uint32 quest_id = 2; uint32 point_id = 1; uint32 LAJGLCIFKCP = 10; } // CmdId: 20137 // Obf: EFHMAODMGJJ message QuestTransmitRsp { int32 retcode = 5; uint32 point_id = 9; uint32 quest_id = 14; } // CmdId: 9323 // Obf: BDPIKKGLOCD message PersonalLineAllDataReq { } // Obf: KGFDBLAPENJ message LockedPersonallineData { // Obf: ONPJFEHGHMM enum LockReason { LEVEL = 0; QUEST = 1; } // Obf: EDNGHGCCDGF message QuestParam { uint32 chapter_id = 10; uint32 quest_id = 7; } uint32 personal_line_id = 10; LockReason lock_reason = 4; oneof param { uint32 chapter_id = 7; uint32 level = 13; QuestParam quest_param = 12; } } // CmdId: 20607 // Obf: EKHCNHLAPJL message PersonalLineAllDataRsp { repeated uint32 APAJHHBKJPK = 2; int32 retcode = 3; uint32 cur_finished_daily_task_count = 11; uint32 legendary_key_count = 1; repeated uint32 HPNCPHKCDHN = 6; repeated LockedPersonallineData locked_personal_line_list = 8; } // CmdId: 8427 // Obf: EMAMJFBPOLE message RedeemLegendaryKeyReq { } // CmdId: 7270 // Obf: DDNNDBFNHKE message RedeemLegendaryKeyRsp { int32 retcode = 15; uint32 legendary_key_count = 2; } // CmdId: 1085 // Obf: JHKJAJEABJK message UnlockPersonalLineReq { uint32 personal_line_id = 12; } // CmdId: 5048 // Obf: HPGEEFKDBJD message UnlockPersonalLineRsp { int32 retcode = 9; uint32 personal_line_id = 11; oneof param { uint32 level = 12; uint32 chapter_id = 7; } } // CmdId: 26708 // Obf: KDLHCNPHJCO message CancelFinishParentQuestNotify { uint32 parent_quest_id = 3; } // CmdId: 28219 // Obf: DIAGJLMDMDL message QuestUpdateQuestTimeVarNotify { map time_var_map = 4; uint32 parent_quest_id = 11; } // CmdId: 8744 // Obf: GBNPJGGAOJP message PersonalLineNewUnlockNotify { repeated uint32 personal_line_id_list = 5; } // CmdId: 943 // Obf: AOHJLFJBFNO message NpcTalkStateNotify { bool is_ban = 9; } // CmdId: 24145 // Obf: NNLDEBNHEEF message GetQuestLackingResourceReq { uint32 quest_id = 5; } // CmdId: 28297 // Obf: FDCIDFLNJKP message GetQuestLackingResourceRsp { repeated uint32 lacked_npc_list = 15; map lacked_place_map = 4; repeated uint32 lacked_place_list = 10; int32 retcode = 9; map lacked_npc_map = 1; uint32 quest_id = 7; } // CmdId: 28598 // Obf: IDDDDFEJCNE message GetParentQuestVideoKeyReq { uint32 parent_quest_id = 14; } // CmdId: 5868 // Obf: HKBLCEEFAFM message GetParentQuestVideoKeyRsp { int32 retcode = 8; uint32 parent_quest_id = 2; uint64 video_key = 7; } // CmdId: 24796 // Obf: LPFEFNDAENI message ParentQuestInferenceDataNotify { repeated InferencePageInfo inference_page_list = 12; uint32 parent_quest_id = 4; } // CmdId: 23806 // Obf: BAAOLFHLCBO message InterpretInferenceWordReq { uint32 word_id = 10; uint32 page_id = 7; } // CmdId: 6937 // Obf: LKHOMEMLBDJ message InterpretInferenceWordRsp { uint32 word_id = 1; int32 retcode = 10; uint32 page_id = 6; } // CmdId: 701 // Obf: JBCPALGFBLI message AssociateInferenceWordReq { uint32 IJNKJEMGHDA = 3; uint32 BPEAHKMACOJ = 1; uint32 page_id = 6; } // CmdId: 20449 // Obf: FDIAEDOEGAM message AssociateInferenceWordRsp { int32 retcode = 8; uint32 page_id = 3; uint32 IJNKJEMGHDA = 12; uint32 BPEAHKMACOJ = 6; } // CmdId: 22181 // Obf: COAHIBCFPNM message SubmitInferenceWordReq { uint32 page_id = 7; uint32 word_id = 9; } // CmdId: 3679 // Obf: OKILIGKEGJM message SubmitInferenceWordRsp { int32 retcode = 2; uint32 conclusion_id = 15; uint32 page_id = 11; uint32 word_id = 8; } // CmdId: 1366 // Obf: EACELLFNBCE message QuestRenameAvatarReq { bool is_check = 14; uint32 rename_id = 13; string avatar_name = 9; } // CmdId: 21481 // Obf: ALHLKPOGFGC message QuestRenameAvatarRsp { string avatar_name = 3; uint32 rename_id = 9; int32 retcode = 1; bool is_check = 7; } message MDEBKDGFKOM { uint32 LNCALDDLHHC = 6; repeated uint32 NPIDNGMGOAB = 8; bool DHHPIICCFJN = 1; } message NLKOBHJEMJD { repeated MDEBKDGFKOM JPEOGIEOGKE = 2; repeated uint32 DLAJODFOCMG = 10; uint32 KAJLKLICGBN = 14; } // CmdId: 24450 message DEKELNKNJAD { repeated NLKOBHJEMJD MFLDEAHGOLD = 1; } // CmdId: 24468 message DJLPJMPFOFM { uint32 LNCALDDLHHC = 14; uint32 CMPNCDIAGOK = 6; } // CmdId: 22947 message DKPLONIBNGF { uint32 LNCALDDLHHC = 9; uint32 CMPNCDIAGOK = 5; int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 3184 // Obf: JHDKPKJPMCK message RechargeReq { ShopMcoinProduct mcoin_product = 4; PlayProduct play_product = 11; ShopCardProduct card_product = 2; ShopConcertProduct concert_product = 8; } // CmdId: 22287 // Obf: KMMHBDNEIPO message RechargeRsp { int32 retcode = 1; string product_id = 13; bool is_show_minors_hint = 9; } // CmdId: 26680 // Obf: ONMGIDPPBDD message OrderFinishNotify { string product_id = 13; repeated ItemParam item_list = 1; uint32 add_mcoin = 4; uint32 order_id = 5; uint32 card_product_remain_days = 3; } // CmdId: 5635 // Obf: KHCOIEOAPAE message CardProductRewardNotify { string product_id = 7; uint32 hcoin = 11; uint32 remain_days = 4; } // Obf: NHOOLIOIMLH message ProductPriceTier { string product_id = 5; string price_tier = 4; } // Obf: MLDLDNBOCAG message ResinCardData { uint32 expire_time = 4; uint32 last_daily_reward_time = 7; uint32 config_id = 6; uint32 remain_reward_days = 9; } // CmdId: 9891 // Obf: DPACKGEIODG message PlayerRechargeDataNotify { uint32 card_product_remain_days = 4; repeated ProductPriceTier product_price_tier_list = 5; } // CmdId: 595 // Obf: PPCBGBAFCMF message OrderDisplayNotify { uint32 order_id = 10; } // CmdId: 24423 // Obf: LCBMIHKJAMC message ReportTrackingIOInfoNotify { string MDBEAHIPNIC = 6; string JFEEMKEKMKN = 8; string FCPKNHGBLCF = 5; string GIAEKBEHJIC = 11; string DPKNOBIHNPI = 2; } // CmdId: 29342 // Obf: OMJGLPPNBMP message TakeResinCardDailyRewardReq { uint32 product_config_id = 12; } // CmdId: 319 // Obf: BCALHNAGNKI message TakeResinCardDailyRewardRsp { repeated ItemParam item_vec = 6; uint32 product_config_id = 9; int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 6072 // Obf: ILIKBAGAKKB message ResinCardDataUpdateNotify { uint32 today_start_time = 10; repeated ResinCardData card_data_list = 7; } // Obf: INFLJKJBHAN message RegionalPlayVar { float CDLIONNFPIF = 14; uint32 type = 5; float LPCPLLLHLIO = 11; float value = 4; } // CmdId: 4556 // Obf: HJFCIJGAIEP message RegionalPlayInfoNotify { repeated RegionalPlayVar var_list = 10; uint32 play_type = 13; bool KEJHFKOBNCA = 1; string play_name = 7; bool PCOOBDADEBL = 15; } // Obf: BHEIDECNLJB message DeathZoneInfo { bool is_open = 14; uint32 id = 10; } // CmdId: 25105 // Obf: FIGCIIMFGEK message DeathZoneInfoNotify { repeated DeathZoneInfo death_zone_info_list = 14; } // CmdId: 4058 // Obf: KDGBFBMHHAJ message PlayerDeathZoneNotify { uint32 cur_death_zone_id = 5; } // Obf: HFKBIABFDBJ message RegionSearch { uint32 progress = 4; RegionSearchState state = 5; bool is_entered = 13; uint32 region_search_id = 7; } // Obf: DHHDMABOCLM message RegionSearchInfo { uint32 id = 10; bool is_entered = 2; repeated RegionSearch region_search_list = 9; } // CmdId: 26579 // Obf: HMHCLDNPMJI message RegionSearchNotify { repeated RegionSearchInfo region_search_list = 14; uint32 uid = 12; } // CmdId: 28838 // Obf: MFLFKDDNGCP message RegionSearchChangeRegionNotify { // Obf: AOEBCMIOGBL enum RegionEvent { REGION_EVENT_NONE = 0; REGION_EVENT_ENTER = 1; REGION_EVENT_LEAVE = 2; } RegionEvent event = 11; uint32 region_id = 15; } // CmdId: 5375 // Obf: EBEFFALDCEG message TakeRegionSearchRewardReq { uint32 search_id = 4; uint32 id = 8; } // CmdId: 2889 // Obf: LEODNBPILCO message TakeRegionSearchRewardRsp { uint32 search_id = 8; int32 retcode = 3; uint32 id = 4; } // CmdId: 2030 // Obf: BHEPKPEBEGB message GetRegionSearchReq { } // CmdId: 23286 // Obf: NMOLPBAOJOH message NormalUidOpNotify { repeated uint32 param_list = 10; repeated uint32 param_uid_list = 13; uint32 param_index = 15; uint32 duration = 14; } // CmdId: 20880 // Obf: IEOPFDFPIND message ServerMessageNotify { uint32 index = 12; } // Obf: BPDJNOOMGFG message CityReputationQuestInfo { bool is_open = 1; repeated uint32 HOOJELIFKIM = 15; repeated uint32 BFBDLFFGNOH = 4; } // Obf: ODBNGGKHDMP message CityReputationRequestInfo { // Obf: ICFLLDEGEJN message RequestInfo { uint32 request_id = 10; uint32 quest_id = 6; bool is_taken_reward = 11; } repeated RequestInfo request_info_list = 7; bool is_open = 15; } // Obf: LMGKLDPAHJD message CityReputationExploreInfo { uint32 explore_percent = 13; repeated uint32 taken_explore_reward_list = 14; bool is_open = 10; } // Obf: JGMFFPHIBEL message CityReputationHuntInfo { bool is_open = 10; bool has_reward = 4; uint32 cur_week_finish_num = 3; } // Obf: FCEOCFJNBNE message CityReputationInfo { CityReputationHuntInfo hunt_info = 10; uint32 next_refresh_time = 3; uint32 total_accept_request_num = 5; uint32 exp = 12; CityReputationExploreInfo explore_info = 6; CityReputationQuestInfo quest_info = 7; uint32 level = 4; CityReputationRequestInfo request_info = 13; repeated uint32 taken_level_reward_list = 11; } // CmdId: 8549 // Obf: NGMPLHMNEFE message GetCityReputationInfoReq { uint32 city_id = 15; } // CmdId: 128 // Obf: GJNNLGKELGN message GetCityReputationInfoRsp { int32 retcode = 5; uint32 city_id = 10; CityReputationInfo city_reputation_info = 1; } // CmdId: 5580 // Obf: KMGPJEFACKI message TakeCityReputationLevelRewardReq { uint32 level = 1; uint32 city_id = 8; } // CmdId: 9391 // Obf: LLKGIIKNGLI message TakeCityReputationLevelRewardRsp { repeated ItemParam item_list = 1; int32 retcode = 13; uint32 city_id = 14; uint32 level = 2; } // CmdId: 29784 // Obf: JAGKENHAHHN message CityReputationLevelupNotify { uint32 level = 5; uint32 city_id = 14; } // CmdId: 26463 // Obf: JANFMKFOJFF message TakeCityReputationParentQuestReq { uint32 city_id = 9; repeated uint32 parent_quest_list = 11; } // CmdId: 1428 // Obf: HEOCHFLFHEE message TakeCityReputationParentQuestRsp { repeated ItemParam item_list = 15; uint32 city_id = 7; int32 retcode = 11; repeated uint32 parent_quest_list = 9; } // CmdId: 6832 // Obf: IDPFBCKMKLE message AcceptCityReputationRequestReq { uint32 city_id = 5; uint32 request_id = 10; } // CmdId: 7825 // Obf: GLPNFBBJODP message AcceptCityReputationRequestRsp { int32 retcode = 2; uint32 request_id = 1; uint32 city_id = 5; } // CmdId: 3312 // Obf: GIFLFPHCDJI message CancelCityReputationRequestReq { uint32 city_id = 12; uint32 request_id = 11; } // CmdId: 20165 // Obf: MPONNLFBBMO message CancelCityReputationRequestRsp { uint32 request_id = 7; uint32 city_id = 1; int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 26582 // Obf: MOGOMIBKAHA message GetCityReputationMapInfoReq { } // CmdId: 24830 // Obf: NFLPNFKGHED message GetCityReputationMapInfoRsp { int32 retcode = 14; bool JJGPNHBKGHG = 9; bool MOEFCHCBNGE = 8; repeated uint32 BIDOKKBGJLG = 3; repeated uint32 BOMGJJFKDOC = 5; } // CmdId: 24844 // Obf: JAOEMELOGIB message TakeCityReputationExploreRewardReq { repeated uint32 explore_id_list = 9; uint32 city_id = 8; } // CmdId: 26493 // Obf: OKFPPCLGPPD message TakeCityReputationExploreRewardRsp { int32 retcode = 2; repeated uint32 explore_id_list = 5; repeated ItemParam item_list = 10; uint32 city_id = 15; } // Obf: IAKHKIPBELG message CityReputationSimpleInfo { uint32 level = 12; uint32 city_id = 10; } // CmdId: 8325 // Obf: DJMIMCGIGFJ message CityReputationDataNotify { repeated CityReputationSimpleInfo simple_info_list = 14; } // Obf: KADJKCANCHH message ReunionSignInInfo { uint32 IOGOBJPGDPJ = 10; repeated uint32 reward_day_list = 4; uint32 config_id = 1; uint32 LMOEFBHICGL = 11; } // Obf: ECJKINNLLGF message ReunionWatcherInfo { uint32 cur_progress = 5; uint32 reward_unlock_time = 6; bool is_taken_reward = 7; uint32 watcher_id = 2; uint32 total_progress = 12; } // Obf: NOGCOGMPAGJ message ReunionMissionInfo { bool is_finished = 7; uint32 mission_id = 15; bool is_taken_reward = 8; uint32 next_refresh_time = 4; repeated ReunionWatcherInfo watcher_list = 10; repeated bool is_taken_reward_list = 6; repeated ReunionWatcherInfo cur_day_watcher_list = 1; uint32 cur_score = 12; } // Obf: JICCKJLPGHF message ReunionPrivilegeInfo { uint32 privilege_id = 8; uint32 GONKOHLOLGM = 9; uint32 DPFKGAJIFGG = 1; } // Obf: PLPECNHEMCO message ReunionBriefInfo { uint32 start_time = 1; uint32 sign_in_config_id = 6; uint32 OGDAOPBFBKM = 12; bool PBKEBOEICMN = 14; repeated PEKMJNLFFEE NMAEOONHPIJ = 15; uint32 mission_id = 8; uint32 first_day_start_time = 2; uint32 privilege_id = 11; string version = 7; bool CJMFAOILNFB = 4; ReunionPrivilegeInfo privilege_info = 9; uint32 finish_time = 13; bool KKDLAEGCONN = 5; } // CmdId: 27557 // Obf: KPHAJMCKDFC message ReunionBriefInfoReq { } // CmdId: 26597 // Obf: LMFOLHLFGLB message ReunionBriefInfoRsp { int32 retcode = 6; bool is_activate = 2; ReunionBriefInfo reunion_brief_info = 3; } // CmdId: 24987 // Obf: NKLKOJKDGEH message TakeReunionFirstGiftRewardReq { } // CmdId: 3136 // Obf: DKJCBKAMLFA message TakeReunionFirstGiftRewardRsp { int32 retcode = 12; int32 reward_id = 8; } // CmdId: 28782 // Obf: EMEEMDIOGFH message GetReunionSignInInfoReq { uint32 sign_in_config_id = 12; } // CmdId: 22823 // Obf: EOMJOAPOLLI message GetReunionSignInInfoRsp { int32 retcode = 3; ReunionSignInInfo sign_in_info = 7; } // CmdId: 24519 // Obf: KAOANGEOFAF message TakeReunionSignInRewardReq { uint32 config_id = 13; uint32 reward_day = 6; } // CmdId: 28118 // Obf: AJPIILEHDNK message TakeReunionSignInRewardRsp { ReunionSignInInfo sign_in_info = 5; int32 retcode = 3; } // CmdId: 27824 // Obf: IHHNMIHLAMJ message GetReunionMissionInfoReq { uint32 mission_id = 7; } // CmdId: 8359 // Obf: ELDGKEPNGBH message GetReunionMissionInfoRsp { ReunionMissionInfo mission_info = 13; int32 retcode = 14; } // CmdId: 27039 // Obf: ECEADCOJINO message TakeReunionWatcherRewardReq { uint32 mission_id = 14; uint32 watcher_id = 3; } // CmdId: 5682 // Obf: OKCJNNIHAAJ message TakeReunionWatcherRewardRsp { int32 retcode = 7; uint32 mission_id = 1; uint32 watcher_id = 11; } // CmdId: 8205 // Obf: MOCAGIFIKPO message UpdateReunionWatcherNotify { ReunionWatcherInfo watcher_info = 8; uint32 mission_id = 10; } // CmdId: 6568 // Obf: MNLBDJCBCHJ message TakeReunionMissionRewardReq { uint32 mission_id = 13; uint32 reward_id = 10; uint32 reward_index = 5; } // CmdId: 20173 // Obf: AFBFGPLPJKF message TakeReunionMissionRewardRsp { ReunionMissionInfo mission_info = 8; uint32 reward_index = 4; uint32 reward_id = 1; int32 retcode = 12; } // CmdId: 29305 // Obf: FFFELNHNAFJ message GetReunionPrivilegeInfoReq { uint32 privilege_id = 8; } // CmdId: 23273 // Obf: BPNAGEEDOPK message GetReunionPrivilegeInfoRsp { ReunionPrivilegeInfo privilege_info = 11; int32 retcode = 14; } // CmdId: 28864 // Obf: CCOAMGKAFMI message ReunionSettleNotify { } // CmdId: 6332 // Obf: KIJONMBFNGN message ReunionActivateNotify { ReunionBriefInfo reunion_brief_info = 11; bool is_activate = 3; } // CmdId: 25522 // Obf: JBHFBBDEGGI message ReunionPrivilegeChangeNotify { ReunionPrivilegeInfo privilege_info = 8; } // CmdId: 505 // Obf: BFKFMPLPOAG message ReunionDailyRefreshNotify { ReunionBriefInfo reunion_brief_info = 7; } // CmdId: 22848 message GGOFDAHNFCN { PEKMJNLFFEE NFMDHDHBHII = 13; } // CmdId: 27968 message KKAMCKDHMMB { int32 retcode = 11; } // Obf: NGOMHLGCDCA message PlayerRoutineInfo { uint32 routine_type = 1; uint32 finished_num = 5; } // CmdId: 29752 // Obf: DLKAPGGBEGE message PlayerRoutineDataNotify { repeated PlayerRoutineInfo routine_info_list = 4; } // Obf: FHLNAHHBMIK message WorldRoutineInfo { bool is_finished = 5; uint32 finish_progress = 10; uint32 progress = 13; uint32 routine_id = 2; } // Obf: HDDGMPBBPKH message WorldRoutineTypeInfo { uint32 routine_type = 1; repeated WorldRoutineInfo world_routine_info_list = 2; uint32 next_refresh_time = 4; } // CmdId: 1912 // Obf: KBJMEOIECKM message WorldAllRoutineTypeNotify { repeated WorldRoutineTypeInfo world_routine_type_list = 14; } // CmdId: 26687 // Obf: JHDIBPDJHEL message WorldRoutineTypeRefreshNotify { WorldRoutineTypeInfo world_routine_type = 15; } // CmdId: 1471 // Obf: LFKFNGGMMDB message WorldRoutineChangeNotify { WorldRoutineInfo routine_info = 9; uint32 routine_type = 12; } // CmdId: 4128 // Obf: PNDNHCJBFLN message WorldRoutineTypeCloseNotify { uint32 routine_type = 7; } message NHFPBBLCHKH { repeated uint32 PAIGHFEEELO = 11; repeated uint32 DIDEMJFOGLD = 15; repeated uint32 JBNJGMIGFFJ = 3; } // CmdId: 2783 // Obf: PBJBDNIOMBF message PlayerEnterSceneNotify { string scene_transaction = 1319; NHFPBBLCHKH DCGPONECHMM = 897; bool is_skip_ui = 3; uint32 prev_scene_id = 9; bool is_first_login_enter_scene = 164; uint32 target_uid = 1; repeated uint32 scene_tag_id_list = 13; Vector prev_pos = 12; uint32 enter_scene_token = 7; uint32 world_type = 1327; EnterType type = 6; uint32 enter_reason = 670; Vector pos = 14; uint64 scene_begin_time = 5; uint32 LAJGLCIFKCP = 1820; uint32 world_level = 4; uint32 dungeon_id = 11; uint32 scene_id = 10; uint32 create_player_uid = 1748; } // CmdId: 1616 // Obf: PJEHOELFIJM message LeaveSceneReq { } // CmdId: 25971 // Obf: EKLHCGLKLLM message LeaveSceneRsp { int32 retcode = 12; } // CmdId: 6923 // Obf: HCCCOGKOBNN message SceneInitFinishReq { uint32 enter_scene_token = 5; } // CmdId: 3805 // Obf: IEBDLOBLJDP message SceneInitFinishRsp { int32 retcode = 4; uint32 enter_scene_token = 13; } // CmdId: 24016 // Obf: PBPDCGDBNHJ message SceneEntityAppearNotify { repeated SceneEntityInfo entity_list = 7; VisionType appear_type = 5; uint32 param = 15; } // CmdId: 1787 // Obf: GLPMBMHBAKI message SceneEntityDisappearNotify { repeated uint32 entity_list = 7; VisionType disappear_type = 9; uint32 param = 10; } // CmdId: 26916 // Obf: MMLNPAIKGGB message SceneEntityMoveReq { uint32 scene_time = 13; uint32 reliable_seq = 9; uint32 entity_id = 6; MotionInfo motion_info = 8; } // CmdId: 20380 // Obf: EAFJAPJJKNJ message SceneEntityMoveRsp { int32 retcode = 8; uint32 reliable_seq = 12; uint32 entity_id = 15; uint32 scene_time = 1; MotionInfo fail_motion = 9; } // CmdId: 543 // Obf: OALKNGKGAJL message SceneAvatarStaminaStepReq { Vector rot = 5; bool use_client_rot = 8; } // CmdId: 28639 // Obf: INKMFHKEGIA message SceneAvatarStaminaStepRsp { Vector rot = 12; bool use_client_rot = 7; int32 retcode = 4; } // CmdId: 25367 // Obf: CNFNMBHLHEK message SceneEntityMoveNotify { MotionInfo motion_info = 7; uint32 entity_id = 11; uint32 reliable_seq = 10; uint32 scene_time = 14; } // Obf: JMGECLOKOFJ message VehicleLocationInfo { float PCBCDBGOKOK = 3; repeated uint32 uid_list = 11; float FOHOENOKMML = 7; uint32 owner_uid = 5; Vector rot = 14; Vector pos = 4; uint32 entity_id = 12; uint32 gadget_id = 15; } // CmdId: 29652 // Obf: ADLIMHMEMDB message ScenePlayerLocationNotify { repeated PlayerLocationInfo player_loc_list = 3; repeated VehicleLocationInfo vehicle_loc_list = 13; uint32 scene_id = 14; } // CmdId: 23197 // Obf: PBIPDICGDKH message GetScenePointReq { uint32 belong_uid = 12; bool FBFJPEPMAOF = 5; uint32 scene_id = 3; } // Obf: ADHJGFHHPLP message CityInfo { uint32 level = 4; uint32 crystal_num = 15; uint32 city_id = 9; } // CmdId: 7133 // Obf: PMONCPENJMK message GetScenePointRsp { repeated uint32 unlocked_point_list = 1; repeated uint32 ELDLGKEKABI = 6; bool FBFJPEPMAOF = 9; int32 retcode = 11; repeated uint32 GILIFDOOHFF = 12; repeated uint32 PPDDIADEDIC = 8; repeated uint32 OGKCOCBLNLF = 10; repeated uint32 EBIFELCKPEA = 7; repeated uint32 JJOHJDFINFN = 4; uint32 belong_uid = 14; repeated uint32 JCLHNODLPOH = 13; uint32 scene_id = 2; repeated uint32 KOPAHGHMECF = 3; } // CmdId: 22064 // Obf: ECDCICGGBDA message EnterTransPointRegionNotify { uint32 point_id = 5; uint32 scene_id = 12; } // CmdId: 2696 // Obf: BBGPGHPCHGN message ExitTransPointRegionNotify { uint32 point_id = 8; uint32 scene_id = 12; } // CmdId: 5431 // Obf: CBIBGAOCEHP message ScenePointUnlockNotify { repeated uint32 ELDLGKEKABI = 6; repeated uint32 KOPAHGHMECF = 4; uint32 scene_id = 12; repeated uint32 point_list = 2; repeated uint32 JCLHNODLPOH = 11; } // CmdId: 26498 // Obf: EBDJGELLMOF message SceneTransToPointReq { uint32 point_id = 12; uint32 scene_id = 4; } // CmdId: 28443 // Obf: GNAGNBFBJEB message SceneTransToPointRsp { uint32 scene_id = 14; int32 retcode = 2; uint32 point_id = 5; } // CmdId: 8767 // Obf: KLMLLNEFCEG message EntityJumpNotify { // Obf: ONNNDBFLCGB enum Type { NULL = 0; ACTIVE = 1; PASSIVE = 2; } Vector rot = 14; Type jump_type = 1; uint32 entity_id = 10; Vector pos = 2; } // CmdId: 25175 // Obf: LABAJDKACOG message GetSceneAreaReq { uint32 scene_id = 13; uint32 belong_uid = 9; } // CmdId: 27029 // Obf: GOPJBKDDELB message GetSceneAreaRsp { repeated CityInfo city_info_list = 11; int32 retcode = 3; uint32 scene_id = 7; repeated uint32 area_id_list = 2; } // CmdId: 9869 // Obf: CIGGADKIENC message SceneAreaUnlockNotify { repeated uint32 area_list = 1; uint32 scene_id = 6; } // CmdId: 22277 // Obf: DEDMMLJOCEF message SceneEntityDrownReq { uint32 entity_id = 14; } // CmdId: 23727 // Obf: BFJPILGBDJK message SceneEntityDrownRsp { uint32 entity_id = 15; int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 28428 // Obf: PPLJDAJJGGB message SceneCreateEntityReq { CreateReason reason = 2; CreateEntityInfo entity = 11; bool is_destroy_when_disconnect = 13; } // CmdId: 3079 // Obf: PHIOAGPDFCP message SceneCreateEntityRsp { CreateEntityInfo entity = 4; int32 retcode = 3; uint32 entity_id = 5; } // CmdId: 23998 // Obf: BGOHECJDLNK message SceneDestroyEntityReq { uint32 entity_id = 14; } // CmdId: 2500 // Obf: EPLABGNHJHF message SceneDestroyEntityRsp { uint32 entity_id = 8; int32 retcode = 7; } // CmdId: 3275 // Obf: AKPHLEGNIAH message SceneForceUnlockNotify { bool is_add = 15; repeated uint32 force_id_list = 2; } // CmdId: 7079 // Obf: AOJACOMMPOP message SceneForceLockNotify { repeated uint32 force_id_list = 1; } // CmdId: 29482 // Obf: OLIJIMJGACD message EnterWorldAreaReq { uint32 area_type = 8; uint32 area_id = 15; } // CmdId: 21362 // Obf: MIPCODPODKN message EnterWorldAreaRsp { uint32 area_type = 6; int32 retcode = 13; uint32 area_id = 9; } // CmdId: 8671 // Obf: CLCODHLGEKC message EntityForceSyncReq { uint32 scene_time = 15; uint32 room_id = 3; uint32 entity_id = 13; MotionInfo motion_info = 12; } // CmdId: 24909 // Obf: MIKANEGPAPE message EntityForceSyncRsp { uint32 scene_time = 9; uint32 entity_id = 7; int32 retcode = 12; MotionInfo fail_motion = 15; } // CmdId: 20438 // Obf: FJFIDGPOJPP message GetAreaExplorePointReq { repeated uint32 area_id_list = 15; } // CmdId: 27637 // Obf: OLAMIDKPCCE message GetAreaExplorePointRsp { repeated uint32 explore_point_list = 10; repeated uint32 area_id_list = 1; int32 retcode = 9; } // CmdId: 1993 // Obf: JCLHHNAJONP message ClientTransmitReq { uint32 scene_id = 1; Vector pos = 15; TransmitReason reason = 4; Vector rot = 8; } // CmdId: 21025 // Obf: EADAAIGJCEL message ClientTransmitRsp { TransmitReason reason = 4; int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 7317 // Obf: JKGEIDGOKHF message EnterSceneWeatherAreaNotify { uint32 weather_gadget_id = 14; } // CmdId: 29563 // Obf: PMMNBAJNFDK message ExitSceneWeatherAreaNotify { uint32 weather_gadget_id = 7; } // CmdId: 25752 // Obf: EAKJEHOGBIG message SceneAreaWeatherNotify { uint32 climate_type = 2; uint32 weather_area_id = 4; float trans_duration = 8; map weather_value_map = 7; uint32 weather_gadget_id = 12; } // Obf: AADLFNACADO message ScenePlayerInfo { uint32 peer_id = 15; bool is_connected = 14; uint32 uid = 4; string name = 13; OnlinePlayerInfo online_player_info = 12; uint32 scene_id = 1; } // CmdId: 23510 // Obf: AKPNDPFIBFH message ScenePlayerInfoNotify { repeated ScenePlayerInfo player_info_list = 9; } // Obf: KPGGJJGHJOP message PlayerLocationInfo { Vector pos = 13; uint32 uid = 4; Vector rot = 1; } // Obf: JNPBJHGCCOP message PlayerWorldLocationInfo { uint32 scene_id = 5; PlayerLocationInfo player_loc = 12; } // CmdId: 7085 // Obf: KEIDNDOFINC message WorldPlayerLocationNotify { repeated PlayerWorldLocationInfo player_world_loc_list = 10; repeated PlayerLocationInfo player_loc_list = 1; } // CmdId: 27569 // Obf: KAGMEJHECDK message BeginCameraSceneLookNotify { // Obf: ONABGJCLONK enum KeepRotType { KEEP_ROT_X = 0; KEEP_ROT_XY = 1; } uint32 entity_id = 609; bool JBCEDEGCGFJ = 8; bool ADPLABBOBKF = 15; uint32 DOCBFPIPMPK = 1006; Vector LKGGBPLCEJI = 12; bool KJHLOCKMIMB = 1477; float GJNLEMGJCJI = 10; bool IPKFLPFLNNI = 9; bool PDOCOOCFAIH = 5; Vector MMOMOKPCOJK = 14; bool FPDPEHICGAC = 7; float MIKBDFOBIBB = 3; float CLLOFLJICAF = 11; repeated string other_params = 2; KeepRotType keep_rot_type = 4; bool FFHJPJBDLJC = 1; float duration = 6; uint32 GEBMAIIKMBJ = 54; bool MCFGAPGPNLN = 13; float OJKGLFJCMID = 801; } // CmdId: 4771 // Obf: ENEFGMFFKJI message EndCameraSceneLookNotify { } // CmdId: 315 // Obf: LHECKPDNFHN message MarkEntityInMinMapNotify { uint32 entity_id = 9; Vector position = 13; uint32 monster_id = 8; } // CmdId: 4510 // Obf: FMJCHPEKAMI message UnmarkEntityInMinMapNotify { uint32 entity_id = 8; } // CmdId: 29357 // Obf: CBLDGHEMNOB message ExecuteGroupTriggerReq { uint32 source_entity_id = 7; uint32 target_entity_id = 6; int32 param3 = 14; int32 param1 = 4; int32 param2 = 11; string source_name = 8; } // CmdId: 5015 // Obf: KDJMBHPJOAG message ExecuteGroupTriggerRsp { int32 retcode = 5; } // CmdId: 8097 // Obf: DAIDHECFAML message LevelupCityReq { uint32 scene_id = 11; uint32 area_id = 3; uint32 item_num = 1; } // CmdId: 9797 // Obf: IOPGGBHIHIC message LevelupCityRsp { CityInfo city_info = 13; uint32 scene_id = 12; uint32 area_id = 8; int32 retcode = 3; } // Obf: BHBIGPHGPGA message RoutePointChangeInfo { float target_velocity = 14; float wait_time = 5; uint32 point_index = 4; } // Obf: CIAHMGGKINJ message SceneRouteChangeInfo { bool is_forward = 3; repeated RoutePointChangeInfo point_list = 12; uint32 type = 9; uint32 route_id = 10; } // CmdId: 9691 // Obf: JOCLHFBINGA message SceneRouteChangeNotify { uint32 scene_time = 13; uint32 scene_id = 7; repeated SceneRouteChangeInfo route_list = 11; } // CmdId: 7427 // Obf: PPPKGDJOODM message PlatformStartRouteNotify { uint32 entity_id = 14; uint32 scene_time = 4; PlatformInfo platform = 10; } // CmdId: 27462 // Obf: CIMJKKNLBCO message PlatformStopRouteNotify { uint32 scene_time = 1; PlatformInfo platform = 8; uint32 entity_id = 5; } // CmdId: 8048 // Obf: CIGDJCNIJNN message PlatformChangeRouteNotify { PlatformInfo platform = 5; uint32 entity_id = 13; uint32 scene_time = 8; } // CmdId: 20293 // Obf: JBEGDKFLHPL message ScenePlayerSoundNotify { // Obf: NDMKCNLGDFN enum PlaySoundType { PLAY_SOUND_NONE = 0; PLAY_SOUND_START = 1; PLAY_SOUND_STOP = 2; } Vector play_pos = 15; string sound_name = 1; PlaySoundType play_type = 11; } // CmdId: 20938 // Obf: BEJBGBNMMMH message PersonalSceneJumpReq { uint32 point_id = 15; } // CmdId: 26151 // Obf: FENDEOICMKE message PersonalSceneJumpRsp { uint32 dest_scene_id = 6; Vector dest_pos = 14; int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 5120 // Obf: NFIKHEKALCG message SealBattleBeginNotify { uint32 CMPKIKADOJJ = 10; uint32 PDKCGAJOEPC = 11; SealBattleType battle_type = 3; uint32 seal_entity_id = 12; } // CmdId: 570 // Obf: FAMNMDPHAAG message SealBattleEndNotify { uint32 seal_entity_id = 7; bool is_win = 13; } // CmdId: 29619 // Obf: FADGGCGHOAB message SealBattleProgressNotify { uint32 PDKCGAJOEPC = 8; uint32 end_time = 2; uint32 progress = 15; uint32 seal_entity_id = 14; uint32 BAEKFBCJFJK = 5; } // CmdId: 29272 // Obf: FFFCAOAIFDJ message ClientPauseNotify { bool is_open = 8; } // Obf: AJDGFFHCOCL message AvatarEnterSceneInfo { AbilitySyncStateInfo avatar_ability_info = 8; uint64 weapon_guid = 1; uint32 avatar_entity_id = 5; repeated uint32 buff_id_list = 4; uint32 weapon_entity_id = 3; uint64 avatar_guid = 9; repeated ServerBuff server_buff_list = 10; AbilitySyncStateInfo weapon_ability_info = 15; } // Obf: PMLNKMHJPKI message TeamEnterSceneInfo { uint32 team_entity_id = 5; AbilityControlBlock ability_control_block = 7; AbilitySyncStateInfo team_ability_info = 8; } // Obf: EPAFCHAOKLI message MPLevelEntityInfo { uint32 entity_id = 7; AbilitySyncStateInfo ability_info = 9; uint32 authority_peer_id = 6; } // CmdId: 27063 // Obf: BMMOCCOFGEL message PlayerEnterSceneInfoNotify { uint32 cur_avatar_entity_id = 14; uint32 enter_scene_token = 6; MPLevelEntityInfo mp_level_entity_info = 8; repeated AvatarEnterSceneInfo avatar_enter_info = 10; TeamEnterSceneInfo team_enter_info = 9; } // CmdId: 27395 // Obf: IBPJOCMNCDM message JoinPlayerSceneReq { uint32 target_uid = 3; } // CmdId: 23693 // Obf: BJNJBNHBFIF message JoinPlayerSceneRsp { int32 retcode = 1; } // CmdId: 29095 // Obf: HMIBDCFKKBC message SceneKickPlayerReq { uint32 target_uid = 4; } // CmdId: 27200 // Obf: IBIKNKAPMNJ message SceneKickPlayerRsp { uint32 target_uid = 4; int32 retcode = 1; } // CmdId: 28326 // Obf: ADAFADAHGNI message SceneKickPlayerNotify { uint32 kicker_uid = 4; uint32 target_uid = 3; } // CmdId: 20211 // Obf: OEHPGPJNGDB message HitClientTrivialNotify { uint32 owner_entity_id = 8; Vector position = 5; } // CmdId: 7284 // Obf: KMDLHONLMJH message BackMyWorldReq { } // CmdId: 25964 // Obf: CLFDBEPFLAI message BackMyWorldRsp { int32 retcode = 9; } // CmdId: 20750 // Obf: ALGLKMMKJII message SeeMonsterReq { uint32 monster_id = 2; } // CmdId: 26264 // Obf: DPAIPJGEIND message SeeMonsterRsp { int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 26127 // Obf: IIMFPCEHEMP message AddSeenMonsterNotify { repeated uint32 monster_id_list = 7; } // CmdId: 7030 // Obf: FIMINAEMFFJ message AllSeenMonsterNotify { repeated uint32 monster_id_list = 12; } // CmdId: 21694 // Obf: EPOHGAAPIFG message SceneTimeNotify { uint32 scene_id = 9; uint64 scene_time = 1; bool is_paused = 5; } // CmdId: 5011 // Obf: HDKGADMEFMP message EnterSceneReadyReq { uint32 enter_scene_token = 15; } // CmdId: 4744 // Obf: DCBGKOFOANI message EnterSceneReadyRsp { uint32 enter_scene_token = 12; int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 21053 // Obf: JBBPPLGGMPC message EnterScenePeerNotify { uint32 enter_scene_token = 7; uint32 peer_id = 14; uint32 host_peer_id = 8; uint32 dest_scene_id = 3; } // CmdId: 28690 // Obf: KLBOAPKHBEP message EnterSceneDoneReq { uint32 enter_scene_token = 9; } // CmdId: 24814 // Obf: AHBDCDEOHII message EnterSceneDoneRsp { uint32 enter_scene_token = 12; int32 retcode = 15; } // CmdId: 26320 // Obf: AEFKDABOLLO message WorldPlayerDieNotify { uint32 murderer_entity_id = 9; PlayerDieType die_type = 10; oneof entity { uint32 monster_id = 8; uint32 gadget_id = 5; } } // CmdId: 2639 // Obf: CLFPPNDBGLJ message WorldPlayerReviveReq { } // CmdId: 3657 // Obf: OBBNANBMDCB message WorldPlayerReviveRsp { int32 retcode = 14; } // CmdId: 8257 // Obf: GPEHNKALIPD message JoinPlayerFailNotify { int32 retcode = 14; } // CmdId: 6203 // Obf: KMIINGBBACL message SetSceneWeatherAreaReq { uint32 weather_gadget_id = 1; map weather_value_map = 12; } // CmdId: 29445 // Obf: CNFBIIHKOLL message SetSceneWeatherAreaRsp { int32 retcode = 1; } // CmdId: 5288 // Obf: BCCHIHOEMNP message ExecuteGadgetLuaReq { int32 param1 = 2; int32 param3 = 5; uint32 source_entity_id = 10; int32 param2 = 8; } // CmdId: 1263 // Obf: DPEMGHFBEEK message ExecuteGadgetLuaRsp { int32 retcode = 14; } // Obf: LHEBFKHNPDH message CutSceneExtraParam { repeated double detail_param_list = 14; } // CmdId: 418 // Obf: LKBOJOLENCC message CutSceneBeginNotify { uint32 cutscene_id = 11; bool is_wait_others = 8; repeated CutSceneExtraParam extra_param_list = 15; } // CmdId: 21199 // Obf: NIJEOCGLPPB message CutSceneFinishNotify { uint32 cutscene_id = 4; } // CmdId: 3904 // Obf: PKEJONCMDIC message CutSceneEndNotify { uint32 cutscene_id = 8; int32 retcode = 3; } // CmdId: 3165 // Obf: KPKNHHAMCOG message ClientScriptEventNotify { uint32 source_entity_id = 14; uint32 target_entity_id = 1; uint32 event_type = 4; repeated int32 param_list = 2; } // CmdId: 20585 // Obf: LJMMMGNFNOM message SceneEntitiesMovesReq { repeated EntityMoveInfo entity_move_info_list = 10; } // Obf: ODNIIBAOJHO message EntityMoveFailInfo { MotionInfo fail_motion = 9; uint32 scene_time = 8; uint32 reliable_seq = 3; int32 retcode = 5; uint32 entity_id = 6; } // CmdId: 8605 // Obf: GKFMIOACJJA message SceneEntitiesMovesRsp { repeated EntityMoveFailInfo entity_move_fail_info_list = 12; } // CmdId: 26073 // Obf: PCEFOCAELCI message SceneEntitiesMoveCombineNotify { repeated EntityMoveInfo entity_move_info_list = 14; } // CmdId: 27465 // Obf: GHELOHKEPBF message UnlockTransPointReq { uint32 point_id = 13; uint32 scene_id = 11; } // CmdId: 21510 // Obf: IBGGKMKPHOB message UnlockTransPointRsp { int32 retcode = 4; } // CmdId: 27174 // Obf: DLNOGFFHMHA message SceneWeatherForcastReq { uint32 weather_area_id = 2; } // CmdId: 4766 // Obf: JKGNLOIACHE message SceneWeatherForcastRsp { repeated uint32 forcast_climate_list = 3; uint64 next_climate_time = 1; int32 retcode = 7; } // CmdId: 1812 // Obf: OIHCCJMLEGJ message MarkMapReq { // Obf: NIELEKBPCIJ enum Operation { OPERATION_ADD = 0; OPERATION_MOD = 1; OPERATION_DEL = 2; OPERATION_GET = 3; } MapMarkPoint mark = 6; Operation op = 3; MapMarkPoint old = 15; } // CmdId: 28945 // Obf: BKCHBPAFDAC message MarkMapRsp { int32 retcode = 7; repeated MapMarkPoint mark_list = 12; } // CmdId: 2766 // Obf: KCCLLAGEBMD message AllMarkPointNotify { repeated MapMarkPoint mark_list = 4; } // CmdId: 813 // Obf: FOHMBEGKOHM message WorldDataNotify { map world_prop_map = 12; } // CmdId: 26583 // Obf: MFMDGKODDHF message EntityMoveRoomNotify { uint32 entity_id = 15; uint32 dest_room_id = 9; } // CmdId: 2239 // Obf: JGMOCNKDELA message WorldPlayerInfoNotify { repeated OnlinePlayerInfo player_info_list = 7; repeated PlayerWidgetInfo player_widget_info_list = 5; repeated uint32 player_uid_list = 15; } // CmdId: 5606 // Obf: KAJDPNBPFJF message PostEnterSceneReq { uint32 enter_scene_token = 8; } // CmdId: 7880 // Obf: AAGPOLGIIGK message PostEnterSceneRsp { int32 retcode = 15; uint32 enter_scene_token = 9; } // Obf: KFPJAAEHBNB message ChatInfo { // Obf: LGDLFPKODMA message SystemHint { uint32 type = 15; } uint32 to_uid = 10; uint32 time = 13; uint32 uid = 4; oneof content { string text = 962; uint32 icon = 1562; SystemHint system_hint = 841; } bool is_read = 7; uint32 sequence = 5; } // CmdId: 23230 // Obf: FHLPMNCNEIG message PlayerChatReq { ChatInfo chat_info = 2; uint32 channel_id = 7; } // CmdId: 27239 // Obf: OANNGBKFIIB message PlayerChatRsp { int32 retcode = 15; uint32 chat_forbidden_endtime = 1; } // CmdId: 9541 // Obf: PAHGJBLBNBM message PlayerChatNotify { ChatInfo chat_info = 2; uint32 channel_id = 11; } // CmdId: 26350 // Obf: NOKLHPPCPKB message PlayerChatCDNotify { uint32 over_time = 2; } // CmdId: 4425 // Obf: DMBCIMODKGA message ChatHistoryNotify { uint32 channel_id = 15; repeated ChatInfo chat_info = 5; } // CmdId: 29478 // Obf: MLCGOMLCFMI message SceneDataNotify { NHFPBBLCHKH DCGPONECHMM = 13; repeated uint32 scene_tag_id_list = 12; repeated string level_config_name_list = 2; } // CmdId: 22366 // Obf: IIPOKPCHEKL message DungeonEntryToBeExploreNotify { uint32 scene_id = 15; uint32 dungeon_entry_scene_point_id = 13; uint32 dungeon_entry_config_id = 5; } // CmdId: 28261 // Obf: EEGGMAGLFIB message GetDungeonEntryExploreConditionReq { uint32 dungeon_entry_config_id = 14; uint32 scene_id = 6; uint32 dungeon_entry_scene_point_id = 5; } // Obf: MGMEPMHEJEA message DungeonEntryCond { DungeonEntryBlockReason cond_reason = 4; uint32 param1 = 12; } // CmdId: 3536 // Obf: GAICEEONGHO message GetDungeonEntryExploreConditionRsp { int32 retcode = 11; DungeonEntryCond dungeon_entry_cond = 12; } // CmdId: 23739 // Obf: JEGDFLEGJLH message UnfreezeGroupLimitNotify { uint32 scene_id = 1; uint32 point_id = 12; } // CmdId: 1139 // Obf: ICKIGFONKFE message SetEntityClientDataNotify { uint32 entity_id = 10; EntityClientData entity_client_data = 4; } // CmdId: 6257 // Obf: EANOCGOKDIN message GroupSuiteNotify { map group_map = 10; } // CmdId: 27542 // Obf: NDCHDNICDBF message GroupUnloadNotify { repeated uint32 group_list = 9; } // CmdId: 1317 // Obf: AGINFJOBPGP message MonsterAIConfigHashNotify { int32 hash_value = 1; uint32 entity_id = 10; uint32 job_id = 4; } // CmdId: 24864 // Obf: OFDMEDPBBHI message ShowTemplateReminderNotify { uint32 template_reminder_id = 5; bool EGFLCDAEPJA = 2; bool FKICHIHKNGC = 6; repeated uint32 param_uid_list = 15; repeated int32 param_list = 3; } // CmdId: 28414 // Obf: APCMNECPKCJ message ShowCommonTipsNotify { string title = 13; uint32 close_time = 1; string content = 7; } // CmdId: 27695 // Obf: DGCCDLAPKBE message CloseCommonTipsNotify { } // CmdId: 24701 // Obf: PGFINJBAJOF message ChangeWorldToSingleModeNotify { } // CmdId: 4915 // Obf: OFHJPADOKFG message SyncScenePlayTeamEntityNotify { repeated PlayTeamEntityInfo entity_info_list = 1; uint32 scene_id = 7; } // CmdId: 2438 // Obf: KDDMNAMPHDO message DelScenePlayTeamEntityNotify { repeated uint32 del_entity_id_list = 2; uint32 scene_id = 9; } // Obf: IHDOOLIJIMD message CylinderRegionSize { float height = 4; float radius = 13; } // Obf: GHHFCCDJEIE message PolygonRegionSize { float height = 14; repeated VectorPlane point_list = 13; } // CmdId: 27367 // Obf: ANOPEDIPEFI message PlayerEyePointStateNotify { uint32 DEOOGIIMFBE = 13; uint32 DOKGNDBIHPI = 2; int32 fix_lod_level = 11; bool NEGNMGELLCN = 5; uint32 IOGAOKLPFGP = 10; uint32 JLFOFGIFNGL = 7; bool PAOBMOJHPKC = 14; Vector eye_point_pos = 12; oneof region_size { float sphere_radius = 1032; Vector cubic_size = 1182; CylinderRegionSize cylinder_size = 1127; PolygonRegionSize polygon_size = 1917; } } // CmdId: 4445 // Obf: EFPLHMCHFDJ message GetMapMarkTipsReq { } // CmdId: 26346 // Obf: KAMAAHEKBHL message GetMapMarkTipsRsp { repeated MapMarkTipsInfo mark_tips_list = 13; int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 23683 // Obf: DBLNBBNCINO message ChangeWorldToSingleModeReq { } // CmdId: 5912 // Obf: HMECHAPKFND message ChangeWorldToSingleModeRsp { int32 retcode = 10; uint32 quit_mp_valid_time = 8; } // CmdId: 6964 // Obf: EGCDJCJPCCI message GetWorldMpInfoReq { } // CmdId: 1461 // Obf: IBJEKEMGICD message GetWorldMpInfoRsp { int32 retcode = 9; bool is_in_mp_mode = 4; uint32 quit_mp_valid_time = 1; } // Obf: EBABANMDGDJ message EntityConfigHashEntry { uint32 entity_id = 13; uint32 job_id = 3; int32 hash_value = 6; } // CmdId: 20100 // Obf: PDDKPFNOALF message EntityConfigHashNotify { repeated EntityConfigHashEntry FHDKCMPIHIP = 4; repeated EntityConfigHashEntry JJPHMNNPEEO = 15; repeated EntityConfigHashEntry JHONBNABCLP = 6; } // CmdId: 2141 // Obf: GFBHCMKNPCG message ForceDragAvatarNotify { MotionInfo motion_info = 4; uint32 entity_id = 1; uint64 BLNEOPIFBGK = 10; bool is_first_valid = 15; uint64 CHFNMCLHBOI = 3; uint32 scene_time = 7; } // CmdId: 28752 // Obf: EMPPJGOCJGA message MonsterPointArrayRouteUpdateNotify { MonsterRoute monster_route = 3; uint32 entity_id = 8; } // CmdId: 5469 // Obf: JHMDCJHOOEA message ForceDragBackTransferNotify { } // CmdId: 3953 // Obf: CPFOMLDDHLK message GetScenePerformanceReq { } // CmdId: 25307 // Obf: CCBGIDIOLLG message GetScenePerformanceRsp { int32 retcode = 5; uint32 FEMOKLOGGKC = 11; uint32 MHBAHCBKGAA = 9; uint32 DBOCOHDLNPF = 4; uint32 BFKGDNEKFKC = 1; Vector pos = 10; uint32 LBIEDMNEMJC = 7; uint32 BCHDPNANNKH = 3; uint32 DKOEPIBPFCF = 14; } // CmdId: 4490 // Obf: KJPABKOEPJN message SceneAudioNotify { repeated string param3 = 11; repeated float param2 = 6; uint32 source_uid = 2; repeated uint32 param1 = 4; int32 type = 12; } // CmdId: 8766 // Obf: BAGAPIFEAFI message HitTreeNotify { Vector tree_pos = 9; Vector drop_pos = 7; uint32 tree_type = 10; } // CmdId: 6805 // Obf: FPHPMKCMJIM message EntityTagChangeNotify { bool is_add = 1; uint32 entity_id = 8; string tag = 6; } // CmdId: 6834 // Obf: AMKKLHPPGHJ message AvatarFollowRouteNotify { uint32 entity_id = 1; Route route = 3; uint32 template_id = 14; uint32 start_scene_time_ms = 11; string client_params = 8; } // CmdId: 27983 // Obf: PEEAFBLFBLC message SceneEntityUpdateNotify { uint32 param = 14; repeated SceneEntityInfo entity_list = 10; VisionType appear_type = 13; } // CmdId: 7727 // Obf: MNCGJJDIJBL message ClientHashDebugNotify { uint32 job_id = 6; } // Obf: FCGGGBEOFIJ message PlayerWorldSceneInfo { NHFPBBLCHKH DCGPONECHMM = 1; uint32 scene_id = 12; bool is_locked = 2; repeated uint32 scene_tag_id_list = 7; } // CmdId: 7017 // Obf: GGOIKEGFFAA message PlayerWorldSceneInfoListNotify { repeated PlayerWorldSceneInfo info_list = 15; } // CmdId: 3994 // Obf: KEJHFACJGNI message LuaEnvironmentEffectNotify { string effect_alias = 5; uint32 type = 10; repeated int32 int_param_list = 11; repeated float float_param_list = 3; } // CmdId: 21932 // Obf: IPHKDOMBFFJ message ClientLoadingCostumeVerificationNotify { uint32 costume_id = 13; uint64 guid = 9; uint64 prefab_hash = 14; } // CmdId: 8965 // Obf: LBKMGIHFFNI message ShowClientGuideNotify { string guide_name = 6; } // CmdId: 6463 // Obf: DEIJPDKGMJH message ShowClientTutorialNotify { uint32 tutorial_id = 8; } // CmdId: 8758 // Obf: IIOCEMHKDEF message GetMapAreaReq { } // CmdId: 9654 // Obf: ILDNIMHNDKG message GetMapAreaRsp { repeated MapAreaInfo map_area_info_list = 10; int32 retcode = 7; } // CmdId: 21970 // Obf: EHGEGMPIFKC message MapAreaChangeNotify { repeated MapAreaInfo map_area_info_list = 1; } // CmdId: 22405 // Obf: AFINGDDHMPO message LeaveWorldNotify { } // CmdId: 2725 // Obf: KEOMENNCOEA message GuestBeginEnterSceneNotify { uint32 uid = 8; uint32 scene_id = 5; } // CmdId: 4310 // Obf: AICDKKICHLK message GuestPostEnterSceneNotify { uint32 scene_id = 2; uint32 uid = 15; } // CmdId: 4502 // Obf: EGFIKLKBLHK message LevelTagDataNotify { repeated uint32 level_tag_id_list = 3; } // CmdId: 29994 // Obf: NCBNNBPKPFK message StopReminderNotify { uint32 reminder_id = 9; } // CmdId: 23472 // Obf: DFPINIJHMOB message AreaPlayInfoNotify { uint32 detail_play_type = 15; AreaPlayType area_play_type = 10; } // CmdId: 29675 // Obf: JFCBHKJPMPK message CheckGroupReplacedReq { repeated uint32 group_id_list = 10; } // CmdId: 5854 // Obf: CNFADLCLOBL message CheckGroupReplacedRsp { repeated uint32 replaced_group_id_list = 13; int32 retcode = 11; } // CmdId: 29864 // Obf: GLFCPEKJHGL message DeathZoneObserveNotify { uint32 target_entity_id = 5; uint32 source_entity_id = 14; } // Obf: KNNHCELBHOF message HitTreeInfo { uint32 tree_type = 11; Vector tree_pos = 9; } // CmdId: 9116 // Obf: CMEJIMOMCEO message WorldChestOpenNotify { uint32 group_id = 5; uint32 config_id = 4; uint32 scene_id = 11; } // CmdId: 26447 // Obf: NJDFLENECNG message WidgetQuickHitTreeReq { repeated HitTreeInfo hit_tree_info_list = 9; } // CmdId: 1624 // Obf: JICAOKFIGGL message WidgetQuickHitTreeRsp { int32 retcode = 10; } // CmdId: 8774 // Obf: EJGAPPPIDGA message BeginCameraSceneLookWithTemplateNotify { // Obf: DOFPPPPIJON enum FollowType { FOLLOW_TYPE_INIT_FOLLOW_POS = 0; FOLLOW_TYPE_SET_FOLLOW_POS = 1; FOLLOW_TYPE_SET_ABS_FOLLOW_POS = 2; } Vector LKGGBPLCEJI = 2; uint32 entity_id = 13; uint32 template_id = 12; FollowType follow_type = 9; repeated string other_params = 5; Vector MMOMOKPCOJK = 7; } // CmdId: 5604 // Obf: EDMKDPALDGP message RefreshEntityAuthNotify { repeated uint32 entity_id_list = 3; } // CmdId: 23971 // Obf: IPGEPMGGCGP message ScenePlayerBackgroundAvatarRefreshNotify { VisionType appear_type = 14; uint32 param = 10; repeated SceneEntityInfo entity_list = 5; } // CmdId: 7782 message GDHGGKPJFHP { NHFPBBLCHKH DCGPONECHMM = 1; uint32 OPNIEDFFACO = 6; repeated uint32 scene_tag_id_list = 2; } message MNAHBOJCNBF { uint32 config_id = 14; Vector pos = 3; uint32 group_id = 12; uint32 shape = 7; oneof FKLPBPPCJLF { float sphere_radius = 1995; Vector cubic_size = 913; CylinderRegionSize cylinder_size = 1848; PolygonRegionSize polygon_size = 792; } } // CmdId: 24033 message JHGNPGKNKKH { repeated MNAHBOJCNBF region_list = 15; bool COEDILDIHOF = 6; } // CmdId: 2743 message MCLPMLLIJEC { MIOGECBCEGO MKFGNIIGAIJ = 8; float speed = 3; uint32 KHBBKMCEBKA = 13; uint32 point_id = 12; } // CmdId: 5742 message JIPGEEDNJOO { JMFPBNKNHED GPOHBBPBBEC = 9; uint32 entity_id = 1; } // CmdId: 26672 message ACDCLDJFDFK { uint32 PPLHKCKDHEC = 13; } // CmdId: 1693 message CGOAGOJJILD { int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 20575 message LHDHJOKBFNM { float OMHOEBJEOFB = 2; uint32 LAJGLCIFKCP = 8; float FCNFGMADAEH = 13; float duration = 11; } message KDIMOOGPNIF { float cur_value = 9; int32 hash_value = 2; } // CmdId: 2962 message MLIHNOAMLEH { uint32 scene_id = 5; repeated KDIMOOGPNIF OBIKGEGABND = 10; } // CmdId: 2676 message PLADHOEOBFP { uint32 scene_id = 3; repeated KDIMOOGPNIF OBIKGEGABND = 14; } // CmdId: 4160 message ALAPJGFCPGL { uint32 template_id = 8; uint32 point_id = 14; uint32 IFFAGNNKDOB = 15; float speed = 6; } // CmdId: 2691 message FHBONNPLLAN { repeated uint32 FMGKMIDHDMF = 2; } // CmdId: 5255 message PDDNAKBOJJP { repeated uint32 MJEEAHIHOPG = 1; repeated uint32 IKALAHDNELF = 9; } // CmdId: 2225 message BMODMHEPOFF { uint32 HJMMAOMEHOL = 10; } // CmdId: 960 message CLCIBCFFGJM { int32 retcode = 1; } // Obf: ONDNMNBNCPE message ScenePlayBattleInfo { repeated uint32 progress_stage_list = 2; uint32 state = 7; uint32 prepare_end_time = 4; uint32 play_type = 14; uint32 play_id = 9; uint32 mode = 13; uint32 start_time = 11; uint32 duration = 10; uint32 type = 12; uint32 progress = 5; } // CmdId: 1543 // Obf: PHJNPOAHJEM message ScenePlayBattleInfoNotify { ScenePlayBattleInfo battle_info = 11; } // CmdId: 4265 // Obf: LONNCJLKEJB message ScenePlayOwnerCheckReq { bool is_skip_match = 2; uint32 play_id = 5; } // CmdId: 2989 // Obf: AAJJMIGOGKD message ScenePlayOwnerCheckRsp { repeated uint32 param_list = 7; uint32 play_id = 13; bool is_skip_match = 5; uint32 wrong_uid = 8; int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 5530 // Obf: PPHPKBBAPKE message ScenePlayOwnerStartInviteReq { bool is_skip_match = 6; uint32 play_id = 8; } // CmdId: 22034 // Obf: GHKNGANHLPA message ScenePlayOwnerStartInviteRsp { int32 retcode = 8; bool is_skip_match = 6; uint32 play_id = 5; } // CmdId: 7175 // Obf: MGJKDALKMIK message ScenePlayOwnerInviteNotify { uint32 play_id = 5; bool is_remain_reward = 10; uint32 invite_cd = 12; } // CmdId: 25729 // Obf: LKBGDOPAPAA message ScenePlayGuestReplyInviteReq { bool is_agree = 1; uint32 play_id = 2; } // CmdId: 26358 // Obf: AKGMHABOKJM message ScenePlayGuestReplyInviteRsp { int32 retcode = 10; uint32 play_id = 11; bool is_agree = 5; } // CmdId: 9422 // Obf: HMPFCAKKAJC message ScenePlayGuestReplyNotify { uint32 guest_uid = 13; bool is_agree = 8; uint32 play_id = 10; } // CmdId: 9329 // Obf: IAKNONNKIPO message ScenePlayInviteResultNotify { bool is_all_argee = 10; uint32 play_id = 13; } // Obf: MGHLAJDMHHO message ScenePlayInfo { uint32 play_id = 1; uint32 play_type = 3; uint32 entry_id = 14; bool is_open = 5; } // CmdId: 530 // Obf: FEHMAHGFJFG message ScenePlayInfoListNotify { repeated ScenePlayInfo play_info_list = 7; } // CmdId: 26908 // Obf: BNNBEGMGKGN message ScenePlayBattleInterruptNotify { uint32 play_type = 4; uint32 interrupt_state = 14; uint32 play_id = 5; } // Obf: DCCKCCMBOMJ message ScenePlayBattleSettlePlayerInfo { uint32 statistic_id = 5; int64 param = 9; uint32 head_image = 6; ProfilePicture profile_picture = 4; uint32 uid = 15; string online_id = 12; string nickname = 1; repeated ExhibitionDisplayInfo card_list = 10; } // Obf: PMGGFAAELEM message ScenePlayBattleSettleRewardInfo { uint32 uid = 3; repeated ItemParam reward_item_list = 1; } // CmdId: 7278 // Obf: LFKDJLOKDOH message ScenePlayBattleResultNotify { uint32 play_id = 9; repeated ScenePlayBattleSettleRewardInfo settle_reward_info_list = 15; repeated ScenePlayBattleSettlePlayerInfo settle_player_info_list = 7; uint32 cost_time = 10; uint32 play_type = 13; bool is_win = 4; } // CmdId: 602 // Obf: FOEFOFMLBAI message ScenePlayBattleUidOpNotify { uint32 play_type = 8; string param_str = 15; uint32 param_duration = 9; uint32 op = 5; uint32 entity_id = 2; uint32 param_index = 4; repeated uint32 uid_list = 14; repeated uint32 param_list = 7; repeated uint32 param_target_list = 12; uint32 play_id = 3; } // CmdId: 20081 // Obf: APELDOKLLFH message ScenePlayBattleInfoListNotify { repeated ScenePlayBattleInfo battle_info_list = 11; } // CmdId: 26290 // Obf: NINFJMKNMAC message ScenePlayOutofRegionNotify { uint32 play_id = 14; } // Obf: NOFHPJHCIIK message ShareCDInfo { uint64 cd_start_time = 7; uint32 PEBLCLHLKNC = 11; } message JHBKKCOELHA { uint32 OIFEPFOABIH = 7; repeated ShareCDInfo DAMJGLOJLDA = 12; } // CmdId: 3440 // Obf: BAIIFJOGPBL message AllShareCDDataNotify { map GCDFANCJJOA = 12; } // Obf: OBABFCEJLGK message ShopGoods { uint32 NPBGGAMEDJG = 4; uint32 FEMEEIEHBBL = 11; uint32 JOMBNPMFHGG = 8; repeated ItemParam cost_item_list = 3; uint32 AAINEEHFPBJ = 1690; uint32 bought_num = 14; uint32 DIHOGOJNKHB = 923; uint32 begin_time = 13; uint32 BNEKKILPEKF = 1950; repeated uint32 preGoodsIdList = 5; uint32 KANFIKNKONL = 10; ItemParam goods_item = 1; uint32 NODBIKCALJI = 12; uint32 EKGBDJFIDJO = 2; uint32 KKKOCADJCHM = 898; uint32 OENMLOAFHMJ = 1946; uint32 BDBHIJCECNP = 7; uint32 end_time = 6; uint32 hcoin = 15; uint32 next_refresh_time = 9; } // Obf: MKCHFJGDPJL message Shop { repeated ShopCardProduct card_product_list = 12; repeated ShopGoods goods_list = 6; repeated ShopConcertProduct concert_product_list = 5; uint32 city_reputation_level = 3; uint32 shop_type = 4; repeated ShopMcoinProduct mcoin_product_list = 2; uint32 next_refresh_time = 8; uint32 city_id = 7; } // CmdId: 9681 // Obf: BLGEHKEBJAA message GetShopReq { uint32 shop_type = 4; } // CmdId: 22793 // Obf: JKOBDIPLIKB message GetShopRsp { int32 retcode = 7; Shop shop = 2; } // CmdId: 8034 // Obf: MKAEIILDGBN message BuyGoodsReq { uint32 shop_type = 13; uint32 buy_count = 15; ShopGoods goods = 12; } // CmdId: 611 // Obf: ODFCPEHCGFK message BuyGoodsRsp { uint32 buy_count = 3; int32 retcode = 1; ShopGoods goods = 9; uint32 shop_type = 4; repeated ShopGoods goods_list = 15; } // CmdId: 2616 // Obf: GKCCFCPCHAK message GetShopmallDataReq { } // CmdId: 1087 // Obf: PJGBDGNCIEN message GetShopmallDataRsp { int32 retcode = 11; repeated uint32 shop_type_list = 7; } // Obf: AENJPCKAMNL message ActivityShopSheetInfo { uint32 begin_time = 1; uint32 sheet_id = 14; uint32 end_time = 15; } // CmdId: 24121 // Obf: CFLICFMDOBD message GetActivityShopSheetInfoReq { uint32 shop_type = 5; } // CmdId: 4109 // Obf: BKLEPCCPFFB message GetActivityShopSheetInfoRsp { repeated ActivityShopSheetInfo sheet_info_list = 5; uint32 shop_type = 1; int32 retcode = 6; } // Obf: FNALFHKDPMN message BuyGoodsParam { uint32 buy_count = 15; ShopGoods goods = 1; } // CmdId: 6294 // Obf: PEJMOLIKOOG message BatchBuyGoodsReq { repeated BuyGoodsParam buy_goods_list = 12; uint32 shop_type = 11; } // CmdId: 29700 // Obf: DLIGMKDIKKM message BatchBuyGoodsRsp { repeated BuyGoodsParam buy_goods_list = 12; repeated ShopGoods goods_list = 9; uint32 shop_type = 3; int32 retcode = 6; } // Obf: GICENCCNEPJ message OpActivityTagBriefInfo { bool has_reward = 8; uint32 op_activity_type = 3; uint32 config_id = 2; } // CmdId: 24977 // Obf: AFHNMKDHELK message OpActivityStateNotify { repeated uint32 finished_bonus_activity_id_list = 11; repeated OpActivityTagBriefInfo opened_op_activity_info_list = 7; } // Obf: BGECNEDIMFL message SignInData { repeated ItemParam reward_item_list = 1; uint32 day_count = 8; } // Obf: CNKBPDDKEFE message SignInInfo { uint32 config_id = 11; repeated uint32 reward_day_list = 3; uint32 end_time = 8; bool is_cond_satisfied = 15; uint32 schedule_id = 6; uint32 begin_time = 1; repeated SignInData signin_data_list = 10; uint32 LMOEFBHICGL = 7; uint32 IOGOBJPGDPJ = 9; } // CmdId: 1091 // Obf: LEEKMMIELMG message SignInInfoReq { } // CmdId: 1196 // Obf: OEBODJAMGJB message SignInInfoRsp { repeated SignInInfo sign_in_info_list = 10; int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 25930 // Obf: PBAPIOJOJFK message GetSignInRewardReq { uint32 schedule_id = 7; uint32 reward_day = 2; } // CmdId: 27270 // Obf: FJOGFJFOIMF message GetSignInRewardRsp { int32 retcode = 9; SignInInfo sign_in_info = 11; } // Obf: BLGBDLDEJCD message BonusActivityInfo { uint32 bonus_activity_id = 7; uint32 state = 14; } // CmdId: 28781 // Obf: CCPKAKDJGBN message BonusActivityUpdateNotify { repeated BonusActivityInfo bonus_activity_info_list = 14; } // CmdId: 29984 // Obf: CGGHGPPCGON message BonusActivityInfoReq { } // CmdId: 7235 // Obf: MNGFMHBKBCF message BonusActivityInfoRsp { int32 retcode = 3; repeated BonusActivityInfo bonus_activity_info_list = 9; } // CmdId: 29874 // Obf: NIKAOPNGPPH message GetBonusActivityRewardReq { uint32 bonus_activity_id = 5; } // CmdId: 5252 // Obf: OLOGMMGAICF message GetBonusActivityRewardRsp { BonusActivityInfo bonus_activity_info_list = 2; int32 retcode = 11; } // CmdId: 20169 // Obf: AOFKDEMHKNJ message UnlockAvatarTalentReq { uint32 talent_id = 9; uint64 avatar_guid = 4; } // CmdId: 21745 // Obf: GGEBNABPEKK message UnlockAvatarTalentRsp { int32 retcode = 6; uint64 avatar_guid = 15; uint32 talent_id = 2; } // CmdId: 1805 // Obf: KNLJFLHONOK message AvatarUnlockTalentNotify { uint32 talent_id = 3; uint64 avatar_guid = 9; uint32 skill_depot_id = 8; uint32 entity_id = 1; } // CmdId: 3748 // Obf: LEIEOELEMFM message AvatarSkillDepotChangeNotify { uint64 avatar_guid = 9; uint32 core_proud_skill_level = 1; repeated uint32 proud_skill_list = 3; uint32 entity_id = 10; map proud_skill_extra_level_map = 4; repeated uint32 talent_id_list = 7; map skill_level_map = 13; uint32 skill_depot_id = 14; } // CmdId: 23728 // Obf: ILIIEMMFOAM message BigTalentPointConvertReq { repeated uint64 item_guid_list = 13; uint64 avatar_guid = 1; } // CmdId: 24684 // Obf: DLBBOMGGGOB message BigTalentPointConvertRsp { uint64 avatar_guid = 13; int32 retcode = 12; } // CmdId: 22843 // Obf: MIPDHBPHHBA message AvatarSkillMaxChargeCountNotify { uint32 skill_id = 15; uint32 max_charge_count = 4; uint64 avatar_guid = 7; } // CmdId: 29066 // Obf: NHOMLJLJGFL message AvatarSkillInfoNotify { map skill_map = 11; uint64 guid = 13; } // CmdId: 21290 // Obf: NKOOMCGOGCJ message ProudSkillUpgradeReq { uint64 avatar_guid = 13; uint32 proud_skill_id = 6; uint32 old_proud_skill_level = 3; } // CmdId: 8300 // Obf: JNAGAKFGDJO message ProudSkillUpgradeRsp { uint32 proud_skill_id = 15; int32 retcode = 7; uint64 avatar_guid = 2; } // CmdId: 23429 // Obf: GALAIBFEIIG message ProudSkillChangeNotify { uint32 entity_id = 4; repeated uint32 proud_skill_list = 3; uint32 skill_depot_id = 11; uint64 avatar_guid = 9; } // CmdId: 29541 // Obf: JLJFPGIINAB message AvatarSkillUpgradeReq { uint32 avatar_skill_id = 13; uint32 old_level = 9; uint64 avatar_guid = 3; } // CmdId: 22584 // Obf: JDINKHGKCON message AvatarSkillUpgradeRsp { uint32 cur_level = 2; uint32 old_level = 9; int32 retcode = 4; uint32 avatar_skill_id = 1; uint64 avatar_guid = 7; } // CmdId: 20893 // Obf: KHLDKNNHLFE message AvatarSkillChangeNotify { uint32 skill_depot_id = 2; uint32 entity_id = 6; uint64 avatar_guid = 5; uint32 cur_level = 7; uint32 avatar_skill_id = 10; uint32 old_level = 12; } // CmdId: 5863 // Obf: CADAKBCNNHN message ProudSkillExtraLevelNotify { uint64 avatar_guid = 4; uint32 talent_index = 9; uint32 extra_level = 8; uint32 talent_type = 2; } // CmdId: 1186 // Obf: DBEMADCMEEF message CanUseSkillNotify { bool is_can_use_skill = 8; } // Obf: COBALHBKFBJ message AvatarTeamResonanceInfo { uint32 entity_id = 7; repeated uint32 APADELCPLGE = 1; uint64 avatar_guid = 6; repeated uint32 GFJMLEAFNBM = 14; } // CmdId: 23566 // Obf: GPHMDAHPNLK message TeamResonanceChangeNotify { repeated AvatarTeamResonanceInfo info_list = 1; } // Obf: OGKHFCINDJP message SocialShowAvatarInfo { uint32 avatar_id = 1; uint32 level = 2; uint32 costume_id = 3; } // Obf: NBNCHDGBFEC message SocialDetail { uint32 uid = 1; string nickname = 2; uint32 level = 3; uint32 avatar_id = 4; string signature = 5; Birthday birthday = 6; uint32 world_level = 7; repeated uint32 reserved_list = 8; FriendOnlineState online_state = 9; uint32 param = 10; bool is_friend = 11; bool is_mp_mode_available = 12; string online_id = 13; uint32 name_card_id = 14; bool is_in_blacklist = 15; bool is_chat_no_disturb = 16; string remark_name = 17; uint32 finish_achievement_num = 18; uint32 tower_floor_index = 19; uint32 tower_level_index = 20; bool is_show_avatar = 21; repeated SocialShowAvatarInfo show_avatar_info_list = 22; repeated uint32 show_name_card_id_list = 23; FriendEnterHomeOption friend_enter_home_option = 24; ProfilePicture profile_picture = 25; string ip_code = 26; } // Obf: JIFKJKFNBFF message FriendBrief { uint32 uid = 1; string nickname = 2; uint32 level = 3; uint32 avatar_id = 4; uint32 world_level = 5; string signature = 6; FriendOnlineState online_state = 7; uint32 param = 8; bool is_mp_mode_available = 10; string online_id = 11; uint32 NHCJGKFNCFD = 12; uint32 name_card_id = 13; uint32 PKANPMBCGGH = 14; bool is_chat_no_disturb = 15; uint32 EFMMMOPAPAK = 16; string remark_name = 17; repeated SocialShowAvatarInfo show_avatar_info_list = 22; FriendEnterHomeOption friend_enter_home_option = 23; ProfilePicture profile_picture = 24; bool PBFEPMNHMPL = 25; bool FNCJLBGOBAE = 26; PlatformType platform_type = 27; bool IEAHDCLDOEJ = 28; bool BJFJJMGENCH = 29; } // Obf: GFDAHNLKKNG message ChatEmojiCollectionData { repeated uint32 emoji_id_list = 1; } // CmdId: 2240 // Obf: OEHLGALOKNA message GetPlayerFriendListReq { } // CmdId: 20997 // Obf: GBPKOGFAIJA message GetPlayerFriendListRsp { int32 retcode = 6; repeated FriendBrief friend_list = 15; repeated FriendBrief ask_friend_list = 2; } // CmdId: 9257 // Obf: DHLNDCPMCPG message AskAddFriendReq { uint32 target_uid = 8; } // CmdId: 1146 // Obf: DGNBHNPCBNC message AskAddFriendRsp { uint32 target_uid = 3; int32 retcode = 15; uint32 param = 7; } // CmdId: 25212 // Obf: FAIFBJNFCAG message DealAddFriendReq { DealAddFriendResultType deal_add_friend_result = 11; uint32 target_uid = 1; } // CmdId: 9178 // Obf: BCEPNMLPFLB message DealAddFriendRsp { int32 retcode = 6; uint32 target_uid = 12; DealAddFriendResultType deal_add_friend_result = 7; } // CmdId: 928 // Obf: NELPPMEFINN message GetPlayerSocialDetailReq { uint32 uid = 14; } // CmdId: 7452 // Obf: EOJCAMGIPGL message GetPlayerSocialDetailRsp { int32 retcode = 7; SocialDetail detail_data = 5; } // CmdId: 3037 // Obf: PALNPHNIHDF message DeleteFriendReq { uint32 target_uid = 11; } // CmdId: 9786 // Obf: BDBANFKGEEN message DeleteFriendRsp { uint32 target_uid = 14; int32 retcode = 13; } // CmdId: 26479 // Obf: JPDKMIFAEJF message SetPlayerBirthdayReq { Birthday birthday = 15; } // CmdId: 26814 // Obf: GFMCLOFLLAL message SetPlayerBirthdayRsp { Birthday birthday = 8; int32 retcode = 11; } // CmdId: 771 // Obf: HPKEIDMJIJI message SetPlayerSignatureReq { string signature = 4; } // CmdId: 28588 // Obf: GGJIINKCKBA message SetPlayerSignatureRsp { int32 retcode = 14; string signature = 8; } // CmdId: 4071 // Obf: PDIPMMGDOGN message SetPlayerHeadImageReq { uint32 avatar_id = 7; } // CmdId: 20979 // Obf: PAGKCLAMNDJ message SetPlayerHeadImageRsp { int32 retcode = 8; uint32 avatar_id = 13; ProfilePicture profile_picture = 6; } // CmdId: 23862 // Obf: IBMHDIAKIGL message UpdatePS4FriendListNotify { repeated string psn_id_list = 9; } // CmdId: 25517 // Obf: LFOHLJPLBGN message DeleteFriendNotify { uint32 target_uid = 15; } // CmdId: 2626 // Obf: EHIPCHBKFKE message AddFriendNotify { uint32 target_uid = 4; FriendBrief target_friend_brief = 6; } // CmdId: 27323 // Obf: NADOGBCLNJI message AskAddFriendNotify { uint32 target_uid = 3; FriendBrief target_friend_brief = 7; } // CmdId: 3853 // Obf: KBHCHCMMILM message SetNameCardReq { uint32 name_card_id = 15; } // CmdId: 22422 // Obf: BPEHJKPKNGO message SetNameCardRsp { uint32 name_card_id = 13; int32 retcode = 4; } // CmdId: 3551 // Obf: NKCLOOCOADG message GetAllUnlockNameCardReq { } // CmdId: 28550 // Obf: MIOFHIOGCNF message GetAllUnlockNameCardRsp { repeated uint32 name_card_list = 8; int32 retcode = 9; } // CmdId: 27236 // Obf: OKNKMLEPCKN message AddBlacklistReq { uint32 target_uid = 12; } // CmdId: 4703 // Obf: IDGCHPDEBHN message AddBlacklistRsp { int32 retcode = 5; FriendBrief target_friend_brief = 8; } // CmdId: 850 // Obf: JEMPGJDLBBE message RemoveBlacklistReq { uint32 target_uid = 9; } // CmdId: 22319 // Obf: ADDINGBOAFE message RemoveBlacklistRsp { int32 retcode = 7; uint32 target_uid = 11; } // CmdId: 3896 // Obf: JBDIJCCECHP message UnlockNameCardNotify { uint32 name_card_id = 2; } // CmdId: 9833 // Obf: MLIHDMMOIJO message GetRecentMpPlayerListReq { } // CmdId: 24279 // Obf: GPGJECPCLBN message GetRecentMpPlayerListRsp { int32 retcode = 10; repeated FriendBrief recent_mp_player_brief_list = 14; } // CmdId: 4307 // Obf: FNHJDICHKFL message SocialDataNotify { bool is_have_first_share = 13; } // CmdId: 21051 // Obf: DIMKBDPNMOC message TakeFirstShareRewardReq { } // CmdId: 7609 // Obf: CPAIIAIOHBF message TakeFirstShareRewardRsp { int32 retcode = 14; } // CmdId: 21934 // Obf: PDLEAFOICGK message UpdatePS4BlockListReq { repeated string psn_id_list = 2; } // CmdId: 5073 // Obf: AJHIALPBPME message UpdatePS4BlockListRsp { int32 retcode = 13; } // CmdId: 25338 // Obf: BGDKEKKBHDA message GetPlayerBlacklistReq { } // CmdId: 20310 // Obf: NFLFLEHNLAJ message GetPlayerBlacklistRsp { repeated FriendBrief blacklist = 4; int32 retcode = 10; } // CmdId: 28063 // Obf: MKOJEJGODLD message PlayerReportReq { ReportReasonType reason = 10; string LOINCLOGOKL = 11; string content = 2; HPJLDBHCMDP HMENDHHKIPN = 5; uint32 MJKCNIILBEE = 6; uint32 target_uid = 7; } // CmdId: 3564 // Obf: JHJFHHIIOIA message PlayerReportRsp { int32 retcode = 6; uint32 cd_time = 4; uint32 target_uid = 14; } // CmdId: 1521 // Obf: KGIPKDELIOE message SetFriendRemarkNameReq { uint32 uid = 14; string remark_name = 6; } // CmdId: 25535 // Obf: LMCPOEKAKNN message SetFriendRemarkNameRsp { uint32 uid = 7; string remark_name = 11; bool is_clear_remark = 5; int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 6950 // Obf: JJAJFEBFLED message UpdatePlayerShowAvatarListReq { repeated uint32 show_avatar_id_list = 14; bool is_show_avatar = 2; } // CmdId: 9339 // Obf: IADAAMNGFLB message UpdatePlayerShowAvatarListRsp { repeated uint32 show_avatar_id_list = 8; bool is_show_avatar = 12; int32 retcode = 11; } // CmdId: 3887 // Obf: HPFMOEEPOGI message GetFriendShowAvatarInfoReq { uint32 uid = 1; } // CmdId: 26299 // Obf: GKKBKHLCING message GetFriendShowAvatarInfoRsp { uint32 uid = 8; int32 retcode = 6; repeated ShowAvatarInfo show_avatar_info_list = 14; } // CmdId: 25424 // Obf: OBEFEMPNKNB message UpdatePlayerShowNameCardListReq { repeated uint32 show_name_card_id_list = 14; } // CmdId: 5380 // Obf: HKCEGKBFPCM message UpdatePlayerShowNameCardListRsp { int32 retcode = 10; repeated uint32 show_name_card_id_list = 12; } // CmdId: 29743 // Obf: CLGNPHEFEOK message GetFriendShowNameCardInfoReq { uint32 uid = 13; } // CmdId: 20479 // Obf: LLJDGCBCJMB message GetFriendShowNameCardInfoRsp { uint32 uid = 12; repeated uint32 show_name_card_id_list = 1; int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 7895 // Obf: FFABJGCBBMJ message ForceAddPlayerFriendReq { uint32 target_uid = 6; } // CmdId: 6718 // Obf: ADAEIJOBDFL message ForceAddPlayerFriendRsp { int32 retcode = 3; uint32 target_uid = 13; FriendBrief target_friend_brief = 15; } // CmdId: 5763 // Obf: OHNJEEDFEEL message ProfilePictureChangeNotify { ProfilePicture profile_picture = 3; } // CmdId: 25239 // Obf: AEJPFHJJMJD message PSNFriendListNotify { repeated FriendBrief psn_friend_list = 7; } // CmdId: 23957 // Obf: APIOBALMDKK message PSNBlackListNotify { repeated FriendBrief psn_blacklist = 10; } // CmdId: 3520 // Obf: FHNBEAINLJA message GetPlayerAskFriendListReq { } // CmdId: 20085 // Obf: JGLDEDHOMNL message GetPlayerAskFriendListRsp { repeated FriendBrief ask_friend_list = 12; int32 retcode = 13; } // CmdId: 25164 // Obf: PIAMFKEAKIB message GetChatEmojiCollectionReq { } // CmdId: 21858 // Obf: NOLCBIPMJDJ message GetChatEmojiCollectionRsp { ChatEmojiCollectionData chat_emoji_collection_data = 1; int32 retcode = 14; } // CmdId: 21632 // Obf: CAOLNHCCHFO message SetChatEmojiCollectionReq { ChatEmojiCollectionData chat_emoji_collection_data = 10; } // CmdId: 2098 // Obf: PELINEBALPE message SetChatEmojiCollectionRsp { int32 retcode = 7; } // CmdId: 4656 // Obf: NLJOLIMINEM message UpdatePS4FriendListReq { repeated string psn_id_list = 3; } // CmdId: 5389 // Obf: FLDCNEGDODM message UpdatePS4FriendListRsp { repeated string psn_id_list = 6; int32 retcode = 5; } // CmdId: 21775 // Obf: BDOIGJMDPCO message FriendInfoChangeNotify { uint32 uid = 13; string online_id = 6; } // CmdId: 24855 // Obf: PLAAHAAINPE message PlayerSignatureAuditDataNotify { ContentAuditInfo info = 4; } // CmdId: 22738 // Obf: AGGNLBIKJJH message PlayerSignatureNotify { string signature = 1; } // CmdId: 9501 // Obf: BOAFNHFKOAD message SignatureAuditConfigNotify { uint32 submit_limit = 14; bool is_open = 8; } // CmdId: 29290 // Obf: GCJILPOLMJP message ReadSignatureAuditReq { } // CmdId: 27511 // Obf: FGKMCKFALJL message ReadSignatureAuditRsp { int32 retcode = 5; } // Obf: PKECKJELEOK message AISnapshotEntitySkillCycle { bool AOPLIONFLEF = 6; uint32 skill_id = 8; bool KCOIOILFEJG = 2; bool OMHCFDIDJPC = 3; bool OIOLEBJAMEH = 13; } // Obf: NJBGLLKFBPP message AISnapshotEntityData { uint32 entity_id = 4; uint32 MONLECHIPDH = 10; uint32 CFEJHIOCIDN = 8; float CPOCCODHHND = 5; float IGNJPGLNHPI = 12; repeated AISnapshotEntitySkillCycle finished_skill_cycles = 13; map hitting_avatars = 11; float HFFKLJAFLNJ = 3; float MPNEAAFEJIJ = 6; uint32 LCFPBOOCMNP = 9; uint32 LMKIMJLALNM = 15; uint32 attack_target_id = 7; } // Obf: NILDKOGFAPD message AISnapshotInfo { repeated AISnapshotEntityData ai_snapshots = 15; } // CmdId: 6117 // Obf: HJKCMHJOIMF message ToTheMoonQueryPathReq { // Obf: IJNGEJBFHPM enum OptionType { OPTION_NONE = 0; OPTION_NORMAL = 1; } // Obf: NIEHOIIPCLL enum AStarMethod { AStarMethod_CLASSIC = 0; AStarMethod_TENDENCY = 1; AStarMethod_ADAPTIVE = 2; AStarMethod_INFLECTION = 3; } // Obf: BLNDGHLPFLH enum FilterType { FilterType_ALL = 0; FilterType_AIR = 1; FilterType_WATER = 2; } FilterType filter_type = 15; OptionType query_type = 10; bool PMELMGPKENE = 7; Vector destination_pos = 1; uint32 scene_id = 9; int32 fuzzy_range = 8; bool EAHHCMBPGDJ = 5; repeated int32 CCHHHAJICHB = 13; AStarMethod astar_method = 3; Vector source_pos = 2; int32 query_id = 14; } // CmdId: 6191 // Obf: FMMCBFGLFPH message ToTheMoonQueryPathRsp { // Obf: OHGIBJOJCED enum PathStatusType { STATUS_FAIL = 0; STATUS_SUCC = 1; STATUS_PARTIAL = 2; } repeated Vector corners = 14; int32 query_id = 2; PathStatusType query_status = 11; repeated int32 level = 13; repeated int64 index = 15; int32 retcode = 7; } // CmdId: 6154 // Obf: FONBLBBMKAG message ToTheMoonPingNotify { } // CmdId: 6144 // Obf: DGDIOJLNEPG message ToTheMoonEnterSceneReq { uint32 scene_id = 7; uint32 version = 4; uint32 KJJLLFIJKNA = 10; } // CmdId: 6130 // Obf: ECOFGBHBFEO message ToTheMoonEnterSceneRsp { int32 retcode = 12; } // Obf: ENOOIIGMBMM message ToTheMoonObstacleInfo { // Obf: LEBNOHBEPDG enum ShapeType { OBSTACLE_SHAPE_CAPSULE = 0; OBSTACLE_SHAPE_BOX = 1; } int32 handle_id = 2; MathQuaternion rotation = 12; ShapeType type = 11; Vector center = 5; Vector half_extents = 6; } // CmdId: 6113 // Obf: BKKEKODBELD message ToTheMoonAddObstacleReq { ToTheMoonObstacleInfo obstacle = 15; bool use_edge = 14; uint32 scene_id = 11; int32 query_id = 10; } // Obf: HOJNPGJMOML message DynamicSVONode { Vector refer_pos = 10; int32 area = 7; int64 index = 11; } // Obf: HJCMPLOCJKE message DynamicLayerNodes { int32 level = 5; repeated DynamicSVONode nodes = 14; } // Obf: OPEOGJDEIKG message DynamicNodes { repeated DynamicLayerNodes nodes = 15; } // CmdId: 6148 // Obf: JDPPMEONJCK message ToTheMoonAddObstacleRsp { DynamicNodes dynamic_nodes = 7; int32 query_id = 4; int32 retcode = 15; } // CmdId: 6197 // Obf: MJDKDKCBFOF message ToTheMoonRemoveObstacleReq { int32 query_id = 1; uint32 scene_id = 14; int32 handle = 3; } // CmdId: 6115 // Obf: DGECIBJKEPH message ToTheMoonRemoveObstacleRsp { DynamicNodes dynamic_nodes = 4; int32 retcode = 2; int32 query_id = 5; } // CmdId: 6142 // Obf: IHIDLPBJJPA message ToTheMoonObstaclesModifyNotify { uint32 scene_id = 5; bool use_edge = 11; repeated ToTheMoonObstacleInfo add_obstacles = 14; repeated int32 remove_obstacle_ids = 4; } // CmdId: 6159 message JFMPIGNNFGD { bool FLLBONNJJPB = 4; } // CmdId: 6106 message BOLCDNOPCFK { Vector center = 7; Vector extent = 11; int32 uid = 8; } message JNNOKDHCAMP { Vector center = 5; int32 level = 6; int32 LJKHNFGBAKM = 15; int32 JOJGNGIGNDB = 2; } // CmdId: 6196 message CPBCJBADPPD { repeated int32 DNHAMFJMLJB = 9; repeated JNNOKDHCAMP nodes = 7; int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 6125 message GDABJFALFDK { Vector center = 2; Vector extent = 9; int32 uid = 1; } // CmdId: 6112 message KLMPFAHIEEL { repeated int32 DNHAMFJMLJB = 8; repeated JNNOKDHCAMP nodes = 11; int32 retcode = 12; } // Obf: NAMNJCDLHGI message TowerTeam { uint32 tower_team_id = 5; repeated uint64 avatar_guid_list = 3; } // Obf: AIDBCLODKJO message TowerLevelRecord { repeated uint32 satisfied_cond_list = 13; uint32 level_id = 9; } // Obf: BGHANHOBDGP message TowerFloorRecord { uint32 floor_id = 11; map passed_level_map = 2; uint32 floor_star_reward_progress = 7; repeated TowerLevelRecord passed_level_record_list = 8; } // Obf: KJMLGFALEGC message TowerCurLevelRecord { repeated TowerTeam tower_team_list = 3; bool is_upper_part = 7; uint32 cur_floor_id = 13; bool is_empty = 14; uint32 cur_level_index = 11; repeated uint32 buff_id_list = 8; } // CmdId: 28206 // Obf: FDNCNACOCMJ message TowerBriefDataNotify { uint32 IPKPGKDBNBL = 5; uint32 next_schedule_change_time = 15; uint32 tower_schedule_id = 9; uint32 schedule_start_time = 14; uint32 OJCGNKBJNBG = 13; uint32 CLDPGFCBJEA = 2; bool is_finished_entrance_floor = 4; } // CmdId: 23989 // Obf: EEHMCGKNNPI message TowerFloorRecordChangeNotify { repeated TowerFloorRecord tower_floor_record_list = 9; bool is_finished_entrance_floor = 1; } // CmdId: 2583 // Obf: PLJFJACFJAH message TowerCurLevelRecordChangeNotify { TowerCurLevelRecord cur_level_record = 3; } // CmdId: 8485 // Obf: DPACOEFBBJP message TowerDailyRewardProgressChangeNotify { uint32 JJJCPHMBMLG = 9; uint32 NFLJLHDCPFJ = 8; } // CmdId: 2100 // Obf: FOIIKKPGFAG message TowerTeamSelectReq { repeated TowerTeam tower_team_list = 15; uint32 floor_id = 1; } // CmdId: 21023 // Obf: INPKIDGHCKO message TowerTeamSelectRsp { int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 23009 // Obf: OBIBAPPDOKJ message TowerAllDataReq { bool is_interact = 6; } // Obf: HHBHKONDDNK message TowerMonthlyBrief { uint32 DLPIFFMADHI = 13; uint32 MEJOLHPJGJK = 5; uint32 tower_schedule_id = 6; uint32 KCGJAFBPCLB = 2; } // CmdId: 3897 // Obf: BDPBFJJNCKK message TowerAllDataRsp { bool is_finished_entrance_floor = 12; uint32 schedule_start_time = 1168; uint32 FEOKMKFLOFI = 6; uint32 CFHPLJKKOFG = 15; uint32 NFLJLHDCPFJ = 5; repeated TowerFloorRecord tower_floor_record_list = 14; uint32 JJJCPHMBMLG = 9; bool is_first_interact = 7; TowerCurLevelRecord cur_level_record = 10; TowerMonthlyBrief last_schedule_monthly_brief = 4; map floor_open_time_map = 13; TowerMonthlyBrief monthly_brief = 120; uint32 next_schedule_change_time = 11; uint32 tower_schedule_id = 3; map skip_floor_granted_reward_item_map = 8; int32 retcode = 2; uint32 MOOJNLEAKFC = 1; } // CmdId: 21406 // Obf: OFJGAEGGHFE message TowerEnterLevelReq { uint32 enter_point_id = 5; } // CmdId: 26115 // Obf: KHHHPNPIIGJ message TowerEnterLevelRsp { uint32 level_index = 9; repeated uint32 tower_buff_id_list = 12; int32 retcode = 4; uint32 floor_id = 11; } // CmdId: 8694 // Obf: ALCNOJCIJGE message TowerBuffSelectReq { uint32 tower_buff_id = 5; } // CmdId: 23137 // Obf: OKBNGKKGHIG message TowerBuffSelectRsp { uint32 tower_buff_id = 5; int32 retcode = 10; } // CmdId: 22082 // Obf: IJLOHKDGPCG message TowerSurrenderReq { } // CmdId: 22267 // Obf: EGGOCENDCNC message TowerSurrenderRsp { int32 retcode = 5; } // CmdId: 5764 // Obf: ELMPNCMADBL message TowerGetFloorStarRewardReq { uint32 floor_id = 3; } // CmdId: 24127 // Obf: DIOLAHMFJLA message TowerGetFloorStarRewardRsp { int32 retcode = 5; uint32 floor_id = 10; } // CmdId: 20886 // Obf: BHDDDPNGPNF message TowerLevelEndNotify { repeated uint32 finished_star_cond_list = 14; bool is_success = 7; uint32 continue_state = 4; repeated ItemParam reward_item_list = 13; uint32 next_floor_id = 5; } // Obf: CJAADENOOAJ message TowerLevelStarCondData { uint32 NGHNFHCLFBH = 12; bool IBGHBFANCBK = 6; bool OILLLBMMABH = 9; uint32 OMOECEGOALC = 2; } // CmdId: 2042 // Obf: ALNLBDBGCAE message TowerLevelStarCondNotify { uint32 floor_id = 9; uint32 level_index = 2; repeated TowerLevelStarCondData cond_data_list = 10; } // CmdId: 2027 // Obf: NMHAKMEJMMM message TowerMiddleLevelChangeTeamNotify { } // Obf: OHPEOGBNHOD message TowerFightRecordPair { uint32 avatar_id = 2; uint32 data = 3; } // Obf: EMBGICANBKA message TowerMonthlyCombatRecord { TowerFightRecordPair AEMLKAIEELH = 14; TowerFightRecordPair OBPLLGJLKHF = 2; TowerFightRecordPair LDEOAIPGDJC = 12; TowerFightRecordPair HNFPAAPAABN = 4; repeated TowerFightRecordPair most_reveal_avatar_list = 11; TowerFightRecordPair LJPMFHNJBDD = 10; } // Obf: BODKPJIIDPO message TowerMonthlyDetail { TowerMonthlyBrief last_schedule_monthly_brief = 3; TowerMonthlyCombatRecord monthly_combat_record = 15; } // CmdId: 2953 // Obf: CAOMBJNDNGD message TowerRecordHandbookReq { } // CmdId: 27785 // Obf: FBOMFHOAGBM message TowerRecordHandbookRsp { repeated TowerMonthlyDetail monthly_detail_list = 3; int32 retcode = 10; } // Obf: BODJKMIGPEP message UgcMusicNote { uint32 start_time = 9; uint32 end_time = 15; } // Obf: MOHEEEFBOEK message UgcMusicTrack { repeated UgcMusicNote music_note_list = 5; } // Obf: HILPBDEAEAP message UgcMusicRecord { repeated UgcMusicTrack music_track_list = 14; uint32 music_id = 12; } // Obf: HEAHHCHLDAP message UgcMusicBriefInfo { string creator_nickname = 2; uint32 KNFNFNAEODI = 7; bool PCOJFEOMDBK = 3; uint32 IOPMLJEDCEN = 1129; uint32 KNLGDHEOICD = 8; bool is_psn_platform = 14; uint64 ugc_guid = 5; uint32 LNLDAMPFKJO = 263; uint32 BBIEBFNKIAN = 13; uint32 JBMPDKHGANB = 388; repeated uint32 HEGNHLBBGFL = 1365; repeated uint32 GCLLDEFJCPH = 865; uint32 music_id = 11; uint32 MBJGIACIGJB = 9; bool BKEELEDBHGE = 12; uint32 KKIHPNJHKEP = 1352; uint64 import_from_ugc_guid = 10; uint32 DLEDJPPLMCE = 1; bool KNDKOLIMFPJ = 4; uint32 max_score = 6; uint32 version = 15; } // CmdId: 3704 // Obf: EOBJGJNBKLG message GetUgcReq { GetUgcType get_ugc_type = 6; UgcType ugc_type = 13; bool is_require_brief = 15; uint64 ugc_guid = 2; RecordUsage ugc_record_usage = 5; uint32 schedule_id = 14; } // CmdId: 29873 // Obf: HNCKDNCKKFM message GetUgcRsp { RecordUsage ugc_record_usage = 13; uint64 ugc_guid = 6; int32 retcode = 9; UgcType ugc_type = 14; optional UgcMusicRecord music_record = 10; optional UgcMusicBriefInfo music_brief_info = 791; } // CmdId: 4301 // Obf: EJECIPEHCFC message GetUgcBriefInfoReq { UgcType ugc_type = 2; uint64 ugc_guid = 7; } // CmdId: 25183 // Obf: IGIDBNBJDIA message GetUgcBriefInfoRsp { UgcType ugc_type = 13; uint64 ugc_guid = 1; int32 retcode = 2; optional UgcMusicBriefInfo music_brief_info = 12; } // CmdId: 4331 // Obf: NFDPAGDPKFO message SaveUgcReq { UgcType ugc_type = 4; uint32 schedule_id = 2; optional UgcMusicRecord music_record = 9; optional UgcMusicBriefInfo music_brief_info = 1606; } // CmdId: 27821 // Obf: BEICNIMIEGB message SaveUgcRsp { int32 retcode = 4; bool ALFEMBIBABF = 15; uint64 ugc_guid = 11; UgcType ugc_type = 2; } // CmdId: 21198 // Obf: OBFLLLJHOMG message PublishUgcReq { UgcType ugc_type = 7; uint64 ugc_guid = 15; } // CmdId: 27453 // Obf: BKGJEEODFOJ message PublishUgcRsp { uint64 ugc_guid = 10; UgcType ugc_type = 5; int32 retcode = 14; } // CmdId: 8229 // Obf: GANFHAADKOP message CheckUgcUpdateReq { UgcType ugc_type = 15; } // CmdId: 28411 // Obf: KFNCPOECGHK message CheckUgcUpdateRsp { int32 retcode = 6; repeated uint64 update_ugc_guid_list = 1; UgcType ugc_type = 9; } // CmdId: 24435 // Obf: BNKNLILOIHN message UgcNotify { bool GKJAPKJDBPN = 8; bool POPHCJEGGJG = 3; bool IOPFGIPIHAG = 2; bool KOJNKEAKAFK = 10; } // CmdId: 3955 // Obf: HAIPIFGOHHJ message CheckUgcStateReq { } // CmdId: 7329 // Obf: BLBBJKIJDBB message CheckUgcStateRsp { int32 retcode = 7; } // CmdId: 2284 message LKKABBELIJA { repeated UgcMusicBriefInfo LDBACGEPLLE = 15; repeated UgcMusicBriefInfo OHEAGJIPKGF = 5; } // CmdId: 8728 message FHOALPFHICL { uint64 ugc_guid = 12; UgcType ugc_type = 7; } // CmdId: 28920 message PKLKCKAALNF { int32 retcode = 10; uint64 ugc_guid = 2; UgcType ugc_type = 15; } message HPGMMJOIFNE { uint32 guid = 5; uint32 config_id = 11; Vector rot = 12; Vector pos = 15; } message NEHEKBBFPIE { uint32 item_num = 8; uint32 item_id = 12; } // Obf: FDDCHMFDJCJ message ChestInfo { repeated NEHEKBBFPIE IHNCLFAHPFH = 15; } // Obf: FMHPMNOGCHK message ShopInfo { repeated NEHEKBBFPIE CNNOGBKOAFF = 3; uint32 NPFNHADIONO = 7; } message NLNPBHFPCNI { HPGMMJOIFNE basic_info = 15; uint32 KDJFNDLFIJA = 3; bool JILFLMPJMFP = 13; oneof GHHJPJOMEAH { ChestInfo chest_info = 4; ShopInfo shop_info = 14; } } message PBMNDBDMLCA { HPGMMJOIFNE basic_info = 13; } message ENHHFCIOJNJ { bool JILFLMPJMFP = 8; HPGMMJOIFNE basic_info = 6; uint32 DHKCIBJCOLD = 5; bool MBPHHDHHCEG = 14; bool GMMMLOGKFGO = 1; repeated uint32 CKMLJPELCAE = 12; } // Obf: FKMCPLNLGJO message GadgetStateChange { uint32 gadget_state = 4; uint32 ABGKFCBNDIE = 6; } // Obf: DMKOPDNGMAC message MonsterGroupDeactive { uint32 BGJGDPDJCJI = 4; } // Obf: LAJAHGJCLCJ message MonsterWaveDeactive { uint32 GLJDIOCLDMP = 4; } // Obf: JPGEPKPDKDB message GadgetDeactive { uint32 ABGKFCBNDIE = 9; } message EDAHOHEGPPF { uint32 config_id = 8; oneof NKGDPMJAMAO { GadgetStateChange gadget_state_change = 1; MonsterGroupDeactive monster_group_deactive = 7; MonsterWaveDeactive monster_wave_deactive = 2; GadgetDeactive gadget_deactive = 3; } } // Obf: CJHNGBMFMFH message ChangeGadgetState { uint32 gadget_state = 1; uint32 ABGKFCBNDIE = 10; } // Obf: HPDKEAJKIKE message ActiveGadget { uint32 ABGKFCBNDIE = 9; } // Obf: GCEHGMNJNOG message DeactiveGadget { uint32 ABGKFCBNDIE = 3; } // Obf: DIJGJHMPADN message ActiveMonsterGroup { uint32 BGJGDPDJCJI = 14; } // Obf: OLLGHMNBHFF message ActiveMonsterWave { uint32 GLJDIOCLDMP = 13; } // Obf: NIDBKHBJOEL message DeactiveMonsterWaveCurrentGroup { uint32 GLJDIOCLDMP = 7; } message LAEMFLFBDAP { uint32 config_id = 6; oneof CKGFABALAIO { ChangeGadgetState change_gadget_state = 10; ActiveGadget active_gadget = 13; DeactiveGadget deactive_gadget = 5; ActiveMonsterGroup active_monster_group = 9; ActiveMonsterWave active_monster_wave = 7; DeactiveMonsterWaveCurrentGroup deactive_monster_wave_current_group = 1580; } } message EDCLABLLPGJ { uint32 guid = 3; repeated LAEMFLFBDAP action_list = 15; repeated EDAHOHEGPPF GLKDCCOKANH = 7; } message KIAEGMEMEOP { bool MKIIIJLGADD = 3; uint32 JOEHNLCCMFI = 13; uint32 JJNHBOCADIF = 7; bool GCJJFPNHAID = 6; bool INFENGKCOCD = 5; } message EEJAFJNEEMN { uint32 HKNIEIEJECJ = 6; bool GMMMLOGKFGO = 8; repeated uint32 NOPMPFDCBDD = 7; bool JILFLMPJMFP = 14; uint32 OKDELMGFGMN = 2; HPGMMJOIFNE basic_info = 5; bool MBPHHDHHCEG = 9; } message BMBBLDNMBAH { repeated uint32 EBPKNMIECOJ = 2; repeated uint32 NHLKMDBPCKC = 14; HPGMMJOIFNE basic_info = 5; repeated uint32 NOPMPFDCBDD = 9; repeated uint32 KMLIFABIOPA = 12; } message IOEHLMEBKDH { repeated ENHHFCIOJNJ KELHILIKHCP = 5; repeated NLNPBHFPCNI MFKHIHDJOMJ = 11; repeated EDCLABLLPGJ ILBPPECNLIJ = 7; repeated PBMNDBDMLCA monster_list = 8; repeated EEJAFJNEEMN NHENICGJOGP = 3; repeated BMBBLDNMBAH PGLEFCLJEKJ = 6; } message FICAEKFAAJO { Vector pos = 14; bool is_host = 3; } message FCLEHIOHDNE { bool CLCMPKABDPD = 7; repeated FICAEKFAAJO HCMPEHDECLP = 9; repeated uint32 FOAPOJIJJLJ = 5; bool KNINDPOCNEI = 15; repeated Vector CKDGJNELCBE = 14; bool KAIHEPMAJEN = 2; } message JOGGPMEEOEL { FCLEHIOHDNE MKHLMONJGMJ = 5; uint32 MLBCNOEEPIK = 7; KIAEGMEMEOP IAHANECNPDO = 3; uint32 GIFLOMHPFPP = 13; bool is_add = 10; IOEHLMEBKDH MCAOLJNMJFE = 14; uint32 ABMGALLMAJC = 12; uint32 room_id = 2; } message LPIFKAIBNHJ { uint32 DLFHLFBIPEO = 6; uint32 KBJNIEPLIFP = 9; uint32 LLPKLFLPLPB = 11; uint32 AEDPOJFBANJ = 13; uint32 CAPPNCPLIBB = 1; KGIOMFHCOAA HDBKOJMNCAE = 3; repeated uint32 HFMKFPFGKNP = 8; repeated uint32 MLCJKJFHABC = 2; bool EKDCEGKOBNL = 12; uint32 target_score = 14; } message IONAPMPJOBP { LPIFKAIBNHJ PABNPBHBCGH = 5; uint64 dungeon_guid = 13; repeated JOGGPMEEOEL room_list = 15; uint32 dungeon_id = 4; } message ECOBPIJPIMF { uint32 room_id = 7; KIAEGMEMEOP IAHANECNPDO = 10; uint32 MLBCNOEEPIK = 4; FCLEHIOHDNE MKHLMONJGMJ = 13; } message ODHOAOAKEFG { uint32 BDOMGHGDNCC = 10; uint32 EHKDOAMAOBK = 1; uint32 KLBBEDHBBIO = 3; uint32 FELHGEPLMCP = 8; } message IEPHBPLIFIN { repeated ECOBPIJPIMF LNFMIMOOPCN = 12; bool is_psn_platform = 1341; INANHOKEHOB CPLLDPLJIDJ = 10; uint32 KNFNFNAEODI = 2; ODHOAOAKEFG GPILMKIHPHP = 1; LPIFKAIBNHJ PABNPBHBCGH = 11; string creator_nickname = 14; bool FJGNBEABPKK = 1259; uint32 dungeon_id = 5; uint32 LAHJKOBNCNH = 7; bool EBLKFGNPIJD = 4; uint32 first_publish_time = 13; repeated uint32 tag_list = 9; uint64 dungeon_guid = 8; bool OHMBBPAHCED = 15; uint32 MCMMPFPOJKL = 362; uint32 FHKGHOGIGNN = 6; string share_code = 3; } // Obf: KLLCGEPGBCB message UgcAvatarInfo { ADHOJAAOLNO avatar_type = 1; uint32 HONBNIJDMII = 9; uint32 costume_id = 12; } // CmdId: 3026 message COEDDKCEEDK { uint64 dungeon_guid = 7; uint32 room_id = 13; repeated UgcAvatarInfo avatar_info_list = 4; FDGOOBGNJMP enter_type = 8; uint32 dungeon_id = 15; } // CmdId: 24765 message JINBFGPDNGH { int32 retcode = 1; FDGOOBGNJMP enter_type = 11; } // CmdId: 8202 message GOKJECPMGNC { uint64 dungeon_guid = 8; uint32 dungeon_id = 11; FDGOOBGNJMP enter_type = 14; } // CmdId: 25518 message KJOMKAIDNLB { int32 retcode = 12; IONAPMPJOBP OHMODGBNODK = 8; FDGOOBGNJMP enter_type = 13; } // CmdId: 3218 message DMFPADPCJHD { LPIFKAIBNHJ PABNPBHBCGH = 5; uint32 dungeon_id = 4; uint32 MLBCNOEEPIK = 3; } // CmdId: 26021 message OIAEIGNOABC { uint64 guid = 14; int32 retcode = 2; } // CmdId: 24858 message HCOLEIFENKF { uint64 guid = 14; LPIFKAIBNHJ PABNPBHBCGH = 6; bool is_update_setting = 3; repeated JOGGPMEEOEL room_list = 9; bool PFNPNODIOFE = 11; } // CmdId: 6562 message KJDCBDNDPNA { int32 retcode = 8; uint32 MMAFBMGPAHN = 1; } // CmdId: 9686 message JAAJNHEDHCO { repeated IEPHBPLIFIN POKINHLHAKH = 7; } // CmdId: 22326 message AKMKFIJBAHI { uint64 guid = 2; } // CmdId: 27684 message MBNNKHMLJKE { int32 retcode = 13; uint64 guid = 15; } // CmdId: 29021 message CILHIPCABCG { uint32 room_id = 3; uint64 guid = 1; } // CmdId: 29376 message PAFMFPNAFGD { uint64 guid = 15; int32 retcode = 6; uint32 room_id = 4; } // CmdId: 7385 message MNICHNIBKEF { uint64 guid = 13; } // CmdId: 6601 message EAJCFCMGNGI { int32 retcode = 15; } // CmdId: 20281 message IDFBPAKMIMK { IONAPMPJOBP OHMODGBNODK = 6; repeated uint32 OLNJNLAMEOG = 12; } // CmdId: 9561 message GDPNILLIJCJ { uint32 CEGBPCMMEKG = 10; IONAPMPJOBP OHMODGBNODK = 9; repeated uint32 OLNJNLAMEOG = 12; } // CmdId: 27271 message GFAHHOAABGD { uint64 guid = 15; JOGGPMEEOEL JEHCBHFBMIF = 13; } // CmdId: 27414 message IEBOEGABBMD { int32 retcode = 13; } // CmdId: 29046 message EEOFCCLGIMB { } // CmdId: 21329 message CLKGAFDMNEC { int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 26659 message OHAFJIHAMIJ { } // CmdId: 2673 message CDOBIBDDIND { int32 retcode = 4; } message DLPMEKIHJBO { uint32 uid = 1; BAOKDHDCCFN state = 3; } message NGLADBDFFNK { uint32 OKBEKHHCEFJ = 12; repeated DLPMEKIHJBO player_info_list = 8; uint32 LBLKCLHCKLN = 4; } // CmdId: 927 message EJHEAHEOAOD { NGLADBDFFNK KPKPHKLLMDL = 3; } // CmdId: 452 message NFMBJFMBBBG { bool is_accept = 7; } // CmdId: 4591 message FEPMLIIHEEH { int32 retcode = 12; } // CmdId: 6770 message HPHGHGOLPDB { uint32 CEGBPCMMEKG = 5; IEPHBPLIFIN FDMDGMLNDNB = 3; uint32 enter_type = 8; uint32 NIMOJEAKJMD = 6; IONAPMPJOBP OHMODGBNODK = 9; uint32 cur_score = 13; } message KMKABOHLMCD { uint32 OKALONDANDO = 2; ProfilePicture profile_picture = 15; uint32 KGBPAGIAGBL = 1; uint32 PEAKKIGENCK = 10; uint32 uid = 4; } // CmdId: 5203 message HHOBBEALAJP { uint32 JDFODOGHNND = 10; bool CMNFFKPAPEL = 2; uint32 enter_type = 7; uint32 LMPJGCHDFCG = 11; uint32 used_time = 13; bool GOEIAIFDOJK = 12; repeated KMKABOHLMCD JBEFKEFOCIG = 3; bool CAMELILIOMB = 14; bool EBLKFGNPIJD = 9; uint32 BDJFKCDPONP = 5; bool is_liked = 1; uint32 total_score = 15; bool CFDFLDOCPFL = 8; } // CmdId: 20679 message NOLIOFBEPBJ { uint32 uid = 5; bool is_accept = 3; } // CmdId: 4533 message HBDOBLLBBEK { bool is_succ = 4; } // CmdId: 21196 message AEHOGBMFIDK { } // CmdId: 22430 message BAAOCAEGJBP { int32 retcode = 4; } // CmdId: 6796 message EDOIHJDMLLB { repeated UgcAvatarInfo avatar_info_list = 5; } // CmdId: 7245 message CBLPHNAFPOC { int32 retcode = 15; } // CmdId: 8390 message AIIMGHGLPJE { } // CmdId: 24863 message JNGKCIFBFNG { int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 9598 message OFLNJDIILBI { uint64 cur_avatar_guid = 1; repeated uint64 FIDDAAGKFDH = 5; } // CmdId: 2466 message LBALOKODOOL { int32 retcode = 11; } // CmdId: 28948 message CFMAHGFDCJC { uint32 cur_score = 15; } // CmdId: 26995 message FDIINFOKLPJ { repeated uint64 CJMKGEIOFDH = 13; uint32 NFFGNFMLCHL = 5; } // CmdId: 7926 message DMCCKAJBLDP { uint32 NIMOJEAKJMD = 3; } // CmdId: 2915 message PPFDAPPADJN { GFNGKFFJHHJ DHNFCDLNBJO = 4; ACJJIIHAEMA op_type = 9; uint64 dungeon_guid = 3; uint32 room_id = 2; } // CmdId: 28777 message KGBDBFEGGGA { int32 retcode = 6; } message DACHAFPOGAH { uint32 score = 10; uint32 version = 12; KGIOMFHCOAA HDBKOJMNCAE = 4; uint32 used_time = 13; uint64 dungeon_guid = 9; } // CmdId: 26847 message JEIJNAMBMJD { repeated DACHAFPOGAH JGIIFBFPKKP = 4; } message CNIMFPGIPDM { uint32 item_num = 12; uint32 item_id = 11; } message KLLBBBJLJHN { repeated CNIMFPGIPDM LKIGCMEEBNK = 14; } // CmdId: 7498 message DLCDCBJIIHG { uint32 GKNCBIEJEPP = 7; uint32 group_id = 8; } // CmdId: 26528 message NOABAJAEPHF { KLLBBBJLJHN GAJBCDPLLCN = 10; int32 retcode = 2; uint32 group_id = 14; repeated CNIMFPGIPDM FAOEILMIDOD = 12; uint32 GKNCBIEJEPP = 7; } // CmdId: 8870 message JACLMMOMBJL { uint32 group_id = 2; repeated CNIMFPGIPDM OLBIJMOPCLL = 1; uint32 GKNCBIEJEPP = 5; } // CmdId: 7781 message BFCKKPOACHJ { repeated CNIMFPGIPDM OLBIJMOPCLL = 12; uint32 GKNCBIEJEPP = 7; int32 retcode = 11; uint32 group_id = 3; } // CmdId: 1897 message GKJAACCGLIH { uint32 FDKENKPIJKA = 14; uint32 BFMLPJDCMPF = 5; uint32 JDMAPGMEGGO = 12; uint32 group_id = 7; } // CmdId: 22667 message GDPEHJFKIKO { uint32 group_id = 8; uint32 BFMLPJDCMPF = 4; int32 retcode = 15; uint32 FDKENKPIJKA = 10; uint32 JDMAPGMEGGO = 2; } // CmdId: 1686 message FLJPDDAOGCI { uint32 group_id = 11; KLLBBBJLJHN GAJBCDPLLCN = 15; uint32 GKNCBIEJEPP = 9; } // CmdId: 23912 message DEMFMHHCHMC { KLLBBBJLJHN LEKGNBCOEAO = 10; } // CmdId: 25758 message FNHCICMAGIL { repeated CNIMFPGIPDM LKIGCMEEBNK = 14; } // CmdId: 25167 message PFNKMKFFNKE { repeated uint32 buff_id_list = 12; } // CmdId: 6011 message NGFCFGLIMLB { repeated uint32 buff_id_list = 6; int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 24446 message PAKPHNDMDMF { repeated uint32 buff_id_list = 3; } // CmdId: 439 message GIPBFGAAMCG { uint32 group_id = 2; uint32 FDGOKNOOLAF = 14; } // CmdId: 24447 message LBJKDIMCKAM { uint32 group_id = 7; int32 retcode = 8; uint32 FDGOKNOOLAF = 5; } // CmdId: 3772 message DJAALJGPLCI { repeated CNIMFPGIPDM NCHJAAHOKMO = 5; int32 EHADMEEKMAD = 9; } // CmdId: 2756 message OMCAHFEBALI { uint32 ABFHGAKFEMG = 13; uint32 GHFDPILFJHC = 8; uint32 LMKCJJOEDBH = 6; uint32 EGPHGINGKHI = 4; } // CmdId: 23945 message FDHOEJDFLHP { uint32 entity_id = 2; uint32 COHGNBEBMPM = 9; } // CmdId: 26547 message DBKEFCNKCFM { uint32 entity_id = 3; int32 retcode = 4; uint32 COHGNBEBMPM = 10; } // CmdId: 9108 message HAJGHMBMHGP { uint32 level = 3; uint32 entity = 14; } // CmdId: 29416 message FCCNMIPHNGC { uint32 FDKENKPIJKA = 13; uint32 HJEOFMFLGIE = 4; uint32 group_id = 15; } // CmdId: 25622 message EIKMFBOKFLN { uint32 entity_id = 12; } // CmdId: 5218 message CDGEKLGPHLL { uint32 entity_id = 15; int32 retcode = 6; } // CmdId: 3898 message APPJMEJEKKG { uint32 entity_id = 7; } // CmdId: 20064 message PNOABIILFGG { string EDEECLCIJCG = 13; } // CmdId: 5189 message ELAMGPBBNFC { uint32 IOPDDNLAFKI = 7; } // CmdId: 25190 message LJFPIFCLMFG { bool is_add = 8; uint64 dungeon_guid = 3; } // CmdId: 5553 message CJHIKMOFFMI { int32 retcode = 13; bool is_add = 8; uint64 dungeon_guid = 3; } // CmdId: 1105 message GCLGFEGNBAJ { uint32 room_id = 13; bool is_add = 11; uint64 dungeon_guid = 2; } // CmdId: 24489 message PMANKGIFAEN { uint64 dungeon_guid = 7; bool is_add = 11; int32 retcode = 10; uint32 room_id = 15; } // CmdId: 25125 message EPJCEHPFPMP { ADBHDNAANMF MMBDILKMOMB = 8; string share_code = 7; } // CmdId: 25795 message CPLDBPNPOEM { repeated ANDPNJDKHNM PHHIEKGDLCB = 1; int32 retcode = 15; ADBHDNAANMF MMBDILKMOMB = 6; repeated IEPHBPLIFIN brief_list = 3; } // CmdId: 1992 message AGBOEIBCIHC { repeated uint32 tag_list = 5; uint64 guid = 13; bool OHMBBPAHCED = 11; } // CmdId: 4324 message DKGJINFPPDH { int32 retcode = 13; uint64 guid = 10; } // CmdId: 25946 message OBGDOGEFFJO { uint64 guid = 14; bool OHMBBPAHCED = 10; } // CmdId: 21070 message BOKHOGPNNKA { bool OHMBBPAHCED = 13; int32 retcode = 11; uint64 guid = 14; } // CmdId: 5878 message HLFOIAANHIA { uint32 result = 2; uint64 guid = 7; bool OLFNEAKPLHL = 10; } // CmdId: 4695 message NJLDOIOAKPE { uint64 dungeon_guid = 15; bool KJAPHMNCAPJ = 14; } // CmdId: 6984 message KANHHDHINDC { int32 retcode = 11; } // CmdId: 6022 message HEFHFFGGCOD { uint64 LOMGFLHAHAE = 13; string HBBJMCPJHJE = 2; string json_str = 15; } // CmdId: 5560 message NBIKKDBMJOP { repeated ANDPNJDKHNM PHHIEKGDLCB = 10; repeated uint64 LPAEABNNFBD = 11; } // CmdId: 28161 message CEFLJMEGNAJ { IEPHBPLIFIN dungeon_brief = 11; } // CmdId: 3688 message IAOJIMGFKCA { uint32 IKKJFANMOEB = 14; } // CmdId: 20407 message AGDBMIBGBFF { bool HJMAPBBEKMD = 4; bool IHGOBANMPLI = 7; } // CmdId: 27438 message FPDJJODEEFN { } // CmdId: 21325 message LPCGCJNJJCO { int32 retcode = 4; } // CmdId: 1850 // Obf: EBPCOMFODKD message WatcherAllDataNotify { repeated uint32 watcher_list = 15; } // CmdId: 26993 // Obf: OLBHOEIEMMI message WatcherChangeNotify { repeated uint32 LDFBKBABEDG = 13; repeated uint32 IFEGPHMIGMG = 5; } // CmdId: 20631 // Obf: OOOAKJLBBIN message WatcherEventNotify { uint32 add_progress = 9; uint32 watcher_id = 15; } // CmdId: 7059 // Obf: JNNHEKBHIIN message WatcherEventTypeNotify { uint32 add_progress = 12; repeated uint32 param_list = 9; uint32 watcher_trigger_type = 6; } // CmdId: 1677 // Obf: DMNNIEIAJJD message WatcherEventStageNotify { uint32 add_progress = 11; uint32 stage = 12; uint32 watcher_id = 5; } // Obf: JFAPHAJKBAO message PushTipsData { uint32 state = 2; uint32 push_tips_id = 4; } // CmdId: 28129 // Obf: CCALHGOIIHE message PushTipsAllDataNotify { repeated PushTipsData push_tips_list = 1; } // CmdId: 29035 // Obf: AHBDGMIPIMF message PushTipsChangeNotify { repeated PushTipsData push_tips_list = 9; } // CmdId: 1612 // Obf: LNAHCLEAOFF message PushTipsReadFinishReq { uint32 push_tips_id = 2; } // CmdId: 27947 // Obf: COAMHIHFPDL message PushTipsReadFinishRsp { int32 retcode = 14; uint32 push_tips_id = 10; } // CmdId: 9818 // Obf: FJJDEOGGPBP message GetPushTipsRewardReq { repeated uint32 push_tips_id_list = 1; } // CmdId: 1440 // Obf: DLGDOBIGKJA message GetPushTipsRewardRsp { repeated uint32 push_tips_id_list = 11; int32 retcode = 1; } // Obf: EBCMEKLBHEL message AnchorPointData { uint32 scene_id = 11; uint32 end_time = 12; uint32 anchor_point_id = 1; Vector pos = 5; Vector rot = 7; } // CmdId: 26766 // Obf: KLFMBAEBMGJ message AnchorPointDataNotify { repeated AnchorPointData anchor_point_list = 2; uint32 next_usable_time = 7; } // CmdId: 23096 // Obf: LHBIOIMEFCD message AnchorPointOpReq { uint32 anchor_point_op_type = 5; uint32 anchor_point_id = 3; } // CmdId: 726 // Obf: DELBDBAHPJJ message AnchorPointOpRsp { int32 retcode = 6; uint32 anchor_point_id = 2; uint32 anchor_point_op_type = 7; } // Obf: NKDOHGNGCLG message LunchBoxData { map slot_material_map = 10; } // CmdId: 20055 // Obf: GJMHODKMMJN message SetUpLunchBoxWidgetReq { LunchBoxData lunch_box_data = 9; } // CmdId: 6360 // Obf: JHPONNNMJFP message SetUpLunchBoxWidgetRsp { int32 retcode = 8; LunchBoxData lunch_box_data = 6; } // Obf: OAJJEFFIDPJ message OneoffGatherPointDetectorData { uint32 config_id = 7; bool is_hint_valid = 10; Vector hint_center_pos = 1; uint32 hint_radius = 8; uint32 material_id = 9; uint32 group_id = 11; uint32 HJMMAOMEHOL = 15; bool is_all_collected = 6; } // Obf: KGHDHIMBJHP message ClientCollectorData { uint32 KMCFLNNCFBL = 15; uint32 material_id = 9; uint32 DNOGKGIHECO = 3; } // Obf: DJEPGGNFHDL message TreasureMapDetectorData { Vector center_pos = 3; bool is_region_detected = 11; uint32 radius = 10; repeated Vector spot_list = 9; uint32 region_id = 4; } // Obf: CGPNNBOBEKN message SkyCrystalDetectorData { uint32 group_id = 10; uint32 config_id = 11; Vector hint_center_pos = 9; bool is_hint_valid = 2; } // Obf: MDBHGHIINAM message SkyCrystalDetectorQuickUseResult { SkyCrystalDetectorData sky_crystal_detector_data = 2; int32 retcode = 15; } // Obf: JLHBJFIOFDB message WeatherWizardData { uint32 shield_value = 2; } message LANPHFCMEBN { bool EPCIACIPLAN = 6; } // Obf: OHOKHLNOBNM message WidgetCameraInfo { uint32 target_entity_id = 4; } // Obf: PCGCBLHFCEC message WidgetThunderBirdFeatherInfo { repeated uint32 entity_id_list = 9; } // Obf: NCIHENPDBPD message WidgetSorushInfo { uint32 slot = 15; bool MHMHPPJKAHM = 14; bool JMOJHHHKHEL = 7; Vector rot = 3; bool EOFNCKAMIKB = 10; Vector pos = 5; } // CmdId: 4406 // Obf: HKMKLJLIKPO message QuickUseWidgetReq { oneof param { WidgetCreateLocationInfo location_info = 322; WidgetCameraInfo camera_info = 1362; WidgetCreatorInfo creator_info = 649; WidgetThunderBirdFeatherInfo thunder_bird_feather_info = 1473; WidgetSorushInfo sorush_info = 1353; } bool EEJNPDEBBIK = 253; } // CmdId: 24972 // Obf: KHPNPEEKKPG message QuickUseWidgetRsp { int32 retcode = 11; uint32 material_id = 6; oneof param { OneoffGatherPointDetectorData detector_data = 5; ClientCollectorData client_collector_data = 15; SkyCrystalDetectorQuickUseResult sky_crystal_detector_quick_use_result = 207137; } } // Obf: ANGGPDIPOFF message WidgetCoolDownData { uint32 id = 1; uint64 cool_down_time = 14; bool is_success = 2; } // CmdId: 27222 // Obf: ANFHONAFACH message WidgetCoolDownNotify { repeated WidgetCoolDownData MPJGKFJBHEC = 7; repeated WidgetCoolDownData PEOHMDJKMKO = 10; } // CmdId: 2271 // Obf: HLEILGAJMPD message WidgetReportReq { bool IENCBHNGNDM = 2; uint32 material_id = 11; uint32 weather_wizard_shield_value = 14; bool NEIOFMCDAKD = 3; bool KPAMJCLNJIF = 5; } // CmdId: 27403 // Obf: FGIPDBHBOPH message WidgetReportRsp { int32 retcode = 2; uint32 material_id = 5; } // CmdId: 20387 // Obf: AALGEEOECHK message ClientCollectorDataNotify { repeated ClientCollectorData client_collector_data_list = 15; } // CmdId: 2925 // Obf: LBDCKAKMLOP message OneoffGatherPointDetectorDataNotify { repeated OneoffGatherPointDetectorData oneoff_gather_point_detector_data_list = 10; } // CmdId: 5621 // Obf: GAKEMNAPLEC message SkyCrystalDetectorDataUpdateNotify { SkyCrystalDetectorData sky_crystal_detector_data = 6; } // CmdId: 7264 // Obf: ICPAKHOPDGK message TreasureMapDetectorDataNotify { TreasureMapDetectorData data = 8; } // Obf: BMPCNILFGEJ message WidgetSlotData { WidgetSlotTag tag = 11; bool is_active = 7; uint32 material_id = 15; uint32 cd_over_time = 12; } // CmdId: 21852 // Obf: INPIBEBKEEA message SetWidgetSlotReq { uint32 material_id = 15; WidgetSlotOp op = 2; repeated WidgetSlotTag tag_list = 11; } // CmdId: 21258 // Obf: LOLIHGGKHCF message SetWidgetSlotRsp { int32 retcode = 11; repeated WidgetSlotTag tag_list = 12; uint32 material_id = 4; WidgetSlotOp op = 3; } // CmdId: 26889 // Obf: GMLDKFNJJCH message WidgetSlotChangeNotify { WidgetSlotData slot = 9; WidgetSlotOp op = 1; } // CmdId: 24304 // Obf: BCJMLGNMNHC message GetWidgetSlotReq { } // CmdId: 28535 // Obf: GGCAFNBKPHG message GetWidgetSlotRsp { repeated WidgetSlotData slot_list = 7; int32 retcode = 4; } // CmdId: 2294 // Obf: PODFDFDOCGK message AllWidgetDataNotify { repeated OneoffGatherPointDetectorData oneoff_gather_point_detector_data_list = 4; repeated ClientCollectorData client_collector_data_list = 9; uint32 CMFPEOMAJLM = 10; repeated WidgetCoolDownData PEOHMDJKMKO = 8; repeated AnchorPointData anchor_point_list = 15; LunchBoxData lunch_box_data = 11; repeated WidgetCoolDownData MCMDFPAFOIG = 14; LANPHFCMEBN ELIOJBDGIMJ = 12; SkyCrystalDetectorData sky_crystal_detector_data = 1; repeated uint32 EMPBLGKLCOA = 1790; EPIAFADAJAN NNPMMJCEJAO = 1715; uint32 HALAOGOBMKJ = 1816; repeated WidgetSlotData slot_list = 13; repeated uint32 background_active_widget_list = 6; WeatherWizardData weather_wizard_data = 2; } // CmdId: 2124 // Obf: GLCLJMKPDLG message UseWidgetCreateGadgetReq { Vector rot = 9; uint32 material_id = 1; Vector pos = 12; } // CmdId: 7117 // Obf: MLPFMANBMMG message UseWidgetCreateGadgetRsp { int32 retcode = 9; uint32 material_id = 14; } // CmdId: 9147 // Obf: NIMGOEPOCNP message UseWidgetRetractGadgetReq { uint32 entity_id = 14; } // CmdId: 20644 // Obf: NILFNJFKJGK message UseWidgetRetractGadgetRsp { uint32 entity_id = 8; int32 retcode = 2; } // Obf: ENKCILBBOJN message WidgetGadgetData { repeated uint32 gadget_entity_id_list = 4; uint32 gadget_id = 3; } // CmdId: 6076 // Obf: GBEAGNDJKEC message WidgetGadgetAllDataNotify { repeated WidgetGadgetData widget_gadget_data = 15; } // CmdId: 4861 // Obf: HCNKGFAPJNC message WidgetGadgetDataNotify { WidgetGadgetData widget_gadget_data = 3; } // CmdId: 7666 // Obf: MFCCDAHFEEG message WidgetGadgetDestroyNotify { uint32 entity_id = 4; } // Obf: EABFEFDDFEJ message WidgetCreateLocationInfo { Vector rot = 3; Vector pos = 6; } // Obf: CNHLLOFHJEA message WidgetCreatorInfo { uint32 entity_id = 15; WidgetCreatorOpType op_type = 9; WidgetCreateLocationInfo location_info = 5; } // CmdId: 2739 // Obf: KFDNMJHKFAA message WidgetDoBagReq { uint32 material_id = 15; oneof op_info { WidgetCreateLocationInfo location_info = 2046; WidgetCreatorInfo widget_creator_info = 1156; } } // CmdId: 8212 // Obf: PIDNCNBIGBN message WidgetDoBagRsp { uint32 material_id = 15; int32 retcode = 4; } // CmdId: 22991 // Obf: NNEPBELAGJA message WidgetActiveChangeNotify { repeated WidgetSlotData widget_data_list = 8; } // CmdId: 5280 // Obf: GLLODFLDCPE message WidgetUseAttachAbilityGroupChangeNotify { bool is_attach = 1; uint32 material_id = 3; } // CmdId: 1304 // Obf: FOLOGLONNJK message WidgetCaptureAnimalReq { uint32 entity_id = 11; Vector pos = 13; uint32 material_id = 6; } // CmdId: 23199 // Obf: NAPKCLOBCFF message WidgetCaptureAnimalRsp { uint32 entity_id = 2; uint32 material_id = 9; Vector pos = 1; int32 retcode = 10; } // CmdId: 24037 // Obf: MNBKHKHMIBN message WidgetUpdateExtraCDReq { uint32 cd_group = 9; uint32 material_id = 8; WidgetExtraCdType extra_cd_type = 4; } // CmdId: 9991 // Obf: CNAEEDNPIIK message WidgetUpdateExtraCDRsp { uint32 cd_group = 6; WidgetCoolDownData cool_data = 1; WidgetExtraCdType extra_cd_type = 14; uint32 material_id = 8; int32 retcode = 11; } // Obf: PMAIMKODBLA message FireworksReformParam { FireworksReformParamType type = 2; int32 value = 3; } // Obf: PNMCPOPPKJL message FireworksReformData { repeated FireworksReformParam reform_param_list = 9; uint32 id = 4; } // CmdId: 7551 // Obf: OFPJGJACJBD message FireworksReformDataNotify { repeated FireworksReformData fireworks_reform_data_list = 4; } // CmdId: 28941 // Obf: PICLGFMPPAN message ReformFireworksReq { FireworksReformData fireworks_reform_data = 10; } // CmdId: 8112 // Obf: ENGGIOOFAPL message ReformFireworksRsp { int32 retcode = 9; } // Obf: KCIOCLGGPIH message FireworksLaunchParam { FireworksLaunchParamType type = 14; int32 value = 2; } // Obf: AOPBHNBLGOE message FireworksLaunchSchemeData { repeated FireworksLaunchParam launch_param_list = 14; uint32 scheme_id = 12; repeated uint32 fireworks_id_list = 3; } // CmdId: 6285 // Obf: EIEOMGBOMCB message LaunchFireworksReq { FireworksLaunchSchemeData scheme_data = 2; } // CmdId: 25523 // Obf: GFFDFGJKCEN message LaunchFireworksRsp { int32 retcode = 10; } // CmdId: 2905 // Obf: OFNADKLLKHD message FireworksLaunchDataNotify { repeated FireworksLaunchSchemeData scheme_data_list = 2; uint32 last_use_scheme_id = 9; } // CmdId: 23423 // Obf: FNALFPHPGIE message ChangeWidgetBackgroundActiveStateReq { uint32 material_id = 5; bool is_active = 9; } // CmdId: 1073 // Obf: NOBMFNDGPOB message ChangeWidgetBackgroundActiveStateRsp { int32 retcode = 3; uint32 material_id = 10; } // CmdId: 4761 // Obf: ODFAPHCPGKP message AllWidgetBackgroundActiveStateNotify { repeated uint32 background_active_widget_list = 5; } // Obf: IEIPNDOKJIG message PlayerWidgetInfo { repeated WidgetSlotData slot_list = 15; uint32 uid = 6; } // CmdId: 20779 // Obf: AFCIEABPDJE message RemotePlayerWidgetNotify { repeated PlayerWidgetInfo player_widget_info_list = 4; } // CmdId: 24231 // Obf: MHPMDPBILNB message WidgetWeatherWizardDataNotify { uint32 shield_value = 14; } // CmdId: 26477 message GJILMLOPEJF { LANPHFCMEBN ELIOJBDGIMJ = 3; } // CmdId: 28429 message MPPBFLIIAOM { uint32 HALAOGOBMKJ = 5; repeated uint32 EMPBLGKLCOA = 8; } // CmdId: 20135 message BIHPFJENLOF { int32 retcode = 8; repeated uint32 EMPBLGKLCOA = 5; uint32 HALAOGOBMKJ = 7; } // CmdId: 3442 message HJBAIOKEHPA { } // CmdId: 6367 message CKMOGAFPIDA { uint32 HALAOGOBMKJ = 1; int32 retcode = 10; repeated uint32 EMPBLGKLCOA = 11; } message EPIAFADAJAN { Vector rot = 14; DIIHAAGDDJK state = 7; uint32 scene_id = 3; uint32 gadget_entity_id = 15; uint32 GIMDMFFKJKK = 1; Vector pos = 13; } // CmdId: 1892 message DIJPLONLIEL { repeated ItemParam item_param_list = 9; } // CmdId: 8458 message KHGIDELPBID { int32 retcode = 8; } // CmdId: 686 message IBGIKAOLJAJ { EPIAFADAJAN NNPMMJCEJAO = 6; } // CmdId: 457 message EOKPEICJCDD { } // CmdId: 7361 message IAJEHPELOOC { int32 retcode = 1; } // CmdId: 28863 message EOANBGDJJBB { } // CmdId: 4545 message BKKOCMDJIKO { int32 retcode = 7; } // Obf: BLCNFAPGDKG message ParamList { repeated uint32 param_list = 1; } // Obf: CCOIIHFAKMA message PropValue { uint32 type = 1; oneof value { int64 ival = 2; float fval = 3; } int64 val = 4; } // Obf: CBDJBGDIJBB message Uint32Pair { uint32 key = 1; uint32 value = 2; } // Obf: KHPGILKGEPP message RegionSimpleInfo { string name = 1; string title = 2; string type = 3; string dispatch_url = 4; } // Obf: BFDHIPNAGPP message QueryRegionListHttpRsp { int32 retcode = 1; repeated RegionSimpleInfo region_list = 2; bytes client_secret_key = 5; bytes client_custom_config_encrypted = 6; bool enable_login_pc = 7; } // Obf: EBNFKOBKCHA message ForceUpdateInfo { string force_update_url = 1; } // Obf: DIAMBGNPCHH message StopServerInfo { uint32 stop_begin_time = 1; uint32 stop_end_time = 2; string url = 3; string content_msg = 4; } // Obf: DPBFMJOKIMN message ResVersionConfig { uint32 version = 1; bool relogin = 2; string md5 = 3; string release_total_size = 4; string version_suffix = 5; string branch = 6; string next_script_version = 7; } // Obf: FHNLCIOBJDG message RegionInfo { string gateserver_ip = 1; uint32 gateserver_port = 2; string pay_callback_url = 3; string area_type = 7; string resource_url = 8; string data_url = 9; string feedback_url = 10; string bulletin_url = 11; string resource_url_bak = 12; string data_url_bak = 13; uint32 client_data_version = 14; string handbook_url = 16; uint32 client_silence_data_version = 18; string client_data_md5 = 19; string client_silence_data_md5 = 20; ResVersionConfig res_version_config = 22; bytes secret_key = 23; string official_community_url = 24; string client_version_suffix = 26; string client_silence_version_suffix = 27; bool use_gateserver_domain_name = 28; string gateserver_domain_name = 29; string user_center_url = 30; string account_bind_url = 31; string cdkey_url = 32; string privacy_policy_url = 33; string next_resource_url = 34; ResVersionConfig next_res_version_config = 35; string game_biz = 36; } // Obf: LMDOBCJAKIH message QueryCurrRegionHttpRsp { int32 retcode = 1; string msg = 2; RegionInfo region_info = 3; oneof detail { ForceUpdateInfo force_update = 4; StopServerInfo stop_server = 5; } bytes client_secret_key = 11; bytes region_custom_config_encrypted = 12; bytes client_region_custom_config_encrypted = 13; string LDOHCJJALDK = 14; } // Obf: EGIJNLNKCFH message Reliquary { uint32 level = 1; uint32 exp = 2; uint32 promote_level = 3; uint32 main_prop_id = 4; repeated uint32 append_prop_id_list = 5; } // Obf: NHOLFKPNLCH message Weapon { uint32 level = 1; uint32 exp = 2; uint32 promote_level = 3; map affix_map = 4; } // Obf: FNECFKCJNOG message MaterialDeleteInfo { // Obf: OKEMONGEMOM message CountDownDelete { map delete_time_num_map = 1; uint32 config_count_down_time = 2; } // Obf: FBKLFJIOOPN message DateTimeDelete { uint32 delete_time = 1; } // Obf: HMLHBMKPHCA message DelayWeekCountDownDelete { map delete_time_num_map = 1; uint32 config_delay_week = 2; uint32 config_count_down_time = 3; } bool has_delete_config = 1; oneof delete_info { CountDownDelete count_down_delete = 2; DateTimeDelete date_delete = 3; DelayWeekCountDownDelete delay_week_count_down_delete = 4; } } // Obf: LCHIHMEJNML message Material { uint32 count = 1; MaterialDeleteInfo delete_info = 2; } // Obf: EFEDALDPHMA message Equip { oneof detail { Reliquary reliquary = 1; Weapon weapon = 2; } bool is_locked = 3; } // Obf: GDHFFBFCAPJ message Furniture { uint32 count = 1; } // Obf: EPFDENHAINI message Item { uint32 item_id = 1; uint64 guid = 2; oneof detail { Material material = 5; Equip equip = 6; Furniture furniture = 7; } } // Obf: GKCILFACLDH message ItemParam { uint32 item_id = 1; uint32 count = 2; } // Obf: HPFNFEJGODI message EquipParam { uint32 item_id = 1; uint32 item_num = 2; uint32 item_level = 3; uint32 promote_level = 4; } // Obf: HKODPBNKBHM message Reward { uint32 reward_id = 1; repeated ItemParam item_list = 2; } // Obf: PPIBJBLBJDL message AbilityString { oneof type { string str = 1; uint32 hash = 2; } } // Obf: DAEKOPFKPMK message AbilityScalarValueEntry { AbilityString key = 1; AbilityScalarType value_type = 2; oneof value { float float_value = 3; string string_value = 4; int32 int_value = 5; uint32 uint_value = 6; } } // Obf: NKCDMLBKHGI message AbilityAppliedAbility { AbilityString ability_name = 1; AbilityString ability_override = 2; repeated AbilityScalarValueEntry override_map = 3; uint32 instanced_ability_id = 4; } // Obf: COGFLLLFFFC message AbilityAttachedModifier { bool is_invalid = 1; uint32 owner_entity_id = 2; uint32 instanced_modifier_id = 3; bool is_serverbuff_modifier = 4; int32 attach_name_hash = 5; } // Obf: GCNLPIHMJOL message ModifierDurability { float reduce_ratio = 1; float remaining_durability = 2; } // Obf: OAHPGFENJJK message AbilityAppliedModifier { int32 modifier_local_id = 1; uint32 parent_ability_entity_id = 2; AbilityString parent_ability_name = 3; AbilityString parent_ability_override = 4; uint32 instanced_ability_id = 5; uint32 instanced_modifier_id = 6; float exist_duration = 7; AbilityAttachedModifier attached_instanced_modifier = 8; uint32 apply_entity_id = 9; bool is_attached_parent_ability = 10; ModifierDurability modifier_durability = 11; uint32 sbuff_uid = 12; bool is_serverbuff_modifier = 13; } // Obf: BDEEMMBPFDH message MassivePropParam { int32 type = 1; repeated uint32 reaction_info_list = 2; repeated float param_list = 3; uint32 sync_flag = 4; } // Obf: HMEMJBACNJE message MassivePropSyncInfo { int64 id = 1; repeated MassivePropParam prop_list = 2; } // Obf: FIGLCLAIOJM message BreakoutVector2 { int32 x = 1; int32 y = 2; } // Obf: DGMFFJIKOKD message BreakoutBrickInfo { uint32 hp = 1; uint32 element_type = 2; } // Obf: NFKLEIMGKJD message BreakoutPhysicalObjectModifier { uint32 type = 1; uint32 id = 2; int32 param1 = 3; int32 param2 = 4; int32 param3 = 5; int32 param4 = 6; int32 param5 = 7; int32 param6 = 8; bool bool1 = 9; int32 duration = 10; int32 end_time = 11; uint32 combo = 12; uint32 peer_id = 13; uint32 skill_type = 14; uint32 level = 15; uint32 choose_player_count = 16; } // Obf: NFMHCAILCIF message BreakoutPhysicalObject { uint32 id = 1; uint32 index = 2; bool is_active = 3; BreakoutVector2 pos = 4; BreakoutVector2 move_dir = 5; int32 speed = 6; uint32 init_peer_id = 7; uint32 state = 8; uint32 element_type = 9; uint32 element_reaction_buff = 10; repeated BreakoutPhysicalObjectModifier modifier_list = 11; int32 total_rotation = 12; repeated BreakoutBrickInfo info_list = 13; uint32 last_hit_peer_id = 14; uint32 speed_increase_count = 15; int32 offset = 16; } // Obf: COLAAGNOBFN message BreakoutSpawnPoint { uint32 id = 1; uint32 brick_suite_id = 2; repeated BreakoutPhysicalObject spawned_brick_list = 3; } // Obf: KGJJJGIPNLE message BreakoutElementReactionCounter { uint32 element_reaction = 1; uint32 count = 2; } // Obf: BKGOLPBLKMN message BreakoutSyncConnectUidInfo { uint32 uid = 1; repeated uint32 skill_id_list = 2; repeated uint32 skill_level_list = 3; } // Obf: OLKOKCBEABM message BreakoutSnapShot { uint64 client_game_time = 1; uint64 server_game_time = 2; repeated BreakoutPhysicalObject ball_list = 3; repeated BreakoutPhysicalObject physical_object_list = 4; repeated BreakoutAction action_list = 5; uint32 wave_index = 6; bool is_finish = 7; uint32 score = 8; uint32 combo = 9; uint32 max_combo = 10; uint32 life_count = 11; uint32 wave_suite_index = 12; repeated BreakoutSpawnPoint spawn_point_list = 13; uint32 remaining_boss_hp = 14; repeated BreakoutElementReactionCounter brick_element_reaction_list = 15; repeated BreakoutElementReactionCounter ball_element_reaction_list = 16; repeated BreakoutSyncConnectUidInfo uid_info_list = 17; repeated BreakoutPhysicalObject dynamic_object_list = 18; repeated uint32 id_index_list = 19; int32 raw_client_game_time = 20; } // Obf: JBHHKOPAEFB message BreakoutAction { // Obf: BGLHJHMLHAI enum BreakoutActionType { ACTION_TYPE_NONE = 0; ACTION_TYPE_LAUNCH_BALL = 1; ACTION_TYPE_DESTROY_BALL = 2; ACTION_TYPE_FALLING_OBJECT = 3; ACTION_TYPE_MISSILE = 4; } BreakoutActionType action_type = 1; uint64 client_game_time = 2; uint64 server_game_time = 3; bool is_failed = 4; uint32 pre_index = 5; uint32 new_index = 6; BreakoutVector2 pos = 7; BreakoutVector2 move_dir = 8; int32 speed = 9; uint32 peer_id = 10; uint32 element_type = 11; uint32 element_reaction_buff = 12; uint32 speed_increase_count = 13; bool has_extra_ball = 14; BreakoutVector2 extra_ball_dir = 15; uint32 extra_ball_index = 16; int32 offset = 17; uint64 FCCNGNCIFAI = 18; } // Obf: NNBAGDGFEKA message AbilityMixinRecoverInfo { oneof Source { uint32 instanced_ability_id = 1; uint32 instanced_modifier_id = 2; } uint32 local_id = 3; repeated uint32 data_list = 4; bool is_serverbuff_modifier = 5; repeated MassivePropSyncInfo massive_prop_list = 6; BreakoutSnapShot breakout_snap_shot = 7; } // Obf: JDIFMANDKLC message AbilitySyncStateInfo { bool is_inited = 1; repeated AbilityScalarValueEntry dynamic_value_map = 2; repeated AbilityAppliedAbility applied_abilities = 3; repeated AbilityAppliedModifier applied_modifiers = 4; repeated AbilityMixinRecoverInfo mixin_recover_infos = 5; repeated AbilityScalarValueEntry sgv_dynamic_value_map = 6; } // Obf: PLELJEGMEOD message AbilityEmbryo { uint32 ability_id = 1; fixed32 ability_name_hash = 2; fixed32 ability_override_name_hash = 3; } // Obf: GGPHMELJCOL message AbilityControlBlock { repeated AbilityEmbryo ability_embryo_list = 1; } // Obf: FMFHHKCONCE message Vector { float x = 1; float y = 2; float z = 3; } // Obf: FOOALIEJOLM message VectorPlane { float x = 1; float y = 2; } // Obf: KKPDGAEKGHF message Vector3Int { int32 x = 1; int32 y = 2; int32 z = 3; } // Obf: LHBMDEAGHFD message EntityMoveInfo { uint32 entity_id = 1; MotionInfo motion_info = 2; uint32 scene_time = 3; uint32 reliable_seq = 4; bool is_reliable = 5; } // Obf: LJEPKMPIOKJ message MotionInfo { Vector pos = 1; Vector rot = 2; Vector speed = 3; MotionState state = 4; repeated Vector params = 5; Vector ref_pos = 6; uint32 ref_id = 7; uint32 scene_time = 8; uint64 interval_velocity = 9; } // Obf: COEPLIBIANG message PlaceInfo { Vector pos = 1; Vector rot = 2; } // Obf: MGEGKKGBHPI message SceneWeaponInfo { uint32 entity_id = 1; uint32 gadget_id = 2; uint32 item_id = 3; uint64 guid = 4; uint32 level = 5; uint32 promote_level = 6; AbilitySyncStateInfo ability_info = 7; map affix_map = 8; EntityRendererChangedInfo renderer_changed_info = 9; } // Obf: HEMALDBEKEL message SceneReliquaryInfo { uint32 item_id = 1; uint64 guid = 2; uint32 level = 3; uint32 promote_level = 4; } // Obf: JGJPJFGLDOE message ServerBuff { uint32 server_buff_uid = 1; uint32 server_buff_id = 2; uint32 server_buff_type = 3; uint32 instanced_modifier_id = 4; bool is_modifier_added = 5; } // Obf: LNHHODFOLCP message CurVehicleInfo { uint32 entity_id = 1; uint32 pos = 2; uint32 gadget_id = 3; Vector KKDFCJENDNI = 4; uint32 CJIMMADJKHD = 5; Vector JGOGBMEKOPP = 6; } // Obf: HGHGOIMIAMF message AvatarExcelInfo { uint64 prefab_path_hash = 1; uint64 prefab_path_remote_hash = 2; uint64 controller_path_hash = 3; uint64 controller_path_remote_hash = 4; uint64 combat_config_hash = 5; } // Obf: JGKPGDAONID message SceneAvatarInfo { uint32 uid = 1; uint32 avatar_id = 2; uint64 guid = 3; uint32 peer_id = 4; repeated uint32 equip_id_list = 5; uint32 skill_depot_id = 6; repeated uint32 talent_id_list = 7; SceneWeaponInfo weapon = 8; repeated SceneReliquaryInfo reliquary_list = 9; uint32 core_proud_skill_level = 11; repeated uint32 inherent_proud_skill_list = 12; map skill_level_map = 13; map proud_skill_extra_level_map = 14; repeated ServerBuff server_buff_list = 15; repeated uint32 team_resonance_list = 16; uint32 wearing_flycloak_id = 17; uint32 born_time = 18; uint32 costume_id = 19; CurVehicleInfo cur_vehicle_info = 20; AvatarExcelInfo excel_info = 21; uint32 anim_hash = 22; } // Obf: HNLLCGHHGFM message SceneFishInfo { uint32 fish_id = 1; uint32 fish_pool_entity_id = 2; Vector fish_pool_pos = 3; uint32 fish_pool_gadget_id = 4; uint32 last_shock_time = 5; } // Obf: JEMIPJIOKME message FishtankFishInfo { float fish_distance_from_water = 1; float fish_scale = 2; float initial_rotation_y = 3; } // Obf: JIEPEMAABDK message SceneMonsterInfo { uint32 monster_id = 1; uint32 group_id = 2; uint32 config_id = 3; repeated SceneWeaponInfo weapon_list = 4; uint32 authority_peer_id = 5; repeated uint32 affix_list = 6; bool is_elite = 7; uint32 owner_entity_id = 8; uint32 summoned_tag = 9; map summon_tag_map = 10; uint32 pose_id = 11; MonsterBornType born_type = 12; uint32 block_id = 13; uint32 mark_flag = 14; uint32 title_id = 15; uint32 special_name_id = 16; uint32 attack_target_id = 17; MonsterRoute monster_route = 18; uint32 ai_config_id = 19; uint32 level_route_id = 20; uint32 init_pose_id = 21; bool is_light = 22; uint32 kill_num = 23; oneof content { SceneFishInfo fish_info = 50; FishtankFishInfo fishtank_fish_info = 51; } } // Obf: HHIHPEEHHNI message SceneNpcInfo { uint32 npc_id = 1; uint32 room_id = 2; uint32 parent_quest_id = 3; uint32 block_id = 4; } // Obf: FHDMCJINDAH message WorktopInfo { repeated uint32 option_list = 1; bool is_guest_can_operate = 2; } // Obf: IPIFDKJKEEJ message MathQuaternion { float x = 1; float y = 2; float z = 3; float w = 4; } // Obf: NEACNMDIMDL message PlatformInfo { uint32 route_id = 1; int32 start_index = 2; uint32 start_route_time = 3; uint32 start_scene_time = 4; Vector start_pos = 7; bool is_started = 8; MathQuaternion start_rot = 9; uint32 stop_scene_time = 10; Vector pos_offset = 11; MathQuaternion rot_offset = 12; MovingPlatformType moving_platform_type = 13; bool is_active = 14; Route route = 15; uint32 point_id = 16; } // Obf: EDGGMGMHPJB message RoutePoint { Vector position = 1; float arrive_range = 2; bool has_reach_event = 3; oneof move_params { float velocity = 11; float time = 12; } oneof rotate_params { Vector rotation = 21; MathQuaternion rotation_speed = 22; MathQuaternion axis_speed = 23; } } // Obf: GPFODIPKJPN message Route { repeated RoutePoint route_points = 1; uint32 route_type = 2; } // Obf: OKAKLDGDFDP message MonsterRoute { repeated RoutePoint route_points = 1; uint32 speed_level = 2; uint32 route_type = 3; float arrive_range = 4; } message JMFPBNKNHED { uint64 start_time = 1; uint32 IFFAGNNKDOB = 2; uint32 KHBBKMCEBKA = 3; float JLLNGEKIHMN = 4; float speed = 5; bool is_started = 6; } // Obf: OGJENPCDJEN message WeatherInfo { uint32 weather_area_id = 1; } // Obf: KCPDCBKPNNL message ClientGadgetInfo { uint32 camp_id = 1; uint32 camp_type = 2; uint64 guid = 3; uint32 owner_entity_id = 4; uint32 target_entity_id = 5; bool async_load = 6; bool is_peer_id_from_player = 7; repeated uint32 target_entity_id_list = 8; repeated uint32 target_lock_point_index_list = 9; } // Obf: AHHOEHNNEIN message AbilityGadgetInfo { uint32 camp_id = 1; uint32 camp_target_type = 2; uint32 target_entity_id = 3; } // Obf: IHPBLNPFECK message GatherGadgetInfo { uint32 item_id = 1; bool is_forbid_guest = 2; } // Obf: MAIBEHDCKJL message StatueGadgetInfo { repeated uint32 opened_statue_uid_list = 1; } // Obf: PABMLHHIDDM message WeeklyBossResinDiscountInfo { uint32 discount_num = 1; uint32 discount_num_limit = 2; uint32 resin_cost = 3; uint32 original_resin_cost = 4; } // Obf: CBKAOHFJIND message BossChestInfo { uint32 monster_config_id = 1; uint32 resin = 2; repeated uint32 remain_uid_list = 3; repeated uint32 qualify_uid_list = 4; map uid_discount_map = 5; } // Obf: OGDABNFHACL message BlossomChestInfo { uint32 resin = 1; repeated uint32 qualify_uid_list = 2; repeated uint32 remain_uid_list = 3; uint32 dead_time = 4; uint32 blossom_refresh_type = 5; uint32 refresh_id = 6; } // Obf: LMEGMGDKNJL message GadgetCrucibleInfo { uint32 mp_play_id = 1; uint32 prepare_end_time = 2; } // Obf: LJJODNPIMAI message GadgetPlayInfo { uint32 play_type = 1; uint32 duration = 2; repeated uint32 progress_stage_list = 3; uint32 start_cd = 4; uint32 start_time = 5; uint32 progress = 6; optional GadgetCrucibleInfo crucible_info = 21; } // Obf: BGGFBNKFLHN message MpPlayRewardInfo { uint32 resin = 1; repeated uint32 remain_uid_list = 2; repeated uint32 qualify_uid_list = 3; } // Obf: AHGOAHBMENB message GadgetGeneralRewardInfo { uint32 resin = 1; uint32 dead_time = 2; repeated uint32 remain_uid_list = 3; repeated uint32 qualify_uid_list = 4; ItemParam item_param = 5; } // Obf: CDAACMGIFGG message OfferingInfo { uint32 offering_id = 1; } // Obf: OPKICDMJEJM message BuildingInfo { uint32 building_id = 1; uint32 point_config_id = 2; uint32 cost = 3; uint32 refund = 5; uint32 owner_uid = 6; uint32 current_num = 7; uint32 max_num = 8; } // Obf: HJBPIEDJHAP message FoundationInfo { FoundationStatus status = 1; repeated uint32 uid_list = 2; uint32 current_building_id = 3; uint32 locked_by_uid = 4; } // Obf: NFOCOBNABPO message VehicleMember { uint32 uid = 1; uint64 avatar_guid = 2; uint32 pos = 3; } // Obf: ICCEPDBOFHC message VehicleInfo { repeated VehicleMember member_list = 1; uint32 owner_uid = 2; float cur_stamina = 3; } // Obf: KCHCJMNANCP message EchoShellInfo { uint32 shell_id = 1; } // Obf: MPEEPHMCGKD message ScreenInfo { uint32 live_id = 1; uint32 projector_entity_id = 2; } // Obf: NPDMIJKKJPA message FishPoolInfo { uint32 pool_id = 1; repeated uint32 fish_area_list = 2; uint32 today_fish_num = 3; } // Obf: IGADMBECIDG message CustomCommonNodeInfo { int32 parent_index = 1; uint32 config_id = 2; string slot_identifier = 3; } // Obf: POAIMCJGABA message CustomGadgetTreeInfo { repeated CustomCommonNodeInfo node_list = 1; } // Obf: FFNNBKHJJDP message RoguelikeGadgetInfo { uint32 cell_config_id = 1; uint32 cell_type = 2; uint32 cell_state = 3; uint32 cell_id = 4; } // Obf: OHIBCIDJNDB message NightCrowGadgetInfo { repeated uint32 argument_list = 1; } // Obf: HBNLGHJLHNL message DeshretObeliskGadgetInfo { repeated uint32 argument_list = 1; } // Obf: NFEECFHHDLJ message CoinCollectOperatorInfo { uint32 level_id = 1; } message BDOCPDNCIEF { uint32 group_id = 1; uint32 guid = 2; uint32 MJIANPPECND = 3; } message GDGKKLFMJKH { uint32 MHBOIHFGCIK = 1; } // Obf: LEEAOCFCGJA message TrifleGadget { Item item = 1; uint32 GAHBDCCFPGJ = 2; } message OMBIJJLAHFB { uint32 level_id = 1; } // Obf: JOBMECDLBKP message SceneGadgetInfo { uint32 gadget_id = 1; uint32 group_id = 2; uint32 config_id = 3; uint32 owner_entity_id = 4; GadgetBornType born_type = 5; uint32 gadget_state = 6; uint32 KPKNNJLPMFP = 7; bool is_show_cutscene = 8; uint32 authority_peer_id = 9; bool is_enable_interact = 10; uint32 CLICILNBKDD = 11; oneof content { GatherGadgetInfo gather_gadget = 13; WorktopInfo worktop = 14; ClientGadgetInfo client_gadget = 15; WeatherInfo weather = 17; AbilityGadgetInfo ability_gadget = 18; StatueGadgetInfo statue_gadget = 19; BossChestInfo boss_chest = 20; BlossomChestInfo blossom_chest = 41; MpPlayRewardInfo mp_play_reward = 42; GadgetGeneralRewardInfo general_reward = 43; OfferingInfo offering_info = 44; FoundationInfo foundation_info = 45; VehicleInfo vehicle_info = 46; EchoShellInfo shell_info = 47; ScreenInfo screen_info = 48; FishPoolInfo fish_pool_info = 59; CustomGadgetTreeInfo custom_gadget_tree_info = 60; RoguelikeGadgetInfo roguelike_gadget_info = 61; NightCrowGadgetInfo night_crow_gadget_info = 62; DeshretObeliskGadgetInfo deshret_obelisk_gadget_info = 63; CoinCollectOperatorInfo coin_collect_operator_info = 64; TrifleGadget trifle_gadget = 67; } uint32 mark_flag = 21; uint32 prop_owner_entity_id = 22; PlatformInfo platform = 23; repeated uint32 interact_uid_list = 24; uint32 draft_id = 25; uint32 KHICBPFFAII = 26; JMFPBNKNHED GPOHBBPBBEC = 27; GadgetPlayInfo play_info = 100; GDGKKLFMJKH DPJFGJDHGGJ = 101; OMBIJJLAHFB PBBAFKFGHIB = 102; BDOCPDNCIEF FDKBHOCNBPH = 103; } // Obf: IGGDJDFNMAG message AnimatorParameterValueInfo { uint32 para_type = 1; oneof paraVal { int32 int_val = 2; float float_val = 3; bool bool_val = 4; } } // Obf: CILIBMDMDLK message ServantInfo { uint32 master_entity_id = 1; uint32 born_slot_index = 2; } // Obf: NGIAJBBLFGD message SceneEntityAiInfo { bool is_ai_open = 1; Vector born_pos = 2; map skill_cd_map = 3; ServantInfo servant_info = 4; map ai_threat_map = 5; map skill_group_cd_map = 6; uint32 cur_tactic = 7; bool NMECJFPHFGH = 8; } // Obf: OGLDMEEKHOB message EntityRendererChangedInfo { map changed_renderers = 1; uint32 visibility_count = 2; bool is_cached = 3; } // Obf: OIKHOKIPKDK message PropPair { uint32 type = 1; PropValue prop_value = 2; } // Obf: DKENFABIHAJ message FightPropPair { uint32 prop_type = 1; float prop_value = 2; } // Obf: CABIAHBAEHD message AnimatorParameterValueInfoPair { int32 name_id = 1; AnimatorParameterValueInfo animator_para = 2; } // Obf: FDGMLNKHDKB message EntityEnvironmentInfo { uint32 json_climate_type = 1; uint32 climate_area_id = 2; } // Obf: LCJDLMMKJCK message EntityClientExtraInfo { Vector skill_anchor_position = 1; } // Obf: DHLPFKPHPNF message EntityAuthorityInfo { AbilitySyncStateInfo ability_info = 1; EntityRendererChangedInfo renderer_changed_info = 2; SceneEntityAiInfo ai_info = 3; Vector born_pos = 4; repeated AnimatorParameterValueInfoPair pose_para_list = 5; EntityClientExtraInfo client_extra_info = 6; } // Obf: DGPPPPBJILO message SceneEntityInfo { ProtEntityType entity_type = 1; uint32 entity_id = 2; string name = 3; MotionInfo motion_info = 4; repeated PropPair prop_list = 5; repeated FightPropPair fight_prop_list = 6; uint32 life_state = 7; repeated AnimatorParameterValueInfoPair animator_para_list = 9; oneof entity { SceneAvatarInfo avatar = 10; SceneMonsterInfo monster = 11; SceneNpcInfo npc = 12; SceneGadgetInfo gadget = 13; } uint32 last_move_scene_time_ms = 17; uint32 last_move_reliable_seq = 18; EntityClientData entity_client_data = 19; repeated EntityEnvironmentInfo entity_environment_info_list = 20; EntityAuthorityInfo entity_authority_info = 21; repeated string tag_list = 22; repeated ServerBuff server_buff_list = 23; } // Obf: NDJJNLJIAKO message CreateGadgetInfo { // Obf: FGAGBNDOGCB message Chest { uint32 chest_drop_id = 1; bool is_show_cutscene = 2; } GadgetBornType born_type = 1; Chest chest = 2; } // Obf: CIDLLJOHEFL message CreateEntityInfo { oneof entity { uint32 monster_id = 1; uint32 npc_id = 2; uint32 gadget_id = 3; uint32 item_id = 4; } uint32 level = 5; Vector pos = 6; Vector rot = 7; uint32 scene_id = 10; uint32 room_id = 11; uint32 client_unique_id = 12; optional CreateGadgetInfo gadget = 13; } // Obf: KBNIDGMCKMD message TrialAvatarGrantRecord { uint32 grant_reason = 1; uint32 from_parent_quest_id = 2; } // Obf: FMNJAFCPNPD message TrialAvatarInfo { uint32 trial_avatar_id = 1; repeated Item trial_equip_list = 2; TrialAvatarGrantRecord grant_record = 3; } // Obf: FKBNODHMBMG message AvatarSkillInfo { uint32 pass_cd_time = 1; repeated uint32 full_cd_time_list = 2; uint32 max_charge_count = 3; } // Obf: JFCHMJKBMBL message FetterData { uint32 fetter_id = 1; uint32 fetter_state = 2; repeated uint32 cond_index_list = 3; } // Obf: BJIGILJGKAI message AvatarFetterInfo { uint32 exp_number = 1; uint32 exp_level = 2; repeated uint32 open_id_list = 3; repeated uint32 finish_id_list = 4; repeated uint32 rewarded_fetter_level_list = 5; repeated FetterData fetter_list = 6; } // Obf: MBBNGLKDKFD message AvatarExpeditionInfo { AvatarExpeditionState state = 1; uint32 exp_id = 2; uint32 hour_time = 3; uint32 start_time = 4; float shorten_ratio = 5; } // Obf: CFINPAOKBJN message AvatarEquipAffixInfo { uint32 equip_affix_id = 1; uint32 left_cd_time = 2; } message JCDPOCOOGCI { uint32 ANLJDEBMOPA = 1; } // Obf: FHPLJBCPFFF message AvatarInfo { uint32 avatar_id = 1; uint64 guid = 2; map prop_map = 3; uint32 life_state = 4; repeated uint64 equip_guid_list = 5; repeated uint32 talent_id_list = 6; map fight_prop_map = 7; TrialAvatarInfo trial_avatar_info = 9; map skill_map = 10; uint32 skill_depot_id = 11; AvatarFetterInfo fetter_info = 12; uint32 core_proud_skill_level = 13; repeated uint32 inherent_proud_skill_list = 14; map skill_level_map = 15; AvatarExpeditionState expedition_state = 16; map proud_skill_extra_level_map = 17; bool is_focus = 18; uint32 avatar_type = 19; repeated uint32 team_resonance_list = 20; uint32 wearing_flycloak_id = 21; repeated AvatarEquipAffixInfo equip_affix_list = 22; uint32 born_time = 23; repeated uint32 pending_promote_reward_list = 24; uint32 costume_id = 25; AvatarExcelInfo excel_info = 26; uint32 anim_hash = 27; JCDPOCOOGCI PDGKJIIEPIO = 28; uint32 GJFKDCJENJE = 29; } // Obf: OJMNHOEOFAN message ShowEquip { uint32 item_id = 1; oneof detail { Reliquary reliquary = 2; Weapon weapon = 3; } } // Obf: BHNAGPHOKLL message ShowAvatarInfo { uint32 avatar_id = 1; map prop_map = 2; repeated uint32 talent_id_list = 3; map fight_prop_map = 4; uint32 skill_depot_id = 5; uint32 core_proud_skill_level = 6; repeated uint32 inherent_proud_skill_list = 7; map skill_level_map = 8; map proud_skill_extra_level_map = 9; repeated ShowEquip equip_list = 10; AvatarFetterInfo fetter_info = 11; uint32 costume_id = 12; AvatarExcelInfo excel_info = 13; } // Obf: BLFINGECHDB message Quest { uint32 quest_id = 1; uint32 state = 2; uint32 start_time = 4; bool is_random = 5; uint32 parent_quest_id = 6; uint32 quest_config_id = 7; uint32 start_game_time = 8; uint32 accept_time = 9; repeated uint32 lacked_npc_list = 10; repeated uint32 finish_progress_list = 11; repeated uint32 fail_progress_list = 12; map lacked_npc_map = 13; repeated uint32 lacked_place_list = 14; map lacked_place_map = 15; } // Obf: NCOCAOMPAEI message NpcPositionInfo { uint32 npc_id = 1; Vector pos = 2; } // Obf: GONDLGCFODB message MailTextContent { string title = 1; string content = 2; string sender = 3; } // Obf: BNPJNAPNHKB message MailItem { EquipParam equip_param = 1; MaterialDeleteInfo delete_info = 2; } // Obf: NGGHHPIHNPM message MailData { uint32 mailId = 1; MailTextContent mail_text_content = 4; repeated MailItem item_list = 7; uint32 send_time = 8; uint32 expire_time = 9; uint32 importance = 10; bool is_read = 11; bool is_attachment_got = 12; uint32 config_id = 13; repeated string argument_list = 14; MailCollectState collect_state = 15; } // Obf: BJKIIJGIJPA message OnlinePlayerInfo { uint32 uid = 1; string nickname = 2; uint32 player_level = 3; uint32 avatar_id = 4; MpSettingType mp_setting_type = 5; uint32 cur_player_num_in_world = 6; uint32 world_level = 7; string online_id = 8; uint32 name_card_id = 9; repeated uint32 blacklist_uid_list = 10; string signature = 11; ProfilePicture profile_picture = 12; string psn_id = 13; } // Obf: PJENMAMNPEI message Birthday { uint32 month = 1; uint32 day = 2; } // Obf: HJDOENNHBIL message MapMarkPoint { uint32 scene_id = 1; string name = 2; Vector pos = 3; MapMarkPointType point_type = 4; uint32 monster_id = 5; MapMarkFromType from_type = 6; uint32 quest_id = 7; uint32 HJMMAOMEHOL = 8; } // Obf: CGABDBLBBGF message MassiveWaterInfo { int64 id = 1; } // Obf: GGNBMDPHDAN message MassiveGrassInfo { uint32 id = 1; Vector center = 2; Vector size = 3; } // Obf: GJEOHIBBKDA message MassiveBoxInfo { int32 id = 1; uint32 config_id = 2; Vector center = 3; Vector extents = 4; Vector up = 5; Vector forward = 6; Vector right = 7; } // Obf: LPCNMINODMN message ClientMassiveEntity { uint32 entity_type = 1; uint32 config_id = 2; int64 obj_id = 3; oneof entity_info { MassiveWaterInfo water_info = 4; MassiveGrassInfo grass_info = 5; MassiveBoxInfo box_info = 6; } } // Obf: KJNACIDANGB message ShapeSphere { Vector center = 1; float radius = 2; } // Obf: BFCLKLDHKOM message ShapeBox { Vector center = 1; Vector axis0 = 2; Vector axis1 = 3; Vector axis2 = 4; Vector extents = 5; } // Obf: JEJIJKEBLHM message ServerMassiveEntity { uint32 entity_type = 1; uint32 config_id = 2; uint32 runtime_id = 3; uint32 authority_peer_id = 4; int64 obj_id = 5; oneof entity_info { MassiveWaterInfo water_info = 6; MassiveGrassInfo grass_info = 7; MassiveBoxInfo box_info = 8; } } // Obf: JAPAIAMBMFF message MassiveEntityState { uint32 entity_type = 1; int64 obj_id = 2; uint32 element_state = 3; } // Obf: GCALEOBNFFH message EntityClientData { uint32 wind_change_scene_time = 1; float windmill_sync_angle = 2; int32 wind_change_target_level = 3; } // Obf: EGHIPFGJCJG message BlockInfo { uint32 block_id = 1; uint32 data_version = 2; bytes bin_data = 3; bool is_dirty = 4; } // Obf: BNMNBLNCBIG message ShopMcoinProduct { string product_id = 1; string price_tier = 2; uint32 mcoin_base = 3; uint32 mcoin_non_first = 4; uint32 mcoin_first = 5; uint32 bought_num = 6; bool is_audit = 7; } // Obf: LJJFPCDLGIJ message ShopCardProduct { // Obf: JIBALNEIBIK message ResinCard { repeated ItemParam base_item_list = 1; repeated ItemParam per_day_item_list = 2; } string product_id = 1; string price_tier = 2; uint32 mcoin_base = 3; uint32 hcoin_per_day = 4; uint32 days = 5; uint32 remain_reward_days = 6; uint32 card_product_type = 7; optional ResinCard resin_card = 101; } // Obf: JHHADHKEAAD message PlayProduct { string product_id = 1; string price_tier = 2; uint32 schedule_id = 3; } // Obf: ABHPGEAODHI message ShopConcertProduct { string product_id = 1; string price_tier = 2; uint32 obtain_count = 3; uint32 obtain_limit = 4; uint32 begin_time = 5; uint32 end_time = 6; uint32 buy_times = 7; } // Obf: EHPIOEOLPIA message PlayTeamEntityInfo { uint32 entity_id = 1; uint32 player_uid = 2; uint32 authority_peer_id = 3; uint32 gadget_config_id = 5; AbilitySyncStateInfo ability_info = 6; } // Obf: NGEGAFNJIFO message FeatureBlockInfo { uint32 feature_type = 1; uint32 end_time = 2; } // Obf: FCABMPGKCEL message MapMarkTipsInfo { MapMarkTipsType tips_type = 1; repeated uint32 point_id_list = 2; } // Obf: MCIHMDBLAPP message ExhibitionDisplayInfo { uint32 id = 1; uint32 param = 2; uint32 detail_param = 3; } // Obf: FEKJLPEAOJI message ProfilePicture { uint32 avatar_id = 1; uint32 costume_id = 2; } // Obf: LLNDNAFDJAL message RedPointData { uint32 red_point_type = 1; bool is_show = 2; uint32 content_id = 3; } // Obf: DEEONIENNBB message HomeMarkPointNPCData { uint32 avatar_id = 1; uint32 costume_id = 2; } // Obf: KMHJEPCDMMK message HomeMarkPointSuiteData { uint32 suite_id = 1; } // Obf: MDHHDACNAEL message HomeMarkPointFurnitureData { uint32 guid = 1; uint32 furniture_id = 2; uint32 furniture_type = 3; Vector pos = 4; oneof extra { HomeMarkPointNPCData npc_data = 6; HomeMarkPointSuiteData suite_data = 7; } } // Obf: NOPIOICPEHD message MapAreaInfo { uint32 map_area_id = 1; bool is_open = 2; } // Obf: MOIJAPOKNPK message ContentAuditInfo { bool is_open = 1; string content = 2; uint32 submit_count = 3; AuditState audit_state = 4; uint32 submit_limit = 5; } // Obf: OILMJMJGMKP message ActivityDungeonAvatar { uint32 avatar_id = 1; bool is_trial = 2; uint32 costume_id = 3; } message ANDPNJDKHNM { uint64 dungeon_guid = 1; uint32 room_id = 2; } // Obf: LBKBGBCCGMA enum AbilityInvokeArgument { ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_NONE = 0; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_META_MODIFIER_CHANGE = 1; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_META_COMMAND_MODIFIER_CHANGE_REQUEST = 2; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_META_SPECIAL_FLOAT_ARGUMENT = 3; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_META_OVERRIDE_PARAM = 4; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_META_CLEAR_OVERRIDE_PARAM = 5; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_META_REINIT_OVERRIDEMAP = 6; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_META_GLOBAL_FLOAT_VALUE = 7; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_META_CLEAR_GLOBAL_FLOAT_VALUE = 8; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_META_ABILITY_ELEMENT_STRENGTH = 9; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_META_ADD_OR_GET_ABILITY_AND_TRIGGER = 10; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_META_SET_KILLED_SETATE = 11; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_META_SET_ABILITY_TRIGGER = 12; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_META_ADD_NEW_ABILITY = 13; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_META_REMOVE_ABILITY = 14; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_META_SET_MODIFIER_APPLY_ENTITY = 15; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_META_MODIFIER_DURABILITY_CHANGE = 16; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_META_ELEMENT_REACTION_VISUAL = 17; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_META_SET_POSE_PARAMETER = 18; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_META_UPDATE_BASE_REACTION_DAMAGE = 19; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_META_TRIGGER_ELEMENT_REACTION = 20; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_META_LOSE_HP = 21; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_META_DURABILITY_IS_ZERO = 22; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_META_TRIGGER_ARKHE_REACTION = 23; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_ACTION_TRIGGER_ABILITY = 50; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_ACTION_SET_CRASH_DAMAGE = 51; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_ACTION_EFFECT = 52; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_ACTION_SUMMON = 53; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_ACTION_BLINK = 54; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_ACTION_CREATE_GADGET = 55; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_ACTION_APPLY_LEVEL_MODIFIER = 56; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_ACTION_GENERATE_ELEM_BALL = 57; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_ACTION_SET_RANDOM_OVERRIDE_MAP_VALUE = 58; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_ACTION_SERVER_MONSTER_LOG = 59; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_ACTION_CREATE_TILE = 60; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_ACTION_DESTROY_TILE = 61; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_ACTION_FIRE_AFTER_IMAGE = 62; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_ACTION_DEDUCT_STAMINA = 63; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_ACTION_HIT_EFFECT = 64; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_ACTION_SET_BULLET_TRACK_TARGET = 65; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_ACTION_FIREWORK_EFFECT = 66; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_ACTION_LEVEL_BANK_ADD_STUFF = 67; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_MIXIN_AVATAR_STEER_BY_CAMERA = 100; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_MIXIN_MONSTER_DEFEND = 101; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_MIXIN_WIND_ZONE = 102; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_MIXIN_COST_STAMINA = 103; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_MIXIN_ELITE_SHIELD = 104; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_MIXIN_ELEMENT_SHIELD = 105; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_MIXIN_GLOBAL_SHIELD = 106; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_MIXIN_SHIELD_BAR = 107; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_MIXIN_WIND_SEED_SPAWNER = 108; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_MIXIN_DO_ACTION_BY_ELEMENT_REACTION = 109; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_MIXIN_FIELD_ENTITY_COUNT_CHANGE = 110; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_MIXIN_SCENE_PROP_SYNC = 111; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_MIXIN_WIDGET_MP_SUPPORT = 112; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_MIXIN_DO_ACTION_BY_SELF_MODIFIER_ELEMENT_DURABILITY_RATIO = 113; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_MIXIN_FIREWORKS_LAUNCHER = 114; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_MIXIN_ATTACK_RESULT_CREATE_COUNT = 115; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_MIXIN_UGC_TIME_CONTROL = 116; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_MIXIN_AVATAR_COMBAT = 117; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_MIXIN_DEATH_ZONE_REGIONAL_PLAY_MIXIN = 118; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_MIXIN_UI_INTERACT = 119; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_MIXIN_SHOOT_FROM_CAMERA = 120; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_MIXIN_ERASE_BRICK_ACTIVITY = 121; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_MIXIN_BREAKOUT = 122; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_MIXIN_DAMAGE_LOAN = 123; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_MIXIN_BROADCAST_GV = 124; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_MIXIN_RECEIVE_GV = 125; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_MIXIN_RAYCAST_SELECT_TARGET = 126; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_MIXIN_ENERGY_CRYSTAL_TARGET = 127; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_MIXIN_ROTATION_FOLLOW_CAMERA = 128; ABILITY_INVOKE_ARGUMENT_MIXIN_BUOYANT_FORCE = 129; } // Obf: CLILGMMMGCK enum ForwardType { FORWARD_TYPE_LOCAL = 0; FORWARD_TYPE_TO_ALL = 1; FORWARD_TYPE_TO_ALL_EXCEPT_CUR = 2; FORWARD_TYPE_TO_HOST = 3; FORWARD_TYPE_TO_ALL_GUEST = 4; FORWARD_TYPE_TO_PEER = 5; FORWARD_TYPE_TO_PEERS = 6; FORWARD_TYPE_ONLY_SERVER = 7; FORWARD_TYPE_TO_ALL_EXIST_EXCEPT_CUR = 8; } // Obf: DBPAAGNJNHH enum ModifierAction { MODIFIER_ACTION_ADDED = 0; MODIFIER_ACTION_REMOVED = 1; } // Obf: IGGCOLMGDPL enum SalesmanStatusType { SALESMAN_STATUS_NONE = 0; SALESMAN_STATUS_UNSTARTED = 1; SALESMAN_STATUS_STARTED = 2; SALESMAN_STATUS_DELIVERED = 3; } // Obf: BIMHEEHBMPM enum AsterLittleStageState { ASTER_LITTLE_STAGE_NONE = 0; ASTER_LITTLE_STAGE_UNSTARTED = 1; ASTER_LITTLE_STAGE_STARTED = 2; ASTER_LITTLE_STAGE_FINISHED = 3; } // Obf: OMJCJJGBBNI enum ExpeditionState { EXPEDITION_NONE = 0; EXPEDITION_STARTED = 1; EXPEDITION_FINISHED = 2; EXPEDITION_REWARDED = 3; EXPEDITION_LOCKED = 4; } // Obf: OPLFNKHAOBP enum AvatarType { AVATAR_TYPE_NONE = 0; AVATAR_TYPE_FORMAL = 1; AVATAR_TYPE_TRIAL = 2; AVATAR_TYPE_MIRROR = 3; } // Obf: JJBCHIKFBAJ enum LunaRiteHintPointType { LUNA_RITE_HINT_TYPE_NONE = 0; LUNA_RITE_HINT_TYPE_RUNE = 1; LUNA_RITE_HINT_TYPE_CHEST = 2; } // Obf: GGCKOHLIGEL enum LunaRiteHintStatusType { LUNA_RITE_HINT_STATUS_DEFAULT = 0; LUNA_RITE_HINT_STATUS_NO_COUNT = 1; LUNA_RITE_HINT_STATUS_FINISH = 2; } // Obf: JEOOKNEBNDN enum RogueCellState { ROGUE_CELL_NONE = 0; ROGUE_CELL_BATTLE = 1; ROGUE_CELL_SUCCESS = 2; ROGUE_CELL_FINISH = 3; ROGUE_CELL_TAKEN_CHEST = 4; } // Obf: ICMLDBMKFPC enum RogueEliteCellDifficultyType { ROGUE_ELITE_NORMAL = 0; ROGUE_ELITE_HARD = 1; } // Obf: NIHDBIEPBGP enum ClientInputType { CLIENT_INPUT_NONE = 0; CLIENT_INPUT_KEYBORD_MOUSE = 1; CLIENT_INPUT_GAMEPAD = 2; CLIENT_INPUT_TOUCH_PANEL = 3; } // Obf: LPHEHBBIBOG enum RogueDiaryAvatarDisableStatus { ROGUE_DIARY_AVATAR_DISABLE_NONE = 0; ROGUE_DIARY_AVATAR_DISABLE_DEATH = 1; ROGUE_DIARY_AVATAR_DISABLE_TIRED = 2; ROGUE_DIARY_AVATAR_DISABLE_DUPLICATED = 3; } // Obf: DKHCNPIKCHO enum ActivityPushTipsState { ACTIVITY_PUSH_TIPS_STATE_NONE = 0; ACTIVITY_PUSH_TIPS_STATE_START = 1; ACTIVITY_PUSH_TIPS_STATE_READ = 2; } enum KDHIAEFLGFM { KDHIAEFLGFM_GalleryStopNone = 0; KDHIAEFLGFM_GalleryStopTimeup = 1; KDHIAEFLGFM_GalleryStopClientInterrupt = 2; KDHIAEFLGFM_GalleryStopLuaInterruptSuccess = 3; KDHIAEFLGFM_GalleryStopLuaInterruptFail = 4; KDHIAEFLGFM_GalleryStopOwnerLeaveScene = 5; KDHIAEFLGFM_GalleryStopPlayInitFailed = 6; KDHIAEFLGFM_GalleryStopOtherPlayerEnter = 7; KDHIAEFLGFM_GalleryStopAvatarDie = 8; KDHIAEFLGFM_GalleryStopFinished = 9; KDHIAEFLGFM_GalleryStopFungusAllDie = 10; KDHIAEFLGFM_GalleryStopLifeCountZero = 11; KDHIAEFLGFM_GalleryStopActivityClosed = 12; KDHIAEFLGFM_GalleryStopLeaveRegionFail = 13; KDHIAEFLGFM_GalleryStopHeartBloodUsedOut = 14; KDHIAEFLGFM_GalleryStopGuardianStoneDie = 15; } enum NIEIDCBLDML { NIEIDCBLDML_SandwormLevelNotOpen = 0; NIEIDCBLDML_SandwormLevelPreQuest = 1; NIEIDCBLDML_SandwormLevelStart = 2; NIEIDCBLDML_SandwormLevelSequelQuest = 3; } // Obf: KMBKLPECAEO enum DungeonCandidateTeamPlayerState { DUNGEON_CANDIDATE_TEAM_PLAYER_STATE_IDLE = 0; DUNGEON_CANDIDATE_TEAM_PLAYER_STATE_CHANGING_AVATAR = 1; DUNGEON_CANDIDATE_TEAM_PLAYER_STATE_READY = 2; } enum OIGKMDNEBHO { OIGKMDNEBHO_EffigyChallengeV4RestartEndReasonNone = 0; OIGKMDNEBHO_EffigyChallengeV4RestartEndReasonTimeout = 1; OIGKMDNEBHO_EffigyChallengeV4RestartEndReasonReject = 2; } // Obf: KIGGNJOOMNG enum AranaraCollectionState { ARANARA_COLLECTION_STATE_NONE = 0; ARANARA_COLLECTION_STATE_COLLECTABLE = 1; ARANARA_COLLECTION_STATE_COLLECTED = 2; ARANARA_COLLECTION_STATE_FINISHED = 3; } // Obf: ANLKFPJIOMK enum BattlePassUnlockStatus { BATTLE_PASS_UNLOCK_STATUS_INVALID = 0; BATTLE_PASS_UNLOCK_STATUS_FREE = 1; BATTLE_PASS_UNLOCK_STATUS_PAID = 2; } // Obf: LHGEGGKAFLM enum CodexType { CODEX_NONE = 0; CODEX_QUEST = 1; CODEX_WEAPON = 2; CODEX_ANIMAL = 3; CODEX_MATERIAL = 4; CODEX_BOOKS = 5; CODEX_PUSHTIPS = 6; CODEX_VIEW = 7; CODEX_RELIQUARY = 8; } // Obf: PCCMGHKHKNL enum EnterCustomDungeonType { ENTER_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_NONE = 0; ENTER_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_EDIT = 1; ENTER_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_PLAY = 2; ENTER_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_OFFICIAL = 3; } // Obf: FNOIEOJLKAB enum CustomDungeonState { CUSTOM_DUNGEON_STATE_EDIT = 0; CUSTOM_DUNGEON_STATE_SELF_PASS = 1; CUSTOM_DUNGEON_STATE_PUBLISHED = 2; } // Obf: DHBHFOPCKCO enum CustomDungeonBanType { CUSTOM_DUNGEON_BAN_TYPE_NONE = 0; CUSTOM_DUNGEON_BAN_TYPE_LAYOUT = 1; } // Obf: LJENCJEGDKA enum TryCustomDungeonType { TRY_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_NONE = 0; TRY_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_ROOM = 1; TRY_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_ALL = 2; TRY_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_OFFICIAL_PLAY = 3; } // Obf: ABGFENJLAMG enum DraftInviteFailReason { DRAFT_FAIL_UNKNOWN = 0; DRAFT_ACTIVITY_NOT_OPEN = 1; DRAFT_ACTIVITY_PLAY_NOT_OPEN = 2; DRAFT_SCENE_NOT_MEET = 3; DRAFT_WORLD_NOT_MEET = 4; DRAFT_PLAY_LIMIT_NOT_MEET = 5; LNILPEDBCDB_DraftActivityConfigNotFound = 6; } // Obf: EPFKHGDAOCP enum WindFieldDungeonFailReason { WIND_FIELD_DUNGEON_FAIL_NONE = 0; WIND_FIELD_DUNGEON_FAIL_CANCEL = 1; WIND_FIELD_DUNGEON_FAIL_TIMEOUT = 2; WIND_FIELD_DUNGEON_FAIL_ALL_AVATAR_DIE = 3; WIND_FIELD_DUNGEON_FAIL_LUA_INTERRUPT = 4; } enum FKMJAPDCONH { FKMJAPDCONH_PacmanDungeonStopNone = 0; FKMJAPDCONH_PacmanDungeonStopSuccess = 1; FKMJAPDCONH_PacmanDungeonStopTimeup = 2; FKMJAPDCONH_PacmanDungeonStopClientInterrupt = 3; FKMJAPDCONH_PacmanDungeonStopCancel = 4; FKMJAPDCONH_PacmanDungeonStopActivityClosed = 5; FKMJAPDCONH_PacmanDungeonStopFail = 6; } // Obf: NJLHPPKOGDB enum PlayerDieType { PLAYER_DIE_TYPE_NONE = 0; PLAYER_DIE_TYPE_KILL_BY_MONSTER = 1; PLAYER_DIE_TYPE_KILL_BY_GEAR = 2; PLAYER_DIE_TYPE_FALL = 3; PLAYER_DIE_TYPE_DRAWN = 4; PLAYER_DIE_TYPE_ABYSS = 5; PLAYER_DIE_TYPE_GM = 6; PLAYER_DIE_TYPE_CLIMATE_COLD = 7; PLAYER_DIE_TYPE_STORM_LIGHTING = 8; } // Obf: FEBNBMEEDHK enum PlayerDieOption { DIE_OPT_NONE = 0; DIE_OPT_REPLAY = 1; DIE_OPT_CANCEL = 2; DIE_OPT_REVIVE = 3; } // Obf: AJGOAOOHDHK enum CustomDungeonFinishType { CUSTOM_DUNGEON_FINISH_PLAY_NORMAL = 0; CUSTOM_DUNGEON_FINISH_PLAY_TRY = 1; CUSTOM_DUNGEON_FINISH_EDIT_TRY = 2; CUSTOM_DUNGEON_FINISH_SELF_PLAY_NORMAL = 3; } // Obf: KKEOIBNCMCK enum ChallengeFinishType { CHALLENGE_FINISH_TYPE_NONE = 0; CHALLENGE_FINISH_TYPE_FAIL = 1; CHALLENGE_FINISH_TYPE_SUCC = 2; CHALLENGE_FINISH_TYPE_PAUSE = 3; } enum FDGOOBGNJMP { FDGOOBGNJMP_EnterUgcDungeonNone = 0; FDGOOBGNJMP_EnterUgcDungeonTrialInEditDungeon = 1; FDGOOBGNJMP_EnterUgcDungeonTrialInWorld = 2; FDGOOBGNJMP_EnterUgcDungeonPlay = 3; FDGOOBGNJMP_EnterUgcDungeonOfficial = 4; FDGOOBGNJMP_EnterUgcDungeonByGm = 5; FDGOOBGNJMP_EnterUgcDungeonByEdit = 6; FDGOOBGNJMP_EnterUgcDungeonTrialOneRoom = 7; } enum CBGEJFGFNNO { CBGEJFGFNNO_Idle = 0; CBGEJFGFNNO_ChangingAvatar = 1; CBGEJFGFNNO_Ready = 2; } // Obf: ILAFDGNADFG enum DungeonCandidateTeamPlayerLeaveReason { DUNGEON_CANDIDATE_TPLR_NORMAL = 0; DUNGEON_CANDIDATE_TPLR_DIE = 1; DUNGEON_CANDIDATE_TPLR_BE_KICK = 2; DUNGEON_CANDIDATE_DISCONNECT = 3; } // Obf: MFAGPGGHPLK enum DungeonCandidateTeamDismissReason { DUNGEON_CANDIDATE_TPDR_NORMAL = 0; DUNGEON_CANDIDATE_TPDR_DIE = 1; DUNGEON_CANDIDATE_TPDR_DISCONNECT = 2; } // Obf: MLEBHNLEKAB enum PlatformType { PLATFORM_TYPE_EDITOR = 0; PLATFORM_TYPE_IOS = 1; PLATFORM_TYPE_ANDROID = 2; PLATFORM_TYPE_PC = 3; PLATFORM_TYPE_PS4 = 4; PLATFORM_TYPE_SERVER = 5; PLATFORM_TYPE_CLOUD_ANDROID = 6; PLATFORM_TYPE_CLOUD_IOS = 7; PLATFORM_TYPE_PS5 = 8; PLATFORM_TYPE_CLOUD_WEB = 9; PLATFORM_TYPE_CLOUD_TV = 10; PLATFORM_TYPE_CLOUD_MAC = 11; PLATFORM_TYPE_CLOUD_PC = 12; PLATFORM_TYPE_CLOUD_THIRD_PARTY_MOBILE = 13; PLATFORM_TYPE_CLOUD_THIRD_PARTY_PC = 14; PLATFORM_TYPE_CLOUD_WEB_ANDROID = 15; PLATFORM_TYPE_CLOUD_WEB_IOS = 16; PLATFORM_TYPE_CLOUD_WEB_PC = 17; PLATFORM_TYPE_CLOUD_WEB_MAC = 18; PLATFORM_TYPE_CLOUD_WEB_TOUCH = 19; PLATFORM_TYPE_CLOUD_WEB_KEYBOARD = 20; } // Obf: CDFCOLHODGF enum HitColliderType { HIT_COLLIDER_INVALID = 0; HIT_COLLIDER_HIT_BOX = 1; HIT_COLLIDER_WET_HIT_BOX = 2; HIT_COLLIDER_HEAD_BOX = 3; } // Obf: ADBGJCJNCPF enum CombatTypeArgument { COMBAT_TYPE_ARGUMENT_NONE = 0; COMBAT_TYPE_ARGUMENT_EVT_BEING_HIT = 1; COMBAT_TYPE_ARGUMENT_ANIMATOR_STATE_CHANGED = 2; COMBAT_TYPE_ARGUMENT_FACE_TO_DIR = 3; COMBAT_TYPE_ARGUMENT_SET_ATTACK_TARGET = 4; COMBAT_TYPE_ARGUMENT_RUSH_MOVE = 5; COMBAT_TYPE_ARGUMENT_ANIMATOR_PARAMETER_CHANGED = 6; COMBAT_TYPE_ARGUMENT_ENTITY_MOVE = 7; COMBAT_TYPE_ARGUMENT_SYNC_ENTITY_POSITION = 8; COMBAT_TYPE_ARGUMENT_STEER_MOTION_INFO = 9; COMBAT_TYPE_ARGUMENT_FORCE_SET_POS_INFO = 10; COMBAT_TYPE_ARGUMENT_COMPENSATE_POS_DIFF = 11; COMBAT_TYPE_ARGUMENT_MONSTER_DO_BLINK = 12; COMBAT_TYPE_ARGUMENT_FIXED_RUSH_MOVE = 13; COMBAT_TYPE_ARGUMENT_SYNC_TRANSFORM = 14; COMBAT_TYPE_ARGUMENT_LIGHT_CORE_MOVE = 15; COMBAT_TYPE_ARGUMENT_BEING_HEALED_NTF = 16; COMBAT_TYPE_ARGUMENT_SKILL_ANCHOR_POSITION_NTF = 17; COMBAT_TYPE_ARGUMENT_GRAPPLING_HOOK_MOVE = 18; ADBGJCJNCPF_CombatSpecialMotionInfo = 19; } // Obf: ILAHKGBCAOC enum FishEscapeReason { FISN_ESCAPE_NONE = 0; FISH_ESCAPE_SHOCKED = 1; FISH_ESCAPE_UNHOOK = 2; } // Obf: LCKAOMFDGLP enum FishBattleResult { FISH_BATTLE_RESULT_NONE = 0; FISH_BATTLE_RESULT_SUCC = 1; FISH_BATTLE_RESULT_FAIL = 2; FISH_BATTLE_RESULT_TIMEOUT = 3; FISH_BATTLE_RESULT_CANCEL = 4; FISH_BATTLE_RESULT_EXIT = 5; } // Obf: CJJHKGNDKMK enum ResinCostType { RESIN_COST_TYPE_NONE = 0; RESIN_COST_TYPE_NORMAL = 1; RESIN_COST_TYPE_CONDENSE = 2; RESIN_COST_TYPE_REUNION_PRIVILEGE = 3; RESIN_COST_TYPE_OP_ACTIVITY = 4; RESIN_COST_TYPE_MATERIAL = 5; } // Obf: BGICOOCNDKD enum InterOpType { INTER_OP_TYPE_FINISH = 0; INTER_OP_TYPE_START = 1; } // Obf: MMHNBMOLJBI enum InteractType { INTERACT_TYPE_NONE = 0; INTERACT_TYPE_PICK_ITEM = 1; INTERACT_TYPE_GATHER = 2; INTERACT_TYPE_OPEN_CHEST = 3; INTERACT_TYPE_OPEN_STATUE = 4; INTERACT_TYPE_CONSUM = 5; INTERACT_TYPE_MP_PLAY_REWARD = 6; INTERACT_TYPE_VIEW = 7; INTERACT_TYPE_GENERAL_REWARD = 8; INTERACT_TYPE_MIRACLE_RING = 9; INTERACT_TYPE_FOUNDATION = 10; INTERACT_TYPE_ECHO_SHELL = 11; INTERACT_TYPE_HOME_GATHER = 12; INTERACT_TYPE_ENV_ANIMAL = 13; INTERACT_TYPE_QUEST_GADGET = 14; INTERACT_TYPE_UI_INTERACT = 15; INTERACT_TYPE_DESHRET_OBELISK = 16; } // Obf: LJLDCFOCBKF enum FoundationOpType { FOUNDATION_OP_NONE = 0; FOUNDATION_OP_BUILD = 1; FOUNDATION_OP_DEMOLITION = 2; FOUNDATION_OP_REBUILD = 3; FOUNDATION_OP_ROTATE = 4; FOUNDATION_OP_LOCK = 5; FOUNDATION_OP_UNLOCK = 6; } // Obf: HHAEHDABPEB enum VehicleInteractType { VEHICLE_INTERACT_TYPE_NONE = 0; VEHICLE_INTERACT_TYPE_IN = 1; VEHICLE_INTERACT_TYPE_OUT = 2; } // Obf: KENCCPDLDJG enum GalleryStartSource { GALLERY_START_BY_NONE = 0; GALLERY_START_BY_MATCH = 1; GALLERY_START_BY_DRAFT = 2; } // Obf: IAJMOMGBODC enum IslandPartySailStage { ISLAND_PARTY_SAIL_STAGE_NONE = 0; ISLAND_PARTY_SAIL_STAGE_SAIL = 1; ISLAND_PARTY_SAIL_STAGE_BATTLE = 2; } enum DNKNPOGNOFP { DNKNPOGNOFP_SandwormCannonNoneEffect = 0; DNKNPOGNOFP_SandwormCannonWeakEffect = 1; DNKNPOGNOFP_SandwormCannonStrongEffect = 2; } enum CNBAFAGNCLI { CNBAFAGNCLI_CustomGalleryScoreBoardNormal = 0; CNBAFAGNCLI_CustomGalleryScoreBoardCountdown = 1; CNBAFAGNCLI_CustomGalleryScoreBoardTimer = 2; } // Obf: BNFCHMDPDFG enum GalleryStageType { GALLERY_NONE = 0; GALLERY_PRESTART = 1; GALLERY_START = 2; } // Obf: MPKIGDOAHIH enum SalvagePreventStopReason { SALVAGE_PREVENT_STOP_NONE = 0; SALVAGE_PREVENT_STOP_SUCCESS = 1; SALVAGE_PREVENT_STOP_ARRIVAL = 2; SALVAGE_PREVENT_STOP_INTERRUPT = 3; SALVAGE_PREVENT_STOP_LEAVE = 4; SALVAGE_PREVENT_STOP_FULL = 5; SALVAGE_PREVENT_STOP_AWAY = 6; } // Obf: IEFIFHKIGNC enum SalvageEscortStopReason { SALVAGE_ESCORT_STOP_NONE = 0; SALVAGE_ESCORT_STOP_SUCCESS = 1; SALVAGE_ESCORT_STOP_DUMP = 2; SALVAGE_ESCORT_STOP_TIME = 3; SALVAGE_ESCORT_STOP_INTERRUPT = 4; SALVAGE_ESCORT_STOP_LEAVE = 5; SALVAGE_ESCORT_STOP_FULL = 6; } // Obf: MEDIDIAPFAD enum GCGReason { MNDCMMKBIBP_Default = 0; MNDCMMKBIBP_Effect = 1; MNDCMMKBIBP_Cost = 2; MNDCMMKBIBP_Gm = 3; MNDCMMKBIBP_Attack = 4; MNDCMMKBIBP_Reboot = 5; MNDCMMKBIBP_PlayCard = 6; MNDCMMKBIBP_QuicklyOnstage = 7; MNDCMMKBIBP_RemoveAfterDie = 8; MNDCMMKBIBP_Init = 9; MNDCMMKBIBP_EffectDamage = 10; MNDCMMKBIBP_EffectHeal = 11; MNDCMMKBIBP_EffectRevive = 12; MNDCMMKBIBP_InitOnstage = 13; MNDCMMKBIBP_DieOnstage = 14; MNDCMMKBIBP_SelectOnstage = 15; MNDCMMKBIBP_CharacterDie = 16; MNDCMMKBIBP_ReviveWhenDeath = 17; MNDCMMKBIBP_TransferToOpponent = 18; MNDCMMKBIBP_TransferDice = 19; } // Obf: NNHMLKCECBP enum GCGPhaseType { OFOHJIEDJKD_GcgPhaseInvalid = 0; OFOHJIEDJKD_GcgPhaseStart = 1; OFOHJIEDJKD_GcgPhaseDraw = 2; OFOHJIEDJKD_GcgPhaseOnStage = 3; OFOHJIEDJKD_GcgPhaseDice = 4; OFOHJIEDJKD_GcgPhaseMain = 5; OFOHJIEDJKD_GcgPhaseEnd = 6; OFOHJIEDJKD_GcgPhaseDie = 7; OFOHJIEDJKD_GcgPhaseFin = 8; OFOHJIEDJKD_GcgPhasePreMain = 9; OFOHJIEDJKD_GcgPhaseReroll = 10; OFOHJIEDJKD_GcgPhaseRedraw = 11; } // Obf: BENDDOOFHHP enum GCGZoneType { GCG_ZONE_INVALID = 0; GCG_ZONE_DECK = 1; GCG_ZONE_HAND = 2; GCG_ZONE_CHARACTER = 3; GCG_ZONE_MODIFY = 4; GCG_ZONE_SUMMON = 5; GCG_ZONE_ASSIST = 7; GCG_ZONE_ONSTAGE = 8; GCG_ZONE_RULE = 9; } // Obf: FNMHKJNGFMI enum GCGDiceSideType { GCG_DICE_SIDE_INVALID = 0; GCG_DICE_SIDE_CRYO = 1; GCG_DICE_SIDE_HYDRO = 2; GCG_DICE_SIDE_PYRO = 3; GCG_DICE_SIDE_ELECTRO = 4; GCG_DICE_SIDE_GEO = 5; GCG_DICE_SIDE_DENDRO = 6; GCG_DICE_SIDE_ANEMO = 7; GCG_DICE_SIDE_PAIMON = 8; } // Obf: EKDNNONAKME enum GCGIntentionChangeType { GCG_INTENTION_CHANGE_NONE = 0; GCG_INTENTION_CHANGE_RM = 1; } enum GJHEHICILCG { GJHEHICILCG_GcgPerformInvalid = 0; GJHEHICILCG_GcgPerformCardExchange = 1; GJHEHICILCG_GcgPerformFirstHand = 2; GJHEHICILCG_GcgPerformReroll = 3; GJHEHICILCG_GcgPreformCostRevise = 4; GJHEHICILCG_GcgPerformRedraw = 5; GJHEHICILCG_GcgPerformHistory = 6; } // Obf: PNMCCGIBCDL enum GCGEndReason { GCG_END_REASON_DEFAULT = 0; GCG_END_REASON_DIE = 1; GCG_END_REASON_SURRENDER = 2; GCG_END_REASON_DISCONNECTED = 3; GCG_END_REASON_ROUND_LIMIT = 4; GCG_END_REASON_GM = 5; GCG_END_REASON_NO_PLAYER = 6; GCG_END_REASON_GIVE_UP = 7; GCG_END_REASON_INIT_TIMEOUT = 8; GCG_END_REASON_EFFECT = 9; GCG_END_REASON_EXPIRE_TIMEOUT = 10; } enum DNLLNJDINJG { DNLLNJDINJG_GcgActionNone = 0; DNLLNJDINJG_GcgActionSpecialPhase = 1; DNLLNJDINJG_GcgActionNextPhase = 2; DNLLNJDINJG_GcgActionDraw = 3; DNLLNJDINJG_GcgActionRedraw = 4; DNLLNJDINJG_GcgActionSelectOnstage = 5; DNLLNJDINJG_GcgActionRoll = 6; DNLLNJDINJG_GcgActionReroll = 7; DNLLNJDINJG_GcgActionAttack = 8; DNLLNJDINJG_GcgActionPlayCard = 9; DNLLNJDINJG_GcgActionPass = 10; DNLLNJDINJG_GcgActionReboot = 11; DNLLNJDINJG_GcgActionGameOver = 12; DNLLNJDINJG_GcgActionTrigger = 13; DNLLNJDINJG_GcgActionPhaseExit = 14; DNLLNJDINJG_GcgActionCustom = 15; DNLLNJDINJG_GcgActionNotifyCost = 16; DNLLNJDINJG_GcgActionAfterOperation = 17; DNLLNJDINJG_GcgActionUseSkill = 18; DNLLNJDINJG_GcgActionNotifySkillPreview = 19; DNLLNJDINJG_GcgActionPreviewAttack = 20; DNLLNJDINJG_GcgActionPreviewAfterAttack = 21; DNLLNJDINJG_GcgActionSendMessage = 22; DNLLNJDINJG_GcgActionWaitingCharacter = 23; DNLLNJDINJG_GcgActionTriggerSkill = 24; DNLLNJDINJG_GcgActionBeforeNextOperation = 25; DNLLNJDINJG_GcgActionRemoveCharacterCard = 26; DNLLNJDINJG_GcgActionOnstageCheck = 27; } enum BEHIKOPKKHE { BEHIKOPKKHE_GcgGameNone = 0; BEHIKOPKKHE_GcgGameGm = 1; BEHIKOPKKHE_GcgGameMatch = 2; BEHIKOPKKHE_GcgGamePvp = 3; BEHIKOPKKHE_GcgGameTavernChallenge = 4; BEHIKOPKKHE_GcgGameConstChallenge = 5; BEHIKOPKKHE_GcgGameWorldChallenge = 6; BEHIKOPKKHE_GcgGameBossChallenge = 7; BEHIKOPKKHE_GcgGameWeekChallenge = 8; BEHIKOPKKHE_GcgGameBreakChallenge = 9; BEHIKOPKKHE_GcgGameQuest = 10; BEHIKOPKKHE_GcgGameGuideGroup = 11; BEHIKOPKKHE_GcgGameOther = 12; BEHIKOPKKHE_GcgGameActivityJourney = 13; BEHIKOPKKHE_GcgGamePveActivity = 14; BEHIKOPKKHE_GcgGameArena = 15; BEHIKOPKKHE_GcgGameActivityPveInfinite = 16; BEHIKOPKKHE_GcgGameActivityPvePuzzle = 17; } // Obf: EIJGIMEOODA enum GCGSkillHpChangeType { GCG_SKILL_HP_CHANGE_NONE = 0; GCG_SKILL_HP_CHANGE_DAMAGE = 1; GCG_SKILL_HP_CHANGE_HEAL = 2; } // Obf: HMHCFCIHGCO enum GCGSettleOption { GCG_SETTLE_OPT_NONE = 0; GCG_SETTLE_OPT_EXIT = 1; GCG_SETTLE_OPT_CONTINUE = 2; GCG_SETTLE_OPT_RESTART = 3; } enum HPJPOMAIPNC { HPJPOMAIPNC_GcgLevelNone = 0; HPJPOMAIPNC_GcgLevelConst = 1; HPJPOMAIPNC_GcgLevelWeek = 2; HPJPOMAIPNC_GcgLevelWorld = 3; HPJPOMAIPNC_GcgLevelBoss = 4; HPJPOMAIPNC_GcgLevelCharacter = 5; HPJPOMAIPNC_GcgLevelBreak = 6; HPJPOMAIPNC_GcgLevelQuest = 7; HPJPOMAIPNC_GcgLevelGuideGroup = 8; HPJPOMAIPNC_GcgLevelOther = 9; HPJPOMAIPNC_GcgLevelJourney = 10; HPJPOMAIPNC_GcgLevelPve = 11; HPJPOMAIPNC_GcgLevelPveInfinite = 12; HPJPOMAIPNC_GcgLevelPvePuzzle = 13; } enum CGDFANJKOOO { CGDFANJKOOO_None = 0; CGDFANJKOOO_ByKick = 1; CGDFANJKOOO_Quit = 2; } enum IDEMOFBGNAI { IDEMOFBGNAI_None = 0; IDEMOFBGNAI_Transculent = 1; } // Obf: LDBJAIDJNMO enum FriendEnterHomeOption { FRIEND_ENTER_HOME_OPTION_NEED_CONFIRM = 0; FRIEND_ENTER_HOME_OPTION_REFUSE = 1; FRIEND_ENTER_HOME_OPTION_DIRECT = 2; } // Obf: JBPMMAEOHLJ enum HomePlantFieldStatus { HOME_FIELD_STATUE_NONE = 0; HOME_FIELD_STATUE_SEED = 1; HOME_FIELD_STATUE_SPROUT = 2; HOME_FIELD_STATUE_GATHER = 3; } // Obf: DINBLJHHDJN enum HuntingOfferState { HUNTING_OFFER_STATE_NONE = 0; HUNTING_OFFER_STATE_STARTED = 1; HUNTING_OFFER_STATE_UNSTARTED = 2; HUNTING_OFFER_STATE_SUCC = 3; } // Obf: HDHLNCKJKCA enum StoreType { STORE_TYPE_NONE = 0; STORE_TYPE_PACK = 1; STORE_TYPE_DEPOT = 2; } // Obf: DLEFODPKAGI enum ForgeQueueManipulateType { FORGE_QUEUE_MANIPULATE_TYPE_RECEIVE_OUTPUT = 0; FORGE_QUEUE_MANIPULATE_TYPE_STOP_FORGE = 1; } // Obf: NHKCGBBJJGE enum MaterialDeleteReturnType { MATERIAL_DELETE_RETURN_BAG = 0; MATERIAL_DELETE_RETURN_SEED = 1; } // Obf: DAHBJFKJLHG enum MatchType { MATCH_TYPE_NONE = 0; MATCH_TYPE_DUNGEON = 1; MATCH_TYPE_MP_PLAY = 2; MATCH_TYPE_MECHANICUS = 3; MATCH_TYPE_GENERAL = 4; MATCH_TYPE_GCG = 5; } // Obf: LKAMMLNBBDM enum MatchReason { MATCH_NONE = 0; MATCH_FINISH = 1; MATCH_PLAYER_CANCEL = 2; MATCH_TIMEOUT = 3; MATCH_PLAYER_CONFIRM = 4; MATCH_FAILED = 5; MATCH_SYSTEM_ERROR = 6; MATCH_INTERRUPTED = 7; MATCH_MP_UNAVAILABLE = 8; MATCH_CONFIRM_TIMEOUT = 9; } // Obf: MGJMJBMPFPG enum SvrMsgId { MSG_UNKNOWN = 0; MSG_BLOCK_REFRESH_COUNTDOWN = 1; MSG_AVATAR_REVIVE_BY_STATUE = 2; MSG_DAILY_TASK_REWARD_MAX_NUM = 3; MSG_ROUTINE_TYPE_NOT_OPEN = 4; MSG_ROUTINE_TYPE_REWARD_MAX_NUM = 5; MSG_MECHANICUS_COIN_LIMIT = 6; } // Obf: DEJFCBNPEJO enum ServerLogType { SERVER_LOG_NONE = 0; SERVER_LOG_ABILITY = 1; SERVER_LOG_LEVEL = 2; SERVER_LOG_ENTITY = 3; SERVER_LOG_LUA = 4; } // Obf: AEKKKMKLLKD enum ServerLogLevel { LOG_LEVEL_NONE = 0; LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG = 1; LOG_LEVEL_INFO = 2; LOG_LEVEL_WARNING = 3; LOG_LEVEL_ERROR = 4; } // Obf: BKNDPKGIHLP enum ClientReconnectReason { CLIENT_RECONNNECT_NONE = 0; CLIENT_RECONNNECT_QUIT_MP = 1; } // Obf: NCNMHENBLME enum InBattleMechanicusCardChallengeState { IN_BATTLE_MECHANICUS_CARD_CHALLENGE_NONE = 0; IN_BATTLE_MECHANICUS_CARD_CHALLENGE_ON_GOING = 1; IN_BATTLE_MECHANICUS_CARD_CHALLENGE_FAIL = 2; IN_BATTLE_MECHANICUS_CARD_CHALLENGE_SUCCESS = 3; } // Obf: MPJAFJCKMDI enum InBattleMechanicusStageType { IN_BATTLE_MECHANICUS_STAGE_NONE = 0; IN_BATTLE_MECHANICUS_STAGE_BUILD = 1; IN_BATTLE_MECHANICUS_STAGE_CARD_FLIP = 2; IN_BATTLE_MECHANICUS_STAGE_KILL = 3; } // Obf: EDEDAHIPILO enum BrickBreakerStageType { BRICK_BREAKER_STAGE_PREPARE = 0; BRICK_BREAKER_STAGE_PICK = 1; BRICK_BREAKER_STAGE_GAME = 2; BRICK_BREAKER_STAGE_PLAY = 3; BRICK_BREAKER_STAGE_SETTLE = 4; } // Obf: AIHOPPMEJNG enum HideAndSeekStageType { HIDE_AND_SEEK_STAGE_PREPARE = 0; HIDE_AND_SEEK_STAGE_PICK = 1; HIDE_AND_SEEK_STAGE_GAME = 2; HIDE_AND_SEEK_STAGE_HIDE = 3; HIDE_AND_SEEK_STAGE_SEEK = 4; HIDE_AND_SEEK_STAGE_SETTLE = 5; } // Obf: NCBNIKIODKP enum EventTriggerType { EVENT_TRIGGER_NONE = 0; EVENT_TRIGGER_ENTER_FORCE = 1; } // Obf: CILPGEMKHFH enum LuaShellType { LUASHELL_NONE = 0; LUASHELL_NORMAL = 1; LUASHELL_SECURITY = 2; LUASHELL_SHELL_CODE = 3; } // Obf: BPPJNIAJACJ enum CompoundBoostTakeStatusType { COMPOUND_BOOST_TAKE_STATUS_NONE = 0; COMPOUND_BOOST_TAKE_STATUS_BOOST_ONLY = 1; COMPOUND_BOOST_TAKE_STATUS_BOOST_AND_TAKE = 2; COMPOUND_BOOST_TAKE_STATUS_BAG_FULL = 3; } // Obf: HANDEHKHMKN enum ChangeHpReason { CHANGE_HP_REASON_NONE = 0; CHANGE_HP_REASON_SUB_AVATAR = 1; CHANGE_HP_REASON_SUB_MONSTER = 2; CHANGE_HP_REASON_SUB_GEAR = 3; CHANGE_HP_REASON_SUB_ENVIR = 4; CHANGE_HP_REASON_SUB_FALL = 5; CHANGE_HP_REASON_SUB_DRAWN = 6; CHANGE_HP_REASON_SUB_ABYSS = 7; CHANGE_HP_REASON_SUB_ABILITY = 8; CHANGE_HP_REASON_SUB_SUMMON = 9; CHANGE_HP_REASON_SUB_SCRIPT = 10; CHANGE_HP_REASON_SUB_GM = 11; CHANGE_HP_REASON_SUB_KILL_SELF = 12; CHANGE_HP_REASON_SUB_CLIMATE_COLD = 13; CHANGE_HP_REASON_SUB_STORM_LIGHTNING = 14; CHANGE_HP_REASON_SUB_KILL_SERVER_GADGET = 15; CHANGE_HP_REASON_SUB_REPLACE = 16; CHANGE_HP_REASON_SUB_PLAYER_LEAVE = 17; CHANGE_HP_REASON_ATTACK_BY_ENERGY = 18; CHANGE_HP_REASON_ATTACK_BY_RECYCLE = 19; CHANGE_HP_REASON_SUB_PLAYER_BACK = 20; CHANGE_HP_REASON_SUB_UGC = 21; CHANGE_HP_REASON_BY_LUA = 51; CHANGE_HP_REASON_ADD_ABILITY = 101; CHANGE_HP_REASON_ADD_ITEM = 102; CHANGE_HP_REASON_ADD_REVIVE = 103; CHANGE_HP_REASON_ADD_UPGRADE = 104; CHANGE_HP_REASON_ADD_STATUE = 105; CHANGE_HP_REASON_ADD_BACKGROUND = 106; CHANGE_HP_REASON_ADD_GM = 107; CHANGE_HP_REASON_ADD_TRIAL_AVATAR_ACTIVITY = 108; CHANGE_HP_REASON_ADD_ROGUELIKE_SPRING = 109; } // Obf: OHNCBLIFLLB enum ChangeEnergyReason { CHANGE_ENERGY_REASON_NONE = 0; CHANGE_ENERGY_REASON_SKILL_START = 1; } enum OFDEHFOCIFP { OFDEHFOCIFP_ChangeHpDebtsNone = 0; OFDEHFOCIFP_ChangeHpDebtsPay = 1; OFDEHFOCIFP_ChangeHpDebtsPayFinish = 2; OFDEHFOCIFP_ChangeHpDebtsClear = 21; OFDEHFOCIFP_ChangeHpDebtsAddAbility = 51; } // Obf: OGLAIMNKFEK enum PropChangeReason { PROP_CHANGE_REASON_NONE = 0; PROP_CHANGE_REASON_STATUE_RECOVER = 1; PROP_CHANGE_REASON_ENERGY_BALL = 2; PROP_CHANGE_REASON_ABILITY = 3; PROP_CHANGE_REASON_LEVELUP = 4; PROP_CHANGE_REASON_ITEM = 5; PROP_CHANGE_REASON_AVATAR_CARD = 6; PROP_CHANGE_REASON_CITY_LEVELUP = 7; PROP_CHANGE_REASON_AVATAR_UPGRADE = 8; PROP_CHANGE_REASON_AVATAR_PROMOTE = 9; PROP_CHANGE_REASON_PLAYER_ADD_EXP = 10; PROP_CHANGE_REASON_FINISH_QUEST = 11; PROP_CHANGE_REASON_GM = 12; PROP_CHANGE_REASON_MANUAL_ADJUST_WORLD_LEVEL = 13; } // Obf: IGBMFOLFJLJ enum ChapterState { CHAPTER_STATE_INVALID = 0; CHAPTER_STATE_UNABLE_TO_BEGIN = 1; CHAPTER_STATE_BEGIN = 2; CHAPTER_STATE_END = 3; } // Obf: AGEMDFOGNBD enum BargainResultType { BARGAIN_COMPLETE_SUCC = 0; BARGAIN_SINGLE_FAIL = 1; BARGAIN_COMPLETE_FAIL = 2; } // Obf: PNAKDNOMNOP enum RegionSearchState { REGION_SEARCH_NONE = 0; REGION_SEARCH_UNSTARTED = 1; REGION_SEARCH_STARTED = 2; REGION_SEARCH_WAIT_REWARD = 3; REGION_SEARCH_FINISHED = 4; } enum PEKMJNLFFEE { PEKMJNLFFEE_ReunionReportTypeNone = 0; PEKMJNLFFEE_ReunionReportTypeStart = 1; PEKMJNLFFEE_ReunionReportTypeDouble = 2; } // Obf: IFLKBEFDMPH enum VisionType { VISION_TYPE_NONE = 0; VISION_TYPE_MEET = 1; VISION_TYPE_REBORN = 2; VISION_TYPE_REPLACE = 3; VISION_TYPE_WAYPOINT_REBORN = 4; VISION_TYPE_MISS = 5; VISION_TYPE_DIE = 6; VISION_TYPE_GATHER_ESCAPE = 7; VISION_TYPE_REFRESH = 8; VISION_TYPE_TRANSPORT = 9; VISION_TYPE_REPLACE_DIE = 10; VISION_TYPE_REPLACE_NO_NOTIFY = 11; VISION_TYPE_BORN = 12; VISION_TYPE_PICKUP = 13; VISION_TYPE_REMOVE = 14; VISION_TYPE_CHANGE_COSTUME = 15; VISION_TYPE_FISH_REFRESH = 16; VISION_TYPE_FISH_BIG_SHOCK = 17; VISION_TYPE_FISH_QTE_SUCC = 18; VISION_TYPE_CAPTURE_DISAPPEAR = 19; } // Obf: DDPMPGDLDEN enum CreateReason { CREATE_NONE = 0; CREATE_QUEST = 1; CREATE_ENERGY = 2; } // Obf: GDDBIDNNPNO enum TransmitReason { TRANSMIT_NONE = 0; TRANSMIT_QUEST = 1; } // Obf: EAMEAGLMOEM enum SealBattleType { SEAL_BATTLE_KEEP_ALIVE = 0; SEAL_BATTLE_KILL_MONSTER = 1; SEAL_BATTLE_ENERGY_CHARGE = 2; } // Obf: DKFHNAHNGFE enum DungeonEntryBlockReason { DUNGEON_ENTRY_REASON_NONE = 0; DUNGEON_ENTRY_REASON_LEVEL = 1; DUNGEON_ENTRY_REASON_QUEST = 2; DUNGEON_ENTRY_REASON_MULIPLE = 3; } // Obf: ENDBNJAECJM enum AreaPlayType { AREA_PLAY_NONE = 0; AREA_PLAY_CLIMATE = 1; AREA_PLAY_REGIONAL_PLAY = 2; } enum MIOGECBCEGO { MIOGECBCEGO_None = 0; MIOGECBCEGO_OceanCurrent = 1; } // Obf: NALGAFDLMDG enum FriendOnlineState { FRIEND_ONLINE_STATE_DISCONNECT = 0; FRIEND_ONLINE_STATE_ONLINE = 1; } // Obf: AIMELHBOBLC enum DealAddFriendResultType { DEAL_ADD_FRIEND_RESULT_TYPE_REJECT = 0; DEAL_ADD_FRIEND_RESULT_TYPE_ACCEPT = 1; } // Obf: MLEODELMDAD enum ReportReasonType { REPORT_REASON_NONE = 0; REPORT_REASON_DECEPTIVE_ADS = 1; REPORT_REASON_ABUSING = 2; REPORT_REASON_CHEAT = 3; REPORT_REASON_POLITICAL = 4; REPORT_REASON_OTHER = 5; REPORT_REASON_HOME = 6; } enum HPJLDBHCMDP { HPJLDBHCMDP_ReportReasonSubtypeNone = 0; HPJLDBHCMDP_ReportReasonSubtypeInvalidNickname = 1; HPJLDBHCMDP_ReportReasonSubtypeInvalidSignature = 2; HPJLDBHCMDP_ReportReasonSubtypeInvalidArrangement = 3; HPJLDBHCMDP_ReportReasonSubtypeInvalidChat = 4; HPJLDBHCMDP_ReportReasonSubtypeInvalidAvatarName = 5; HPJLDBHCMDP_ReportReasonSubtypeInvalidOther = 6; } // Obf: KNNNABKDKMA enum GetUgcType { GET_UGC_NONE = 0; GET_UGC_TYPE_MINE = 1; GET_UGC_TYPE_PUBLISH = 2; } // Obf: ACCJDILEKGK enum UgcType { UGC_TYPE_NONE = 0; UGC_TYPE_MUSIC_GAME = 1; } // Obf: APFGDKHEIBO enum RecordUsage { UGC_RECORD_USAGE_NONE = 0; UGC_RECORD_USAGE_IMPORT = 1; UGC_RECORD_USAGE_PLAY = 2; UGC_RECORD_USAGE_TRIAL = 3; UGC_RECORD_USAGE_COMPARE = 4; } enum KGIOMFHCOAA { KGIOMFHCOAA_None = 0; KGIOMFHCOAA_ReachScore = 1; KGIOMFHCOAA_TimeUp = 2; } enum INANHOKEHOB { INANHOKEHOB_EditUgcDungeonEdit = 0; INANHOKEHOB_EditUgcDungeonAudit = 1; INANHOKEHOB_EditUgcDungeonPublished = 2; } enum ADHOJAAOLNO { ADHOJAAOLNO_DungeonCandidateAvatarTypeNone = 0; ADHOJAAOLNO_DungeonCandidateAvatarTypeFormal = 1; ADHOJAAOLNO_DungeonCandidateAvatarTypeUgc = 2; } enum BAOKDHDCCFN { BAOKDHDCCFN_None = 0; BAOKDHDCCFN_Send = 1; BAOKDHDCCFN_Accept = 2; BAOKDHDCCFN_Refuse = 3; } enum GFNGKFFJHHJ { GFNGKFFJHHJ_None = 0; GFNGKFFJHHJ_Starred = 1; GFNGKFFJHHJ_Official = 2; GFNGKFFJHHJ_Template = 3; } enum ACJJIIHAEMA { ACJJIIHAEMA_None = 0; ACJJIIHAEMA_Dungeon = 1; ACJJIIHAEMA_Room = 2; } enum ADBHDNAANMF { ADBHDNAANMF_None = 0; ADBHDNAANMF_StarredDungeon = 1; ADBHDNAANMF_StarredRoom = 2; ADBHDNAANMF_Owner = 3; ADBHDNAANMF_History = 4; ADBHDNAANMF_Search = 5; ADBHDNAANMF_Official = 6; ADBHDNAANMF_Template = 7; } // Obf: BOCCJPKHICL enum WidgetSlotTag { WIDGET_SLOT_TAG_QUICK_USE = 0; WIDGET_SLOT_TAG_ATTACH_AVATAR = 1; } // Obf: DPNIPOMNPFI enum WidgetSlotOp { WIDGET_SLOT_OP_ATTACH = 0; WIDGET_SLOT_OP_DETACH = 1; } // Obf: GCEFDCIHAKA enum WidgetCreatorOpType { WIDGET_CREATOR_TYPE_NONE = 0; WIDGET_CREATOR_TYPE_RETRACT = 1; WIDGET_CREATOR_TYPE_RETRACT_AND_CREATE = 2; } // Obf: FHGCBFMFGMA enum WidgetExtraCdType { WIDGET_EXTRA_CD_TYPE_NONE = 0; WIDGET_EXTRA_CD_TYPE_E_SKILL_SHARED = 1; } // Obf: FPEFLILOLGL enum FireworksReformParamType { FIREWORKS_REFORM_PARAM_NONE = 0; FIREWORKS_REFORM_PARAM_COLOR = 1; FIREWORKS_REFORM_PARAM_HEIGHT = 2; FIREWORKS_REFORM_PARAM_SIZE = 3; FIREWORKS_REFORM_PARAM_DENSITY = 4; FIREWORKS_REFORM_PARAM_ROTATION = 5; } // Obf: EDNDPFHDNHB enum FireworksLaunchParamType { FIREWORKS_LAUNCH_PARAM_NONE = 0; FIREWORKS_LAUNCH_PARAM_REPEAT = 1; FIREWORKS_LAUNCH_PARAM_INTEVAL = 2; FIREWORKS_LAUNCH_PARAM_DELAY = 3; FIREWORKS_LAUNCH_PARAM_ROUND_INTEVAL = 4; FIREWORKS_LAUNCH_PARAM_MAX = 5; } enum DIIHAAGDDJK { DIIHAAGDDJK_WispCageStateNotExist = 0; DIIHAAGDDJK_WispCageStateCreated = 1; DIIHAAGDDJK_WispCageStateMaterialDelivered = 2; DIIHAAGDDJK_WispCageStateNotTakeReward = 3; } // Obf: HOIECOCMCMI enum AbilityScalarType { ABILITY_SCALAR_TYPE_UNKNOW = 0; ABILITY_SCALAR_TYPE_FLOAT = 1; ABILITY_SCALAR_TYPE_INT = 2; ABILITY_SCALAR_TYPE_BOOL = 3; ABILITY_SCALAR_TYPE_TRIGGER = 4; ABILITY_SCALAR_TYPE_STRING = 5; ABILITY_SCALAR_TYPE_UINT = 6; } // Obf: KGHLDGDMFOB enum MotionState { MOTION_STATE_NONE = 0; MOTION_STATE_RESET = 1; MOTION_STATE_STANDBY = 2; MOTION_STATE_STANDBY_MOVE = 3; MOTION_STATE_WALK = 4; MOTION_STATE_RUN = 5; MOTION_STATE_DASH = 6; MOTION_STATE_CLIMB = 7; MOTION_STATE_CLIMB_JUMP = 8; MOTION_STATE_STANDBY_TO_CLIMB = 9; MOTION_STATE_FIGHT = 10; MOTION_STATE_JUMP = 11; MOTION_STATE_DROP = 12; MOTION_STATE_FLY = 13; MOTION_STATE_SWIM_MOVE = 14; MOTION_STATE_SWIM_IDLE = 15; MOTION_STATE_SWIM_DASH = 16; MOTION_STATE_SWIM_JUMP = 17; MOTION_STATE_SLIP = 18; MOTION_STATE_GO_UPSTAIRS = 19; MOTION_STATE_FALL_ON_GROUND = 20; MOTION_STATE_JUMP_UP_WALL_FOR_STANDBY = 21; MOTION_STATE_JUMP_OFF_WALL = 22; MOTION_STATE_POWERED_FLY = 23; MOTION_STATE_LADDER_IDLE = 24; MOTION_STATE_LADDER_MOVE = 25; MOTION_STATE_LADDER_SLIP = 26; MOTION_STATE_STANDBY_TO_LADDER = 27; MOTION_STATE_LADDER_TO_STANDBY = 28; MOTION_STATE_DANGER_STANDBY = 29; MOTION_STATE_DANGER_STANDBY_MOVE = 30; MOTION_STATE_DANGER_WALK = 31; MOTION_STATE_DANGER_RUN = 32; MOTION_STATE_DANGER_DASH = 33; MOTION_STATE_CROUCH_IDLE = 34; MOTION_STATE_CROUCH_MOVE = 35; MOTION_STATE_CROUCH_ROLL = 36; MOTION_STATE_NOTIFY = 37; MOTION_STATE_LAND_SPEED = 38; MOTION_STATE_MOVE_FAIL_ACK = 39; MOTION_STATE_WATERFALL = 40; MOTION_STATE_DASH_BEFORE_SHAKE = 41; MOTION_STATE_SIT_IDLE = 42; MOTION_STATE_FORCE_SET_POS = 43; MOTION_STATE_QUEST_FORCE_DRAG = 44; MOTION_STATE_FOLLOW_ROUTE = 45; MOTION_STATE_SKIFF_BOARDING = 46; MOTION_STATE_SKIFF_NORMAL = 47; MOTION_STATE_SKIFF_DASH = 48; MOTION_STATE_SKIFF_POWERED_DASH = 49; MOTION_STATE_DESTROY_VEHICLE = 50; MOTION_STATE_FLY_IDLE = 51; MOTION_STATE_FLY_SLOW = 52; MOTION_STATE_FLY_FAST = 53; MOTION_STATE_AIM_MOVE = 54; MOTION_STATE_AIR_COMPENSATION = 55; MOTION_STATE_SORUSH_NORMAL = 56; MOTION_STATE_ROLLER_COASTER = 57; MOTION_STATE_DIVE_IDLE = 58; MOTION_STATE_DIVE_MOVE = 59; MOTION_STATE_DIVE_DASH = 60; MOTION_STATE_DIVE_DOLPHINE = 61; MOTION_STATE_DEBUG = 62; MOTION_STATE_OCEAN_CURRENT = 63; MOTION_STATE_DIVE_SWIM_MOVE = 64; MOTION_STATE_DIVE_SWIM_IDLE = 65; MOTION_STATE_DIVE_SWIM_DASH = 66; MOTION_STATE_NUM = 67; } // Obf: LNFJOAGMCEF enum MonsterBornType { MONSTER_BORN_TYPE_NONE = 0; MONSTER_BORN_TYPE_DEFAULT = 1; MONSTER_BORN_TYPE_RANDOM = 2; } // Obf: FMMMMIIKELD enum MovingPlatformType { MOVING_PLATFORM_TYPE_NONE = 0; MOVING_PLATFORM_TYPE_USE_CONFIG = 1; MOVING_PLATFORM_TYPE_ABILITY = 2; MOVING_PLATFORM_TYPE_ROUTE = 3; } // Obf: HGKOLBGFAEC enum FoundationStatus { FOUNDATION_STATUS_NONE = 0; FOUNDATION_STATUS_INIT = 1; FOUNDATION_STATUS_BUILDING = 2; FOUNDATION_STATUS_BUILT = 3; } // Obf: GPODMAALLGC enum GadgetBornType { GADGET_BORN_TYPE_NONE = 0; GADGET_BORN_TYPE_IN_AIR = 1; GADGET_BORN_TYPE_PLAYER = 2; GADGET_BORN_TYPE_MONSTER_HIT = 3; GADGET_BORN_TYPE_MONSTER_DIE = 4; GADGET_BORN_TYPE_GADGET = 5; GADGET_BORN_TYPE_GROUND = 6; } // Obf: HFCNMMNOEDA enum ProtEntityType { PROT_ENTITY_TYPE_NONE = 0; PROT_ENTITY_TYPE_AVATAR = 1; PROT_ENTITY_TYPE_MONSTER = 2; PROT_ENTITY_TYPE_NPC = 3; PROT_ENTITY_TYPE_GADGET = 4; PROT_ENTITY_TYPE_REGION = 5; PROT_ENTITY_TYPE_WEAPON = 6; PROT_ENTITY_TYPE_WEATHER = 7; PROT_ENTITY_TYPE_SCENE = 8; PROT_ENTITY_TYPE_TEAM = 9; PROT_ENTITY_TYPE_MASSIVE_ENTITY = 10; PROT_ENTITY_TYPE_MP_LEVEL = 11; PROT_ENTITY_TYPE_PLAY_TEAM_ENTITY = 12; PROT_ENTITY_TYPE_EYE_POINT = 13; PROT_ENTITY_TYPE_MAX = 14; } // Obf: OJBIHADNECN enum AvatarExpeditionState { AVATAR_EXPEDITION_NONE = 0; AVATAR_EXPEDITION_DOING = 1; AVATAR_EXPEDITION_FINISH_WAIT_REWARD = 2; AVATAR_EXPEDITION_CALLBACK_WAIT_REWARD = 3; AVATAR_EXPEDITION_LOCKED = 4; } // Obf: EDOAABBJLID enum MailCollectState { MAIL_COLLECT_STATE_COLLECTIBLE_UNKNOWN = 0; MAIL_COLLECT_STATE_NOT_COLLECTIBLE = 1; MAIL_COLLECT_STATE_COLLECTIBLE_UNCOLLECTED = 2; MAIL_COLLECT_STATE_COLLECTIBLE_COLLECTED = 3; } // Obf: BICPJCKHOPA enum MpSettingType { MP_SETTING_TYPE_NO_ENTER = 0; MP_SETTING_TYPE_ENTER_FREELY = 1; MP_SETTING_TYPE_ENTER_AFTER_APPLY = 2; } // Obf: BPDPOCMBCLI enum MapMarkPointType { MAP_MARK_POINT_TYPE_NPC = 0; MAP_MARK_POINT_TYPE_QUEST = 1; MAP_MARK_POINT_TYPE_SPECIAL = 2; MAP_MARK_POINT_TYPE_MINE = 3; MAP_MARK_POINT_TYPE_COLLECTION = 4; MAP_MARK_POINT_TYPE_MONSTER = 5; MAP_MARK_POINT_TYPE_FISH_POOL = 6; } // Obf: MNFIJMCNPLC enum MapMarkFromType { MAP_MARK_FROM_TYPE_NONE = 0; MAP_MARK_FROM_TYPE_MONSTER = 1; MAP_MARK_FROM_TYPE_QUEST = 2; } // Obf: EEDDJAMKPAE enum MapMarkTipsType { MARK_TIPS_DUNGEON_ELEMENT_TRIAL = 0; } // Obf: MDIBKDBOAAO enum AuditState { AUDIT_NONE = 0; AUDIT_WAITING = 1; AUDIT_FAILED = 2; } // Obf: GLEKAPIGAJE enum Retcode { RET_SUCC = 0; RET_FAIL = -1; RET_SVR_ERROR = 1; RET_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 2; RET_FREQUENT = 3; RET_NODE_FORWARD_ERROR = 4; RET_NOT_FOUND_CONFIG = 5; RET_SYSTEM_BUSY = 6; RET_GM_UID_BIND = 7; RET_FORBIDDEN = 8; RET_STOP_REGISTER = 10; RET_STOP_SERVER = 11; RET_ACCOUNT_VEIRFY_ERROR = 12; RET_ACCOUNT_FREEZE = 13; RET_REPEAT_LOGIN = 14; RET_CLIENT_VERSION_ERROR = 15; RET_TOKEN_ERROR = 16; RET_ACCOUNT_NOT_EXIST = 17; RET_WAIT_OTHER_LOGIN = 18; RET_ANOTHER_LOGIN = 19; RET_CLIENT_FORCE_UPDATE = 20; RET_BLACK_UID = 21; RET_LOGIN_DB_FAIL = 22; RET_LOGIN_INIT_FAIL = 23; RET_MYSQL_DUPLICATE = 24; RET_MAX_PLAYER = 25; RET_ANTI_ADDICT = 26; RET_PS_PLAYER_WITHOUT_ONLINE_ID = 27; RET_ONLINE_ID_NOT_FOUND = 28; RET_ONLNE_ID_NOT_MATCH = 29; RET_REGISTER_IS_FULL = 30; RET_CHECKSUM_INVALID = 31; RET_BLACK_REGISTER_IP = 32; RET_EXCEED_REGISTER_RATE = 33; RET_UNKNOWN_PLATFORM = 34; RET_TOKEN_PARAM_ERROR = 35; RET_ANTI_OFFLINE_ERROR = 36; RET_BLACK_LOGIN_IP = 37; RET_GET_TOKEN_SESSION_HAS_UID = 38; RET_ENVIRONMENT_ERROR = 39; RET_CHECK_CLIENT_VERSION_HASH_FAIL = 40; RET_MINOR_REGISTER_FOBIDDEN = 41; RET_SECURITY_LIBRARY_ERROR = 42; RET_GATE_TICKET_CHECK_ERROR = 43; RET_PROTO_MIX_VERSION_NOT_MATCH = 44; RET_AVATAR_IN_CD = 101; RET_AVATAR_NOT_ALIVE = 102; RET_AVATAR_NOT_ON_SCENE = 103; RET_CAN_NOT_FIND_AVATAR = 104; RET_CAN_NOT_DEL_CUR_AVATAR = 105; RET_DUPLICATE_AVATAR = 106; RET_AVATAR_IS_SAME_ONE = 107; RET_AVATAR_LEVEL_LESS_THAN = 108; RET_AVATAR_CAN_NOT_CHANGE_ELEMENT = 109; RET_AVATAR_BREAK_LEVEL_LESS_THAN = 110; RET_AVATAR_ON_MAX_BREAK_LEVEL = 111; RET_AVATAR_ID_ALREADY_EXIST = 112; RET_AVATAR_NOT_DEAD = 113; RET_AVATAR_IS_REVIVING = 114; RET_AVATAR_ID_ERROR = 115; RET_REPEAT_SET_PLAYER_BORN_DATA = 116; RET_PLAYER_LEVEL_LESS_THAN = 117; RET_AVATAR_LIMIT_LEVEL_ERROR = 118; RET_CUR_AVATAR_NOT_ALIVE = 119; RET_CAN_NOT_FIND_TEAM = 120; RET_CAN_NOT_FIND_CUR_TEAM = 121; RET_AVATAR_NOT_EXIST_IN_TEAM = 122; RET_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_CUR_AVATAR_FROM_TEAM = 123; RET_CAN_NOT_USE_REVIVE_ITEM_FOR_CUR_AVATAR = 124; RET_TEAM_COST_EXCEED_LIMIT = 125; RET_TEAM_AVATAR_IN_EXPEDITION = 126; RET_TEAM_CAN_NOT_CHOSE_REPLACE_USE = 127; RET_AVATAR_IN_COMBAT = 128; RET_NICKNAME_UTF8_ERROR = 130; RET_NICKNAME_TOO_LONG = 131; RET_NICKNAME_WORD_ILLEGAL = 132; RET_NICKNAME_TOO_MANY_DIGITS = 133; RET_NICKNAME_IS_EMPTY = 134; RET_NICKNAME_MONTHLY_LIMIT = 135; RET_NICKNAME_NOT_CHANGED = 136; RET_PLAYER_NOT_ONLINE = 140; RET_OPEN_STATE_NOT_OPEN = 141; RET_FEATURE_CLOSED = 142; RET_AVATAR_EXPEDITION_AVATAR_DIE = 152; RET_AVATAR_EXPEDITION_COUNT_LIMIT = 153; RET_AVATAR_EXPEDITION_MAIN_FORBID = 154; RET_AVATAR_EXPEDITION_TRIAL_FORBID = 155; RET_TEAM_NAME_ILLEGAL = 156; RET_IS_NOT_IN_STANDBY = 157; RET_IS_IN_DUNGEON = 158; RET_IS_IN_LOCK_AVATAR_QUEST = 159; RET_IS_USING_TRIAL_AVATAR = 160; RET_IS_USING_TEMP_AVATAR = 161; RET_NOT_HAS_FLYCLOAK = 162; RET_FETTER_REWARD_ALREADY_GOT = 163; RET_FETTER_REWARD_LEVEL_NOT_ENOUGH = 164; RET_WORLD_LEVEL_ADJUST_MIN_LEVEL = 165; RET_WORLD_LEVEL_ADJUST_CD = 166; RET_NOT_HAS_COSTUME = 167; RET_COSTUME_AVATAR_ERROR = 168; RET_FLYCLOAK_PLATFORM_TYPE_ERR = 169; RET_IN_TRANSFER = 170; RET_IS_IN_LOCK_AVATAR = 171; RET_FULL_BACKUP_TEAM = 172; RET_BACKUP_TEAM_ID_NOT_VALID = 173; RET_BACKUP_TEAM_IS_CUR_TEAM = 174; RET_AVATAR_RENAME_IN_CD = 175; RET_AVATAR_RENAME_IN_AUDIT = 176; RET_AVATAR_RENAME_IN_IP_BLACK_LIST = 177; RET_TEAM_AVATAR_IS_LOCKED = 178; RET_PLAYER_HAS_TRIAL_AVATAR = 179; RET_FLOAT_ERROR = 201; RET_NPC_NOT_EXIST = 301; RET_NPC_TOO_FAR = 302; RET_NOT_CURRENT_TALK = 303; RET_NPC_CREATE_FAIL = 304; RET_NPC_MOVE_FAIL = 305; RET_QUEST_NOT_EXIST = 401; RET_QUEST_IS_FAIL = 402; RET_QUEST_CONTENT_ERROR = 403; RET_BARGAIN_NOT_ACTIVATED = 404; RET_BARGAIN_FINISHED = 405; RET_INFERENCE_ASSOCIATE_WORD_ERROR = 406; RET_INFERENCE_SUBMIT_WORD_NO_CONCLUSION = 407; RET_SUBMIT_QUEST_EVENTS_NOT_RIGHT = 408; RET_POINT_NOT_UNLOCKED = 501; RET_POINT_TOO_FAR = 502; RET_POINT_ALREAY_UNLOCKED = 503; RET_ENTITY_NOT_EXIST = 504; RET_ENTER_SCENE_FAIL = 505; RET_PLAYER_IS_ENTER_SCENE = 506; RET_CITY_MAX_LEVEL = 507; RET_AREA_LOCKED = 508; RET_JOIN_OTHER_WAIT = 509; RET_WEATHER_AREA_NOT_FOUND = 510; RET_WEATHER_IS_LOCKED = 511; RET_NOT_IN_SELF_SCENE = 512; RET_GROUP_NOT_EXIST = 513; RET_MARK_NAME_ILLEGAL = 514; RET_MARK_ALREADY_EXISTS = 515; RET_MARK_OVERFLOW = 516; RET_MARK_NOT_EXISTS = 517; RET_MARK_UNKNOWN_TYPE = 518; RET_MARK_NAME_TOO_LONG = 519; RET_DISTANCE_LONG = 520; RET_ENTER_SCENE_TOKEN_INVALID = 521; RET_NOT_IN_WORLD_SCENE = 522; RET_ANY_GALLERY_STARTED = 523; RET_GALLERY_NOT_START = 524; RET_GALLERY_INTERRUPT_ONLY_ON_SINGLE_MODE = 525; RET_GALLERY_CANNOT_INTERRUPT = 526; RET_GALLERY_WORLD_NOT_MEET = 527; RET_GALLERY_SCENE_NOT_MEET = 528; RET_CUR_PLAY_CANNOT_TRANSFER = 529; RET_CANT_USE_WIDGET_IN_HOME_SCENE = 530; RET_SCENE_GROUP_NOT_MATCH = 531; RET_POS_ROT_INVALID = 551; RET_MARK_INVALID_SCENE_ID = 552; RET_INVALID_SCENE_TO_USE_ANCHOR_POINT = 553; RET_ENTER_HOME_SCENE_FAIL = 554; RET_CUR_SCENE_IS_NULL = 555; RET_GROUP_ID_ERROR = 556; RET_GALLERY_INTERRUPT_NOT_OWNER = 557; RET_NO_SPRING_IN_AREA = 558; RET_AREA_NOT_IN_SCENE = 559; RET_INVALID_CITY_ID = 560; RET_INVALID_SCENE_ID = 561; RET_DEST_SCENE_IS_NOT_ALLOW = 562; RET_LEVEL_TAG_SWITCH_IN_CD = 563; RET_LEVEL_TAG_ALREADY_EXIST = 564; RET_INVALID_AREA_ID = 565; RET_GALLERY_ONGOING_FORBID = 566; RET_NOT_IN_PLAYER_WORLD = 567; RET_MAP_LAYER_GROUP_ALREADY_SHOWN = 568; RET_INVALID_MAP_LAYER = 569; RET_ITEM_NOT_EXIST = 601; RET_PACK_EXCEED_MAX_WEIGHT = 602; RET_ITEM_NOT_DROPABLE = 603; RET_ITEM_NOT_USABLE = 604; RET_ITEM_INVALID_USE_COUNT = 605; RET_ITEM_INVALID_DROP_COUNT = 606; RET_ITEM_ALREADY_EXIST = 607; RET_ITEM_IN_COOLDOWN = 608; RET_ITEM_COUNT_NOT_ENOUGH = 609; RET_ITEM_INVALID_TARGET = 610; RET_RECIPE_NOT_EXIST = 611; RET_RECIPE_LOCKED = 612; RET_RECIPE_UNLOCKED = 613; RET_COMPOUND_QUEUE_FULL = 614; RET_COMPOUND_NOT_FINISH = 615; RET_MAIL_ITEM_NOT_GET = 616; RET_ITEM_EXCEED_LIMIT = 617; RET_AVATAR_CAN_NOT_USE = 618; RET_ITEM_NEED_PLAYER_LEVEL = 619; RET_RECIPE_NOT_AUTO_QTE = 620; RET_COMPOUND_BUSY_QUEUE = 621; RET_NEED_MORE_SCOIN = 622; RET_SKILL_DEPOT_NOT_FOUND = 623; RET_HCOIN_NOT_ENOUGH = 624; RET_SCOIN_NOT_ENOUGH = 625; RET_HCOIN_EXCEED_LIMIT = 626; RET_SCOIN_EXCEED_LIMIT = 627; RET_MAIL_EXPIRED = 628; RET_REWARD_HAS_TAKEN = 629; RET_COMBINE_COUNT_TOO_LARGE = 630; RET_GIVING_ITEM_WRONG = 631; RET_GIVING_IS_FINISHED = 632; RET_GIVING_NOT_ACTIVED = 633; RET_FORGE_QUEUE_FULL = 634; RET_FORGE_QUEUE_CAPACITY = 635; RET_FORGE_QUEUE_NOT_FOUND = 636; RET_FORGE_QUEUE_EMPTY = 637; RET_NOT_SUPPORT_ITEM = 638; RET_ITEM_EMPTY = 639; RET_VIRTUAL_EXCEED_LIMIT = 640; RET_MATERIAL_EXCEED_LIMIT = 641; RET_EQUIP_EXCEED_LIMIT = 642; RET_ITEM_SHOULD_HAVE_NO_LEVEL = 643; RET_WEAPON_PROMOTE_LEVEL_EXCEED_LIMIT = 644; RET_WEAPON_LEVEL_INVALID = 645; RET_UNKNOW_ITEM_TYPE = 646; RET_ITEM_COUNT_IS_ZERO = 647; RET_ITEM_IS_EXPIRED = 648; RET_ITEM_EXCEED_OUTPUT_LIMIT = 649; RET_EQUIP_LEVEL_HIGHER = 650; RET_EQUIP_CAN_NOT_WAKE_OFF_WEAPON = 651; RET_EQUIP_HAS_BEEN_WEARED = 652; RET_EQUIP_WEARED_CANNOT_DROP = 653; RET_AWAKEN_LEVEL_MAX = 654; RET_MCOIN_NOT_ENOUGH = 655; RET_MCOIN_EXCEED_LIMIT = 656; RET_RESIN_NOT_ENOUGH = 660; RET_RESIN_EXCEED_LIMIT = 661; RET_RESIN_OPENSTATE_OFF = 662; RET_RESIN_BOUGHT_COUNT_EXCEEDED = 663; RET_RESIN_CARD_DAILY_REWARD_HAS_TAKEN = 664; RET_RESIN_CARD_EXPIRED = 665; RET_AVATAR_CAN_NOT_COOK = 666; RET_ATTACH_AVATAR_CD = 667; RET_AUTO_RECOVER_OPENSTATE_OFF = 668; RET_AUTO_RECOVER_BOUGHT_COUNT_EXCEEDED = 669; RET_RESIN_GAIN_FAILED = 670; RET_WIDGET_ORNAMENTS_TYPE_ERROR = 671; RET_ALL_TARGET_SATIATION_FULL = 672; RET_FORGE_WORLD_LEVEL_NOT_MATCH = 673; RET_FORGE_POINT_NOT_ENOUGH = 674; RET_WIDGET_ANCHOR_POINT_FULL = 675; RET_WIDGET_ANCHOR_POINT_NOT_FOUND = 676; RET_ALL_BONFIRE_EXCEED_MAX_COUNT = 677; RET_BONFIRE_EXCEED_MAX_COUNT = 678; RET_LUNCH_BOX_DATA_ERROR = 679; RET_INVALID_QUICK_USE_WIDGET = 680; RET_INVALID_REPLACE_RESIN_COUNT = 681; RET_PREV_DETECTED_GATHER_NOT_FOUND = 682; RET_GOT_ALL_ONEOFF_GAHTER = 683; RET_INVALID_WIDGET_MATERIAL_ID = 684; RET_WIDGET_DETECTOR_NO_HINT_TO_CLEAR = 685; RET_WIDGET_ALREADY_WITHIN_NEARBY_RADIUS = 686; RET_WIDGET_CLIENT_COLLECTOR_NEED_POINTS = 687; RET_WIDGET_IN_COMBAT = 688; RET_WIDGET_NOT_SET_QUICK_USE = 689; RET_ALREADY_ATTACH_WIDGET = 690; RET_EQUIP_IS_LOCKED = 691; RET_FORGE_IS_LOCKED = 692; RET_COMBINE_IS_LOCKED = 693; RET_FORGE_OUTPUT_STACK_LIMIT = 694; RET_ALREADY_DETTACH_WIDGET = 695; RET_GADGET_BUILDER_EXCEED_MAX_COUNT = 696; RET_REUNION_PRIVILEGE_RESIN_TYPE_IS_NORMAL = 697; RET_BONUS_COUNT_EXCEED_DOUBLE_LIMIT = 698; RET_RELIQUARY_DECOMPOSE_PARAM_ERROR = 699; RET_ITEM_COMBINE_COUNT_NOT_ENOUGH = 700; RET_GOODS_NOT_EXIST = 701; RET_GOODS_MATERIAL_NOT_ENOUGH = 702; RET_GOODS_NOT_IN_TIME = 703; RET_GOODS_BUY_NUM_NOT_ENOUGH = 704; RET_GOODS_BUY_NUM_ERROR = 705; RET_SHOP_NOT_OPEN = 706; RET_SHOP_CONTENT_NOT_MATCH = 707; RET_SHOP_BATCH_BUY_SHOP_LIMIT = 708; RET_SHOP_BATCH_BUY_COUNT_LIMIT = 709; RET_CHAT_FORBIDDEN = 798; RET_CHAT_CD = 799; RET_CHAT_FREQUENTLY = 800; RET_GADGET_NOT_EXIST = 801; RET_GADGET_NOT_INTERACTIVE = 802; RET_GADGET_NOT_GATHERABLE = 803; RET_CHEST_IS_LOCKED = 804; RET_GADGET_CREATE_FAIL = 805; RET_WORKTOP_OPTION_NOT_EXIST = 806; RET_GADGET_STATUE_NOT_ACTIVE = 807; RET_GADGET_STATUE_OPENED = 808; RET_BOSS_CHEST_NO_QUALIFICATION = 809; RET_BOSS_CHEST_LIFE_TIME_OVER = 810; RET_BOSS_CHEST_WEEK_NUM_LIMIT = 811; RET_BOSS_CHEST_GUEST_WORLD_LEVEL = 812; RET_BOSS_CHEST_HAS_TAKEN = 813; RET_BLOSSOM_CHEST_NO_QUALIFICATION = 814; RET_BLOSSOM_CHEST_LIFE_TIME_OVER = 815; RET_BLOSSOM_CHEST_HAS_TAKEN = 816; RET_BLOSSOM_CHEST_GUEST_WORLD_LEVEL = 817; RET_MP_PLAY_REWARD_NO_QUALIFICATION = 818; RET_MP_PLAY_REWARD_HAS_TAKEN = 819; RET_GENERAL_REWARD_NO_QUALIFICATION = 820; RET_GENERAL_REWARD_LIFE_TIME_OVER = 821; RET_GENERAL_REWARD_HAS_TAKEN = 822; RET_GADGET_NOT_VEHICLE = 823; RET_VEHICLE_SLOT_OCCUPIED = 824; RET_NOT_IN_VEHICLE = 825; RET_CREATE_VEHICLE_IN_CD = 826; RET_CREATE_VEHICLE_POS_INVALID = 827; RET_VEHICLE_POINT_NOT_UNLOCK = 828; RET_GADGET_INTERACT_COND_NOT_MEET = 829; RET_GADGET_INTERACT_PARAM_ERROR = 830; RET_GADGET_CUSTOM_COMBINATION_INVALID = 831; RET_DESHRET_OBELISK_DUPLICATE_INTERACT = 832; RET_DESHRET_OBELISK_NO_AVAIL_CHEST = 833; RET_VEHICLE_SORUSH_NOT_REPLACE = 834; RET_VEHICLE_SORUSH_NOT_UNLOAD = 835; RET_VEHICLE_SORUSH_STATE_NOT_MATCH = 836; RET_ACTIVITY_CLOSE = 860; RET_ACTIVITY_ITEM_ERROR = 861; RET_ACTIVITY_CONTRIBUTION_NOT_ENOUGH = 862; RET_SEA_LAMP_PHASE_NOT_FINISH = 863; RET_SEA_LAMP_FLY_NUM_LIMIT = 864; RET_SEA_LAMP_FLY_LAMP_WORD_ILLEGAL = 865; RET_ACTIVITY_WATCHER_REWARD_TAKEN = 866; RET_ACTIVITY_WATCHER_REWARD_NOT_FINISHED = 867; RET_SALESMAN_ALREADY_DELIVERED = 868; RET_SALESMAN_REWARD_COUNT_NOT_ENOUGH = 869; RET_SALESMAN_POSITION_INVALID = 870; RET_DELIVER_NOT_FINISH_ALL_QUEST = 871; RET_DELIVER_ALREADY_TAKE_DAILY_REWARD = 872; RET_ASTER_PROGRESS_EXCEED_LIMIT = 873; RET_ASTER_CREDIT_EXCEED_LIMIT = 874; RET_ASTER_TOKEN_EXCEED_LIMIT = 875; RET_ASTER_CREDIT_NOT_ENOUGH = 876; RET_ASTER_TOKEN_NOT_ENOUGH = 877; RET_ASTER_SPECIAL_REWARD_HAS_TAKEN = 878; RET_FLIGHT_GROUP_ACTIVITY_NOT_STARTED = 879; RET_ASTER_MID_PREVIOUS_BATTLE_NOT_FINISHED = 880; RET_DRAGON_SPINE_SHIMMERING_ESSENCE_EXCEED_LIMIT = 881; RET_DRAGON_SPINE_WARM_ESSENCE_EXCEED_LIMIT = 882; RET_DRAGON_SPINE_WONDROUS_ESSENCE_EXCEED_LIMIT = 883; RET_DRAGON_SPINE_SHIMMERING_ESSENCE_NOT_ENOUGH = 884; RET_DRAGON_SPINE_WARM_ESSENCE_NOT_ENOUGH = 885; RET_DRAGON_SPINE_WONDROUS_ESSENCE_NOT_ENOUGH = 886; RET_EFFIGY_FIRST_PASS_REWARD_HAS_TAKEN = 891; RET_EFFIGY_REWARD_HAS_TAKEN = 892; RET_TREASURE_MAP_ADD_TOKEN_EXCEED_LIMIT = 893; RET_TREASURE_MAP_TOKEN_NOT_ENOUGHT = 894; RET_SEA_LAMP_COIN_EXCEED_LIMIT = 895; RET_SEA_LAMP_COIN_NOT_ENOUGH = 896; RET_SEA_LAMP_POPULARITY_EXCEED_LIMIT = 897; RET_ACTIVITY_AVATAR_REWARD_NOT_OPEN = 898; RET_ACTIVITY_AVATAR_REWARD_HAS_TAKEN = 899; RET_ARENA_ACTIVITY_ALREADY_STARTED = 900; RET_TALENT_ALREAY_UNLOCKED = 901; RET_PREV_TALENT_NOT_UNLOCKED = 902; RET_BIG_TALENT_POINT_NOT_ENOUGH = 903; RET_SMALL_TALENT_POINT_NOT_ENOUGH = 904; RET_PROUD_SKILL_ALREADY_GOT = 905; RET_PREV_PROUD_SKILL_NOT_GET = 906; RET_PROUD_SKILL_MAX_LEVEL = 907; RET_CANDIDATE_SKILL_DEPOT_ID_NOT_FIND = 910; RET_SKILL_DEPOT_IS_THE_SAME = 911; RET_MONSTER_NOT_EXIST = 1001; RET_MONSTER_CREATE_FAIL = 1002; RET_DUNGEON_ENTER_FAIL = 1101; RET_DUNGEON_QUIT_FAIL = 1102; RET_DUNGEON_ENTER_EXCEED_DAY_COUNT = 1103; RET_DUNGEON_REVIVE_EXCEED_MAX_COUNT = 1104; RET_DUNGEON_REVIVE_FAIL = 1105; RET_DUNGEON_NOT_SUCCEED = 1106; RET_DUNGEON_CAN_NOT_CANCEL = 1107; RET_DEST_DUNGEON_SETTLED = 1108; RET_DUNGEON_CANDIDATE_TEAM_IS_FULL = 1109; RET_DUNGEON_CANDIDATE_TEAM_IS_DISMISS = 1110; RET_DUNGEON_CANDIDATE_TEAM_NOT_ALL_READY = 1111; RET_DUNGEON_CANDIDATE_TEAM_HAS_REPEAT_AVATAR = 1112; RET_DUNGEON_CANDIDATE_NOT_SINGEL_PASS = 1113; RET_DUNGEON_REPLAY_NEED_ALL_PLAYER_DIE = 1114; RET_DUNGEON_REPLAY_HAS_REVIVE_COUNT = 1115; RET_DUNGEON_OTHERS_LEAVE = 1116; RET_DUNGEON_ENTER_LEVEL_LIMIT = 1117; RET_DUNGEON_CANNOT_ENTER_PLOT_IN_MP = 1118; RET_DUNGEON_DROP_SUBFIELD_LIMIT = 1119; RET_DUNGEON_BE_INVITE_PLAYER_AVATAR_ALL_DIE = 1120; RET_DUNGEON_CANNOT_KICK = 1121; RET_DUNGEON_CANDIDATE_TEAM_SOMEONE_LEVEL_LIMIT = 1122; RET_DUNGEON_IN_FORCE_QUIT = 1123; RET_DUNGEON_GUEST_QUIT_DUNGEON = 1124; RET_DUNGEON_TICKET_FAIL = 1125; RET_CUR_DUNGEON_SETTLED = 1126; RET_CUR_DUNGEON_NOT_PLOT = 1127; RET_CUR_DUNGEON_NOT_ALLOW_SWITCH_TEAM = 1128; RET_MP_NOT_IN_MY_WORLD = 1201; RET_MP_IN_MP_MODE = 1202; RET_MP_SCENE_IS_FULL = 1203; RET_MP_MODE_NOT_AVAILABLE = 1204; RET_MP_PLAYER_NOT_ENTERABLE = 1205; RET_MP_QUEST_BLOCK_MP = 1206; RET_MP_IN_ROOM_SCENE = 1207; RET_MP_WORLD_IS_FULL = 1208; RET_MP_PLAYER_NOT_ALLOW_ENTER = 1209; RET_MP_PLAYER_DISCONNECTED = 1210; RET_MP_NOT_IN_MP_MODE = 1211; RET_MP_OWNER_NOT_ENTER = 1212; RET_MP_ALLOW_ENTER_PLAYER_FULL = 1213; RET_MP_TARGET_PLAYER_IN_TRANSFER = 1214; RET_MP_TARGET_ENTERING_OTHER = 1215; RET_MP_OTHER_ENTERING = 1216; RET_MP_ENTER_MAIN_PLAYER_IN_PLOT = 1217; RET_MP_NOT_PS_PLAYER = 1218; RET_MP_PLAY_NOT_ACTIVE = 1219; RET_MP_PLAY_REMAIN_REWARDS = 1220; RET_MP_PLAY_NO_REWARD = 1221; RET_MP_OPEN_STATE_FAIL = 1223; RET_MP_PLAYER_IN_BLACKLIST = 1224; RET_MP_REPLY_TIMEOUT = 1225; RET_MP_IS_BLOCK = 1226; RET_MP_ENTER_MAIN_PLAYER_IN_MP_PLAY = 1227; RET_MP_IN_MP_PLAY_BATTLE = 1228; RET_MP_GUEST_HAS_REWARD_REMAINED = 1229; RET_MP_QUIT_MP_INVALID = 1230; RET_MP_OTHER_DATA_VERSION_NOT_LATEST = 1231; RET_MP_DATA_VERSION_NOT_LATEST = 1232; RET_MP_CUR_WORLD_NOT_ENTERABLE = 1233; RET_MP_ANY_GALLERY_STARTED = 1234; RET_MP_HAS_ACTIVE_DRAFT = 1235; RET_MP_PLAYER_IN_DUNGEON = 1236; RET_MP_MATCH_FULL = 1237; RET_MP_MATCH_LIMIT = 1238; RET_MP_MATCH_IN_PUNISH = 1239; RET_MP_IS_IN_MULTISTAGE = 1240; RET_MP_MATCH_PLAY_NOT_OPEN = 1241; RET_MP_ONLY_MP_WITH_PS_PLAYER = 1242; RET_MP_GUEST_LOADING_FIRST_ENTER = 1243; RET_MP_SUMMER_TIME_SPRINT_BOAT_ONGOING = 1244; RET_MP_BLITZ_RUSH_PARKOUR_CHALLENGE_ONGOING = 1245; RET_MP_MUSIC_GAME_ONGOING = 1246; RET_MP_IN_MPING_MODE = 1247; RET_MP_OWNER_IN_SINGLE_SCENE = 1248; RET_MP_IN_SINGLE_SCENE = 1249; RET_MP_REPLY_NO_VALID_AVATAR = 1250; RET_MP_IS_NOT_IN_TRANSFER_GUARD = 1251; RET_MP_CANNOT_EXEC_GIVING_IN_SINGLE_MODE_QUEST = 1252; RET_MP_EFFIGY_CHALLENGE_V4_IN_PREPARE = 1253; RET_MP_SHUFFLE_BOARD_ONGOING = 1254; RET_MP_FLIGHT_GEAR_ONGOING = 1255; RET_MP_TOY_BATTLE_QTE_ONGOING = 1256; RET_MAIL_PARA_ERR = 1301; RET_MAIL_MAX_NUM = 1302; RET_MAIL_ITEM_NUM_EXCEED = 1303; RET_MAIL_TITLE_LEN_EXCEED = 1304; RET_MAIL_CONTENT_LEN_EXCEED = 1305; RET_MAIL_SENDER_LEN_EXCEED = 1306; RET_MAIL_PARSE_PACKET_FAIL = 1307; RET_OFFLINE_MSG_MAX_NUM = 1308; RET_OFFLINE_MSG_SAME_TICKET = 1309; RET_MAIL_EXCEL_MAIL_TYPE_ERROR = 1310; RET_MAIL_CANNOT_SEND_MCOIN = 1311; RET_MAIL_HCOIN_EXCEED_LIMIT = 1312; RET_MAIL_SCOIN_EXCEED_LIMIT = 1313; RET_MAIL_MATERIAL_ID_INVALID = 1314; RET_MAIL_AVATAR_EXCEED_LIMIT = 1315; RET_MAIL_GACHA_TICKET_ETC_EXCEED_LIMIT = 1316; RET_MAIL_ITEM_EXCEED_CEHUA_LIMIT = 1317; RET_MAIL_SPACE_OR_REST_NUM_NOT_ENOUGH = 1318; RET_MAIL_TICKET_IS_EMPTY = 1319; RET_MAIL_TRANSACTION_IS_EMPTY = 1320; RET_MAIL_DELETE_COLLECTED = 1321; RET_MAIL_COLLECTION_IS_FULL = 1322; RET_DAILY_TASK_NOT_FINISH = 1330; RET_DAILY_TAKS_HAS_TAKEN = 1331; RET_SOCIAL_OFFLINE_MSG_NUM_EXCEED = 1332; RET_DAILY_TASK_FILTER_CITY_NOT_OPEN = 1333; RET_GACHA_INAVAILABLE = 1401; RET_GACHA_RANDOM_NOT_MATCH = 1402; RET_GACHA_SCHEDULE_NOT_MATCH = 1403; RET_GACHA_INVALID_TIMES = 1404; RET_GACHA_COST_ITEM_NOT_ENOUGH = 1405; RET_GACHA_TIMES_LIMIT = 1406; RET_GACHA_WISH_SAME_ITEM = 1407; RET_GACHA_WISH_INVALID_ITEM = 1408; RET_GACHA_MINORS_TIMES_LIMIT = 1409; RET_GACHA_GENERAL_TIMES_LIMIT = 1410; RET_INVESTIGAITON_NOT_IN_PROGRESS = 1501; RET_INVESTIGAITON_UNCOMPLETE = 1502; RET_INVESTIGAITON_REWARD_TAKEN = 1503; RET_INVESTIGAITON_TARGET_STATE_ERROR = 1504; RET_PUSH_TIPS_NOT_FOUND = 1505; RET_SIGN_IN_RECORD_NOT_FOUND = 1506; RET_ALREADY_HAVE_SIGNED_IN = 1507; RET_SIGN_IN_COND_NOT_SATISFIED = 1508; RET_BONUS_ACTIVITY_NOT_UNREWARDED = 1509; RET_SIGN_IN_REWARDED = 1510; RET_TOWER_NOT_OPEN = 1521; RET_TOWER_HAVE_DAILY_RECORD = 1522; RET_TOWER_NOT_RECORD = 1523; RET_TOWER_HAVE_RECORD = 1524; RET_TOWER_TEAM_NUM_ERROR = 1525; RET_TOWER_FLOOR_NOT_OPEN = 1526; RET_TOWER_NO_FLOOR_STAR_RECORD = 1527; RET_ALREADY_HAS_TOWER_BUFF = 1528; RET_DUPLICATE_ENTER_LEVEL = 1529; RET_NOT_IN_TOWER_LEVEL = 1530; RET_IN_TOWER_LEVEL = 1531; RET_TOWER_PREV_FLOOR_NOT_FINISH = 1532; RET_TOWER_STAR_NOT_ENOUGH = 1533; RET_BATTLE_PASS_NO_SCHEDULE = 1541; RET_BATTLE_PASS_HAS_BUYED = 1542; RET_BATTLE_PASS_LEVEL_OVERFLOW = 1543; RET_BATTLE_PASS_PRODUCT_EXPIRED = 1544; RET_MATCH_HOST_QUIT = 1561; RET_MATCH_ALREADY_IN_MATCH = 1562; RET_MATCH_NOT_IN_MATCH = 1563; RET_MATCH_APPLYING_ENTER_MP = 1564; RET_MATCH_INCORRECT_SCENE = 1565; RET_WIDGET_TREASURE_SPOT_NOT_FOUND = 1581; RET_WIDGET_TREASURE_ENTITY_EXISTS = 1582; RET_WIDGET_TREASURE_SPOT_FAR_AWAY = 1583; RET_WIDGET_TREASURE_FINISHED_TODAY = 1584; RET_WIDGET_QUICK_USE_REQ_PARAM_ERROR = 1585; RET_WIDGET_CAMERA_SCAN_ID_ERROR = 1586; RET_WIDGET_NOT_ACTIVE = 1587; RET_WIDGET_FEATHER_NOT_ACTIVE = 1588; RET_WIDGET_FEATHER_GADGET_TOO_FAR_AWAY = 1589; RET_WIDGET_CAPTURE_ANIMAL_NOT_EXIST = 1590; RET_WIDGET_CAPTURE_ANIMAL_DROP_BAG_LIMIT = 1591; RET_WIDGET_CAPTURE_ANIMAL_CAN_NOT_CAPTURE = 1592; RET_WIDGET_SKY_CRYSTAL_ALL_COLLECTED = 1593; RET_WIDGET_SKY_CRYSTAL_HINT_ALREADY_EXIST = 1594; RET_WIDGET_SKY_CRYSTAL_NOT_FOUND = 1595; RET_WIDGET_SKY_CRYSTAL_NO_HINT_TO_CLEAR = 1596; RET_WIDGET_LIGHT_STONE_ENERGY_NOT_ENOUGH = 1597; RET_WIDGET_TOY_CRYSTAL_ENERGY_NOT_ENOUGH = 1598; RET_WIDGET_LIGHT_STONE_LEVEL_NOT_ENOUGH = 1599; RET_WIDGET_QUICK_SLOT_NOT_IN_WIDGET_PANEL = 1600; RET_UID_NOT_EXIST = 2001; RET_PARSE_BIN_ERROR = 2002; RET_ACCOUNT_INFO_NOT_EXIST = 2003; RET_ORDER_INFO_NOT_EXIST = 2004; RET_SNAPSHOT_INDEX_ERROR = 2005; RET_MAIL_HAS_BEEN_SENT = 2006; RET_PRODUCT_NOT_EXIST = 2007; RET_UNFINISH_ORDER = 2008; RET_ID_NOT_EXIST = 2009; RET_ORDER_TRADE_EARLY = 2010; RET_ORDER_FINISHED = 2011; RET_GAMESERVER_VERSION_WRONG = 2012; RET_OFFLINE_OP_FULL_LENGTH = 2013; RET_CONCERT_PRODUCT_OBTAIN_LIMIT = 2014; RET_CONCERT_PRODUCT_TICKET_DUPLICATED = 2015; RET_CONCERT_PRODUCT_TICKET_EMPTY = 2016; RET_REDIS_MODIFIED = 5001; RET_REDIS_UID_NOT_EXIST = 5002; RET_PATHFINDING_DATA_NOT_EXIST = 6001; RET_PATHFINDING_DESTINATION_NOT_EXIST = 6002; RET_PATHFINDING_ERROR_SCENE = 6003; RET_PATHFINDING_SCENE_DATA_LOADING = 6004; RET_TOTHEMOON_ERROR_SCENE = 6301; RET_TOTHEMOON_PLAYER_NOT_EXIST = 6302; RET_FRIEND_COUNT_EXCEEDED = 7001; RET_PLAYER_NOT_EXIST = 7002; RET_ALREADY_SENT_ADD_REQUEST = 7003; RET_ASK_FRIEND_LIST_FULL = 7004; RET_PLAYER_ALREADY_IS_FRIEND = 7005; RET_PLAYER_NOT_ASK_FRIEND = 7006; RET_TARGET_FRIEND_COUNT_EXCEED = 7007; RET_NOT_FRIEND = 7008; RET_BIRTHDAY_CANNOT_BE_SET_TWICE = 7009; RET_CANNOT_ADD_SELF_FRIEND = 7010; RET_SIGNATURE_ILLEGAL = 7011; RET_PS_PLAYER_CANNOT_ADD_FRIENDS = 7012; RET_PS_PLAYER_CANNOT_REMOVE_FRIENDS = 7013; RET_NAME_CARD_NOT_UNLOCKED = 7014; RET_ALREADY_IN_BLACKLIST = 7015; RET_PS_PALEYRS_CANNOT_ADD_BLACKLIST = 7016; RET_PLAYER_BLACKLIST_FULL = 7017; RET_PLAYER_NOT_IN_BLACKLIST = 7018; RET_BLACKLIST_PLAYER_CANNOT_ADD_FRIEND = 7019; RET_IN_TARGET_BLACKLIST = 7020; RET_CANNOT_ADD_TARGET_FRIEND = 7021; RET_BIRTHDAY_FORMAT_ERROR = 7022; RET_ONLINE_ID_NOT_EXISTS = 7023; RET_FIRST_SHARE_REWARD_HAS_TAKEN = 7024; RET_PS_PLAYER_CANNOT_REMOVE_BLACKLIST = 7025; RET_REPORT_CD = 7026; RET_REPORT_CONTENT_ILLEGAL = 7027; RET_REMARK_WORD_ILLEGAL = 7028; RET_REMARK_TOO_LONG = 7029; RET_REMARK_UTF8_ERROR = 7030; RET_REMARK_IS_EMPTY = 7031; RET_ASK_ADD_FRIEND_CD = 7032; RET_SHOW_AVATAR_INFO_NOT_EXIST = 7033; RET_PLAYER_NOT_SHOW_AVATAR = 7034; RET_SOCIAL_UPDATE_SHOW_LIST_REPEAT_ID = 7035; RET_PSN_ID_NOT_FOUND = 7036; RET_EMOJI_COLLECTION_NUM_EXCEED_LIMIT = 7037; RET_REMARK_EMPTY = 7038; RET_IN_TARGET_PSN_BLACKLIST = 7039; RET_SIGNATURE_NOT_CHANGED = 7040; RET_SIGNATURE_MONTHLY_LIMIT = 7041; RET_REQ_FRIEND_AVATAR_FREQUENTLY = 7042; RET_PSN_GET_PLAYER_SOCIAL_DETAIL_FAIL = 7043; RET_OFFERING_NOT_OPEN = 7081; RET_OFFERING_LEVEL_LIMIT = 7082; RET_OFFERING_LEVEL_NOT_REACH = 7083; RET_OFFERING_LEVEL_HAS_TAKEN = 7084; RET_OFFERING_PARI_SEARCH_NOT_OPEN = 7085; RET_OFFERING_PARI_NOT_FINISH = 7086; RET_OFFERING_PARI_FINISH_REWARD_HAS_TAKEN = 7087; RET_OFFERING_PARI_SEARCH_ALL_FINISH = 7088; RET_CITY_REPUTATION_NOT_OPEN = 7101; RET_CITY_REPUTATION_LEVEL_TAKEN = 7102; RET_CITY_REPUTATION_LEVEL_NOT_REACH = 7103; RET_CITY_REPUTATION_PARENT_QUEST_TAKEN = 7104; RET_CITY_REPUTATION_PARENT_QUEST_UNFINISH = 7105; RET_CITY_REPUTATION_ACCEPT_REQUEST = 7106; RET_CITY_REPUTATION_NOT_ACCEPT_REQUEST = 7107; RET_CITY_REPUTATION_ACCEPT_REQUEST_LIMIT = 7108; RET_CITY_REPUTATION_ENTRANCE_NOT_OPEN = 7109; RET_CITY_REPUTATION_TAKEN_REQUEST_REWARD = 7110; RET_CITY_REPUTATION_SWITCH_CLOSE = 7111; RET_CITY_REPUTATION_ENTRACE_SWITCH_CLOSE = 7112; RET_CITY_REPUTATION_TAKEN_EXPLORE_REWARD = 7113; RET_CITY_REPUTATION_EXPLORE_NOT_REACH = 7114; RET_MECHANICUS_NOT_OPEN = 7120; RET_MECHANICUS_GEAR_UNLOCK = 7121; RET_MECHANICUS_GEAR_LOCK = 7122; RET_MECHANICUS_GEAR_LEVEL_LIMIT = 7123; RET_MECHANICUS_COIN_NOT_ENOUGH = 7124; RET_MECHANICUS_NO_SEQUENCE = 7125; RET_MECHANICUS_SEQUENCE_LIMIT_LEVEL = 7126; RET_MECHANICUS_SEQUENCE_LIMIT_OPEN = 7127; RET_MECHANICUS_DIFFICULT_NOT_SUPPORT = 7128; RET_MECHANICUS_TICKET_NOT_ENOUGH = 7129; RET_MECHANICUS_TEACH_NOT_FINISH = 7130; RET_MECHANICUS_TEACH_FINISHED = 7131; RET_MECHANICUS_PREV_DIFFICULT_LEVEL_BLOCK = 7132; RET_MECHANICUS_PLAYER_LIMIT = 7133; RET_MECHANICUS_PUNISH_TIME = 7134; RET_MECHANICUS_SWITCH_CLOSE = 7135; RET_MECHANICUS_BATTLE_NOT_IN_DUNGEON = 7150; RET_MECHANICUS_BATTLE_PLAY_NOT_FOUND = 7151; RET_MECHANICUS_BATTLE_DUPLICATE_PICK_CARD = 7152; RET_MECHANICUS_BATTLE_PLAYER_NOT_IN_PLAY = 7153; RET_MECHANICUS_BATTLE_CARD_NOT_AVAILABLE = 7154; RET_MECHANICUS_BATTLE_NOT_IN_CARD_STAGE = 7155; RET_MECHANICUS_BATTLE_CARD_IS_WAITING = 7156; RET_MECHANICUS_BATTLE_CARD_ALL_CONFIRMED = 7157; RET_MECHANICUS_BATTLE_CARD_ALREADY_CONFIRMED = 7158; RET_MECHANICUS_BATTLE_CARD_CONFIRMED_BY_OTHER = 7159; RET_MECHANICUS_BATTLE_CARD_NOT_ENOUGH_POINTS = 7160; RET_MECHANICUS_BATTLE_CARD_ALREADY_SKIPPED = 7161; RET_LEGENDARY_KEY_NOT_ENOUGH = 8001; RET_LEGENDARY_KEY_EXCEED_LIMIT = 8002; RET_DAILY_TASK_NOT_ENOUGH_TO_REDEEM = 8003; RET_PERSONAL_LINE_OPEN_STATE_OFF = 8004; RET_PERSONAL_LINE_LEVEL_NOT_ENOUGH = 8005; RET_PERSONAL_LINE_NOT_OPEN = 8006; RET_PERSONAL_LINE_PRE_QUEST_NOT_FINISH = 8007; RET_HUNTING_ALREADY_FINISH_OFFER_LIMIT = 8201; RET_HUNTING_HAS_UNFINISHED_OFFER = 8202; RET_HUNTING_FAILED_OFFER_NOT_CD_READY = 8203; RET_HUNTING_NOT_TAKE_OFFER = 8204; RET_HUNTING_CANNOT_TAKE_TWICE = 8205; RET_RPIVATE_CHAT_INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE = 8901; RET_PRIVATE_CHAT_TARGET_IS_NOT_FRIEND = 8902; RET_PRIVATE_CHAT_CONTENT_NOT_SUPPORTED = 8903; RET_PRIVATE_CHAT_CONTENT_TOO_LONG = 8904; RET_PRIVATE_CHAT_PULL_TOO_FAST = 8905; RET_PRIVATE_CHAT_REPEAT_READ = 8906; RET_PRIVATE_CHAT_READ_NOT_FRIEND = 8907; RET_REUNION_FINISHED = 9001; RET_REUNION_NOT_ACTIVATED = 9002; RET_REUNION_ALREADY_TAKE_FIRST_REWARD = 9003; RET_REUNION_SIGN_IN_REWARDED = 9004; RET_REUNION_WATCHER_REWARDED = 9005; RET_REUNION_WATCHER_NOT_FINISH = 9006; RET_REUNION_MISSION_REWARDED = 9007; RET_REUNION_MISSION_NOT_FINISH = 9008; RET_REUNION_WATCHER_REWARD_NOT_UNLOCKED = 9009; RET_BLESSING_CONTENT_CLOSED = 9101; RET_BLESSING_NOT_ACTIVE = 9102; RET_BLESSING_NOT_TODAY_ENTITY = 9103; RET_BLESSING_ENTITY_EXCEED_SCAN_NUM_LIMIT = 9104; RET_BLESSING_DAILY_SCAN_NUM_EXCEED_LIMIT = 9105; RET_BLESSING_REDEEM_REWARD_NUM_EXCEED_LIMIT = 9106; RET_BLESSING_REDEEM_PIC_NUM_NOT_ENOUGH = 9107; RET_BLESSING_PIC_NOT_ENOUGH = 9108; RET_BLESSING_PIC_HAS_RECEIVED = 9109; RET_BLESSING_TARGET_RECV_NUM_EXCEED = 9110; RET_FLEUR_FAIR_CREDIT_EXCEED_LIMIT = 9111; RET_FLEUR_FAIR_CREDIT_NOT_ENOUGH = 9112; RET_FLEUR_FAIR_TOKEN_EXCEED_LIMIT = 9113; RET_FLEUR_FAIR_TOKEN_NOT_ENOUGH = 9114; RET_FLEUR_FAIR_MINIGAME_NOT_OPEN = 9115; RET_FLEUR_FAIR_MUSIC_GAME_DIFFICULTY_NOT_UNLOCK = 9116; RET_FLEUR_FAIR_DUNGEON_LOCKED = 9117; RET_FLEUR_FAIR_DUNGEON_PUNISH_TIME = 9118; RET_FLEUR_FAIR_ONLY_OWNER_CAN_RESTART_MINIGAM = 9119; RET_WATER_SPIRIT_COIN_EXCEED_LIMIT = 9120; RET_WATER_SPIRIT_COIN_NOT_ENOUGH = 9121; RET_REGION_SEARCH_NO_SEARCH = 9122; RET_REGION_SEARCH_STATE_ERROR = 9123; RET_CHANNELLER_SLAB_LOOP_DUNGEON_STAGE_NOT_OPEN = 9130; RET_CHANNELLER_SLAB_LOOP_DUNGEON_NOT_OPEN = 9131; RET_CHANNELLER_SLAB_LOOP_DUNGEON_FIRST_PASS_REWARD_HAS_TAKEN = 9132; RET_CHANNELLER_SLAB_LOOP_DUNGEON_SCORE_REWARD_HAS_TAKEN = 9133; RET_CHANNELLER_SLAB_INVALID_ONE_OFF_DUNGEON = 9134; RET_CHANNELLER_SLAB_ONE_OFF_DUNGEON_DONE = 9135; RET_CHANNELLER_SLAB_ONE_OFF_DUNGEON_STAGE_NOT_OPEN = 9136; RET_CHANNELLER_SLAB_TOKEN_EXCEED_LIMIT = 9137; RET_CHANNELLER_SLAB_TOKEN_NOT_ENOUGH = 9138; RET_CHANNELLER_SLAB_PLAYER_NOT_IN_ONE_OFF_DUNGEON = 9139; RET_MIST_TRIAL_SELECT_CHARACTER_NUM_NOT_ENOUGH = 9150; RET_MIST_TRIAL_ALREADY_USING_TRIAL_AVATAR = 9151; RET_HIDE_AND_SEEK_PLAY_NOT_OPEN = 9160; RET_HIDE_AND_SEEK_PLAY_MAP_NOT_OPEN = 9161; RET_HIDE_AND_SEEK_PLAY_MAP_NOT_CHOSEN = 9162; RET_SUMMER_TIME_DRAFT_WOORD_EXCEED_LIMIT = 9170; RET_SUMMER_TIME_DRAFT_WOORD_NOT_ENOUGH = 9171; RET_SUMMER_TIME_MINI_HARPASTUM_EXCEED_LIMIT = 9172; RET_SUMMER_TIME_MINI_HARPASTUMNOT_ENOUGH = 9173; RET_BOUNCE_CONJURING_COIN_EXCEED_LIMIT = 9180; RET_BOUNCE_CONJURING_COIN_NOT_ENOUGH = 9181; RET_CHESS_TEACH_MAP_FINISHED = 9183; RET_CHESS_TEACH_MAP_UNFINISHED = 9184; RET_CHESS_COIN_EXCEED_LIMIT = 9185; RET_CHESS_COIN_NOT_ENOUGH = 9186; RET_CHESS_IN_PUNISH_TIME = 9187; RET_CHESS_PREV_MAP_UNFINISHED = 9188; RET_CHESS_MAP_LOCKED = 9189; RET_BLITZ_RUSH_NOT_OPEN = 9192; RET_BLITZ_RUSH_DUNGEON_NOT_OPEN = 9193; RET_BLITZ_RUSH_COIN_A_EXCEED_LIMIT = 9194; RET_BLITZ_RUSH_COIN_B_EXCEED_LIMIT = 9195; RET_BLITZ_RUSH_COIN_A_NOT_ENOUGH = 9196; RET_BLITZ_RUSH_COIN_B_NOT_ENOUGH = 9197; RET_MIRACLE_RING_VALUE_NOT_ENOUGH = 9201; RET_MIRACLE_RING_CD = 9202; RET_MIRACLE_RING_REWARD_NOT_TAKEN = 9203; RET_MIRACLE_RING_NOT_DELIVER = 9204; RET_MIRACLE_RING_DELIVER_EXCEED = 9205; RET_MIRACLE_RING_HAS_CREATED = 9206; RET_MIRACLE_RING_HAS_NOT_CREATED = 9207; RET_MIRACLE_RING_NOT_YOURS = 9208; RET_GADGET_FOUNDATION_UNAUTHORIZED = 9251; RET_GADGET_FOUNDATION_SCENE_NOT_FOUND = 9252; RET_GADGET_FOUNDATION_NOT_IN_INIT_STATE = 9253; RET_GADGET_FOUNDATION_BILDING_POINT_NOT_ENOUGHT = 9254; RET_GADGET_FOUNDATION_NOT_IN_BUILT_STATE = 9255; RET_GADGET_FOUNDATION_OP_NOT_SUPPORTED = 9256; RET_GADGET_FOUNDATION_REQ_PLAYER_NOT_IN_SCENE = 9257; RET_GADGET_FOUNDATION_LOCKED_BY_ANOTHER_PLAYER = 9258; RET_GADGET_FOUNDATION_NOT_LOCKED = 9259; RET_GADGET_FOUNDATION_DUPLICATE_LOCK = 9260; RET_GADGET_FOUNDATION_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND = 9261; RET_GADGET_FOUNDATION_PLAYER_GEAR_NOT_FOUND = 9262; RET_GADGET_FOUNDATION_ROTAION_DISABLED = 9263; RET_GADGET_FOUNDATION_REACH_DUNGEON_GEAR_LIMIT = 9264; RET_GADGET_FOUNDATION_REACH_SINGLE_GEAR_LIMIT = 9265; RET_GADGET_FOUNDATION_ROTATION_ON_GOING = 9266; RET_OP_ACTIVITY_BONUS_NOT_FOUND = 9301; RET_OP_ACTIVITY_NOT_OPEN = 9302; RET_MULTISTAGE_PLAY_PLAYER_NOT_IN_SCENE = 9501; RET_MULTISTAGE_PLAY_NOT_FOUND = 9502; RET_MULTISTAGE_PLAY_IN_OTHER_STAGE = 9503; RET_COOP_CHAPTER_NOT_OPEN = 9601; RET_COOP_COND_NOT_MEET = 9602; RET_COOP_POINT_LOCKED = 9603; RET_COOP_NOT_HAVE_PROGRESS = 9604; RET_COOP_REWARD_HAS_TAKEN = 9605; RET_DRAFT_HAS_ACTIVE_DRAFT = 9651; RET_DRAFT_NOT_IN_MY_WORLD = 9652; RET_DRAFT_NOT_SUPPORT_MP = 9653; RET_DRAFT_PLAYER_NOT_ENOUGH = 9654; RET_DRAFT_INCORRECT_SCENE = 9655; RET_DRAFT_OTHER_PLAYER_ENTERING = 9656; RET_DRAFT_GUEST_IS_TRANSFERRING = 9657; RET_DRAFT_GUEST_NOT_IN_DRAFT_SCENE = 9658; RET_DRAFT_INVITE_OVER_TIME = 9659; RET_DRAFT_TWICE_CONFIRM_OVER_TIMER = 9660; RET_DRAFT_GUEST_NOT_IN_WORLD_SCENE = 9661; RET_HOME_UNKOWN = 9701; RET_HOME_INVALID_CLIENT_PARAM = 9702; RET_HOME_TARGE_PLAYER_HAS_NO_HOME = 9703; RET_HOME_NOT_ONLINE = 9704; RET_HOME_PLAYER_FULL = 9705; RET_HOME_BLOCKED = 9706; RET_HOME_ALREADY_IN_TARGET_HOME_WORLD = 9707; RET_HOME_IN_EDIT_MODE = 9708; RET_HOME_NOT_IN_EDIT_MODE = 9709; RET_HOME_HAS_GUEST = 9710; RET_HOME_CANT_ENTER_BY_IN_EDIT_MODE = 9711; RET_HOME_CLIENT_PARAM_INVALID = 9712; RET_HOME_PLAYER_NOT_IN_HOME_WORLD = 9713; RET_HOME_PLAYER_NOT_IN_SELF_HOME_WORLD = 9714; RET_HOME_NOT_FOUND_IN_MEM = 9715; RET_HOME_PLAYER_IN_HOME_ROOM_SCENE = 9716; RET_HOME_HOME_REFUSE_GUEST_ENTER = 9717; RET_HOME_OWNER_REFUSE_TO_ENTER_HOME = 9718; RET_HOME_OWNER_OFFLINE = 9719; RET_HOME_FURNITURE_EXCEED_LIMIT = 9720; RET_HOME_FURNITURE_COUNT_NOT_ENOUGH = 9721; RET_HOME_IN_TRY_ENTER_PROCESS = 9722; RET_HOME_ALREADY_IN_TARGET_SCENE = 9723; RET_HOME_COIN_EXCEED_LIMIT = 9724; RET_HOME_COIN_NOT_ENOUGH = 9725; RET_HOME_MODULE_NOT_UNLOCKED = 9726; RET_HOME_CUR_MODULE_CLOSED = 9727; RET_HOME_FURNITURE_SUITE_NOT_UNLOCKED = 9728; RET_HOME_IN_MATCH = 9729; RET_HOME_IN_COMBAT = 9730; RET_HOME_EDIT_MODE_CD = 9731; RET_HOME_UPDATE_FURNITURE_CD = 9732; RET_HOME_BLOCK_FURNITURE_LIMIT = 9733; RET_HOME_NOT_SUPPORT = 9734; RET_HOME_STATE_NOT_OPEN = 9735; RET_HOME_TARGET_STATE_NOT_OPEN = 9736; RET_HOME_APPLY_ENTER_OTHER_HOME_FAIL = 9737; RET_HOME_SAVE_NO_MAIN_HOUSE = 9738; RET_HOME_IN_DUNGEON = 9739; RET_HOME_ANY_GALLERY_STARTED = 9740; RET_HOME_QUEST_BLOCK_HOME = 9741; RET_HOME_WAITING_PRIOR_CHECK = 9742; RET_HOME_PERSISTENT_CHECK_FAIL = 9743; RET_HOME_FIND_ONLINE_HOME_FAIL = 9744; RET_HOME_JOIN_SCENE_FAIL = 9745; RET_HOME_MAX_PLAYER = 9746; RET_HOME_IN_TRANSFER = 9747; RET_HOME_ANY_HOME_GALLERY_STARTED = 9748; RET_HOME_CAN_NOT_ENTER_IN_AUDIT = 9749; RET_FURNITURE_MAKE_INDEX_ERROR = 9750; RET_FURNITURE_MAKE_LOCKED = 9751; RET_FURNITURE_MAKE_CONFIG_ERROR = 9752; RET_FURNITURE_MAKE_SLOT_FULL = 9753; RET_FURNITURE_MAKE_ADD_FURNITURE_FAIL = 9754; RET_FURNITURE_MAKE_UNFINISH = 9755; RET_FURNITURE_MAKE_IS_FINISH = 9756; RET_FURNITURE_MAKE_NOT_IN_CORRECT_HOME = 9757; RET_FURNITURE_MAKE_NO_COUNT = 9758; RET_FURNITURE_MAKE_ACCELERATE_LIMIT = 9759; RET_FURNITURE_MAKE_NO_MAKE_DATA = 9760; RET_HOME_LIMITED_SHOP_CLOSE = 9761; RET_HOME_AVATAR_NOT_SHOW = 9762; RET_HOME_EVENT_COND_NOT_SATISFIED = 9763; RET_HOME_INVALID_ARRANGE_ANIMAL_PARAM = 9764; RET_HOME_INVALID_ARRANGE_NPC_PARAM = 9765; RET_HOME_INVALID_ARRANGE_SUITE_PARAM = 9766; RET_HOME_INVALID_ARRANGE_MAIN_HOUSE_PARAM = 9767; RET_HOME_AVATAR_STATE_NOT_OPEN = 9768; RET_HOME_PLANT_FIELD_NOT_EMPTY = 9769; RET_HOME_PLANT_FIELD_EMPTY = 9770; RET_HOME_PLANT_FIELD_TYPE_ERROR = 9771; RET_HOME_PLANT_TIME_NOT_ENOUGH = 9772; RET_HOME_PLANT_SUB_FIELD_NUM_NOT_ENOUGH = 9773; RET_HOME_PLANT_FIELD_PARAM_ERROR = 9774; RET_HOME_FURNITURE_GUID_ERROR = 9775; RET_HOME_FURNITURE_ARRANGE_LIMIT = 9776; RET_HOME_FISH_FARMING_LIMIT = 9777; RET_HOME_FISH_COUNT_NOT_ENOUGH = 9778; RET_HOME_FURNITURE_COST_LIMIT = 9779; RET_HOME_CUSTOM_FURNITURE_INVALID = 9780; RET_HOME_INVALID_ARRANGE_GROUP_PARAM = 9781; RET_HOME_FURNITURE_ARRANGE_GROUP_LIMIT = 9782; RET_HOME_PICTURE_FRAME_COOP_CG_GENDER_ERROR = 9783; RET_HOME_PICTURE_FRAME_COOP_CG_NOT_UNLOCK = 9784; RET_HOME_FURNITURE_CANNOT_ARRANGE = 9785; RET_HOME_FURNITURE_IN_DUPLICATE_SUITE = 9786; RET_HOME_FURNITURE_CUSTOM_SUITE_TOO_SMALL = 9787; RET_HOME_FURNITURE_CUSTOM_SUITE_TOO_BIG = 9788; RET_HOME_FURNITURE_SUITE_EXCEED_LIMIT = 9789; RET_HOME_FURNITURE_CUSTOM_SUITE_EXCEED_LIMIT = 9790; RET_HOME_FURNITURE_CUSTOM_SUITE_INVALID_SURFACE_TYPE = 9791; RET_HOME_BGM_ID_NOT_FOUND = 9792; RET_HOME_BGM_NOT_UNLOCKED = 9793; RET_HOME_BGM_FURNITURE_NOT_FOUND = 9794; RET_HOME_BGM_NOT_SUPPORT_BY_CUR_SCENE = 9795; RET_HOME_LIMITED_SHOP_GOODS_DISABLE = 9796; RET_HOME_WORLD_WOOD_MATERIAL_EMPTY = 9797; RET_HOME_WORLD_WOOD_MATERIAL_NOT_FOUND = 9798; RET_HOME_WORLD_WOOD_MATERIAL_COUNT_INVALID = 9799; RET_HOME_WORLD_WOOD_EXCHANGE_EXCEED_LIMIT = 9800; RET_HOME_BLUEPRINT_SEARCH_SELF = 9801; RET_HOME_BLUEPRINT_SHARE_CODE_INVALID = 9802; RET_HOME_BLUEPRINT_NOT_EXIST = 9803; RET_HOME_BLUEPRINT_SLOT_HAS_EXIST_SHARE_CODE = 9804; RET_HOME_BLUEPRINT_SLOT_NOT_EXIST_SHARE_CODE = 9805; RET_HOME_BLUEPRINT_CAN_NOT_CREATE_IN_AUDIT = 9806; RET_HOME_BLOCK_NOT_UNLOCKED = 9807; RET_HOME_BLUEPRINT_CREATE_CD = 9808; RET_HOME_BLUEPRINT_SET_OPTION_CD = 9809; RET_HOME_BLUEPRINT_NOT_ALLOW_FRIEND_COPY = 9810; RET_HOME_FURNITURE_POS_UNDER_DIE_Y = 9811; RET_HOME_BLUEPRINT_GEN_SHARE_CODE_FAIL = 9812; RET_HOME_BLUEPRINT_SEARCH_CD = 9813; RET_HOME_BLUEPRINT_PREVIEW_CD = 9814; RET_HOME_BLUEPRINT_PREVIEW_SCENE_NOT_MATCH = 9815; RET_HOME_BLUEPRINT_SLOT_FULL = 9816; RET_HOME_BLUEPRINT_OWNER_REJECT_COPY = 9817; RET_HOME_BLUEPRINT_SAVE_TO_SLOT_CD = 9818; RET_HOME_BLUEPRINT_REPLY_TIMEOUT = 9819; RET_SUMO_ACTIVITY_STAGE_NOT_OPEN = 10000; RET_SUMO_ACTIVITY_SWITCH_TEAM_IN_CD = 10001; RET_SUMO_ACTIVITY_TEAM_NUM_INCORRECT = 10002; RET_LUNA_RITE_ACTIVITY_AREA_ID_ERROR = 10004; RET_LUNA_RITE_ACTIVITY_BATTLE_NOT_FINISH = 10005; RET_LUNA_RITE_ACTIVITY_ALREADY_SACRIFICE = 10006; RET_LUNA_RITE_ACTIVITY_ALREADY_TAKE_REWARD = 10007; RET_LUNA_RITE_ACTIVITY_SACRIFICE_NOT_ENOUGH = 10008; RET_LUNA_RITE_ACTIVITY_SEARCHING_COND_NOT_MEET = 10009; RET_DIG_GADGET_CONFIG_ID_NOT_MATCH = 10015; RET_DIG_FIND_NEAREST_POS_FAIL = 10016; RET_MUSIC_GAME_LEVEL_NOT_OPEN = 10021; RET_MUSIC_GAME_LEVEL_NOT_UNLOCK = 10022; RET_MUSIC_GAME_LEVEL_NOT_STARTED = 10023; RET_MUSIC_GAME_LEVEL_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND = 10024; RET_MUSIC_GAME_LEVEL_ID_NOT_MATCH = 10025; RET_ROGUELIKE_COIN_A_NOT_ENOUGH = 10031; RET_ROGUELIKE_COIN_B_NOT_ENOUGH = 10032; RET_ROGUELIKE_COIN_C_NOT_ENOUGH = 10033; RET_ROGUELIKE_COIN_A_EXCEED_LIMIT = 10034; RET_ROGUELIKE_COIN_B_EXCEED_LIMIT = 10035; RET_ROGUELIKE_COIN_C_EXCEED_LIMIT = 10036; RET_ROGUELIKE_RUNE_COUNT_NOT_ENOUGH = 10037; RET_ROGUELIKE_NOT_IN_ROGUE_DUNGEON = 10038; RET_ROGUELIKE_CELL_NOT_FOUND = 10039; RET_ROGUELIKE_CELL_TYPE_INCORRECT = 10040; RET_ROGUELIKE_CELL_ALREADY_FINISHED = 10041; RET_ROGUELIKE_DUNGEON_HAVE_UNFINISHED_PROGRESS = 10042; RET_ROGUELIKE_STAGE_NOT_FINISHED = 10043; RET_ROGUELIKE_STAGE_FIRST_PASS_REWARD_HAS_TAKEN = 10045; RET_ROGUELIKE_ACTIVITY_CONTENT_CLOSED = 10046; RET_ROGUELIKE_DUNGEON_PRE_QUEST_NOT_FINISHED = 10047; RET_ROGUELIKE_DUNGEON_NOT_OPEN = 10048; RET_ROGUELIKE_SPRINT_IS_BANNED = 10049; RET_ROGUELIKE_DUNGEON_PRE_STAGE_NOT_FINISHED = 10050; RET_ROGUELIKE_ALL_AVATAR_DIE_CANNOT_RESUME = 10051; RET_PLANT_FLOWER_ALREADY_TAKE_SEED = 10056; RET_PLANT_FLOWER_FRIEND_HAVE_FLOWER_LIMIT = 10057; RET_PLANT_FLOWER_CAN_GIVE_FLOWER_NOT_ENOUGH = 10058; RET_PLANT_FLOWER_WISH_FLOWER_KINDS_LIMIT = 10059; RET_PLANT_FLOWER_HAVE_FLOWER_NOT_ENOUGH = 10060; RET_PLANT_FLOWER_FLOWER_COMBINATION_INVALID = 10061; RET_HACHI_DUNGEON_NOT_VALID = 10052; RET_HACHI_DUNGEON_STAGE_NOT_OPEN = 10053; RET_HACHI_DUNGEON_TEAMMATE_NOT_PASS = 10054; RET_WINTER_CAMP_COIN_A_NOT_ENOUGH = 10071; RET_WINTER_CAMP_COIN_B_NOT_ENOUGH = 10072; RET_WINTER_CAMP_COIN_A_EXCEED_LIMIT = 10073; RET_WINTER_CAMP_COIN_B_EXCEED_LIMIT = 10074; RET_WINTER_CAMP_WISH_ID_INVALID = 10075; RET_WINTER_CAMP_NOT_FOUND_RECV_ITEM_DATA = 10076; RET_WINTER_CAMP_FRIEND_ITEM_COUNT_OVERFLOW = 10077; RET_WINTER_CAMP_SELECT_ITEM_DATA_INVALID = 10078; RET_WINTER_CAMP_ITEM_LIST_EMPTY = 10079; RET_WINTER_CAMP_REWARD_ALREADY_TAKEN = 10080; RET_WINTER_CAMP_STAGE_NOT_FINISH = 10081; RET_WINTER_CAMP_GADGET_INVALID = 10082; RET_LANTERN_RITE_COIN_A_NOT_ENOUGH = 10090; RET_LANTERN_RITE_COIN_B_NOT_ENOUGH = 10091; RET_LANTERN_RITE_COIN_C_NOT_ENOUGH = 10092; RET_LANTERN_RITE_COIN_A_EXCEED_LIMIT = 10093; RET_LANTERN_RITE_COIN_B_EXCEED_LIMIT = 10094; RET_LANTERN_RITE_COIN_C_EXCEED_LIMIT = 10095; RET_LANTERN_RITE_PROJECTION_CONTENT_CLOSED = 10096; RET_LANTERN_RITE_PROJECTION_CAN_NOT_START = 10097; RET_LANTERN_RITE_DUNGEON_NOT_OPEN = 10098; RET_LANTERN_RITE_HAS_TAKEN_SKIN_REWARD = 10099; RET_LANTERN_RITE_NOT_FINISHED_SKIN_WATCHERS = 10100; RET_LANTERN_RITE_FIREWORKS_CONTENT_CLOSED = 10101; RET_LANTERN_RITE_FIREWORKS_CHALLENGE_NOT_START = 10102; RET_LANTERN_RITE_FIREWORKS_REFORM_PARAM_ERROR = 10103; RET_LANTERN_RITE_FIREWORKS_REFORM_SKILL_LOCK = 10104; RET_LANTERN_RITE_FIREWORKS_REFORM_STAMINA_NOT_ENOUGH = 10105; RET_POTION_ACTIVITY_STAGE_NOT_OPEN = 10110; RET_POTION_ACTIVITY_LEVEL_HAVE_PASS = 10111; RET_POTION_ACTIVITY_TEAM_NUM_INCORRECT = 10112; RET_POTION_ACTIVITY_AVATAR_IN_CD = 10113; RET_POTION_ACTIVITY_BUFF_IN_CD = 10114; RET_IRODORI_POETRY_INVALID_LINE_ID = 10120; RET_IRODORI_POETRY_INVALID_THEME_ID = 10121; RET_IRODORI_POETRY_NOT_GET_ALL_INSPIRATION = 10122; RET_IRODORI_POETRY_INSPIRATION_REACH_LIMIE = 10123; RET_IRODORI_POETRY_ENTITY_ALREADY_SCANNED = 10124; RET_ACTIVITY_BANNER_ALREADY_CLEARED = 10300; RET_IRODORI_CHESS_NOT_OPEN = 10301; RET_IRODORI_CHESS_LEVEL_NOT_OPEN = 10302; RET_IRODORI_CHESS_MAP_NOT_OPEN = 10303; RET_IRODORI_CHESS_MAP_CARD_ALREADY_EQUIPED = 10304; RET_IRODORI_CHESS_EQUIP_CARD_EXCEED_LIMIT = 10305; RET_IRODORI_CHESS_MAP_CARD_NOT_EQUIPED = 10306; RET_IRODORI_CHESS_ENTER_FAIL_CARD_EXCEED_LIMIT = 10307; RET_ACTIVITY_FRIEND_HAVE_GIFT_LIMIT = 10310; RET_GACHA_ACTIVITY_HAVE_REWARD_LIMIT = 10315; RET_GACHA_ACTIVITY_HAVE_ROBOT_LIMIT = 10316; RET_SUMMER_TIME_V2_COIN_EXCEED_LIMIT = 10317; RET_SUMMER_TIME_V2_COIN_NOT_ENOUGH = 10318; RET_SUMMER_TIME_V2_DUNGEON_STAGE_NOT_OPEN = 10319; RET_SUMMER_TIME_V2_PREV_DUNGEON_NOT_COMPLETE = 10320; RET_ROGUE_DIARY_AVATAR_DEATH = 10350; RET_ROGUE_DIARY_AVATAR_TIRED = 10351; RET_ROGUE_DIARY_AVATAR_DUPLICATED = 10352; RET_ROGUE_DIARY_COIN_NOT_ENOUGH = 10353; RET_ROGUE_DIARY_VIRTUAL_COIN_EXCEED_LIMIT = 10354; RET_ROGUE_DIARY_VIRTUAL_COIN_NOT_ENOUGH = 10355; RET_ROGUE_DIARY_CONTENT_CLOSED = 10366; RET_GRAVEN_INNOCENCE_COIN_A_NOT_ENOUGH = 10380; RET_GRAVEN_INNOCENCE_COIN_B_NOT_ENOUGH = 10381; RET_GRAVEN_INNOCENCE_COIN_A_EXCEED_LIMIT = 10382; RET_GRAVEN_INNOCENCE_COIN_B_EXCEED_LIMIT = 10383; RET_ISLAND_PARTY_STAGE_NOT_OPEN = 10371; RET_WIND_FIELD_STAGE_NOT_OPEN = 10390; RET_VINTAGE_CONTENT_CLOSED = 10396; RET_VINTAGE_STORE_CONTENT_FINISHED = 10397; RET_VINTAGE_STORE_ATTR_TOO_SMALL = 10398; RET_VINTAGE_STORE_ATTR_TOO_LARGE = 10399; RET_VINTAGE_STORE_CONTENT_INTERRUPT = 10400; RET_VINTAGE_VIRTUAL_COIN_NOT_ENOUGH = 10401; RET_VINTAGE_STORE_ATTR_LESS_THAN_ZERO = 10402; RET_FUNGUS_FIGHTER_CAPTURE_COIN_NOT_ENOUGH = 10406; RET_FUNGUS_FIGHTER_TRAINING_COIN_NOT_ENOUGH = 10407; RET_FUNGUS_FIGHTER_CAPTURE_COIN_EXCEED_LIMIT = 10408; RET_FUNGUS_FIGHTER_TRAINING_COIN_EXCEED_LIMIT = 10409; RET_FUNGUS_FIGHTER_CONTENT_CLOSED = 10410; RET_FUNGUS_FIGHTER_PLOT_STAGE_NOT_OPEN = 10411; RET_FUNGUS_FIGHTER_FUNGUS_ID_CONFIG_NOT_VALID = 10412; RET_FUNGUS_FIGHTER_FUNGUS_NOT_CULTIVATED = 10413; RET_FUNGUS_FIGHTER_TRAINING_DUNGEON_NOT_OPEN = 10414; RET_EFFIGY_CHALLENGE_V2_COIN_NOT_ENOUGH = 10427; RET_EFFIGY_CHALLENGE_V2_COIN_EXCEED_LIMIT = 10428; RET_CHAR_AMUSEMENT_STAGE_NOT_OPEN = 10436; RET_COIN_COLLECT_LEVEL_NOT_OPEN = 10446; RET_COIN_COLLECT_NOT_EQUIP_WIDGET = 10447; RET_COIN_COLLECT_SCENE_NOT_MATCH = 10448; RET_COIN_COLLECT_CANT_ENTER_MP_MODE = 10449; RET_COIN_COLLECT_PLAYER_NUM_FAIL = 10450; RET_BRICK_BREAKER_PLAYER_NUM_FAIL = 10456; RET_BRICK_BREAKER_STAGE_NOT_UNLOCK = 10457; RET_BRICK_BREAKER_NORMAL_LEVEL_NOT_FINISH = 10458; RET_BRICK_BREAKER_PRE_LEVEL_NOT_FINISH = 10459; RET_BRICK_BREAKER_PRE_STAGE_NOT_FINISH = 10460; RET_BRICK_BREAKER_WORLD_LEVEL_NOT_UNLOCK = 10461; RET_BRICK_BREAKER_DUNGEON_LEVEL_NOT_UNLOCK = 10462; RET_BRICK_BREAKER_COIN_NOT_ENOUGH = 10463; RET_BRICK_BREAKER_COIN_EXCEED_LIMIT = 10464; RET_TEAMCHAIN_WORLD_IN_MP_MODE = 10466; RET_LAN_V3_BOAT_PLAYER_NUM_NOT_VALID = 10481; RET_LAN_V3_BOAT_PLAY_NOT_OPEN = 10482; RET_LAN_V3_BOAT_NOT_IN_WORLD_SCENE = 10483; RET_FLEUR_FAIR_V2_PACMAN_PLAY_NOT_OPEN = 10500; RET_FLEUR_FAIR_V2_PACMAN_PLAYER_NUM_INCORRECT = 10501; RET_FLEUR_FAIR_V2_COIN_NOT_ENOUGH = 10502; RET_FLEUR_FAIR_V2_COIN_EXCEED_LIMIT = 10503; RET_AKA_FES_RHYTHM_LEVEL_NOT_OPEN = 10521; RET_AKA_FES_RHYTHM_GALLERY_INIT_FAIL = 10522; RET_AKA_FES_RHYTHM_NOT_IN_EXPECTED_DUNGEON = 10533; RET_AKA_FES_REASONING_LEVEL_NOT_OPEN = 10531; RET_AKA_FES_ASTROLABE_LEVEL_NOT_OPEN = 10541; RET_AKA_FES_ASTROLABE_PRE_LEVEL_NOT_FINISH = 10542; RET_EFFIGY_CHALLENGE_V4_LEVEL_NOT_OPEN = 10551; RET_EFFIGY_CHALLENGE_V4_GUEST_NOT_READY = 10552; RET_EFFIGY_CHALLENGE_V4_DUPLICATE_AVATAR = 10553; RET_JOURNEY_ACTIVITY_PICK_PARAM_ERROR = 10561; RET_JOURNEY_ACTIVITY_PICK_COND_NOT_MEET = 10562; RET_JOURNEY_ACTIVITY_COIN_NOT_ENOUGH = 10563; RET_JOURNEY_ACTIVITY_COIN_EXCEED_LIMIT = 10564; RET_ACTIVITY_CONTENT_CLOSED = 10901; RET_NOT_IN_FISHING = 11001; RET_FISH_STATE_ERROR = 11002; RET_FISH_BAIT_LIMIT = 11003; RET_FISHING_MAX_DISTANCE = 11004; RET_FISHING_IN_COMBAT = 11005; RET_FISHING_BATTLE_TOO_SHORT = 11006; RET_FISH_GONE_AWAY = 11007; RET_CAN_NOT_EDIT_OTHER_DUNGEON = 11051; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_DISMATCH = 11052; RET_NO_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_DATA = 11053; RET_BUILD_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_FAIL = 11054; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_ROOM_CHECK_FAIL = 11055; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_SAVE_MAY_FAIL = 11056; RET_NOT_IN_CUSTOM_DUNGEON = 11057; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_INTERNAL_FAIL = 11058; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_CAN_NOT_TRY = 11059; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_NO_START_ROOM = 11060; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_NO_ROOM_DATA = 11061; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_SAVE_TOO_FREQUENT = 11062; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_NOT_SELF_PASS = 11063; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_LACK_COIN = 11064; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_NO_FINISH_BRICK = 11065; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_MULTI_FINISH = 11066; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_NOT_PUBLISHED = 11067; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_FULL_STORE = 11068; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_STORE_REPEAT = 11069; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_CAN_NOT_STORE_SELF = 11070; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_NOT_SAVE_SUCC = 11071; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_CAN_NOT_LIKE_SELF = 11072; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_NOT_FOUND = 11073; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_INVALID_SETTING = 11074; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_NO_FINISH_SETTING = 11075; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_SAVE_NOTHING = 11076; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_NOT_IN_GROUP = 11077; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_NOT_OFFICIAL = 11078; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_LIFE_NUM_ERROR = 11079; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_NO_OPEN_ROOM = 11080; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_BRICK_EXCEED_LIMIT = 11081; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_OFFICIAL_NOT_UNLOCK = 11082; RET_CAN_NOT_EDIT_OFFICIAL_SETTING = 11083; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_BAN_PUBLISH = 11084; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_CAN_NOT_REPLAY = 11085; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_NOT_OPEN_GROUP = 11086; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_MAX_EDIT_NUM = 11087; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_CAN_NOT_OUT_STUCK = 11088; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_MAX_TAG = 11089; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_INVALID_TAG = 11090; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_MAX_COST = 11091; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_REQUEST_TOO_FREQUENT = 11092; RET_CUSTOM_DUNGEON_NOT_OPEN = 11093; RET_SHARE_CD_ID_ERROR = 11101; RET_SHARE_CD_INDEX_ERROR = 11102; RET_SHARE_CD_IN_CD = 11103; RET_SHARE_CD_TOKEN_NOT_ENOUGH = 11104; RET_UGC_DISMATCH = 11151; RET_UGC_DATA_NOT_FOUND = 11152; RET_UGC_BRIEF_NOT_FOUND = 11153; RET_UGC_DISABLED = 11154; RET_UGC_LIMITED = 11155; RET_UGC_LOCKED = 11156; RET_UGC_NOT_AUTH = 11157; RET_UGC_NOT_OPEN = 11158; RET_UGC_BAN_PUBLISH = 11159; RET_UGC_MUSIC_EXCEED_LIMIT = 11160; RET_UGC_MUSIC_SAVE_TOO_FREQUENT = 11161; RET_COMPOUND_BOOST_ITEM_NOT_EXIST = 11201; RET_COMPOUND_BOOST_TARGET_NOT_EXIST = 11202; RET_QUICK_HIT_TREE_EMPTY_TREES = 11211; RET_GCG_FIND_GAME_MODE_FAIL = 12000; RET_GCG_OPERATION_PARAM_ERROR = 12001; RET_GCG_GAME_NOT_RUNNING = 12002; RET_GCG_OP_NOT_ALLOW = 12003; RET_GCG_OP_NOT_MATCH_PHASE = 12004; RET_GCG_SELECT_HAND_CARD_GUID_ERROR = 12005; RET_GCG_DICE_INDEX_INVALID = 12006; RET_GCG_CHARACTER_GUID_INVALID = 12007; RET_GCG_CHARACTER_ALREADY_DIE = 12008; RET_GCG_CHARACTER_ALREADY_ON_STAGE = 12009; RET_GCG_CHARACTER_FORBIDDEN_ATTACK = 12010; RET_GCG_SELECT_DICE_NOT_MATCH = 12011; RET_GCG_FIND_SKILL_FAIL = 12012; RET_GCG_SKILL_CAN_NOT_ACTIVE_USE = 12013; RET_GCG_ENERGY_NOT_ENOUGH = 12014; RET_GCG_PLAY_CARD_TARGET_NOT_MATCH = 12015; RET_GCG_PLAY_CARD_ZONE_CANNOT_ADD = 12016; RET_GCG_REBOOT_SELECT_DICE_INVALID = 12017; RET_GCG_REBOOT_SELECT_CARD_INVALID = 12018; RET_GCG_PLAY_CARD_CONDITION_CHECK_FAIL = 12019; RET_GCG_PLAY_CARD_PARAM_INVALID = 12020; RET_GCG_MAX_GAME = 12021; RET_GCG_SEND_PACKET_FAIL = 12022; RET_GCG_ALREADY_SETTLE = 12023; RET_GCG_PLAY_CARD_LEGEND_ALREADY_USED = 12024; RET_GCG_COST_LEGEND_NOT_ENOUGH = 12025; RET_GCG_WATCH_IN_BLACK_LIST = 12026; RET_GCG_WATCH_FORBID_SWITCH = 12027; RET_GCG_WATCH_ALREADY_JOINED = 12028; RET_GCG_WATCH_KICK_NO_SPECTATOR = 12029; RET_GCG_WATCH_TARGET_NOT_IN_DUEL = 12030; RET_GCG_WATCH_TARGET_NOT_FRIEND = 12031; RET_GCG_WATCH_TARGET_PSN_ONLY = 12032; RET_GCG_WATCH_FORBID_BUSINESS_TYPE = 12033; RET_GCG_WATCH_OPTION_REFUSE = 12034; RET_GCG_WATCH_NO_PLAYER = 12035; RET_GCG_WATCH_TARGET_STATE_NOT_OPEN = 12036; RET_GCG_WATCH_SPECTATOR_LIMIT = 12037; RET_GCG_WATCH_FORBIDDEN_WATCH_GAME = 12038; RET_GCG_WATCH_NOT_SPECTATOR = 12039; RET_GCG_WATCH_ALREADY_IN_DUEL = 12040; RET_GCG_WATCH_CLIENT_DATA_VERSOIN_FORBID = 12041; RET_GCG_COIN_EXCEED_LIMIT = 12101; RET_GCG_COIN_NOT_ENOUGH = 12102; RET_GCG_NOT_IN_SELF_WORLD = 12103; RET_GCG_ALREADY_IN_DUEL = 12104; RET_GCG_NOT_IN_PLAYER_WORLD = 12105; RET_GCG_GALLERY_STARTED = 12106; RET_GCG_INVITE_TARGET_IS_SELF = 12107; RET_GCG_INVITE_TARGET_NOT_IN_WORLD = 12108; RET_GCG_APPLY_INVITE_NOT_ALLOW = 12109; RET_GCG_APPLY_INVITE_TIMEOUT = 12110; RET_GCG_CUR_DECK_INVALID = 12111; RET_GCG_NEED_RESOURCE_COMPLETE = 12112; RET_GCG_OPPONENT_PLAYER_IS_SELF = 12113; RET_GCG_GAME_ID_INVALID = 12114; RET_GCG_MATCH_IN_PUNISH = 12115; RET_GCG_SETTLE_STILL_IN_DUEL = 12116; RET_GCG_SETTLE_NOT_IN_DUNGEON = 12117; RET_GCG_UNSUPPORT_SETTLE_OPTION = 12118; RET_GCG_NOT_IN_GCG_DUNGEON = 12119; RET_GCG_WORLD_LEVEL_LOCKED = 12120; RET_GCG_BOSS_LEVEL_LOCKED = 12121; RET_GCG_NOT_IN_TAVERN = 12122; RET_GCG_WEEK_NPC_NOT_EXIST = 12123; RET_GCG_ENTER_GAME_FREQUENT = 12124; RET_GCG_BREAK_LEVEL_QUEST_NOT_UNFINISHED = 12125; RET_GCG_GUIDE_LEVEL_ALREADY_FINISHED = 12126; RET_GCG_LEVEL_CANNOT_RESTART = 12127; RET_GCG_TARGET_CHECK_ENTER_FAIL = 12128; RET_GCG_ALREADY_IN_DUNGEON = 12129; RET_GCG_BACK_DUEL_NO_GAME = 12130; RET_GCG_CONST_LEVEL_LOCKED = 12131; RET_GCG_QUEST_ID_ERROR = 12132; RET_GCG_QUEST_NEED_UNFINISHED = 12133; RET_GCG_IN_MATCH = 12134; RET_GCG_DATA_VERSION_NOT_LATEST = 12135; RET_GCG_INVITE_TARGET_ENTER_GAME_FREQUENT = 12136; RET_GCG_INVITE_TARGET_NEED_RESOURCE_COMPLETE = 12137; RET_GCG_INVITE_TARGET_SCENE_IS_NULL = 12138; RET_GCG_INVITE_TARGET_IN_TRANSFER = 12139; RET_GCG_INVITE_TARGET_DATA_VERSION_NOT_LATEST = 12140; RET_GCG_INVITE_TARGET_CUR_DECK_INVALID = 12141; RET_GCG_CLIENT_DATA_VERSION_NOT_MATCH = 12142; RET_GCG_CLIENT_DATA_VERSOIN_FORBID = 12143; RET_GCG_MP_CANT_MATCH = 12144; RET_GCG_INVITE_TARGET_STATE_NOT_OPEN = 12145; RET_GCG_CREATE_TIME_OUT = 12146; RET_GCG_BAN_MATCH = 12147; RET_GCG_BAN_INVITE = 12148; RET_GCG_TARGET_BAN_INVITE = 12149; RET_GCG_INVITE_ALREADY_INVITE = 12150; RET_GCG_FESTIVAL_MODE_NOT_OPEN = 12151; RET_GCG_TARGET_FESTIVAL_MODE_NOT_OPEN = 12152; RET_GCG_BACK_DUEL_PS_TO_OTHER = 12153; RET_GCG_BACK_DUEL_OTHER_TO_PS = 12154; RET_GCG_DS_DECK_LOCKED = 12201; RET_GCG_DS_DECK_NAME_INVALID = 12202; RET_GCG_DS_DECK_CHAR_CARD_NUM_INVALID = 12204; RET_GCG_DS_DECK_CARD_NUM_INVALID = 12205; RET_GCG_DS_CARD_NUM_EXCEED_LIMIT = 12206; RET_GCG_DS_DECK_INVALID = 12207; RET_GCG_DS_CARD_ID_INVALID = 12208; RET_GCG_DS_CARD_FACE_ALREADY_UNLOCK = 12209; RET_GCG_DS_CARD_FACE_IS_LOCK = 12210; RET_GCG_DS_FIELD_LOCK = 12211; RET_GCG_DS_FIELD_ALREADY_UNLOCK = 12212; RET_GCG_DS_FIELD_ID_INVALID = 12213; RET_GCG_DS_CARD_BACK_LOCKED = 12214; RET_GCG_DS_CARD_BACK_ALREADY_UNLOCK = 12215; RET_GCG_DS_CARD_BACK_ID_INVALID = 12216; RET_GCG_DS_CARD_FACE_ID_INVALID = 12217; RET_GCG_DS_DECK_NAME_ILLEGAL = 12218; RET_GCG_DS_DECK_SAVE_CD = 12219; RET_GCG_DS_DECK_CHANGE_NAME_CD = 12220; RET_GCG_MATCH_DECK_INVALID = 12221; RET_GCG_DS_DECK_ALREADY_UNLOCKED = 12222; RET_GCG_DS_AT_LEAST_ONE_DECK = 12223; RET_GCG_TC_CHARACTERNOT_MATCH_LEVEL = 12251; RET_GCG_TC_MUST_IN_SELF_WORLD = 12252; RET_GCG_TC_MUST_IN_TAVERN = 12253; RET_GCG_TC_ALREADY_IN_GAME = 12254; RET_GCG_TC_ALREADY_IN_MATCH = 12255; RET_GCG_TC_UNLOCK_CHARACTER_QUEST_NOT_FINISH = 12256; RET_GCG_TC_LEVEL_LOCKED = 12257; RET_GCG_TC_NO_INVITE_DATA = 12258; RET_GCG_TC_CUR_DECK_INVALID = 12259; RET_GCG_TC_COND_QUEST = 12260; RET_GCG_LEVEL_REWARD_LEVEL_ERROR = 12301; RET_GCG_LEVEL_REWARD_ALREADY_TAKEN = 12302; RET_GCG_LEVEL_REWARD_NO_REWARD = 12303; RET_GCG_NOT_IN_REPLAY_DUNGEON = 12311; RET_GCG_INVALID_REPLAY = 12312; RET_GCG_SET_FAVORITE_LIMIT_NUM = 12313; RET_GCG_REPLAY_EXPIRE = 12314; RET_GCG_REPLAY_DUNGEON_SETTLED = 12315; RET_GCG_PICK_CUR_UID_NOT_MATCH = 12331; RET_GCG_PICK_SELECT_PARAM_ERROR = 12332; RET_GCG_PICK_CONFIRM_ERROR = 12333; RET_GCG_PICK_BACK_NO_GAME = 12334; RET_GCG_ARENA_SCHEDULE_INACTIVE = 12341; RET_GCG_ARENA_SCHEDULE_NOT_MATCH = 12342; RET_GCG_ARENA_DECK_NOT_SET = 12343; RET_GCG_ARENA_DECK_INVALID = 12344; RET_GCG_ARENA_IN_CHALLENGE_CANNOT_SET_DECK = 12345; RET_GCG_ARENA_START_CHALLENGE_IN_MP_MODE = 12346; RET_GCG_ARENA_START_MATCH_IN_MP_MODE = 12347; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_IN_DUNGEON = 13001; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_ROOM_NUM_LIMIT = 13002; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_NOT_IN_EDIT_STATE = 13003; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_NOT_IN_EDIT_DUNGEON = 13004; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_NOT_EXIST = 13005; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_NOT_SAVE = 13006; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_SCORE_CONDTION_BUT_NO_MONSTER = 13007; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_SCORE_CONDTION_BUT_NO_COIN = 13008; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_SCORE_CONDTION_BUT_NO_CHEST = 13009; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_SCORE_CONDTION_BUT_NO_ROOM_SETTLE = 13010; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_TARGET_SCORE_EXCEED_LIMIT = 13011; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_TIME_SETTLE_TARGET_SCORE_NOT_ZERO = 13012; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_ALLOW_AVATAR_NOT_ENOUGH = 13013; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_HEART_BLOOD_WHILE_MONSTER_DEPLOY = 13014; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_ROOM_NO_EXIT_GADGET = 13015; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_ROOM_HOST_ENTER_GADGET_NUM = 13016; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_ROOM_GUEST_ENTER_GADGET_NOT_ENOUGH = 13017; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_ROOM_SETTING_COIN_NUM_TOO_LARGE = 13018; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_ROOM_SETTING_MONSTER_NUM_TOO_LARGE = 13019; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_ROOM_SETTING_NO_SETTLE_CONFIG = 13020; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_ROOM_SWITCH_INVITE_IN_PROCESS = 13021; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_ROOM_DEPLOYMENT_COST_LIMIT = 13022; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_ROOM_TRIGGER_DUPLICATE_GUID = 13023; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_ROOM_TRIGGER_PARAM_ERROR = 13024; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_SCORE_SETTLE_TARGET_SCORE_ZERO = 13025; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_STATE_CAN_NOT_AUDIT = 13026; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_AUDIT_VERSION_NOT_MATCH = 13027; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_IN_AUDIT = 13028; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_STATE_CAN_NOT_PUBLISH = 13029; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_REQUEST_TOO_FREQUENT = 13030; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_CAN_NOT_PUBLISH_NO_EDIT = 13031; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_NOT_ALLOW_IMPORT = 13032; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_IMPORT_ROOM_HAS_MONSTER = 13033; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_SEARCH_NOT_EXIST = 13034; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_ROOM_SWITCH_LAST_ROOM = 13035; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_ROOM_GADGET_NUM_LIMIT = 13036; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_ROOM_MONSTER_NUM_LIMIT = 13037; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_NO_TRIAL_SUCC_RECORD = 13038; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_NUM_LIMIT = 13039; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_IN_EDIT_DUNGEON = 13040; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_NOT_IN_DUNGEON = 13041; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_CHANGE_SETTING_TOO_FREQUENT = 13042; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_NOT_OWNER = 13043; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_NOT_PUBLISHED = 13044; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_SHARE_CODE_GEN_FAIL = 13045; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_ROOM_LIMIT = 13046; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_SHARE_CODE_INVALID = 13047; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_ROOM_SUITE_NUM_LIMIT = 13048; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_TOWER_HAS_BEEN_PURCHASED = 13101; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_PLAYER_ADD_ITEM_OVER_STACK = 13102; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_PLAYER_TOWER_LEVEL_UP_LIMITED = 13103; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_PLAYER_CONSUME_ITEM_NOT_ENOUGH = 13104; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_PLAYER_TOWER_ALREADY_LEVEL_UP = 13105; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_PLAYER_UGC_TARGET_IS_NOT_EXIST = 13106; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_PLAYER_UGC_TARGET_IS_NOT_ACTIVE = 13107; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_CHECK_LAYOUT_FAILED = 13108; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_PLAYER_TOWER_ALREADY_REMOVED = 13109; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_PLAYER_ADD_ITEM_OVER_LIMIT = 13110; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_PLAYER_GRANT_AVATAR_OVER_LIMIT = 13111; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_DUPLICATE_STAR = 13131; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_CANCEL_STAR_NOT_EXIST = 13132; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_STAR_REACH_LIMIT = 13133; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_INTERNAL_FAIL = 13134; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_PLAYER_PUBLISH_BANNED = 13135; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_CUSTOM_EDIT_IS_NOT_OPEN = 13151; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_OFFICIAL_LEVEL_IS_NOT_OPEN = 13152; RET_UGC_DUNGEON_TEMPLATE_IMPORT_IS_NOT_OPEN = 13153; RET_TARGET_SHOOTING_LEVEL_NOT_OPEN = 13161; RET_TARGET_SHOOTING_PLAYER_NUM_NOT_VALID = 13162; RET_TARGET_SHOOTING_PLAY_NOT_OPEN = 13163; RET_TARGET_SHOOTING_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND = 13164; RET_SHUFFLE_BOARD_LEVEL_NOT_OPEN = 13172; RET_SHUFFLE_BOARD_NOT_IN_PENUMBRA_SCENE = 13173; RET_SHUFFLE_BOARD_LEVEL_MISMATCH = 13174; RET_SHUFFLE_BOARD_ALREADY_PLAYING = 13175; RET_RAFFLE_TICKET_INVALID_BONUS_ID = 13176; RET_RAFFLE_TICKET_PREREQUISITE_NOT_MET = 13177; RET_RAFFLE_TICKET_NOT_ENOUGH = 13178; RET_FLIGHT_GEAR_LEVEL_NOT_OPEN = 13191; RET_FLIGHT_GEAR_IN_MP_MODE = 13192; RET_ANIMAL_VIEW_AVATAR_IS_CLOSING_TO_ANIMAL = 13212; RET_ANIMAL_VIEW_NOT_EQUIP_WIDGET = 13213; RET_COMBINE_POINT_NOT_ENOUGH = 13221; RET_TOY_BATTLE_CURRENT_LEVEL_NOT_OPEN = 13251; RET_TOY_BATTLE_CURRENT_NOT_PLAYING = 13252; RET_FONTAINE_GATHER_INVALID_GATHER_TRACKING = 13261; RET_FONTAINE_GATHER_INVALID_MONSTER_TRACKING = 13262; } // Obf: NMCABLGJJEK enum EnterType { ENTER_TYPE_NONE = 0; ENTER_TYPE_SELF = 1; ENTER_TYPE_GOTO = 2; ENTER_TYPE_JUMP = 3; ENTER_TYPE_OTHER = 4; ENTER_TYPE_BACK = 5; ENTER_TYPE_DUNGEON = 6; ENTER_TYPE_DUNGEON_REPLAY = 7; ENTER_TYPE_GOTO_BY_PORTAL = 8; ENTER_TYPE_SELF_HOME = 9; ENTER_TYPE_OTHER_HOME = 10; ENTER_TYPE_GOTO_RECREATE = 11; ENTER_TYPE_GOTO_BY_TPL = 12; }