{ "name": "Teyvat Fried Egg", "rarity": "1", "foodtype": "NORMAL", "foodfilter": "Recovery Dish", "foodcategory": "Recovery_Revive", "effect": "Revives the selected character.\nRestores 50–150 HP.", "description": "An egg fried on one side. The yolk flows out nicely when broken. So satisfying.", "suspicious": { "effect": "Revives a character and restores 50 HP.", "description": "An egg fried on one side. A bit hard in the middle. One can only hope it still has its nutrients." }, "normal": { "effect": "Revives a character and restores 100 HP.", "description": "An egg fried on one side. The yolk flows out nicely when broken. So satisfying." }, "delicious": { "effect": "Revives a character and restores 150 HP.", "description": "An egg fried on one side. With a taste of the summer sun, it invigorates you from the first bite." }, "ingredients": [ { "name": "Bird Egg", "count": 1 } ] }