mirror of
synced 2025-01-13 01:09:26 +03:00
> info scene id with version? Add SceneAvatarStaminaStepReq > not sure bust just keep add, because this is related to reduced stamina in some parts Add LevelupCityReq > This is useful for leveling up statues Add ClientLockGameTimeNotify > This might be useful if we log in and get stuck because we can detect if it's being locked Add ClientLoadingCostumeVerificationNotify > Not sure about this but the response is always there, maybe it's anti-cheat related? Add ClientAIStateNotify > Maybe related to ai monsters? and remove some unique or useless photos from the event. may add later
172 lines
5.8 KiB
Protocol Buffer
172 lines
5.8 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
option java_package = "emu.grasscutter.net.proto";
import "SamLampInfo.proto";
import "CrucibleInfo.proto";
import "SalesmanInfo.proto";
import "TrialAvatarInfo.proto";
import "DeliveryInfo.proto";
import "AsterInfo.proto";
import "FlightInfo.proto";
import "DragonSpineInfo.proto";
import "EffigyInfo.proto";
import "TreasureMapInfo.proto";
import "BlessingInfo.proto";
import "SeaLampInfo.proto";
import "ExpeditionInfo.proto";
import "ArenaChallengeInfo.proto";
import "FleurFairInfo.proto";
import "WaterSpiritInfo.proto";
import "ChallnelerSlabInfo.proto";
import "MistTrialActivityInfo.proto";
import "HideAndSeekInfo.proto";
import "FindHilichurlInfo.proto";
import "SummerTimeInfo.proto";
import "BuoyantCombatInfo.proto";
import "EchoShellInfo.proto";
import "BounceConjuringInfo.proto";
import "BlitzRushInfo.proto";
import "ChessInfo.proto";
import "SumoInfo.proto";
import "MoonfinTrialInfo.proto";
import "LunaRiteInfo.proto";
import "PlantFlowerInfo.proto";
import "MusicGameActivityDetailInfo.proto";
import "RoguelikeDungoenInfo.proto";
import "DigInfo.proto";
import "HachiInfo.proto";
import "WinterCampInfo.proto";
import "PotionInfo.proto";
import "TanukiTravelActivityInfo.proto";
import "LanternRiteActivityInfo.proto";
import "MichiaeMatsuriInfo.proto";
import "BartenderInfo.proto";
import "UgcInfo.proto";
import "CrystalLinkInfo.proto";
import "IrodoriInfo.proto";
import "PhotoInfo.proto";
import "SpiceInfo.proto";
import "GachaInfo.proto";
import "LuminanceStoneChallengeInfo.proto";
import "RogueDiaryInfo.proto";
import "SummerTimeV2Info.proto";
import "IslandPartyInfo.proto";
import "GearInfo.proto";
import "GravenInnocenceInfo.proto";
import "InstableSprayInfo.proto";
import "MuqadasPotionInfo.proto";
import "TreasureSeelieInfo.proto";
import "RockBoardExploreInfo.proto";
import "VintageInfo.proto";
import "WindFieldInfo.proto";
import "FungusFighterInfo.proto";
import "CharAmusementInfo.proto";
import "EffigyChallengeInfo.proto";
import "CoinCollectInfo.proto";
import "BrickBreakerInfo.proto";
import "DuelHeartInfo.proto";
import "SeaLampV3Info.proto";
import "TeamChainInfo.proto";
import "GcgFestivalInfo.proto";
import "ActivityPushTipsData.proto";
import "ActivityWatcherInfo.proto";
message ActivityInfo {
map<uint32, uint32> activityCoinMap = 406;
uint32 scoreLimit = 1497;
repeated uint32 takenRewardList = 644;
bool Unk3300_MDBDPIBEGGH = 7;
bool Unk3300_MJNPGEKLOCG = 754;
uint32 endTime = 12;
uint32 activityType = 10;
uint32 selectedAvatarRewardId = 519;
repeated uint32 meetCondList = 2;
uint32 activityId = 15;
bool Unk3300_ABJKLALKLDG = 537;
bool isFinished = 3;
repeated ActivityPushTipsData activityPushTipsDataList = 336;
repeated ActivityWatcherInfo watcherInfoList = 14;
bool Unk3300_CBCEHLJJOGI = 1126;
uint32 scheduleId = 6;
repeated uint32 expireCondList = 9;
repeated uint32 fdjefldhela = 2021;
bool Unk3300_ICNJJKDHPCH = 11;
uint32 firstDayStartTime = 598;
uint32 curScore = 396;
map<uint32, uint32> wishGiftNumMap = 1052;
bool Unk3300_NEPKLLBJFKK = 1637;
uint32 beginTime = 5;
oneof detail {
SamLampInfo sam_lamp_info = 4;
CrucibleInfo crucible_info = 13;
SalesmanInfo salesman_info = 1;
TrialAvatarInfo trial_avatar_info = 8;
DeliveryInfo delivery_info = 32;
AsterInfo aster_info = 1808;
FlightInfo flight_info = 1062;
DragonSpineInfo dragon_spine_info = 378;
EffigyInfo effigy_info = 1991;
TreasureMapInfo treasure_map_info = 546;
BlessingInfo blessing_info = 1198;
SeaLampInfo sea_lamp_info = 578;
ExpeditionInfo expedition_info = 930;
ArenaChallengeInfo arena_challenge_info = 699;
FleurFairInfo fleur_fair_info = 1116;
WaterSpiritInfo water_spirit_info = 1651;
ChallnelerSlabInfo challneler_slab_info = 1135;
MistTrialActivityInfo mist_trial_activity_info = 1320;
HideAndSeekInfo hide_and_seek_info = 1077;
FindHilichurlInfo find_hilichurl_info = 417;
SummerTimeInfo summer_time_info = 1477;
BuoyantCombatInfo buoyant_combat_info = 1277;
EchoShellInfo echo_shell_info = 1172;
BounceConjuringInfo bounce_conjuring_info = 278;
BlitzRushInfo blitz_rush_info = 192;
ChessInfo chess_info = 1797;
SumoInfo sumo_info = 1379;
MoonfinTrialInfo moonfin_trial_info = 1122;
LunaRiteInfo luna_rite_info = 82;
PlantFlowerInfo plant_flower_info = 1864;
MusicGameActivityDetailInfo music_game_info = 1220;
RoguelikeDungoenInfo roguelike_dungoen_info = 1817;
DigInfo dig_info = 168;
HachiInfo hachi_info = 1663;
WinterCampInfo winter_camp_info = 114;
PotionInfo potion_info = 1552;
TanukiTravelActivityInfo tanuki_travel_activity_info = 1453;
LanternRiteActivityInfo lantern_rite_activity_info = 1372;
MichiaeMatsuriInfo michiae_matsuri_info = 428;
BartenderInfo bartender_info = 35;
UgcInfo ugc_info = 589;
CrystalLinkInfo crystal_link_info = 1375;
IrodoriInfo irodori_info = 1014;
PhotoInfo photo_info = 309;
SpiceInfo spice_info = 1446;
GachaInfo gacha_info = 1177;
LuminanceStoneChallengeInfo luminance_stone_challenge_info = 142;
RogueDiaryInfo rogue_diary_info = 397;
SummerTimeV2Info summer_time_v2info = 951;
IslandPartyInfo island_party_info = 1631;
GearInfo gear_info = 1801;
GravenInnocenceInfo graven_innocence_info = 1173;
InstableSprayInfo instable_spray_info = 944;
MuqadasPotionInfo muqadas_potion_info = 1350;
TreasureSeelieInfo treasure_seelie_info = 1142;
RockBoardExploreInfo rock_board_explore_info = 1273;
VintageInfo vintage_info = 1316;
WindFieldInfo wind_field_info = 2029;
FungusFighterInfo fungus_fighter_info = 1543;
CharAmusementInfo char_amusement_info = 504;
EffigyChallengeInfo effigy_challenge_info = 1144;
CoinCollectInfo coin_collect_info = 559;
BrickBreakerInfo brick_breaker_info = 1275;
DuelHeartInfo duel_heart_info = 221;
SeaLampV3Info sea_lamp_v3info = 1080;
TeamChainInfo team_chain_info = 144;
GcgFestivalInfo gcg_festival_info = 71;