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synced 2025-02-28 15:24:38 +03:00
664 lines
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664 lines
18 KiB
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Cache;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using Numerics;
// ReSharper disable once CheckNamespace
namespace VMProtect
public class LicensingManager
public class BaseRequest
protected bool BuildUrl(byte[] licenseData)
var urlSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(licenseData, (int)Fields.ActivationUrlSize * sizeof(uint));
if (urlSize == 0)
return false;
var urlOffset = BitConverter.ToInt32(licenseData, (int)Fields.ActivationUrlOffset * sizeof(uint));
Url = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(licenseData, urlOffset, urlSize);
if (Url[Url.Length - 1] != '/')
Url += '/';
return true;
protected void EncodeUrl()
Url = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Url));
protected void AppendUrlParam(string param, string value)
AppendUrl(param, false);
AppendUrl(value, true);
private void AppendUrl(string str, bool escape)
if (escape)
var sb = new StringBuilder(Url);
foreach (var c in str)
switch (c)
case '+':
case '/':
case '=':
Url = sb.ToString();
} else
Url += str;
public bool Send()
using (var wc = new WebClient())
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback +=
(sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true;
wc.CachePolicy = new RequestCachePolicy(RequestCacheLevel.NoCacheNoStore);
wc.Headers.Add("user-agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)");
Response = wc.DownloadString(Url);
var strDt = wc.ResponseHeaders.Get("Date");
var dt = DateTime.ParseExact(strDt, "ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'",
CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.DateTimeFormat, DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal);
GlobalData.SetServerDate((uint)((dt.Year << 16) + (dt.Month << 8) + dt.Day));
catch (Exception)
//не смогли вытащить дату из заголовков - прощаем?
return true;
catch (Exception)
return false;
public string Url { get; private set; }
public string Response { get; private set; }
public class ActivationRequest : BaseRequest
public ActivationStatus Process(byte[] licenseData, string code, bool offline)
if (!VerifyCode(code))
return ActivationStatus.BadCode;
if (!BuildUrl(licenseData, code, offline))
return ActivationStatus.NotAvailable;
if (offline)
return ActivationStatus.Ok;
if (!Send())
return ActivationStatus.NoConnection;
var res = Response;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(res))
return ActivationStatus.BadReply;
// possible answers: OK, BAD, BANNED, USED, EXPIRED
// if OK - see the Serial number below
if (res == "BAD")
return ActivationStatus.BadCode;
if (res == "BANNED")
return ActivationStatus.Banned;
if (res == "USED")
return ActivationStatus.AlreadyUsed;
if (res == "EXPIRED")
return ActivationStatus.Expired;
var crPos = res.IndexOf('\n');
if (crPos != 2)
return ActivationStatus.BadReply;
if (res[0] != 'O' || res[1] != 'K')
return ActivationStatus.BadReply;
if (res.Length - 3 < 64)
return ActivationStatus.BadReply;
Serial = res.Substring(3);
return ActivationStatus.Ok;
public string Serial
get; private set;
private bool VerifyCode(string code)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(code) || code.Length > 32)
return false;
return code.ToLower().TrimEnd("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-".ToCharArray()).Length == 0;
private bool BuildUrl(byte[] licenseData, string code, bool offline)
if (!offline) {
if (!base.BuildUrl(licenseData))
return false;
// hwid -> base64
var hwid = Convert.ToBase64String(Core.Instance.HWID.GetBytes());
// hash -> base64
var modSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(licenseData, (int)Fields.ModulusSize * sizeof(uint));
var modOffset = BitConverter.ToInt32(licenseData, (int)Fields.ModulusOffset * sizeof(uint));
using (var sha = new SHA1Managed())
var modulus = sha.ComputeHash(licenseData, modOffset, modSize);
var hash = Convert.ToBase64String(modulus, 0, 20);
// build Url
AppendUrlParam(offline ? "type=activation&code=" : "activation.php?code=", code);
AppendUrlParam("&hwid=", hwid);
AppendUrlParam("&hash=", hash);
if (offline)
return true;
public class DeactivationRequest : BaseRequest
public ActivationStatus Process(byte[] licenseData, string serial, bool offline)
if (!VerifySerial(serial))
return ActivationStatus.BadCode;
if (!BuildUrl(licenseData, serial, offline))
return ActivationStatus.NotAvailable;
if (offline)
return ActivationStatus.Ok;
if (!Send())
return ActivationStatus.NoConnection;
var res = Response;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(res))
return ActivationStatus.BadReply;
if (res == "OK")
return ActivationStatus.Ok;
if (res == "ERROR")
return ActivationStatus.Corrupted;
if (res == "UNKNOWN")
return ActivationStatus.SerialUnknown;
return ActivationStatus.BadReply;
private bool VerifySerial(string serial)
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(serial);
private bool BuildUrl(byte[] licenseData, string serial, bool offline)
if (!offline) {
if (!base.BuildUrl(licenseData))
return false;
var serialBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(serial);
using (var sha = new SHA1Managed())
var serialHash = sha.ComputeHash(serialBytes);
var hash = Convert.ToBase64String(serialHash, 0, 20);
AppendUrlParam(offline ? "type=deactivation&hash=" : "deactivation.php?hash=", hash);
catch (FormatException)
return false;
if (offline)
return true;
public LicensingManager(long instance)
_sessionKey = 0 - GlobalData.SessionKey();
_licenseData = new byte[(uint)Faces.LICENSE_INFO_SIZE];
Marshal.Copy(new IntPtr(instance + (uint)Faces.LICENSE_INFO), _licenseData, 0, _licenseData.Length);
_startTickCount = Environment.TickCount;
public LicensingManager(byte [] licenseData)
_licenseData = licenseData;
public SerialState GetSerialNumberState()
lock (_lock)
return (_state & (SerialState.Corrupted | SerialState.Invalid | SerialState.BadHwid | SerialState.Blacklisted)) != 0 ? _state : ParseSerial(null);
public ActivationStatus ActivateLicense(string code, out string serial)
serial = string.Empty;
if (!CheckLicenseDataCRC())
return ActivationStatus.Corrupted;
var request = new ActivationRequest();
var res = request.Process(_licenseData, code, false);
if (res == ActivationStatus.Ok)
serial = request.Serial;
return res;
public ActivationStatus DeactivateLicense(string serial)
return CheckLicenseDataCRC() ?
new DeactivationRequest().Process(_licenseData, serial, false) :
public ActivationStatus GetOfflineActivationString(string code, out string buf)
buf = string.Empty;
if (!CheckLicenseDataCRC())
return ActivationStatus.Corrupted;
var request = new ActivationRequest();
var res = request.Process(_licenseData, code, true);
if (res == ActivationStatus.Ok)
buf = request.Url;
return res;
public ActivationStatus GetOfflineDeactivationString(string serial, out string buf)
buf = string.Empty;
if (!CheckLicenseDataCRC())
return ActivationStatus.Corrupted;
var request = new DeactivationRequest();
var res = request.Process(_licenseData, serial, true);
if (res == ActivationStatus.Ok)
buf = request.Url;
return res;
private static BigInteger B2Bi(byte[] b) //reverse & make positive
var b2 = new byte[b.Length + 1];
Array.Copy(b, b2, b.Length);
return new BigInteger(b2);
public SerialState SetSerialNumber(string serial)
lock (_lock)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(serial))
return SerialState.Invalid; // the key is empty
// decode serial number from base64
byte[] binarySerial;
binarySerial = Convert.FromBase64String(serial);
if (binarySerial.Length < 16)
return SerialState.Invalid;
catch (Exception)
return SerialState.Invalid;
// check license data integrity
if (!CheckLicenseDataCRC()) {
return SaveState(SerialState.Corrupted);
// check serial by black list
var blackListSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(_licenseData, (int)Fields.BlacklistSize * sizeof(uint));
if (blackListSize != 0) {
var blackListOffset = BitConverter.ToInt32(_licenseData, (int)Fields.BlacklistOffset * sizeof(uint));
using (var hash = new SHA1Managed())
var p = hash.ComputeHash(binarySerial);
int min = 0;
int max = blackListSize / 20 - 1;
while (min <= max)
int i = (min + max) / 2;
var blocked = true;
for (var j = 0; j < 20 / sizeof(uint); j++) {
var dw = BitConverter.ToUInt32(_licenseData, blackListOffset + i * 20 + j * sizeof(uint));
var v = BitConverter.ToUInt32(p, j * sizeof(uint));
if (dw == v)
if (BitRotate.Swap(dw) > BitRotate.Swap(v))
max = i - 1;
min = i + 1;
blocked = false;
if (blocked) {
return SaveState(SerialState.Blacklisted);
// decode serial number
var ebytes = new byte[BitConverter.ToInt32(_licenseData, (int)Fields.PublicExpSize * sizeof(uint))];
Array.Copy(_licenseData, BitConverter.ToInt32(_licenseData, (int)Fields.PublicExpOffset * sizeof(uint)), ebytes, 0, ebytes.Length);
var e = B2Bi(ebytes);
var nbytes = new byte[BitConverter.ToInt32(_licenseData, (int)Fields.ModulusSize * sizeof(uint))];
Array.Copy(_licenseData, BitConverter.ToInt32(_licenseData, (int)Fields.ModulusOffset * sizeof(uint)), nbytes, 0, nbytes.Length);
var n = B2Bi(nbytes);
var x = B2Bi(binarySerial);
if (n < x) {
// data is too long to crypt
return SerialState.Invalid;
_serial = BigInteger.ModPow(x, e, n).ToByteArray();
if (_serial[0] != 0 || _serial[1] != 2)
return SerialState.Invalid;
int pos;
for (pos = 2; pos < _serial.Length; pos++) {
if (_serial[pos] == 0) {
if (pos == _serial.Length)
return SerialState.Invalid;
_start = pos;
return ParseSerial(null);
public bool GetSerialNumberData(SerialNumberData data)
lock (_lock)
if (_state == SerialState.Corrupted)
return false;
data.State = (_state & (SerialState.Invalid | SerialState.Blacklisted | SerialState.BadHwid)) != 0 ? _state : ParseSerial(data);
return true;
public uint DecryptBuffer(uint p3, uint p2, uint p1, uint p0)
uint key0 = (uint)_productCode;
uint key1 = (uint)(_productCode >> 32) + _sessionKey;
p0 = BitRotate.Left((p0 + _sessionKey) ^ key0, 7) + key1;
p1 = BitRotate.Left((p1 + _sessionKey) ^ key0, 11) + key1;
p2 = BitRotate.Left((p2 + _sessionKey) ^ key0, 17) + key1;
p3 = BitRotate.Left((p3 + _sessionKey) ^ key0, 23) + key1;
if (p0 + p1 + p2 + p3 != _sessionKey * 4)
Core.ShowMessage("This code requires valid serial number to run.\nProgram will be terminated.");
return p3;
private enum ChunkType
Version = 0x01, // 1 byte of data - version
UserName = 0x02, // 1 + N bytes - length + N bytes of customer's name (without enging \0).
Email = 0x03, // 1 + N bytes - length + N bytes of customer's email (without ending \0).
HWID = 0x04, // 1 + N bytes - length + N bytes of hardware id (N % 4 == 0)
ExpDate = 0x05, // 4 bytes - (year << 16) + (month << 8) + (day)
RunningTimeLimit = 0x06, // 1 byte - number of minutes
ProductCode = 0x07, // 8 bytes - used for decrypting some parts of exe-file
UserData = 0x08, // 1 + N bytes - length + N bytes of user data
MaxBuild = 0x09, // 4 bytes - (year << 16) + (month << 8) + (day)
End = 0xFF // 4 bytes - checksum: the first four bytes of sha-1 hash from the data before that chunk
private SerialState SaveState(SerialState state)
_state = state;
if ((_state & (SerialState.Invalid | SerialState.BadHwid)) != 0)
_serial = null;
_productCode = 0;
return _state;
private SerialState ParseSerial(SerialNumberData data)
if (_serial == null)
return SerialState.Invalid;
var newState = _state & (SerialState.MaxBuildExpired | SerialState.DateExpired | SerialState.RunningTimeOver);
var pos = _start;
while (pos < _serial.Length) {
var b = _serial[pos++];
byte s;
switch (b) {
case (byte)ChunkType.Version:
if (_serial[pos] != 1)
return SaveState(SerialState.Invalid);
pos += 1;
case (byte)ChunkType.ExpDate:
var expDate = BitConverter.ToUInt32(_serial, pos);
if ((newState & SerialState.DateExpired) == 0) {
if (BitConverter.ToUInt32(_licenseData, (int)Fields.BuildDate * sizeof(uint)) > expDate || GetCurrentDate() > expDate)
newState |= SerialState.DateExpired;
if (data != null) {
data.Expires = new DateTime((int)(expDate >> 16), (byte)(expDate >> 8), (byte)expDate);
pos += 4;
case (byte)ChunkType.RunningTimeLimit:
s = _serial[pos];
if ((newState & SerialState.RunningTimeOver) == 0) {
var curTime = (Environment.TickCount - _startTickCount) / 1000 / 60;
if (curTime > s)
newState |= SerialState.RunningTimeOver;
if (data != null)
data.RunningTime = s;
pos += 1;
case (byte)ChunkType.ProductCode:
if ((_state & SerialState.Invalid) != 0)
_productCode = BitConverter.ToInt64(_serial, pos);
pos += 8;
case (byte)ChunkType.MaxBuild:
var maxBuildDate = BitConverter.ToUInt32(_serial, pos);
if ((newState & SerialState.MaxBuildExpired) == 0) {
if (BitConverter.ToUInt32(_licenseData, (int)Fields.BuildDate * sizeof(uint)) > maxBuildDate)
newState |= SerialState.MaxBuildExpired;
if (data != null)
data.MaxBuild = new DateTime((int)(maxBuildDate >> 16), (byte)(maxBuildDate >> 8), (byte)maxBuildDate);
pos += 4;
case (byte)ChunkType.UserName:
s = _serial[pos++];
if (data != null)
data.UserName = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(_serial, pos, s);
pos += s;
case (byte)ChunkType.Email:
s = _serial[pos++];
if (data != null)
data.EMail = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(_serial, pos, s);
pos += s;
case (byte)ChunkType.HWID:
s = _serial[pos++];
if ((_state & SerialState.Invalid) != 0)
var shwid = new byte[s];
Array.Copy(_serial, pos, shwid, 0, s);
if (!Core.Instance.HWID.IsCorrect(shwid))
return SaveState(SerialState.BadHwid);
pos += s;
case (byte)ChunkType.UserData:
s = _serial[pos++];
if (data != null) {
data.UserData = new byte[s];
for (var i = 0; i < s; i++) {
data.UserData[i] = _serial[pos + i];
pos += s;
case (byte)ChunkType.End:
if (pos + 4 > _serial.Length)
return SaveState(SerialState.Invalid);
if ((_state & SerialState.Invalid) != 0) {
// calc hash without last chunk
using (var hash = new SHA1Managed())
var p = hash.ComputeHash(_serial, _start, pos - _start - 1);
// check CRC
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (_serial[pos + i] != p[3 - i])
return SaveState(SerialState.Invalid);
return SaveState(newState);
// SERIAL_CHUNK_END not found
return SaveState(SerialState.Invalid);
internal enum Fields
private bool CheckLicenseDataCRC()
var crcPos = BitConverter.ToInt32(_licenseData, (int)Fields.CRCOffset * sizeof(uint));
var size = crcPos + 16;
if (size != _licenseData.Length)
return false; // bad key size
// CRC check
using (var hash = new SHA1Managed())
var h = hash.ComputeHash(_licenseData, 0, crcPos);
for (var i = crcPos; i < size; i++)
if (_licenseData[i] != h[i - crcPos])
return false;
return true;
internal static uint GetCurrentDate()
var dt = DateTime.Now;
var curDate = (uint)((dt.Year << 16) + (dt.Month << 8) + dt.Day);
var serverDate = GlobalData.ServerDate();
return serverDate > curDate ? serverDate : curDate;
private readonly byte[] _licenseData;
private byte[] _serial;
private readonly object _lock = new object();
private SerialState _state = SerialState.Invalid;
//ReSharper disable once NotAccessedField.Local
private long _productCode;
private readonly int _startTickCount;
private int _start;
private uint _sessionKey;
CryptoContainer *_serial;
} |