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Raw Blame History

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-- 配置
-- 怪物
monsters = {
{ config_id = 543, monster_id = 21020101, pos = { x = 1250.8, y = 254.6, z = -1474.8 }, rot = { x = 0.0, y = 161.1, z = 0.0 }, level = 13, drop_id = 303103, affix = { 1001, 1002, 1003 }, isElite = true, pose_id = 401 }
-- NPC
npcs = {
-- 装置
gadgets = {
{ config_id = 1778, gadget_id = 70900008, pos = { x = 1254.3, y = 254.3, z = -1479.7 }, rot = { x = 0.0, y = 180.5, z = 0.0 }, level = 1, state = GadgetState.GearStop, persistent = true },
{ config_id = 1779, gadget_id = 70210006, pos = { x = 1362.2, y = 235.6, z = -1553.4 }, rot = { x = 0.0, y = 326.5, z = 0.0 }, level = 1, chest_drop_id = 403101, showcutscene = true, isOneoff = true, persistent = true },
{ config_id = 3037, gadget_id = 70210042, pos = { x = 1249.5, y = 254.6, z = -1472.4 }, rot = { x = 0.0, y = 172.6, z = 0.0 }, level = 1, chest_drop_id = 403123, state = GadgetState.ChestLocked, isOneoff = true, persistent = true, type = GadgetType.GADGET_WORLD_CHECT }
-- 区域
regions = {
{ config_id = 92, shape = RegionShape.SPHERE, radius = 5, pos = { x = 1254.6, y = 254.6, z = -1478.6 } },
{ config_id = 98, shape = RegionShape.SPHERE, radius = 5, pos = { x = 1253.9, y = 254.6, z = -1481.1 } },
{ config_id = 198, shape = RegionShape.SPHERE, radius = 5, pos = { x = 1254.5, y = 254.6, z = -1478.1 } },
{ config_id = 293, shape = RegionShape.SPHERE, radius = 5, pos = { x = 1253.1, y = 254.6, z = -1478.4 } }
-- 触发器
triggers = {
{ name = "GADGET_STATE_CHANGE_92", event = EventType.EVENT_GADGET_STATE_CHANGE, source = "", condition = "condition_EVENT_GADGET_STATE_CHANGE_92", action = "action_EVENT_GADGET_STATE_CHANGE_92", tlog_tag = "解除好睡族封印" },
{ name = "ANY_MONSTER_DIE_98", event = EventType.EVENT_ANY_MONSTER_DIE, source = "", condition = "condition_EVENT_ANY_MONSTER_DIE_98", action = "action_EVENT_ANY_MONSTER_DIE_98" },
{ name = "TIMER_EVENT_198", event = EventType.EVENT_TIMER_EVENT, source = "KillPZ", condition = "", action = "action_EVENT_TIMER_EVENT_198" },
{ name = "CLIENT_EXECUTE_293", event = EventType.EVENT_CLIENT_EXECUTE, source = "ChestStateChange", condition = "", action = "action_EVENT_CLIENT_EXECUTE_293", trigger_count = 0 }
-- 变量
variables = {
-- 初始化配置
-- 初始化时创建
init_config = {
suite = 1,
rand_suite = true,
npcs = { }
-- 小组配置
suites = {
-- suite_id = 0,
-- description = ,
monsters = { 543 },
gadgets = { 1778, 3037 },
regions = { 92, 98, 198, 293 },
rand_weight = 100
-- 触发器
-- 触发条件
function condition_EVENT_GADGET_STATE_CHANGE_92(context, evt)
if 1778 ~= evt.param2 or GadgetState.GearStart ~= evt.param1 then
return false
return true
-- 触发操作
function action_EVENT_GADGET_STATE_CHANGE_92(context, evt)
-- 延迟2秒后,向groupId为133001108的对象,请求一次调用,并将string参数"KillPZ" 传递过去
if 0 ~= ScriptLib.CreateGroupTimerEvent(context, 133001108, "KillPZ", 2) then
return -1
-- 通知场景上的所有玩家播放名字为9 的cutscene
if 0 ~= ScriptLib.PlayCutScene(context, 9, 0) then
return -1
return 0
-- 触发条件
function condition_EVENT_ANY_MONSTER_DIE_98(context, evt)
--判断死亡怪物的configid是否为 543
if evt.param1 ~= 543 then
return false
return true
-- 触发操作
function action_EVENT_ANY_MONSTER_DIE_98(context, evt)
-- 将configid为 1778 的物件更改为状态 GadgetState.Default
if 0 ~= ScriptLib.SetGadgetStateByConfigId(context, 1778, GadgetState.Default) then
return -1
-- 触发镜头注目注目位置为坐标1254255-1479持续时间为1秒并且为强制注目形式不广播其他玩家
local pos = {x=1254, y=255, z=-1479}
if 0 ~= ScriptLib.BeginCameraSceneLook(context, { look_pos = pos, duration = 1, is_force = true, is_broadcast = false }) then
return -1
-- 将configid为 3037 的物件更改为状态 GadgetState.Default
if 0 ~= ScriptLib.SetGadgetStateByConfigId(context, 3037, GadgetState.Default) then
return -1
return 0
-- 触发条件
-- 触发操作
function action_EVENT_TIMER_EVENT_198(context, evt)
-- 杀死Group内指定的monster和gadget
if 0 ~= ScriptLib.KillGroupEntity(context, { group_id = 133001088, monsters = {}, gadgets = {1775} }) then
return -1
return 0
-- 触发条件
-- 触发操作
function action_EVENT_CLIENT_EXECUTE_293(context, evt)
if evt.param1 == 0 then
local this_chest = ScriptLib.GetGadgetConfigId(context, { gadget_eid = evt.source_eid })
local this_group = ScriptLib.GetContextGroupId(context)
ScriptLib.SetGroupGadgetStateByConfigId(context, this_group, this_chest, GadgetState.Default)
return 0