{ "name": "Northern Smoked Chicken", "rarity": "2", "foodtype": "NORMAL", "foodfilter": "Adventurer's Dish", "foodcategory": "Other_SPAdd", "effect": "Restores 40–60 stamina.", "description": "Smoked fowl paired with vegetables. A staple for Northerners, often made for honored guests.", "suspicious": { "effect": "Restores 40 Stamina", "description": "Smoked fowl paired with vegetables. It's true. You really ought to try your own cooking before serving it to your guests. It's not too late to make a new one, perhaps?" }, "normal": { "effect": "Restores 50 Stamina", "description": "Smoked fowl paired with vegetables. A staple for Northerners, often made for honored guests." }, "delicious": { "effect": "Restores 60 Stamina", "description": "Smoked fowl paired with vegetables. A dish fit for a king. Go on, find one and serve him with pride." }, "ingredients": [ { "name": "Smoked Fowl", "count": 1 }, { "name": "Onion", "count": 1 }, { "name": "Cabbage", "count": 1 } ] }