{ "id": 115052, "name": "Autumn Whirlwind", "cardtypetext": "Summon", "tags": [], "tagstext": [], "description": "End Phase: Deal 1 Anemo DMG.\nUsage(s): 3\n\nAfter your Characters or Summons trigger a Swirl reaction: Convert the Elemental Type of this card and change its DMG dealt to the element Swirled. (Can only be converted once before leaving the field)", "descriptionraw": "End Phase: Deal 1 $[K105].\\n$[K3]: 3\\n\\nAfter your Characters or Summons trigger a Swirl reaction: Convert the Elemental Type of this card and change its DMG dealt to the element Swirled. (Can only be converted once before leaving the field)", "descriptionreplaced": "End Phase: Deal 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2105}Anemo DMG.\\nUsage(s): 3\\n\\nAfter your Characters or Summons trigger a Swirl reaction: Convert the Elemental Type of this card and change its DMG dealt to the element Swirled. (Can only be converted once before leaving the field)", "countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", "tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS", "hinttype": "GCG_HINT_ANEMO" }