--================================================================ -- -- 配置 -- --================================================================ -- 怪物 monsters = { { config_id = 827, monster_id = 20010101, pos = { x = 1505.7, y = 209.4, z = -1936.7 }, rot = { x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0 }, level = 4, drop_id = 303041 } } -- NPC npcs = { } -- 装置 gadgets = { { config_id = 2347, gadget_id = 70220013, pos = { x = 1802.6, y = 203.4, z = -1270.9 }, rot = { x = 0.0, y = 109.1, z = 0.0 }, level = 1 }, { config_id = 2348, gadget_id = 70710002, pos = { x = 1804.0, y = 203.4, z = -1272.3 }, rot = { x = 0.0, y = 167.5, z = 0.0 }, level = 1, route_id = 3001176, save_route = true }, { config_id = 2349, gadget_id = 70220014, pos = { x = 1961.3, y = 196.8, z = -1163.8 }, rot = { x = 0.0, y = 109.1, z = 0.0 }, level = 1 }, { config_id = 2350, gadget_id = 70710002, pos = { x = 1961.6, y = 196.8, z = -1164.5 }, rot = { x = 0.0, y = 167.5, z = 0.0 }, level = 1, route_id = 3001179, save_route = true }, { config_id = 2351, gadget_id = 70220014, pos = { x = 2000.8, y = 205.4, z = -1364.4 }, rot = { x = 0.0, y = 109.1, z = 0.0 }, level = 1 }, { config_id = 2352, gadget_id = 70710002, pos = { x = 2001.0, y = 205.4, z = -1365.3 }, rot = { x = 0.0, y = 167.5, z = 0.0 }, level = 1, route_id = 3001182, save_route = true } } -- 区域 regions = { { config_id = 202, shape = RegionShape.SPHERE, radius = 5, pos = { x = 1802.2, y = 203.4, z = -1271.2 } }, { config_id = 203, shape = RegionShape.SPHERE, radius = 5, pos = { x = 1801.7, y = 203.3, z = -1267.9 } }, { config_id = 205, shape = RegionShape.SPHERE, radius = 5, pos = { x = 1895.0, y = 205.1, z = -1265.8 } }, { config_id = 206, shape = RegionShape.SPHERE, radius = 5, pos = { x = 1896.3, y = 204.9, z = -1266.0 } }, { config_id = 208, shape = RegionShape.SPHERE, radius = 5, pos = { x = 1896.8, y = 203.5, z = -1268.7 } }, { config_id = 209, shape = RegionShape.SPHERE, radius = 22.4, pos = { x = 1900.5, y = 205.4, z = -1265.3 } }, { config_id = 210, shape = RegionShape.SPHERE, radius = 5, pos = { x = 1998.8, y = 205.3, z = -1364.4 } } } -- 触发器 triggers = { { name = "ANY_GADGET_DIE_202", event = EventType.EVENT_ANY_GADGET_DIE, source = "", condition = "condition_EVENT_ANY_GADGET_DIE_202", action = "action_EVENT_ANY_GADGET_DIE_202" }, { name = "TIMER_EVENT_203", event = EventType.EVENT_TIMER_EVENT, source = "spirit_1", condition = "", action = "action_EVENT_TIMER_EVENT_203" }, { name = "TIMER_EVENT_205", event = EventType.EVENT_TIMER_EVENT, source = "spirit_2", condition = "", action = "action_EVENT_TIMER_EVENT_205" }, { name = "ANY_GADGET_DIE_206", event = EventType.EVENT_ANY_GADGET_DIE, source = "", condition = "condition_EVENT_ANY_GADGET_DIE_206", action = "action_EVENT_ANY_GADGET_DIE_206" }, { name = "TIMER_EVENT_208", event = EventType.EVENT_TIMER_EVENT, source = "spirit_3", condition = "", action = "action_EVENT_TIMER_EVENT_208" }, { name = "ENTER_REGION_209", event = EventType.EVENT_ENTER_REGION, source = "", condition = "condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_209", action = "" }, { name = "ANY_GADGET_DIE_210", event = EventType.EVENT_ANY_GADGET_DIE, source = "", condition = "condition_EVENT_ANY_GADGET_DIE_210", action = "action_EVENT_ANY_GADGET_DIE_210" } } -- 变量 variables = { } --================================================================ -- -- 初始化配置 -- --================================================================ -- 初始化时创建 init_config = { suite = 2, rand_suite = false, npcs = { } } --================================================================ -- -- 小组配置 -- --================================================================ suites = { { -- suite_id = 0, -- description = , monsters = { 827 }, gadgets = { }, regions = { 202, 203, 205, 206, 208, 209, 210 }, triggers = { "ANY_GADGET_DIE_202", "TIMER_EVENT_203", "TIMER_EVENT_205", "ANY_GADGET_DIE_206", "TIMER_EVENT_208", "ENTER_REGION_209", "ANY_GADGET_DIE_210" }, rand_weight = 100 }, { -- suite_id = 1, -- description = suite_2, monsters = { }, gadgets = { }, regions = { }, triggers = { }, rand_weight = 100 } } --================================================================ -- -- 触发器 -- --================================================================ -- 触发条件 function condition_EVENT_ANY_GADGET_DIE_202(context, evt) if 2347 ~= evt.param1 then return false end return true end -- 触发操作 function action_EVENT_ANY_GADGET_DIE_202(context, evt) -- 设置移动平台路径 if 0 ~= ScriptLib.SetPlatformRouteId(context, 2348, 3001177) then return -1 end -- 延迟15秒后,向groupId为:133001166的对象,请求一次调用,并将string参数:"spirit_1" 传递过去 if 0 ~= ScriptLib.CreateGroupTimerEvent(context, 133001166, "spirit_1", 15) then return -1 end return 0 end -- 触发条件 -- 触发操作 function action_EVENT_TIMER_EVENT_203(context, evt) -- 设置移动平台路径 if 0 ~= ScriptLib.SetPlatformRouteId(context, 2348, 3001178) then return -1 end return 0 end -- 触发条件 -- 触发操作 function action_EVENT_TIMER_EVENT_205(context, evt) -- 设置移动平台路径 if 0 ~= ScriptLib.SetPlatformRouteId(context, 2350, 3001181) then return -1 end return 0 end -- 触发条件 function condition_EVENT_ANY_GADGET_DIE_206(context, evt) if 2349 ~= evt.param1 then return false end return true end -- 触发操作 function action_EVENT_ANY_GADGET_DIE_206(context, evt) -- 设置移动平台路径 if 0 ~= ScriptLib.SetPlatformRouteId(context, 2350, 3001180) then return -1 end -- 延迟15秒后,向groupId为:133001166的对象,请求一次调用,并将string参数:"spirit_2" 传递过去 if 0 ~= ScriptLib.CreateGroupTimerEvent(context, 133001166, "spirit_2", 15) then return -1 end return 0 end -- 触发条件 -- 触发操作 function action_EVENT_TIMER_EVENT_208(context, evt) -- 设置移动平台路径 if 0 ~= ScriptLib.SetPlatformRouteId(context, 2352, 3001184) then return -1 end return 0 end -- 触发条件 function condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_209(context, evt) if ScriptLib.GetEntityType(evt.target_eid) == EntityType.AVATAR and ScriptLib.GetQuestState(context, evt.target_eid, 42301) == QuestState.UNFINISHED and evt.param1 == 209 then return true end return false end -- 触发操作 -- 触发条件 function condition_EVENT_ANY_GADGET_DIE_210(context, evt) if 2351 ~= evt.param1 then return false end return true end -- 触发操作 function action_EVENT_ANY_GADGET_DIE_210(context, evt) -- 设置移动平台路径 if 0 ~= ScriptLib.SetPlatformRouteId(context, 2352, 3001183) then return -1 end -- 延迟15秒后,向groupId为:133001166的对象,请求一次调用,并将string参数:"spirit_3" 传递过去 if 0 ~= ScriptLib.CreateGroupTimerEvent(context, 133001166, "spirit_3", 15) then return -1 end return 0 end