
3439 lines
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2023-11-12 00:15:41 +03:00
"namemap": {
"abidingangelfish": "Abiding Angelfish",
"acquaintfate": "Acquaint Fate",
"activatedstarshroom": "Activated Starshroom",
"adhigamawood": "Adhigama Wood",
"adventureexp": "Adventure EXP",
"adventurersexperience": "Adventurer's Experience",
"afloweryettobloom": "A Flower Yet to Bloom",
"agentssacrificialknife": "Agent's Sacrificial Knife",
"agnidusagatechunk": "Agnidus Agate Chunk",
"agnidusagatefragment": "Agnidus Agate Fragment",
"agnidusagategemstone": "Agnidus Agate Gemstone",
"agnidusagatesliver": "Agnidus Agate Sliver",
"aizenmedaka": "Aizen Medaka",
"ajilenakhnut": "Ajilenakh Nut",
"akaimaou": "Akai Maou",
"akossakevessel": "Ako's Sake Vessel",
"alienlifecore": "Alien Life Core",
"alkahest": "Alkahest",
"almond": "Almond",
"amakumofruit": "Amakumo Fruit",
"amethystlump": "Amethyst Lump",
"anemosigil": "Anemo Sigil",
"apple": "Apple",
"araliawood": "Aralia Wood",
"artificeddynamicgear": "Artificed Dynamic Gear",
"artificedspareclockworkcomponentcoppelia": "Artificed Spare Clockwork Component — Coppelia",
"artificedspareclockworkcomponentcoppelius": "Artificed Spare Clockwork Component — Coppelius",
"ashenheart": "Ashen Heart",
"ashwood": "Ash Wood",
"athelwood": "Athel Wood",
"bacon": "Bacon",
"bamboosegment": "Bamboo Segment",
"bambooshoot": "Bamboo Shoot",
"basaltpillar": "Basalt Pillar",
"bep": "BEP",
"berry": "Berry",
"berylconch": "Beryl Conch",
"betta": "Betta",
"bigprettycrystal": "Big Pretty Crystal",
"birchwood": "Birch Wood",
"birdegg": "Bird Egg",
"bitofaerosiderite": "Bit of Aerosiderite",
"bitterpufferfish": "Bitter Pufferfish",
"blackbronzehorn": "Black Bronze Horn",
"blackcrystalhorn": "Black Crystal Horn",
"blazingheartfeatherbass": "Blazing Heartfeather Bass",
"blessingofthewelkinmoonnewmoon": "Blessing of the Welkin Moon - New Moon",
"bloodjadebranch": "Bloodjade Branch",
"bluedye": "Blue Dye",
"borealwolfsbrokenfang": "Boreal Wolf's Broken Fang",
"borealwolfscrackedtooth": "Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth",
"borealwolfsmilktooth": "Boreal Wolf's Milk Tooth",
"borealwolfsnostalgia": "Boreal Wolf's Nostalgia",
"brightwood": "Brightwood",
"brilliantdiamondchunk": "Brilliant Diamond Chunk",
"brilliantdiamondfragment": "Brilliant Diamond Fragment",
"brilliantdiamondgemstone": "Brilliant Diamond Gemstone",
"brilliantdiamondsliver": "Brilliant Diamond Sliver",
"brokengobletofthepristinesea": "Broken Goblet of the Pristine Sea",
"brownshirakodai": "Brown Shirakodai",
"butter": "Butter",
"butterflywings": "Butterfly Wings",
"cabbage": "Cabbage",
"cakefortraveler-01": "Cake for Traveler",
"cakefortraveler-02": "Cake for Traveler",
"cakefortraveler-03": "Cake for Traveler",
"cakefortraveler": "Cake for Traveler",
"callalily": "Calla Lily",
"carrot": "Carrot",
"cecilia": "Cecilia",
"chainsofthedandeliongladiator": "Chains of Dandelion Gladiator",
"chaosaxis": "Chaos Axis",
"chaosbolt": "Chaos Bolt",
"chaoscircuit": "Chaos Circuit",
"chaoscore": "Chaos Core",
"chaosdevice": "Chaos Device",
"chaosgear": "Chaos Gear",
"chaosmodule": "Chaos Module",
"chaosoculus": "Chaos Oculus",
"chaosstorage": "Chaos Storage",
"chapterofanancientchord": "Chapter of an Ancient Chord",
"cheese": "Cheese",
"chilledmeat": "Chilled Meat",
"chunkofaerosiderite": "Chunk of Aerosiderite",
"cleansingheart": "Cleansing Heart",
"coffeebeans": "Coffee Bean",
"companionshipexp": "Companionship EXP",
"concealedclaw": "Concealed Claw",
"concealedtalon": "Concealed Talon",
"concealedunguis": "Concealed Unguis",
"condensedresin": "Condensed Resin",
"condessencecrystal": "Condessence Crystal",
"congealedpupawax": "Congealed Pupa Wax",
"coppertalismanoftheforestdew": "Copper Talisman of the Forest Dew",
"coralbranchofadistantsea": "Coral Branch of a Distant Sea",
"corlapis": "Cor Lapis",
"crab": "Crab",
"crabroe": "Crab Roe",
"cream": "Cream",
"crownofinsight": "Crown of Insight",
"cryosigil": "Cryo Sigil",
"crystalchunk": "Crystal Chunk",
"crystalcore": "Crystal Core",
"crystalfish": "Crystalfish",
"crystallinebloom": "Crystalline Bloom",
"crystallinecystdust": "Crystalline Cyst Dust",
"crystalmarrow": "Crystal Marrow",
"crystalprism": "Crystal Prism",
"cuihuawood": "Cuihua Wood",
"cypresswood": "Cypress Wood",
"dakasbell": "Daka's Bell",
"damagedmask": "Damaged Mask",
"damagedprism": "Damaged Prism",
"dandelionbookmark": "Dandelion Bookmark",
"dandelionseed": "Dandelion Seed",
"darkstatuette": "Dark Statuette",
"dawncatcher": "Dawncatcher",
"deadleylinebranch": "Dead Ley Line Branches",
"deadleylineleaves": "Dead Ley Line Leaves",
"deathlystatuette": "Deathly Statuette",
"debrisofdecarabianscity": "Debris of Decarabian's City",
"dendrobium": "Dendrobium",
"dendrosigil": "Dendro Sigil",
"desiccatedshell": "Desiccated Shell",
"dewofrepudiation": "Dew of Repudiation",
"dismalprism": "Dismal Prism",
"divdaray": "Divda Ray",
"divinebodyfromguyun": "Divine Body from Guyun",
"diviningscroll": "Divining Scroll",
"dormantfungalnucleus": "Dormant Fungal Nucleus",
"dragonheirsfalsefin": "Dragonheir's False Fin",
"dragonlordscrown": "Dragon Lord's Crown",
"dreamofscorchingmight": "Dream of Scorching Might",
"dreamofthedandeliongladiator": "Dream of the Dandelion Gladiator",
"dreamsolvent": "Dream Solvent",
"driedfish": "Dried Fish",
"dropoftaintedwater": "Drop of Tainted Water",
"drossofpuresacreddewdrop": "Dross of Pure Sacred Dewdrop",
"dustofazoth": "Dust of Azoth",
"dvalinsclaw": "Dvalin's Claw",
"dvalinsplume": "Dvalin's Plume",
"dvalinssigh": "Dvalin's Sigh",
"echoofanancientchord": "Echo of Ancient Chord",
"echoofscorchingmight": "Echo of Scorching Might",
"eelmeat": "Eel Meat",
"electrocrystal": "Electro Crystal",
"electrosigil": "Electro Sigil",
"elementaldust": "Elemental Dust",
"emperorsbalsam": "Emperor's Balsam",
"emperorsresolution": "Emperor's Resolution",
"energynectar": "Energy Nectar",
"enhancementore": "Enhancement Ore",
"essenceofpuresacreddewdrop": "Essense of Pure Sacred Dewdrop",
"everamber": "Everamber",
"everflameseed": "Everflame Seed",
"evergloomring": "Evergloom Ring",
"fabric": "Fabric",
"fadedredsatin": "Faded Red Satin",
"fakeflybait": "Fake Fly Bait",
"falsewormbait": "False Worm Bait",
"famedhandguard": "Famed Handguard",
"fermentedjuice": "Fermented Juice",
"festeringdragonmarrow": "Festering Dragon Marrow",
"fettersofthedandeliongladiator": "Fetters of the Dandelion Gladiator",
"fineenhancementore": "Fine Enhancement Ore",
"firmarrowhead": "Firm Arrowhead",
"firwood": "Fir Wood",
"fish": "Fish",
"flamingflowerstamen": "Flaming Flower Stamen",
"flashingmaintenancemekbait": "Flashing Maintenance Mek Bait",
"flour": "Flour",
"fluorescentfungus": "Fluorescent Fungus",
"fontemerunihorn": "Fontemer Unihorn",
"forbiddencursescroll": "Forbidden Curse Scroll",
"foreignsynapse": "Foreign Synapse",
"formaloray": "Formalo Ray",
"fossilizedboneshard": "Fossilized Bone Shard",
"fowl": "Fowl",
"fragileboneshard": "Fragile Bone Shard",
"fragmentofanancientchord": "Fragment of an Ancient Chord",
"fragmentofdecarabiansepic": "Fragment of Decarabian's Epic",
"fragmentsofinnocence": "\"Fragments of Innocence\"",
"fragrantcedarwood": "Fragrant Cedar Wood",
"fragrantseasoning": "Fragrant Seasoning",
"frog": "Frog",
"fruitpastebait": "Fruit Paste Bait",
"fungalspores": "Fungal Spore",
"geosigil": "Geo Sigil",
"gildedscale": "Gilded Scale",
"glabrousbeans": "Glabrous Beans",
"glazelily": "Glaze Lily",
"glazemedaka": "Glaze Medaka",
"gloomystatuette": "Gloomy Statuette",
"glowgrassbait": "Glowgrass Bait",
"glowinggem": "Glowing Gem",
"gnostichymnoldnotes": "Gnostic Hymn - Old Notes",
"goldenbranchofadistantsea": "Golden Branch of a Distant Sea",
"goldengobletofthepristinesea": "Golden Goblet of the Pristine Sea",
"goldenkoi": "Golden Koi",
"goldenraveninsignia": "Golden Raven Insignia",
"goldentalismanoftheforestdew": "Golden Talisman of the Forest Dew",
"grainofaerosiderite": "Grain of Aerosiderite",
"guidetoadmonition": "Guide to Admonition",
"guidetoballad": "Guide to \"Ballad\"",
"guidetodiligence": "Guide to \"Diligence\"",
"guidetoelegance": "Guide to Elegance",
"guidetoequity": "Guide to Equity",
"guidetofreedom": "Guide to \"Freedom\"",
"guidetogold": "Guide to \"Gold\"",
"guidetoingenuity": "Guide to Ingenuity",
"guidetojustice": "Guide to Justice",
"guidetolight": "Guide to Light",
"guidetoorder": "Guide to Order",
"guidetopraxis": "Guide to Praxis",
"guidetoprosperity": "Guide to \"Prosperity\"",
"guidetoresistance": "Guide to \"Resistance\"",
"guidetotransience": "Guide to Transience",
"halcyonjadeaxemarlin": "Halcyon Jade Axe Marlin",
"ham": "Ham",
"harrafruit": "Harra Fruit",
"heavyhorn": "Heavy Horn",
"hellfirebutterfly": "Hellfire Butterfly",
"hennaberry": "Henna Berry",
"heroswit": "Hero's Wit",
"hoarfrostcore": "Hoarfrost Core",
"horsetail": "Horsetail",
"hunterssacrificialknife": "Hunter's Sacrificial Knife",
"huntingtrap": "Perangkap Berburu",
"hurricaneseed": "Hurricane Seed",
"hydrosigil": "Hydro Sigil",
"inactivatedfungalnucleus": "Inactivated Fungal Nucleus",
"inspectorssacrificialknife": "Inspector's Sacrificial Knife",
"intertwinedfate": "Intertwined Fate",
"ironchunk": "Iron Chunk",
"irontalismanoftheforestdew": "Iron Talisman of the Forest Dew",
"jadebranchofadistantsea": "Jade Branch of a Distant Sea",
"jam": "Jam",
"jeweledbranchofadistantsea": "Jeweled Branch of a Distant Sea",
"jueyunchili": "Jueyun Chili",
"juvenilejade": "Juvenile Jade",
"kageuchihandguard": "Kageuchi Handguard",
"kalpalatalotus": "Kalpalata Lotus",
"karmaphalawood": "Karmaphala Wood",
"keysigil-01": "Sigil Kunci",
"keysigil-02": "Sigil Kunci",
"keysigil-03": "Sigil Kunci",
"keysigil-04": "Sigil Kunci",
"keysigil": "Sigil Kunci",
"lakelightlily": "Lakelight Lily",
"lanternfiber": "Lantern Fiber",
"lavendermelon": "Lavender Melon",
"lazuriteaxemarlin": "Lazurite Axe Marlin",
"leylinesprout": "Ley Lines Sprouts",
"lieutenantsinsignia": "Lieutenant's Insignia",
"lightguidingtetrahedron": "Light Guiding Tetrahedron",
"lightlesseyeofthemaelstrom": "Lightless Eye of the Maelstrom",
"lightlessmass": "Lightless Mass",
"lightlesssilkstring": "Lightless Silk String",
"lightningprism": "Lightning Prism",
"lightrealmcore": "Inti Dunia Terang",
"lightrealmsigil": "Sigil Dunia Terang",
"lindenwood": "Linden Wood",
"lizardtail": "Lizard Tail",
"loachpearl": "Loach Pearl",
"lotushead": "Lotus Head",
"luckycoin": "Lucky Coin",
"lumidoucebell": "Lumidouce Bell",
"luminescentpollen": "Luminescent Pollen",
"luminescentspine": "Luminescent Spine",
"luminoussandsfromguyun": "Luminous Sands from Guyun",
"lumitoile": "Lumitoile",
"lungedstickleback": "Lunged Stickleback",
"lustrousstonefromguyun": "Lustrous Stone from Guyun",
"magicalcrystalchunk": "Magical Crystal Chunk",
"maintenancemekgoldleader": "Maintenance Mek: Gold Leader",
"maintenancemekinitialconfiguration": "Maintenance Mek: Initial Configuration",
"maintenancemekplatinumcollection": "Maintenance Mek: Platinum Collection",
"maintenancemeksituationcontroller": "Maintenance Mek: Situation Controller",
"maintenancemekwaterbodycleaner": "Maintenance Mek: Water Body Cleaner",
"majestichookedbeak": "Majestic Hooked Beak",
"mallowwood": "Mallow Wood",
"maplewood": "Maple Wood",
"marcotte": "Marcotte",
"marionettecore": "Marionette Core",
"markedshell": "Marked Shell",
"martensomnifix": "Martens' Omni-Fix",
"maskofmemories": "Mask of Memories",
"maskofthekijin": "Mask of the Kijin",
"maskoftheonehorned": "Mask of the One-Horned",
"maskofthetigersbite": "Mask of the Tiger's Bite",
"maskofthewickedlieutenant": "Mask of the Wicked Lieutenant",
"masterlessstardust": "Masterless Stardust",
"masterlessstarglitter": "Masterless Starglitter",
"matchinvitationletter": "Surat Undangan Bertanding",
"matsutake": "Matsutake",
"mechanicalspurgear": "Mechanical Spur Gear",
"medaka": "Medaka",
"mediumprettycrystal": "Medium Pretty Crystal",
"meshinggear": "Meshing Gear",
"midlanderbowbillet": "Midlander Bow Billet",
"midlandercatalystbillet": "Midlander Catalyst Billet",
"midlanderclaymorebillet": "Midlander Claymore Billet",
"midlanderpolearmbillet": "Midlander Polearm Billet",
"midlanderswordbillet": "Midlander Sword Billet",
"milk": "Milk",
"mint": "Mint",
"mirrorofmushin": "Mirror of Mushin",
"mistflowercorolla": "Mist Flower Corolla",
"mistgrass": "Mist Grass",
"mistgrasspollen": "Mist Grass Pollen",
"mistgrasswick": "Mist Grass Wick",
"mistveiledgoldelixir": "Mist Veiled Gold Elixir",
"mistveiledleadelixir": "Mist Veiled Lead Elixir",
"mistveiledmercuryelixir": "Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir",
"mistveiledprimoelixir": "Mist Veiled Primo Elixir",
"moltenmoment": "Molten Moment",
"moonstringer": "Moonstringer",
"mora": "Mora",
"mountaindatewood": "Mountain Date Wood",
"mourningflower": "Mourning Flower",
"movementofanancientchord": "Movement of an Ancient Chord",
"mudraofthemaleficgeneral": "Mudra of the Malefic General",
"mushroom": "Mushroom",
"mysteriousmeat": "Mysterious Meat",
"mysticenhancementore": "Mystic Enhancement Ore",
"nagadusemeraldchunk": "Nagadus Emerald Chunk",
"nagadusemeraldfragment": "Nagadus Emerald Fragment",
"nagadusemeraldgemstone": "Nagadus Emerald Gemstone",
"nagadusemeraldsliver": "Nagadus Emerald Sliver",
"nakuweed": "Naku Weed",
"narukamisaffection": "Narukami's Affection",
"narukamisjoy": "Narukami's Joy",
"narukamisvalor": "Narukami's Valor",
"narukamiswisdom": "Narukami's Wisdom",
"narukawaukai": "Narukawa Ukai",
"naturestruefruit": "Buah Sejati Kealamian",
"newborntaintedhydrophantasm": "Newborn Tainted Hydro Phantasm",
"nilotpalalotus": "Nilotpala Lotus",
"noctilucousjade": "Noctilucous Jade",
"northlanderbowbillet": "Northlander Bow Billet",
"northlandercatalystbillet": "Northlander Catalyst Billet",
"northlanderclaymorebillet": "Northlander Claymore Billet",
"northlanderpolearmbillet": "Northlander Polearm Billet",
"northlanderswordbillet": "Northlander Sword Billet",
"oasisgardenskindness": "Oasis Garden's Kindness",
"oasisgardensmourning": "Oasis Garden's Mourning",
"oasisgardensreminiscence": "Oasis Garden's Reminiscence",
"oasisgardenstruth": "Oasis Garden's Truth",
"ointmentofsight": "Ointment of Sight",
"oldendaysofscorchingmight": "Olden Days of Scorching Might",
"oldhandguard": "Old Handguard",
"oldoperativespocketwatch": "Old Operative's Pocket Watch",
"ominousmask": "Ominous Mask",
"onikabuto": "Onikabuto",
"onion": "Onion",
"operativesconstancy": "Operative's Constancy",
"operativesstandardpocketwatch": "Operative's Standard Pocket Watch",
"originalfishointment": "Original Fish Ointment",
"otogiwood": "Otogi Wood",
"padisarah": "Padisarah",
"parasoltalcum": "Parasol Talcum",
"peachofthedeepwaves": "Peach of the Deep Waves",
"pepper": "Pepper",
"perpetualcaliber": "Perpetual Caliber",
"perpetualheart": "Perpetual Heart",
"philanemomushroom": "Philanemo Mushroom",
"philosophiesofadmonition": "Philosophies of Admonition",
"philosophiesofballad": "Philosophies of \"Ballad\"",
"philosophiesofdiligence": "Philosophies of \"Diligence\"",
"philosophiesofelegance": "Philosophies of Elegance",
"philosophiesofequity": "Philosophies of Equity",
"philosophiesoffreedom": "Philosophies of \"Freedom\"",
"philosophiesofgold": "Philosophies of \"Gold\"",
"philosophiesofingenuity": "Philosophies of Ingenuity",
"philosophiesofjustice": "Philosophies of Justice",
"philosophiesoflight": "Philosophies of Light",
"philosophiesoforder": "Philosophies of Order",
"philosophiesofpraxis": "Philosophies of Praxis",
"philosophiesofprosperity": "Philosophies of \"Prosperity\"",
"philosophiesofresistance": "Philosophies of \"Resistance\"",
"philosophiesoftransience": "Philosophies of Transience",
"pieceofaerosiderite": "Piece of Aerosiderite",
"pinecone": "Pinecone",
"pinewood": "Pine Wood",
"plaustriteshard": "Plaustrite Shard",
"pluielotus": "Pluie Lotus",
"plumeofpurifyinglight": "Plume of Purifying Light",
"plumeofthechangingwinds": "Plume of the Changing Winds",
"polarizingprism": "Polarizing Prism",
"potato": "Potato",
"primogem": "Primogem",
"primordialgreenbloom": "Primordial Greenbloom",
"prithivatopazchunk": "Prithiva Topaz Chunk",
"prithivatopazfragment": "Prithiva Topaz Fragment",
"prithivatopazgemstone": "Prithiva Topaz Gemstone",
"prithivatopazsliver": "Prithiva Topaz Sliver",
"pseudostamens": "Pseudo-Stamens",
"pufferfish": "Pufferfish",
"puppetstrings": "Puppet Strings",
"purpleshirakodai": "Purple Shirakodai",
"pyrosigil": "Pyro Sigil",
"qingxin": "Qingxin",
"quelledcreeper": "Quelled Creeper",
"radiantprism": "Radiant Prism",
"radish": "Radish",
"raimeiangelfish": "Raimei Angelfish",
"rainbowrose": "Rainbow Rose",
"rawmeat": "Raw Meat",
"recruitsinsignia": "Recruit's Insignia",
"reddye": "Red Dye",
"redrotbait": "Redrot Bait",
"relicfromguyun": "Relic from Guyun",
"remnantglowofscorchingmight": "Remnant Glow of Scorching Might",
"rice": "Rice",
"richredbrocade": "Rich Red Brocade",
"riftbornregalia": "Riftborn Regalia",
"riftcore": "Rift Core",
"rimeworncrystal": "Rime-Worn Crystal",
"rimewornfragment": "Rime-Worn Fragment",
"ringofboreas": "Ring of Boreas",
"ripplingheartfeatherbass": "Rippling Heartfeather Bass",
"robustfungalnucleus": "Robust Fungal Nucleus",
"romaritimeflower": "Romaritime Flower",
"rukkhashavamushrooms": "Rukkhashava Mushroom",
"runicfang": "Runic Fang",
"rustykoi": "Rusty Koi",
"sakurabloom": "Sakura Bloom",
"salt": "Salt",
"sandbearerwood": "Sandbearer Wood",
"sandgreasepupa": "Sand Grease Pupa",
"sandstormangler": "Sandstorm Angler",
"sangopearl": "Sango Pearl",
"sausage": "Sausage",
"scarab": "Scarab",
"scatteredpieceofdecarabiansdream": "Scattered Piece of Decarabian's Dream",
"scoopoftaintedwater": "Scoop of Tainted Water",
"scorchedstarshroom": "Scorched Starshroom",
"seaganoderma": "Sea Ganoderma",
"seagrass": "Seagrass",
"sealedscroll": "Sealed Scroll",
"serendipity": "Serendipity",
"sergeantsinsignia": "Sergeant's Insignia",
"shacklesofthedandeliongladiator": "Shackles of Dandelion Gladiator",
"shadowofthewarrior": "Shadow of the Warrior",
"shardofafoullegacy": "Shard of a Foul Legacy",
"sharparrowhead": "Sharp Arrowhead",
"shimmeringnectar": "Shimmering Nectar",
"shivadajadechunk": "Shivada Jade Chunk",
"shivadajadefragment": "Shivada Jade Fragment",
"shivadajadegemstone": "Shivada Jade Gemstone",
"shivadajadesliver": "Shivada Jade Sliver",
"shrimpmeat": "Shrimp Meat",
"silkenprint": "Silken Print",
"silkflower": "Silk Flower",
"silvergobletofthepristinesea": "Silver Goblet of the Pristine Sea",
"silverlotus": "Silver Lotus",
"silverraveninsignia": "Silver Raven Insignia",
"silvertalismanoftheforestdew": "Silver Talisman of the Forest Dew",
"slimeconcentrate": "Slime Concentrate",
"slimecondensate": "Slime Condensate",
"slimesecretions": "Slime Secretions",
"smalllampgrass": "Small Lamp Grass",
"smallprettycrystal": "Small Pretty Crystal",
"smokedfish": "Smoked Fish",
"smokedfowl": "Smoked Fowl",
"smolderingpearl": "Smoldering Pearl",
"snapdragon": "Snapdragon",
"snowstrider": "Snowstrider",
"sourbait": "Sour Bait",
"spectralheart": "Spectral Heart",
"spectralhusk": "Spectral Husk",
"spectralnucleus": "Specter Nucleus",
"spice": "Spice",
"spiritlocketofboreas": "Spirit Locket of Boreas",
"springofpuresacreddewdrop": "Spring of Pure Sacred Dewdrop",
"springofthefirstdewdrop": "Spring of the First Dewdrop",
"stainedmask": "Stained Mask",
"starconch": "Starconch",
"starshroom": "Starshroom",
"starsilver": "Starsilver",
"stormbeads": "Storm Beads",
"strangetooth": "Gigi Aneh",
"streamingaxemarlin": "Streaming Axe Marlin",
"sturdyboneshard": "Sturdy Bone Shard",
"sturdyshell": "Sturdy Shell",
"subdetectionunit": "Subdetection Unit",
"sublimationofpuresacreddewdrop": "Sublimation of Pure Sacred Dewdrop",
"sugar": "Sugar",
"sugardewbait": "Sugardew Bait",
"sumerurose": "Sumeru Rose",
"sunsetcloudangler": "Sunset Cloud Angler",
"sunsettia": "Sunsettia",
"surgingsacredchalice": "Surging Sacred Chalice",
"sweetflower": "Sweet Flower",
"sweetflowermedaka": "Sweet-Flower Medaka",
"tailofboreas": "Tail of Boreas",
"teachingsofadmonition": "Teachings of Admonition",
"teachingsofballad": "Teachings of \"Ballad\"",
"teachingsofdiligence": "Teachings of \"Diligence\"",
"teachingsofelegance": "Teachings of Elegance",
"teachingsofequity": "Teachings of Equity",
"teachingsoffreedom": "Teachings of \"Freedom\"",
"teachingsofgold": "Teachings of \"Gold\"",
"teachingsofingenuity": "Teachings of Ingenuity",
"teachingsofjustice": "Teachings of Justice",
"teachingsoflight": "Teachings of Light",
"teachingsoforder": "Teachings of Order",
"teachingsofpraxis": "Teachings of Praxis",
"teachingsofprosperity": "Teachings of \"Prosperity\"",
"teachingsofresistance": "Teachings of \"Resistance\"",
"teachingsoftransience": "Teachings of Transience",
"teacoloredshirakodai": "Tea-Colored Shirakodai",
"tearsofthecalamitousgod": "Tears of the Calamitous God",
"themeaningofaeons": "The Meaning of Aeons",
"thevisiblewinds": "\"Visible Wind\"",
"thunderclapfruitcore": "Thunderclap Fruitcore",
"tidalga": "Tidalga",
"tileofdecarabianstower": "Tile of Decarabian's Tower",
"tofu": "Tofu",
"tomato": "Tomato",
"torchwood": "Torch Wood",
"tourbillondevice": "\"Tourbillon Device\"",
"transoceanicchunk": "Transoceanic Chunk",
"transoceanicpearl": "Transoceanic Pearl",
"treasuredflower": "Treasured Flower",
"treasurehoarderinsignia": "Treasure Hoarder Insignia",
"trimmedredsilk": "Trimmed Red Silk",
"trishiraite": "Trishiraite",
"truefruitangler": "True Fruit Angler",
"turbidprism": "Turbid Prism",
"tuskofmonoceroscaeli": "Tusk of Monoceros Caeli",
"ultrahotburnerlamptestmodel": "Ultra-Hot Burner Lamp Test Model",
"unfadingsilkygrace": "Unfading Silky Grace",
"vajradaamethystchunk": "Vajrada Amethyst Chunk",
"vajradaamethystfragment": "Vajrada Amethyst Fragment",
"vajradaamethystgemstone": "Vajrada Amethyst Gemstone",
"vajradaamethystsliver": "Vajrada Amethyst Sliver",
"valberry": "Valberry",
"varunadalazuritechunk": "Varunada Lazurite Chunk",
"varunadalazuritefragment": "Varunada Lazurite Fragment",
"varunadalazuritegemstone": "Varunada Lazurite Gemstone",
"varunadalazuritesliver": "Varunada Lazurite Sliver",
"vayudaturquoisechunk": "Vayuda Turquoise Chunk",
"vayudaturquoisefragment": "Vayuda Turquoise Fragment",
"vayudaturquoisegemstone": "Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone",
"vayudaturquoisesliver": "Vayuda Turquoise Sliver",
"venomspinefish": "Venomspine Fish",
"vialofadeptalspeed": "Vial of Adeptal Speed",
"violetgrass": "Violetgrass",
"viparyas": "Viparyas",
"vitalizeddragontooth": "Gigi Naga yang Telah Menyerap Energi Kehidupan",
"voucherbox": "Kotak Voucher",
"wanderersadvice": "Wanderer's Advice",
"wanderersbloomingflower": "Wanderer's Blooming Flower",
"waterthatfailedtotranscend": "Water That Failed To Transcend",
"wavepiercer": "Wavepiercer",
"weatheredarrowhead": "Weathered Arrowhead",
"wheat": "Wheat",
"whiteironchunk": "White Iron Chunk",
"whopperflowernectar": "Whopperflower Nectar",
"wickmaterial": "Wick Material",
"wildernessrod": "Wilderness Rod",
"windtangler": "Windtangler",
"windwheelaster": "Windwheel Aster",
"winegobletofthepristinesea": "Wine Goblet of the Pristine Sea",
"wishmaker": "Wishmaker",
"wolfhook": "Wolfhook",
"worldspanfern": "Worldspan Fern",
"xenochromaticcrystal": "Xenochromatic Crystal",
"yellowdye": "Yellow Dye",
"yumemiruwood": "Yumemiru Wood",
"zaytunpeach": "Zaytun Peach"
"names": {
"Abiding Angelfish": "abidingangelfish",
"Acquaint Fate": "acquaintfate",
"Activated Starshroom": "activatedstarshroom",
"Adhigama Wood": "adhigamawood",
"Adventure EXP": "adventureexp",
"Adventurer's Experience": "adventurersexperience",
"A Flower Yet to Bloom": "afloweryettobloom",
"Agent's Sacrificial Knife": "agentssacrificialknife",
"Agnidus Agate Chunk": "agnidusagatechunk",
"Agnidus Agate Fragment": "agnidusagatefragment",
"Agnidus Agate Gemstone": "agnidusagategemstone",
"Agnidus Agate Sliver": "agnidusagatesliver",
"Aizen Medaka": "aizenmedaka",
"Ajilenakh Nut": "ajilenakhnut",
"Akai Maou": "akaimaou",
"Ako's Sake Vessel": "akossakevessel",
"Alien Life Core": "alienlifecore",
"Alkahest": "alkahest",
"Almond": "almond",
"Amakumo Fruit": "amakumofruit",
"Amethyst Lump": "amethystlump",
"Anemo Sigil": "anemosigil",
"Apple": "apple",
"Aralia Wood": "araliawood",
"Artificed Dynamic Gear": "artificeddynamicgear",
"Artificed Spare Clockwork Component — Coppelia": "artificedspareclockworkcomponentcoppelia",
"Artificed Spare Clockwork Component — Coppelius": "artificedspareclockworkcomponentcoppelius",
"Ashen Heart": "ashenheart",
"Ash Wood": "ashwood",
"Athel Wood": "athelwood",
"Bacon": "bacon",
"Bamboo Segment": "bamboosegment",
"Bamboo Shoot": "bambooshoot",
"Basalt Pillar": "basaltpillar",
"BEP": "bep",
"Berry": "berry",
"Beryl Conch": "berylconch",
"Betta": "betta",
"Big Pretty Crystal": "bigprettycrystal",
"Birch Wood": "birchwood",
"Bird Egg": "birdegg",
"Bit of Aerosiderite": "bitofaerosiderite",
"Bitter Pufferfish": "bitterpufferfish",
"Black Bronze Horn": "blackbronzehorn",
"Black Crystal Horn": "blackcrystalhorn",
"Blazing Heartfeather Bass": "blazingheartfeatherbass",
"Blessing of the Welkin Moon - New Moon": "blessingofthewelkinmoonnewmoon",
"Bloodjade Branch": "bloodjadebranch",
"Blue Dye": "bluedye",
"Boreal Wolf's Broken Fang": "borealwolfsbrokenfang",
"Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth": "borealwolfscrackedtooth",
"Boreal Wolf's Milk Tooth": "borealwolfsmilktooth",
"Boreal Wolf's Nostalgia": "borealwolfsnostalgia",
"Brightwood": "brightwood",
"Brilliant Diamond Chunk": "brilliantdiamondchunk",
"Brilliant Diamond Fragment": "brilliantdiamondfragment",
"Brilliant Diamond Gemstone": "brilliantdiamondgemstone",
"Brilliant Diamond Sliver": "brilliantdiamondsliver",
"Broken Goblet of the Pristine Sea": "brokengobletofthepristinesea",
"Brown Shirakodai": "brownshirakodai",
"Butter": "butter",
"Butterfly Wings": "butterflywings",
"Cabbage": "cabbage",
"Cake for Traveler": "cakefortraveler-01",
"Calla Lily": "callalily",
"Carrot": "carrot",
"Cecilia": "cecilia",
"Chains of Dandelion Gladiator": "chainsofthedandeliongladiator",
"Chaos Axis": "chaosaxis",
"Chaos Bolt": "chaosbolt",
"Chaos Circuit": "chaoscircuit",
"Chaos Core": "chaoscore",
"Chaos Device": "chaosdevice",
"Chaos Gear": "chaosgear",
"Chaos Module": "chaosmodule",
"Chaos Oculus": "chaosoculus",
"Chaos Storage": "chaosstorage",
"Chapter of an Ancient Chord": "chapterofanancientchord",
"Cheese": "cheese",
"Chilled Meat": "chilledmeat",
"Chunk of Aerosiderite": "chunkofaerosiderite",
"Cleansing Heart": "cleansingheart",
"Coffee Bean": "coffeebeans",
"Companionship EXP": "companionshipexp",
"Concealed Claw": "concealedclaw",
"Concealed Talon": "concealedtalon",
"Concealed Unguis": "concealedunguis",
"Condensed Resin": "condensedresin",
"Condessence Crystal": "condessencecrystal",
"Congealed Pupa Wax": "congealedpupawax",
"Copper Talisman of the Forest Dew": "coppertalismanoftheforestdew",
"Coral Branch of a Distant Sea": "coralbranchofadistantsea",
"Cor Lapis": "corlapis",
"Crab": "crab",
"Crab Roe": "crabroe",
"Cream": "cream",
"Crown of Insight": "crownofinsight",
"Cryo Sigil": "cryosigil",
"Crystal Chunk": "crystalchunk",
"Crystal Core": "crystalcore",
"Crystalfish": "crystalfish",
"Crystalline Bloom": "crystallinebloom",
"Crystalline Cyst Dust": "crystallinecystdust",
"Crystal Marrow": "crystalmarrow",
"Crystal Prism": "crystalprism",
"Cuihua Wood": "cuihuawood",
"Cypress Wood": "cypresswood",
"Daka's Bell": "dakasbell",
"Damaged Mask": "damagedmask",
"Damaged Prism": "damagedprism",
"Dandelion Bookmark": "dandelionbookmark",
"Dandelion Seed": "dandelionseed",
"Dark Statuette": "darkstatuette",
"Dawncatcher": "dawncatcher",
"Dead Ley Line Branches": "deadleylinebranch",
"Dead Ley Line Leaves": "deadleylineleaves",
"Deathly Statuette": "deathlystatuette",
"Debris of Decarabian's City": "debrisofdecarabianscity",
"Dendrobium": "dendrobium",
"Dendro Sigil": "dendrosigil",
"Desiccated Shell": "desiccatedshell",
"Dew of Repudiation": "dewofrepudiation",
"Dismal Prism": "dismalprism",
"Divda Ray": "divdaray",
"Divine Body from Guyun": "divinebodyfromguyun",
"Divining Scroll": "diviningscroll",
"Dormant Fungal Nucleus": "dormantfungalnucleus",
"Dragonheir's False Fin": "dragonheirsfalsefin",
"Dragon Lord's Crown": "dragonlordscrown",
"Dream of Scorching Might": "dreamofscorchingmight",
"Dream of the Dandelion Gladiator": "dreamofthedandeliongladiator",
"Dream Solvent": "dreamsolvent",
"Dried Fish": "driedfish",
"Drop of Tainted Water": "dropoftaintedwater",
"Dross of Pure Sacred Dewdrop": "drossofpuresacreddewdrop",
"Dust of Azoth": "dustofazoth",
"Dvalin's Claw": "dvalinsclaw",
"Dvalin's Plume": "dvalinsplume",
"Dvalin's Sigh": "dvalinssigh",
"Echo of Ancient Chord": "echoofanancientchord",
"Echo of Scorching Might": "echoofscorchingmight",
"Eel Meat": "eelmeat",
"Electro Crystal": "electrocrystal",
"Electro Sigil": "electrosigil",
"Elemental Dust": "elementaldust",
"Emperor's Balsam": "emperorsbalsam",
"Emperor's Resolution": "emperorsresolution",
"Energy Nectar": "energynectar",
"Enhancement Ore": "enhancementore",
"Essense of Pure Sacred Dewdrop": "essenceofpuresacreddewdrop",
"Everamber": "everamber",
"Everflame Seed": "everflameseed",
"Evergloom Ring": "evergloomring",
"Fabric": "fabric",
"Faded Red Satin": "fadedredsatin",
"Fake Fly Bait": "fakeflybait",
"False Worm Bait": "falsewormbait",
"Famed Handguard": "famedhandguard",
"Fermented Juice": "fermentedjuice",
"Festering Dragon Marrow": "festeringdragonmarrow",
"Fetters of the Dandelion Gladiator": "fettersofthedandeliongladiator",
"Fine Enhancement Ore": "fineenhancementore",
"Firm Arrowhead": "firmarrowhead",
"Fir Wood": "firwood",
"Fish": "fish",
"Flaming Flower Stamen": "flamingflowerstamen",
"Flashing Maintenance Mek Bait": "flashingmaintenancemekbait",
"Flour": "flour",
"Fluorescent Fungus": "fluorescentfungus",
"Fontemer Unihorn": "fontemerunihorn",
"Forbidden Curse Scroll": "forbiddencursescroll",
"Foreign Synapse": "foreignsynapse",
"Formalo Ray": "formaloray",
"Fossilized Bone Shard": "fossilizedboneshard",
"Fowl": "fowl",
"Fragile Bone Shard": "fragileboneshard",
"Fragment of an Ancient Chord": "fragmentofanancientchord",
"Fragment of Decarabian's Epic": "fragmentofdecarabiansepic",
"\"Fragments of Innocence\"": "fragmentsofinnocence",
"Fragrant Cedar Wood": "fragrantcedarwood",
"Fragrant Seasoning": "fragrantseasoning",
"Frog": "frog",
"Fruit Paste Bait": "fruitpastebait",
"Fungal Spore": "fungalspores",
"Geo Sigil": "geosigil",
"Gilded Scale": "gildedscale",
"Glabrous Beans": "glabrousbeans",
"Glaze Lily": "glazelily",
"Glaze Medaka": "glazemedaka",
"Gloomy Statuette": "gloomystatuette",
"Glowgrass Bait": "glowgrassbait",
"Glowing Gem": "glowinggem",
"Gnostic Hymn - Old Notes": "gnostichymnoldnotes",
"Golden Branch of a Distant Sea": "goldenbranchofadistantsea",
"Golden Goblet of the Pristine Sea": "goldengobletofthepristinesea",
"Golden Koi": "goldenkoi",
"Golden Raven Insignia": "goldenraveninsignia",
"Golden Talisman of the Forest Dew": "goldentalismanoftheforestdew",
"Grain of Aerosiderite": "grainofaerosiderite",
"Guide to Admonition": "guidetoadmonition",
"Guide to \"Ballad\"": "guidetoballad",
"Guide to \"Diligence\"": "guidetodiligence",
"Guide to Elegance": "guidetoelegance",
"Guide to Equity": "guidetoequity",
"Guide to \"Freedom\"": "guidetofreedom",
"Guide to \"Gold\"": "guidetogold",
"Guide to Ingenuity": "guidetoingenuity",
"Guide to Justice": "guidetojustice",
"Guide to Light": "guidetolight",
"Guide to Order": "guidetoorder",
"Guide to Praxis": "guidetopraxis",
"Guide to \"Prosperity\"": "guidetoprosperity",
"Guide to \"Resistance\"": "guidetoresistance",
"Guide to Transience": "guidetotransience",
"Halcyon Jade Axe Marlin": "halcyonjadeaxemarlin",
"Ham": "ham",
"Harra Fruit": "harrafruit",
"Heavy Horn": "heavyhorn",
"Hellfire Butterfly": "hellfirebutterfly",
"Henna Berry": "hennaberry",
"Hero's Wit": "heroswit",
"Hoarfrost Core": "hoarfrostcore",
"Horsetail": "horsetail",
"Hunter's Sacrificial Knife": "hunterssacrificialknife",
"Perangkap Berburu": "huntingtrap",
"Hurricane Seed": "hurricaneseed",
"Hydro Sigil": "hydrosigil",
"Inactivated Fungal Nucleus": "inactivatedfungalnucleus",
"Inspector's Sacrificial Knife": "inspectorssacrificialknife",
"Intertwined Fate": "intertwinedfate",
"Iron Chunk": "ironchunk",
"Iron Talisman of the Forest Dew": "irontalismanoftheforestdew",
"Jade Branch of a Distant Sea": "jadebranchofadistantsea",
"Jam": "jam",
"Jeweled Branch of a Distant Sea": "jeweledbranchofadistantsea",
"Jueyun Chili": "jueyunchili",
"Juvenile Jade": "juvenilejade",
"Kageuchi Handguard": "kageuchihandguard",
"Kalpalata Lotus": "kalpalatalotus",
"Karmaphala Wood": "karmaphalawood",
"Sigil Kunci": "keysigil-01",
"Lakelight Lily": "lakelightlily",
"Lantern Fiber": "lanternfiber",
"Lavender Melon": "lavendermelon",
"Lazurite Axe Marlin": "lazuriteaxemarlin",
"Ley Lines Sprouts": "leylinesprout",
"Lieutenant's Insignia": "lieutenantsinsignia",
"Light Guiding Tetrahedron": "lightguidingtetrahedron",
"Lightless Eye of the Maelstrom": "lightlesseyeofthemaelstrom",
"Lightless Mass": "lightlessmass",
"Lightless Silk String": "lightlesssilkstring",
"Lightning Prism": "lightningprism",
"Inti Dunia Terang": "lightrealmcore",
"Sigil Dunia Terang": "lightrealmsigil",
"Linden Wood": "lindenwood",
"Lizard Tail": "lizardtail",
"Loach Pearl": "loachpearl",
"Lotus Head": "lotushead",
"Lucky Coin": "luckycoin",
"Lumidouce Bell": "lumidoucebell",
"Luminescent Pollen": "luminescentpollen",
"Luminescent Spine": "luminescentspine",
"Luminous Sands from Guyun": "luminoussandsfromguyun",
"Lumitoile": "lumitoile",
"Lunged Stickleback": "lungedstickleback",
"Lustrous Stone from Guyun": "lustrousstonefromguyun",
"Magical Crystal Chunk": "magicalcrystalchunk",
"Maintenance Mek: Gold Leader": "maintenancemekgoldleader",
"Maintenance Mek: Initial Configuration": "maintenancemekinitialconfiguration",
"Maintenance Mek: Platinum Collection": "maintenancemekplatinumcollection",
"Maintenance Mek: Situation Controller": "maintenancemeksituationcontroller",
"Maintenance Mek: Water Body Cleaner": "maintenancemekwaterbodycleaner",
"Majestic Hooked Beak": "majestichookedbeak",
"Mallow Wood": "mallowwood",
"Maple Wood": "maplewood",
"Marcotte": "marcotte",
"Marionette Core": "marionettecore",
"Marked Shell": "markedshell",
"Martens' Omni-Fix": "martensomnifix",
"Mask of Memories": "maskofmemories",
"Mask of the Kijin": "maskofthekijin",
"Mask of the One-Horned": "maskoftheonehorned",
"Mask of the Tiger's Bite": "maskofthetigersbite",
"Mask of the Wicked Lieutenant": "maskofthewickedlieutenant",
"Masterless Stardust": "masterlessstardust",
"Masterless Starglitter": "masterlessstarglitter",
"Surat Undangan Bertanding": "matchinvitationletter",
"Matsutake": "matsutake",
"Mechanical Spur Gear": "mechanicalspurgear",
"Medaka": "medaka",
"Medium Pretty Crystal": "mediumprettycrystal",
"Meshing Gear": "meshinggear",
"Midlander Bow Billet": "midlanderbowbillet",
"Midlander Catalyst Billet": "midlandercatalystbillet",
"Midlander Claymore Billet": "midlanderclaymorebillet",
"Midlander Polearm Billet": "midlanderpolearmbillet",
"Midlander Sword Billet": "midlanderswordbillet",
"Milk": "milk",
"Mint": "mint",
"Mirror of Mushin": "mirrorofmushin",
"Mist Flower Corolla": "mistflowercorolla",
"Mist Grass": "mistgrass",
"Mist Grass Pollen": "mistgrasspollen",
"Mist Grass Wick": "mistgrasswick",
"Mist Veiled Gold Elixir": "mistveiledgoldelixir",
"Mist Veiled Lead Elixir": "mistveiledleadelixir",
"Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir": "mistveiledmercuryelixir",
"Mist Veiled Primo Elixir": "mistveiledprimoelixir",
"Molten Moment": "moltenmoment",
"Moonstringer": "moonstringer",
"Mora": "mora",
"Mountain Date Wood": "mountaindatewood",
"Mourning Flower": "mourningflower",
"Movement of an Ancient Chord": "movementofanancientchord",
"Mudra of the Malefic General": "mudraofthemaleficgeneral",
"Mushroom": "mushroom",
"Mysterious Meat": "mysteriousmeat",
"Mystic Enhancement Ore": "mysticenhancementore",
"Nagadus Emerald Chunk": "nagadusemeraldchunk",
"Nagadus Emerald Fragment": "nagadusemeraldfragment",
"Nagadus Emerald Gemstone": "nagadusemeraldgemstone",
"Nagadus Emerald Sliver": "nagadusemeraldsliver",
"Naku Weed": "nakuweed",
"Narukami's Affection": "narukamisaffection",
"Narukami's Joy": "narukamisjoy",
"Narukami's Valor": "narukamisvalor",
"Narukami's Wisdom": "narukamiswisdom",
"Narukawa Ukai": "narukawaukai",
"Buah Sejati Kealamian": "naturestruefruit",
"Newborn Tainted Hydro Phantasm": "newborntaintedhydrophantasm",
"Nilotpala Lotus": "nilotpalalotus",
"Noctilucous Jade": "noctilucousjade",
"Northlander Bow Billet": "northlanderbowbillet",
"Northlander Catalyst Billet": "northlandercatalystbillet",
"Northlander Claymore Billet": "northlanderclaymorebillet",
"Northlander Polearm Billet": "northlanderpolearmbillet",
"Northlander Sword Billet": "northlanderswordbillet",
"Oasis Garden's Kindness": "oasisgardenskindness",
"Oasis Garden's Mourning": "oasisgardensmourning",
"Oasis Garden's Reminiscence": "oasisgardensreminiscence",
"Oasis Garden's Truth": "oasisgardenstruth",
"Ointment of Sight": "ointmentofsight",
"Olden Days of Scorching Might": "oldendaysofscorchingmight",
"Old Handguard": "oldhandguard",
"Old Operative's Pocket Watch": "oldoperativespocketwatch",
"Ominous Mask": "ominousmask",
"Onikabuto": "onikabuto",
"Onion": "onion",
"Operative's Constancy": "operativesconstancy",
"Operative's Standard Pocket Watch": "operativesstandardpocketwatch",
"Original Fish Ointment": "originalfishointment",
"Otogi Wood": "otogiwood",
"Padisarah": "padisarah",
"Parasol Talcum": "parasoltalcum",
"Peach of the Deep Waves": "peachofthedeepwaves",
"Pepper": "pepper",
"Perpetual Caliber": "perpetualcaliber",
"Perpetual Heart": "perpetualheart",
"Philanemo Mushroom": "philanemomushroom",
"Philosophies of Admonition": "philosophiesofadmonition",
"Philosophies of \"Ballad\"": "philosophiesofballad",
"Philosophies of \"Diligence\"": "philosophiesofdiligence",
"Philosophies of Elegance": "philosophiesofelegance",
"Philosophies of Equity": "philosophiesofequity",
"Philosophies of \"Freedom\"": "philosophiesoffreedom",
"Philosophies of \"Gold\"": "philosophiesofgold",
"Philosophies of Ingenuity": "philosophiesofingenuity",
"Philosophies of Justice": "philosophiesofjustice",
"Philosophies of Light": "philosophiesoflight",
"Philosophies of Order": "philosophiesoforder",
"Philosophies of Praxis": "philosophiesofpraxis",
"Philosophies of \"Prosperity\"": "philosophiesofprosperity",
"Philosophies of \"Resistance\"": "philosophiesofresistance",
"Philosophies of Transience": "philosophiesoftransience",
"Piece of Aerosiderite": "pieceofaerosiderite",
"Pinecone": "pinecone",
"Pine Wood": "pinewood",
"Plaustrite Shard": "plaustriteshard",
"Pluie Lotus": "pluielotus",
"Plume of Purifying Light": "plumeofpurifyinglight",
"Plume of the Changing Winds": "plumeofthechangingwinds",
"Polarizing Prism": "polarizingprism",
"Potato": "potato",
"Primogem": "primogem",
"Primordial Greenbloom": "primordialgreenbloom",
"Prithiva Topaz Chunk": "prithivatopazchunk",
"Prithiva Topaz Fragment": "prithivatopazfragment",
"Prithiva Topaz Gemstone": "prithivatopazgemstone",
"Prithiva Topaz Sliver": "prithivatopazsliver",
"Pseudo-Stamens": "pseudostamens",
"Pufferfish": "pufferfish",
"Puppet Strings": "puppetstrings",
"Purple Shirakodai": "purpleshirakodai",
"Pyro Sigil": "pyrosigil",
"Qingxin": "qingxin",
"Quelled Creeper": "quelledcreeper",
"Radiant Prism": "radiantprism",
"Radish": "radish",
"Raimei Angelfish": "raimeiangelfish",
"Rainbow Rose": "rainbowrose",
"Raw Meat": "rawmeat",
"Recruit's Insignia": "recruitsinsignia",
"Red Dye": "reddye",
"Redrot Bait": "redrotbait",
"Relic from Guyun": "relicfromguyun",
"Remnant Glow of Scorching Might": "remnantglowofscorchingmight",
"Rice": "rice",
"Rich Red Brocade": "richredbrocade",
"Riftborn Regalia": "riftbornregalia",
"Rift Core": "riftcore",
"Rime-Worn Crystal": "rimeworncrystal",
"Rime-Worn Fragment": "rimewornfragment",
"Ring of Boreas": "ringofboreas",
"Rippling Heartfeather Bass": "ripplingheartfeatherbass",
"Robust Fungal Nucleus": "robustfungalnucleus",
"Romaritime Flower": "romaritimeflower",
"Rukkhashava Mushroom": "rukkhashavamushrooms",
"Runic Fang": "runicfang",
"Rusty Koi": "rustykoi",
"Sakura Bloom": "sakurabloom",
"Salt": "salt",
"Sandbearer Wood": "sandbearerwood",
"Sand Grease Pupa": "sandgreasepupa",
"Sandstorm Angler": "sandstormangler",
"Sango Pearl": "sangopearl",
"Sausage": "sausage",
"Scarab": "scarab",
"Scattered Piece of Decarabian's Dream": "scatteredpieceofdecarabiansdream",
"Scoop of Tainted Water": "scoopoftaintedwater",
"Scorched Starshroom": "scorchedstarshroom",
"Sea Ganoderma": "seaganoderma",
"Seagrass": "seagrass",
"Sealed Scroll": "sealedscroll",
"Serendipity": "serendipity",
"Sergeant's Insignia": "sergeantsinsignia",
"Shackles of Dandelion Gladiator": "shacklesofthedandeliongladiator",
"Shadow of the Warrior": "shadowofthewarrior",
"Shard of a Foul Legacy": "shardofafoullegacy",
"Sharp Arrowhead": "sharparrowhead",
"Shimmering Nectar": "shimmeringnectar",
"Shivada Jade Chunk": "shivadajadechunk",
"Shivada Jade Fragment": "shivadajadefragment",
"Shivada Jade Gemstone": "shivadajadegemstone",
"Shivada Jade Sliver": "shivadajadesliver",
"Shrimp Meat": "shrimpmeat",
"Silken Print": "silkenprint",
"Silk Flower": "silkflower",
"Silver Goblet of the Pristine Sea": "silvergobletofthepristinesea",
"Silver Lotus": "silverlotus",
"Silver Raven Insignia": "silverraveninsignia",
"Silver Talisman of the Forest Dew": "silvertalismanoftheforestdew",
"Slime Concentrate": "slimeconcentrate",
"Slime Condensate": "slimecondensate",
"Slime Secretions": "slimesecretions",
"Small Lamp Grass": "smalllampgrass",
"Small Pretty Crystal": "smallprettycrystal",
"Smoked Fish": "smokedfish",
"Smoked Fowl": "smokedfowl",
"Smoldering Pearl": "smolderingpearl",
"Snapdragon": "snapdragon",
"Snowstrider": "snowstrider",
"Sour Bait": "sourbait",
"Spectral Heart": "spectralheart",
"Spectral Husk": "spectralhusk",
"Specter Nucleus": "spectralnucleus",
"Spice": "spice",
"Spirit Locket of Boreas": "spiritlocketofboreas",
"Spring of Pure Sacred Dewdrop": "springofpuresacreddewdrop",
"Spring of the First Dewdrop": "springofthefirstdewdrop",
"Stained Mask": "stainedmask",
"Starconch": "starconch",
"Starshroom": "starshroom",
"Starsilver": "starsilver",
"Storm Beads": "stormbeads",
"Gigi Aneh": "strangetooth",
"Streaming Axe Marlin": "streamingaxemarlin",
"Sturdy Bone Shard": "sturdyboneshard",
"Sturdy Shell": "sturdyshell",
"Subdetection Unit": "subdetectionunit",
"Sublimation of Pure Sacred Dewdrop": "sublimationofpuresacreddewdrop",
"Sugar": "sugar",
"Sugardew Bait": "sugardewbait",
"Sumeru Rose": "sumerurose",
"Sunset Cloud Angler": "sunsetcloudangler",
"Sunsettia": "sunsettia",
"Surging Sacred Chalice": "surgingsacredchalice",
"Sweet Flower": "sweetflower",
"Sweet-Flower Medaka": "sweetflowermedaka",
"Tail of Boreas": "tailofboreas",
"Teachings of Admonition": "teachingsofadmonition",
"Teachings of \"Ballad\"": "teachingsofballad",
"Teachings of \"Diligence\"": "teachingsofdiligence",
"Teachings of Elegance": "teachingsofelegance",
"Teachings of Equity": "teachingsofequity",
"Teachings of \"Freedom\"": "teachingsoffreedom",
"Teachings of \"Gold\"": "teachingsofgold",
"Teachings of Ingenuity": "teachingsofingenuity",
"Teachings of Justice": "teachingsofjustice",
"Teachings of Light": "teachingsoflight",
"Teachings of Order": "teachingsoforder",
"Teachings of Praxis": "teachingsofpraxis",
"Teachings of \"Prosperity\"": "teachingsofprosperity",
"Teachings of \"Resistance\"": "teachingsofresistance",
"Teachings of Transience": "teachingsoftransience",
"Tea-Colored Shirakodai": "teacoloredshirakodai",
"Tears of the Calamitous God": "tearsofthecalamitousgod",
"The Meaning of Aeons": "themeaningofaeons",
"\"Visible Wind\"": "thevisiblewinds",
"Thunderclap Fruitcore": "thunderclapfruitcore",
"Tidalga": "tidalga",
"Tile of Decarabian's Tower": "tileofdecarabianstower",
"Tofu": "tofu",
"Tomato": "tomato",
"Torch Wood": "torchwood",
"\"Tourbillon Device\"": "tourbillondevice",
"Transoceanic Chunk": "transoceanicchunk",
"Transoceanic Pearl": "transoceanicpearl",
"Treasured Flower": "treasuredflower",
"Treasure Hoarder Insignia": "treasurehoarderinsignia",
"Trimmed Red Silk": "trimmedredsilk",
"Trishiraite": "trishiraite",
"True Fruit Angler": "truefruitangler",
"Turbid Prism": "turbidprism",
"Tusk of Monoceros Caeli": "tuskofmonoceroscaeli",
"Ultra-Hot Burner Lamp Test Model": "ultrahotburnerlamptestmodel",
"Unfading Silky Grace": "unfadingsilkygrace",
"Vajrada Amethyst Chunk": "vajradaamethystchunk",
"Vajrada Amethyst Fragment": "vajradaamethystfragment",
"Vajrada Amethyst Gemstone": "vajradaamethystgemstone",
"Vajrada Amethyst Sliver": "vajradaamethystsliver",
"Valberry": "valberry",
"Varunada Lazurite Chunk": "varunadalazuritechunk",
"Varunada Lazurite Fragment": "varunadalazuritefragment",
"Varunada Lazurite Gemstone": "varunadalazuritegemstone",
"Varunada Lazurite Sliver": "varunadalazuritesliver",
"Vayuda Turquoise Chunk": "vayudaturquoisechunk",
"Vayuda Turquoise Fragment": "vayudaturquoisefragment",
"Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone": "vayudaturquoisegemstone",
"Vayuda Turquoise Sliver": "vayudaturquoisesliver",
"Venomspine Fish": "venomspinefish",
"Vial of Adeptal Speed": "vialofadeptalspeed",
"Violetgrass": "violetgrass",
"Viparyas": "viparyas",
"Gigi Naga yang Telah Menyerap Energi Kehidupan": "vitalizeddragontooth",
"Kotak Voucher": "voucherbox",
"Wanderer's Advice": "wanderersadvice",
"Wanderer's Blooming Flower": "wanderersbloomingflower",
"Water That Failed To Transcend": "waterthatfailedtotranscend",
"Wavepiercer": "wavepiercer",
"Weathered Arrowhead": "weatheredarrowhead",
"Wheat": "wheat",
"White Iron Chunk": "whiteironchunk",
"Whopperflower Nectar": "whopperflowernectar",
"Wick Material": "wickmaterial",
"Wilderness Rod": "wildernessrod",
"Windtangler": "windtangler",
"Windwheel Aster": "windwheelaster",
"Wine Goblet of the Pristine Sea": "winegobletofthepristinesea",
"Wishmaker": "wishmaker",
"Wolfhook": "wolfhook",
"Worldspan Fern": "worldspanfern",
"Xenochromatic Crystal": "xenochromaticcrystal",
"Yellow Dye": "yellowdye",
"Yumemiru Wood": "yumemiruwood",
"Zaytun Peach": "zaytunpeach"
"aliases": {
"Cake for Traveler 1": "cakefortraveler-01",
"Cake for Traveler 2": "cakefortraveler-02",
"Cake for Traveler 3": "cakefortraveler-03",
"Cake for Traveler 0": "cakefortraveler",
"Sigil Kunci 1": "keysigil-01",
"Sigil Kunci 2": "keysigil-02",
"Sigil Kunci 3": "keysigil-03",
"Sigil Kunci 4": "keysigil-04",
"Sigil Kunci 0": "keysigil"
"categories": {
"1": [
"2": [
"3": [
"4": [
"5": [
"Ikan": [
"Wishing Item": [
"Makanan": [
"WOOD": [
"Material": [
"Pembukaan fitur": [
"Material EXP Karakter": [
"Material Penguatan Senjata dan Karakter": [
"Material Ascension Karakter": [
"Bahan Masak": [
"Material Refinement": [
"Produk Khas Inazuma": [
"Mineral untuk Forge": [
"Sigil Elemental": [
"Material Penguatan Karakter": [
"BEP": [
"Produk khas Fontaine": [
"Hasil Craft": [
"Material Ascension Senjata": [
"Domain of Forgery: Ujian Tantangan Guntur": [
"Rabu": [
"Sabtu": [
"Minggu": [
"Material Aktivasi Fitur": [
"Domain of Forgery: Lembah yang Tenggelam": [
"Selasa": [
"Jumat": [
"Domain of Forgery: Kecanggihan Mekanik": [
"Item Spesial": [
"Produk khas Mondstadt": [
"Domain of Forgery: Reruntuhan Kota Kemarau": [
"Domain of Forgery: Tipu Muslihat Robot": [
"Senin": [
"Kamis": [
"Meningkatkan Persahabatan": [
"Konsumsi": [
"Domain of Forgery: Awan yang Ternoda": [
"Domain of Forgery: Desiran Pasir": [
"Produk khas Liyue": [
"Material Talenta Karakter": [
"Domain of Forgery: Kota Bayangan Air": [
"Domain of Forgery: Altar Halilintar": [
"Domain of Forgery: Tuntunan Karma": [
"Domain of Forgery: Keahlian": [
"Item Adventure": [
"Material Enhancement Senjata": [
"Umpan Ikan": [
"Domain of Mastery: Purnama": [
"Domain of Mastery: Kerajaan Mimpi": [
"Domain of Mastery: Jantung Bara Api": [
"Domain of Mastery: Lembah Petir": [
"Domain of Mastery: Ritme Irama": [
"Domain of Mastery: Altar Salju": [
"Domain of Mastery: Lingkaran Bara Api": [
"Domain of Mastery: Kecerdikan": [
"Domain of Mastery: Ukiran Peringatan": [
"Domain of Mastery: Reruntuhan Kota Tua": [
"Domain of MasteryBacaan Berdentang": [
"Domain of Mastery: Hukum dan Aturan": [
"Domain of Mastery: Altar Bara Api": [
"Domain of Mastery: Belenggu Jurang Es": [
"Domain of Mastery: Kerajaan Ungu": [
"Produk Khas Sumeru": [
"Limited Wishing Item": [
"Material Lantern Rite": [
"Blueprint untuk Forge": [
"Domain of Forgery: Makam Pasir": [
"Common Voucher": [
"Superior Voucher": [
"Domain of Forgery: Reruntuhan Petir": [
"Joran Pancing": [
"Mata Uang Umum": [
"Domain of Forgery: Altar Pasir": [
"Domain of Forgery: Obsesi": [
"Mata Uang Langka": [
"Dragonspine Material": [
"Peralatan": [
"properties": {
"rarity": [
"category": [
"materialtype": [
"Wishing Item",
"Pembukaan fitur",
"Material EXP Karakter",
"Material Penguatan Senjata dan Karakter",
"Material Ascension Karakter",
"Bahan Masak",
"Material Refinement",
"Produk Khas Inazuma",
"Mineral untuk Forge",
"Sigil Elemental",
"Material Penguatan Karakter",
"Produk khas Fontaine",
"Hasil Craft",
"Material Ascension Senjata",
"Material Aktivasi Fitur",
"Item Spesial",
"Produk khas Mondstadt",
"Meningkatkan Persahabatan",
"Produk khas Liyue",
"Material Talenta Karakter",
"Item Adventure",
"Material Enhancement Senjata",
"Umpan Ikan",
"Produk Khas Sumeru",
"Limited Wishing Item",
"Material Lantern Rite",
"Blueprint untuk Forge",
"Common Voucher",
"Superior Voucher",
"Joran Pancing",
"Mata Uang Umum",
"Mata Uang Langka",
"Dragonspine Material",
"dropdomain": [
"Domain of Forgery: Ujian Tantangan Guntur",
"Domain of Forgery: Lembah yang Tenggelam",
"Domain of Forgery: Kecanggihan Mekanik",
"Domain of Forgery: Reruntuhan Kota Kemarau",
"Domain of Forgery: Tipu Muslihat Robot",
"Domain of Forgery: Awan yang Ternoda",
"Domain of Forgery: Desiran Pasir",
"Domain of Forgery: Kota Bayangan Air",
"Domain of Forgery: Altar Halilintar",
"Domain of Forgery: Tuntunan Karma",
"Domain of Forgery: Keahlian",
"Domain of Mastery: Purnama",
"Domain of Mastery: Kerajaan Mimpi",
"Domain of Mastery: Jantung Bara Api",
"Domain of Mastery: Lembah Petir",
"Domain of Mastery: Ritme Irama",
"Domain of Mastery: Altar Salju",
"Domain of Mastery: Lingkaran Bara Api",
"Domain of Mastery: Kecerdikan",
"Domain of Mastery: Ukiran Peringatan",
"Domain of Mastery: Reruntuhan Kota Tua",
"Domain of MasteryBacaan Berdentang",
"Domain of Mastery: Hukum dan Aturan",
"Domain of Mastery: Altar Bara Api",
"Domain of Mastery: Belenggu Jurang Es",
"Domain of Mastery: Kerajaan Ungu",
"Domain of Forgery: Makam Pasir",
"Domain of Forgery: Reruntuhan Petir",
"Domain of Forgery: Altar Pasir",
"Domain of Forgery: Obsesi"
"daysofweek": [