-- Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making xLua available. -- Copyright (C) 2016 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. -- Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at -- http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. local get_time = os.clock local sethook = xlua.sethook or debug.sethook local func_info_map = nil local start_time local function create_func_info(db_info) return { db_info = db_info, count = 0, total_time = 0 } end local function on_hook(event, func_info_id, source) local func_info = func_info_map[func_info_id] if not func_info then func_info = create_func_info(debug.getinfo( 2, 'nS' )) func_info_map[func_info_id] = func_info end if event == "call" then func_info.call_time = get_time() func_info.count = func_info.count + 1 func_info.return_time = nil elseif event == "return" or event == 'tail return' then local now = get_time() if func_info.call_time then func_info.total_time = func_info.total_time + (now - func_info.call_time) func_info.call_time = nil else func_info.total_time = func_info.total_time + (now - (func_info.return_time or now)) func_info.count = func_info.count + 1 end func_info.return_time = now if source and func_info.count == 1 then func_info.db_info.short_src = source end end end local function start() func_info_map = {} start_time = get_time() sethook(on_hook, 'cr') end local function pause() sethook() end local function resume() sethook(on_hook, 'cr') end local function stop() sethook() func_info_map = nil start_time = nil end local function report_output_line(rp, stat_interval) local source = rp.db_info.short_src or '[NA]' local linedefined = (rp.db_info.linedefined and rp.db_info.linedefined >= 0) and string.format(":%i", rp.db_info.linedefined) or '' source = source .. linedefined local name = rp.db_info.name or '[anonymous]' local total_time = string.format("%04.3f", rp.total_time * 1000) local average_time = string.format("%04.3f", rp.total_time / rp.count * 1000) local relative_time = string.format("%03.2f%%", (rp.total_time / stat_interval) * 100 ) local count = string.format("%7i", rp.count) return string.format("|%-40.40s: %-50.50s: %-12s: %-12s: %-12s: %-12s|\n", name, source, total_time, average_time, relative_time, count) end local sort_funcs = { TOTAL = function(a, b) return a.total_time > b.total_time end, AVERAGE = function(a, b) return a.average > b.average end, CALLED = function(a, b) return a.count > b.count end } local function report(sort_by) sethook() local sort_func = type(sort_by) == 'function' and sort_by or sort_funcs[sort_by] local FORMAT_HEADER_LINE = "|%-40s: %-50s: %-12s: %-12s: %-12s: %-12s|\n" local header = string.format( FORMAT_HEADER_LINE, "FUNCTION", "SOURCE", "TOTAL(MS)", "AVERAGE(MS)", "RELATIVE", "CALLED" ) local stat_interval = get_time() - (start_time or get_time()) local report_list = {} for _, rp in pairs(func_info_map) do table.insert(report_list, { total_time = rp.total_time, count = rp.count, average = rp.total_time / rp.count, output = report_output_line(rp, stat_interval) }) end table.sort(report_list, sort_func or sort_funcs.TOTAL) local output = header for i, rp in ipairs(report_list) do output = output .. rp.output end sethook(on_hook, 'cr') return output end return { --开始统计 start = start, --获取报告,start和stop之间可以多次调用,参数sort_by类型是string,可以是'TOTAL','AVERAGE', 'CALLED' report = report, --停止统计 stop = stop }