using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; // ReSharper disable once CheckNamespace namespace VMProtect { public static class CpuId { public static int[] Invoke(int level) { var codePointer = IntPtr.Zero; try { // compile byte[] codeBytes; if (IntPtr.Size == 4) { codeBytes = new byte[30]; codeBytes[0] = 0x55; // push ebp codeBytes[1] = 0x8B; codeBytes[2] = 0xEC; // mov ebp,esp codeBytes[3] = 0x53; // push ebx codeBytes[4] = 0x57; // push edi codeBytes[5] = 0x8B; codeBytes[6] = 0x45; codeBytes[7] = 0x08; // mov eax, dword ptr [ebp+8] (move level into eax) codeBytes[8] = 0x0F; codeBytes[9] = 0xA2; // cpuid codeBytes[10] = 0x8B; codeBytes[11] = 0x7D; codeBytes[12] = 0x0C; // mov edi, dword ptr [ebp+12] (move address of buffer into edi) codeBytes[13] = 0x89; codeBytes[14] = 0x07; // mov dword ptr [edi+0], eax (write eax, ... to buffer) codeBytes[15] = 0x89; codeBytes[16] = 0x5F; codeBytes[17] = 0x04; // mov dword ptr [edi+4], ebx codeBytes[18] = 0x89; codeBytes[19] = 0x4F; codeBytes[20] = 0x08; // mov dword ptr [edi+8], ecx codeBytes[21] = 0x89; codeBytes[22] = 0x57; codeBytes[23] = 0x0C; // mov dword ptr [edi+12],edx codeBytes[24] = 0x5F; // pop edi codeBytes[25] = 0x5B; // pop ebx codeBytes[26] = 0x8B; codeBytes[27] = 0xE5; // mov esp,ebp codeBytes[28] = 0x5D; // pop ebp codeBytes[29] = 0xc3; // ret } else { codeBytes = new byte[26]; codeBytes[0] = 0x53; // push rbx this gets clobbered by cpuid codeBytes[1] = 0x49; codeBytes[2] = 0x89; codeBytes[3] = 0xd0; // mov r8, rdx codeBytes[4] = 0x89; codeBytes[5] = 0xc8; // mov eax, ecx codeBytes[6] = 0x0F; codeBytes[7] = 0xA2; // cpuid codeBytes[8] = 0x41; codeBytes[9] = 0x89; codeBytes[10] = 0x40; codeBytes[11] = 0x00; // mov dword ptr [r8+0], eax codeBytes[12] = 0x41; codeBytes[13] = 0x89; codeBytes[14] = 0x58; codeBytes[15] = 0x04; // mov dword ptr [r8+4], ebx codeBytes[16] = 0x41; codeBytes[17] = 0x89; codeBytes[18] = 0x48; codeBytes[19] = 0x08; // mov dword ptr [r8+8], ecx codeBytes[20] = 0x41; codeBytes[21] = 0x89; codeBytes[22] = 0x50; codeBytes[23] = 0x0c; // mov dword ptr [r8+12], edx codeBytes[24] = 0x5b; // pop rbx codeBytes[25] = 0xc3; // ret } codePointer = Win32.VirtualAlloc( IntPtr.Zero, new UIntPtr((uint)codeBytes.Length), Win32.AllocationType.Commit | Win32.AllocationType.Reserve, Win32.MemoryProtection.ExecuteReadWrite ); Marshal.Copy(codeBytes, 0, codePointer, codeBytes.Length); var cpuIdDelg = (CpuIdDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(codePointer, typeof(CpuIdDelegate)); // invoke var buffer = new int[4]; var handle = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned); try { cpuIdDelg(level, buffer); } finally { handle.Free(); } return buffer; } finally { if (codePointer != IntPtr.Zero) { Win32.VirtualFree(codePointer, UIntPtr.Zero, Win32.FreeType.Release); } } } [UnmanagedFunctionPointerAttribute(CallingConvention.Cdecl)] private delegate void CpuIdDelegate(int level, int []buffer); } }