--================================================================ -- -- 配置 -- --================================================================ -- 怪物 monsters = { } -- NPC npcs = { } -- 装置 gadgets = { } -- 区域 regions = { { config_id = 24, shape = RegionShape.SPHERE, radius = 10, pos = { x = 2613.4, y = 235.5, z = -1485.9 } }, { config_id = 27, shape = RegionShape.SPHERE, radius = 8, pos = { x = 2563.6, y = 213.5, z = -1330.2 } }, { config_id = 35, shape = RegionShape.SPHERE, radius = 25, pos = { x = 2599.9, y = 223.8, z = -1588.6 } }, { config_id = 36, shape = RegionShape.SPHERE, radius = 13, pos = { x = 2617.6, y = 216.0, z = -1606.1 } }, { config_id = 38, shape = RegionShape.SPHERE, radius = 17, pos = { x = 2296.9, y = 210.3, z = -1126.8 } }, { config_id = 39, shape = RegionShape.SPHERE, radius = 40, pos = { x = 2474.7, y = 202.2, z = -1222.7 } }, { config_id = 40, shape = RegionShape.CUBIC, size = { x = 40.0, y = 9.0, z = 30.0 }, pos = { x = 2607.6, y = 227.1, z = -1553.8 } }, { config_id = 68, shape = RegionShape.SPHERE, radius = 25, pos = { x = 2621.8, y = 229.8, z = -1499.4 } }, { config_id = 75, shape = RegionShape.SPHERE, radius = 40, pos = { x = 2362.9, y = 206.4, z = -1138.1 } }, { config_id = 76, shape = RegionShape.SPHERE, radius = 12, pos = { x = 2635.8, y = 391.8, z = -1713.7 } }, { config_id = 84, shape = RegionShape.SPHERE, radius = 7, pos = { x = 2740.0, y = 194.6, z = -1710.3 } }, { config_id = 147, shape = RegionShape.SPHERE, radius = 17.1, pos = { x = 2308.3, y = 208.3, z = -1140.1 } }, { config_id = 463, shape = RegionShape.CUBIC, size = { x = 60.0, y = 10.0, z = 20.0 }, pos = { x = 2170.7, y = 205.3, z = -1085.9 } }, { config_id = 502, shape = RegionShape.SPHERE, radius = 15, pos = { x = 2596.4, y = 233.1, z = -1493.3 } }, { config_id = 504, shape = RegionShape.SPHERE, radius = 7, pos = { x = 2682.8, y = 197.5, z = -1639.5 } }, { config_id = 505, shape = RegionShape.SPHERE, radius = 15, pos = { x = 2694.9, y = 194.5, z = -1660.6 } }, { config_id = 512, shape = RegionShape.SPHERE, radius = 10, pos = { x = 2192.8, y = 215.0, z = -1124.1 } }, { config_id = 513, shape = RegionShape.SPHERE, radius = 25, pos = { x = 2215.0, y = 224.0, z = -1188.5 } } } -- 触发器 triggers = { { name = "ENTER_REGION_24", event = EventType.EVENT_ENTER_REGION, source = "", condition = "condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_24", action = "", trigger_count = 0 }, { name = "ENTER_REGION_27", event = EventType.EVENT_ENTER_REGION, source = "", condition = "condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_27", action = "", trigger_count = 0 }, { name = "ENTER_REGION_35", event = EventType.EVENT_ENTER_REGION, source = "", condition = "condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_35", action = "", trigger_count = 0 }, { name = "ENTER_REGION_36", event = EventType.EVENT_ENTER_REGION, source = "", condition = "condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_36", action = "", trigger_count = 0 }, { name = "ENTER_REGION_38", event = EventType.EVENT_ENTER_REGION, source = "", condition = "condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_38", action = "", trigger_count = 0 }, { name = "ENTER_REGION_39", event = EventType.EVENT_ENTER_REGION, source = "", condition = "condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_39", action = "", trigger_count = 0 }, { name = "ENTER_REGION_40", event = EventType.EVENT_ENTER_REGION, source = "", condition = "condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_40", action = "action_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_40", trigger_count = 0 }, { name = "ENTER_REGION_68", event = EventType.EVENT_ENTER_REGION, source = "", condition = "condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_68", action = "", trigger_count = 0 }, { name = "ENTER_REGION_75", event = EventType.EVENT_ENTER_REGION, source = "", condition = "condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_75", action = "", trigger_count = 0 }, { name = "ENTER_REGION_76", event = EventType.EVENT_ENTER_REGION, source = "", condition = "condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_76", action = "", trigger_count = 0 }, { name = "ENTER_REGION_84", event = EventType.EVENT_ENTER_REGION, source = "", condition = "condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_84", action = "", trigger_count = 0 }, { name = "ENTER_REGION_147", event = EventType.EVENT_ENTER_REGION, source = "", condition = "condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_147", action = "", trigger_count = 0 }, { name = "ENTER_REGION_463", event = EventType.EVENT_ENTER_REGION, source = "", condition = "condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_463", action = "", trigger_count = 0 }, { name = "ENTER_REGION_502", event = EventType.EVENT_ENTER_REGION, source = "", condition = "condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_502", action = "", trigger_count = 0 }, { name = "ENTER_REGION_504", event = EventType.EVENT_ENTER_REGION, source = "", condition = "condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_504", action = "", trigger_count = 0 }, { name = "ENTER_REGION_505", event = EventType.EVENT_ENTER_REGION, source = "", condition = "condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_505", action = "", trigger_count = 0 }, { name = "ENTER_REGION_512", event = EventType.EVENT_ENTER_REGION, source = "", condition = "condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_512", action = "", trigger_count = 0 }, { name = "ENTER_REGION_513", event = EventType.EVENT_ENTER_REGION, source = "", condition = "condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_513", action = "", trigger_count = 0 } } -- 变量 variables = { } --================================================================ -- -- 初始化配置 -- --================================================================ -- 初始化时创建 init_config = { suite = 1, rand_suite = true, npcs = { } } --================================================================ -- -- 小组配置 -- --================================================================ suites = { { -- suite_id = 0, -- description = suite_1, monsters = { }, gadgets = { }, regions = { 24, 27, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 68, 75, 76, 84, 147, 463, 502, 504, 505, 512, 513 }, triggers = { "ENTER_REGION_24", "ENTER_REGION_27", "ENTER_REGION_35", "ENTER_REGION_36", "ENTER_REGION_38", "ENTER_REGION_39", "ENTER_REGION_40", "ENTER_REGION_68", "ENTER_REGION_75", "ENTER_REGION_76", "ENTER_REGION_84", "ENTER_REGION_147", "ENTER_REGION_463", "ENTER_REGION_502", "ENTER_REGION_504", "ENTER_REGION_505", "ENTER_REGION_512", "ENTER_REGION_513" }, rand_weight = 100 } } --================================================================ -- -- 触发器 -- --================================================================ -- 触发条件 function condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_24(context, evt) -- 判断角色数量不少于1 if ScriptLib.GetEntityType(evt.target_eid) == EntityType.AVATAR and ScriptLib.GetQuestState(context, evt.target_eid, 35201) == QuestState.UNFINISHED and evt.param1 == 24 then return true end return false end -- 触发操作 -- 触发条件 function condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_27(context, evt) -- 判断角色数量不少于1 if ScriptLib.GetEntityType(evt.target_eid) == EntityType.AVATAR and ScriptLib.GetQuestState(context, evt.target_eid, 35204) == QuestState.UNFINISHED and evt.param1 == 27 then return true end return false end -- 触发操作 -- 触发条件 function condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_35(context, evt) if ScriptLib.GetEntityType(evt.target_eid) == EntityType.AVATAR and ScriptLib.GetQuestState(context, evt.target_eid, 35102) == QuestState.UNFINISHED and evt.param1 == 35 then return true end return false end -- 触发操作 -- 触发条件 function condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_36(context, evt) -- 判断角色数量不少于1 if ScriptLib.GetEntityType(evt.target_eid) == EntityType.AVATAR and (ScriptLib.GetQuestState(context, evt.target_eid, 35103) == QuestState.UNFINISHED or ScriptLib.GetQuestState(context, evt.target_eid, 35105) == QuestState.UNFINISHED) and evt.param1 == 36 then return true end return false end -- 触发操作 -- 触发条件 function condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_38(context, evt) if ScriptLib.GetEntityType(evt.target_eid) == EntityType.AVATAR and ScriptLib.GetQuestState(context, evt.target_eid, 35401) == QuestState.UNFINISHED and evt.param1 == 38 then return true end return false end -- 触发操作 -- 触发条件 function condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_39(context, evt) if ScriptLib.GetEntityType(evt.target_eid) == EntityType.AVATAR and ScriptLib.GetQuestState(context, evt.target_eid, 36100) == QuestState.UNFINISHED and evt.param1 == 39 then return true end return false end -- 触发操作 -- 触发条件 function condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_40(context, evt) if ScriptLib.GetEntityType(evt.target_eid) == EntityType.AVATAR and ScriptLib.GetQuestState(context, evt.target_eid, 36203) == QuestState.UNFINISHED and evt.param1 == 40 then return true end return false end -- 触发操作 function action_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_40(context, evt) -- 触发镜头注目,注目位置为坐标(2599,230,-5642),持续时间为2.6秒,并且为强制注目形式,不广播其他玩家 local pos = {x=2599, y=230, z=-5642} if 0 ~= ScriptLib.BeginCameraSceneLook(context, { look_pos = pos, duration = 2.6, is_force = true, is_broadcast = false }) then return -1 end return 0 end -- 触发条件 function condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_68(context, evt) if ScriptLib.GetEntityType(evt.target_eid) == EntityType.AVATAR and ScriptLib.GetQuestState(context, evt.target_eid, 35200) == QuestState.UNFINISHED and evt.param1 == 68 then return true end return false end -- 触发操作 -- 触发条件 function condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_75(context, evt) if ScriptLib.GetEntityType(evt.target_eid) == EntityType.AVATAR and ScriptLib.GetQuestState(context, evt.target_eid, 35502) == QuestState.UNFINISHED and evt.param1 == 75 then return true end return false end -- 触发操作 -- 触发条件 function condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_76(context, evt) if ScriptLib.GetEntityType(evt.target_eid) == EntityType.AVATAR and ScriptLib.GetQuestState(context, evt.target_eid, 38401) == QuestState.UNFINISHED and evt.param1 == 76 then return true end return false end -- 触发操作 -- 触发条件 function condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_84(context, evt) if ScriptLib.GetEntityType(evt.target_eid) == EntityType.AVATAR and ScriptLib.GetQuestState(context, evt.target_eid, 35100) == QuestState.UNFINISHED and evt.param1 == 84 then return true end return false end -- 触发操作 -- 触发条件 function condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_147(context, evt) ScriptLib.PrintLog("enter region") if ScriptLib.GetEntityType(evt.target_eid) == EntityType.AVATAR and ScriptLib.GetQuestState(context, evt.target_eid, 46201) == QuestState.UNFINISHED and evt.param1 == 147 then return true end return false end -- 触发操作 -- 触发条件 function condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_463(context, evt) ScriptLib.PrintLog("enter region") if ScriptLib.GetEntityType(evt.target_eid) == EntityType.AVATAR and ScriptLib.GetQuestState(context, evt.target_eid, 46701) == QuestState.UNFINISHED and evt.param1 == 463 then return true end return false end -- 触发操作 -- 触发条件 function condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_502(context, evt) -- 判断角色数量不少于1 if ScriptLib.GetEntityType(evt.target_eid) == EntityType.AVATAR and ScriptLib.GetQuestState(context, evt.target_eid, 35201) == QuestState.UNFINISHED and evt.param1 == 502 then return true end return false end -- 触发操作 -- 触发条件 function condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_504(context, evt) -- 判断角色数量不少于1 if ScriptLib.GetEntityType(evt.target_eid) == EntityType.AVATAR and ScriptLib.GetQuestState(context, evt.target_eid, 35101) == QuestState.UNFINISHED and evt.param1 == 504 then return true end return false end -- 触发操作 -- 触发条件 function condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_505(context, evt) -- 判断角色数量不少于1 if ScriptLib.GetEntityType(evt.target_eid) == EntityType.AVATAR and ScriptLib.GetQuestState(context, evt.target_eid, 35107) == QuestState.UNFINISHED and evt.param1 == 505 then return true end return false end -- 触发操作 -- 触发条件 function condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_512(context, evt) -- 判断角色数量不少于1 if ScriptLib.GetEntityType(evt.target_eid) == EntityType.AVATAR and ScriptLib.GetQuestState(context, evt.target_eid, 35403) == QuestState.UNFINISHED and evt.param1 == 512 then return true end return false end -- 触发操作 -- 触发条件 function condition_EVENT_ENTER_REGION_513(context, evt) -- 判断角色数量不少于1 if ScriptLib.GetEntityType(evt.target_eid) == EntityType.AVATAR and ScriptLib.GetQuestState(context, evt.target_eid, 36002) == QuestState.UNFINISHED and evt.param1 == 513 then return true end return false end -- 触发操作