from idc import * import sys import binascii from sets import Set import sys import re def replace_farptr(matchobj): s1 = return s1.replace('far ptr ', '') def replace_ptr(matchobj): s1 = pos = s1.rfind(' ') assert pos != -1 return s1[0:pos] + ' [' + s1[pos+1:] + ']' def replace_ptr2(matchobj): s1 = pos = s1.rfind(':') assert pos != -1 return s1[0:pos+1] + '[' + s1[pos+1:] + ']' def replace_hex(matchobj): nstr = assert not (nstr in ['ah', 'bh', 'ch', 'dh']) nstr = nstr.replace('h', '') return nstr def repl(matchobj): s1 = s2 = s1.replace(' ', '') pos1 = s2.find('[') pos2 = s2.find(']') if pos1 == -1 or pos2 == -1: return s1 nstr = s2[0:pos1] nstr = nstr.replace('h', '') num = int(nstr, 16) hex = "%08x" % num s3 = s2[pos1:pos2] + '+' + hex + ']' return s3 p_seg = re.compile(r'(es:|ds:|cs:|fs:|gs:|ss:)') p_seg_abs = re.compile(r'(es:|ds:|cs:|fs:|gs:|ss:)[0-9][0-9a-fA-F]*h') p_farptr = re.compile(r'far\sptr\s[0-9a-fA-F]+:[0-9a-fA-F]+') p_ptr = re.compile(r'(byte|word|dword|qword|oword|fword)\sptr\s[0-9][0-9a-fA-F]*') p_ptr2 = re.compile(r'(byte|word|dword|qword|oword|fword)\sptr\s(es:|ds:|cs:|fs:|gs:|ss:)[0-9][0-9a-fA-F]*') p_hex = re.compile(r'([0-9][0-9a-fA-F]*)(h|H)') p_spaces = re.compile(r'(\s+)') p_repl = re.compile(r'[0-9][0-9a-fA-F]*(h|H)\s*\[[^\]]+\]') replacements = [('retn', 'ret'), ('retnw', 'ret'), ('iretw', 'iret'), ('retfw', 'retf'), ('pushfw', 'pushf'), ('popfw', 'popf'), ('pushaw', 'pusha'), ('popaw', 'popa'), ('enterw', 'enter'), ('enterw', 'enter'), ('cmova', 'cmovnbe'), ('cmovg', 'cmovnle'), ('cmovge', 'cmovnl'), ('leavew', 'leave'), ('int 3', 'int 03')] def is_invalid_insn(insn_binary): k = 0 while True: b = ord(insn_binary[k]) if not(b == 0x26 or b == 0x2e or b == 0x36 or b == 0x3e or b == 0x64 or b == 0x65): break k += 1 if k >= len(insn_binary) - 1: return True b = ord(insn_binary[k]) b2 = ord(insn_binary[k + 1]) if b == 0x0f and (b2 == 0x19 or b2 == 0x24 or b2 == 0x26 or b2 == 0xa6 or b2 == 0xa7): return True if b == 0xcd and b2 == 0x20: #vxdcall return True if b == 0xd6: #setalc return True if b == 0x0f and b2 == 0x0d: if k > len(insn_binary) - 2: return True if ord(insn_binary[k + 2]) == 0x13: return True return False # Miscellaneous replacements def misc_replacements(opcode_str): for r_from, r_to in replacements: if opcode_str == r_from: opcode_str = r_to return opcode_str def remove_ds_prefix(insn_binary, rest_str): pos = insn_binary.find('\x3e') # No prefix - remove ds: if -1 == pos: return -1 != rest_str.find('ds:') if pos == 0: return True ds_prefix = True for i in range(0, pos): if not (ord(insn_binary[i]) in [0x66, 0x67, 0xF0, 0xF2, 0xF3]): ds_prefix = False break if ds_prefix: return True else: # No prefix - remove ds return -1 != rest_str.find('ds:') def replace_ds_seg(matchobj): nstr = if nstr[0:2].lower() == 'ds': return '[' + nstr[3:] + ']' else: return nstr[0:3] + '[' + nstr[3:] + ']' def replace_seg(matchobj): nstr = if nstr[0:2].lower() == 'ds': return '[' + nstr[3:] + ']' else: return nstr[0:3] + '[' + nstr[3:] + ']' def replace_lea_seg(matchobj): nstr = return '[' + nstr[3:] + ']' def replace_segments(insn_binary, opcode_str, rest_str): # Remove segments from LEA (for absolute and relative offsets) if opcode_str.lower() == 'lea': tmp = p_seg_abs.sub(replace_lea_seg, rest_str) if tmp == rest_str: return p_seg.sub('', rest_str) else: return tmp # Now search for ?s:01020304, replace to ?s:[01020304] except of ds: -> [01020304] if remove_ds_prefix(insn_binary, rest_str): return p_seg_abs.sub(replace_ds_seg, rest_str) else: return p_seg_abs.sub(replace_seg, rest_str) # Apply fixes to IDA opcode def ida_disasm_fix(insn_binary, insn_str): # Remove extra spaces and tabs. Replace tabs with spaces insn_str = p_spaces.sub(r' ', insn_str) # Avoid opcode changing pos = insn_str.find(' ') if pos == -1: return misc_replacements(insn_str) # This is opcode like 'cli' opcode_str = insn_str[0:pos] rest_str = insn_str[pos+1:] # remove 'small' rest_str = rest_str.replace('small ', '') # Transform '6050403[eax], al' to '[eax+6050403], al' rest_str = p_repl.sub(repl, rest_str) rest_str = replace_segments(insn_binary, opcode_str, rest_str) # Remove 'ds:' if no 3Eh prefix found if remove_ds_prefix(insn_binary, rest_str): rest_str = rest_str.replace('ds:', '') # Replace 'xmmword' to 'oword' rest_str = rest_str.replace('xmmword', 'oword') # Remove 'h' after hex constants rest_str = p_hex.sub(replace_hex, rest_str) # Transform 'ptr 012345' -> 'ptr [012345]' rest_str = p_ptr.sub(replace_ptr, rest_str) rest_str = p_ptr2.sub(replace_ptr2, rest_str) # Transform 'call far ptr 1817:16151413' -> 'call 1817:16151413' rest_str = p_farptr.sub(replace_farptr, rest_str) opcode_str = misc_replacements(opcode_str) return opcode_str + ' ' + rest_str def get_insn(ea, len): s = '' for i in range(0, len): s += chr(Byte(ea + i)) return s def insn_write(f, insn_binary, insn_str, header): assert len(insn_binary) != 0 s = '' sz = len(insn_binary) if header: s += '{%d, "' % sz for i in range(0, sz): s += '\\x%02x' % ord(insn_binary[i]) s += '", "' + insn_str + '"},\n' else: s += binascii.hexlify(insn_binary) s += (' %s\n' % insn_str) f.write(s) f.flush() # Normalize operand (replace numeric operands with -1) def normalize_operand(op_type, op_str): if op_type in [o_mem, o_displ, o_imm, o_near, o_far]: return "-1" else: return op_str def is_unique(set, ea, insn_str, mnem): # Consider undisassemblable opcodes as unique if insn_str[0:2].lower() == 'db': return True ot1 = GetOpType(ea, 0) ot2 = GetOpType(ea, 1) ot3 = GetOpType(ea, 2) v1 = GetOpnd(ea, 0) v2 = GetOpnd(ea, 1) v3 = GetOpnd(ea, 2) hashstr = "%s|%s|%s|%s" % (mnem, normalize_operand(ot1, v1), normalize_operand(ot2, v2), normalize_operand(ot3, v3)) if hashstr in set: return False else: set.add(hashstr) return True def generate_x86(filename): set = Set() ea = GetEntryPoint(GetEntryOrdinal(0)) for i in range(0, 20): PatchByte(ea + i, i + 0x10) flog = open(filename + '.log', 'wt') f = open(filename, 'wt') n = 0 len = 0 for p0 in range(0x10, 0x110): q0 = p0 & 0xff set.clear() # Clear cached of opcodes (they become unrelevant) PatchByte(ea, q0) for p1 in range(0x10, 0x110): q1 = p1 & 0xff PatchByte(ea + 1, q1) for p2 in range(0x10, 0x110): q2 = p2 & 0xff PatchByte(ea + 2, q2) len = MakeCode(ea) str = GetDisasm(ea) mnem = GetMnem(ea) # Now we got disasm # Remove comments pos = str.find(';') if pos != -1: str = str[0:pos] # Remove spaces at start and end str = str.strip(' ') if str[0:2] == 'db' or str == '' or len == 0: insn_binary = get_insn(ea, 10) flog.write('INPUT hex: %20s; disasm: "%s"\n' % (binascii.hexlify(insn_binary), str)) insn_write(f, insn_binary, 'db', False) flog.write('\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOUTPUT disasm: "db"\n') continue if not is_unique(set, ea, str, mnem): continue insn_binary = get_insn(ea, len) flog.write('INPUT hex: %20s; disasm: "%s"\n' % (binascii.hexlify(insn_binary), str)) if is_invalid_insn(insn_binary): flog.write('*** Skipping invalid opcode ***') continue # Add unique disasms to file str = ida_disasm_fix(insn_binary, str) flog.write('\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOUTPUT disasm: "%s"\n' % str) flog.flush() insn_write(f, insn_binary, str, False) n += 1 if n % 1000 == 0: print '%d opcodes processed' % n if len == 2 or len == 1: break # Optimization: break if third byte does not matter if len == 1: break # Optimization: break if second byte does not matter f.close() flog.write('Finished\n') flog.close() def main(): generate_x86("./intel-x86-opcodes.txt") if __name__ == "__main__": main()