94 lines
3.5 KiB
Protocol Buffer
94 lines
3.5 KiB
Protocol Buffer
// Sorapointa - A server software re-implementation for a certain anime game, and avoid sorapointa.
// Copyright (C) 2023 Sorapointa Team
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
syntax = "proto3";
import "GCGMsgAddCards.proto";
import "GCGMsgAddDice.proto";
import "GCGMsgCardUpdate.proto";
import "GCGMsgCharDie.proto";
import "GCGMsgClientPerform.proto";
import "GCGMsgCostDice.proto";
import "GCGMsgCostRevise.proto";
import "GCGMsgDiceReroll.proto";
import "GCGMsgDiceRoll.proto";
import "GCGMsgDuelDataChange.proto";
import "GCGMsgGameOver.proto";
import "GCGMsgModifyAdd.proto";
import "GCGMsgModifyRemove.proto";
import "GCGMsgMoveCard.proto";
import "GCGMsgNewCard.proto";
import "GCGMsgNoDamageSkillResult.proto";
import "GCGMsgOpTimer.proto";
import "GCGMsgPass.proto";
import "GCGMsgPhaseChange.proto";
import "GCGMsgPhaseContinue.proto";
import "GCGMsgPVEIntentionChange.proto";
import "GCGMsgPVEIntentionInfo.proto";
import "GCGMsgReactionBegin.proto";
import "GCGMsgReactionEnd.proto";
import "GCGMsgRemoveCards.proto";
import "GCGMsgSelectOnStage.proto";
import "GCGMsgSelectOnStageByEffect.proto";
import "GCGMsgSkillLimitsChange.proto";
import "GCGMsgSkillResult.proto";
import "GCGMsgTokenChange.proto";
import "GCGMsgUpdateController.proto";
import "GCGMsgUseSkill.proto";
import "GCGMsgUseSkillEnd.proto";
import "GCGMsgWaitingListChange.proto";
option java_package = "org.sorapointa.proto";
message GCGMessage {
oneof message {
GCGMsgTokenChange token_change = 10;
GCGMsgPhaseChange phase_change = 15;
GCGMsgAddCards add_cards = 11;
GCGMsgRemoveCards remove_cards = 7;
GCGMsgSelectOnStage select_on_stage = 9;
GCGMsgDiceRoll dice_roll = 3;
GCGMsgDiceReroll dice_reroll = 12;
GCGMsgPass pass = 5;
GCGMsgCharDie char_die = 6;
GCGMsgSkillResult skill_result = 1;
GCGMsgCostDice cost_dice = 4;
GCGMsgAddDice add_dice = 13;
GCGMsgMoveCard move_card = 14;
GCGMsgUseSkill use_skill = 2;
GCGMsgNewCard new_card = 1658;
GCGMsgUpdateController update_controller = 204;
GCGMsgModifyAdd modify_add = 1001;
GCGMsgModifyRemove modify_remove = 1447;
GCGMsgUseSkillEnd use_skill_end = 1779;
GCGMsgDuelDataChange duel_data_change = 1102;
GCGMsgClientPerform client_perform = 1225;
GCGMsgGameOver game_over = 640;
GCGMsgOpTimer op_timer = 778;
GCGMsgWaitingListChange waiting_list_change = 517;
GCGMsgCardUpdate card_update = 1284;
GCGMsgSelectOnStageByEffect select_on_stage_by_effect = 542;
GCGMsgCostRevise cost_revise = 662;
GCGMsgPhaseContinue phase_continue = 344;
GCGMsgPVEIntentionInfo pve_intention_info = 975;
GCGMsgPVEIntentionChange pve_intention_change = 719;
GCGMsgSkillLimitsChange skill_limits_change = 597;
GCGMsgNoDamageSkillResult no_damage_skill_result = 1483;
GCGMsgReactionBegin reaction_begin = 170;
GCGMsgReactionEnd reaction_end = 58;