{ "id": 132021, "name": "Healing Rain", "cardtypetext": "Summon", "tags": [], "tagstext": [], "description": "End Phase: Heal your active character for 1 HP and grant both sides' active characters Hydro Application.\nUsage(s): 2", "descriptionraw": "End Phase: Heal your active character for 1 HP and grant both sides' active characters $[K202].\\n$[K3]: 2", "descriptionreplaced": "End Phase: Heal your active character for 1 HP and grant both sides' active characters {SPRITE_PRESET#2102}Hydro Application.\\nUsage(s): 2", "countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", "tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS", "hinttype": "GCG_HINT_HEAL" }