{ "id": 311303, "name": "Wolf's Gravestone", "statustypetext": "Character Equipment", "cardtype": "GCG_CARD_MODIFY", "cardtypetext": "Equipment Card", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_WEAPON", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_CLAYMORE" ], "description": "The character deals +1 DMG.\nDeal +2 additional DMG if the target's remaining HP is equal to or less than 6.", "descriptionraw": "The character deals +1 DMG.\\nDeal +2 additional DMG if the target's remaining HP is equal to or less than 6.", "descriptionreplaced": "The character deals +1 DMG.\\nDeal +2 additional DMG if the target's remaining HP is equal to or less than 6." }