75 lines
2.4 KiB
75 lines
2.4 KiB
from json import loads
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.openapi.utils import get_openapi
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse
from pydantic import ValidationError
from src.errors import Response, NOT_FOUND
from src.routes.achievements import achievements
from src.routes.adventureranks import adventure_ranks
from src.routes.animals import animals
from src.routes.artifacts import artifacts
from src.routes.characters import characters
from src.routes.crafts import crafts
from src.routes.domains import domains
from src.routes.elements import elements
from src.routes.enemies import enemies
from src.routes.foods import foods
from src.routes.geographies import geographies
from src.routes.glider import gliders
from src.routes.materials import materials
from src.routes.namecards import namecards
from src.routes.outfits import outfits
from src.routes.talentmaterialtypes import talent_material_types
from src.routes.tcg import tcg
from src.routes.weaponmaterialtypes import weapon_material_types
from src.routes.weapons import weapons
app = FastAPI(title='Genshin Impact DB')
async def not_found(r, e):
return JSONResponse(
content=Response(error=True, response=NOT_FOUND).model_dump()
async def validation_error(_, e: ValidationError):
return JSONResponse(
content=Response(error=True, response=loads(e.json())).model_dump()
routers = [achievements, adventure_ranks, animals, artifacts, characters, crafts, domains, elements, enemies, foods,
geographies, materials, namecards, outfits, talent_material_types, weapon_material_types, weapons, gliders,
for router in routers:
def custom_openapi():
if app.openapi_schema:
return app.openapi_schema
openapi_schema = get_openapi(
title="Genshin Impact DB",
summary="This is a very custom OpenAPI schema",
description="Here's a longer description of the custom **OpenAPI** schema",
openapi_schema["info"]["x-logo"] = {
"url": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/5/5d/Genshin_Impact_logo.svg/2560px-Genshin_Impact_logo.svg.png"
app.openapi_schema = openapi_schema
return app.openapi_schema
app.openapi = custom_openapi