"Functions for Protection" section

This section is for choosing which functions must be protected.

Adding a function

To add a new object to the project, click the "Add Function" button on the toolbar, or select the corresponding item in the context menu:

A new function dialog appears:

Specify the address of the function, or start typing function's name to the quick search box to select the function directly from the list on the "Functions" tab. Use multi-selection if you want to add several functions at once. All selected functions are added with the chosen protection options.


You can locate objects you need by their name using the quick search box:

You can use the following wildcard symbols in the search box:

Adding a folder

You can add a folder to the project using the context menu:

Folders group protected objects and allow changing protection parameters (exclusion from compilation, type of compilation) of all objects in a folder at once.

Enter the name of a new folder:

Editing objects

The right side of the window displays contents of the selected object. If a protected object is selected in the project tree, the right part displays a disassembled representation of this object:


Right-clicking a line of code brings up the context menu:

If a folder is selected in the project tree, the right side displays the list of functions in that folder:

You can move functions to and from folders with simple drag-n-drop.

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