{ "id": 333006, "name": "Mondstadt Hash Brown", "cardtype": "GCG_CARD_EVENT", "cardtypetext": "Event Card", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_FOOD" ], "tagstext": [ "Food" ], "description": "Heal the target character for 2 HP.\n(A character can consume at most 1 Food per Round)", "descriptionraw": "Heal the target character for 2 HP.\\n(A character can consume at most 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#3101}Food per Round)", "descriptionreplaced": "Heal the target character for 2 HP.\\n(A character can consume at most 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#3101}Food per Round)", "storytitle": "Mondstadt Hash Brown", "storytext": "The sweet taste verifies the famous words of a certain famous gourmet known throughout Teyvat — a dish that may be called a regional specialty cannot taste bad.", "source": "Reward for meeting the Player Manual's requirements", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_SAME", "count": 1 } ] }