2023-11-12 00:15:41 +03:00

1505 lines
43 KiB

"namemap": {
"agentssacrificialknife": "Sacrificial Agent Knife",
"agnidusagatechunk": "Agnidus Agate Chunk",
"agnidusagatefragment": "Agnidus Agate Fragment",
"agnidusagategemstone": "Agnidus Agate Gemstone",
"alienlifecore": "Alien Life Core",
"anemoculusresonancestone": "Anemoculus Resonance Stone",
"artificeddynamicgear": "Artificed Dynamic Gear",
"bitofaerosiderite": "Bit of Aerosiderite",
"blackbronzehorn": "Black Bronze Horn",
"blackcrystalhorn": "Black Crystal Horn",
"bluedye": "สีย้อมสีฟ้า",
"borealwolfsbrokenfang": "Boreal Wolf's Broken Fang",
"borealwolfscrackedtooth": "Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth",
"borealwolfsnostalgia": "Boreal Wolf's Nostalgia",
"chainsofthedandeliongladiator": "Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator",
"chaosaxis": "Chaos Axis",
"chaosbolt": "Chaos Bolt",
"chaoscircuit": "Chaos Circuit",
"chaoscore": "Chaos Core",
"chaosmodule": "Chaos Module",
"chaosoculus": "Chaos Oculus",
"chapterofanancientchord": "Chapter of an Ancient Chord",
"chunkofaerosiderite": "Chunk of Aerosiderite",
"concealedtalon": "Concealed Talon",
"concealedunguis": "Concealed Unguis",
"condensedresin": "Condensed Resin",
"crystallinecystdust": "Crystalline Cyst Dust",
"crystalprism": "Crystal Prism",
"darkstatuette": "Dark Statuette",
"deadleylineleaves": "Dead Ley Line Leaves",
"deathlystatuette": "Deathly Statuette",
"debrisofdecarabianscity": "Debris of Decarabian's City",
"dendrocidepotion": "Dendrocide Potion",
"dendroculusresonancestone": "Dendroculus Resonance Stone",
"desiccantpotion": "Desiccant Potion",
"divinebodyfromguyun": "Divine Body from Guyun",
"dormantfungalnucleus": "Dormant Fungal Nucleus",
"dreamofscorchingmight": "Dream of Scorching Might",
"dreamofthedandeliongladiator": "Dream of Dandelion Gladiator",
"dustproofpotion": "Dustproof Potion",
"echoofanancientchord": "Echo of an Ancient Chord",
"electroculusresonancestone": "Electroculus Resonance Stone",
"energynectar": "Elemental Nectar",
"essenceofpuresacreddewdrop": "Essence of Pure Sacred Dewdrop",
"fabric": "ผ้า",
"fakeflybait": "Fake Fly Bait",
"falsewormbait": "False Worm Bait",
"famedhandguard": "Famed Handguard",
"fatesyearningessentialoil": "น้ำมันหอมระเหย \"Fate's Yearning\"",
"flamingessentialoil": "Flaming Essential Oil",
"flashingmaintenancemekbait": "เหยื่อกะพริบล่อจักรกลบำรุงรักษา",
"floatysplody": "Floaty Splody",
"forbiddencursescroll": "Forbidden Curse Scroll",
"foreignsynapse": "Foreign Synapse",
"forestessentialoil": "Forest Essential Oil",
"fossilizedboneshard": "Fossilized Bone Remains",
"fragmentofdecarabiansepic": "Fragment of Decarabian's Epic",
"frostingessentialoil": "Frosting Essential Oil",
"frostshieldpotion": "Frostshield Potion",
"fruitpastebait": "Fruit Paste Bait",
"geoculusresonancestone": "Geoculus Resonance Stone",
"goldenbranchofadistantsea": "Golden Branch of a Distant Sea",
"goldengobletofthepristinesea": "Golden Goblet of the Pristine Sea",
"goldenhousemaidenessentialoil": "น้ำมันหอมระเหย \"Golden House Mistress\"",
"goldenraveninsignia": "Golden Raven Insignia",
"goldentalismanoftheforestdew": "Golden Talisman of the Forest Dew",
"guidetoadmonition": "Guide to Admonition",
"guidetoballad": "Guide to Ballad",
"guidetodiligence": "Guide to Diligence",
"guidetoelegance": "Guide to Elegance",
"guidetoequity": "Guide to Equity",
"guidetofreedom": "Guide to Freedom",
"guidetogold": "Guide to Gold",
"guidetoingenuity": "Guide to Ingenuity",
"guidetojustice": "Guide to Justice",
"guidetolight": "Guide to Light",
"guidetoorder": "Guide to Order",
"guidetopraxis": "Guide to Praxis",
"guidetoprosperity": "Guide to Prosperity",
"guidetoresistance": "Guide to Resistance",
"guidetotransience": "Guide to Transience",
"gushingessentialoil": "Gushing Essential Oil",
"heatshieldpotion": "Heatshield Potion",
"hotpod": "Hot Pod",
"hydroculusresonancestone": "Hydroculus Resonance Stone",
"inspectorssacrificialknife": "Inspector's Sacrificial Knife",
"insulationpotion": "Insulation Potion",
"irontalismanoftheforestdew": "Iron Talisman of the Forest Dew",
"jadebranchofadistantsea": "Jade Branch of a Distant Sea",
"jeweledbranchofadistantsea": "Jeweled Branch of a Distant Sea",
"kageuchihandguard": "Kageuchi Handguard",
"leylinesprout": "Ley Line Sprout",
"lieutenantsinsignia": "Officer's Insignia",
"luminescentpollen": "Luminescent Pollen",
"lustrousstonefromguyun": "Lustrous Stone from Guyun",
"markedshell": "Marked Shell",
"maskofthekijin": "Mask of the Kijin",
"maskoftheonehorned": "Mask of the One-Horned",
"maskofthetigersbite": "Mask of the Tiger's Bite",
"mechanicalspurgear": "Mechanical Spur Gear",
"mintessentialoil": "Mint Essential Oil",
"mistgrass": "Mist Grass",
"mistgrasswick": "Mist Grass Wick",
"mistveiledgoldelixir": "Mist Veiled Gold Elixir",
"mistveiledmercuryelixir": "Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir",
"mistveiledprimoelixir": "Mist Veiled Primo Elixir",
"movementofanancientchord": "Movement of an Ancient Chord",
"nagadusemeraldchunk": "Nagadus Emerald Chunk",
"nagadusemeraldfragment": "Nagadus Emerald Fragment",
"nagadusemeraldgemstone": "Nagadus Emerald Gemstone",
"namelesstaboomedicineoftheroyalcourt": "ยาต้องห้ามนิรนามแห่งราชสำนัก",
"narukamisaffection": "Narukami's Affection",
"narukamisjoy": "Narukami's Joy",
"narukamisvalor": "Narukami's Valor",
"newborntaintedhydrophantasm": "Newborn Tainted Hydro Phantasm",
"oasisgardenskindness": "Oasis Garden's Kindness",
"oasisgardensmourning": "Oasis Garden's Mourning",
"oasisgardenstruth": "Oasis Garden's Truth",
"oldendaysofscorchingmight": "Olden Days of Scorching Might",
"ominousmask": "Ominous Mask",
"operativesconstancy": "Operative's Constancy",
"operativesstandardpocketwatch": "Operative's Standard Pocket Watch",
"philosophiesofadmonition": "Philosophies of Admonition",
"philosophiesofballad": "Philosophies of Ballad",
"philosophiesofdiligence": "Philosophies of Diligence",
"philosophiesofelegance": "Philosophies of Elegance",
"philosophiesofequity": "Philosophies of Equity",
"philosophiesoffreedom": "Philosophies of Freedom",
"philosophiesofgold": "Philosophies of Gold",
"philosophiesofingenuity": "Philosophies of Ingenuity",
"philosophiesofjustice": "Philosophies of Justice",
"philosophiesoflight": "Philosophies of Light",
"philosophiesoforder": "Philosophies of Order",
"philosophiesofpraxis": "Philosophies of Praxis",
"philosophiesofprosperity": "Philosophies of Prosperity",
"philosophiesofresistance": "Philosophies of Resistance",
"philosophiesoftransience": "Philosophies of Transience",
"pieceofaerosiderite": "Piece of Aerosiderite",
"polarizingprism": "Polarizing Prism",
"portablewaypoint": "Portable Waypoint",
"prithivatopazchunk": "Prithiva Topaz Chunk",
"prithivatopazfragment": "Prithiva Topaz Fragment",
"prithivatopazgemstone": "Prithiva Topaz Gemstone",
"purewater": "\"Pure Water\"",
"radiantprism": "Radiant Prism",
"reddye": "สีย้อมสีแดง",
"redrotbait": "Redrot Bait",
"relicfromguyun": "Relic from Guyun",
"remnantglowofscorchingmight": "Remnant Glow of Scorching Might",
"richredbrocade": "Rich Red Brocade",
"robustfungalnucleus": "Robust Fungal Nucleus",
"scatteredpieceofdecarabiansdream": "Scattered Piece of Decarabian's Dream",
"scoopoftaintedwater": "Scoop of Tainted Water",
"sealedscroll": "Seal Scroll",
"sergeantsinsignia": "Sergeant's Insignia",
"shacklesofthedandeliongladiator": "Shackles of Dandelion Gladiator",
"sharparrowhead": "Sharp Arrowhead",
"shimmeringnectar": "Shimmering Nectar",
"shivadajadechunk": "Shivada Jade Chunk",
"shivadajadefragment": "Shivada Jade Fragment",
"shivadajadegemstone": "Shivada Jade Gemstone",
"shockingessentialoil": "Thunderclap Essential Oil",
"silvergobletofthepristinesea": "Silver Goblet of the Pristine Sea",
"silverraveninsignia": "Silver Raven Insignia",
"silvertalismanoftheforestdew": "Silver Talisman of the Forest Dew",
"slimeconcentrate": "Slime Concentrate",
"slimesecretions": "Slime Secretions",
"sourbait": "Sour Bait",
"specialunmovingessentialoil": "น้ำมันหินสูตรพิเศษ",
"spectralheart": "Spectral Heart",
"spectralnucleus": "Spectral Nucleus",
"springofpuresacreddewdrop": "Spring of Pure Sacred Dewdrop",
"stainedmask": "Stained Mask",
"straightshooter": "Straight Shooter",
"streamingessentialoil": "Streaming Essential Oil",
"sturdyboneshard": "Sturdy Bone Remains",
"sturdyshell": "Sturdy Shell",
"sublimationofpuresacreddewdrop": "Sublimation of Pure Sacred Dewdrop",
"sugardewbait": "Sugardew Bait",
"transoceanicchunk": "Transoceanic Chunk",
"treasuredflower": "Treasured Flower",
"trimmedredsilk": "Trimmed Red Silk",
"turbidprism": "Turbid Prism",
"unmovingessentialoil": "Unmoving Essential Oil",
"vajradaamethystchunk": "Vajrada Amethyst Chunk",
"vajradaamethystfragment": "Vajrada Amethyst Fragment",
"vajradaamethystgemstone": "Vajrada Amethyst Gemstone",
"valleyweaveressentialoil": "น้ำมันหอมระเหย \"Valley Weaver\"",
"varunadalazuritechunk": "Varunada Lazurite Chunk",
"varunadalazuritefragment": "Varunada Lazurite Fragment",
"varunadalazuritegemstone": "Varunada Lazurite Gemstone",
"vayudaturquoisechunk": "Vayuda Turquoise Chunk",
"vayudaturquoisefragment": "Vayuda Turquoise Fragment",
"vayudaturquoisegemstone": "Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone",
"wanderersbloomingflower": "Wanderer's Blooming Flower",
"weatheredarrowhead": "Historic Arrowhead",
"windbarrierpotion": "Windbarrier Potion",
"winegobletofthepristinesea": "Wine Goblet of the Pristine Sea",
"xenochromaticcrystal": "Xenochromatic Crystal",
"xiaolantern": "โคม Xiao",
"yellowdye": "สีย้อมสีเหลือง"
"names": {
"Sacrificial Agent Knife": "agentssacrificialknife",
"Agnidus Agate Chunk": "agnidusagatechunk",
"Agnidus Agate Fragment": "agnidusagatefragment",
"Agnidus Agate Gemstone": "agnidusagategemstone",
"Alien Life Core": "alienlifecore",
"Anemoculus Resonance Stone": "anemoculusresonancestone",
"Artificed Dynamic Gear": "artificeddynamicgear",
"Bit of Aerosiderite": "bitofaerosiderite",
"Black Bronze Horn": "blackbronzehorn",
"Black Crystal Horn": "blackcrystalhorn",
"สีย้อมสีฟ้า": "bluedye",
"Boreal Wolf's Broken Fang": "borealwolfsbrokenfang",
"Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth": "borealwolfscrackedtooth",
"Boreal Wolf's Nostalgia": "borealwolfsnostalgia",
"Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator": "chainsofthedandeliongladiator",
"Chaos Axis": "chaosaxis",
"Chaos Bolt": "chaosbolt",
"Chaos Circuit": "chaoscircuit",
"Chaos Core": "chaoscore",
"Chaos Module": "chaosmodule",
"Chaos Oculus": "chaosoculus",
"Chapter of an Ancient Chord": "chapterofanancientchord",
"Chunk of Aerosiderite": "chunkofaerosiderite",
"Concealed Talon": "concealedtalon",
"Concealed Unguis": "concealedunguis",
"Condensed Resin": "condensedresin",
"Crystalline Cyst Dust": "crystallinecystdust",
"Crystal Prism": "crystalprism",
"Dark Statuette": "darkstatuette",
"Dead Ley Line Leaves": "deadleylineleaves",
"Deathly Statuette": "deathlystatuette",
"Debris of Decarabian's City": "debrisofdecarabianscity",
"Dendrocide Potion": "dendrocidepotion",
"Dendroculus Resonance Stone": "dendroculusresonancestone",
"Desiccant Potion": "desiccantpotion",
"Divine Body from Guyun": "divinebodyfromguyun",
"Dormant Fungal Nucleus": "dormantfungalnucleus",
"Dream of Scorching Might": "dreamofscorchingmight",
"Dream of Dandelion Gladiator": "dreamofthedandeliongladiator",
"Dustproof Potion": "dustproofpotion",
"Echo of an Ancient Chord": "echoofanancientchord",
"Electroculus Resonance Stone": "electroculusresonancestone",
"Elemental Nectar": "energynectar",
"Essence of Pure Sacred Dewdrop": "essenceofpuresacreddewdrop",
"ผ้า": "fabric",
"Fake Fly Bait": "fakeflybait",
"False Worm Bait": "falsewormbait",
"Famed Handguard": "famedhandguard",
"น้ำมันหอมระเหย \"Fate's Yearning\"": "fatesyearningessentialoil",
"Flaming Essential Oil": "flamingessentialoil",
"เหยื่อกะพริบล่อจักรกลบำรุงรักษา": "flashingmaintenancemekbait",
"Floaty Splody": "floatysplody",
"Forbidden Curse Scroll": "forbiddencursescroll",
"Foreign Synapse": "foreignsynapse",
"Forest Essential Oil": "forestessentialoil",
"Fossilized Bone Remains": "fossilizedboneshard",
"Fragment of Decarabian's Epic": "fragmentofdecarabiansepic",
"Frosting Essential Oil": "frostingessentialoil",
"Frostshield Potion": "frostshieldpotion",
"Fruit Paste Bait": "fruitpastebait",
"Geoculus Resonance Stone": "geoculusresonancestone",
"Golden Branch of a Distant Sea": "goldenbranchofadistantsea",
"Golden Goblet of the Pristine Sea": "goldengobletofthepristinesea",
"น้ำมันหอมระเหย \"Golden House Mistress\"": "goldenhousemaidenessentialoil",
"Golden Raven Insignia": "goldenraveninsignia",
"Golden Talisman of the Forest Dew": "goldentalismanoftheforestdew",
"Guide to Admonition": "guidetoadmonition",
"Guide to Ballad": "guidetoballad",
"Guide to Diligence": "guidetodiligence",
"Guide to Elegance": "guidetoelegance",
"Guide to Equity": "guidetoequity",
"Guide to Freedom": "guidetofreedom",
"Guide to Gold": "guidetogold",
"Guide to Ingenuity": "guidetoingenuity",
"Guide to Justice": "guidetojustice",
"Guide to Light": "guidetolight",
"Guide to Order": "guidetoorder",
"Guide to Praxis": "guidetopraxis",
"Guide to Prosperity": "guidetoprosperity",
"Guide to Resistance": "guidetoresistance",
"Guide to Transience": "guidetotransience",
"Gushing Essential Oil": "gushingessentialoil",
"Heatshield Potion": "heatshieldpotion",
"Hot Pod": "hotpod",
"Hydroculus Resonance Stone": "hydroculusresonancestone",
"Inspector's Sacrificial Knife": "inspectorssacrificialknife",
"Insulation Potion": "insulationpotion",
"Iron Talisman of the Forest Dew": "irontalismanoftheforestdew",
"Jade Branch of a Distant Sea": "jadebranchofadistantsea",
"Jeweled Branch of a Distant Sea": "jeweledbranchofadistantsea",
"Kageuchi Handguard": "kageuchihandguard",
"Ley Line Sprout": "leylinesprout",
"Officer's Insignia": "lieutenantsinsignia",
"Luminescent Pollen": "luminescentpollen",
"Lustrous Stone from Guyun": "lustrousstonefromguyun",
"Marked Shell": "markedshell",
"Mask of the Kijin": "maskofthekijin",
"Mask of the One-Horned": "maskoftheonehorned",
"Mask of the Tiger's Bite": "maskofthetigersbite",
"Mechanical Spur Gear": "mechanicalspurgear",
"Mint Essential Oil": "mintessentialoil",
"Mist Grass": "mistgrass",
"Mist Grass Wick": "mistgrasswick",
"Mist Veiled Gold Elixir": "mistveiledgoldelixir",
"Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir": "mistveiledmercuryelixir",
"Mist Veiled Primo Elixir": "mistveiledprimoelixir",
"Movement of an Ancient Chord": "movementofanancientchord",
"Nagadus Emerald Chunk": "nagadusemeraldchunk",
"Nagadus Emerald Fragment": "nagadusemeraldfragment",
"Nagadus Emerald Gemstone": "nagadusemeraldgemstone",
"ยาต้องห้ามนิรนามแห่งราชสำนัก": "namelesstaboomedicineoftheroyalcourt",
"Narukami's Affection": "narukamisaffection",
"Narukami's Joy": "narukamisjoy",
"Narukami's Valor": "narukamisvalor",
"Newborn Tainted Hydro Phantasm": "newborntaintedhydrophantasm",
"Oasis Garden's Kindness": "oasisgardenskindness",
"Oasis Garden's Mourning": "oasisgardensmourning",
"Oasis Garden's Truth": "oasisgardenstruth",
"Olden Days of Scorching Might": "oldendaysofscorchingmight",
"Ominous Mask": "ominousmask",
"Operative's Constancy": "operativesconstancy",
"Operative's Standard Pocket Watch": "operativesstandardpocketwatch",
"Philosophies of Admonition": "philosophiesofadmonition",
"Philosophies of Ballad": "philosophiesofballad",
"Philosophies of Diligence": "philosophiesofdiligence",
"Philosophies of Elegance": "philosophiesofelegance",
"Philosophies of Equity": "philosophiesofequity",
"Philosophies of Freedom": "philosophiesoffreedom",
"Philosophies of Gold": "philosophiesofgold",
"Philosophies of Ingenuity": "philosophiesofingenuity",
"Philosophies of Justice": "philosophiesofjustice",
"Philosophies of Light": "philosophiesoflight",
"Philosophies of Order": "philosophiesoforder",
"Philosophies of Praxis": "philosophiesofpraxis",
"Philosophies of Prosperity": "philosophiesofprosperity",
"Philosophies of Resistance": "philosophiesofresistance",
"Philosophies of Transience": "philosophiesoftransience",
"Piece of Aerosiderite": "pieceofaerosiderite",
"Polarizing Prism": "polarizingprism",
"Portable Waypoint": "portablewaypoint",
"Prithiva Topaz Chunk": "prithivatopazchunk",
"Prithiva Topaz Fragment": "prithivatopazfragment",
"Prithiva Topaz Gemstone": "prithivatopazgemstone",
"\"Pure Water\"": "purewater",
"Radiant Prism": "radiantprism",
"สีย้อมสีแดง": "reddye",
"Redrot Bait": "redrotbait",
"Relic from Guyun": "relicfromguyun",
"Remnant Glow of Scorching Might": "remnantglowofscorchingmight",
"Rich Red Brocade": "richredbrocade",
"Robust Fungal Nucleus": "robustfungalnucleus",
"Scattered Piece of Decarabian's Dream": "scatteredpieceofdecarabiansdream",
"Scoop of Tainted Water": "scoopoftaintedwater",
"Seal Scroll": "sealedscroll",
"Sergeant's Insignia": "sergeantsinsignia",
"Shackles of Dandelion Gladiator": "shacklesofthedandeliongladiator",
"Sharp Arrowhead": "sharparrowhead",
"Shimmering Nectar": "shimmeringnectar",
"Shivada Jade Chunk": "shivadajadechunk",
"Shivada Jade Fragment": "shivadajadefragment",
"Shivada Jade Gemstone": "shivadajadegemstone",
"Thunderclap Essential Oil": "shockingessentialoil",
"Silver Goblet of the Pristine Sea": "silvergobletofthepristinesea",
"Silver Raven Insignia": "silverraveninsignia",
"Silver Talisman of the Forest Dew": "silvertalismanoftheforestdew",
"Slime Concentrate": "slimeconcentrate",
"Slime Secretions": "slimesecretions",
"Sour Bait": "sourbait",
"น้ำมันหินสูตรพิเศษ": "specialunmovingessentialoil",
"Spectral Heart": "spectralheart",
"Spectral Nucleus": "spectralnucleus",
"Spring of Pure Sacred Dewdrop": "springofpuresacreddewdrop",
"Stained Mask": "stainedmask",
"Straight Shooter": "straightshooter",
"Streaming Essential Oil": "streamingessentialoil",
"Sturdy Bone Remains": "sturdyboneshard",
"Sturdy Shell": "sturdyshell",
"Sublimation of Pure Sacred Dewdrop": "sublimationofpuresacreddewdrop",
"Sugardew Bait": "sugardewbait",
"Transoceanic Chunk": "transoceanicchunk",
"Treasured Flower": "treasuredflower",
"Trimmed Red Silk": "trimmedredsilk",
"Turbid Prism": "turbidprism",
"Unmoving Essential Oil": "unmovingessentialoil",
"Vajrada Amethyst Chunk": "vajradaamethystchunk",
"Vajrada Amethyst Fragment": "vajradaamethystfragment",
"Vajrada Amethyst Gemstone": "vajradaamethystgemstone",
"น้ำมันหอมระเหย \"Valley Weaver\"": "valleyweaveressentialoil",
"Varunada Lazurite Chunk": "varunadalazuritechunk",
"Varunada Lazurite Fragment": "varunadalazuritefragment",
"Varunada Lazurite Gemstone": "varunadalazuritegemstone",
"Vayuda Turquoise Chunk": "vayudaturquoisechunk",
"Vayuda Turquoise Fragment": "vayudaturquoisefragment",
"Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone": "vayudaturquoisegemstone",
"Wanderer's Blooming Flower": "wanderersbloomingflower",
"Historic Arrowhead": "weatheredarrowhead",
"Windbarrier Potion": "windbarrierpotion",
"Wine Goblet of the Pristine Sea": "winegobletofthepristinesea",
"Xenochromatic Crystal": "xenochromaticcrystal",
"โคม Xiao": "xiaolantern",
"สีย้อมสีเหลือง": "yellowdye"
"aliases": {},
"categories": {
"วัสดุยกระดับตัวละครและอาวุธ": [
"Hunter's Sacrificial Knife": [
"วัสดุเลื่อนขั้นตัวละคร": [
"Agnidus Agate Fragment": [
"Agnidus Agate Sliver": [
"Agnidus Agate Chunk": [
"Foreign Synapse": [
"วัสดุใช้งาน": [
"Dandelion Seed": [
"Cecilia": [
"Crystal Chunk": [
"Mechanical Spur Gear": [
"วัสดุเลื่อนขั้นอาวุธ": [
"Piece of Aerosiderite": [
"Heavy Horn": [
"Black Bronze Horn": [
"วัสดุที่ใช้สร้างเฟอร์นิเจอร์": [
"Mint": [
"Wolfhook": [
"Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth": [
"Boreal Wolf's Milk Tooth": [
"Boreal Wolf's Broken Fang": [
"Fetters of the Dandelion Gladiator": [
"Chaos Gear": [
"Chaos Module": [
"Chaos Device": [
"Chaos Circuit": [
"Chaos Storage": [
"Chaos Axis": [
"Fragment of an Ancient Chord": [
"Bit of Aerosiderite": [
"Concealed Unguis": [
"Concealed Claw": [
"Crystal Core": [
"Original Resin": [
"Luminescent Pollen": [
"Dismal Prism": [
"Gloomy Statuette": [
"Dead Ley Line Branch": [
"Dark Statuette": [
"Tile of Decarabian's Tower": [
"น้ำยาโพชั่น": [
"Sumeru Rose": [
"Nilotpala Lotus": [
"Rukkhashava Mushroom": [
"Butterfly Wings": [
"Lotus Head": [
"Relic from Guyun": [
"Inactivated Fungal Nucleus": [
"Remnant Glow of Scorching Might": [
"Shackles of Dandelion Gladiator": [
"Cor Lapis": [
"Movement of an Ancient Chord": [
"Naku Weed": [
"Sakura Bloom": [
"Amethyst Lump": [
"Shimmering Nectar": [
"Spring of Pure Sacred Dewdrop": [
"Silk Flower": [
"เหยื่อตกปลา": [
"Horsetail": [
"Slime Condensate": [
"Berry": [
"Kageuchi Handguard": [
"\"Fate's Yearning\"": [
"Frog": [
"Flaming Flower Stamen": [
"Marcotte": [
"Iron Chunk": [
"Luminiscent Spine": [
"Seal Scroll": [
"Rift Core": [
"Lizard Tail": [
"Sturdy Bone Remains": [
"Debris of Decarabian's City": [
"Mist Flower Corolla": [
"Sunsettia": [
"Wheat": [
"Glaze Lily": [
"Jade Branch of a Distant Sea": [
"Silver Goblet of the Pristine Sea": [
"\"Golden House Mistress\"": [
"Silver Raven Insignia": [
"Silver Talisman of the Forest Dew": [
"วัสดุพรสวรรค์ของตัวละคร": [
"Teachings of Admonition": [
"Teachings of Ballad": [
"Teachings of Diligence": [
"Teachings of Elegance": [
"Teachings of Equity": [
"Teachings of Freedom": [
"Teachings of Gold": [
"Teachings of Ingenuity": [
"Teachings of Justice": [
"Teachings of Light": [
"Teachings of Order": [
"Teachings of Praxis": [
"Teachings of Prosperity": [
"Teachings of Resistance": [
"Teachings of Transience": [
"Romaritime Flower": [
"Rainbow Rose": [
"Sacrificial Agent Knife": [
"Electro Crystal": [
"Copper Talisman of the Forest Dew": [
"Jeweled Branch of a Distant Sea": [
"Coral Branch of a Distant Sea": [
"Old Handguard": [
"Dead Ley Line Leaves": [
"Sergeant's Insignia": [
"Fungal Spore": [
"Luminous Sands from Guyun": [
"Sturdy Shell": [
"Mask of the One-Horned": [
"Mask of the Tiger's Bite": [
"Mask of the Wicked Lieutenant": [
"Meshing Gear": [
"Mist Grass Pollen": [
"Mist Grass": [
"Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir": [
"Mist Veiled Lead Elixir": [
"Mist Veiled Gold Elixir": [
"Chapter of an Ancient Chord": [
"Nagadus Emerald Fragment": [
"Nagadus Emerald Sliver": [
"Nagadus Emerald Chunk": [
"เห็ดประหลาด": [
"Kalpalata Lotus": [
"Narukami's Joy": [
"Narukami's Wisdom": [
"Narukami's Affection": [
"Scoop of Tainted Water": [
"Oasis Garden's Reminiscence": [
"Oasis Garden's Kindness": [
"Oasis Garden's Mourning": [
"Dream of Scorching Might": [
"Stained Mask": [
"Operative's Standard Pocket Watch": [
"Old Operative's Pocket Watch": [
"Guide to Admonition": [
"Guide to Ballad": [
"Guide to Diligence": [
"Guide to Elegance": [
"Guide to Equity": [
"Guide to Freedom": [
"Guide to Gold": [
"Guide to Ingenuity": [
"Guide to Justice": [
"Guide to Light": [
"Guide to Order": [
"Guide to Praxis": [
"Guide to Prosperity": [
"Guide to Resistance": [
"Guide to Transience": [
"Grain of Aerosiderite": [
"Crystal Prism": [
"Prithiva Topaz Fragment": [
"Prithiva Topaz Sliver": [
"Prithiva Topaz Chunk": [
"อาหาร": [
"Pinecone": [
"Tidalga": [
"Turbid Prism": [
"Carrot": [
"Valberry": [
"Dendrobium": [
"Fowl": [
"Lustrous Stone from Guyun": [
"Echo of Scorching Might": [
"Trimmed Red Silk": [
"Dormant Fungal Nucleus": [
"Fragment of Decarabian's Epic": [
"Drop of Tainted Water": [
"Divining Scroll": [
"Recruit's Insignia": [
"Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator": [
"Firm Arrowhead": [
"Whopperflower Nectar": [
"Shivada Jade Fragment": [
"Shivada Jade Sliver": [
"Shivada Jade Chunk": [
"Wine Goblet of the Pristine Sea": [
"Treasure Hoarders Insignia": [
"Iron Talisman of the Forest Dew": [
"Slime Secretions": [
"Bulle Fruit": [
"Spectral Husk": [
"Spectral Heart": [
"Sublimation of Pure Sacred Dewdrop": [
"Damaged Mask": [
"Fragile Bone Remains": [
"Desiccated Shell": [
"Dross of Pure Sacred Dewdrop": [
"Harra Fruit": [
"Transoceanic Pearl": [
"A Flower Yet to Bloom": [
"Faded Red Satin": [
"Damaged Prism": [
"Vajrada Amethyst Fragment": [
"Vajrada Amethyst Sliver": [
"Vajrada Amethyst Chunk": [
"\"Valley Weaver\"": [
"Varunada Lazurite Fragment": [
"Varunada Lazurite Sliver": [
"Varunada Lazurite Chunk": [
"Vayuda Turquoise Fragment": [
"Vayuda Turquoise Sliver": [
"Vayuda Turquoise Chunk": [
"Treasured Flower": [
"Sharp Arrowhead": [
"Broken Goblet of the Pristine Sea": [
"Transoceanic Chunk": [
"Lantern Fiber": [
"Wick Material": [
"Plaustrite Shard": [
"properties": {
"filter": [
"recipe": [
"Hunter's Sacrificial Knife",
"Agnidus Agate Fragment",
"Agnidus Agate Sliver",
"Agnidus Agate Chunk",
"Foreign Synapse",
"Dandelion Seed",
"Crystal Chunk",
"Mechanical Spur Gear",
"Piece of Aerosiderite",
"Heavy Horn",
"Black Bronze Horn",
"Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth",
"Boreal Wolf's Milk Tooth",
"Boreal Wolf's Broken Fang",
"Fetters of the Dandelion Gladiator",
"Chaos Gear",
"Chaos Module",
"Chaos Device",
"Chaos Circuit",
"Chaos Storage",
"Chaos Axis",
"Fragment of an Ancient Chord",
"Bit of Aerosiderite",
"Concealed Unguis",
"Concealed Claw",
"Crystal Core",
"Original Resin",
"Luminescent Pollen",
"Dismal Prism",
"Gloomy Statuette",
"Dead Ley Line Branch",
"Dark Statuette",
"Tile of Decarabian's Tower",
"Sumeru Rose",
"Nilotpala Lotus",
"Rukkhashava Mushroom",
"Butterfly Wings",
"Lotus Head",
"Relic from Guyun",
"Inactivated Fungal Nucleus",
"Remnant Glow of Scorching Might",
"Shackles of Dandelion Gladiator",
"Cor Lapis",
"Movement of an Ancient Chord",
"Naku Weed",
"Sakura Bloom",
"Amethyst Lump",
"Shimmering Nectar",
"Spring of Pure Sacred Dewdrop",
"Silk Flower",
"Slime Condensate",
"Kageuchi Handguard",
"\"Fate's Yearning\"",
"Flaming Flower Stamen",
"Iron Chunk",
"Luminiscent Spine",
"Seal Scroll",
"Rift Core",
"Lizard Tail",
"Sturdy Bone Remains",
"Debris of Decarabian's City",
"Mist Flower Corolla",
"Glaze Lily",
"Jade Branch of a Distant Sea",
"Silver Goblet of the Pristine Sea",
"\"Golden House Mistress\"",
"Silver Raven Insignia",
"Silver Talisman of the Forest Dew",
"Teachings of Admonition",
"Teachings of Ballad",
"Teachings of Diligence",
"Teachings of Elegance",
"Teachings of Equity",
"Teachings of Freedom",
"Teachings of Gold",
"Teachings of Ingenuity",
"Teachings of Justice",
"Teachings of Light",
"Teachings of Order",
"Teachings of Praxis",
"Teachings of Prosperity",
"Teachings of Resistance",
"Teachings of Transience",
"Romaritime Flower",
"Rainbow Rose",
"Sacrificial Agent Knife",
"Electro Crystal",
"Copper Talisman of the Forest Dew",
"Jeweled Branch of a Distant Sea",
"Coral Branch of a Distant Sea",
"Old Handguard",
"Dead Ley Line Leaves",
"Sergeant's Insignia",
"Fungal Spore",
"Luminous Sands from Guyun",
"Sturdy Shell",
"Mask of the One-Horned",
"Mask of the Tiger's Bite",
"Mask of the Wicked Lieutenant",
"Meshing Gear",
"Mist Grass Pollen",
"Mist Grass",
"Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir",
"Mist Veiled Lead Elixir",
"Mist Veiled Gold Elixir",
"Chapter of an Ancient Chord",
"Nagadus Emerald Fragment",
"Nagadus Emerald Sliver",
"Nagadus Emerald Chunk",
"Kalpalata Lotus",
"Narukami's Joy",
"Narukami's Wisdom",
"Narukami's Affection",
"Scoop of Tainted Water",
"Oasis Garden's Reminiscence",
"Oasis Garden's Kindness",
"Oasis Garden's Mourning",
"Dream of Scorching Might",
"Stained Mask",
"Operative's Standard Pocket Watch",
"Old Operative's Pocket Watch",
"Guide to Admonition",
"Guide to Ballad",
"Guide to Diligence",
"Guide to Elegance",
"Guide to Equity",
"Guide to Freedom",
"Guide to Gold",
"Guide to Ingenuity",
"Guide to Justice",
"Guide to Light",
"Guide to Order",
"Guide to Praxis",
"Guide to Prosperity",
"Guide to Resistance",
"Guide to Transience",
"Grain of Aerosiderite",
"Crystal Prism",
"Prithiva Topaz Fragment",
"Prithiva Topaz Sliver",
"Prithiva Topaz Chunk",
"Turbid Prism",
"Lustrous Stone from Guyun",
"Echo of Scorching Might",
"Trimmed Red Silk",
"Dormant Fungal Nucleus",
"Fragment of Decarabian's Epic",
"Drop of Tainted Water",
"Divining Scroll",
"Recruit's Insignia",
"Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator",
"Firm Arrowhead",
"Whopperflower Nectar",
"Shivada Jade Fragment",
"Shivada Jade Sliver",
"Shivada Jade Chunk",
"Wine Goblet of the Pristine Sea",
"Treasure Hoarders Insignia",
"Iron Talisman of the Forest Dew",
"Slime Secretions",
"Bulle Fruit",
"Spectral Husk",
"Spectral Heart",
"Sublimation of Pure Sacred Dewdrop",
"Damaged Mask",
"Fragile Bone Remains",
"Desiccated Shell",
"Dross of Pure Sacred Dewdrop",
"Harra Fruit",
"Transoceanic Pearl",
"A Flower Yet to Bloom",
"Faded Red Satin",
"Damaged Prism",
"Vajrada Amethyst Fragment",
"Vajrada Amethyst Sliver",
"Vajrada Amethyst Chunk",
"\"Valley Weaver\"",
"Varunada Lazurite Fragment",
"Varunada Lazurite Sliver",
"Varunada Lazurite Chunk",
"Vayuda Turquoise Fragment",
"Vayuda Turquoise Sliver",
"Vayuda Turquoise Chunk",
"Treasured Flower",
"Sharp Arrowhead",
"Broken Goblet of the Pristine Sea",
"Transoceanic Chunk",
"Lantern Fiber",
"Wick Material",
"Plaustrite Shard"
"altrecipes": [
"Cor Lapis"