{ "id": 423010, "name": "Mastery Talisman: Cold War", "cardtype": "GCG_CARD_ASSIST", "cardtypetext": "Support Card", "tags": [], "tagstext": [], "description": "The first Skill used or first Talent equipped by each of your characters per Round will cost 1 less Elemental Die.\nYour Cryo-related Reactions deal +2 DMG.", "descriptionraw": "The first Skill used or first Talent equipped by each of your characters per Round will cost 1 less Elemental Die.\\nYour Cryo-related Reactions deal +2 DMG.", "descriptionreplaced": "The first Skill used or first Talent equipped by each of your characters per Round will cost 1 less Elemental Die.\\nYour Cryo-related Reactions deal +2 DMG.", "playcost": [] }