436 lines
18 KiB
436 lines
18 KiB
"namemap": {
"aarusshut": "Aaru's Shut",
"abandonedcapitalofhowlingwinds": "Abandoned Capital of Howling Winds",
"adhocheadquartersofthefatuiexpeditionaryforce": "Ad-Hoc Headquarters of the Fatui Expeditionary Force",
"adistantharbor": "A Distant Harbor",
"adropintheocean": "A Drop in the Ocean",
"ahomeinthehills": "A Home in the Hills",
"amritanourishednest": "Amrita-Nourished Nest",
"ancientconchmelodyofyore": "Ancient Conch Melody of Yore",
"ancientthousandwindstemple": "Ancient Thousand Winds Temple",
"aranagaslittlegarden": "Aranaga's Little Garden",
"aseaofexile": "A Sea of Exile",
"beyondthechasm": "Beyond the Chasm",
"caveengulfedpalace": "Cave-Engulfed Palace",
"chihurock": "Chihu Rock",
"courtofdewandsprings": "Court of Dew and Springs",
"crystalfragment": "Crystal Fragment",
"dunyuruins": "Dunyu Ruins",
"elderpineatopthewastes": "Elder Pine Atop the Wastes",
"erinnyesswateryweepingwillow": "Erinnyes's Watery Weeping Willow",
"erinnyeswhirlingdance": "Erinnyes' Whirling Dance",
"favoniuscathedral": "Favonius Cathedral",
"feiyunslope": "Feiyun Slope",
"foamyhome": "Foamy Home",
"fontainehotsprings": "\"Fontaine Hot Springs\"",
"forgeoftheabandonedfoundry": "Forge of the Abandoned Foundry",
"forgottenswordcemetery": "Forgotten Sword Cemetery",
"frontlinekannazuka": "Front Line, Kannazuka",
"gateofeverlastingmourning": "Gate of Everlasting Mourning",
"grandnarukamishrinemtyougou": "Grand Narukami Shrine, Mt. Yougou",
"graveyardofships": "Graveyard of Ships",
"harvisptokhm": "Harvisptokhm",
"khajnisut": "Khaj-Nisut",
"knightsoffavoniuslibrary": "Knights of Favonius - Library",
"landofclearsprings": "Land of Clear Springs",
"landofcorrodedshadowsandtaintedcurrents": "Land of Corroded Shadows and Tainted Currents",
"lifelessdaralshifa": "Lifeless Dar al-Shifa",
"lilouparsgaol": "Liloupar's Gaol",
"manorofdaybreak": "Manor of Daybreak",
"marshofrustlingreeds": "Marsh of Rustling Reeds",
"memoriesofmontesus": "\"Memories of Mont Esus\"",
"memoryofalcazarzaray": "Memory of Alcazarzaray",
"mistveiledstoneforest": "Mist-Veiled Stone Forest",
"moonlittree": "Moonlit Tree",
"morningintheberylmountainsclearweather": "\"Morning in the Beryl Mountains, Clear Weather\"",
"mouthofthegreatmine": "Mouth of the Great Mine",
"mtdamavandwheresandstormsnevercease": "Mt. Damavand, Where Sandstorms Never Cease",
"narzissenkreuzkingdom": "\"Narzissenkreuz Kingdom\"",
"ninepillarsofpeace": "Nine Pillars of Peace",
"nurseryoflostdreams": "Nursery of Lost Dreams",
"oratricemecaniquedanalysecardinale": "\"Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale\"",
"overlookingserpenthead": "Overlooking Serpent Head",
"qingxusforsakentower": "Qingxu's Forsaken Tower",
"refugeeshelters": "Refugee Shelters",
"remnantsoftheancientorchard": "Remnants of the Ancient Orchard",
"riftvalleyyashioriisland": "Rift Valley, Yashiori Island",
"ritounarukamiisland": "Ritou, Narukami Island",
"ruinsofguili": "Ruins of Guili",
"safheshatranj": "Safhe Shatranj",
"scatteredreferences": "Scattered References",
"scenerywithinelynasdeepestdepths": "Scenery Within Elynas' Deepest Depths",
"scenerywithinelynasdepths": "Scenery Within Elynas' Depths",
"seaworncavern": "Seaworn Cavern",
"sourcewaternation": "Sourcewater Nation",
"suburbsinazumacity": "Suburbs, Inazuma City",
"sunkenglory": "Sunken Glory",
"tataraislandsvantagepoint": "Tatara Islands' Vantage Point",
"tenryouinazumacity": "Tenryou, Inazuma City",
"thamudoasis": "Thamud Oasis",
"theancientbattlefieldoffuaovale": "The Ancient Battlefield of Fuao Vale",
"thebarrenlandwheresanddances": "The Barren Land Where Sand Dances",
"theblockedpath": "The Blocked Path",
"thebottomlesshall": "The Bottomless Hall",
"thecityabovetheforest": "The City Above the Forest",
"thecityofwind": "The City of Wind",
"thecitywhereallwisdomresides": "The City Where All Wisdom Resides",
"thecolossuswatchingdevantaka": "The Colossus Watching Devantaka",
"thecopperkeep": "The Copper Keep",
"thecourtofdriedsprings": "The Court of Dried Springs",
"thecourtofpillars": "The Court of Pillars",
"thecourtofwitheredlife": "The Court of Withered Life",
"thedrunkardsship": "The Drunkard's Ship",
"theforgottenrivervalley": "The Forgotten River Valley",
"thefrontierbeneaththehighwall": "The Frontier Beneath the High Wall",
"thegapofthehiddenruins": "The Gap of the Hidden Ruins",
"thegardenofdeepthought": "The Garden of Deep Thought",
"thegardensnewsprouts": "The Garden's New Sprouts",
"thegiantofthewinderodedvalley": "The Giant of the Wind-Eroded Valley",
"thegreatmushroomsplace": "The Great Mushroom's Place",
"theharborbetwixtthetwotrees": "The Harbor Betwixt the Two Trees",
"theinvertedcity": "The Inverted City",
"thelandofmawtiyima": "The Land of Mawtiyima",
"thelittlestdream": "The Littlest Dream",
"thelosthermitage": "The Lost Hermitage",
"themarshofcelestialguardians": "The Marsh of Celestial Guardians",
"themausoleumofkingdeshret": "The Mausoleum of King Deshret",
"themoonbatheddeep": "The Moon-Bathed Deep",
"themoonbluecanals": "The Moonblue Canals",
"thepalaceabandonedbythegods": "The Palace Abandoned by the Gods",
"theparadiseofeternalpeace": "The Paradise of Eternal Peace",
"thepearlescentpalace": "The Pearlescent Palace",
"therainsend": "The Rain's End",
"theremnantsofbrilliantwisdom": "The Remnants of Brilliant Wisdom",
"thesacredforestinthemoonlight": "The Sacred Forest in the Moonlight",
"theseasidevillage": "\"The Seaside Village\"",
"thesilentfishingvillage": "The Silent Fishing Village",
"thestrandedflagship": "The Stranded Flagship",
"thetanitencampment": "The Tanit Encampment",
"thetempleofburieddominion": "The Temple of Buried Dominion",
"thethousandsofentombedchambers": "The Thousands of Entombed Chambers",
"theundergroundmines": "The Underground Mines",
"thevillagebytheriver": "The Village by the River",
"theworldofthearanara": "The World of the Aranara",
"theworldsamnioticfluid": "The World's Amniotic Fluid",
"thewreckofshattereddreams": "The Wreck of Shattered Dreams",
"tidalflatamidsttheflamesofwar": "Tidal Flat Amidst the Flames of War",
"towerofgestalt": "Tower of Gestalt",
"towersofbetrayal": "Towers of Betrayal",
"tsurumiisland": "Tsurumi Island",
"undergroundwaterway": "Underground Waterway",
"valleyoftheunsullied": "Valley of the Unsullied",
"varunastra": "Varunastra",
"verdantfieldsvantagepoint": "Verdant Fields' Vantage Point",
"viewfrommontautomnequi": "\"View From Mont Automnequi\"",
"viewfromthechasmssurface": "View from The Chasm's Surface",
"vigilantguardiansvantagepoint": "Vigilant Guardians' Vantage Point",
"villageofthepeopleofthedeep": "Village of the People of the Deep",
"weepinggarden": "Weeping Garden",
"wenuttunnels": "Wenut Tunnels",
"whereatitansshinswerebroken": "Where a Titan's Shins Were Broken",
"wheredarktidesecho": "Where Dark Tides Echo",
"wheremerchantsflockandallshipsdock": "Where Merchants Flock And All Ships Dock",
"wheremountainspeakbeyondtheclouds": "Where Mountains Peak Beyond the Clouds",
"whereswirlingstormcloudsgather": "Where Swirling Storm Clouds Gather",
"wheretheprovisionalheadpriestesslives": "Where the Provisional Head Priestess Lives",
"windsweptwilderness": "Windswept Wilderness",
"yujingterrace": "Yujing Terrace"
"names": {
"Aaru's Shut": "aarusshut",
"Abandoned Capital of Howling Winds": "abandonedcapitalofhowlingwinds",
"Ad-Hoc Headquarters of the Fatui Expeditionary Force": "adhocheadquartersofthefatuiexpeditionaryforce",
"A Distant Harbor": "adistantharbor",
"A Drop in the Ocean": "adropintheocean",
"A Home in the Hills": "ahomeinthehills",
"Amrita-Nourished Nest": "amritanourishednest",
"Ancient Conch Melody of Yore": "ancientconchmelodyofyore",
"Ancient Thousand Winds Temple": "ancientthousandwindstemple",
"Aranaga's Little Garden": "aranagaslittlegarden",
"A Sea of Exile": "aseaofexile",
"Beyond the Chasm": "beyondthechasm",
"Cave-Engulfed Palace": "caveengulfedpalace",
"Chihu Rock": "chihurock",
"Court of Dew and Springs": "courtofdewandsprings",
"Crystal Fragment": "crystalfragment",
"Dunyu Ruins": "dunyuruins",
"Elder Pine Atop the Wastes": "elderpineatopthewastes",
"Erinnyes's Watery Weeping Willow": "erinnyesswateryweepingwillow",
"Erinnyes' Whirling Dance": "erinnyeswhirlingdance",
"Favonius Cathedral": "favoniuscathedral",
"Feiyun Slope": "feiyunslope",
"Foamy Home": "foamyhome",
"\"Fontaine Hot Springs\"": "fontainehotsprings",
"Forge of the Abandoned Foundry": "forgeoftheabandonedfoundry",
"Forgotten Sword Cemetery": "forgottenswordcemetery",
"Front Line, Kannazuka": "frontlinekannazuka",
"Gate of Everlasting Mourning": "gateofeverlastingmourning",
"Grand Narukami Shrine, Mt. Yougou": "grandnarukamishrinemtyougou",
"Graveyard of Ships": "graveyardofships",
"Harvisptokhm": "harvisptokhm",
"Khaj-Nisut": "khajnisut",
"Knights of Favonius - Library": "knightsoffavoniuslibrary",
"Land of Clear Springs": "landofclearsprings",
"Land of Corroded Shadows and Tainted Currents": "landofcorrodedshadowsandtaintedcurrents",
"Lifeless Dar al-Shifa": "lifelessdaralshifa",
"Liloupar's Gaol": "lilouparsgaol",
"Manor of Daybreak": "manorofdaybreak",
"Marsh of Rustling Reeds": "marshofrustlingreeds",
"\"Memories of Mont Esus\"": "memoriesofmontesus",
"Memory of Alcazarzaray": "memoryofalcazarzaray",
"Mist-Veiled Stone Forest": "mistveiledstoneforest",
"Moonlit Tree": "moonlittree",
"\"Morning in the Beryl Mountains, Clear Weather\"": "morningintheberylmountainsclearweather",
"Mouth of the Great Mine": "mouthofthegreatmine",
"Mt. Damavand, Where Sandstorms Never Cease": "mtdamavandwheresandstormsnevercease",
"\"Narzissenkreuz Kingdom\"": "narzissenkreuzkingdom",
"Nine Pillars of Peace": "ninepillarsofpeace",
"Nursery of Lost Dreams": "nurseryoflostdreams",
"\"Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale\"": "oratricemecaniquedanalysecardinale",
"Overlooking Serpent Head": "overlookingserpenthead",
"Qingxu's Forsaken Tower": "qingxusforsakentower",
"Refugee Shelters": "refugeeshelters",
"Remnants of the Ancient Orchard": "remnantsoftheancientorchard",
"Rift Valley, Yashiori Island": "riftvalleyyashioriisland",
"Ritou, Narukami Island": "ritounarukamiisland",
"Ruins of Guili": "ruinsofguili",
"Safhe Shatranj": "safheshatranj",
"Scattered References": "scatteredreferences",
"Scenery Within Elynas' Deepest Depths": "scenerywithinelynasdeepestdepths",
"Scenery Within Elynas' Depths": "scenerywithinelynasdepths",
"Seaworn Cavern": "seaworncavern",
"Sourcewater Nation": "sourcewaternation",
"Suburbs, Inazuma City": "suburbsinazumacity",
"Sunken Glory": "sunkenglory",
"Tatara Islands' Vantage Point": "tataraislandsvantagepoint",
"Tenryou, Inazuma City": "tenryouinazumacity",
"Thamud Oasis": "thamudoasis",
"The Ancient Battlefield of Fuao Vale": "theancientbattlefieldoffuaovale",
"The Barren Land Where Sand Dances": "thebarrenlandwheresanddances",
"The Blocked Path": "theblockedpath",
"The Bottomless Hall": "thebottomlesshall",
"The City Above the Forest": "thecityabovetheforest",
"The City of Wind": "thecityofwind",
"The City Where All Wisdom Resides": "thecitywhereallwisdomresides",
"The Colossus Watching Devantaka": "thecolossuswatchingdevantaka",
"The Copper Keep": "thecopperkeep",
"The Court of Dried Springs": "thecourtofdriedsprings",
"The Court of Pillars": "thecourtofpillars",
"The Court of Withered Life": "thecourtofwitheredlife",
"The Drunkard's Ship": "thedrunkardsship",
"The Forgotten River Valley": "theforgottenrivervalley",
"The Frontier Beneath the High Wall": "thefrontierbeneaththehighwall",
"The Gap of the Hidden Ruins": "thegapofthehiddenruins",
"The Garden of Deep Thought": "thegardenofdeepthought",
"The Garden's New Sprouts": "thegardensnewsprouts",
"The Giant of the Wind-Eroded Valley": "thegiantofthewinderodedvalley",
"The Great Mushroom's Place": "thegreatmushroomsplace",
"The Harbor Betwixt the Two Trees": "theharborbetwixtthetwotrees",
"The Inverted City": "theinvertedcity",
"The Land of Mawtiyima": "thelandofmawtiyima",
"The Littlest Dream": "thelittlestdream",
"The Lost Hermitage": "thelosthermitage",
"The Marsh of Celestial Guardians": "themarshofcelestialguardians",
"The Mausoleum of King Deshret": "themausoleumofkingdeshret",
"The Moon-Bathed Deep": "themoonbatheddeep",
"The Moonblue Canals": "themoonbluecanals",
"The Palace Abandoned by the Gods": "thepalaceabandonedbythegods",
"The Paradise of Eternal Peace": "theparadiseofeternalpeace",
"The Pearlescent Palace": "thepearlescentpalace",
"The Rain's End": "therainsend",
"The Remnants of Brilliant Wisdom": "theremnantsofbrilliantwisdom",
"The Sacred Forest in the Moonlight": "thesacredforestinthemoonlight",
"\"The Seaside Village\"": "theseasidevillage",
"The Silent Fishing Village": "thesilentfishingvillage",
"The Stranded Flagship": "thestrandedflagship",
"The Tanit Encampment": "thetanitencampment",
"The Temple of Buried Dominion": "thetempleofburieddominion",
"The Thousands of Entombed Chambers": "thethousandsofentombedchambers",
"The Underground Mines": "theundergroundmines",
"The Village by the River": "thevillagebytheriver",
"The World of the Aranara": "theworldofthearanara",
"The World's Amniotic Fluid": "theworldsamnioticfluid",
"The Wreck of Shattered Dreams": "thewreckofshattereddreams",
"Tidal Flat Amidst the Flames of War": "tidalflatamidsttheflamesofwar",
"Tower of Gestalt": "towerofgestalt",
"Towers of Betrayal": "towersofbetrayal",
"Tsurumi Island": "tsurumiisland",
"Underground Waterway": "undergroundwaterway",
"Valley of the Unsullied": "valleyoftheunsullied",
"Varunastra": "varunastra",
"Verdant Fields' Vantage Point": "verdantfieldsvantagepoint",
"\"View From Mont Automnequi\"": "viewfrommontautomnequi",
"View from The Chasm's Surface": "viewfromthechasmssurface",
"Vigilant Guardians' Vantage Point": "vigilantguardiansvantagepoint",
"Village of the People of the Deep": "villageofthepeopleofthedeep",
"Weeping Garden": "weepinggarden",
"Wenut Tunnels": "wenuttunnels",
"Where a Titan's Shins Were Broken": "whereatitansshinswerebroken",
"Where Dark Tides Echo": "wheredarktidesecho",
"Where Merchants Flock And All Ships Dock": "wheremerchantsflockandallshipsdock",
"Where Mountains Peak Beyond the Clouds": "wheremountainspeakbeyondtheclouds",
"Where Swirling Storm Clouds Gather": "whereswirlingstormcloudsgather",
"Where the Provisional Head Priestess Lives": "wheretheprovisionalheadpriestesslives",
"Windswept Wilderness": "windsweptwilderness",
"Yujing Terrace": "yujingterrace"
"aliases": {},
"categories": {
"Sumeru": [
"Mondstadt": [
"Fontaine": [
"Liyue": [
"Inazuma": [
"properties": {
"region": [
} |